Jackob's Life Chapter 4-2: The Real First Time

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Here comes the real smut now, where Nick and Jackob really get intimate with each other and the shark allows himself to experience what sex can be like for girls.

Two days had passed since then and it became Friday, which meant that Nick's parents would come back home in two days. This didn't deter neither Nick nor Jackob from enjoying the time they still had left together though, especially the Thursday, were they had walked to the nearest cinema to watch Dead Christmas, which was, as the name suggests, a movie about a zombie attack during the christmas days. It was pretty fun though and Jackob had liked the idea, that the survivors had not only to look out for the zombies, but also needed to care of not freezing to death, thanks to heavy snow storm that had plagued the city during the attack.

Additionally to that, he had also come closer to the idea that Nick had been sleeping naked the last few days and when he had woken up the day after their conversation, he couldn't help himself but smile a little when he had felt the tip's of his friend's limp members touching the fin upon his tail. All in all, he had grown more open towards the idea of an other guy laying naked next to him and also had thought about doing it himself, now that they only had a few days left. But that wasn't the main thing that kept his teenage brain busy.

Although both of them had enjoyed plenty of distractions yesterday and the day before yesterday, Jackob kept on thinking about what Nick had said to him. There was something in his words that had been strange, something that looked a little off for his mind, but he couldn't really determine what it was. And when he finally made it out, it only raised some other questions, like what it would feel like to have some bi action and if he would actually enjoy it to become intimate with an other male. And contrary to his personality, Jackob had decided that he wanted push the boundaries of his luck to get those questions answered.

It was close to 22:30 pm and the room was covered in darkness, when Nick and Jackob where laying next to each other in their shared bed. Thanks to the cinema visit, their previous night had been rather short and Nick had asked if they should go to bed earlier to compensate for that. Jackob had agreed, but he didn't really feel like sleeping yet. A nervous feeling in his chest was keeping him awake, as the teenage shark pondered with himself if he really should go through with his plan or not, but in the end, he managed to command all the courage in his body and asked:" Nick, are you still awake?"." Mmmhmm.", was the mumbled, yet awake sounding answer from the other side of the bed, and so Jackob continued:" May I ask you something?"." Sure."." When we had talked on wednesday, you had told me that nobody is 100% homo- or heterosexual and that you think it would be a shame if my female parts were wasted. Does that mean that you... you know... have fantasized about me?".

There was a short moment of silence and the only thing Jackob could hear was how Nick was rolling around on his side of the bed. However, when he looked into his direction to check on him, he found the snake laying on his side and looking directly at him, before he answered:" When you're asking in such a direct manner, I actually have, yes. More than once. Why do you ask?"." Because I've been thinking about what you've said. That everyone is a bit bi and that it's not wrong to get aroused by a person of your own gender. And I... I would like to find out how it feels like to be more intimate with an other guy and if I would actually enjoy it. And I wanted to ask, if you would like to help me with that."." It would be my pleasure, if that's what you want."." Jackob just nodded in response and said:" Yes, I really would like. Although I have to admit, that I have no idea about how to start such a thing."." Well, the best way would be to start slowly. Just some cuddling first and exploring each other's body and after that, we can see how it unfolds."." Sounds good to me."." Ok.", Nick replied and began to push down his blanket off from his body, before he grabbed his friend's one and lifted it up, so that he was able to slither beneath it.

Jackob just watched all of this and shortly after Nick had crawled beneath his covers, he felt the warm, scaled arms of his reptilian friend wrapping around his torso, while their bodies were gently pressed against each other. And Jackob liked it a lot. With a loud murr, he returned the gesture and let his arms slip beneath each of Nick's armpits, before his webbed hands met each other on the other side of the snake's body." And, how doesss it feel?"." Pretty good.", Jackob answered Nick's question and tried to press himself a little more against his friend's body, while his aquatic snout was resting on the reptile's scaled neck.

" Nice to hear.", Nick replied with a smile and slowly began to move his hands down along Jackob's back, a feeling that made the shark slightly shiver as he felt the smooth scales of his companion brushing over his own, rougher skin. It was pretty intense for the herm, due to that nobody had ever touched him in this way yet and due to that every little bump on his hide was sending out small, electrical waves when Nick's scales brushed over them. This was especially true for his back fin, where Jackob let out a small gasp in response to the unknown, yet sensual touch as Nick moved his palm upwards along the front, solid part, before allowing it to glide downwards on the more flexible backside.

" You know Jackob, I always thought that you're looking beautiful.", Nick began to say while fondling his friend." Not necessarily in a sexual way, but ssimply how you are. That doesn't mean that you're not sexy as well. Especially that little performance you do in the shower every once in a while is really hot."." What performance?", Jackob asked back in a confused voice." The way how you're stretching your body, arms and tail to make sure that every part of you is covered with water. It looks really sexy and I'm not the only one who thinks that. A lot of the guys have to do their best to not a get hardon when you're doing it."." Oh my.", Jackob replied and felt how his cheeks were getting warm with blush as he imagined how hard it would be for him to not get aroused when shark girl would do the same for him." I'm sorry."." Don't be", Nick said and pressed the shark a bit more against his body." There's nothing wrong with a small tease every once in a while."." Hmmm, maybe your right.", Jackob replied and exhaled loudly from the pleasurable sensation, as Nick's hands kept on stroking his back along his spine.

Much like his friend, the herm shark also began to use his hands now and moved them in a circle like pattern along Nick's shoulder area. It were slow, careful and somewhat hesitant movements, but it was obviously enough to bring forth a pleasant hiss from the bone colored snake, something that made Jackob chuckle." What is it?", Nick asked when he heard Jackob's small laughter and the shark answered:" Nothing. I just think it sounds cute when you're hissing."." You mean like thissssssss?"." Hehe, yeah, exactly.", Jackob answered with a big smile and kept on rubbing his hands over his friend's hide, while he also enjoyed the gentle touch of Nick as his hands brushed over the bumps on his skin. And Jackob wanted to enjoy this to the fullest. With a gentle sigh, the shark closed his eyes and focussed on what he was feeling beneath his palms, while also letting out happy murrs from the sensual pleasure Nick was providing.

"Hmm, guess it's my time to confess something now.", Jackob said while letting out a pleasant sigh." I'm all earss"." I really like your scales Nick. They're surprisingly soft, yet feel pretty tough. And it's pretty fascinating how all of them are separated by these small furrows you have.", Jackob described while his fingers continued to circle along Nick's shoulders and explored every little nuance his reptilian skin had to offer." I'm glad that you like it.", Nick sizzled back and returned the favor by gently teasing the shark's skin with his fingernails, while they kept moving downwards, a gesture that brought forth an other gentle murr from Jackob." I like your's too. Although it's a bit rough, I expected that it would be a bit harder to fondle you."." Only if your rub your hands into the other direction.", Jackob murmured with still closed eyes, as he gave in to the pleasurable sensation Nick's paws were providing, the warmth of his friend's body against him and the sound of Nick resuming his gentle hissing, something that brought a smile on the shark's snout.

