The Next Day

Story by Taar on SoFurry

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#2 of A Beautiful Day

Everything was brighter and clearer the next morning on my way to the lake. The sun was a different color than I remember. And the fall leaves were so vibrant they hurt my eyes. I felt light. Like a weight had been lifted. And it had. I held my feelings in so long that I forgot what it was like not to act. I was finally free.

I got to the lake first. But that's not surprising at all, considering he is late to everything. So I set my sparing equipment, and basket of food down. And spread my blanket out in the grass. It was already hot, and the sun wasn't even at midday yet. So I pulled my shirt off and lie back to wait. I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes, the sun was directly overhead.

"Damon?" I couldn't see him. "Damon, you here?"

Then I heard movement in the water. I sat up to see Damons long lean spotted back slide into the water with almost no sound. He's slick like that. He is the only person that has ever been able to, almost, sneak up on me. He's like my other half. He is all stealth and speed. While I'm all strength and power. But I could always sneak up on him.

I pulled my shorts off so I was completely naked. I went off to the far left of the clearing and crawled into the murky water. As I push through the weeds and mud I look up to see him standing, with the water lapping at his naked thighs. He is completely naked except for a headband. Ridiculous. They way the water gleams on his spotted chest makes me want to rush him right now. But the sneak will be better. So I sit.

He finally wades back into the water like he belongs there. He has no idea I'm here. Thinks I'm still asleep. I watch for a few minutes. Then I slide out into the water and go under. Just as I reach him he turns around and I think he spots me. So I stop. Then his muscles relax and he lets his breath out.

All the muscles in my body snap and I come out of the water like a demon. My claws up and my mouth open in a roar. His scream turns into laughter as I chase him through the water onto the shore. He finally settles down, on the blanket I was lying on, and pants hard.

"I didn't want to wake you. I sat and watched you for a few minutes. You looked like a cub." He reached up and put his hand to my face. I leaned into it and purred. His hand moved from my face to my neck then to my shoulder.

I moved in quick. I pressed him down onto his back and kissed him hard. I felt him fall into the kiss like he trusted me wholeheartedly. As I ran my hands over his chest and stomach I could feel all the tight, long muscles. I slowly moved my hand down his stomach to his sheath. He was completely erect.

"Wait." he whispered. It was barely audible. "I've never..."

"Shh, it's alright. I'll try to be gentle."

"Oh, Gods..." he was breathing hard. And he thrust up into my hand like he needed it. "I've wanted you for so long, Taar."

I kissed and licked my way from nipple to nipple to navel until I was just breathing over his cock. I rested for a few moments, just teasing it with the fur on my chin and face.

"Please..." he was in agony now. Right where I wanted him. "Stop teasing meohh." I took all of him into my mouth at once, until my nose was buried deep in his pubic fur. I let my tongue work all the way around his shaft in my mouth. He tasted soft, slightly bitter or tart. And he was so hot; I could feel him throbbing on my tongue.

I worked up and down on his shaft for a few minutes. His legs were over my shoulders and I was rubbing his thighs and ass. Reaching up to occasionally caress his chest and stomach. He was bucking into my mouth and I could see he was about to climax. I stuck two fingers into his mouth and he sucked off the sweat and pre-cum. With the first finger I traced his entry with a little pressure. Then I pushed in to my first knuckle working the sides and pushing a little further in. Then just as he started to let out a muffled howl into his arm, I thrust both fingers in and pressed hard on his gland.

His cum was hot, and thick and there was a lot of it. It hit the back of my throat and my cheeks. I kept swallowing and sucking and thrusting my finger into him until he lay prone. As his thighs fell off my shoulders, I crawled up to eye level. He had tears in his eyes.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I was pretty forceful. Especially for his first time. He looked like a wounded angel.

"No, baby. I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting it to be so amazing." He chuckled in disbelief. "Now it's my turn."

He pushed me over onto my back. I rested my elbows into the blanket so I could watch him. He straddled my legs and immediately started working my cock in his hands.

"It's beautiful. And so big."

"Well, what can I say? I'm blessed."

"You're blessed? How do you think I feel?" He went down hard and fast until I could feel the back of his throat.

"Ohh. Wow." I could barely form the words. I had been with a few males before but nothing was this good. Maybe because I didn't care about them.

He sucked and bobbed and licked for a few minutes until I saw that he was hard again. So I reached down and grabbed his hips to swing him around over my face. He immediately started thrusting into my mouth while I pushed my fingers into him. He was moaning loud now and we were both ready to climax. Then he stood up and walked away. Towards the water. I followed.

He was standing waist deep next to some rocks where the waves splashed up and over. "Right here."

"Where we first met." I loved that he remembered that.

"I've wanted to make love to you right here since the first time I saw you." He leaned against the rock and lifted his tail above the water. "I went home and fantasized about you in the shower. That was just the first of many fantasies." He was looking at me over his shoulder. The water was splashing up over his back.

I slowly ran my hands over his back. I could feel his tail hole with the tip of my cock. The water would act as a natural lubricant. He reached back and started guiding me in. He was so tight at first it almost hurt. He made a small whimper.

"Alright?" I could barely talk.

"Fine. Keep going." Him too.

When I finally pushed all the way in he started to rock back and forth, like he couldn't wait any longer. I could see my shaft moving in and out of his tight pink hole. And I started thrusting in a counter rhythm so he took the full force every time he moved. We were moving faster now. I pulled his shoulders back so his back was to my chest. He looked up at me and I kissed him hard. By knees were bent and I was thrusting up into him. I reached around and started stroking him with my thrusts. He leaned forward again and grabbed my hand that was on his shaft and started stroking faster. So I thrust faster.

"I'm gonna cum." he whispered. Just as he said that he howled for the second time today, but it wasn't muffled this time. I could feel the hot ropes of cum run over my fur just as the waves washed them off. My climax was next and as I pulled out he turned around and squatted right in front of me and put my cock in his mouth while I continued to thrust. I gave one final pump and shot it into his throat. He swallowed and swallowed but just couldn't keep up. Some ran down his chin and I pulled out to shoot three jets onto his face and neck.

He licked the rest off my cock then licked his lips and smiled up at me. "I love you." as he stood up and kissed me. My taste still in his mouth.

"You're a mess." I whispered into his ear as I licked the rest of my spunk off his chest and neck.

"Then it's a good thing we're in the lake, huh?" with a clever grin.

"Clever boy."

"That's why you love me." he giggled as he went deeper into the water.

"I thought it was the tight tail and amazing body." I smiled.

"Gasp. You're wicked!"

"That's why you love me."