Parson Ch 5

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#6 of Cadi, side-stories

When Cassidy woke up in the morning, she was feeling very groggy, staggering over to the door and into the bathroom, pulling out her dick and taking a nice, long piss. "Mmm... could get used to this..." she murmured as she washed her hands and made her way back to the bedroom, climbing back into bed with Alex. She wasn't awake enough to be bothered by the sticky mess that they both were. It was the sticky mess that they'd made together, after all, and the scents filling the room filled her with happy memories from the night before.

She'd never even hinted to anyone that she'd had feelings for Parson back when they were all human, but on a very deep level, she understood that they could never have been together. Not with him as a prominent senator, and her being his pilot and mechanic. Not to mention that they would never have been able to have the kind of relationship that she was wired for... she had known for a very long time that she was dominant sexually, and you could never have gotten away with publicly being a senator and his dominatrix.

She snuggled in close against Alex's back, making soft sounds to her as she pressed her breasts against her. Her arms wrapped around Alex, stroking along her belly and her heavy breasts. Mmm... the magic had done well by her... she may have been primarily romantically interested in the senator, but she was thoroughly pansexual, and she definitely had her preferences on the men and women that she was attracted to. The muscles... and the soft breasts... and that wonderful, spankable ass... it was difficult for her to not just start getting hard again.

Alex started to stir from Cassidy's touch, pressing back against her, making for a rather disproportionate little spoon. Cassidy grinned at that, leaning up to nibble along the side of Alex's neck and up her jawline, "Mmm... time to wake up, Pet... it's morning..." she murmured as she nibbled at the base of Alex's ear.

Alex snorted softly in her sleep, whinnying, "Yes, Mistress..." she murmured, tilting her head to allow Cassidy better access to wherever she wanted to nibble. Oh, that thrilled the wolf's bitty little soul so much.

After a moment, the mare yawned nice and big and stretched hard, groaning softly as she turned gently, careful not to roll on top of Cassidy as she changed position so that she could look into her eyes, a beautiful blush on her gray cheeks. "Thank you... for last night... I needed that... have needed that... for a long time..." she said, her voice full of anticipation as she pulled Cassidy closer in.

The wolf's eyes lit up at that, and she just could not help but grin at Alex, "I get the feeling we've both wanted it... and just couldn't... because of who they said we had to be... but now... we get to set who we are, and that's the end of it," she said, reaching up to stroke Alex's cheek softly, her heart fluttering as the mare leaned into her hand.

"Mmm... alright... up we get... we've been a mess all night long, and we don't want anything bad happening with our fur," she said with a little laugh, rising from the bed, holding her hand out to help Alex up before leading her across the hall to the bathroom.

It was remarkable the changes that had been made to the place by the magic. For one, the bath was quite a bit larger... easily able to fit not just Alex now, but... Cassidy as well, perhaps? And the shower... before, their shower had been a fairly unremarkable standard-design stall. Now, it was... almost a small room in its own right, beautifully tiled with a glass wall and door.

Alex was particularly blown away by that, seeing as she'd been the one who'd... if she was being honest, made a fairly good mess of their old shower's installation, having done that early in the construction process before she'd really had the time to learn how to do things properly. She opened the door, stepping inside and walking over to the controls, running her fingers over them.

She let out a sound of surprise as she accidentally turned the shower on, causing water to fall from panels in the ceiling above... they had a rain shower! There was still a more traditional shower head, which was detachable with a long hose. She just couldn't help but giggle and smile as she turned to face Cassidy, "The water feels great... come in!"

The shower was... more than big enough for the two of them. Hell, all four of us could probably fit comfortably in here, she thought, grinning a little at the thought, shaking her head to dismiss it as she stepped into the shower, and let out a soft, canine whine as she did... Alex was right... the water felt great...

She crossed the shower, picking up a loofah and some soap, which she used to start washing her pet... no sense of hesitation for her. She was just going to care for her lovey this morning, and there wasn't going to be any stopping her. Alex certainly didn't want her to stop, whinnying sweetly as she enjoyed the tender love and care that Cassidy was showing her. More than anything, even from the day before, this kind of thing helped the last scraps of tension in the mare's body melt away, leaving her a complete puddle under the wolf's hands.

