Horse's Hooves

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#8 of Incense-itive Tales

When a couple of bodybuilders, Joey and Brianne, take home some magical incense, they soon find their bodies changing far beyond just their muscles. When Joey's brother, Nick, succumbs alongside them, all three housemates engage in some seriously sexy... horseplay.

Horse's Hooves

By: MisstressChange

*Ding ding* Rang out the bell above the curtain-blinded, windowed door as it opened to the street outside, the bright daylight outside casting two silhouettes of those entering, their shadows pre-empting their presence.

Joey and Breanne took in the sight of the dusty, dingy store. Both were in awe that such a place could have popped up and replaced their favorite post-workout coffee shop. Trinkets and baubles were stacked haphazardly throughout the store's central area, forming a ring with the small amount of walking space afforded. The cashier's desk was in front of them, off to the left. Beyond that were stacks of books and rows of bookcases.

A thick layer of dust covered every surface in the place, and the dust that had been disturbed by the sudden rush of outside air hung in dancing motes, glowing where rays of sun hit them.

The store could have only existed for less than a day, making the shop's worn, almost decrepit state even weirder. The Cup-O-Coff had been in a modern commercial unit with drywall and fluorescent lighting.

Instead, this store had aging wood and plaster holding it together. A lonely incandescent bulb hung from the ceiling over the area 'storing' the piles of trinkets, impotently casting out the shadows untouched by the light outside, light that struggled to penetrate the translucent linen fabric blinds that covered all the windows.

The whole thing was outlandish.

Of course, the bizarre nature of the store flew over the heads of the two potential customers. They were far more concerned with their lack of routine protein shakes.

"Dude! Look at this place!" Joey exclaimed.

"Bruh..." Breanne said, disgust and disappointment in her voice. "This Where are we supposed to get down with our pre-workout?"

"Meh," Joey said, dismissing her. "We can just go to the store down the street and buy powdered stuff." Breanne scoffed at him.

"Bro, that's not the point. I don't wanna eat some powdered shit when I could have it made fresh."

"Well, it looks like the Cup-o-Coff ain't here anymore," Joey said, stating the obvious sarcastically. "This is what's here now...apparently."

"And what the fuck...." Breanne paused to spread her arms out, gesturing to the whole store for dramatic effect. "Is this?!" her arms fell back down, slapping her hips and legs at their sides.

"I dunno," Joey answered. "It's kinda dope, though."

"Bro..." Brianne said, turning to him with an incredulous look on her face. "Look at this shithole...It's anything but dope. Dopey, maybe." She snorted at her own quip. Joey set his gym bag down and began exploring the dusty merchandise.

"Ah, c'mon babe, this place is like one of those old stores from the movies. I bet we can choose our wizard wands here or find a monkey's paw." Joey jested. Brianne groaned

"Babe, this place creeps me out. I wanna go." Brianne whined.

"Can we just take a little look? There's gotta be something cool here." Joey asked. Brianne groaned.

"Ugh...fine, you have two minutes, then we're leaving."

"Siiiiiick," Joey said to himself, celebrating.

Brianne impatiently watched him peruse the shop's piles of items. Every item he disturbed kicked up more dust into the air, and she sneezed once the thickening cloud made its way to her area.

"Ok, bro, that's enough." She said, sniffling. "I don't know about you, but I actually need to breathe to work out."

"Yeah, ok, babe," Joey said, disappointed by the absence of interesting finds. He returned to her, passing by the two load-bearing beams in the center of the room. He stopped when a colorful display caught his eye.

The display was constructed of wood and painted in a tarot style with faded oil paints. Multiple rows descended from back to front, each propping up scores of tall, slim envelopes. Each envelope was a different color and had golden cursive writing engraved on the upper half.

Intrigued, Joey stepped up to the display.

"Baaaabe, c'mon!" Brianne pleaded.

"Just a sec," Joey replied, shoeing her pleas away. He picked up one of the envelopes. It was brown with streaks of black. "Hyena's Hackles." He read aloud, reading the golden inscribing on the front.

"What?" Brianne asked, visibly confused. Joey flipped open the top flap and peered inside the envelope.

"Yoooooo! It's incense!" Joey proclaimed.

"You mean that stuff that potheads burn to make their smelly apartments not reek like cat piss?" Brianne asked with vitriol.

"Pretty much, yeah," Joey said, taking a sniff. It smelled of sandalwood. "This would be great for Nick and I's place." He stated.

"Yo. Didn't you just hear me?" Brianne asked. Her face was scrunched up in disbelief. "Smelly potheads?"

"Yeah, yeah," Joey replied dismissively. "These things smell pretty good, though. Robby and I used to use this stuff all the time."

"You and Robby used to huff keyboard cleaner." Brianne retorted, emphasizing her point.

"Hey, that was a long time ago," Joey explained. He put the envelope back on the display and picked up another one. This one said Rabbit's Foot. He sniffed it, visibly enjoying the flowery scent. Brianne dropped her gym bag and walked over to Joey.

"These smell really good! Try this." He said, holding the package out to her. She frowned and reluctantly smelled the white envelope. Her expression changed as the scent of wildflowers filled her nose. In rare form, she looked like she was enjoying it."

"Mmmmmm, weren't kidding." She admitted.

"Here, try this one." He suggested, handing her a white envelope with brown dye splotches. The gold engraving said, Horse's Hooves, this time. Brianne sniffed it, then hummed in surprise as the scent of lavender filled her nostrils.

"Whoa, duuuude." This one is amazing. Smells like my deodorant, but better, like natural lavender!" Joey chuckled.

"See? Buying some of these isn't such a bad idea, now is it?" He asked. Brianne gave him a sassy look, pouting her lips.

"Yeah, you got me there." She paused to take another whiff, humming happily at the scent. "To be honest, I could take this over sex." She admitted, crossing her arms with a roguish smile on her face.

"Be careful what you wish for, babe," Joey said through a shit-eating smirk.

"Oh, yeah. Biiiig loss on my part." She snapped back sarcastically.

"Are you finding everything all right, dearies?" Spoke a raspy voice from behind the counter. It made the couple nearly jump out of their skin. Brianne let out a short shriek. They both turned to meet the voice. It was a figure, about as tall as Brianne, wrapped in a shadowy shawl.

"Jesus!" Brianne spat. "Where did you come from?"

The mysterious figure spoke again.

"I've always been here, deary. This is my store." She answered as if that should be obvious to the couple. Her raspy voice grated on the duo's ears, and they both wished she'd clear her throat.

"Bro, we thought this place was deserted," Joey said nervously. The figure said nothing in response, only cocking her head. Brianne spoke up next.

"Do you know what happened to the coffee place? We usually come here before the gym."

The figure straightened her posture before answering.

"The coffee shop has taken on a new life. Changed for the better, to change the lives of others better."

Brianne and Joey both looked at each other, confused.

"That...doesn't explain much..." Joey said.

"Maybe for you, it explains little." The figure replied.

"Yo, are you saying we're stupid?!" Brianne said antagonistically, raising her voice. Joey hushed her.

"Calm down, babe, that's not what she's saying. You really gonna pick a fight with an old lady?" he reasoned.

"All will become revealed in time...deary." The figure croaked. Her voice growled, low like a predator defending its territory. Joey, embarrassed, stepped up to the counter. His left hand scratched through his short dark hair while his right held the package of incense.

"Heh, sorry about her. She gets pretty worked up right before our workout." He said.

"Excuse me?!" Brianne exclaimed at nearly a shout. Joey turned and *shh*ed her before she could start yelling, shooting her a stern look. Then, his head turned back to the shopkeeper.

"I'd like to buy these, please." He stated, trying to sound as cordial as possible to make up for his girlfriend's rude and disruptive behavior. He went to place the incense on the desk; however, the figure spoke up before he could.

"Oh, it's quite all right, deary." The shopkeeper said, her tone returning to its soft yet horse demeanor. "You don't have to pay me. For you, it's free."

Joey was a little taken aback.

" sure? I can pay." He instated, reaching for his wallet. The shopkeeper held her hand up in protest. Brianne squinted her eyes inquisitively at the woman's hand. She thought she could make out tawny fur covering her hand and vertical slits for claws where her fingernails should have been. She blinked several times to see if she imagined things, but the shopkeeper's hand sank behind the desk, obscuring her view.

"Yes, deary, I'm sure. The first item is always free." She croaked. "When you return for more, you can pay then."

Joey looked down at the package. "Wow...ok then." He shrugged his shoulders. "Thank you!" he exclaimed in a sudden burst of positive energy. "This is tight! I'll definitely be back for more."