They continued like this for some time and the more time he spent in Nick's arms, the more brave Jackob became. It were only small steps, but with the time he allowed his hands to follow Nick's example and began to move them down the snake's body. Like before, he tried to take in every sensation he felt beneath his webbed palms as they brushed over Nick's diamond shaped skin and a happy smile formed on his snout, when Jackob noticed how his friend's body reacted to his touch. It wasn't much, but he could feel how the snake's muscles twitched below his skin in response to his touch and how they shivered every once in a while, together with a pleasant hiss coming from Nick's snout, when he only used his finger tips to treat his friend's body.

On the other side, Jackob wasn't able to hold back his own emotions as well and loud and tender purrs left his multi row toothed snout, as Nick's hands kept fondling their way down his back. Eventually they had reached the shark's pants, but instead of stopping there, he lifted his paws and wrapped them around the thick base of Jackob's tail and began to knead and massage the muscled appendage, something that made Jackob moan loudly in joy." Hehe, seems like somebody enjoys this.", Nick chuckled and watched curiously how the large tail fin gently swayed back and forth in sync with his spoiling hands. Jackob didn't respond to this, but, like a true gentleman, simply stayed silent and enjoyed the tender treatment of his mate, while his own hands kept exploring Nick's backside.

With all the mutual caressing they shared, their bodies being so close to each other and hearing their friend hissing and murring, it didn't take long until their bodies reacted in a way that appeared to be the most appropriate. Although it had taken longer than he had expected, Jackob could feel how blood began to flow into his penises and his female lips, while a warm, wet sensation began to develop inside his vagina. A soft moan left the shark's mouth and before he realized what he was doing, he rubbed his bulging crotch against Nick's nether regions, where he was greeted with a couple of equally half erect hemipenises pressing back against his own." Hihi, someone seems to be pretty eager.", Nick chuckled from Jackob's unexpected move and slowly began to grind his hardening dicks between those of his friend, making his sensitive flesh rub against the fabric of his boxers, while also letting out a moan from the sensation of both shark penises pulsing and hardening around his own.

" How does it feel for you?", Nick asked gently while he kept moving his hips back and forth.", Pretty good.", Jackob answered with a content sigh and released an other pleasurable groan, when each of his tips released a drop of pre that was quickly soaked into the fabric of his boxers. With the arousal building up in their bodies, it didn't take long until all four dicks were fully erect and throbbed to the beat of their corresponding hearts, while Jackob felt the warmth of his vagina spreading through his abdomen and how his inner walls became coated with more fluids. It seemed that his female side tried to get his attention, so that it could participate in the action, but unfortunately the shark didn't respond to it. He was happy enough with how at was at the moment and gently moaned against his friend's scaled neck, while he indulged in the sensation of Nick's cocks pressing and rubbing against his own during their underwear frotting.

The male serpent was feeling the same and happy hisses left his throat, as he felt Jackob's boxers dampening beneath his dicks, due to the strings of precum that began to flow out of each male's tips. Although this whole moment was pretty pleasurable, Nick wanted to amp up their game a little and with the positive reception of his friend in mind, he asked:" Would you like to take things a little further than?"." Mmhmm.", Jackob murred in response, which sent a small shiver down Nick's spine, due to that the side of the shark's muzzle was rubbing up and down along his neck in a nod to emphasise his answer." Alright then.", Nick replied and gently removed his arms from Jackob's twitching tail, before laying them on the upper part of his back, where his bra was located." But we gotta remove this first.". Feeling a small, yet pleasure tingling where the snake touched him, Jackob was able to trace Nick's movement, as his finger brushed over the surface of his bra to see if there was a clasp or anything similar holding it together. When he couldn't find anything though, he simply grabbed the lingerie on it's edge, before gently pulling it upwards. Jackob assisted a bit by breaking their snuggling for a moment and stretching his arms out, so that Nick didn't have to take any strange turns while pulling his bra along his shoulders and over the outstretched form of his muzzle. With his help, it only took a few moments until the snake had taken off the piece of clothe and placed it somewhere on the top of their pillows, where it wouldn't interfere.

" Now the other one.", Nick hissed and let his hands glide down along the side of Jackob's body, before they came in contact with the belt of his boxers. The herm could feel how his heart began to beat faster in a strange mix of nervousness and anticipation, as the scaled fingers grabbed the edge of his undergarments and began to pull them downwards. The first thing to get exposed were the backside of his upper legs and the base of his tail, before Nick shifted his attention to the front. Tugging on the waistband, he pulled it over the bulge of Jackob's throbbing lengths and rested it below his balls for the time being, before grabbing the sides again and pushing it down the rest. Jackob aided in this, too by folding his tail close to his body. Feeling how the straps of his undies rubbed over his ankles and over the tip of his upper tail fin, the shark felt a sensation akin to a soft breeze blowing against his backside, when he thought about that he was laying stark naked next to his friend. It felt pretty strange in the first few seconds, but at the same time relieving, too, like if all worries and fears had jumped off Jackob's shoulders. And judging by that even more blood rushed into his already rock hard cocks, it was highly arousing as well.

Together with his clothes, it also seemed that Jackob had stripped down some of his shyness, as a moment after Nick had discarded his pants, the herm shark hugged his friend again and boldly laid one of his hands on his buttock. Like before with his skin, Jackob took his time to explore the snake's rear and slowly moved his hand over the white colored scales, following the outline of this inviting mound, before giving it a gentle squeeze. This brought forth an other aroused hiss from Nick and Jackob couldn't help himself, but smile happily when he felt his mate's penises throb against his own, as they awarded him with some fresh drops of pre.

While one half of the translucent liquid fell down on the sheath, the other one landed on the shark's lower dick and created a wet and arousing sensation, as it flowed down the hard shaft." Hehe, seems like you enjoy this.", Jackob said while continuing to caress Nick's butt, whereupon the snake answered:" Jussst as much as you.". His own penises were getting their own share of Jackob's pre and it didn't take long, until the tips in the middle were coated by a small layer of their shared male juices." Hmm, maybe I can make it even more enjoyable for you then.", the herm said in a teasing voice and slowly allowed his hand to slip off Nick's butt, before it moved more inwards.

Jackob could feel how his friend shuddered below his hand, when the rough texture of his palm brushed over the left of the reptile's cock bases, luring out an other pleasurable moan from his snout and making him release more pre on Jackob's already slick phalli. But instead of grabbing it, like Nick had expected, he wandered even lower and shortly after, the shark's palms brushed against and and his fingers wrapped around the softer scaled outline of Nick's testicles.

" They feel pretty plump.", Jackob said in a slightly surprised voice as he literally had his friend by the balls and gently lifted them to measure their weight." Well, I wasn't able to empty them for a few days now.", Nick responded with a smile, while his own hand was making it's way downwards between their bodies." And I bet your pricks are also pretty eager to spill their load, given how wet this one is.", the snake said as he formed a fist around Jackob's left penis and gently squeezed the wet and dripping tip, before slowly moving his scaled hand down the throbbing length.

Jackob was only able to emit a loud and horny "Nnnngh!", as for the first time in his life, he felt someone else touching his member. And with such an exquisite skin, too. It was hard to describe, but due to the small gaps between Nick's scales, it felt like if a hundred of tiny hands would move along his shaft and massage it on their way down. Despite of it being already fully hard, an other wave of heat rushed through the herm's caressed dick and made it pulse with new vigor in Nick's hands. Encouraged by the sensual touch, both shark penises flared up with more desire and released multiple drops of their slick load into the sheath, respectively over Nick's own pulsing and wet shafts . And all Jackob could do was gasp and moan loudly from this newfound pleasure, while keeping his friend's balls in his hand. And before he knew it, it was already over again.