As Cassidy washed Alex, they were almost oblivious to the rest of the bathroom as Beth staggered in, plopping down on the toilet and taking a really, good, long piss. She had such a shagged-out look on her face, enjoying her blissful release as the two in the shower tensed halfway, turning to watch the sweet collie relieve herself.

After a while, Beth opened her eyes, blinking them a few times to clear her vision before her eyes went properly wide as she saw the other two in the shower. Her legs clapped together as she closed them, one hand still tucked between them as she blushed hotly. "I... sorry... didn't... realize... was... wasn't awake..." she stammered out as a yawning Jane staggered into the room, rubbing her eyes before she saw Beth sitting on the toilet with Alex and Cassidy in the shower.

"Oh..." she said, smiling only a little sheepishly as she walked over to Beth, rubbing her ears gently, getting her lovey to start calming down a little. She chuckled and let out a sigh, shaking her head gently. "I guess we'll have to wait for our turn in the shower. Don't worry about it, you two," she said with a great big yawn.

Cassidy and Alex exchanged looks and goofy smiles before Cassidy walked over to the door and opened it up, "Actually... I think there's room for two more," she said, her eyes focusing on Jane's eyes, understanding which of the two was in charge when it came to that pair.

Jane's eyebrows raised before she looked at Beth, who was blushing very badly at that suggestion. "Mmm... I suppose it is... as long as you don't mind the company," she said, chuckling as she patted Beth's head. "Get up so I can have a piss, and then we can hop in the shower," she said, her tone not leaving a lot of room for argument.

Beth let out a soft whine, blushing even worse, but she nodded, taking a moment to wipe herself clean before she got up and stood obediently next to the toilet, hands clasped in front of herself while she was looking down at her feet. Alex walked up to her and kissed her before she took a quick standing piss into the toilet and flushed it before walking over to the shower, stepping under the water with Beth in tow.

Both of them were slightly short-circuited by how nice the water felt... just the right temperature for their fur-clad bodies, and the way that it was coming from everywhere above them... just felt so much nicer, for some reason they couldn't wrap their heads around.

Cassidy smiled and walked up to Jane, kissing her sweetly on the lips before she handed her the loofah and soap bottle, stepping away to retrieve another set of each for her and Alex to share, "I think the magic has determined to do very nicely by us..." she said with a little laugh.

Jane grinned and nodded, starting to wash Beth, who was enjoying the attention... even if she was also a little embarrassed by it, to be getting washed in front of the other two like this... but the truth was that she was a submissive at heart, herself, and a part of her took pride in being cared for like this.

Alex smiled and leaned over, bringing her head down to rub against the side of Beth's head... a comforting gesture... one of... a kind of solidarity as her own mistress was washing her.

Cassidy chuckled, "Looks like the two of you had a nice night as well. I'm sorry that I stole Alex before the movie ended, but seeing how sweet the two of you were together, I just couldn't resist," she said with a little laugh as she could see that Jane was starting to register and process the way that things were. She exchanged a look with Cassidy, which the wolf happily returned. "But, Alex really is quite a good girl... and we had a very wonderful time," she said, reaching out to hold Alex's hands, twining her fingers with the mare's.

Jane gave Cassidy a lopsided smile, nodding her head at the wolf. "Oh, I'm sure she was. Beth has been a very good girl for me... very eager to please..."

Cassidy laughed and grinned at Jane, "Yes... we heard you two on the first night you were together... I'm surprised you didn't hear Alex and me last night."

"Mmm, they must have improved the sound proofing as well on the house... how thoughtful of them," she said with a chuckle, "That's as good, though... it means we didn't wake you two up with our noises last night, either. I decided to try something new out with Beth last night, and... well, they must have also left some lube here for us, because I found some on our bedside table," she said with a toothy grin.

"Oooh, and how did your pet enjoy having her ass played with?"

"Oh, she loved it... we're going to have to keep well stocked with lube."

"Mmm, us, too. We can put it on the regular grocery list," Cassidy said, looking at Alex, seeing that she was blushing awfully, even if her sheath was bulging, and the tip of her flared cock was starting to poke out.

Jane took notice of that, "Oh... I'd forgotten what a horse's cock was like. And, hell, I'd never known that a cat's cock had barbs on it. Does yours have a knot, Cassidy?"