"Oh, I know you will....all will return." The shopkeeper murmured, just loud enough for Brianne to hear. A toothy grin spread under her hood.

"What did you say?!" Brianne spat. "What is your deal, lady?!"

Joey gave the shopkeeper an awkward, apologetic smile and grabbed Brianne's wrist as the girl surged past him, holding her back.

"Sorry again," He said through clenched teeth. Brianne yanked her arm free of Joey's grasp and approached the woman. She stopped dead in her tracks, seeing what appeared to be a leonine muzzle under the woman's shaggy shawl. Joey's hand grasped her upper arm, turning her to face him.

"Yo, what is wrong with you? Why are you being so aggro?" He said through his still-clenched teeth.

"Bro, look at this bitch. She's some sort of creepy ass cat lady...How do you not see this?!" Joey just rolled his eyes at her ludicrous accusations.

"That's enough. We're going, Brianne." He took a firmer hold of her wrist and dragged her toward the exit. Despite being a powerlifter like Joey, Brianne just couldn't overpower her boyfriend and was forced to follow him. She turned her head back to the shopkeeper, who was peering out from under her shawl. Her furry, clawed hands pulled the fabric back enough to prominently display her snout, not to mention her glowing, slitted amber eyes.

"Bro, just turn around! She's clearly a cat lady! Look at her! I bet she laced this incense shit with acid or some shit too!" Brianne cried out like a mad woman while Joey struggled to haul her away, nearly wrapping his hands around her as she refused to leave.

"Sorry!" Joey called out. He managed to grab their gym bags off the floor with one hand. Brianne had switched to shoving against her boyfriend, but Joey proved too big to move.

"Just turn around and look at her!" She practically screamed. Joey was silent now, furious and embarrassed beyond words. He reached past her and opened the door. Most of the dust the two had disturbed during their squabbling was sucked out by air currents as it creaked ajar.

Finally, the two were outside. The door slammed shut behind them with a jostling of the windows and a *ding* of the bell.

The shopkeeper's gaze remained on the door, her hood now entirely off, exposing her greying mountain lion-like face. The shop returned to its state of silence. Disturbed dust danced in the aftermath of the disrupting duo. She huffed as she listened to the muffled arguing through the door. It wasn't long before the irritated sounds petered out, signaling their departure from the storefront.

The cougar woman sighed to herself, then cleared her throat, taking most of the raspiness from her voice. "I thought those two would have picked Donkey's Knees. I mean...they're already a couple of jackasses...."

The cougar let a few soft chuckles out at her observation, chuckles that grew into laughs, laughs which steadily grew into a dirge of maniacal cackles, splitting the silence of her shabby store.


By the time Joey and Brianne returned home to Joey's townhouse, they had mainly worked out their issues. The gym tired them out and relieved their aggression, and a follow-up dinner at a local restaurant soothed their attitudes and appetites.

The evening sky outside was pink as twilight set in. The two shuffled in through the front door, sweaty and sore, but in a good way. They were used to this. They had been for years. The shower they were about to have would feel even better.

The two ascended the stairs to the main floor, an area that the kitchen and living area both shared. Upon entering the vinyl-floored area, they were greeted by Nick. Nick was Joey's little brother by two years and roommate. The two had bought into the place together, which was comical because the two were completely opposite people.

Joey had dedicated most of his post-high school years to working out, dating girls, and drinking himself half to death. Nick had spent most of his time building a career in IT, playing video games, and jerking off to porn.

"Hey," Nick said, barely looking up from his mostly consumed fettucini alfredo. Nick was the only one of the two brothers that could cook a decent meal.

"Sup, bro?!" Joey replied rather loudly.

"Just having dinner," Nick answered, his voice carrying a hint of condescension. The smell of the two sweaty people now in the room became apparent as he carried on, and he winced as the offensive odor stung his nose. "Jeez, you guys...." He said, irritated.

"What?" Joey asked.

"You guys stink. I hope you didn't go anywhere confined after you left the gym."

"Just George's café down the street," Joey replied.

"Those poor people..." Nick partially jested.

"Whatever," Brianne said, speaking up. "Anyone would be thankful to catch a sample of our musk." She stretched her arm up and took a whiff of her pits. She quickly regretted it as she turned her head away in disgust. She huffed out a surprised *Wooo.*

Joey chuckled.

"Maybe we _should_take a shower, babe." He suggested. "Like, right away."

"Good idea," Brianne agreed, sliding up close to her boyfriend. "Then we can get some _extra_exercise while we wash." She grinned and turned her face up at his. Joey snickered and shot a mischievous grin back at her. Finally, the two embraced in an open-mouthed kiss, smacking their lips loud enough for Nick to hear.

Nick just rolled his eyes.

"Get a room, you two." The two fit gym rats stopped kissing to answer, looking into each other's eyes.

"Oh, we can get a room," Joey said.

"Yeah, the bathroom," Brianne added.

"The shower, in the bathroom." Joey specified.

"C'mon, let's go." Brianne insisted hurriedly. She grabbed Joey's hand and dragged the man behind her as she bolted for the narrow staircase to the third floor. The two dropped their gym bags by the island counter as they rushed out, Joey's coming partly open.

"Wash the shower out after, you filthy animals!" Nick shouted over his shoulder as the two stomped up the stairs. He heard the bathroom door slam shut above him, then sighed and returned to his meal. "Tomorrow morning, I better not slip on your mess again." He said, to no one in particular, being alone again.

He finished his meal and washed his dishes in the sink. The body odor smell still lingered in the air, and Nick scowled at their gym bags.

"Pricks...leaving their smelly shit all over the place, fucking in the shower we both use." He grumbled. There was a tinge of jealousy in his tone. He wished he had the motivation to get as fit as them. And it had been years since he had been with a woman.

That's when he eyed the white, brown splotched envelope sticking out of Joey's bag.

Figuring he was justified in being a little nosey, he bent over and pulled the envelope free of its stinky cacoon. He looked it over, reading the inscribed words on the front.

"Horse's Hooves."

Nick opened the package and looked inside. "Oh. It's incense," he commented, sniffing at it. It smelled like lavender.

He gazed down past the package at the bags. Surely Joey wouldn't mind if he sparked one of these up? After all, they did just stink up the whole floor with their bags.

Nick took one of the rough, scented sticks from the envelope and dropped the rest back into Joey's bag. Then, he walked over to the gas stove and ignited one of the burners. He held the incense stick over the flame until it caught fire, then turned the stove off and blew it out, letting the end ember.

With the sweet smell of lavender slowly floating heavenly into the air, Nick jammed the naked end of the stick into a plant on the island counter and went to pick up the two others' bags. If they were going to stink up the house with their rancid gym wear, the smell might as well be confined to Joey's room.

Nick hauled the stinking bags upstairs and tossed them into the bedroom next to his own. Joey's bedroom. He closed the door and slipped into his room, closing the door behind him. It was about time to return to his computer games now that his dinner was digesting in his belly.


Over the next hour, the lit incense continued to burn, and burn, and burn some more. Gradually, the tiny stream of feathery smoke rising from the orange ember became a streaming plume, then graduated up to a billowing torrent. All while seemingly consuming none of the lavender-scented material coating the stick.

The cloud completely filled the main floor of the townhome, choking it in thick fog before climbing its way upstairs, reaching into the upper floors like a ghostly spirit seeking out the souls of the living. Finally, the scent snuck its way under the door of Nick's bedroom and, simultaneously, the bathroom door, where Joey and Brianne had been amid furious and frothy fornication...


Brianne inhaled lungful after lungful of steamy air as she came down from her orgasm. The two muscle-bound adults grunted as Joey pulled out of her, stepping back to lean against the shower wall behind him.

Brianne, who was bent over with her hands against the wall, struggled to stand up straight. Her legs trembled, weak from her workout and numb from the pounding she had just received.

Joey pulled off his condom and tossed it into the trash next to the toilet, then leaned back again. They were both exhausted, and as they panted to catch their breath, they caught their first whiff of the lavender.

"Holy shit, that was good," Brianne commented breathily. She finally stood straight up again and directed the warm water flow to her body.

Joey sniffed the air between breathy huffs.

"I think Nick got into that incense we bought at that store today. I can smell it."

Brianne scoffed, running her hands through her hair as the downward stream flowed into it.

"Don't remind me of that place. I swear to god, that fucking lady was some kind of cat person."

It was Joey's turn to scoff.

"Would you give that a rest, Brianne? You embarrassed the fuck out of me today." Brianne didn't appreciate Joey's critique. She turned around, a furious look etched on her face.

"I know what I saw, Joey! My eyes don't lie! If you don't fucking believe me, we can go down there tomorrow, and I'll prove it to you!"

