Pocket Fox: Application

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#1 of Pocket Fox

So, I personally have a kink for consensual non-con directed at me, which is very tricky to fantasise about in a responsible way because if you're not careful, the other party is very unambiguously doing a bad thing. I hope this story is a fun safe way to explore those feelings, I certainly find it fun and I hope you enjoy it.

Frank poured over the paperwork listlessly. He really didn't have the patience for this. The lanky vulpine span the pen in his fingers.

"Do I really have to initial each page?" he looked up from the paperwork, bored.

The gruff wolf in the lab coat grunted affirmatively. "Policy, Mr. Kensington, if you're to participate in product testing, you must fully understand the study, etc. You must also read the manual cover to cover, so you don't cause any damage."

Frank rested his white chin on a charcoal black paw with an exaggerated sigh. Time periods, consent, other participants, operating modes, employee exemptions. Every individual word made sense, but all of them together swam in his head in a confusing and uncomfortable way. He made his way slowly through the paperwork.

It was another 15 minutes before he could sign the last page and put the pen down. Even then, he had skimmed most of it. This was a new product testing role. A fun new sex toy to play with, and the payment was fifty grand. In this, his final year of University, Frank would do just about anything for fifty grand, and besides, a new sex toy to play with would be kind of fun.

"All finished?" the wolf intoned slowly, looking up over his own small wad of paperwork.


They both sat alone in what Frank could only surmise was the laboratory. White tiles covered the floor, walls and ceiling and everything was bathed in harsh white florescent lighting. One side of the room was covered by an enormous pane of glass separating this room from another similar room. Beneath the glass was a counter bristling with buttons and dials.

"Ok, great, just a few more questions and we can move on to the study, OK?"


"So, says here you did your sexual health screening six months ago, all came back clear."


"Also says here you've not been sexually active since then?" A bushy furred eyebrow raised quizzically in Frank's direction."

Frank looked up and bit his lip, the burly grey wolf towered over him, he must have been at least ten years older, experienced, professional, but even under that professional veneer Frank could see the amusement in his eyes, belying stereotypes about foxes.

"I... I don't really... get much opportunity if I am honest".

The truth was... far more embarrassing. The truth was that despite a high sex drive, an abundance of sex toys and a very active sexual fantasy life, Frank, at age 22 had never even kissed another person, let alone had sex.

"OK, well, the study doesn't require celibacy, certainly not from a fox" the wolf ticked the box on the paper, "we just ask that you use protection please, and get regular check-ups ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, OK"

"Right, I'd like you to go sit in the in the scanning room to sit down specifically on that chair please, but first I need you to take all your clothes off."


"Don't worry, I have this to help."

The wolf flicked a toggle with a massive paw and showed how the glass that separated the office room from the other room went from transparent to mirrored in an instant.

"Neat trick huh? It's basically just a one-way mirror, meaning I can give you privacy or not, but you can always see into this room, make sense?

Also, I can always hear what's going on in there, so if you get worried for any reason, you just sing out and I can hear you, got it?

"Yeah, ok" the russet fox made his way into the other room, closing the door behind him.

It was a little disconcerting, seeing the large lupine form in the other room, but after making a few faces and waving his paws he decided that the sign which said "privacy engaged" was probably accurate.

He slipped his jeans and briefs down his legs in a smooth motion, the fabric smoothing his sleek red fur down the sides of his legs. He stood up and looked bashfully in the wolf's direction, the wolf had respectfully turned his back to make Frank more comfortable. Frank smiled. "Thanks for being a gentleman" the wolf's tail wagged just a little.

"When you're ready, please sit down on the device."


"That chair thing in the centre of the room please"

"Oh, yeah, like this?"

Frank lowered his posterior onto the cold hard surface, his own sheath and balls flopped gently between his legs.

The wolf checked a reading on a computer screen.

"Lean back a bit please and sit still."

There was a whirring noise and the arm rests of the chair pushed in gently to fix him in place.


"Yeah, I guess."

The wolf continued to look at the dials for about 5 minutes, apparently lost in thought.

Frank cleared his throat."

"Hey, I don't suppose you could let me know when I could expect my fifty grand? I have, uh stuff to buy."

"Oh, you'll get 25 today and the rest after the study. We could do a monthly stipend for you if you prefer."


"Yeah, study is 6 months long. Say, you did read the whole document, didn't you? I don't have to take you through it again do I?"

"No.. no of course, I read it, I was just, I guess a stipend would be pretty good"

The wolf made a note.

"Easy done. I have to say, you're the first participant that's made it this far, I'm honestly quite excited for the results."

"Y.. you are?"

"Oh yes, I mean, if you don't mind my saying so, I think you're a perfect candidate."

