The Doom that came with Foxaris

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Foxaris comes to visit in the night and brings hell itself with him.

----The Doom that came with Foxaris----

--Chapter 1--

It was a dark and cool night in the middle of April when there was a sudden knock on the door. I turned hastily, startled by the sound. The knocks got louder and louder as I silently shuffled towards the door.

I carefully peeked out from behind the curtain and there he stood, the most notorious furry in town. Foxaris, in full fursuit. The rumble of thunder could be heard above. Foxaris noticed me and motioned for me to let him in.

His fursuit was wet from rain and soiled from the long walk to my cabin. He waved frantically as water droplets formed and fell from the fur.

I quickly looked away in fear, and when I finally dared to look out through the curtain again, I saw Foxaris face pressed against the window, only a few centimeters away. He asks me to open the door.

I hesitate but barely have time to react before Foxaris comes furiously tumbling in through the window.

He's lying there on the floor in the remains of his fursuit that the glass has teared to shreds. He looks up at me and says; "I love big foxes!" His voice is like honey mixed with arsenic.

Before my eyes his body contorts in the semi-darkness, from unmentionable body cavities legions of foxes start swarmimg across my floor. A few stop to further mutilate the still twitching corpse but more and more evil, shining eyes are turned towards me.

Lying with his back covered with foxes, gnawing like the worms I feared would soon devour my body, I left Foxaris to his fate in my hallway.

I ran, those life-extinguishing green eyes following me. I could only think of one possible rescue and I wrote "Help me, Foxaris is here!" to my friend Colt. I hoped it wouldn't be too late.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late, as Colt had been out partying and happened to be nearby when he recieved my message. Like everyone in town he knew all to well about the hideous evil rituals that were said to be performed by Foxaris in the dark of night. Rumors said he was trying to form a pact with the devil in order to turn himself into a giant and chrush the town beneath his feet.

The first foxes attacked me and I dodged them. They came from all directions, like furry piranhas. Some of them had wings that they flapped in a desperate and futile attempt to carry their obese bodies into the air.

Suddenly I noticed how several of the foxes began returning to their place of origin, where they were absorbed back into the corpse. Yellow hair pushed its way through Foxaris back like stalks through asphalt. He had soon turned into a big yellow fox. He stood up and proclaimed:- I am the Foxaris, tremble before this cuddly cute boy!

What could best be described as a stiff foxtail rose between his legs and he approached me with a hideous grin when suddenly the door was flung open by Colt.

The foxes turned towards him and a thousand voices spoke to Colt in unison: "Become one of us!"

Colts body shook with anger and disgust as he replied: "I am Colt, the sword of God! I shall return you to the black pit from where you spawned!"

Foxaris trembled as he was addressed by this majestic figure and he replied "I understand what I have done wrong and will never do it again!"

Colt suddenly seemed mesmerized by Foxaris and burst into laughter at the sight of his stiff member. He gently started caressing his own massive trousersnake, licking his lips with a long, rough tongue.

Foxaris stomped forward on stubby legs, all the while humming his hypnotizing mantra: "I understand what I did wrong and I will never do it again! I understand what I did wrong and I will never do it again!" Soon he was so close to Colt that their breath could be seen mingling in the chill air. Foxaris stiff red salami had grown even bigger, it was bigger than ever before. With a sudden thrust Foxaris entered Colts muscular ass and instantly began to empty his gargantuan furry ballsack inside it. But Foxaris had not had enough, he wanted more! And he caught sight of me.

I had carefully begun to move away from the madness in my hallway, where the foxes had positioned themselves in a circle around Foxaris and Colt and seemed to be tense with anticipation.

I was about halfway up the stairs when Foxaris threw away Colt who tumbled into my diningroom and out of my line of sight. The foxes were rushing after him.

Foxaris hollered a "My mom's spaghetti!" and approached me with small darting steps, at the same time pulling out a large kitchen knife! I could hear the little bell around his neck jingle merrily, like an ominous omen that heralded my death! I rushed up the stairs and threw myself into the bedroom. After locking the door behind me, I rolled the bed against the door as a form of temporary barricade.

I looked around the room and saw the chest I had hidden under my bed. I fumbled in my pocket for the keys and had soon opened the lid. Inside I saw what I hoped could be my salvation.