Joey only sighed and shook his head. He noted how the lavender scent had become slightly more potent.

"I know what I saw...." Brianne repeated, more affirming herself than Joey. She, too, could smell the incense. It smelled... terrific, and it distracted her from her thoughts.

Joey joined his girlfriend in the water, wrapping his arms around her as she turned away. They stood there awhile, enjoying the warmth of the shower, the embrace of their bodies, and the aroma of the smoke creeping its way inside the room, easily mistaken for the heavy steam, despite its lavender hue.

"Mmmmmm." Brianne hummed. "Ya'know. That incense was an excellent find today.

"I know. It's pretty sick, eh?" Joey paused to sigh. "It's really relaxing."

"Yet kind of energizing," Brianne noted, feeling the strength returning to her legs.

"I think I know what you mean," Joey remarked, feeling his seven-inch cock stiffen again. Brianne felt it as it pressed between her toned cheeks, and she giggled. "Up for another round?" He proposed, sliding his member between her cheeks like a Kirkland brand hot dog through a well-kneaded and perfectly baked bun.

"Absolutely, stud." She answered back, purring like a kitten. She took note of the water hitting her back and how it had cooled significantly, despite the water control being as far to the 'hot' end as it could be. "Maybe...we...move to the bedroom?" She asked, turning her face to flash him a sly smirk.

Joey stepped back from his girlfriend without saying a word and reached out through the curtains for a towel. Brianne stood up straight and shut off the water, and the room became silent once more, save for the residual drops of water falling from their naked bodies and the draining showerhead.

Pulling the curtain out of their way, Joey handed Brianne a towel, then the two wrapped themselves up and stepped out of the tub. The smell of lavender grew ever more potent, and the two found their libidos increasing like a kettle beginning to boil. They couldn't wait to get out of the steam-choked room and into their own.

Their towels didn't last long around their bodies as they let them fall to embrace one another once more. Something beyond them compelled them to lose themselves to their carnal desires, forced them to even. They couldn't say no. They couldn't resist. They were simply pulled straight into the embrace of each other like two magnets.

Their limbs wrapped around each other, pulling each other close as their lips pressed together. Slowly they made their way to the door, attacking each other with the passion of a thousand lovers. Joey hastily turned the door latch, which swung open into the hallway.

The aroma of lavender crashed in around them. The smoke in the hallway matched the density of the steam in the bathroom, giving the horny couple no reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary as they stumbled to Joey's bedroom.

They gave no thought to Nick or his location in the house either. The idea of him coming up the stairs or out of his room and seeing them was absent. No. The two were far too enthralled with each other's toned, muscular bodies.

They furiously made out. The smacking of their lips and sucking of their tongues reverberated around the foggy hallway. Joey slipped a finger inside Brianne's still-sopping pussy. The girl cooed into their kiss as Joey pressed her firmly against the door to his bedroom. With his other hand, he turned the latch, and the two nearly fell into the room.

Joey's room smelled of sweaty clothes, and he peeped down to see their gym bags. The smell didn't seem to bother him, though. In fact, he swore he could separate the smells, picking out Brianne's from his. He enjoyed her scent, the scent of a female. It mingled and mixed with the lavender-tinted smoke crawling into his room across the floor.

The two took deep breaths of the musk-laden incense, each drawn-in breath spreading tingling sensations through their bodies, fogging their minds with a primal instinct to...mate. Joey crammed his finger deeper into his girlfriend, and she brought a hand up to grip his diamond-hard cock, taking it as her own.

The two puffed rabid breaths through their noses, mouths busy mashing together furiously. Brianne felt the cold wooden bedframe touch her tight calves as they reached Joey's bedside. She broke the embrace between them and looked her boyfriend in the eyes. Their hearts pounded in their chests, thudding in their ears. Excited and enticed beyond reason.

"Fuck me, Joey," Brianne demanded, flashing him a greedy look. She bit her lip and began stroking the boy off, her pussy still being teased by Joey's clumsy fingers as they dug in and out of her.

"Oh, I am," He boasted, flashing a similar greedy look. The two desired each other like never before, even on the precipice of doing something they would typically consider unthinkable. Something they had always gone to lengths to avoid due to the eighteen-year consequences.

"But don't _just_fuck me. Fuck me raw, Joey. Lie me down on the bed and take me like an animal. I wanna feel your hot spunk in me, drooling out of my hole." She said, her tone taking on a form akin to the animalistic act she demanded.

Joey's heart skipped a hard beat. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat before answering. The lavender scent was working him over, ramping up to Brianne's libido level as fast as she ascended. He couldn't help himself. He had to oblige.

"Get on that bed and turn around for me. I'm going to fuck you till you can't even walk straight." The sudden bass in his voice resonated in her ears and sent a shiver of delight through her body.

Brianne lowered herself onto the bed, feeling Joey's hands slip over her body as she did. Her hands spread behind her as her toned ass sank onto the sheets. The swiping of fabric tickled their ears. She looked her lover in his eyes, seeing the powerful, boisterous twinkling in them through the thickening fog. Her upper body flopped gracefully down flat, pushing herself further up the bed.

They were about to absolutely ruin those sheets. The integrity of the wooden bedframe was even in danger of being destroyed. They might shake it apart, not to mention the wall, which would be taking the force of the bedframe as Joey pounded into his girlfriend with the power of a pure-bred mustang in the passion of mating.

Brianne looked Joey's muscular physique up and down before shooting him a devilish look. She curled a finger, beckoning him closer as if he weren't already climbing over her. His twinkling eyes and roguish smile made her so gushingly wet. She spread her legs for him in fervent invitation.

With each shuddering, anticipating breath they took, more of the Lavender smoke flooded their senses. Their bodies glowed with a buzzing warmth and tingled with statically charged pinpricks, making their body hair stand on end, at least what little body hair Brianne had. For them, fulfilling their broiling carnal desires was no longer an option. It was an was destiny. Joey just hoped Nick was wearing his noise-canceling headphones.

Joey climbed over Brianne and leaned down to kiss her again. Brianne met him halfway, and the two attacked each other's faces. They sucked on their lips, pulling at them and biting them. Brianne felt Joey's tongue enter her mouth, and she sucked on it hard, forcing the man to moan in surprised pain. He broke the kiss, and Brianne stared into him with intensity as he had never seen before.

"C'mon, bro. Fuck me." She demanded with a touch of irritation in her voice. Joey just stared at her, barely hearing her as his heart pounded in his ears. She gave him a short slap across the face.

"Fuck, me, Joey." She demanded again, sounding the words out for him. She gave him another slap. "Be decisive."

Joey had never experienced this kind of domineering attitude from Brianne before. Frankly, she was terrible at taking the lead, expecting him to be forward while she cheerfully accepted his advances. Stranger even, her voice sounded lower. He decided it was best not to leave her waiting.

Joey retook the lead as she wished, leaning down to bite her neck. She groaned as his teeth embedded marks in her supple flesh, her groans turning to moans as he drove his cock into her slavering pussy.

Her back immediately arched off the bed, and her hands clutched the bedspread with a vice-like grip. "Fuck yeah, Joey! Yeah!!! Give it to me!" She cried. Now Joey _really_hoped Nick was wearing his headphones. On second thought. Fuck Nick. In Joey's lust-addled mind, he hoped his dopey brother heard him take his girlfriend for the ride of their lives.

He plunged all the way into Brianne, the tip of his cock slamming into the deepest depths of her. She flexed and curled her toes as he filled her with his raw member. Her ragged moans pierced the fog clouding the room, rebounding off the wall like Joey's bed as he thrust in and out of her like a jackhammer.

With all the noise they were making, it wasn't a surprise that they failed to hear Joey's leg bones snapping as new joints began to form. Nor did they hear the cracking of Brianne's face as it began to elongate.

"Oh, fuck. Your pussy feels fucking amazing, babe." Joey complimented through labored breath. His hands were now gripping Brianne's legs, holding them up to use like wheelbarrow handles.

"Bro, so does that fine, thick cock of yours," Brianne replied. Joey was taken aback by how deep Brianne's voice had gotten. It was like she was pretending to do a man's voice. His eyebrow cocked in confusion, but his need to...breed...his girlfriend stopped him from asking critical questions.

Joey staggered as his legs continued to reshape. He could feel the changes now, not just in his legs but also in his feet. His heels pulled up to become part of his ankle, adding another half a foot to his height. He tried wiggling his toes but found them to be one appendage instead of five.

