Reincarnated as a Sex Dungeon!

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I'm reincarnated as a Sex Dungeon! Wow, I'm screwed? Hehe, but what's a dungeon to do when brought to the realization that it exists to give others pleasure and is rewarded to do so?

I've rather enjoyed the Series of Dungeon Life on Reddit, by Khenal, so tried to grow a marble of my own! Hope you enjoy!

Welp, there I was, writing another piece of smut for my online friends, when the building started to shake. I felt the wall collapse on me, and then *poof* I was here, surrounded by tons of furries in their true forms! Wow! Otherkin conformed in the afterlife, as we all wore halos. About an hour into the orgy, as I waited for the knot of my canine lover to pop out of me, though to be honest, I didn't mind, truly, I asked him about this place.

"Turns out, heaven is what we make of it, and how good we were reflects how long we get to stay."

I ground on his knot, squeezing down on it causing him to whimper a bit before bucking into me again for round two's filling. In heaven, apparently there's no waiting for round two, even while knotted.

As my belly bloated with his seed, and my scaly tail was a good foot up his ass, I realized, this wasn't permanent, and I kind of wanted it to be. I asked him how to find out how long we get to stay.

As his contribution to filling me went back to weak spurts, he reached up to my halo, taking it in his hand, and holding it in front of my face, where a readout was projected into the space inside of the halo.


Herm Dragoness

Celestial being 3rd class

Time elapsed: 255 years, 4 months, 3 days.

Time before mandatory reincarnation: 2 hours, 5 minutes.

I started to get up, but was anchored, and my furry mate chuckled "Relax, we have hours left, but if you raise your ranking, you get to spend a longer time here next time."

I leaned back "How do I do that? The last life I lived, people were still killing eachother over books written centuries before, were they full of shit?"

He licked my scaled neck before answering "It was never about a book, coming here is about being selfless, and loving each other. It's why we built an entire furry wing onto paradise. Even the doms generally get here, and that's rare. Enough so, that we put a geas on Humanity to be susceptible to becoming furries. It's got a far higher rate of getting people here than Catholicism, that's for sure!"

We both chuckled, feeling the warm cum jiggle as his deep warm laugh caused his cock to spurt within me, my belly growing to a very round shape indeed by this point.

I felt drowsy, with a belly full of cum, and a knotted lover in the afterlife. Heaven was great! He held me close, and when I opened my mouth, he kissed me, and we didn't get to say much again for awhile that wasn't related to sex.

I awoke, with a buzzing sound emanating from my halo. My canine lover smiled, caressing one of my horns "That's the two minute warning. We don't have long, so you did ask how to spend longer here, so here's how. Get folks to love each other. Sex works, but it also divides us, keeps us from exploring others lives once we get locked into a set lifestyle. Become someone important who breaks those barriers, and next time I'll introduce you to more than just one dick in heaven.

We kissed, as he pulled out, simultaneously as I felt a tug upwards, and was pulled from his arms, and I flew towards what may with his words still on my mind, leaving a trail of his cum as I flew, hundreds of gallons causing the folks below to cheer as they all enjoyed the show, while they enjoyed each other.

I was taken to a small room, with only a screen mounted on the wall. I read the screen, a bit nervous as to what reincarnation meant for me.

Tremerre, Celestial Being 3rd class reincarnation options:

1: Human on Earth: Enjoy growing up as a Human! Your memories will be wiped, but your progress towards enlightenment will continue!

2: Kaettick on Calamaria Prime! Enjoy being hatched onto the avian world of Calamaria! Your memories will be wiped, but your progress towards enlightenment will continue!

I scrolled down the list, as each selection was a variation on how I was about to lose all my memories, including how to stay longer in heaven until I found one that didn't.

69: Dungeon Core: Become a sentient dungeon! Guide your denisons towards success! Use your knowledge to grow your dungeon towards prosperity and become a paradise!

I scanned a few more, but I was enough of a perv to choose option 69 when I could, and poked the "Accept" key, and felt my body dissolve, with the echo of the last hours lovemaking and advice in mind.