There in the chest was Muffin, the most beautiful girl in town, whom I had kidnapped two days earlier. She was so weak she could barely move, and I pulled her out of the chest and picked up my AK-47 Kalashnikov from the bottom. Colt could be heard howling from down the diningroom, and any second now Foxaris would be upon me.

I wasn't sure that simple bullets were enough to kill such a monstrous beast, so I might as well make the most of the time I had left. Muffin was already undressed, and I pushed her to the floor, opened the fly and pressed myself against her sweaty, throbbing buttocks. Muffin moaned as I slid into her tight and wet baby-making hole with my hard and heavy pole of meat, and I began to fuck her hungering void so hard that her fat ass smacked against me in pace with Foxaris pounding on the door.

Just as Foxaris managed to tumble through the broken door and the bed flew to the side, I grabbed Muffin's hair and pulled her off the floor, while grabbing my AK-47 Kalashnikov with my other hand. Seeing Muffin, who he had a secret crush on, being mercilessly banged by me made Foxaris stop in despair, and it gave me enough time. "Return to hell you demonfox!" I shouted, as the bullets ripped through the air! Foxaris was thrown backwards out of the room by the force as the bullets pierced and tore through his furcovered body, blood splattering everywhere.

Watching Foxaris get shot also gave Muffin such a powerful orgasm that the spasms of her tight bananabasket made me come right away, and I pumped her whole cupcake full of my thick hot babygravy.

Foxaris had collapsed in a pool of blood, I had spent all my ammunition, and Muffin lay exhausted and panting on the floor with my nutmilk dripping from her sweet, sweet honeypot.

I threw Muffin over my shoulder. This place was far too dangerous to leave her in. I took the kitchen knife from Foxaris twitching hands, as I decided to try to save Colt from the foxes and quickly moved towards the stairs.

I took the opportunity to hide Muffin in a nearby closet for the time being, before continuing towards the dining room. According to my calculations, it was the right time of the month and there was a good chance that she had become pregnant, and I couldn't risk my new fine babyfactory being damaged by the foxes.

Once in the dining room, I was greeted by a horrific sight. The foxes had, after a visibly fierce battle, completely overpowered Colt. They now took turns assaulting him both orally and anally. Several others rubbed their little penises against him wherever they could as they waited for their turn, while the rest danced around or were peeing on my furniture with a big grin on their faces. Realizing that a simple knife wouldn't go far, I decided to go to my armory.

First I ran down to the basement and got the shield key. Then I ran up to the attic and unlocked a chest and got the yellow key card. I took the yellow key card and retrieved the pair of insulated boots that was in the locked cabinet in the hall.

Then I realized I needed money. I went down to the basement and broke every single pot. I collected the rupees. Went up from the basement and out of the house.

Then I went back into the house and back down into the basement. But as soon as I saw that my aunt's old flowerpots hadn't respawned, I realized that the horrible sight of how the foxes humiliated Colt in the diningroom had made me lose my grip on reality and believe I was in a videogame. I decided in my growing confusion to go upstairs and piss on Foxaris corpse, but ended up stopping halfway to the stairs.

Someone had turned off the light upstairs and something shapeless and crawling was moving in the darkness up there. I started to feel a throbbing and increasingly sharp headache.

Colt had broken free from the foxes and was dancing around laughing wildly while swinging a pair of whining foxes by their tail. All of Foxaris friends were there and a heavily pregnant Muffin was in the process of sucking Skrottos meatpole so hard that Skrotto was crying as blood flowed from her mouth. Waredon had turned into a real wolf and was about to enter Fernines ass with a gigantic one meter long penis while Fripsy naked scuttled around them imitating a chicken... But they shouldn't be there...

Something was about to shatter my psyche and pull me away from reality, a bottomless abyss of insanity was waiting before me, it was getting closer. In my somewhat confused state of mind I staggered into the basement, locked the door, and collapsed on the floor. I thought I heard the sound of a great mass outside the door.

The door shook and a smell like that of an abyss full of rotting eggs and corpses wafted in through the gap at the bottom of the door. This was closely followed by a clatter in which I thought I heard a voice say "I am Colt, King of the dragons!" followed by the grunts of a pig.

I somehow managed to get back up and against my will began to move slowly, as if the air were syrup, towards the door.

Everything was perfectly quiet outside. Was the nightmare finally over? Could I reach the front door, escape, and leave the curse that seemed to rest upon my home behind me? I waited a few seconds, nothing but silence, before against my better judgment I unlocked the door and carefully opened it.