Brianne felt her own changes taking shape. Her face was wider now and extended from her head. Her ears had pointed, elongated, and relocated further up the side of her head. Joey could see these changes through the thickening haze, and as he thrust into her like a bucking bronco, he felt the need to comment.

"I...I t-think something's happening to u-us." He grunted. Brianne saw how tall Joey had become and how her nose had noticeably entered her vision.

"I k-know..." She said in her ever-deepening voice, shaking from how hard her body was bouncing about the bed. "I think we're...changing somehow."

"Yeah," Joey huffed out. " f-feels kinda...good!"

Joey wasn't wrong. The changes so far should have been excruciating, but they weren't. Instead, they made the affected areas feel heavenly, like they were made of fine, delicate clay molded by a goddess's hands.

"Mmmm, yeah." Brianne moaned, her face snapping as it stretched further. Her neck gained a touch of girth, growing larger as her muscles bulked. She rolled her shoulders against the bed as the rest of her muscles broadened, too, taking on a more masculine form.

Joey was catching on to how manly his girlfriend had become in the short time since they began their bout of fornication. It didn't bother him as much as he thought it did. In fact, it didn't bother him at all. It was kind of hot...really hot. Her body had already been pretty built; why should this bother him?

Joey gazed down past Brianne's legs to see why he could no longer feel the carpet beneath his soles. What used to be his feet had become a complete pair of hooves that stood firmly against the carpeted ground. Short, fine, Chestnut brown fur sprouted from where skin and hoof met and started spreading up his newly equine legs. He looked back at Brianne's face and made the connection.

"We're... turning into horses!" He exclaimed, grunting shortly after as Brianne's pussy squeezed around his cock.

"Oh yeah?" she asked with half-lidded eyes as if he had just given her something as mundane as a weather update. He looked back at her with a furrowed brow.

"Uh, yeah." He replied, a little disturbed at her lack of interest, not to mention how much lower and heavier her voice had become.

Brianne's breasts also seemed to have shrunk a size or two. Joey knew little about women's bra sizes, but he knew his girlfriend's tits. They were never that small. Her tits didn't seem to be the only thing shrinking, either, as he felt the girl's pussy tighten around him. Was her puss_y_ shrinking, though, or was his cock growing?

In a move that left Joey stunned, Brianne shoved Joey off her with one of her feet. He stumbled backward, his cock pulling free of Brianne's pussy like Excalibur from its stone. He looked down and saw his now massive cock. The thing had doubled in size! It flared at the tip, too, giving it a distinct equine shape.

It seemed the changes taking hold of their bodies began at opposite ends and spread either up or down; Joey's feet and Brianne's head. Through the dense haze, he watched his masculinizing girlfriend roll over on the bed, raising her ass for him on her hands and knees. She fanned her rear at him, and the smell of her sweet mare scent in the lavender air burned in his nose.

"Fuck my ass, Joey." She said, her voice sultry despite how deep in pitch it had become. She was just so...commanding, and he loved it. Obliging her, he stepped up through the fog and grabbed the long-haired tail sprouting from above her ass as an extension of her tailbone.

Joey used her growing tail as a handle as he pulled her closer, shooting a tingling pain through her spine and forcing a grunt from her throat. At the same time, he thrust his mammoth cock forward, squeezing the flared tip into Brianne's puckering doughnut hole and making her cry out in shock.

"Ooooh, Brianne! You are tight!" He cried out in a triumphant and rather obnoxious manner. Small bucks of his hips helped the length of his member along. Brianne groaned as her ass was stretched to its limit.

"Ugh, Just shut up and fuck me." Brianne moaned. Joey was already ahead of her.

He buried his titanic prick even further in his masculinizing girlfriend. He raised his free hand to scratch the fur growing over his midsection, the fine hairs of his new pelt prickling his still-human palms. The muscles in his upper body tightened under his touch, increasing in bulk and bolstering his mass.

The two appeared halfway transformed now, Joey from toe to chest and Brianne from head to belly, like two different beings had swapped upper and lower bodies. Only Joey's fur was chestnut brown, and Brianne's was white as snow.

Joey's fur continued up as Brianne's continued down, Joey's spreading over bulking shoulders and thickening neck, and Brianne's over narrowing hips and surging thighs.

"Ugh..." Brianne grunted in a voice only fitting of a man. "Stroke me, Joey...give your bro a hand." She chuckled through her manly moans.

"Bro?" Joey thought. "Did she just refer to herself as...bro?" He gazed down at her masculine form. She was like one of his friends now. One that Joey might go to the gym with when Brianne had to work late. As he thrust in and out of her ass, he thought of what it would be like. To fuck one of his bros. They _were_rather handsome, captivating even. Tall, fit hunks ripped with bulging muscles. He knew before why so many of the fine ladies at the gym would enjoy chatting them up, or the girls at the clubs they went to. But now he really knew...

There was nothing wrong with admiring your bros, in any which way... Joey was just... admiring...

Joey reached down and stroked across Brianne's pussy with one hand, the other holding his bent-over form above her. There he felt it...her clit...but it was different. It was bigger...a lot bigger! The thing must have been three, no, four inches long now. Brianne moaned as his hand ran over it. "Oh, yeah, Bro. Jerk me off while you fuck my sexy man ass. Get me there!"

Joey complied, wrapping his fingers around the growing mass, feeling it slowly fill his hand. His other hand reached down to stroke Brianne's labia, but they were gone, replaced by soft, wrinkled skin like someone had sealed over it.

It was clear to Joey now that Brianne was no longer a woman. Her voice. Her very male genitals. The muscular pects that had replaced her breasts gave Joey very little to grab as his hand brushed over them. She seemed to enjoy it...a lot. Like she had been a man all along. Like it was the way she was meant to be.

"Holy shit, Brianne. I've never been with a guy before, but...this is amazing!"

"Yeah, bro." Brianne agreed. I fucking love this. I feel so much stronger, so powerful!" She paused to whinny as Joey struck her forming prostate, which was her womb only minutes ago. "I don't think Brianne fits me much anymore...."

"What should I call you then?" Joey asked, grunting as his face cracked, beginning its first changes, mimicking those of Brianne's first changes.

"What's the male version of Brianne?"

Joey thought as he pounded deep into his boyfriend's ass. "Brian?" He said, offering a suggestion. Brianne let out a breathy and short-lived laugh.

"Nah, Brian doesn't seem to fit...but we can roll with that for now." The new stud remarked. His legs popped and cracked as they took on the same shape as Joey's.

Joey shook his head and whinnied at the forward extension of his creaking face. He shook his transforming equine head to test out his brand-new mane. It flapped against his stretching face.

He was getting close to cumming. They both were. Joey felt Brian's cock twitch in his grip. It was huge by now, at least a foot in length, and so girthy. Joey could barely wrap his mighty equine fingers around it.

"Shit, I'm gonna nut." He huffed. Brian huffed and snorted.

"Yeah, same."

"Fuck I'm gonna gush so much," Joey added. Brian let out something akin to a giggle.

"Fuck yeah, bro. Fill me! Then I'm gonna glaze your bed down to the mattress!"

"Fuck yeah! Decorate it like a cake!" Joey cried, reveling in their shared enthusiasm.

The last of Joey's face snapped into completion, his teeth broadening to fill his new mouth. Brian's toes fused into one mass as his feet and ankles elongated. The mass darkened and hardened into a single solid nail, forming his hooves. His fine white fur followed right behind every transformation until it met them.

The two new horses threw their heads back and unleashed shrill and discordant neighs as they came. Joey's monster prick throbbed and pulsed as it let loose a torrent of equine spunk into Brian's perfect, muscular ass. Brian's belly bulged with the force of Joey's first few jets, each time settling back to its washboard form before swelling again. Joey's cum sprayed out around his cock, Brian's ass unable to contain it after the first three ropes.

Meanwhile, Brian was coating Joey's bed with his own brand of jizz. It spewed over the sheets and hit the wall, bits of spatter marking everything within arm's reach. Soon the puddle of horse semen could no longer be contained and spilled over the side of the twin mattress, dribbling to the carpet. Joey's sperm added to it as it burst free of Brian.

Joey's lap and Brian's haunches were coated in translucent pearl-white ooze, and with more to come... their spunky streams barely ceased. Their gigantic nuts were endlessly milked by their rapturous orgasms, like oranges, whose juice never spent no matter how hard they were squeezed. Joey bucked his hips into Brian, and Brian's hips backed into Joey's thrusts.

Spasming, and twitching, Joey began to slow. The eternal tap that was his cock finally began to run dry. The two huffed and groaned in their orgasmic afterglow, warmth radiating from them like the last pile of coals in a dying fire. When Joey figured he'd given all he could to his new boyfriend, he released a ragged, exhausted sigh and pulled his still-twitching cock from Brian's ass.

