
Story by Kerolusion on SoFurry

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It had started out as a mere passing. Kaleen had been in human form bathing in the river that her herd was currently grazing by. She was one of the few who preferred not to have hooves all the time. The elders of the herd would never understand.

A snap of a twig behind her had set her doe heart racing, but she had swallowed her instincts to bolt and instead watched as a man emerged from the wood and came down to stand in front of her.

He was not a deer, that much she could tell from his bare chiseled features. From the stance he took, Kaleen had taken him for some form of predator.

"Good sir, please I have no quarrel with you. If this is your territory I will gladly leave."

Kaleen started to back out of the river when the man strode forward and caught her arm. He stared at her not with anger but with hunger. He flashed a canine filled grin and Kaleen knew him for what he was.

A wolf.

"Pretty doe, why are you in such a hurry to run? I will not harm you," he said quietly. "What is your name?"


The wolf sighed as he tasted the sound of her name on his tongue. He traced her delicate chin and along her neckline with a solitary finger. Kaleen shivered and was not sure if it was in fright or pleasure. Why was she not more scared of him? His kind tracked down and killed hers.

"I am Bruthon," the wolf said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

Kaleen looked up into his eyes and was shocked to see them glisten. Had this wolf gone mad?

"I could not help but watch you while you bathed," Bruthon admitted. "I have never seen beauty such as yours, even among my own kind. I had to come down and meet you. I had to touch you to make sure you were real."

Kaleen wasn't sure what came over her, but she suddenly stepped forward and pressed her body against his. She felt a pull towards to wolf that she could not make sense of. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted to touch him.

And she did so. She ran her hands all along his chest and across his shoulders. She felt his muscles ripple as he shuddered.

"I'm real," she whispered.

In one fluid movement, Bruthon scooped her up into his arms and crushed his lips against hers. She kissed him back eagerly and snaked her fingers into his hair pulling him close. A few minutes later they both paused for a breath.

"Meet me here tonight," Bruthon implored as he made a trail of kisses down her arm. "When the moon is high in the sky."

"I will," Kaleen promised.

Bruthon set her down in the water again and sprinted off to the tree line. He paused for just a moment and let his eyes roam over her body before disappearing into the trees.

Kaleen had never been more aware of her bare form. She sunk down in the water until only her head was exposed. The water had chilled a little with the coming evening but it could not numb away the touch of his hands. Was this why she had never taken much interest in the males of her own herd? This wolf had sparked something within her that could not be tamed by any prey.

Kaleen joined her herd again dressed but still in human form and found a patch of fading light to lay in. One of the young bucks came over to join her.

"Where have you been?"

"Bathing," Kaleen said in an offhand voice. Her mind was on the body of the wolf.


Kaleen glanced at him, "Of course."

"It's not safe out there," the buck said. "You could get hurt."

Kaleen chuckled, "Oh I do hope so."

When evening came, Kaleen could hardly contain her excitement. She slipped away from the herd easily enough and ran all the way to the rivers edge. She paused a moment listening, and determined that she was the first to arrive. Without a second though she slipped into the waters and paddled out to the center where a rock jutted out like a large smooth tablet. She pulled herself up onto it and lounged in the moonbeam that fell on her glistening skin.

Bruthon arrived not long after in wolf form. He paused half hidden behind the trees that surrounded the pond eyes glinting as he took in her form. Black lined lips curved into a wicked grin of fangs. He strolled forward and launched himself into the waters.

Kaleen sat up and watched for his surface. She squinted trying to see the ripples of his movements but it was nearly impossible. The doe moved more towards to edge and peered closer. A sudden human hand flashed out of the water and grabbed her arm. Kaleen barely had time to cry out in surprise before she was pulled in.

Such a rush it was. Kaleen felt the wolf press his body against hers, his hands roaming over her most intimate parts. She shivered as she felt his hard member pressing against her belly.

Air. She needed air. The doe kicked herself to the surface and held onto the rock slab as she gasped to catch her breath. Bruthon surfaced moments later grinning. He glided over to her and cupped her breasts in his palms.

"Hold on tight," he said huskily. "Tonight will be the most wild ride of your life."

Kaleen bit back her whatever answer had popped into her head as his lips descended on her right nipple. He sucked and nibbled more eagerly than a newborn fawn while he pinched and pulled at her left nipple. The doe gripped the slab as she felt her own grip weaken under the intensity. She had never known that her breasts could be for anything else other than for when she had fawns one day.

