Feline Senses - Commission for Tazzmo70

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Mahna lives an easy life in Sasarita as a baker's wife. She has everything she could ask for, but admits that life can be a little boring. Her best friend Shah provides a solution to that when she buys her a potion that turns her into a buxom panther. Mahna heads home, excited to give her husband Ozmian a lovely surprise.

Commission for Tazzmo70 on FA

Sasarita had become the envy of the desert, hidden on the furthest origin of the river it clung to. It was not large like the empire's capital or one of the many ports. It did not rake in exorbitant sums of money via trade or enterprise. Aristocrats did not go there on vacation, nor was its cityscape or surrounding dunes very picturesque. On maps it did not occupy any special notation, often being nothing more than a dot and a label, if that. For its modesty and lesser-known status, it remained a settlement that aroused jealousy in those who did not live there.

Living within its limits were not powerful landowners but folk with the simple luxury of living in an egalitarian society free from the burden of cultural divides. Through its many simple but thriving neighborhoods could be found faces and races from across the empire and beyond. Humans and anthros of whatever order lived with each other not merely as citizens but as animalkin, learning to not merely tolerate differences but to look past and embrace them. A lizard could ask for a loan from a human, sell his wares to a bird, who would then go home and cook dinner for his mammalian husband and adopted children. People living in other cities could only hope to move there, but remained cruelly withheld by barons and lords who insisted that Sasarita was nothing but a fantasy.

Mahna knew as well as everyone else living there that it was not a fantasy. That she could see with her own eyes while sitting atop a clay wall that ran around the farmers' market, kicking her legs out in front of her and simply watching the people buying and selling at their whimsy. The merchants were at their stalls beneath outstretched awnings that protected them from the scathing sun. Potential buyers walked through the alleys between, perusing the selection and asking prices. Mahna had been watching them for an hour now, cataloging every new face and species she saw.

Her back was hunched forward as she kept her hands gripped on the wall. A tightly wound turban the color of cream covered most of her curly, dark brown hair. At the turban's center was a silver emblem which sprouted a sky-blue feather. Perched on the fridge of her nose were some frameless glasses. Her olive green shirt was covered by a dark blue vest, tied at the waist by a matching belt. Pants the color of the surrounding desert fell down her legs and into a pair of curly-toed shoes that were a special shade of lavender.

She struck a colorful figure atop the wall, but maintained a mostly unamused expression. Quite frankly, Mahna was bored. Not just of people watching, but of life in general. Yes, Sasarita was a lovely city and the perfect place to live, but it was hardly the place for excitement. With no crime or war parties to be concerned with, the worst Mahna had to worry about was whether her husband, Ozmian, would need her help in the bakery any given day. Today he did not, leaving her up on a wall, watching a bunch of other people live their lives.

What did she see in them that made her watch for so long? An enormous komodo dragon fellow walked down the alley with a bundle of sticks hoisted over his shoulder. He was bare to the waist, showing off a scaly topography of rippled muscle. Nearby a human man was walking an elderly jackal down the street. Her puckered mouth smiled as she told him jokes. The man would laugh and nod with her. Scenes both similar and different played out across the bazaar, nothing exciting, but engaging all the same.

She supposed that the lives of these people were simply different from her own. Life as a baker's wife had grown stale, if only because of monotony. What she'd do to switch lives with one of the other people for a day, just to experience something different. That wasn't because she was unhappy with Ozmian. She loved him with all her heart and did everything she could to keep him satisfied, something he put equal effort into. Doing virtually the same thing with him day in and day out, however, proved mind-numbing. If only there was something she could do to spice up their lives. She sighed. We'd love each other even more.

Mahna was jerked out of her thoughts by a sudden tap on her hind end. She jolted and looked down her back. Smiling up at her on the other side of the wall was the face of her friend, Shah, a lioness. "Hey there," she said. "What are you up to all the way up here?"

Mahna's face lit up. "Hey!" She patted the empty space next to her. "Come sit with me."

