The Start of Something Beautiful Chapter One

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Takar smiled delightedly as he sat down across from his boyfriend Deren. He felt Deren's tail coil around his leg under the table, causing him to shudder momentarily. Deren gave a playful smirk, knowing the effect he had on the younger dragon. Takar blushed a bit, his scales turning a light pink. His boyfriend gave his leg another light squeeze before picking up one of the menus on the table, scanning over each item fairly quickly before speaking.

"How's my sexy drake tonight?" he churred, placing a free hand over Takar's. Takar giggled a bit shyly, looking around to see if anyone was eyeing them.

"This place is so amazing dear, it really sets the romantic mood." said Takar as he looked into Deren's eyes, taking his hand into his tightly. They both shared a long gaze for several minutes, tuning everything else out around them. Takar spoke, forcing them both back into reality.

"So you wanted to ask me a question hun?" he inquired, curious as to what Deren had on his mind. Deren straightened his posture a bit, shifting his eyes around the room.

"Ahh, here comes the waiter. Shall we discuss it after dinner?" he smiled, reassuring Takar that it was nothing of a foul nature.

They both eyed their menus again, confident on what they wanted. The waiter stopped in front of the table, a fox dressed in a white button-up shirt, black vest, long black pants and polished leather shoes. His fur was well groomed, but he reeked of too much cologne. Takar's eyes watered a bit as his nostrils were filled with the strong scent. Deren smiled, appearing perfectly unaffected.

"Hello gentlemen, welcome to 'A Bene Placito', what do you both wish to have tonight?" said the waiter, in a warm tone. Deren noticed that he had nothing to write orders with, figuring he could just remember it all. Both dragons stacked their menus together, handing them over to the waiter.

"I think we'll both have some iced water and a bottle of your Chteau Le Pin Pomerol please. After that we'll order." stated Deren, knowing that he had just made Takar's jaw drop.

"Ahh, excellent choice sir. I shall return in a few moments." said the waiter, smirking a bit as he turned to walk away. Deren locked his eyes with Takar, whose jaw was still slightly slacked. Deren couldn't help but show his grin.

"Oh my god that is some expensive wine really don't have to order that." expressed Takar, quite surprised by his boyfriend's delectable choice.

"Nothing is too much for you my dear, besides, tonight is a special occasion." said Deren, placing his hand back over Takar's. He squeezed it lightly as he rubbed his tail spade over his lover's leg, eliciting a light gasp from him. Takar blushed deeper than before, feeling the warmth from his lover, enjoying the touch. Deren slowly wrapped his tail around the younger drake's leg, feeling him shudder. They both looked into each other's eyes again. Their minds floated away from reality once more, locked in a lover's gaze.

"I love you with all my heart and soul." uttered Deren, holding his love's hand a little tighter than before. He saw a tear form in the corner of Takar's left eye.

"I...I love you so much." replied Takar, his purple scales almost flushed pink. His breath quickened a little, his heart beating faster. So many thoughts were going through his head. What could Deren want to ask? Did he want to take things further? Did he want to try something different in the relationship?

"I need to ask you something important hun, something that will have a significant effect on our lives. I just need to know if you're ready to hear what I have to ask." said Deren, a serious look on his face. Takar searched his thoughts for the answer he'd give to the love of his life. They both sat in silence for several long moments.