When reaching the end of his shaft, Nick's hand hadn't stopped it's downwards movement, but continued to brush over the loose hanging skin of his scrotum. At first Jackob thought that Nick would do the same as him and play with his balls, but instead he felt the scaled back of his friend's hand pressing against his male orbs and gently pushing them out of the way, before reaching further down between his legs." Do you mind if I go ahead?", Nick asked, while his scaled paw waited patiently in front of the herm's warm, female slit." No, it's fine. Just go slowly, ok?"." I will.", the snake assured and while Jackob knew that he could trust Nick, his heart still began to beat faster and his chest filled with a light pressure from the nervousness building within his body, as the scaled hand beneath his balls began to move again. Seconds felt like minutes and it didn't help that Jackob couldn't do anything, but wait while Nick's fingers moved along the short flat space between his testicles and femalehood. And then he could feel it. A strong shiver ran up the shark's spine and his vagina clenched itself together from the foreign touch, when two of the snake's five fingers gently rubbed over Jackob's female lips.

It was weird, really weird. Just like with his penis, the herm shark could feel each individual of Nick's scales moving against his sensitive skin and he noticed how his lips puffed up, as the 'thump' of his heartbeat seemed to concentrate on his nether regions. But despite of the clear readiness of his pussy and the lust bringing entanglement of his dicks with Nick's, Jackob didn't feel any pleasure. It wasn't bad and there definitively was a small tingling in his womanhood as the reptilian fingers moved further along his slit, until they slowly pulled back again.

But it wasn't anything special either and if anything, it reminded Jackob on the dull sensation he would have when touching his own skin . Of course Nick noticed the lack of joyful moans on the herm's behalf, but non the less stayed on his course. Slowly and gently, he kept on moving his finger up and down over Jackob's vagina, so that he was able to get used to the touch, while laying his free hand on his friend's neck and tenderly beginning to stroke it with his fingernails.

All of this happened without a word and Jackob allowed it to happen. With a loud sigh and closed eyes, he pressed his upper body against his reptilian buddy and tried to focus on the positive things he was experiencing right now. That he was able to hold Nick in his free arm, how their bodies rested tightly against each other and shared their warmth, how his friend's balls were slightly moving between his fingers while they kept pumping out more pre, how their penisses throbbed against each other while dripping more male juices on the shaft below them and how Nick's tender fingernails ran over the skin on his neck and managed to stimulate the right nerves, resulting in a content sounding purr. Slowly but gradually, Jackob could feel his tension diminishing, as a pleasant warmth began to develop in his neck were Nick was caressing him, before it began to spread through his body. His heart rate lowered to a normal level and Jackob could feel the wetness returning between his legs, when the muscles inside his vagina began to relax and his lips flared open under Nick's gentle rubs.

With his body giving him access now, Jackob felt how Nick applied a bit more pressure against his femslit, before letting out a pleasured gasp as the uneven surface of his skin rubbed against the sensitive insides of his lips. It felt similar to the sensation of his penises getting stimulated, but at the same time it was much more intensive, like if he hadn't jerked himself off for a week. Jackob wasn't sur,e if this was just because this was all new to him or if it was a general feature of his vagina. But he knew that he liked it and small, but horny moans left his mouth as Nick continued his stimulation. Like before, they took their time with it and both boys could feel how Nick's fingers became slick with Jackob's fluids as he got more into this, while their twin shafts stood pridely apart from their bodies and displayed their male glory, with Nick's getting even more encouraged by Jackob's fondling hands on their corresponding orbs.

" I'm going in now.", Nick hissed into Jackob's earhole to warn the shark, who in return nodded with his head. Despite of being aware of it, he couldn't stop himself from inhaling deeply when Nick angled his fingers and pressed them between the herm's waiting lips." Oh fuck Nick, that's... Nnngyaahh", Jackob attempted to speak, before a loud and lustful moan interrupted his sentence as Nick's fingers dug themselves deeper into his cleft and rubbed over the sensitive flesh within with their scaly surface. Feeling how his tight, virgin hole was getting stretched for the very first time, Jackob was only able to groan and snarl as rising waves of lust assaulted his body, causing him to clamp his free arm around Nick's body, while dampening his fingers with his female juice.

" It's.... Gyyaarghh... it's too much! Stop stop stop!", Jackob suddenly shouted as his entire body felt like it was struck by a lightning. He didn't exactly know what happened, if Nick had been too fast or if he just had touched an extra sensitive spot, but from one second to the other, Jackob's body had been flooded with a tsunami of arousal. It came so strong and unexpected, that it caused a cold shiver up the shark's spine and sent his brain into overdrive, which in return brought his heart rate up to 180 and strained all of his muscles from the sudden shock.

" Oh shit Jackob, are you ok?", Nick asked in a terrified voice when he felt his friend's body spasm against his own and out of reflex he pulled his fingers out of his pussy. Unfortunately, this made Jackob emit an other sharp gasp, as the movement of the snake's fingers along his clenched lips only added to the strange electric sensation that was filling his body. With the source of it being gone though, the beige shark could feel how his muscles began to relax again ,after a few more seconds of being clamped against Nick's body, and how the electric tingling of his nerves was replaced by a strong warmth. It wasn't uncomfortable, but rather felt like if Jackob was taking a warm shower and it helped his brain to calm down, before his muscles loosened and his heart beat normalised again.

." Hagh...hagh... haaaagh.", the herm panted as he sucked in huge volumes of air to compensate for the current lack of O² in his bloodstream, before he heard Nick asking:" Jackob? Are you alright?"." Yes... I'm fine.", the shark answered with one final breath in between, before it returned to it's normal level." It was just a sensory overload, I think. Probably because you're the first one ever touching me down there."." You mean, you're still a virgin in this regard? You never even did it yourself?", Nick asked back with a bit of surprise in his voice, which Jackob answered with a shake of his head." No, I didn't. I mean, I know what a female orgasm is like and I was thinking about fingering myself more often lately, but I could never bring myself to do it."." I see. I guess with you feeling like this, and given your reaction, you don't want to continue with this."." I actually want."." Really?"." Yeah", Jackob answered Nick's surprised counter question." It may sound strange hearing that from me, but I actually want to know what it feels like to reach my orgasm in this way.".

A gentle smile had developed on Jackob's snout while he was saying this and slowly the beige shark moved his hand up from Nick's testicles and over the throbbing bases of his cocks, before he wrapped his fingers around one of the snake's penises and slowly began to rub it back into it's fully erect state." Hsssss, guess I can't argue with that.", Nick hissed pleasantly as the arousal returned to his body and he began to move his wet hand, which had been laying on Jackob's hips, back down to the shark's nether regions. Feeling it brush along his sheaths and dipping down beneath his balls, the herm let out a pleasant moan as the scaled fingers slipped back into his pussy and began to massage it's inner walls. In the same vein as his female parts began to lube themselves to give Nick easier movement, his cocks also rose up to their full lengths again and Jackob let out a pleasant murr, when the tip of his left one poked against one of Nick's throbbing shafts.