The door swung open with a bang, a cacophony of noise hit me, and a madly laughing Fernine pulled me out of the basement and into a hellhole that no longer showed many traces of my former home.

Fernine's eyes rolled around in their sockets, unable to focus on anything. "Welcome, welcome to the feast of the foxes!". A numbing stench of blood-tinged excrement emanated from the gaping hole that Waredon had left behind. I could see dark creatures trying to claw their way out of it, as if it was a portal to hell itself!

I understood that I had fallen over the edge into the abyss, straight into the darkest abyss of madness.

A big fat pig wearing a Nazi uniform was tied over an open fire in the middle of the room, and Colt was fucking it hard in its warty pink ass, as it grunted wildly and was slowly roasted over the fire. Someone had stuck a saxophone deep into Colts butthole, and he was blowing a happy and cheerful tune on it while the foxes yelping merrily danced around him hand in hand.

Muffin lay moaning and panting on her back with her legs apart in front of the fire, and one after another small and hairy babies popped out of her baby-hole in an endless stream. It was like she was firing meaty cannonballs with her vagina, which the foxes playfully caught in the air and devoured with great delight.

But worst of all. There was Foxaris himself. Death could not stop such evil, he had risen from the dead in my nightmares, and now he was smiling happily and madly at me as he stood with a large butcher's axe, in the process of butchering Fripsy, who screamed loudly and whose cut flesh seemed to serve as the fuel of the fire. There was nowhere to run. From upstairs could be heard the wild gleeful howls of all the other furries that were Foxaris friends. These twisted nightmare figures had invaded my home and made it theirs!

But they were all just figments of the imagination. I looked away from Waredon who was humping his new victim Skrotto with overwhelming force, determined to create yet another portal to the depths of hell. I had to save the ones that were real.

Colt was like in a trance where he was fucking the pig hard and fast in the anus, and when I forcefully managed to pull him out of the halfroasted pig his once mighty hot rod was nothing but a bloody piece of minced meat.

Foxaris just laughed at me where he stood chopping up Fripsy. He made no attempt to stop me when I grabbed Muffin and dragged both her and Colt with me towards the front door.

The door closed behind me. Silence. Freedom. Muffin had stopped giving birth for the moment, but neither she nor Colt seemed to be able to walk by themselves, and I dragged them with me some distance from the house.

The forest waited dark and silent around me, I only needed to reach a car and I would soon be far from here. Maybe we could all get away.

That's when I noticed it. Muffin was suddenly no longer a human, but a gigantic cat! It wasn't the real Muffin I saved, but just another fantasy monster like the others!

She threw herself at me with teeth bared and claws clawing, I would never be able to escape, I... Muffin disappeared flying through the air. Colt had sprung to life and swept her away with a heavy iron spade, and now he finished it all by burying the spade in her neck so that her head flew off in a magnificent shower of blood.

He was naked and sweaty and there wasn't much left of his tattered penis. "As true as my name is Colt, I will exterminate all foxes in the world!" Colt seemed to have gone mad, brandishing the bloody spade like a wild barbarian.

Suddenly, wedding music started to play from inside the house. I crept up to the window and peered in. It was Muffin. Foxaris had found out where I hid her.

My former home had been turned into a fluffy nightmare church, and all the furries and foxes sat there smiling and watched as Foxaris led the crying and naked Muffin to the altar.

It was a regular little plushie in the form of a fox who was the priest, and I heard Foxaris talking to himself as if he were pretending it was the plushie talking. "Foxaris do you take this Ella Muffin Umi to be your true wife and to love forever?" His voice changed and became more animal like. "Yes! Yeees!" It changed again to the more serious priestly voice. "Then you may fuck the bride!"

He never bothered to ask Muffin what she thought and immediately pulled out his dick, his big stringy stick of meat, and to the applause of the furries and wild squeals and mischievous whistles, with a satisfied grin he pushed it into Muffin's mouth and began to mouthfuck her while she desperately tried to escape.

I had seen enough, and was about to throw myself into a desperate attempt to save her, when the front door flew open with such force that it came off its hinges.

It was Colt, and he pointed the shovel at Foxaris. All the furries fell silent in their cheers. Foxaris froze, still with his bulging cock buried in Muffin's mouth. "Foxaris, you're not a real fox!"