Shah grabbed the top of the wall and hoisted herself up with an athletic jump. Her torso rose over the top where she kicked her legs over and sat down next to her human friend. Her slender lion tail swayed out behind her. She was much shorter than Mahna, if much bulkier. Swelling her entire frame was a dense set of muscles not unlike what Mahna had seen on that komodo dragon just a few seconds ago. Falling down to her mid-back was an unkempt cascade of dirty blonde hair that helped accentuate her bright green eyes. She had a young face and dark tan fur. Covering her bosom was a petite orange bra. A red sash belt went around her waist, holding up some tan pants which were tucked into her yarn-entwined slippers.

"So! What are you doing all the way up here by yourself?" Shah asked, kicking her muscular legs alongside Mahna's.

Mahna took a deep breath. "Well, just sitting here, watching people, I suppose."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Nothing else going on?"

Mahna twisted her lips and shook her head. "Nope."

"Damn. Bakery isn't busy? How's Ozy?"

"No, and he's doing fine. Hopefully he's having a busier day than I am. If I'm lucky he'll send someone to come get me so I can help out in the kitchen."

"Does he know where you are?"

"Isn't this where everyone hangs out?"

"Yeah, but not up on the wall."

"Well, up here I'm easier to spot."

Shah scoffed. "I'll say. I saw you and wondered what the hell you were doing."

"What it looks like," Mahna chuckled. "You know, I was thinking. I wish I could shake things up better."

"Shake things up?"

"Yeah, just in general. Make life more interesting. Variety is the spice of life, you know."

"There isn't enough variety here?"

"Not as a baker's wife, no."

"Have you talked to Ozy about it?"

"No," Mahna sighed. "I don't want him to think I'm unsatisfied."

"Well, telling him that you feel that way is better than just feeling it in silence."

"Yeah, I know. It's just..." Mahna crossed her arms. "I just don't know what he could do. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do either. I wanna do something new, something fresh." She looked at Shah. "Do you have any ideas?"

Shah frowned in thought. She turned her gaze towards the bazaar, focusing on nothing in particular. Mahna's heart sank. Shah led an interesting life. If there was nothing she could come up with, then she might as well-

"I got it!"

Shah said it so loudly that Mahna jerked. A few people in the bazaar looked up at them. "What? What?" Mahna asked, worried.

Shah had a wild look in her eyes. She was practically bouncing on her butt, ready to fly off the wall. "I know what you can do!" she jabbered. "I know what you can do!"

Mahna was nearly repulsed by her excitement. "What? What?"

Shah didn't answer. She grabbed Mahna's wrist. "Come on!" Just like that the two women went sliding down the wall and into the bazaar, landing on their feet. Mahna hadn't even recovered when Shah darted down the alleyway, towing her friend and leaving a trail of dust in their wake.

* * *

The shop they came to was a small clay building on the corner of the city's trade district. It was squat and nondescript, especially compared to the garish buildings that flanked it. Its only decoration was a banner that hung from a pole over the front entrance. It depicted a lab bottle with a fizzling liquid inside of it. Mahna didn't know what to think about it when she and Shah scooted to a stop in front of it. Mahna's heart was pounding and her lungs were burning. Shah had hardly broken a sweat.

"Here we are!" chirped the lioness. "This is Syed's shop."

Mahna put a check on her breathing and looked up at the banner. "What... What does he sell?"

"Potions." Shah cocked a seductive eyebrow. "Special potions."

Mahna didn't know how to interpret that. "OK? What do they do?"

Shah jerked her head towards the building. "Come on. I'll let him tell you."

The two of them walked through the curtained doorway to escape the arid streets for a much cooler shop. They stepped onto an elaborately tiled floor. Tall shelves and glass display cases were set up on the walls. Lined inside of them were dozens of multi-colored potions inside of delicately crafted glass vials and jars. At the front of the shop was a wooden desk behind which the proprietor sat. He was an enormous ox fellow in a silken robe. A pair of bony horns swept out from his head like wings. He was reading a book that looked tiny in his giant hands.

He looked up at them and lit a big smile. "Shah! How are you? What brings you here? And who's your friend?"

Shah waved. "Syed! I'm great. I came here to show your stuff off to my friend. This is Mahna."