It didn't take long until both teens were back into their previous, fully aroused state and filled the room with their pleasured moans as their cocks began to share their pre with each other again, while Jackob's pussy gave off more of it's female juice to lube Nick's welcome fingers. After the initial shock, his female side had become more receptive towards the stimulation and the shark groaned happily to the sensation of his friend's digits moving in and out of his vagina, while it throbbed and contracted around them to give Jackob this awesome, lust inducing experience when they pushed his sensitive walls apart. His nipples spoke a similar tune and were fully erect as they rested against Nick's chest, as the herm kept stroking his friend's penis and helped to spread it's flowing pre all over the pulsing shaft. His own ones added to the overall messed and kept staining the serpent's throbbing lengths with their liquid joy, while they pulsed along their equally hard friends.

With all of their juices flowing, it was only a matter of time until their combined scent reached their noses and while Jackob couldn't deny that the smell of his friend's pre was a real turn on, Nick seemed to be especially susceptible towards it. His moans grew louder and more intensive as his tongue dipped into the lust heavy cocktail in the air and he began to thrust his hips forward, counterthrusting his cocks against Jackob's stroking motion, while also grinding them against the shark's own hard rods. Letting out a long and lustful hiss, Nick pushed his fingers all the way into Jackob's folds, making the herm gasp loudly from the unexpected pleasure as his friend's scaled knuckles pressed against his wet lips and spread them further apart. His cocks also throbbed heavily between the shark's fingers and released multiple heavy drops of pre on his friend's already wet shafts, as Nick arched his back and snarled open muzzled to the image in his mind of sinking his hard lengths into Jackob's willing pussy.

He didn't know if it was the heat of the moment, or because it was the first time for Jackob's pussy getting stimulated, but there was something in his friend's scent that screamed " Take me!". And oh, how Nick would love to do that right now." Nick, are you ok?", Jackob asked in response to the snake's snarl, which brought him back from his lustful haze for a moment." Yeah, I am. It's jussst... How far do you actually want to go with this? Becausse, if I'm honest, I want nothing more than to fuck you right now."." Oh, ok?", Jackob replied, although it sounded more pleasently surprised than irritated. A kinky grin began to form on his snout and Jackob pulled his head back from Nick's neck, before booping it against his friend's muzzle while taking his paw off from the snake's member." Then why don't you find out, my dear snake?", the beige shark said in the best teasing voice he could manage to imitate and grabbed the blanket, that they were still covered by, before lifting it up and throwing it off the bed, exposing his naked body to his friend.

With a big, lust filled grin, Jackob grabbed Nick's arm and gently used it to pull the snake's fingers out of his pussy, which was accompanied by a hot growl from the shark, before he laid down on his backside and spread his legs apart, presenting his hermaphrodite body to his friend, who was already examining him with lust filled eyes." Come on, go ahead. It's all yours to take.", Jackob encouraged Nick and moved his hand down the visible sight of his body to emphasize his words. Not that Nick would have needed any encouragement though. His cocks were standing rock hard from his body and dribbled their pre into the sheath in an almost constant stream, while his eyes wandered over Jackob's firm tits and his own hardons, which laid pulsing on his belly and just waited for him. Darting his tongue out to take an other sip from the pheromone cocktail lingering in the air, Nick couldn't help but literally threw himself on his friend. He needed his body and he needed it now.

But instead of going straight for the pussy, Nick's snout was aiming for Jackob's neck. Opening it widely and releasing a few cm of his fangs, the snake's jaws wrapped themselves around the rough flesh and with some pleasent moans, he began to nibble on his partner's neck." Hrrrmm, that feels good.", Jackob murred and instinctively gave the air a single hump from the pleasure Nick's pointy teeth created on his skin, as the serpent imitaded some chewing motions.

Following the line of Jackob's neck, Nick gave his friend's gills a quick lick with his forked tongue, before he worked his way further down. Upon reaching his shoulders, the snake switched from the licking and nimbling to a more kissing motion and spoiled the beige shark skin with his scaled lips. Jackob on the other hand had closed his eyes and murred pleasantly from all the warm and tingling sensations Nick's lips gave him when they tenderly pressed against his skin, allowing him to track his friend's movement down along his body. Their moans and hisses filled the room and were only interrupted by a loud, lustful gasp as Nick's maw wrapped itself around one of Jackob's breasts and caressed the engorged nipple with his tongue.

" Oh, oh wow.", Jackob huffed between his breaths and felt his pussy pressing out some of it's female juices over the surrounding scales, as Nick's forked tip lapped at his female lust center, filling his chest with an arousing tingling and enciting lustful groans from the herm. He even humped his hips into the air and let out a lustful gasp, as the flexible appendage coiled itself around his nipple and gave it a few good squeezes, making Jackob's pussy flare up even more and causing his cocks to press out some heavy globs of pre from the sexual desire in his body. Unfortunately this awesome sensation didn't last for long and as quick as Nick has started his nipple play, he also finished it and unwrapped his tongue from the dark brown, sensitive spot on the herms breast.

Leaving behind a small trail of saliva, the snake licked and kissed his way away from his friend's female mounds and down over his rising and falling belly, before he bumped into his wet cocks. Feeling the warm glanses against his muzzle, Nick stopped his journey for a moment to appreciate the sensation of Jackob's dicks throbbing against his scales and how they moistoned his otherwise dry skin with their sticky pre. Feeling how it flowed down the outline of his lower jaw and collected at his chin to form a small drop, Nick hissed pleasantly and opened his mouth to lick up the sweet tasting juices. He had always enjoyed the taste of precum and thought that this was probably one of the reasons why he preferred boys over girls. Or it was just a side effect of being male oriented, he didn't know, or cared for that regard. The fact was, that he liked it and with him being so close to the source now, it wouldn't hurt if he would take a short drink, even if Jackob's pussy was still demanding him to finally come down and fill it with his aching cocks.

Letting out an other lustful snarl, Nick lifted his head off from Jackob's body and spread his mouth wide open, before he dipped his muzzle over the shark's pulsing length. He wasn't even gentle about this, but directly took half of the erect penis into his snout and rubbed his tongue over the engorged glans to taste and smell Jackob's plentiful flowing pre. The herm shark on the other hand couldn't help himself, but suck in a good chunk of air while letting out a loud and lustful "Gnnaargh!", when one of his cocks was suddenly engufled by this warm, wet and tight muzzle. Reading a lot of porn stories, Jackob had expected that a blowjob would feel nice, but he hadn't anticipated for it to be that good. Loud, horny groans left his throat and the shark could feel how his balls contracted to keep Nick's tongue covered with their sweet tasting content as a reward for the warm and arousing tingling he was creating.

And being a good boy, Nick couldn't turn down such an offer. Getting incentivized by the reaction of his friend's body, the reptile lowered his head even more and listened with a joyful smile how Jackob's "Hagh... haaaagh!"s turned louder with each cm of his cock disappearing into his willing maw. And Nick would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy it as well. Tasting and smelling that scent only a penis could create made his blood boil and caused his own cocks to surge up and drip their pre on the red bed sheet, as they demanded the same treatment Nick was giving." Don't be jealous boys.", he thought with a mental snicker, while gliding down the last few cm of Jackob's dick." Your time will come.".