Brian groaned as he had his ass vacated, all but the gallons of spunk still pumped deep within him. The thick donut hole gapped enough for Joey to gaze at the darkness within and the mess he'd made. He took a deep breath of the lavender-choked air and let himself fall beside Brian, landing on the half of the bed not coated in cum, rolling onto his back mid-fall.

Brian turned his head to Joey's, and the two studs embraced in a kiss. Their equine mouths smacked as they sucked one another's long faces, faces caressed by sticky hands.

They broke their kiss, and Brian rolled over, spooning up against his boyfriend. The stud nestled his more petite, muscular ass into Joey's lap, feeling the half-erect member tuck between his cheeks. Joey wrapped an arm over Brian, and Brian gently held his hand.

"Bro, that was amazing...." Brian said, still huffing as he attempted to settle his body down.

"Fuck...yeah." Joey breathed in reply. The two heard Joey's tail sway through the puddle of semen

"You know it's your turn to be bottom next, right?" Brain said more than asked. It was very apparent by the thudding in their chests and the excited quivering of their muscles that they hadn't even begun to sate their lusts. Not as long as the incense was present, at least. The smoke had gotten so dense that neither could make out the wall opposite them nor the one adjacent.

"Fair enough." Joey conceded. He was about to get up and assume the position, which would have been however Brain wished to take him, but something caught his attention. A smell tickled his nose in ways that far outdid the lavender. Even the most minute trace of it shocked his nose alight. He paused to sniff the smoky air, craving more of this seductive fragrance.

It only got stronger. Soon Brian could smell it too...

The two stuck their noses in the air and sniffed this strange, unignorable scent that stained the lavender aroma of the house.

A female cry of ecstasy broke the silence, muffled by the two layers of gyprock that made up the wall between Joey and Nick's room. They now knew what the smell was...

"A mare...." Brian stated. At the same time, an idea forced its way into their minds, or rather, an urge. An urge to mate. To breed. The sex Brian and Joey had been having until then was merely an appetizer compared to what was to come, just sexual gratification fueled by their changes and the cursed smoke. there was a whole new drive that propelled their massive cocks to full attention.

"In the other room...." Joey added. Brian stretched his head to look Joey in the eyes. They both flashed each other knowing looks, then exploded into movement as they scrambled to be the first to lay eyes on their new breeder...


Nick frantically tapped away at his keyboard with his right hand, his left hand darting every which way as his finger furiously clicked his mouse. Hunched forward in his gaming chair, the world around him was but a second thought, his noise-canceling headphones cutting off any sound that might disturb him, most importantly, the sounds of his brother and Brianne going at it in the shower.

It had been forty minutes or so since he returned upstairs to his computer. The red, blue, and green LEDs made a spectacle of his desk as if the miniatures of his favorite anime characters decorating the inside were partaking in some dusty, overheated rave.

The first few rounds he participated in since returning from downstairs had gone well. One could say that Nick was 'in the zone.' However, as the lavender scent from downstairs slithered its way under his door and into his nose, he found his skill and focus waning.

His brain became foggy. Not only that, but a particular itch was nagging at him that he couldn't ignore. It made him feel light-headed and made his body tingle in novel ways. As the flashing 'DEFEAT' animation played out on his screen, Nick sat back in his chair and took a deep breath...

The lavender scent caressed his nose, easing him and making him pliable. The young man haplessly sank into a near trancelike state, but not before he noticed a certain twitch below his waist that pulled him out.

Nick gazed down at himself. It appeared he'd been so engrossed with his game that it hadn't even occurred to him how hard he had become. His sweatpants were tented in his lap, and he instinctively reached down to touch the protruding fabric. A soft gasp slipped between his lips as a spike of pricking sensations shot through him.

He didn't remember being so sensitive down there. He did, however, remember he had been...bigger?

Nick's hands latched onto his elastic waistband, his thumbs hooking under them to pull it down, along with his boxers.

There it was...'little Nick.' He could swear it was missing an inch of length.

"What in the fuck?" He exclaimed, his heart beating faster. The fear of being robbed of his already meager length stoked within him, but so did something else. Something deep inside his mind told him this was a good thing, like he should just embrace it and enjoy himself...

His right hand took careful hold of his cock while his left held his waistband at bay. He shuddered in excitement and breathed out a breath that matched. His cock was twice as sensitive as it had been before, and as he began to pump away, he was forced to take it slow.

An insidious libido had sunk its hooks into Nick's being, and as the next round of his game began, his character sat there, AFK. Nick had far more critical things occupying his mind now. His silly games could wait.

The boy closed his eyes, imagining his favorite female character from the game. Her slim yet somehow still amply curvaceous body danced before him in his mind. She played with her long brown hair as she sat atop her meka-suit, making cute and, often, sensual feminine noises. Her other hand slowly dipped between her legs, gripping her pink plasma pistol, intending to rub the sidearm over her glistening pussy.

He imagined her other hand, reaching down to play with her breasts, tweaking her nipples, short stabs of ecstatic noises echoing out from her. Her gun brushed over her pussy. A minuscule amount of pressure applied pressed the futuristic firearm into her folds. She took her hand from her chest to lean back on it, spreading her legs to give the boy a front-row seat.

In a strange and sudden turn of events, she pulled the plasma pistol from her nethers and pointed it straight at him.

"Bro, wake up," she said with a side smirk, pulling the trigger. She had Joey's voice...

Nick's eyes shot open as he was jarred back to reality. His computer screen was still on, but he'd left his game idle for so long that the system had logged him out, and the title screen displayed the two bars meant for entering a username and password. It took a moment for Nick to realize that for the game to kick him from the server, he'd have to have left it there for at least fifteen minutes. How long had he had his eyes closed? Had he fallen asleep?

That was when he noticed the veil of smoke attenuating his sight of the monitor. He turned his head around the room. It appeared to be everywhere. Was something on fire? Did he leave the stove on? No. It lacked the black coloration of a structure fire and smelled...pleasant, like before, only more potent. The lavender aroma permeated the small world of his bedroom, as did the mystical haze.

Nick got up from his chair, taking a few steps before tumbling to the floor. His legs didn't feel right. They were stiff and tingled like he had been sitting on them for an extended period. His feet were completely numb too. They didn't feel like his legs anymore, and his eyes went wide as the sound of his leg bones crackling and snapping reached his ears.

"What the fuck is going on?!" He cried, terror overtaking him. He watched his legs break and shift through the haze of lavender smoke. He watched his toes merge together, the entire shape of his foot turning into one column of flesh and bone.

Nick watched in horror as his feet were replaced into hooves. His legs continued their sickening sounds as they took on a far more equine shape. Nick's heart thudded in his chest, his foggy mind trying to comprehend what was happening to him. If there was a silver lining to what was happening to him, it was the lack of pain where he should have been in unimaginable agony. felt kind of...good, like invisible hands were molding him, caressing his flesh, adjusting his bones. His breathing settled, the panic in him subsiding. He relaxed, taking a deep breath of the lavender-scented air as his face pushed forward in one sudden lurch, feeling like a mound of pressure had just been released. A sigh of relief spilled from his shifting mouth. Fascination took the reigns, guiding him far from his initial fears and worries with the help of the incense's intoxicating scent.

Nick watched his growing equine face penetrate his vision, breathing deep breaths through his new nose as his nostrils widened. The tingling sensation eased into a comforting warmth. It flooded his body, and as it spread, so did his transformations.

His brown hair grew longer, creeping down the back of his neck like moss until it reached between his shoulder blades. From there, it lengthened into a beautiful mane, which Nick swayed back and forth as he rattled his head to and fro.

It was then that Nick's new, longer ears twitched. He could hear the two others in Joey's room...fucking. Brianne's moans and grunts made it obvious, and it wasn't long before the thumping of Joey's bedframe pounded through the wall like a kick drum.

A dumb smile split Nick's face as he eavesdropped. Usually, he'd abhor the sounds of his brother plowing his girlfriend. But with his mind so clouded by whatever was in the aromatic fog, he not just accepted them, he lavished in them. As brown-splotched white fur sprouted across his new face and ankles, he reached down to resume his earlier self-gratification.

The changing half-equine imagined what the two were doing and what positions they were doing it in. Nick imagined being his brother and what it would feel like fucking the toned body of Brianne. His fantasies slowly shifted along his mind, desires flipping like the light switch to his room. Soon, he was imagining what it would be like to be...Brianne?!