Syed bowed his head. "Nice to meet you, Mahna."

Mahna performed a similar courtesy. "Likewise."

Syed marked the place in his book and set it aside. "So, how can I help you today?"

"Welllllll..." started Shah.

Mahana sighed. Here we go.

"Mahna's been looking to spice things up with her husband."

Mahna jerked. "Hey!"

Shah shooshed her. "Come on. I'm helping you out."

Syed didn't flinch. "Alright. I'm certain I have something for that."

"Oh, I know you do," Shah said. "In fact, I was wondering if you had any Animalkin shifter left."

Syed's sleepy eyes came to life. "Ah! As a matter of fact, I do."

Mahna looked back and forth between them. "What's that? What does that do?"

Syed stood up from his chair. "It does exactly what it sounds like. It turns whoever drinks it into an animalkin for at least 72 hours."

"What?" Mahna asked, shocked.

Syed nodded. "It's true. I can show it to you, though you'll have to see for yourself how well it works."

Mahna looked at Shah. "Is he serious?"

Shah gave her a smirk. "As a heart attack. I didn't bring you here for nothing. Cool, right?"

It certainly was, so cool that there was no way that it was true. "How much is it?"

Shah lifted her paw at Syed to keep him quiet. "You let me worry about the price. Consider it a gift. You can pay me later, though you don't have to. Tell us, what animal do you think she'd be good as?"

Syed came out from behind the desk and floated over towards them. For such a large man he was very light on his feet. He got up close to Mahna and scanned her with his baggy, blue eyes. "Hmmmm... Yes. I think I know the perfect animal. Let me see if I have it." He left them and disappeared through a curtained doorway. Just a moment later he came back wearing a proud smile. In one hand was a small, green vial with a cork in it. Sloshing inside was some mercurial liquid. "Here we go! You're fortunate. It's the last one. Won't be a while until I get more." He placed it in Mahna's open hand. "Careful with it. When you drink it, make sure you aren't wearing any clothes you like. Transformations have a habit of tearing through clothes like rice paper."

She held it gingerly, watching the shiny silver liquid splash within its green-stained glass. "What animal is it?"

Once again, Shah silenced Syed before he could speak. "Ah, ah... Let's make it a surprise. I trust Syed's judgment, just like he trusts me to come back with the money next time I see him."

Syed rolled his eyes. "Oh, of course I do. If you don't, I'll send my lackeys."

"Oh yeah! To give me a stern warning, I hope."

"Yes, and nothing else."

Shah laughed and waltzed up to the giant ox. She patted him on the cheek. "In that case you won't get any money. That way I can make some new friends."

Syed smiled. "Trust me. You have enough 'friends' as it is."

* * *

Shah's clay house was on the outskirts of the city, far away from everyone else. She liked to live alone, not that she spent much time in her house at all. Guests rarely came over, though today was an exception. Mahna was over so she could try out her latest gift. The two of them were separated by the wall between Shah's bedroom and bathroom. She was on the bed, looking at the door where Mahna was currently mustering the willpower to drink the potion.

It had taken long enough, but Shah didn't want to rush her. On occasion she would shout words of encouragement. "Mahna? Whatever happens, I'm here for you."

"I know!" hollered a voice from the bathroom. Mahna was nude to the waist, wearing a cheap pair of pants while holding the vile in front of her face. Come on. Just do it. Ozi's gonna love it. Do it for him. However intensely she goaded herself, instinct demanded she didn't ingest such a suspect-looking liquid, not when it so closely resembled mercury or molten lead.

Mahna sighed. No point in delaying any longer. Just peel the bandage. She popped the cork out of the vial. Thoop! Cautiously hovering it beneath her nose she smelled nothing in particular. She wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. Bottoms up. She put the neck of the vial to her mouth and threw her head back. The silvery concoction slithered out with no trace of it left on the glass. It glided past her tongue and down her gullet like a bitter slug, falling down into her tummy and settling there like a lead sinker.

An awful grimace twisted her face. "Ech!" She wiped her mouth with her wrist and set the vial down on a cabinet.

Shah had heard. "Did you drink it?"