Bruthon switched sides and Kaleen was sent back into bliss at once. Little moans escaped her throat as she held on. Her legs reached out under the water and wrapped around him. She pulled him against her and not once did he break his attention to her breasts.

"So inexperienced," Bruthon chided.

"We deer are not like you," Kaleen defended herself. "We're more innocent in nature."

The wolf chuckled, "Well I'm about to destroy that innocence. You'll only want a predator between your legs after I'm through."

Kaleen was lifted out of the water and thrown backwards onto the slab. She yelled as Bruthon yanked her ankles forward and slid her behind to the rocks edge. He fiddled with the fold of her womanhood for a moment before plunging his tongue within the silky walls.

The does cry of please echoed off the water and filtered out above the two. Her arms flew out to the sides and she tried to clutch at the unmoving stone. She spread her legs wider and gave him better access to thrust deeper. He licked upwards and all around her inside. His tongue flicked up and down and twirled as she contracted against him.

After a couple minutes of this he added a finger with his warm tongue. He stretched her bit by bit moving it opposite his tongue. Pain mixed with pleasure rocketed through the does body. Her upper body squirmed as she tried to hold still. Her hands found her breasts and she squeezed and teased them as the wolf had.

"Good girl," the wolf whispered, catching sight of what she was doing.

"Don't stop!" the doe cried.

Bruthon chuckled, "Patience. We're only just starting. I have much more in store planned."

The wolf pulled himself onto the slab and lay beside her. He held her gaze for a moment before grabbing a fistfull of her hair and slammed her face down into his groin. Kaleen froze, unsure of what to do. Bruthon sighed and pressed the tip of his cock against her lips.

Now she understood. Kaleen opened her mouth and he shoved it in. So big. Kaleen sucked at his member as he thrust it in and out. She experimented with different pressures and lip positions to see which got the deeper groans from the wolf. He thrust faster and within minutes Kaleen's lips started to go numb. She grabbed his cock to stop his thrusting and began licking it. Bruthon let her do this for a moment before pulling her head away and pushing her on her back again.

The doe watched as he shifted beside her. The black wolf moved to stand between her legs and looked down at her mound. He thrust his cold nose against her and chuckled as she squirmed. He flicked his tongue out and started licking her folds again. Kaleen arched her back as his wolf tongue entered her once again. This was wetter than his human tongue and reached farther than it had before. She could feel something rising inside her but just as it started he stopped.

"Let's go somewhere a little less in the open and muddy," the wolf said after he shifted back to human form. "Follow me."

Kaleen followed him back into the pond and emerged with him on the opposite bank. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a run through the forest. Kaleen laughed gaily as the scaled falling logs and holes together. Bruthon reeled her in front of him and shoved her up against a large tree. His lips crammed against hers and she found herself kissing him back with all the same ferocity. Kaleen wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist again.

The wolf chuckled, "You have no idea what you've done."

Kaleen tilted her head confused, "What?"

Bruthon grabbed her hips and pierced her womanhood with the now throbbing cock. He shoved it as deep inside her as the position would allow.

"Perfect opening for a little surprise," he said.

Kaleen whimpered as he began thrusting slowly. It hurt and yet it felt good. She dug her nails into his skin as he sped up. After a few minutes all pain fled and the pleasure pressure started building again. Her head lolled back and she moaned. Then as suddenly as it started again, Bruthon yanked out of her and dropped her body on the forest floor.

"Not yet," Bruthon said quietly.

He drug the doe to her feet and pressed her against the tree again but this time facing it. He circled around and came back with new saplings tied into a sort of rope. He tied it around her wrists and then both together so that she was hugging the tree.

"You are mine," the wolf growled, dragging his fangs across her neck.

Kaleen swallowed hard. Her prey heart was hammering in fear but the rest of her body was betraying every instinct she'd ever had.

"Say it!" the wolf suddenly yelled.

"Yes!" Kaleen cried. "Yours!"

The wolf slammed his cock into her mound again from behind her. Her raised her up with his hands on her waist and began dropping her over and over on his rock hard cock. Kaleen cried out again as the rough bark dug into her skin.

"Shift," Bruthon hissed at her.

"Wait. What?"