An audible gulp filled the room, which was quickly followed by an other sharp, horny gasp from the shark, as Nick's lips tucked in against the base of the shaft, allowing Jackob to experience the wet tightness of his throat. And god how he loved it. Loud, horny growls left the shark's snout and his toes clenched and unclenched from the overwhelming arousal of his tip being buried deep inside his friends neck, with Nick continuing to suckle on his cock and swallow his male juices. What made this situation even better and worse at the same time was, that the contraction of Nick's muscles during his gulps gently squeezed Jackob's sensitive and aching glans. On the good side, this increased the arousal of the herm shark and made him moan louder and release more pre and pussy juices. On the bad side, it made him crave to go deeper and even as Jackob tried to thrust his hips upwards in an attempt to squeeze those sweet last few cm of his dick laying behind Nick's lips into his tight neck, he found himself unable to. He simply had hit the physical limit of what Nick was able to swallow, which in return only made him crave it even more, causing his cock to throb heavily between the tight grip of his friend's gums and splatter them with even more sweet pre.

Given the great emotions this blowjob was giving him, Jackob groaned in sexual disappointment when he felt how Nick pulled his muzzle back not even after a minute, causing his hard shaft to slap against his belly with a wet sound, where his friend's saliva mixed with the puddle of pre his other cock had spilled out during this whole ordeal. Of course Nick didn't want the poor guy to feel left out and so he wrapped his index finger and thumb around the throbbing base and brought it into an upright position, before wrapping his lips around the seeping tip and moving his head downwards. Unfortunately for Jackob he only did so slowly, agonizingly slowly.

At every second only a few cm of his second dick sank into the snake's hungry mouth, which made the inexperienced shark moan impatiently and dug his fingers into the sheath. He could already feel that awesome, arousing tingling at his glans again and started fantasizing about, how he would simply grab Nick's head and push it all over his length, so that it was completely enveloped by this hot sensation." Oh come on... take it all in already.", Jackob groaned with a hint of frustration in his tone, but Nick only grinned from the desperate plea of his friend and made his cock sway left and right, when he shook his head in denial. Quite the opposite, he now coiled his tongue around the throbbing meat and gave it some good squeezes, which evoked more horny rasps from the herm shark as some kind of punishment for the sassy demand.

Finally, after multiple painful minutes from Jackob's perspective, Nick's muzzle had reached the base of his shaft and treated himself a few more gulps of that tasteful male juices, before pulling back again seconds after in a single, long swoop." Haagh. Remind me that I'm giving you a proper blowjob, after we're finished with this."." You can count on that.", Jackob replied as he watched how Nick rested his arms left and right next to his hips, while moving his lower body around until it was positioned between the shark's spread legs.

Gently siting down on his friend's tail, Nick felt how his lust came back as he darted his tongue out once again to see if Jackob was still as ready as previously. And judging by the sweet aroma that invaded his brain and made him pant in desire, he definitively was. With his cocks being rock hard and seeping his pre over their throbbing shafts and heavy balls, from where it dripped down on the shark's tail and parts of his hole, Nick lowered his hips and stretched his upper body to bring himself in position, while Jackob watched him with deep, lustful, although somewhat nervous eyes.

With all the pheromones in the air and feeling the welcoming warmth and wetness of Jackob's vagina against his cock tips, Nick was more than ready to thrust his hips forward, but something was holding him back. Despite the lustful haze in his mind and the instinct to mate dominating his thoughts, the rational part of his brain was still active and urged him to ask:" Are you really sure that you want that Jackob?"." Yes, I am.", the shark answered. Although he couldn't deny that he was still a bit nervous about this, most of his worries were flushed away by the boiling heat that had developed in his abdomen, as his pussy lips flared open and winked against their male counterparts to lure them in. He wanted it. Even if his brain would snap out of it now and tell him to stop, Jackob was sure that his instincts and lust would overshadow it's resistance. He wanted to feel those cocks inside him. He wanted to feel what it is like to be a girl and so he half said, half whispered:" Show me what you got, cowboy.". Nick didn't need to be asked twice and a large grin appeared on his face when he said" I will.", before he lifted his hips and strained the muscles in his flanks.

But just as he was about to push forward, his brain called back with a metaphoric "Ding ding ding!" and Nick let out an" Aww, crap.", when he remembered what it wanted from him." What's wrong?" Jackob asked when he noticed that Nick had stopped." Nothing. I just forgot something. Just wait a second, ok?"." Ok.", Jackob replied with a slightly perplexed tone in his voice. Watching how Nick pulled himself off from his body and climbed off the bed, the large fish followed his friend's movements, as he was walking towards a small dresser standing close to the head sice of his bed. Jackob could see how he was opening the first drawer and pulled something small out, but due to Nick's stance he couldn't see what it was.

He only was able to recognize how his friend was fumbling around with his arms and the sound of cardboard rubbing against cardboard reached his earholes, before it was replaced by two consecutive 'ritsch's, the typical opening sound of plastic. After a few more seconds of fumbling, Nick finally turned around and crawled back into his." So, here we go.", he said after he had returned to their missionary position and a little smile formed on Jackob's snout, when the snakes cocks pressed against his slit again, feeling how they were covered by a thin, stretchable layer of rubber." We don't want you to brood snake eggs after all."." Ah you.", Jackob replied with a grin. Although it may sounded a bit like 'typical Nick', he thought that it was actually cute that he remembered it.

" Alright then, let's do this.", the snake proclaimed and raised his hips again. There had already been enough foreplay. Now it was time for the real game. And with that thought in mind, he thrusted his hips forwards and pressed his needy shafts against Jackob's femslit, before they slipped past his open lips and entered his wet and waiting folds." Gyaaaa... haaaagh.... haaagh!", were the only noises Jackob could make and he dug his fingers back into sheath, when he got overwhelmed by the giant wave of lust flushing through his body, as he felt his pussy lips getting stretched apart and his virgin flesh being pressed against the sides of his fleshy canal. It had happened so fast that Jackob didn't had the chance to take in all the details of it and basically from one second to the other, he found himself with Nick's throbbing cock tips inside his body. And it felt fucking hot.

Despite of the condoms protecting them, Jackob could feel their heat radiating through his system and how they slightly throbbed every few seconds to press their clear, translucent nectar into the hollow that was supposed to store Nick's cum later, while the snake pressed them deeper into the shark's waiting folds. Both, horny growls and aroused snarls filled the room and Jackob couldn't help himself, but wriggle beneath his friend from all the pleasure that was rushing through his loins as his tight, virgin walls got spread apart by those rock hard shafts. Nick felt similar and hot moans left his throat from the arousing sensation of his dicks sinking deeper into this wet and welcoming warm cave." God, you're so tight.", the snake hissed loudly as his turgid glanses dug their way deeper and deeper, while the rest of his shafts got squeezed together by Jackob's pulsing walls as they instinctively tried to close the gap he was creating.

Jackob on the other hand didn't reply to Nick's statement, but simply groaned and moaned beneath his friend as more and more of his pussy got pried open, while his own cocks laid bolt upright on his belly and made a mess on his skin with all their pre. It wasn't even only the fact that Nick's shafts forced his pussy walls apart that made the shark's blood boiling, but also how they throbbed and pulsed against his sensitive walls and created constant waves of pleasure rushing through his loins in this way. All in all, it didn't take long until Nick's cocks were fully buried inside Jackob's femslit and a mild shiver ran up along both boy's spines, when the snake's scaled crotch pressed against Jackob's wet lips from outside.