"Yeah!" Mahna called out.

"Cool!" Silence followed. "You're still not gonna let me watch?"


"Aw, come oooooon. It's gonna be so cool."

"I don't care. You're not seeing me naked."

"You don't have anything I haven't seen before!"

"Well, you're not seeing mine!"

Mahna looked herself in the mirror. Her black curls fell down her face unhindered by a turban or glasses. Her poor vision made focusing hard. When she did, nothing had changed yet. Nothing besides the weight in her gut felt different. How long until the change started?

Not long, apparently.

That weight in her gut began to spread. It coiled down into her guts like an intrusive snake, settling in her innards where it clung to her like an ache. "Ooh..." she grunted, putting her hands over her tummy. The sensation rose up her belly and into her chest. It fell on the muscles across her abdomen and limbs. A haze like inebriation swarmed her mind and fuzzied her vision. She grew lightheaded. Her feet seemed to sway beneath her.

First was the skin. A great tingling erupted across her body, stinging her like a mild rash. She looked down at her arms and saw her minute furs thicken and grow into an impenetrable forest of black. Her eyes went round. When she looked up at the mirror she saw the same happening to her face. When she touched her cheek she felt not smooth skin, but gossamer fur. "Wh-wh-whoa... Hah..."

The rash sensation intensified on her lip where she saw thin but prominent whiskers sprout outwards. More came from her eyebrows and grew as long as her fingers. The skin on her nose turned into a leathery black. The rest of her body too became a much darker color like charcoal or graphite.

"Ah!" It was like someone had jabbed twigs underneath her fingernails. They were hardening into dense, sharp claws while the skin of her palm thickened and hardened into plush pawpads. As soon as the keratin had become a set of curved scythes they retreated into her fingertips where they would remain dormant for now.

The same could not be said for her breasts. Mahna shuddered as they were put through a sensation like somebody pouring sand into them. Her face grew hot as she watched them inflate on her chest, bowing out audaciously while maintaining an even more nubile profile. Her chocolate brown nipples grew. They turned a shade of black even darker than the onyx ocean they floated in. More fluff was added to her hips and thighs. She stretched her pants with a wondrous surplus of womanly curves.

Now for the hard part. Mahna cringed as the rash sensation faded from her skin and into her body. It latched onto her bones like a dozen meat hooks. From the base of her spine she generated a new series of vertebrae. They sprouted out to form a slender tail that crept down her pant leg, eventually poking out from the bottom and flicking around her ankle. She was agonizingly aware of every tiny shift and bend to her skeleton. Most painful was having her palate stretched to form a brief but significant snout. Her teeth sharpened into fangs. The upper lip formed a cleft.

And then it stopped.

All of the sensations went away like water from a broken glass. Mahna gasped and opened her eyes. In the reflection of the mirror she saw not herself, but a stunning panther with eyes such a stunning shade of emerald that they made her gasp. She was taller now, filled out by robust muscles like Shah's. Her tits were remarkably larger; they hung off her chest with a weight like sandbags.

Something tugged at her pants. Looking down she saw how big her ass was now and the the tip of her tail flicking out from her pants. "Oh shit!" She grabbed it by the base and carefully retracted it out through the waistband of her pants. When it was finally free it performed an involuntary flourish. She cackled to herself. "Coooooool~"

She noticed how clearer everything had become, both visibly and audibly. Everything around her stood out in stark contrast. She heard the breeze whipping through the sand outside and the subtle schiff sound of her feet shifting across the floor. She had to blink a few times to make sure it was real. Her triangle ears flicked on her head. She lit a great big smile, splitting her black visage with a row of stark white fangs. This is awesome! She put her shirt back on. Her human shoes weren't going to fit anymore, unfortunately. Certainly Shah had something she could wear.

Shah, meanwhile, was right outside the door. She had heard the commotion when it started and was listening with her ear to the door. Since then things had gone quiet. "Mahna?" she asked with a timid rap on the door. "You OK?" She jolted at the sound of the knob turning. She stepped back and let Mahna open it.

