The Pack

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#4 of A Wolf's Last Gift

I walked back starting to see snow flakes coming back down again. I looked up and stare at...

I walked back starting to see snow flakes coming back down again. I looked up and stare at the sky a moment and sniff the air. My ears twitched as I heard more rustling around me but I ignored it and kept walking. I decided to go back to my pack again and see if I could be taken back in again. I walked for several miles through a trail that I knew the pack used. I followed it to find two wolfs at a small opening at the end.

They watched me as I walked up and they growled. I notice they had some of the same marks I have but in diffent ways, theirs were not red, but gold and blue. I looked at them showing my teeth myself. I growled but they moved to the side and let me pass knowing I would not live long in there anyway. I passed them and quickly noticed my once mate, except at the moment she was with a different male.

I exclaimed in shock, "Sasha!?"

I watched as she was being subdued in romance, but she ignored my voice. I lowered my ears in shame as I felt betrayed for the second time. I turned to walk away from the scene as a tan wolf and a white wolf came up to me. I could tell they were pissed off. I growled at them knowing who they were, Silver's parents. His father spoke finally.

"You are not supposed to be here. You have been band from this pack. I left that mark on you for a reason!!! To remind you that you are not welcome here!"

I growled back at him, putting myself in a attack position, "I came back to see if I can be excepted and be a pack again. I miss my mate who has apparently left me and Silver still protects me from harm. You don't know how long I have been a loner and the things that I've felt and seen. You don't know me anymore. I am a wolf from hell if you want to say, but it wasn't a hell of evil, it was hell of being misunderstood, torn and left to die! I am a lot stronger then I was before. If you want a fight a fight you shall have!!!!!" I growled and charged.

I charged with a fast fury but I was kicked in the face by the other wolf, spinning me around. I was off guard. He continued to come at me and bit down on my leg as I was turned. I whined and then flashed my teeth and as I spun myself and launched myself on at the tan wolf's neck. I sunk my teeth in deep hearing the sounds of breaking bones and the taste of blood filled my mouth. The white wolf ran screaming. The tan wolf let go of my leg with a loud yelp and kicked him with my hind legs as I kept hold on his neck I then thrashed and threw him to the side.

As I threw him I watched him roll on the ground, leaving a red trail of blood on the snow. I walked over and pressed my from paw on the wound hard hearing him whine. I growl threating. "See I'm a lot stronger then you are. The pain I've felt is nothing compared to any physical injury. I feel no pain from you." I was about to bite again when wolf ran in and hit me from the side. I rolled to absorb the impact and got back on my feet. I looked up to see my brother. He was pissed off then I had ever seen him. He growled at me, and I growled back without thinking.

"Why are you here little brother?" Silver growled at me.

I looked at him. Seeing the fire in his eyes, I felt only a moment of how much I had ruined this situation, but I continued to growl. "I came back to prove myself I can be back in the pack. I want to be with you again. You are the only on I have now I can trust. My Sasha is not mine anymore. I saw what was going on, she's left me. But if you don't want me here for almost killing your father then fine. But I don't want anything to do with you anymore if that's how you feel. Stay out of my dreams forever! I can no longer trust you!"

I realized then I should not have said that, tried to reign in my anger and talk more kindly, but it was too late. Silver's ears dropped and he started to cry, looking at the ground. I whimpered myself a little, my ears falling flat and my tail drooping. Why did I say that? Why am I doing this? Am I really a wolf of evil and hatred? That's not what I want to be...

I looked around me as the pack made a circle around me and Silver. I saw Silver's dad laying there dieing slowly as some others dragged him so they could do there best to heal him.

I finally spook after seeing Silver cry a few seconds, wanting to fix what I had said, "Silver... I...I am sorry. I'm just stressed. I didn't-" I stopped as I heard Silver growl.

My older brother looked at me crying but clearly pissed still, "You got your wish then Shadow.... I'll stay out of your fucking life from now on if you want. Leave me and my pack alone. Do what you god damn want to do, but I hope you understand this," Silver pointed at me, his finger shaking, "You...are not my brother anymore. All you've done is proff that you are the devil everyone said you were... Now leave... I don't want to see you ever again...."

I looked at Silver for a moment as tears welled in my eyes. I turned and ran off as the water began to flow down my face. I cried running past everything around me. I ran for a while and somehow found myself at my cave. I went all the way back, hugging against the wall and cryed.

"Why did I say them things?" I yowled to myself, "Just why?" I noticed I still had blood running down my teeth and on my fur still. The sight only made me sick, I thought of looking in the water puddle to see how I looked but I knew it would only make me more ill. I laid down still whimpering and sniffling. "Why did I do this...I didn't want this to happen. I guess I am a true loner from now on. I don't have a brother...I don't have a mate...I don't have anyone in my life anymore...Maybe I should kill myself, there is nothing else in my life I can enjoy now." I cried and whimped more. I couldn't do that and I knew it, if there was one thing Silver had given me, it was that you can't just quit...

I look up with my red eyes seeing the snow coming in more from the mouth of my cave. I watched the snow fall as I didn't move at all, thinking hard. "I guess...It's my time I have to move on." I closed my eyes and fell to a fitful sleep.