" And, how does it feel?", Nick asked Jackob with a kinky grin on his snout, as his face hovered over the shark's tapered muzzle. Despite of the darkness in the room, he could see the lustful traits in Jackob's facial expression and couldn't help himself, but give him a small, quick hump, something that made Jackob gasp from the unknown sensation as Nick's cocks rubbed up and down along his throbbing walls and bumped into the tight space, which still remained in front of his cervix. Although he was sure that he was still able to stop if Jackob would feel uneasy about this, he also couldn't deny that he enjoyed the sight of the shark panting beneath him, which in return made his cocks stir up even more inside his partner's pussy.

Luckily it seemed that he didn't need to worry about this, as after experiencing this first small thrust, a similar horny grin appeared on Jackob's snout and he answered:" Pretty good.". Although it wasn't much, the small hump Nick had given him had caused his pussy to create more of it's juices so that the snake would have easier access, while more blood had rushed into his lips, showing off the herm's arousal with a dark red hue, which was in stark contrast with the otherwise light colored skin surrounding it, if there would have been any light.

"Oh, and Nick...", Nick heard Jackob saying, but before he could react, the rough textured, webbed hands of the shark grabbed him by his cheeks and pulled his muzzle down towards his friend's. Without any words, Jackob opened his jaw and gave the snake a good view on his double row of sharp, pointed teeth, before he pressed the upper half against the base of Nick's muzzle. Leaving small scratching marks on his scales, Jackob dragged his teeth over the entire length of the snake's snout, feeling how he slightly shivered under this unexpected act of dominance, before pulling away again after he had reached Nick's nose." Don't think you're the one in charge here. Just because I'm submissive right now, doesn't mean that I'm helpless."." Hehe, alright.", Nick answered, while he added in his head:" Seems like Jackob had grown some teeth.".

With the power relations being brought back down to an equal level , Jackob let go of Nick's head and laid down on the bed again" And now show me what is like to be a girl."." My pleasure.", Nick replied with the same horny grin Jackob was sprouting and both guys let out a soft murr, respectively a hiss, when Nick's cocks rubbed along Jackob's throbbing walls as he pulled a quarter of them out, before slamming them back in.

" Oh f-f-fuck!", Jackob screamed out from the waves of pleasure that assaulted his body, as Nick began to drive his dicks in and out of his pussy. With each push of his flanks, they filled the room with their horny moans and hisses, as their crotches clashed against each other and moistened the snake's pubic scales with Jackob's female juices. At the same time, the herm's walls closed themselves around Nick's intruding dicks every time he shoved them back in, due to the fact that they still tried to fill the gaps between them in order to restore their former, virgin condition. This in return only stirred up Nick's lust, as it gave him a nicely tight space to push in and he snarled loudly with open muzzled lust to the sweet pressure Jackob's enclosing flesh created against his drooling glanses, when they made their way into his pussy once more. With all the female walls throbbing and pressing against his dicks, Nick let out an other pleasant snarl, as his shafts were tightly squeezed against each other from the constant contraction of his friend's female walls, which made Nick feel like he would be frotting his own cocks.

With the time, and some more thrusts from Nick's part, Jackob's vagina seemed to give up on it's attempt to return to its original state and the shark noticed, how the pressure of his friend's tips pushing apart his tight flesh became gradually weaker, until it almost disappeared completely when his pussy accept it's fate and began to embrace the male organs instead. Although this unfortunately also removed the hot, lust inducing bursts of Nick's cocks forcing their way in, it didn't mean that it was less pleasurable for both of them. Jackob was still moaning beneath the snake's rocking body, as his vaginal muscles now clamped tight around the snake's dicks and massaged them with rhythmic contractions, while his lips also wrapped themselves around the bases of the pulsing shafts to give them as much pleasure as possible. Given Nick's sensual hissing moan, he appreciated Jackob's actions and if it weren't for the condoms, he would have rewarded him with some hefty glops of pre, which were now pressed against his cocktips and created some foam as he kept thrusting them in again and again.

Jackob's dicks on the other hand were free of such restrictions and happily spilled their pre over the shark's already stained belly, while they bobbed up and down with the boy's rocking bodies. Every once in a while, when Nick put a bit more force into his thrusts, they even slapped against the snake's abdomen and left a wet patch of sticky shark pre on his otherwise dry scales, which made both of them groan loudly. Jackob, from the arousing sensation of his dicks slamming into a solid surface and Nick, from the scent of his friend's pre, which mixed with the aroma of his pussy that already hung thick in the air. This mix of male and female scent only fueled Nick's primal desire to breed, with thoughts of Jackob screaming and squirming below his body appearing in his mind, while he would plant his hefty load inside the herms waiting womb. At least this was what his instincts were telling him to aim for, as he kept pushing his pulsing cocks into Jackob's trembling pussy, which was still massaging him with its warm walls and the tightness it created for him.

Jackob was in a similar state of mind and while he consciously may not have been thinking about this, the primal part of his brain tried to milk the male inside of him for what it was worth. Just like Nick, he wanted to have these highly desired sperm cells to be secured in his womb, where they would fertilize one of his egg cells and ensure the survival of his species. With these thoughts in their brains and the mutual pressure inside their balls, which were holding on their loads for days now and craved for release, it was no surprise that both friends wanted to amp up their game to achieve this sweet climax they both desired. With a loud, hissing moan Nick began to put more focus into his thrusts and pulled more of his dicks out of Jackob's slick pussy, before slamming them back in with more force. The snake moaned with open muzzled lust as his leaking tips slammed against the still sealed part of his friend's vagina, sending waves of pleasure through his body from the impact of his swollen and sensitive glanses pressing against the tight barrier of flesh, which refused his attempts of breaking in any further.

Jackob also couldn't hold back a sharp and horny gasp as Nick began to plow his quivering cunt with much more powerful thrusts, making the unexperienced shark scream" Oh f-f-fuck.... Nick!", as his brain was overflooded with sexual desire." Yes, my dear?", Nick asked back with a somewhat smug grin on his face upon hearing his friend screaming his name, while he kept plunging his surging cock's deep inside Jackob's willing folds." Don't... don't stop ok?! I... I want to... haaargh.", Jackob attempted to say, but was cut short as one of Nick's swollen heads rubbed against an especially sensitive spot inside his pussy, that made his whole body tremble from the sudden rush of lust.

" Don't worry, I will.", Nick replied to Jackob's unspoken request, before he suddenly stopped with his thrusting motions. Bending in his elbows, Nick gently lowered himself on his friend and allowed both of his arms to slip below Jackob's armpit, while the other one brushed along his neck and rested between his shoulder blades, so that Nick was able to take the shark into a friendly, yet determined hug." Just relax.", the snake began to hiss into Jackob's ear hole in a strangely alluring melody, while his pulsing shafts rested inside his friend's throbbing snatch and waited for their next action." Just give in to your desiresss. Let your inssstincts lead your way and enjoy the ressst of the ride."." I will.", Jackob answered." Hehe...", Nick responded with a chuckle and opened his mouth a little to give Jackob a slow, tender lick along his neck and the furrows of his gills, before he pulled his forked tongue back." Good. Then letsss finish thiss.", the snake hissed lustfully and lifted his hips again to pull a quarter of his wet cocks out, before slamming them back in.