I woke up, as a ghost, a spirit without form, or body to contain my consciousness or to feel. I looked around, letting my attention explore what had to be my dungeon, and wasn't surprised to find I had the typical setup for a game, I had Invaders, Roaches, Spiders, Flies and Rats. And I had Denisons to defeat them, Wasps, Lizards, and Slimes.

What was unusual was I lacked any kind of spawner, an item or place that popped out new denisions when magic or whatever was thrown at it. But neither did the invaders materialize from nowhere, as I watched a Roach deposit her egg case, soon to birth new invaders, and saw a female Rat heavy with young being consumed by one of my slimes.

*Mana Gained*

I was delighted to gain mana, but less so when I found my core, barely concealed. I had one of my slimes sit on it, as it was barely larger than a Pebble, swirling with white and tan streaks. As the slime flowed over me I got another notification.

"Sanctum Established"

Neat, this slime was now my core's home, and I fed it a bit of my mana, allowing it to grow some.

I could not see outside of my den, or even see details within me, minus for a inch or two surrounding a denison. So I busied myself with the small things that being a dungeon allowed me to do. I upgraded the Female wasp, to Jeweled Wasp, whatever that was. But soon she was hunting a Roach, and then tackling it! A fight ensued where I watched in amazement as my female zombified then drug her zombie to oviposit an egg onto the zombified roach. I had a BDSM Wasp!

*Mana Gained*

Huh! And I felt something as the young wasp hatched, and started to consume the Roach, a closer connection to the larva than her Mother.

*Assign Scion Y/N?*

I chose Yes, and soon felt the young Wasp's satisfaction as it went hard vore on the Roach. A Simple mind as of yet, but I felt a warmth from it, as I encouraged the Larvae to eat and grow.

So, that's how I got new denizens, eh? The old fashioned way. I gave the Mama Wasp a mental pat on the head as she still had a bellyful of eggs, and roaches to find, I scanned my other denizens, all living lives as complicated as the animals they were as I remembered what I had been told in Heaven, and did a mental sigh before using a bit of mana, and triggering a female Lizard's estrus. If I was in for a long grind, I might as well enjoy a bit of "National Geographic" while I was at it.

As the Female lizard started to ovulate, I turned my attention to my less traditional denizens, the slimes. As far as I could tell, they were a single celled organism, not truly an animal at all. The one who was my sanctum slid over to where a jumping spider was stalking one of my lizards, and extended a pseudopod and snatched it before it could launch an attack. I saw the slime digest the thing, almost the size of a rat before a change occurred in it, as the slime underwent mitosis. I missed the lizards copulating entirely as I watched the nucleus of the Slime divide, and soon there were two slimes where there were one. It was rather like watching a Lava Lamp decide to reproduce all in all.

*Assign Scion Y/N?*

I chose Y, but nothing happened, I focused out, to find that the Lizards were highlighted. I sighed, zoomed in, within her womb, as her mate's cock seeded her thoroughly, and I found I could follow a Sperm, or Egg in detail. I followed an egg, and as Fertilization occurred, I chose it as a Scion. "Enjoy your life, My Scion" I whispered to her, as her nucleus divided.

*Assign Scion Y/N?*

What, did I have a glitch? I hit it again,

When nothing happened, I sighed and zoomed out, and sure enough the slime had recovered from dividing and was selected, I choose Y. And I like the Wasp Larvae could sense something about the Slime's needs and wants through a bond. My Slime Scion however could not see at all, being sighless predators who followed chemical trails, and while my core's mount was labelled as a Scion, it's twin was also, that was interesting, but not overly so as I let my territory feed fuck and grow. It was my first day as a Dungeon, and so far, no real surprises, minus needing to watch what I clicked on for those Y/N menus.


"Baroness La'Havvina Dequilla the fourth, you are sentenced to Exile, by order of the King. "

Havvie was expecting execution, but exile? The king had conquered the entire world? What were they going to do, use magic to shoot me at the moon? Havvie thought as she was escorted away, having been brought there without trial, without warning, or even provocation, minus for rumors of a power grab in progress.