Cassidy puffed up with pride, "That it does. Alex and I actually went to bed tied," she said with a gleam in her eyes before they flitted over to Beth, who was looking just a little lightheaded as she was doing everything she could not to look at the sheaths of the other three in the shower. "It's alright, hun... we don't mind you looking at our dicks," Cassidy said coyly.

Beth let out a sweet whine, her tail starting to wag as her heart was racing in her chest. She looked at Jane and then Cassidy, seeing if it was alright. When each of them had given their silent ascent, she whimpered as she tried to catch her breath, asking "Is it... alright if I touch Alex's cock? And... and yours, Cassidy?"

Cassidy traded a look, which was really more a formality of the play they were sharing in this morning. "Mmm... it is alright with me... but you really need to ask your Mistress," she said, making Beth's eyes widen.

"M...Mistress? But... she... we..." she panted before she turned to look straight into Jane's eyes, confusion and excitement visibly warring on her face.

Jane reached out and softly caressed Beth's cheek, "Mmm... Mistress sounds good to me... it feels right... wouldn't you agree, my Pet?"

Beth whined so sweetly at that, nodding her head eagerly, "Yes, Mistress..." she said, her knees trembling just a little.

Jane looked at Alex, taking her in appraisingly, "Yes... it is alright to love on Alex, Pet," she said as she moved to stand beside Cassidy, one hand moving to stroke the canine's swelling sheath, while Cassidy was quite happy to return the favor. They wanted to be good and ready for Beth when it was time.

Beth swallowed slowly, bowing her head to Jane. "Thank you, Mistress... and thank you, Mistress Cassidy," she said, taking to this like a real natural. She took a deep breath and got down onto her knees as she moved in front of Alex, looking up at her heavy sheath and cock as it emerged. She leaned forward, starting to lap at the underside of Alex's cock, visibly shuddering as she did.

Both of the doms could see that Beth would make a wonderful little slut for the household... practically a plaything for everyone to enjoy. But right now, they were just savoring how tenderly she was loving on Alex's cock, helping to coax it out of her sheath. Her hands moved to... almost reverentially cup and caress Alex's balls, too, part of her mind wondering just how much cum they held... and rather desperately hoping that it was a lot.

It really didn't take long for the mare's cock to be fully erect, at which point Beth took a breath and sat back a bit, looking up at it in awe, her tail wagging quite hard, spraying water to either side of where she was kneeling. She licked up to the tip of her cock before she looked intently at it. She took a moment, trying to wrap her head around how to fit it in her mouth. Eventually, she decided to just go for it, opening her mouth as wide as she could before lowering it onto Alex's cock.

To her credit, she didn't gag or recoil as it filled... and overfilled her mouth. Instead she closed her lips around it, and just closed her eyes, suckling on the head of the mare's shaft as her hands started stroking along her length. After a moment, she started to bob her head a little on it as she started to grow comfortable with its size in her mouth. She even had a go at seeing how deep she could take it... but quickly found out that she wasn't able to take it terribly deep at all, yet.

Cassidy smirked and reached over, turning the shower off, fairly certain that the sweet little pup was about to get a shower of another kind... and she really didn't want it to get washed away right away. Besides, both she and Jane were quite ready for their turns once Alex was done.

To the mare's credit, though, she was having to grip the handholds on the shower walls for support at this point, making a valiant effort to push through how eagerly that Beth was suckling on her, but the simple truth of the matter was that her new equine dick was much more sensitive than she'd been as a human, and what Beth lacked in skill, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.

It wasn't long before Alex was whinnying and snorting before she started to cum, a powerful spray of seed gushing from her cock into Beth's mouth before she was forced to draw her head back, despite how much she wanted to drink every last drop down. It was just more than she could handle, and soon enough, her face and chest were very well coated in thick, white cum.

She was panting hard as she sat back onto her heels, looking down at how much of a mess she was from Alex's orgasm before she looked up at Jane, hoping to see praise in her Mistress' eyes... and she was far from disappointed.

Jane gestured her forward with one hand while the other stroked Cassidy's cock, "Now... be a good girl and suck Mistress Cassidy's cock... let her see how amazing that sweet little mouth of yours is.