Nick's new fantasies were short-lived, though. Further changes to his body made sure of that. He felt as much as he heard his shoulders narrowing. They popped as they condensed, and a peculiar creaking noise joined them, coming from his hips. Nick looked down and saw his hips and midsection shift into a more feminine form, ribs pulling inward to give him a narrower waist.

These fresh additions to his equine form brought new revelations within Nick's mind, jumping off his last flash of a taboo fantasy. He stroked himself, closing his eyes and letting himself slip entirely into an imaginary world born not just of his invention but of the insidious smoke surrounding him.

He imagined himself standing amidst a vibrant green grassy field carpeting a valley between snow-capped mountains. He was standing on four legs, taller than usual. His head craned downward toward the ground by a long, girthy neck. grazed on green nutrient-rich blades, grinding the moisture-laden cud between her herbivore's teeth.

A distant whinny tickled her ears, and they pivoted toward the sound. Her head rose, and an equine eye scoped out another horse galloping toward her. It came to a trot only a few speedy paces from her. That's when she smelled his scent...the scent of a stud.

"Ooooh, Brianne! You are tight!" Joey's brash and obnoxious voice penetrated the wall between their rooms, barely dampened by the gyprock. A deep voice that did not sound like Brianne answered back, but it was too muffled by the wall and came through as undiscernible murmurs.

Nick opened his eyes, the air around his room now much thicker with smoke. His hands explored his body. He was naked now, having taken his clothes off while overtaken by his daydream. As he turned his equine face down, he gasped, taking in the sight of himself. Or...herself?

'He' no longer looked like a man, nor human either. His whole body was covered in a fine white and brown fur hide. He had the voluptuous curves of a well-endowed lady. His breasts were huge, beyond D-cups, for sure. They spilled over his chest, partially flattening as he lay on his back.

His hips were broader than his shoulders by far, and when he craned his neck to gaze over his breasts, looking to the spot between his legs, it was hard to make out what was left in the wake of his changes. Then, slowly, carefully, as if reaching down between his legs too quickly would manifest the very thing he feared, he slid his right hand down to the space between his legs.

Space was the right word for it, for when he reached the spot known to him as where his penis should be, he found not but bare skin. So he continued downward, and that's when he finally found it.

Nick released a sharp and surprised gasp, feeling his fingers glide over the half-inch nub that had been his cock...which was now his clit.

"Oh, fuck!" Nick said, mid gasp. The pitch of his voice was higher, much higher, undeniably feminine. But this barely registered in his mind, for he was determined to see what else these changes to his being had in store. He was unsurprised when his thick fingers found their way through a moist pair of labia. His legs quivered in sudden shock. The electric sensations produced by his new genitals caught him off guard, as did his clit moments before. He released a shuddering breath and further explored his new equine body.

"I...I have a pussy...." He remarked with a sigh.

'He,' perhaps, was the wrong terminology to use when referring to himself. Those pronouns felt flawed now. Nick required words that would adequately describe '_her'_feminine form. She would need a new name as well. What easier than to feminize the one she already had?

Nicole, as she would now prefer to be called, decided to explore her new 'parts.' Her opening clutched around her thicker, equine fingers as she probed it, excited. Her legs tensed, her eyebrows raised and knitted, and her breath escaped her long mouth as a coo. Her new ears twitched and rotated toward the wall.

The pounding of Joey's bed on the wall separating their rooms was impossible to ignore now. It was constant and beyond raucous. Nicole would be lying if she were to say she didn't like it, love it even. It was hot. Listening to her brother fuck his partner so hard, so rough, so...thoroughly. Nicole was her beneath him instead of Brianne.

Her fingers dug deeper into her snatch, rubbing her palm over her sensitive bean while her free hand squeezed around one of her breasts. Her closed mouth hummed with a pleased moan, her mind filled with forbidden thoughts of her brother and herself.

She imagined him as a mighty stud, his powerful body bearing down on her. She imagined him huffing hot breath into her ears, his body lurching as he thrust into her. Once again, the world slipped away, and her mind floated somewhere else, lost to the lavender-scented haze.

Nicole returned to her fantasy, the one of her standing about in the grass as a virile male approached her. The male's scent returned as well; it was there the second she returned to this realm of imagination. This time, she recognized a tinge of Joey's human scent clinging to this male's musk.

It must be him; it had to be him. How could it be anyone else? Nicole yearned to have him inside her, to mate with him. What should have turned her off, should have struck her as morally wrong, no longer held any limitation over her. She was a beast now, and all that mattered was extinguishing the raging fire in her searing loins.

She heard Joey snort, then nicker behind her, the stamping of hooves following as he rounded her rump. Another snort made her ears twitch as the mighty male prepared to hoist himself atop her. Then, with little time to prepare, he was atop her. She strained to support his weight, his hoof-falls reverberating through the ground into hers as he slid further and further up her quadrupedal torso. She nickered back at him, craning her head to brush against his.

The Joey-horse's member was inches away from her waiting sex. She could feel the heat radiating from it. Just a few more painful seconds and she'd have the coupling she desperately needed. She would be filled by a male as assertive and virile as Joey.

The shrill whiney of two males in the throws of orgasm jolted her from her daydream. These cries accompanied the constant slamming of the bed against the wall. The equine cries bit at her ears, even through the layers of gyprock. She thought it strange that there were two male whinnies. She was expecting one male and one female, as per those in the adjacent room.

What if...Brianne had suffered the same fate she did, only the opposite? The idea of not one but two muscular, dominant males only a room away sent her heart into a thudding flurry. Blood rushed to her nether regions, and her hand stroked her drooling pussy anew.

The pounding on the wall slowed, and the couples' outcries of climax abated. Eventually, all noise coming from Joey's bedroom ceased, yet the pace at which Nicole's fingers were moving quickened. Two equine digits plunged in and out of her love tunnel, palm sliding across her clit like she was polishing a sports car.

The hand massaging her breast pushed her tit towards her mouth. Her lips effortlessly took her nipple between them, a much easier task having a long muzzle. Her thick equine tongue kneaded the solid nub erected by earlier stimulation. As she sucked her new tits, moans of delight transitioned into her sensitive flesh as vibrations, compelling her to be louder.

Minutes rolled by while her equine form writhed on the carpeted floor, wriggling as singing sensations resonated through her body, growing to a crescendo. Then, finally, her body seized and shook in orgasmic bliss as she came.

Her mind flayed apart as her fingers took her to a new realm of euphoria, cramming themselves in and out of her fresh cunt with ferocity. Nicole cried out, unable to contain herself, almost as if calling for some person or entity to safely guide her through the turbulence of her first female climax. On it went, her hand taking her through a symphony of peaks and valleys as she went from one orgasm to the next.

When she couldn't bear it any longer, she slowed her fingers, letting herself gently slide back to reality, panting and puffing as the room seemed to reform around her. It felt serene now that the banging on the wall had ceased, as did her wails of pleasure. She stared at the ceiling light, which appeared like the sun through a blanket of clouds, the incense smoke reaching peak density.

The horse girl let her lungs fill with the smoky air, releasing it in one long, whimsical sigh. She was utterly at peace with the world and was one with herself. She could almost feel the grassy breeze from her daydream over her fine pelt. Nicole's nirvana would be short-lived, however. She was about to be thrust into a world of pure depravity.

A shuffling noise came from beyond the wall to Joey's room. Her ears twitched as Joey's door was suddenly wrenched open, slamming against the door stopper and causing a tremendous bang that shook the wall almost as severely as Joey's bed had.

She listened to the scuffling of arms and muted clopping of hooves on carpet. The sounds stormed closer to Nicole's door, finally stopping before it. The two appeared to be tussling with each other, and Nicole could only imagine their massive forms by the sounds they made. It excited her. She rolled her eyes as far back as she could, peering upside down at what little was visible of the door through the smoke.

A large hand jostled and cranked the door handle. Subsequently, the door blew open, violently casting even more of the lavender fog into the room. Nicole rolled onto her front, squinting her eyes to see what must be Joey and Brianne, her curiosity laying solely on what they had become.

Her head turned up to see their silhouettes appearing through the fog. Even cloaked by the haze, their bulky forms were imposing, blocking out the fuzzy light beyond in the hallway as they entered the room. Nicole pushed her still-quivering form off the floor, kneeling as they approached. Their male musk swelled inside her nose. It was clear to Nicole that Brianne was no longer male, at least not in any ordinary sense.

"Hello, little mare." Nicole heard Joey say. His voice was gravelly and deep. It squeezed an involuntary whimper from her throat, and she felt her nethers pulse with blood again. Brian's new voice followed Joey's.

"We smelled you from the other room. You smell even better in here."