What came out was not her long-loved human friend, but a long, dark, and handsome example of a feline. Shah's tail immediately flicked behind her. Her back went straight with a little tweet of the lips. "Wow! Oh my... That's... Holy shit!"

Mahna stood with her hands- er, paws - on her hips proudly. Her own tail did a gay flick behind her. "Crazy, isn't it? How do I look?"

"How do you look? For fuck's sake! You're absolutely gorgeous! I should've known Syed would make you a panther. You always were a feisty one."

Mahna rolled her eyes. "I don't know about that. That ox just knows what he's doing."

Shah's eyes were firmly on Mahna's bosom before drifting to those bloated hips that stretched the fabric of her pants. "I'll say. How does it feel?"

Mahna held her paw in front of her face. "Surreal. I don't need my glasses anymore, or at least as long as I'm like this." She flexed her arm, forming a solid boulder with her bicep. "I feel strong, like I can bend steel. It's intoxicating!"

"Oh yeah. That's the feline in you talking, girl. I can hold onto them for as long as you need me too, your human clothes too."

"Thanks. I'm gonna need some new shoes too."

"No problem. I think I got something for you." Shah went over to her bed where she got on her knees and reached underneath it. She pulled out a pair of red, curly-toed shoes that would better fit Mahna's new paw feet. "Here. Try these on."

"Thanks." Mahna took them and put them on. They fit snugly. "Oh yeah. That's much better."

"Here's something else." Shah wandered around to Mahna's backside where her tail was forcibly cocked up by the squeeze of her belt. After taking just a ooooooone quick moment to admire her ass, Shah used her claw to knick a hole for her tail. "There you go. Put your tail through that. I'll sew it back up when you're human again."

Mahna looked down her back and carefully slid her tail through the hole. "Ahh... Much better."

Shah was staring. "Mmhmm... Much better."

* * *

Mahna practically skipped her way home, bounding through the streets with an energy she'd never had as a human. The feel of wind in her fur and on her tail was sublime, like she had been freed. The house was empty when she got there. Until then she dug through the kitchen for everything they had and inhaled almost all of it. Transforming built up a big appetite! She lied on the floor feeling portly. It was going to be awhile until Ozi got home. What was she gonna do when he did?

She got an idea, one that made an evil grin split her face. She shot up from the floor with a newfound energy. Oh, he's gonna love this!

Ozmian got home that evening after the sun had fallen. It had been a slow day with only a few customers. It was a shame that it wasn't busier; it would've made the day go by faster and he could've asked Mahna for help. His stocky frame wandered through the front door. He wore a large gray vest that left his thick, pale arms bare. A black sash belt held up his dark maroon pants. On his feet were some leather sandals that were caked in sand.

He plucked the blue fez from the top of his head which was covered in short black hair. Turning to the kitchen he expected to be greeted by Mahna, but there was no one. "Mahna?" he called out. There was no answer. Odd. Must be out and about with that Shah. He went around the house lighting the lamps. She wasn't anywhere. He told himself that she was fine, but he wasn't too convincing.

After cooking himself a small meal he trudged his way to the bedroom and undressed. It was dark. The lantern on the nightstand remained unlit. He climbed into bed and pulled the covers over himself. A relieved sigh hummed through his nose. I'll see her tomorrow, he thought as he closed his eyes. Maybe she-

His thoughts stopped cold. On the far wall shrouded in darkness, something floated. There was one... no, two? Yes, two dots of light suspended in the black. They were round marbles of jade, run down their centers by slits of blacks. Eyes, definitely eyes.

Ozmian's blood ran cold. He sat up and squinted. "Am I imagining..?" he muttered.

"No, you're not," purred a familiar voice.

Poor Ozmian nearly jumped out of his skin. He frantically reached for the lantern on the nightstand. He grabbed a match and scraped it on the wall. It sparked to life before he stuck it into the lamp and ignited the oil. The bedroom was lit. Standing by the bedroom door in all her feline grace was Mahna, paw on her hip, smiling at her husband saucily.

Ozmian was simply frozen. His jaw was hung, his expression in shock. "Uhh..."

"Like what you see, love?"

Ozmian blinked. "Mahna?"