Beth let out a yip of acknowledgement before she leaned in and sucked Cassidy's dick deep into her mouth, having a much easier time of it than she had with Alex. Cassidy found that the way that Jane ran her tongue all over her shaft was... well, it was something that she'd have to make sure that Alex learned as well. Though, for that matter, she'd have things to learn from Beth as well, when it came to sucking Alex's cock. But the time for learning and sharing would come soon enough.

Right now, it was just time to enjoy the eager pup's oral affections... and that was not difficult to do at all. She brought one hand down to stroke Beth's head, loving on her and making sure to be good and vocal with her pleasure, so that Beth would know that she was doing a very good job.

For her part, though, Beth looked like she was right where she was meant to be... loving on and tending to those she cared about, quite happy to be on her knees in front of the others.

Cassidy managed to hold out better than Alex had, giving Beth quite a good bit of time to savor the canine shaft and even explore the knot at her base with her fingers and tongue. It was so intriguing to her, and on a deep level, she understood not to have the knot in her muzzle when Cassidy came. That would be a good way to be choked.

Still, as much as Cassidy held off cumming, it wasn't all that long before she howled into the shower and pumped Beth's mouth full of her own seed. Beth might have been able to swallow all of Cassidy's cum, but she wanted it covering her body as well, so after the first jet or two, she pulled back, letting it spray over her face and breasts.

She then, without hesitation, moved over to her Mistress, straightening herself up a bit more as she pushed her cum-soaked breasts on either side of Jane's shaft, leaning her head down to lick at the tip as she started rocking her chest against her Mistress' cock. All the while, she looked up into Jane's eyes with a gaze filled with love and longing. Jane answered that need in her pet's eyes by reaching down to love on her head as she rocked back against Beth as well, feeling just how wonderfully cum-soaked her tits were.

While Beth tended to Jane, Cassidy moved over to Alex, leaning against her pet, resting her head against Alex's breasts contentedly while they enjoyed the show. It was fairly clear that something about the situation was hitting quite the chord for Jane, who's cock was throbbing intensely before long, letting the others see the barbs as they flared out softly, making both of them wonder what it felt like to be filled with Jane's cock.

But, in the end, it really was not long at all before Jane started painting her pet with her cum, adding it to the mix from the other three. More remarkable, though, was the fact that Jane... cried out... apparently in orgasm as she was sprayed down with the third load of cum. It brought a smile to Cassidy's face, glad to see how wired for giving pleasure the little collie was.

When she was done cumming, Jane smiled, reaching down to stroke Beth's cheek, rubbing their mixed cum into her fur before moving her hand down to Beth's chest, really working the cum into her pet. She then looked up at the other two with a smirk on her face. "Well... Beth's made a fine mess of herself... I think the three of us should give her a good shower to help her wash it off."

Cassidy's eyebrows raised while Alex's eyes went wide, looking between the other three in the shower, trying to figure out how to react. Mercifully, Cassidy simplified matters for her pet. "I think that sounds like a very good idea, Jane," she said, moving to stand beside Jane, gesturing for Alex to come over as well.

Cassidy's hand moved down to take hold of her cock, while Jane and Alex did the same, aiming their three dicks right at Beth's fiercely blushing face before they let loose with a long, powerful stream of piss each, which sprayed all over Beth's face and breasts... doing something which could be considered washing the cum off of the poor girl.

But that would come much more properly in a little bit, when they turned the shower back on and all took a moment to wash each other, sharing a closeness and intimacy that none of them would have believed even remotely possible had they still been humans... but now in these new forms... the true forms of their hearts... it felt right now... and they all understood that they would do very well as a household... each with their own places within their new family... each with their own roles to fill... and each with the unchallengeable certainty that they were loved by each and every one of the other three.

Parson Ch 4

The four of them enjoyed the tea after their spa treatments, just chatting away about the new state of things. "I'm going to have to re-do that bathroom... I'm not even sure if the toilet is going to fit me anymore," Alex said, getting a laugh out of...

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Parson Ch 3

The next morning, they made sure to have nice, fresh coffee and a hot breakfast ready for Beth and (as far as they knew at that moment) Jim. They weren't looking to rush them awake, but it wasn't excessively long before Beth staggered out in some of...

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Parson Ch 2

Jim and Parson worked on the house while the two girls were out shopping, just making sure that it would be in good shape when they returned. It was around mid-afternoon when they returned, and Beth was positively bouncing as she walked through the...

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