"Bro! she does! She's primed for breeding." Joey replied excitedly. Nicole swallowed hard at the mention of 'breeding.' Without thinking, she rose a little from her kneeling position, which made Joey chuckle. The two males stepped closer, and Nicole could mostly make them out. Their muscles, their faces, their manes, their...members...Their...massive...members....

Nicole licked her lips, her eyes opening wider to the two titan males. Their musk was almost all she could smell. It made her breath shallow, her mane and tail bristle, and her pussy drool. Her mind was slipping into an ever more primordial state. The need to submit to these two mighty studs and accept their seed was overwriting all else in her mind.

Joey reached down and took her chin in his hands. She looked up into his eyes, eyes which pierced even the thick haze around them.

"You'll make an excellent breeder, won't cha, baby girl?" He asked, his voice suddenly smooth, despite how brutish it had become. Nicole gave a few sheepish nods of her head, then began to stand as she felt Joey's fingers coax her from her knees.

"I...I..." She began to say, struggling to find her voice. "I...will..." she said with as much confidence as she could muster in the presence of this equine Adonis. She stood now, leaning into Joey's giant hand as it caressed her long face. She closed her eyes and cooed, the stud's size and form generating fear and safety in unison.

"Yeah you will!" Brian blurted out, chortling. Stopping when a query came to mind. "So, which of us is taking this mare's V-card?" he asked.

"Both of us," Joey replied as if it were obvious. Nicole's eyes shot open, her body now pressed against Joey's chest and stomach, held securely in place by his broad arms.

"Both of us...." Brian let the words hang, pondering them. "You mean?-"

"One hundred percent, dude," Joey said, giving Brian a cocky smile that bordered arrogance. Brian saw his boyfriend's face and replied with his own brand of over-confident smile.

"So, which hole do I get first?" He asked enthusiastically. Joey looked down at the quivering mare in his arms and stroked a stray lock of her mane out of her face.

"Well, you wanted to top me before we sniffed her out. So why don't you do with her what you wanted to do with me?" Brian looked at Nicole in her brother's arms. He ground his teeth, imagining everything he and Joey would do to her. He could barely contain his hype.

"J-joey?" Nicole murmured from her brother's chest.

"Yeah, baby?" Joey tenderly asked her back.

"I..." She began, her finger trailing down his massive pecs. The boundaries between them as siblings had been lost somewhere when they changed. Perhaps it was the literal magic in the air? Maybe it was the bestial lust bubbling inside them? Whatever the case, their new selves cared little for human morals. All they cared for now was fornicating and breeding.

"I need you...." She paused once more to gaze over lustfully at Brian. "Both of you...inside me."

That's when she felt Joey's hands grip the back of her thighs.

"Alrighty then, baby girl. Let's give you what you want."

Nicole let out a short, surprised whinny as she was hoisted up by her legs. Naturally, she wrapped those legs around his waist so she could be as close to him as possible, his titanic cock wedged between her asscheeks. She looked up at him, and he down at her. A moment later, the two met at their lips.

They opened their mouths to accept the other. Nicole's tail swayed cheerfully behind her. That was until Brian appeared behind her. His hands traveled around her torso to her bountiful breasts and grabbed them with a roughness that made Nicole moan into Joey's mouth. Brian's giant member joined Joey's between Nicole's cheeks. He was just as stiff as Joey, eager to bury his flared tip and pulsating shaft deep in their new mare's ass.

Nicole broke the embrace between her and her brother. "T-take me, Joey, breed me like the good mare I am." Joey softly chuckled.

"And Brian too?" Joey asked, already knowing her answer. Nicole gazed up at the stud behind her, his unique musk mingling with Joey's in her nose as her nose got closer to his chest. Brian gazed down at her assuredly, also holding prescience of her answer.

"O-of course!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I want you both inside of me...deep...inside of me." Brian continued kneading her breasts with the perfect amount of pressure.

"Be careful what you wish for, mare." He replied. A string of precum leaped from his member, splattering on Nicole's back and tail. Nicole felt the sticky fluid, a sign of great things to come. She turned her head back around to face Joey with a lustful, almost deranged look. There was no longer any doubt in her mind.

"I know what I'm wishing for, brother. Now, are you two going to show me what a couple of 'bucking broncos' can do, or what?" Her words spat sultrily from her lips as she spoke, stabbing out at him with unbound carnality. The two studs flashed each other sly looks, and Brian nickered.

"Wish granted, baby girl," Joey grunted. He hoisted Nicole above his cock tip, positioning her soaking hole against the flared head. The heat radiating off it matched that of Nicole's pussy, creating a heat pocket between them. Their musks were all they could smell now, the ever-present scent of lavender fading into the background.

Relaxing his bulking arms, Joey let Nicole down onto his member, promptly skewering her on his pike-long cock. She was completely filled in an instant. A sharp, surprised whinny burst from her gaping maw. The sudden stretching of her delicate insides shot pain through her midsection. But the pain wouldn't last very long, for her new genitals were made for this. Besides, she asked for this...

Joey held her hips in place, then rocked his own back, pulling out of her, only to slam right back into her. Nicole cried a feminine yelp as Joey half-voided her, then filled her again. As Joey continued, moving into a third, fourth, then fifth thrust, each time with firm and steady movements, keeping her hips straight and level as he fucked her.

"You can get in on this now. I think you're good to go, bro." Joey told Brian through gritted teeth. Nicole let out a shrill, elating "Yes!" Although, if it was in acknowledgment that she was ready to have two cocks inside her, or it was just a simple, involuntary outcry from the pounding Joey was giving her, neither could tell.

"Fucking sick," Brian growled, huffing his hot breath into Nicole's ear. "I'm gonna tear your shit up so good." He whispered, his voice rough as a brick. Nicole let out a particularly whimpering moan, his words clearly having a weakening effect on her.

" it!" She cried, pleading, begging. She shook in Joey's grasp as her pussy was ravaged by him. Joey flexed his titanic arms and pulled her further off his cock, allowing Brian to stick his flared tip against her puckered doughnut. Nicole instinctively lifted her tail, and Brian felt it tickle his chiseled tummy.

"So eager," Brian added, whispering coarsely. He licked the nape of her neck before saying, "Let her down, bro." to Joey. Joey once again relaxed his hold of the mare, and she sunk down on his cock, her asshole barely resisting. It made a very audible *shlurp* as it gave way to the broad head of Brian's prick.

A deep and guttural groan forced its way from her throat. She sunk, inch by painfully pleasurable inch, down their shafts, coming to a stop when Joey's cock could go no further.

"Oh, my fucking...god!" Nicole screamed, her voice tattering from the strain under which she put her vocal cords.

In unison, the two males on either side of her thrust into her, in and out, again and again. Nicole let out a dissonantly ragged moan with each impalement on their cocks. Joey and Brian grunted, snorted, huffed, and nickered. The two studs felt their other's cock against theirs through the fleshy walls of Nicole's insides. Their twitching, throbbing cocks massaged one another along with every nerve ending in Nicole's holes.

Nicole's entire body clenched as her first orgasm crashed over her. Her holes squeezed around the members of her two lovers. She screamed, her scream bleeding into a shrill whinny as her eyes rolled back and her head forced itself against Brian's upper chest and shoulders.

Any regular human might have blown their load, having Nicole's ass or pussy constrict and massage one's cock the way it did. But Brian and Joey were the most alpha of equine studs, exemplary specimens of their species. Their stamina had improved five-fold since transforming. It would take a lot more than a mare's first spasms of orgasm to push them over the edge. For an indeterminable amount of time, she'd be suspended both in their arms and in her heightened existence of orgasmic bliss every second they slowly worked their way to climax.

"OH, Fuck!!!!" She cried as the two studs continued their ceaseless assault on her pelvis. She bounced up and down on their cocks like she was taming a stallion...or two...

Indeed, it was she that was being tamed...

"Bro, we're so good at this!" Brian boasted from behind Nicole.

"Dude, I know, right?! She's fuckin' cumming already!" Joey added, supporting his boyfriend's claim.

"I'm not even close yet," Brian mentioned.

"Me neither." Joey huffed. "She's in for quite the ride...."

The room was filled with huffs and grunts, moans, and cries as Joey and Brian continued fucking their mare. The ever-present wet slapping echoed off the walls, and Nicole's wailing cries as she'd cum repeatedly shook them.

The perception of time slipped away from the three as their threesome picked up the pace. Perhaps ten minutes passed? Perhaps an hour? None of them knew or cared. Nicole had lost count of the climaxes she'd had. Her vaginal secretions, mixed with Joey and Brian's precum, ran down the two stud's cock like juice squeezed from the ripest fruit, dripping off their pendulous balls onto the carpet.