She whimpered as a slave collar was fitted to her "I'm to be exiled, not enslaved though?" She was cuffed by the magistrate, and held as the collar clicked into place.

"You are being sent to Exile, but this collar will ensure that you stay where you are sent. Now GO! The druids of Kal'Vantall have detected a Dungeon having been formed within the ruin of the Dread fortress of C'um, and as Dungeons are considered neutral territory, I give you to the Dungeon!"

I felt the Collar's compulsion take hold, and I was flying before I regained consciousness, flying towards what I assumed was the dread fortress of C'um, unable to turn, or twitch a scale as I came in for a landing on a desolate, old ruin of a fortress. I felt free to move once inside though, seeing a Rat, and having flown likely hours, I was famished, and chomped it, looking for another as I did. "King Lucious, you bastard, I'll get even, somehow!" She said, giving a roar to the skies before going into the main keep as it started to rain, and she was exhausted. The outer ramparts of the Fortress were caved in one one side, a artifact of the fall of the Cabal of Sex Mages who practiced their arts here, but the main keep while damaged, looked liveable, so she went inside, only to take a step before the rotting floor collapsed under her, and she pulled her wings tight to her, to not break them as she grasped onto anything to halt her fall, but ended up on a stone floor among what looked like bondage gear.

She checked herself, only to realize that she had landed on a slime of all things, one that was now exploring her ass, causing her to moan as it slid into her slit, and she arched her back as she was taken, though not roughly. She knew some of her kinkier friends kept slimes like this as pets, and they tended to finish when they chose to. She felt the slime breach her cervix and start to pool within her, forming ridges to please her, feeding off of her pleasure, as such creatures did. And for a homecoming, this was pretty good she thought as her clit was massaged by the disappearing black goo. It filled her magically barren womb, causing her to roar in delight, grinding her hips into the creature, trying to get some relief.

As her belly expanded, she came, feeding the slime all the pleasure she had felt, roaring in delight before noticing that her scales were beginning to be coated in the slime's body, expanding out from her cunt. Her collar warmed, as a message flashed before her *Denison request accepted, Slime Dragon Scion Designated, Dungeon Voice Designated* she heard as the change continued to wash over her scales.

"Hello?" She said to nothing she could see, and was surprised to get a response.

"Hello there!" A cheerful voice greeted her.

"Can you help me?" She asked.

"I am helping you, I hate slavery, so I am getting that collar off of you." The voice answered her.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Close your eyes and feel for me with your desires, that and it'll help when I cover your eyes" It spoke to me.

I did so, feeling the coolness of the slime wash over my head. I could feel something, deep within me. And said as much.

"The Slime that merged with you was my scion, and my sanctuary too. So it's not a mistake that you feel me within you. Now, let's get rid of some of those nasty enchantments, shall we? Your orgasm gave me a LOT of mana, let's see about spending some, hmm?"

I Nodded, finding it feeling different than when I had bone and scales, but not bad at all, though I was surprised when the slave collar simply sank into my flesh, then fell through it, like a lewd neck piercing, before falling onto the ground, then I felt the runes that made me infertile go next, though where this dungeon was expecting to find a male to breed me I couldn't guess. Though I sure as hell wouldn't mind it.

"Good, glad you are up to some breeding." The voice said to me as a cock grew from under my slit. I reached down to touch it, and found it sensitive, though made of the same stuff as the rest of me.

The voice chuckled in my mind "Think of it as my honeymoon present to you, push it into your slit, when you want kids, or get some rest, my scion. It's been a long day for both of us, and we have all the time in the world ahead of us, so no rush.

I pushed my cock into my slit, but left it there, penetrating me, willing it to merge with my flesh and it did so, and I knew I could self impregnate with a wet dream now.

"Good choice, and we can always grow another cock for guests, though I can feel that you want to be seeded as often as you do for others. Rest well, and dream of large women. I am known as Tremerre, and together we will fuck our way to power and find love in the doing.

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