When passing addressed

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Samantha and Natasha have a conversation about death. Sam is mortal and Natasha is supernatural. Sam wants to make sure Natasha can be happy after Sam passes. Natashas answer shocks Sam.

Written by the amazing perccyvence.

It was a quiet morning, the sun peeking through the large window within the bedroom

and creating a comfortable warmth on the back of the giant raven, who was contently eating

her fourth cheeseburger while watching a movie. Grease covered her beaks as she smacked

them together, letting out a soft belch. The imps were perched on her shoulders, enjoying the

sad drama-romance that was playing on the screen. Cerulean had a tear roll down her cheek

as within a flashback the main character's husband let out a final dying breath, before falling

still in the hospital bed he lay in. The flashback ended, and the main character, now a widow,

stood over the grave of her husband, watching as he was buried.

Sam sighed, tilting her head. She had considered the concept of death a lot in her time on this

planet. Watching older family members and friends die was sad, but it was a part of life, she

supposed. It was nothing more than the world changing, and possibly a chance for a new life

to be created. Sam's thoughts shifted to her partner, who was currently burrowed under her in

her den, sleeping comfortably. She wondered what would happen to Natasha after she passed.

Would the coyote move on? Would she find a new partner?

"I hope Natasha finds someone after me." She thought aloud, her concentration still fixated

on the movie. The minions froze, caught off guard by the sudden troubling thought. Sam goes

on to elaborate after a moment of silence, taking another bite out of her burger. "I'm not

immortal-or she at least ages way slower than me-so I'm going to pass away within her


Her tone was steady, not necessarily upset at the concept. She knew death was inevitable, and

she was determined to make the best out of her time, but it didn't erase the post-death world

that Natasha would be faced with. Her girlfriend's attachment to her was so strong, as well.

She just hoped that she wouldn't suffer for long. The minions were still quiet, so she


"I'm glad I'll be able to spend the rest of my life with Natasha. But... Natasha has to spend

the rest of her life after my passing without me. It's hardly fair."

The looks on the imps' faces were that of total confusion as they exchanged glances, still

silent. They knew exactly what Natasha had planned for once Sam died, and they knew the

raven wouldn't like it.

"How long do you think she'll mourn for before finding love again?"

"I don't think you should be worrying about that."

Cerulean spoke finally, nervousness infecting her tone. The imps had become fairly good at dodging questions that may upset Sam or Natasha-and it flew over Sam's head as usual, too deep in thought to push the question further.

The funeral in the movie was still in progress, and only spurred on more questions from Sam,

watching as the widow sobbed while the casket was covered in dirt. Sam could imagine

Natasha standing over her grave. She wondered if the coyote would cry, or if she would be

angry. She knew that Natasha struggled with emotional regulation, so she assumed it

wouldn't be easy either way.

"Do you have any funeral traditions? Like cremation, burying... funerals in general?" Sam

tilted her head at the thought of that. It wouldn't be surprising if they had some different

traditions, she had just never thought to ask. The minions were very clearly uncomfortable at

this point, with Viridi looking angry at the questions. "She wanted to eat me when we first

met. Maybe she could eat me when I pass away? I wouldn't mind-I would hope that she

enjoys it, and remembers me when she does."

At that, anger spiked even in the usually calm Auram. She grabbed one of the paper bags left

over from the burgers, scrunched it up, and smacked Sam on the head with it. Sam was

utterly shocked at her actions, staring at the imps in confusion. Cerulean is glaring at Sam

with rage in her eyes, and Viridi looks like she is about to explode herself.

"What... is wrong with you?!" Auram exclaimed, her face flushed a bright red.


"Eat you?" She continued, the rage a stark difference from her normal tone.

"Well, that was her goal before we fell in love..." Sam said sheepishly, realizing now why the

imps may be so offended. She wasn't just offending them, in fact, she was offending her

loving partner most of all. It was incredibly stupid of her to say such a thing-and she only

hoped Natasha hadn't heard. She would like to have a conversation with her about death at

some point, though.

"We won't tell Natasha what you said, but don't you dare say something like that ever

again." Cerulean growled, eyes glowing yellow as she showed her sharp teeth threateningly.

The raven didn't think she had ever seen the girls so angry-and it was even more terrifying

considering the tone and words they were using, ones they would otherwise never use for fear

of Natasha's wrath. Perhaps Natasha's anger towards Sam's proposition would be even more

terrifying. Sam shuddered at the thought.

She knew they were angry out of love, though. They truly loved Sam, and they had become

one big family over the past few years. Outside of her biological family, no one had ever

cared so deeply about her and her wellbeing, so she could understand just how insulting that

likely had been to them. Natasha insulted them quite frequently, but she was also their

mistress, and it was nothing more than a master berating her minions. This was far worse.