Jackob gasped loudly as Nick resumed to fuck him and he instinctively wrapped his arms around his friend as well and pressed him tight against his body, while the lust bringing heat in his abdoman stirred back to life. Just like Nick had suggested, he gave himself in to the pleasurable sensation that his throbbing walls and Nick's penises created, as they were repeatedly rubbing against his sensitive spots and allowed his body take control over his actions, while his conscious mind was slowly washed away by the ongoing waves lust and the sensual tunes Nick was hissing into his ears. And Jackob's instincts were more than willing to take it's place.

With a horny moan, the herm shark angled his legs and wrapped them around Nick's thighs, which purposefully limited the movement of the snake and forced him to take his friend with short, but powerful thrusts, while Jackob's female lips snatched themselves tight against the entering cocks in attempt to increase the pressure against their bases and encourage their nearby balls to release their load. The insides of Jackob's vagina did a similar thing and his muscles began to contract in a pattern that tried to imitate a handjob, by giving Nick's swollen and aching glanses and the lower part of his shafts a good squeeze first, before they relaxed again and increased the pressure against the middle part of the throbbing rods.

Nick hissed and gasped from the sudden commitment Jackob's body displayed as it tried its best to milk out his cum, but he was also more than willing to give it what it wanted. Despite the restriction of Jackob's legs, he put as much power as he was able to get into his thrusts, making both guys moan out their lust as they indulged in the last moments of their coupling. Due to their abstinence in the last few days, they were already pretty pent up and both of them were heavily panting with their warm breath brushing over the other one's neck, while the wet sound of Nick's cocks breaking their way into Jackob's tight, wet and massaging cunt filled the room.

Although he was only half aware of what was happening, Jackob's groans and moans grew louder as he felt that he couldn't hold out much longer anymore. The sound of Nick's horny panting in his ear, the warmth of his naked body radiating against his own, the lust bringing heat in his squirming folds and the uneven texture of Nick's belly scales, which were rubbing against Jackob's cocks and balls, thanks to their new position, it was all too much for the shark and with a trembling voice he said:" N-nick, I... I can't hold it anymore... I... I'm going to cum."." Then don't hold... hssss... back.", Nick answered between his lustful pants, as he also felt his balls getting tighter and the pressure at the base of his cocks increasing." Let it all out.".

Jackob didn't reply anymore, but simply focussed on the pleasure that was washing over his body, while Nick pressed his knees against Jackob's, signalising him to open his embrace, before he brought himself into an upright position. Grabbing his friend tightly by the waist, Nick continued with slamming his engorged cocks into the moaning and writhing shark, while he watched him with lust filled eyes. He wanted to see it. He wanted see how Jackob would shoot out his load and cover his belly and tits with his potent cum. And judging by his friend's moans, it seemed that he didn't have to wait long. Although Jackob wanted to savor this moment as long as he could, he knew that he couldn't hold it back anymore. His breath was rapid and his moans turned from a hot" Haagh... aaagh..." to a loud, lust filled" Aaangh.... Haaaahhh... Nghaaagh!", as his damn broke loose and the sweet sensation of climax engulfed his body.

From one second to the other, the herm shark felt how his balls clenched tightly together and churned heavily inside their sack, as they pumped their loads into the pair of twitching shark cocks, before their slits opened and spit out his cum in heavy ropes. Jackob sighed loudly in relieve and he just took in all the sensations his body was experiencing right now, as he felt his warm, male juices splattering against his belly, leaving long, white streaks on his brown skin with some of it landing on his heaving breasts, while his balls pumped out every little drop they had. His pussy was in a similar state of ecstasy and filled Jackob's body with a pleasurable, lustful heat while his inner walls clamped themselves tight against Nick's shafts and twisted and turned around them, as he was still thrusting them in and out of his cumming friend.

However, with the sight of Jackob spilling his rich seed over his body and his pussy clinging so tight around his rods, Nick knew that he couldn't hold out much longer either. He was already on the edge since Jackob had wrapped his legs around him and his cocks were engulfed by a constant, arousing tingling that only got worse, or better depending on the point of view, when the shark's cumming pussy had tripled its effort to tip him over the edge.

Despite of his mind screaming at him to plant his cum inside Jackob's womb, Nick had other plans of what his orgasm should look like and so he pulled out of his tight friend. Kneeling himself over the shark's belly, Nick stripped off the condoms from his cocks and threw them somewhere into his room, before wrapping his hands around his rock hard shafts and rubbing them for what it was worth. A constant stream of pre was running over his fingers and Nick felt his balls tightening in their sack, while his shafts were already trembling in his hands.

"Hhhghh...hhhaaagh... Hhhaaagghhh!", was the only warning he gave Jackob, as he reached his orgasm as well and spilled his heavy load over the shark beneath him. Pressing his shafts down, he aimed them at Jackob's tits and tried to cover them with as much of his spunk as possible, while rope after rope of potent snake cum was shot out of his cocks, until his balls were dry. Feeling that his orgasm was dying down, Nick simply let himself fall and landed next to his friend back first on the mattress.

" Hagh.. hagh.. wow... that was awesome.", he said with an exhausted, but content voice, while his chest was rising and falling from the endeavors of his body." Tell me about it. This was great.", Jackob replied in a similar voice, while a big smile adorned his face as he bathed in the afterglow of his first sex." So, I guess you liked it then?"." Oh yes, I did. It may sound cliche like, but if you fingering me was already a lottery win, this was definitely the jackpot."." Hehe, glad to hear that.", Nick replied happily, before he suddenly lifted his upper body. With a sound that sounded like a strange mix of a hiss and a cat's meow, he crawled over to his friend, before flopping his head lazily onto Jackob's cum stained breasts.

" Ugh.", Jackob gasped from the sudden weight on his chest and confused he looked down on his bosom, before saying:" Hey, those aren't pillows."." But they are so soft and comfy.", Nick replied while mimicking a child's voice and rubbing his head up and down his friend's boobs to create a small hollow for his muzzle to rest in. He didn't even mind that the lower side of his face was getting smeared full of their cum, but rather Nick murred happily and put a little more pressure into his rubs in the knowledge that he was mixing their juices together even more in this way.

"Mrrr, thank you Jackob."." No problem. You know that I don't mind you laying on my tits.", Jackob replied with a gentle smile, but Nick insisted:" No, I mean thank you that I could share my first time with you. This really means a lot to me."." Oh?", Jackob said with some surprise in his voice." So, you were a virgin up until this point, too?"." Mmhmm.", Nick answered lazily and rubbed his snout a bit up and down to mimic a nod, before he asked back:" Does that surprise you?"." Well, a bit to be honest. From all the stuff you've told me, I thought you would have already shared your bed with some guys."." Hehe, yeah that's true.", Nick replied with an amused chuckle." I already did stuff with other males, but I never had sex with them. I wanted to save that up for someone special."." And that special one was me?"." Yes.", Nick answered and moved his muzzle a bit upwards, so that he was able to directly look at the shark's bright brown face, before he continued:" You've been my best friend for my entire life and I can't think of anyone else being petter suited for this than you."." Wow, that's..."."... cute?", Nick finished Jackob's sentence, when the shark suddenly stayed quiet for a few seconds.