Bruthon slapped her ass hard and startled, Kaleen shifted into deer form. Her legs were def not meant to bend this way and she went rigid. The wolfs cock was still in her and she could feel every inch of him filing her.

"That's my doe," Bruthon cooed in her ear. "Do you want more of your wolf?"

Kaleen nodded and gasped as he started pounding her again. Being tied to the tree limited the movement she could make in this form. She could not control how hard she fell on his member and thus she fell hard. It felt so good. It hurt more than anything she'd ever experienced and still she wanted more. She felt the muscles in her began to contract and so did Bruthon. He pulled out at once and set her feet back on the ground.

With one swift movement he snapped her boding rope, and Kaleen topped backwards unable to regain her balance. She feared his displeasure changing back to human before given permission and therefore fell hard on her deer side. Bruthon was on her at once, rubbing his cock against her deer mound.

"Good girl," he whispered. "Shift."

Kaleen did so at once and was a bit surprised when he shifted into his wolf form. He used his paws to knock her on her back again and she could see his cock hanging far beneath his sheath. He could see him glistening in the moonlight before he wiggled down and shoved it in her.

It was smaller than his human cock, but it had a power on it's own. She could feel it grow inside her as he wildly thrust into her. His furry body rubbed against her privates in a most effectively stimulating way. He kept this past for several minutes this time before Kaleen felt the growing pressure again. He quickly withdrew and shifted back to human.

"Your tolerance is building," he said with satisfaction.

Kaleen beamed at him until he reached forward and smacked her breast. She almost started crying with shame before she realized that he was doing this in his own pleasure and not dissatisfaction at her. He slapped both of her breasts at the same time and bent down to suck them again. He got rougher as his sucks became nibbles. Then the nibbles became bites. He bit her nipples. He bit her breasts. He bit her neck and eventually drew blood.

Kaleen whimpered as tears streamed from her eyes. She wanted him back inside her so bad that it felt as though the need was physically hurting her more than his pleasuring abuse. Bruthon flipped her over on her front and squeezed her ass.

"Shift," he commanded.

She did. She sensed him shift as well and was confirmed of this thought as she felt him mount her. I took him a few moments to move delicately around her tail and her large doe hips. Then he slammed into her again. Kaleen cried out in ecstasy. Groans and moans came from her deer lips as he thrust wildly again, his powerful thick muscles working him in and out.

Kaleen could hardly contain herself as the feeling started building again and was fearful that he'd stop as he'd done before. He did not. Instead he slammed himself into her harder and faster. Her growled and groaned behind her.

Kaleen panted and wiggled her hips, trying to allow him deeper access. She furrowed her brow as she felt a change in his member. She felt it's growth again, but it didn't stop this time. The wolf shoved himself deep inside her and knotted. Kaleen screamed as only a doe could.

Bruthon stopped thrusting and let out a deep menacing growl. Kaleen took his meaning and shifted. She cried out again in a half strangled moan. His knot stretched her more in human form. She breathed heavily as her body worked around accommodating his knot. She could feel some of the pain subsiding until he started thrusting again suddenly.

Kaleen dropped the front half of her body forward and pressed her face into the dirt. Her ass remained in the air with the wolf thrusting his knot within her. He was able to go deeper since he was no longer pulling out of her completely. Kaleen rocked her hips with him as he pounced her still.

It took several minutes but his knot finally ebbed enough for him to pull out. Then he shifted and within seconds his human cock was back in her and rock hard as ever.

"Up," he commanded.

Kaleen scrambled to push her front half up. Bruthon grabbed her hair in his fist again and pulled as he continued thrusting into her. Kaleen was almost there. She could feel it. She was so close. She moaned loudly and panted to let him know. He took the hint and forced his speed to increase. It felt like he was hitting the ends of her inside. His member was slamming against a harder surface within her sex and that building feeling finally spilled over.

Kaleen felt her body buck against his as those waves of pleasure fired through all her senses. She felt warm wet liquid leak out around his wolf cock and dribble down her legs. He slammed into her until those waves finally stopped and then threw her to the ground. Kaleen crumpled motionless.

Bruthon lay beside her, stroking her back. Such tenderness in those strokes. Kaleen shifted her head to look at his warm smile.

"Good girl," he whispered and bent forward to gently kiss her.

Kaleen felt a rush of affection and crawled into his inviting arms. He held her tight and nuzzle her cheek.

"You are mine, little doe."

"Yes," she agreed. "Yours."