Sam was at a loss for words, and decided it was probably best to wake Natasha. The coyote

hadn't eaten yet, and was currently fast asleep in her den pressed up against Sam's sex,

inhaling the scent of her lover with every breath. She was comfortable, even purring softly

and kicking in her sleep as she dreamed. The warmth of her lover and the pure unfiltered

scent could send her into hibernation, and she would gladly accept that.

She was awoken, however, by the sound of Sam calling her name and wiggling her large

body around. She frowned, a little bit upset that she had been woken from her slumber-but

she was happy to get to see her partner again.

"Natasha! Nat!" The raven called, smiling when she felt Natasha slide out from underneath

her heavy gut. She poked her head out so Sam could see her, yawning tiredly. She had been

sleeping quite peacefully, the warmth and stench of her den comforting as usual. Naturally,

she was still rather drowsy due to this.

"What's up, babe?" She asked, stifling yet another yawn as she slowly blinked her eyes,

adjusting to the light within the room. She could see the imps perched on Sam's shoulders,

and frowned at their expressions. They looked upset-but perhaps that was due to whatever

they were watching.

"When I die, what would my burial arrangements be like?" Sam asked after a brief pause.

Natasha immediately blanched, crawling all the way out from under her and quickly

beelining towards her chest. She snatched the tablet, and her suspicions were confirmed by

the screen displaying a paused funeral procession.

In seconds, Natasha was right by her face, the tablet discarded once again on her large chest.

Sam flushed in surprise, eyes widening as her girlfriend grabbed her cheeks, squeezing


"Please don't dwell on things like that, baby." She said sweetly, avoiding the question all

together. She truly didn't even want to consider that now, as she couldn't see herself being

without her Sam. She knew it was inevitable to an extent, but she wanted to prolong it for as

long as she possibly could. If she could give some of her years to her beautiful partner, she

would in a heartbeat. She took Sam by surprise once more as she leaned in, kissing her

deeply and lovingly. She paused for only a moment to speak, pulling back to look in her eyes.

"We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other, and I won't let you be alone for more than

a minute."

With that, she resumed the kiss, sighing as she found herself once again engulfed in her

girlfriend's love. She wouldn't allow her to even consider such things.

Sam kissed back, easily distracted when it came to moments like this. She smiled, allowing

herself to enjoy the kiss for a moment before speaking.

"My whole life..." Another kiss was planted on her beak. "Not yours..." Natasha was

apparently insistent upon distracting her, kissing her once more. "I hope you find someone

who-" She was cut off by another kiss. "Who makes you happy."

Natasha just giggled at this as the minions exchanged confused looks. They didn't believe

that Sam was really this dumb-Natasha was very obviously not wanting to talk about it, using

her kisses as distractions, which could only work for so long. Sam finally caught on to this,

however, and broke the kiss. She winced a little as she tasted her own juices on her tongue,

since her partner's mouth was always full of it. She blushed at the implication, her beak

scrunching up in disgust as she tried to wipe her tongue off with one hand.

"Do you think you'll find someone, Nat?" Sam pushed, pouting slightly at her avoidance of

the subject. Although she could be a little oblivious from time to time, she really wasn't


"I won't need to. I only want to be with you till the end of my life." She said nonchalantly,

shrugging. It took Sam a moment to understand, before the realization hit and her face

distorted in pure shock.

"Natasha. Promise me-promise me that you won't kill yourself when I pass a way," Sam said,

her voice quivering as a mix of fear and sorrow seeped into her words. Instead of responding,

Natasha just leaned in to kiss her again, and an irritated and upset Sam raised her talons to

block it. The coyote's facial expression goes completely blank, and there is an agonizing

silence for a moment before she speaks again.

"My body, my choice."


"No." Natasha states firmly, before taking a deep breath, melancholy infiltrating her

expression. "I cannot promise that, and you know it." She averted her eyes, but Sam had

already seen the pain within them. "Please don't ask me again. You're asking me to live the

rest of my life in hell-a hell worse than hell. I cannot, and I will not."

Sam stared at her with a mixture of shock and hurt. She didn't even know how to respond to

such a thing. In her eyes, she didn't have to worry about this, since Natasha was invincible,

and nothing was able to hurt her. This conversation could only go one way.

"The instant you pass-and I mean the instant-I will immolate myself." Natasha said gravely.

She then pondered for a moment before having a visible epiphany, her face lighting up.

"There's an old form of magic involving a bond that I wanted to tell you about in a few years.

If you passed, I would die the second it happened."

"Absolutely not!" Sam replied, almost outraged by the thought. She didn't want Natasha to

stop living solely because she wouldn't be there-although, she did understand where her

girlfriend was coming from, after thinking about it. "If you died, would I?"

There was nothing but silence from Natasha at that, so Sam instead turned to Auram, who she

knew would answer.

"If you die, she dies. If she dies, her unlived years will be transferred to you."