" Yeah, it's cute.", Jackob spoke after Nick, when he found his words back." And I'm also glad that I could share this moment with you. While I didn't plan on loosing my virginity here, I'm glad that you were the one who took it."." It was my pleasure.", Nick said back with happy smile that mirrored Jackob's." Although I only took half of it.", he quickly added while moving his right arm downwards, before a pleasurable tingle filled Jackob's loins as the snake's hand rubbed over his meanwhile flaccid penises." Your boys still need to be worked in."." And don't forget the blowjob you own me.", Jackob added with a big grin, whereupon Nick answered with a chuckle:" Yeah, that too. Hey, when we're already on that topic, do you mind if I do something with you?"." Don't let me keep you.", Jackob answered.

Hearing the shark's answer, Nick happily lifted his head and took a look at his friend's bosom. Most of it was a mess of white puddles and long strings laying next and over each other without any forms or patterns, with some of them already getting translucent. But much to the snake's joy, there was a single, intact string covering Jackob's left nipple and so he quickly lowered his head. Opening his mouth wide and sticking out his forked tongue, Nick placed his tips at the lower end of the ribbon of seed, before moving upwards. A pleasant hiss left his throat as he licked up the cum from Jackob's breast and given the flavour, he immediately knew that it wasn't his. Although he noticed patches of his own, more bitter tasting cum, Jackob's was entirely different. While most of the loads he had so far were mostly bitter, with some of them even a bit sweet, Jackob's wasn't any of this, but tasted more salty, more mediterranean. It wasn't exactly like taking a gulp of salt water, but it reminded Nick heavily on the times he had visited the beach with his parents when he was still a child.

Jackob on the other hand purred pleasantly from the warm tingling Nick's tongue created against his sensitive flesh and he couldn't suppress a soft moan as the red, flexible limb rubbed over his nipple, which sent pleasurable shivers along his spine and made his tail tip twitch slightly from the sensation, before it moved down over the other side of his female mound. After he had licked up all the cum from Jackob's breast, Nick pulled his tongue back and swallowed down their seed in one big gulp, before he contently said:" Ah. I was waiting for this the whole evening."." Hihi, so that was your great masterplan?", Jackob asked with an amused chuckle." Fucking me so that you can lick your cum from my tits?"." Hehe, well you know how it is. Business before pleasure. And to your info, it was mostly your cum I liked up, not mine."." Hehe, ok then. And, how did I taste?"." Deliciousssss.", Nick hissed and darted his tongue out for his friend to tickle his nose with nose with it, which brought forth an amused giggle from the shark." Oh Nick. You're really one of a kind."." Hehe. This and crazy enough to ask you for another favour."." Which one?", Jackob asked back and before he knew what was happening, he felt the soft, tender scales of Nick's lips pressing against his own as the snake gave him a sensual smooch.

It wasn't long, it only lasted a few seconds and except for pressing his lips against Jackob's, Nick didn't do anything else. And still, Jackob felt some kind of disappointment growing in his chest when Nick pulled his mouth back and looked at him with his yellow, lovely eyes. Not that Jackob said anything either. This surprise kiss had left him out of words and although he didn't know what to say now, his body seemed exactly to know what to do. There was something in Nick's touch, something that made his heart fluster and filled his chest with a deep, blissful warmth. And he wanted more of that.

Acting more on instinct than on rational thoughts, Jackob wrapped his arms around his friend's neck and gently pulled the snake back down to his face, while saying" Come here you", before he planted his lips on Nick's again, giving his friend a deep and tender kiss. Nick on the other hand was caught off guard by the shark's sudden move, but after this first seconds of surprise, he quickly gave in and pressed his snout against Jackob's muzzle to return his sign of affection. Both of them moaned passionately as their lips rubbed against each other with Jackob's rougher shark skin tenderly scratching Nick's softer scales and creating soft, electrical tingles in the snake's muzzle.With both of their snouts interlocked with each other and the smacking sound if their kiss filling the room, Jackob's hands wandered over Nick's body and gently stroked his back on the way down, until they reached the snake's hips. Straining the muscles in his arms, the herm shark pulled Nick's nude body on his own with both of them moaning softly as they felt the exposed mid section of their partner pressing against their own.

They stayed like this for some moments and Nick's moans had turned into tender hisses as they kept caressing each other with their soft lips, before both of them parted from each other with a loud, pleasurable gasp as they slowly ran out of air." Wow... that was..."."... intense.", Jackob finished Nick's sentence, while they looked at each other with big, happy smiles on their faces." Do you regret it?"." Not at all.", Nick answered with a shake of his head, before he asked back:" You?"." Nope."." Hehe, good.", Nick replied and both of their grins grew even bigger, before Nick let out a loud, content:" Aah.", and let himself fall on his friend with his head laying on Jackob's bright brown shoulder." You're the best Jackob."." You, too.", the shark replied, while put his hands back between Nick's shoulders and held him gently against his body.

Although both of them were pretty exhausted from their love making and kisses, they felt deeply satisfied and happy with how this night had turned out. Maybe even a bit too happy, as Nick was hissing in gently amusement as he felt something warm and soft poking against the lower side of his belly." Hehe, seems like your body still isn't satisfied.", Nick giggled playfully as Jackob's penises rubbed along his scales as they grew hard again and he could also feel, how his blood rushed back into his dicks." Maybe.", Jackob replied with a big grin." I think it wouldn't mind if you return the blowjob from earlier."." Maybe an other time. I don't know if I can collect the strength for such a thing right now."." It's fine, don't worry.", Jackob assured his friend." What do you have in mind then?"." Just some basic stuff.", Nick answered and moved his hand down along their entwined bodies, before lifting his hips a little so that he could wrap his fingers around one of Jackob's hardening members." Hehe, I see.", Jackob chuckled, together with a soft, pleasant moan as the snake's palm began to slowly move up and down along his length, together with the gentle massage his dozens of scales and furrows provided." But if I should partake in the action, you need to get off me first."." Yeah, sure.", Nick replied and removed his paw again, before he pressed both of them into the mattress next to Jackob's shoulder, using them as a support as he rolled himself off from his aquatic friend.

Coming to a halt on his side, the snake watched how Jackob switched from his back to a side lying position as well, giving Nick a pleasant smile, before he stretched his hand out and wrapped his webbed fingers around Nick's rigid members." Let's see how much energy they still have left.", Jackob said with a gentle chuckle, before he moved his paw up and down the throbbing lengths and gently pressed them against each other to increase the pleasure he would be giving Nick." Yeah, let's see if you herms have more stamina than we ordinary people.", the snake replied with an amused, but warm smile, before he reached out as well and began to caress his partner's dual lengths with his scaled palm. Low, but sensual moans filled the room as Nick and Jackob gave their partner a handjob, until their sounds of arousal climaxed in loud, pleasure filled gasps as they reached their second orgasm and distributed a few, weaker shots of cum on the sheet between them. Being completely spent for the day now, Nick gave Jackob a quick good night kiss on his muzzle, before both of them parted and drifted off to sleep.