Foxaris looked like he was about to die. His face contorted in despair, he pooped himself, blood started to flow from both his ears and eyes, and from the sounds coming from Muffin it also seemed like he had an orgasm in her mouth.

"No, nooooh!!" He lost his grip on Muffin who fell to the floor and started coughing and spitting out yellow semen. "That can't be true!! Nooooo!!" Foxaris seemed to go completely mad, he fell to his knees and began to claw open deep bloody wounds on himself, bloodred tears pouring from his eyes, while Colt stepped forward with determined steps.

Foxaris didn't resist but just looked up in despair, sobbing at Colt, who delivered a blow with the spade and hit Foxaris so hard in the head that it was torn off and flew out the window. Everything was over. The nightmare slowly faded away into oblivion.

I was back in my former home, and although it was destroyed, all the creatures and all traces of Foxaris were gone. I picked up the crying Muffin in my arms and pushed her close to me. It was all over. Colt had lost his big manly cock, it was a great loss for the world, but we had all survived, and Foxaris was dead, forever.

Colt soon set off to the hospital, and I was left alone with Muffin.

To celebrate our triumph, I thought it would be a good idea to fuck her, so I took her right there, among the rubble of my home. Muffin's dark cavity was waiting with gaping wet lips, and at least Foxaris hadn't had time to ruin that hole with his hairy monster schlong. In nine months, she would give birth to my child and then she would be loose and sloppy between the legs, but that was then and now was now, and now her fortune cookie bobbed tight and beautiful up and down over my thick meaty shaft. For hours and hours, my reproductive piston rubbed itself inside Muffins sexual tunnel, depositing its fertilizing gel within her fertility-chamber at least ten times.

As the days passed Muffin seemed to have suffered psychosis from all the trauma and no longer did anything but stare blankly and apathetically at the wall all day, but to make her feel better I made sure to tenderly fuck her daily, while her pregnant stomach grew ever bigger and fatter.

--Chapter 2--

It was a warm and sunny day and it had been three years since Foxaris was wiped out. Muffin had given birth to a fat little daughter, whom I had named Muffin2 and planned to raise to be my slave and servant. I was training her by letting her use her tounge to lick the toilet clean once every week.

Unfortunately, Muffin herself had died during childbirth down in the basement, but I had sawed off her head which now adorned the wall in the livingroom like a beautiful trophy. Sometimes, however, I used to take it down from the wall and lovingly use it as a sextoy.

I had just eaten breakfast and sighed heavily as I looked out the window. Someone had once again set up a bunch of stakes in the garden during the night and impaled a dozen small children on them. If it continued like this, it was only a matter of time before someone spotted them and complained to the police. It was really lucky that I didn't have any neighbors, but I wished that I would soon succeed in selling this haunted house.

After throwing both the stakes and the children into the nearby woods, I took Muffin2 out for a walk, because she really needed exercise as fat as she was. She had with her, as usual, her tattered old fox-plushie, which was her dearest possession. My guess was she had found it in some dumpster while looking for food.

As soon as we reached the road into the city, we got a surprise. It was Colt. He had no pants and was being chased by someone in a fursuit. I shook my head and turned back home. The hospital had been unable to help him and things had really gone downhill for poor Colt since the remains of his once proud cock rotted and fell off.

Once home, I sat down as usual at the computer and played videogames for the rest of the day while Muffin2 was left to fend for herself.

At midnight, just as I was a few seconds away from finally killing a really difficult boss, there was a sudden power cut. Everything immediately went completely black, and a dull, oppressive silence settled over the house.

I heard a sudden noise outside and anxiously walked over to the window and looked out. What I was met with made me recoil. It was Colt, Colt and the furry I had seen earlier in the day, their faces only inches apart and the only thing separating us was the glass.

I corrected myself, it was the furry and Colts head, from his staring eyes and the blood dripping from his neck Colt appeared to be decapitated.

Besides, I now saw who it was. It was Willow-and-Twix, the notorious furry-serialkiller! "Do you have any art we can trade friend!" she screamed in her creepy voice while smacking her lips loudly and holding up Colts head. I shook with fear. The police had tried to capture her for years. What was she doing here at my home!

I gathered myself and did the only right thing. I took out my shotgun and shot her right in the face. Shards of glass and blood splattered everywhere, and it was a real shame on the window, I thought, but it was in pure self-defense.

I decided to fix the window tomorrow, and went to see Muffin2. To my horror, however, I discovered that she was missing! When I called her, I got no answer. The only thing I could hear was a loud smacking.