She nodded. "Tis I."

"What...? What happened?"

"Oh, Shah introduced me to a potion seller."

"Syed?" he asked.

"The very same. You know him?"

"Yeah... We've crossed paths. Never thought you'd be able to afford anything from him."

"I didn't. Shah bought it as a gift. You didn't answer my question. Like what you see?" She gestured to the gorgeous breadth of her thighs.

He took his first real moment to admire her body. His face brightened with a smile. "Yes! You're absolutely incredible! I mean... You were before, but now you're even more beautiful!"

Her tail flicked. A joyous warmth swelled her chest. "Glad to hear. You don't look too bad yourself~" She sauntered over to the bed, her hips swaying dramatically. She climbed onto her knees and sat in front of him, knees spread invitingly. Off came her vest, then her bra. Those tremendous breasts of hers fell into their natural shape, making Ozmian's eyes sparkle. Her nipples hardened in the cool desert air. She cupped her tits and ran her paws up them, whispering the pawpads against the fur. Her eyes peered back at him with the utmost lewd intent.

Ozmian's face was getting hot. He got on his knees, baring his penis between his thighs. It was slumped to the side, falling out of a thatch of black crotch hair. Gradually it pulsed to life until it became a thick, heavy pillar of masculinity. Simply watching it grow made Mahna feel like a woman. She got on her fours and crawled over, that feminine panther tail swaying above her. She reached out for him and gently closed the tips of her fingers on his shaft. He gasped instantly. So soft, so gentle. He bit his lip and sighed through his nose.

"Mmmm, sensitive, are we?" she cooed, stroking her fingers from hilt to head ever so slowly.

He made a breathy chuckle. "Yeah. Never been touched by a sexy cat lady."

"Mmmm, first time's always the best, isn't it?"

He grunted and nodded. "Oh yeah. Definitely."

She furthered her point by fully closing her paw around his cock. Her strokes were long and slow, firm yet delicate. The inside of her paw pads were like velvet. His foreskin peeled on and off the helmet. From the slit bled a thin current of precum. Pleasure stabbed through his shaft and into his balls, making them feel heavy. Sharp gasps and rattling hisses would suck through his mouth. Looking into her stunning eyes and seeing how closely those magnificent breasts hung to his crotch was torture.

He didn't last long. "Haaaahhhhh~!"

She felt him throb in her grasp. The first rope spat from his cock, not going very far but still splatting around his lap. More came out as she continued stroking him, focusing on the very top quadrant of his dick. He gasped and moaned throughout the ordeal, tortured by the confident look on his wife's face.

She let go of him when he was done. Pearls of cum had collected around the pommel of her paw. She lapped at it until it was clean. That musty, metallic taste stained her mouth when she swallowed. A throaty purr echoed. "Mmmmmmmm, how was that?"

He took a moment to catch his breath. "Hohhh... Hohhh... Good... Real good."

"I bet. You didn't last long at all."

He laughed. "Oh yeah? Bet you can't make me cum that fast again." He was trying to rile her up.

It worked. Mahna's ears folded back on her head as she lowered herself to the mattress and bared her fangs. "Hisssss!" The panther pounced, launching her face straight into his crotch and landing her maw around his half-flaccid cock. She closed her mouth around it, forming a tight suction and forbidding it to grow any softer.

Ozmian's chest swelled as he inhaled deeply. "Huhhhhh! Ah shit! Hahhhh!"

She went on the attack, gobbling his pecker to the hilt and impaling her throat on it. She bobbed her head up and down, gliding those tightly sealed lips in a fluid motion that encompassed his entire length. He was hard in seconds and once again blessing her with a serious flow of precum. The sounds were wet and rude. Her head was cocked back so that she could look him in the eyes. What she saw was a man devoid of thought or comprehension. All he could do was moan and grunt as his soul was siphoned through his cock.

He lasted longer than he had in her paw, but only because of the previous orgasm. Had it been the first time he wouldn't have lasted half as long. With a mighty groan he launched his second load. Mahna was there to absorb every drop, swallowing it just as quickly as he gave it. She retreated to the helmet of his dick and continued suckling while her paw reunited with his shaft and stroked him hard. Poor Ozy thought he was going to die. He trembled where he sat, moaning with an almost mournful tone.