Sam's anger became evident as she glared at her partner, blood boiling at the thought of

having to live an eternity without her. She opened her mouth to snap at the coyote, who was

simply staring at her with that same blank expression-until a smug grin began to form on her

lips, to which Sam realized her own hypocrisy. She quickly clamped her beak shut, furrowing

her brow as she fell silent. She was asking Natasha to live on while she was dead, and

Natasha was simply showing her how skewed that logic was.

"I'm sorry."

Instead of responding verbally, Natasha pecked Sam on the cheek. She knew that Sam hadn't

been seeing it through her eyes until now, and that she did mean well. They both loved each

other so much, and neither could fathom living without the other. She was happy that Sam

understood exactly where she was coming from now, and it sparkled in her warm eyes. An

intimate moment was shared as they gazed into each other's eyes, not needing words to

express the love that they felt for each other. Perhaps this had even strengthened their bond.

Although Sam wished that Natasha would be able to find happiness without her, her thoughts

had very much changed on the matter. She watched as Natasha slid back down her gut,

planting a gentle kiss on her stomach before crawling back into her den contently. Sam let out

a sweet sigh, all thoughts of death and funerals leaving her mind as she instead pictured their

future together. She couldn't wait to see what life had to offer for the two of them, and the

imps of course.

"I can't believe I offered for her to eat me earlier," Sam said obliviously, a bit louder than she

meant to. Natasha immediately froze in place, her expression hardening-not angry, but hurt.

Their eyes locked for a moment, and Sam grew still.

"Don't ever say that again." The coyote said coldly, tears filling her eyes as emotion

overwhelmed her. The imps were back to glaring at Sam angrily, so she shrunk back, her

cheeks tinted out of fluster.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I just know it was the original... plan..." She trailed off, knowing

she was digging herself deeper into a hole. "I'm sorry, the imps got mad at me earlier too-"

"Good." Natasha cut her off shakily, the pure hurt evident in her face as she began to cry

freely, the tears dripping down her face sloppily as she sniffed and sobbed. Without another

word, she lifted Sam's gut and crawled back under her-not even thinking of going to another

room, as this was her true home even if she was upset.

Sam realized her folly immediately, and sniffled a bit herself, the tears welling up in her eyes.

She hadn't meant to hurt her partner, that was never her intention, but it seemed the damage

was done already. She had gone too far. She could feel Natasha in her den, but she was prone,

and shuddering. The shuddering, Sam recognized, was her crying.

Natasha was hurt that after four years of dating, Sam still considered it an option. It was as if

the time they spent together, bonding and maturing as a couple, meant nothing. That the

coyote was simply a slave to her hunger and would eat the thing she loved the most without a

second thought.

An apology was in place, and Sam knew that. Even though her girlfriend didn't voice exactly

what she was thinking, Sam was smart enough to know the reasoning. While she was

thinking, Natasha reappeared after about five minutes of crying. She crawled up Sam's belly,

wrapping herself around her comfortably. There was silence for a moment as the two simply

gazed at each other, before Natasha finally spoke up.

"When you grow old and pass, the moment I no longer feel you I will also cease to exist,

turning to ashes. When I turn to ash, the power will destroy your body as well. Our ashes will

be combined into the purest form of love. I cannot promise I will not end my life, because

without you I will no longer be alive even if my physical body still breathes and functions. I

cannot live without you, and you know it." Natasha spoke, sniffing softly while managing to

maintain her composure.

"My minions will choose how to dispose of our remains." She paused, and although her face

displayed little emotion minus a trace of sorrow in her eyes, the tears continued to spill.

"They will be free. I have commanded them not to kill themselves, as I want them to live on

in our honor. I want them to find love and peace and carry on our legacy."

Sam's heart grew soft, and she found herself once again overcome with emotion, fat tears

rolling down her cheeks as she listened to Natasha. She didn't ever want to have to say

goodbye, but she knew it was inevitable. How could she be mad at her partner for not

wanting to carry on without her? She was only doing exactly what Sam would do if she died.

Neither of them could exist without the other.

The imps were tearful as they watched the display, and although they didn't want either to

die, they knew that this would be the best possible way for it to go down. They would always

have each other, and the memory of their Mistress and their beloved Sam. They had already

chosen a way to utilize their ashes-in three pendants that they would wear near their hearts

until their lives were claimed as well.

"I love you, Nat," Sam finally spoke, their tears mingling as Natasha pressed their cheeks

together lovingly.

"I love you too, Sam."

As they held on tightly to each other, exhaustion began to creep in, making their eyes heavy

and their souls warm. The imps watched as they fell asleep, and they could almost see the

aura of love radiating from the both of them, their very beings intertwined. They hopped

down from Sam's shoulder and turned the lights off, sneaking out of the room. Exchanging a

look between the three of them, they couldn't help but feel light at the display. They had

never seen two beings be so entirely in love.