Panic and terror filled my mind as I slowly returned to the window. There she stood, Willow-and-Twix, still in the same place. Somehow, it was actually Colts's head that I had shot, and Willow-and-Twix was busy doing her best trying to slurp up his brainmatter through the mouth of her fursuit.

The second shot landed where it was supposed to and I let out a heroic roar of victory, like that of the warriorkings of ancient times, as Willow-and-Twix's head exploded into a thousand pieces.

But where had Muffin2 actually gone? I reloaded the shotgun, picked up a knife and set out to search.

The night was dark but cloudless and the stars and full moon gave a certain light to the surroundings. I started walking towards the city as I looked around for any sign of Muffin2 in the black forest that lined the road.

After a while I noticed something. Three sinister figures loomed just ahead of me in the darkness of the night. They were furries. Now I understood! I had somehow returned to the nightmare and these three monsters had come to take my life with their claws and sharp teeth! Maybe I had never even managed to leave the nightmare for real, maybe my life for the past few years had just been an illusion!

With a prayer to God I fired my shotgun and hit the nearest one right in the stomach, and as he collapsed I threw away the rifle, grabbed the knife and charged at them shouting my battle cry! I stabbed one between the legs once, twice, three times, four times! The third of them had turned and fled, and with a shout of victory I rushed after him and buried the knife in his back. Slashed and slashed until he stopped moving.

When I calmed down, however, I noticed something. They weren't nightmare creatures like before, but in fact just ordinary people in fursuits. I recognized the man lying dead in front of me, it was one of Foxaris old friends, Tannessa, dressed as a wolf. When I returned to the others I discovered that they too were ordinary furries. It was Farmerino and Grovi. Farmerino had died from the shot to the stomach, but Grovi was still alive, writhing in agony as he cried loudly. "We were just out for a waaaalk! There's a furry convention in town! We've never had anything against yoooou!"

I decided to turn around, and after pushing Farmerino and Tannessa into the ditch, I grabbed Grovi and dragged him with me while I pondered on how to resolve this.

As they were friends of Foxaris I had done a good deed, but I didn't want to be arrested for murder, and since Grovi was a pain to drag around and cried so loudly, and he had pooped himself and smelled bad, I had to find a quick solution.

It didn't work on the first try, but in the end I managed to end his suffering with a big rock, after which I threw him into the forest. Hopefully no one would suspect me when the bodies were found, which was probably inevitable considering how Farmerinos entrails were strewn across the road. Because everyone knew what those furries were like and what sick things they were up to, so it would probably just be seen as some weird sexgame gone wrong. I had made sure of that by inserting and leaving the shotgun in the butt of Grovis corpse.

When I got home I was greeted by a familiar sight. The stakes stood where they used to in the garden, but instead of children there were now impaled pumpkins, pumpkins with monstrous faces.

Muffin2 was also there. She stood looking at something with her old fox-plushie in her hand. But, when she turned around. When she turned around... She had Foxaris face. Muffin2 laughed evilly while howling like a fox, and I knew she was lost. With a cry of rage, I pulled up one of the stakes, rushed at her, and impaled her.

She fell lifeless to the ground.

At the same time, the plushie freed itself from her hand and stood up with a laugh. "We tricked you into killing your own daughter! Our revenge is complete! Foxaris cannot die, he lives on through everything he touches, Foxaris is eternal and I am Foxaris child and descendant! Every night I used to sleep by his side and he always licked my paws!"

Something began to grow behind it, and suddenly I realized that the stakes formed a circle, and that all the pumpkins had turned their faces towards us. "Now is the time for Foxaris return! By the power of the divine pumpkin eye! Foxaris shall be reborn tonight!"

The pumpkin growing behind the plushie-fox was covered in bubbly veins and growing way too fast. In just a few seconds it had grown bigger than me and I saw something alive moving inside it. I saw it open a huge eldritch eye. It was an eye of such beauty that it could not belong to this world, and its judging gaze fixated on me and filled me with the deepest dread.

I had nowhere to run, no weapons, nobody to save me. The only thing I had was my knife.

There was only one choice. With my knife I escaped the horrific vision that was Foxaris soul and the demonic goddess that had been summoned from the outer dimensions. With blood bubbling from my mouth I collapsed as the merciless and unforgiving pumpkins pounced on me to tear my feeble body asunder.