Her maw parted with an airy mwah, leaving his cock glistening in her spit. He nearly collapsed backwards, catching himself on his arms. His whole body trembled. "Ahhh... Ahhh.... Ah... Holy... Huhhh... I gotta... Damn." He rolled off the bed and stood on the floor. His legs were wobbly, requiring a few paces back and forth across the floor to get right. His head was swimming. He barely knew where he was. The afterglow of his orgasm simmered in his loins like glowing metal. "Wow. Fuck."

Mahna giggled to herself, wiping the spit from around her lips. "That good, huh?"

He managed a weak chuckle. "You have no idea."

"Mmm, I think I do." She turned on her knees, aiming her backside at him. She peeled her pants down her ass, letting free her explosive, black cheeks. She pulled them apart, showing him a precious pink pucker trapped in a canyon of darkness. It parted softly and winked at him. "Do me a favor and get hard soon. Your wife needs some loving too, ya know."

He stood in place, mesmerized by the dainty twitch of her asshole. Blood was surging back into his penis already. Damn, she's like a magician. He giddily masturbated until his cock was at full density again. He bounded after the bed and leapt on. Mahna was happy to pull her pants the rest of the way to her knees. She wasn't even on all fours before his hands were on her waist.

He grabbed his pole with one hand and aimed it at her star. He prodded it gently before giving a slight push. Her ring distended to meet the girth of his cock helmet. Newfound flexibility made his entry smooth and easy. A great sigh escaped them both. This was heaven.

He fucked her hard, bouncing his hips off of her ass cheeks and making them wobble. Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap! Bap! Among the steady percussion of their impacting flesh were his grunts and her much louder moans. Her paw went to her pussy, fingering it violently while her husband lay claim to her other hole. Her earlier taunts were avenged with an orgasm of her own, one that sent her voice into a shrill caterwaul. The flesh of her legs jiggled violently. Water drizzled out her cunt and thudded onto the sheets below. Ozmian didn't stop. Through his vicious grunts and heaves he was able to grin. How's that feel?

Divine. It felt divine.

Her second climax came in time with his third. The two of them harmonized their voices as another surge of ecstasy claimed them both. More of Mahna's waters gurgled from her flower while Ozmian blessed her ass with his seed. He pulled out midway through, letting fly the last few droplets onto her ass and lower back. A whimpering Mahna collapsed belly-first onto the mattress. Ozmian wasn't in much better shape, having to support himself on his fist so that he didn't topple over her.

"Huhhh... Huhhh... Huhhh... Oh my... Damn... Fuck..." He wheezed.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..." groaned Mahna. "So good..."

He laughed. "Yeah. I thought so too." He leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. "Love you."

He saw a smile form on the side of her face. "Love you too~"

As much as they both wanted to just pass out right then and there, they had had a mess to clean up. The two of them collected the sheets for the laundry and replaced them with a much fresher set. Ozmian took a quick bath while Mahna used her feline flexibility to clean her used holes with her tongue. She wasn't quite willing to get wet, her being a cat, and all.

At last they joined each other beneath the covers, not in lust but in love. She nuzzled his chest, poking it with her cold cat nose. It made him shiver, but he didn't say anything, not when she was so comfy and precious looking.

He was on the verge of sleep when he heard her mumble. "That was fun."

"Mmmm, it really was. I'm glad you met Syed, and that Shah introduced you to him."

"Me too. Next time I have enough money I'll buy from him. I think I might come back as a tiger~"

He chuckled. "That sounds awesome, but he's pretty pricey. It might be a while before either of us can afford that."

"Well, no matter how long, it'll be worth it. Even if it never happens again, I'm glad we did it tonight."

"Yeah, me too. Just know, I don't care what form you were in. I'd love you no matter what."

A purr rumbled from out his chest. "Mmmm, I love you."

He kissed her forehead. "I love you too." Then he closed his eyes, wondering one last time just what he did to be so lucky.