With time, their stamina steadily eroded. Not even they could last with Nicole's constant contractions. Her holes, like velvet swaddling their rigid members, had become grasping sucks, yearning to milk Joey and Brian of every drop of seed they had inside them.

Again and again, Joey and Brian rammed their equine members inside Nicole, reaching closer and closer to a glorious orgasm. It wouldn't be long. Through the blitz of sensations frying her brain, Nicole could feel their cocks twitching in anticipation.

"Fuck, bro. I...I think I'm gonna bust!" Joey said with strained breath.

"Same, bro." Brian huffed. "I'm gonna fill her so bad!"

Nicole just let out another ragged cry as she came again. Her voice was weak and broken due to the immense and constant strain on her vocal cords. Shortly, she'd be pushing them to their limit, for mid-orgasm, the studs inside her finally erupted.

Joey's hooves stamped on the carpeted floor as he steadied his stance. Then, he came, and he came hard. Brian mimicked him, for his orgasm followed shortly after. Their balls lurched, their pricks pulsed, and the two studs let fly...

The first enormous fusillade of equine sperm was all that was necessary to fill the poor girl. The second surge saw white hot cum burst out around her two lovers' girth like the broken coupling of a pipe under extreme pressure. And still, there was so much more to come...

Nicole leaned forward, bracing herself against her brother and taking refuge in his muscular chest. She grasped his shoulders with as much energy as she could muster, trying to stop herself from being shaken into oblivion. The orgasm she felt starting to dip just moments ago renewed, recharging and peaking into a paramount of ecstasy.

The world around her faded, going as white as her two lovers' spunk. All three of their laps were densely glazed with Joey and Brian's essence. It was everywhere, coating the males' thighs, coating Nicole's crotch and insides, dribbling onto the floor in messy globules. A puddle was beginning to collect beneath the three, pooling around their hooves.

Joey craned his head back to unleash a powerful whinny. Brian, however, bent forward to clamp his equine teeth down on Nicole's neck. Luckily for her, her new muscles and hide could handle the pressure, and the girl, overloaded with sensations, barely felt it.

The three went on, fused as one in their ceaseless climax. They thought it might never end, that they would gush and spasm into and over one another forever. But this was not the case. As mighty and insatiable as the two studs were, their rapturous bliss eventually dulled, and their thrusts into the shared mare gentled.

"Holy shit..." Joey huffed. Slowly, he pulled Nicole up and off their cocks. Their flared tips popped as they released from the mare's holes. The second they were free, a torrent of thick, sticky, hot jizz flowed free from Nicole. It poured like a faucet from her two holes, like musty icing, decorating and glazing the stud's cocks and making an obscene mess on the floor. Nicole's tail looked like a mop that had already been spent trying to clean up such a mess.

Brian staggered back and let his haunches rest against Nicole's desk. Joey let Nicole's legs down, moving his hands up to her waist to support the girl as she'd likely have trouble standing after the ordeal she'd just been through. He was right; Nicole's knee's wobbled, and the mare fell into his manly embrace. She let out an exasperated sigh as her face nuzzled Joey's chest.

"F-fuck..." She whimpered. Joey looked down at her, sniffing a short chuckle.

"Have a good time, baby girl?" he asked.

"F-fuck...yes..." she weakly replied. Her fingers curled, running over her lover's taught muscles. With every second, Nicole felt herself ease into a warm comfort only a male like Joey could provide. Joey placed a grasping hand over Nicole's flank for extra support. The girl's cum-glazed legs were shaking, so he was worried she might collapse.

"You want to lay down?" Joey asked tenderly. He felt a sort of protectiveness of her. Perhaps It was because she was his sister now? Maybe it was due to their new status as lovers, despite their blood relation? A little of Both, most likely.

"Yes...please." The mare replied, her voice faint like she was close to passing out. Joey led her to her bed and guided her down. Nicole's round, sticky ass met the bedspread, then she lay. Through the dense haze, she gazed up at the two who had just ravished her. A satisfied smile crept across her face. She had been thoroughly bred and by her brother no less.

"Well, look at you, lover boy." Brian teased. "Got a soft spot for the equine ladies, eh? I never remember being treated like that when I was a woman."

Joey stepped up to Brian, who, in turn, stood up straight. As Joey approached, Brian saw his boyfriend's arrogant but charming smile through the fog.

"You weren't my sister," Joey said playfully, his face close to Brian's. "But if you'd like, I can still treat you like you're a lady." His hands wrapped around Brian's hips, and he squeezed his lover's ass. The two embraced in a long, sensual kiss before parting.

"I think I'd like a round with your sis's puss If you don't mind. She looks like she could go another round." As he spoke, his eyes were on Nicole, and the stud punctuated his sentence with a tiny nod in her direction. Joey looked over to see Nicole, watching them as they made out. One of her hands was between her legs, fingers plunging in and out of her oozing snatch.

It would appear that the studs weren't the only insatiable ones.

"You go for it, bro." Joey agreed. "I wanna see how her mouth feels."

The two males parted from each other and stepped to the bedside. They towered over her again, as they did when they entered the room. But, this time, they weren't nearly as menacing or intimidating. Nicole grinned as they stood over her, a deep lust in her eyes.

She knew _just_what she was in for.

"Alright, babe," Joey began. "Brian here wants to feel your amazing pussy wrapped around his cock. So get on all fours. I'll let you clean my prick off while he fucks you."

Joey had that same overconfident smile he had when he was still human. Back then, it made Nick cringe. But as Nicole, it made her squirm...

"Yes, sir," Nicole answered. She pulled her fingers from her snatch and brought them to her mouth, sucking the two studs' creampie off like icing from a cake, like she was sampling what she was about to greedily lick off her brother's member.

Joey gave her ass a few playful slaps as she rolled onto all fours. She giggled and looked back at them with a renewed and raging lust.

"Come get it, Brian." She nearly ordered. The mare's cum-caked tail swished clumsily over her rear as she presented to them, her hips swaying back and forth.

"Oh fuck yeah, bro." Brian cheered, scrambling to get on the bed behind the waiting mare. Joey chuckled and went to the other end of the bed, climbing on while Nicole watched his cock bob and sway with each movement. She licked her lips, taking in the sight of the musty glazing over his cock flesh.

"Hungry girl, are we?" Joey asked, bemused.

"Mhm. I can't wait to taste AAHH!-all t-that." She said, or at least tried to, crying out as Brian forced his meat stick inside her love tunnel. Brian's first thrust pushed her face into Joey's cock, and the collective cum of both studs smeared across her face.

The mare licked at the portion around her mouth and hummed with delight.

"Mmmm." She looked up at Joey with craven eyes, like a switch had been flicked on, supercharging her libido. "You taste so good, Joey. I can't wait to clean all this off your cock. My big...brothers...cock..." Her tongue snaked free of her maw and ran the length of Joey's shaft.

"Oh, fuck yeah, baby girl." Joey groaned, her words working his mind while her tongue worked his flesh.

Behind her, Brian was already pounding away at Nicole's pussy. One of his hands held her tail like a handle while the other gripped her hips. "Holy fuck!" He exclaimed. "Dude, I fucking love having a dick! It feels fucking amazing! She feels fucking amazing!" The stud panted as he picked up the pace. It was a miracle Nicole held her composure as she did, remaining steadfast, never breaking concentration on her oral task.

"You should feel her mouth." Joey puffed, groaning as Nicole opened wide and wrapped her lips around his tip. Then, in one fluid movement, Nicole swallowed every inch of Joey's meat. It bulged her throat, and tears pooled in her eyes. She took it all. Her throat expertly massaged his member, and it twitched in delight.

With that, another threesome began anew. Just another session in what would be a long night of horseplay. However, it wouldn't just be the three horsing around all night. Oh no. Far from it.

In the yard just behind Joey and Nick's yard, If you could even call such a small plot of grass and patio separated by a waist-high fence a yard, were the two siblings' neighbors, Spencer, and his wife, Veronica. They had company over for dinner that summer's night, a couple back in town whom they knew from their adolescent days.

Whether it was the smoke leaking from the cracked sliding glass door to the kitchen, the impenetrable fog that enveloped the interior of the two boy's house, or the strangely alluring scent of lavender, the family of three found themselves getting up from their lawn chairs, abandoning their drinks and food to check out the unusual happenings next door.

They had to make sure their neighbors were safe. They had to find out where those shill, horse sounds came from. But most importantly, they needed to get a noseful of that tantalizing lavender scent tickling their noses, making them feel so...good...aroused even.

None of them would admit the latter, not until it was too late. But by then, none of their concerns would matter.

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