It was the wolf's turn to stammer a little.

"I..I don't mean to be forward or anything, I just, you, know. It's a really good opportunity and I for one think you're perfect."

The wolf pressed a big green button on his console.

Frank felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and went to reach for it only to remember that his pants were in a crumpled heap on the floor.


"Ok, so we're just about done, before I give you the toy I was wondering if I could, uh, have a try?"

The wolf picked up the toy, it looked like a big flesh light. He turned it over in his paws, fidgeting.

"You... wouldn't mind would you? I've never gotten to actually try one before, it would mean a lot."

"Uh, sure, as long as I get my fifty g's I suppose"

"Oh, this is not so much a part of the study as it is a... favour to me... personally?"

"Yeah, go for it, can I get up now?"

"Yeah of course, feel free to get dressed, that doesn't change the operation of the toy at all, part of the design."

Frank got up from the device / chair thing and slowly started putting his clothes back on. His butt was feeling a little numb for sitting so long.

Meanwhile the wolf was still juggling the toy in his paws.

"So, it operates a lot like a flesh light" the wolf eyed the device greedily in his paws and glanced back at the mirror. You... really sure you don't mind, it's not a big deal if I...?" The wolf bit his lip.

"No, go for it, you just have to clean it after, is all."

"Oh, the device is self-cleaning, to be fair. You did read the manual, didn't you?"

"Oh yeah, self-cleaning, got it, sure."

The wolf put the toy down on the table and started undoing his pants.

"Uh, what?" Frank looked a little taken aback.

"Oh, you... don't want to watch?"

"N..no, of course not!"

"Oh, right, sorry, to each their own, um, well we're not supposed to do this but how about I, uh.. enter the privacy room and you sit here at the controls? Just please don't touch anything, that could cost me my job."

"Yeah, of course, sure, no worries no worries."

"Ok, great, and I really appreciate this."

"Yeah, yeah, just get it over with and I'll go."

"Oh yes, of course, gotcha."

And so it was five minutes later Frank found himself fully clothed on the other side of the privacy screen, the console in front of him bristling with buttons.

He clapped his paws and made raspberry noises to see if the wolf could hear him. Nope, nothing, there must be a push to talk button here somewhere. On the other paw, Frank could hear the lupine undressing, hear the clothes slowly thudding to the floor. He got bored and eyed up the controls.

What was the switch for the mirror again? He flicked a switch and the other room became instantly visible. There he was, fully naked. Not bad to look at, Frank thought in an abstract kind of way. Certainly not his type, too burly, too many muscles. But hey, he did seem like a nice guy at least.

The wolf looked up "oh, decided you wanted to watch huh?" fine by me. You're the one doing me the favour after all. He took the lid off the top of the toy.

Frank instantly felt a chilly breeze hit him right under the tail. He shivered violently. Where the heck did that come from?

The wolf sighed and lowered the toy down onto his rock-hard shaft, gently positioning the toy on the tip of his cock and in that moment, all the information he had read this past day made immediate sense to Frank with crystal clear clarity.

He could feel it! The wolf's quivering member slick with precum pressed tentatively against HIS ACTUAL TAIL HOLE, the wolf moaned gently with pleasure.

Frank reached down between his legs and felt under his rear. There was something there which pushed back. Some kind of membrane? A cock?

"Oh, if you press against me, I'll feel it, but as you read in the manual, the system safeguards against conflicts so it's all perfectly safe."

Slowly, deliberately and with much relish, the large wolf brought the toy down over his thick bulbous member, Frank felt every inch of progress as it entered his virginal rear. He bent over in surprise and let out a moan of his own.

"Oh my god, foxy, you are so tight." The wolf placed both paws on the device and thrust hard with both hips, hilting the toy and thus Frank all the way.

The vulpine collapsed to the floor in shock. It wasn't painful per se. Well, that wasn't entirely true. It was painful, just a familiar kind of burning stretching pain, the kind he had with his biggest toys, but this wasn't a toy. Well, the wolf's cock wasn't the toy. The prone vulpine realised with a start that in this scenario Frank himself was the toy.

He got up and steadied himself against the counter with both paws, body shaking. This had to stop.

The wolf pulled the toy slowly off his member, running it luxuriously along his length.

"Perfect, so perfect, such a perfect feel, people are going to love this. They're going to love you."

Frank opened his mouth to yell, to scream, to tell him to stop, but the words didn't come out, nothing but a gag and a strangled whimper.

Back in again, faster than last time as Frank's ass loosened up and the wolf gained in confidence. He pumped himself into the fox's ass lovingly, quickly, flinging the toy around like it weighed nothing. Frank supposed it didn't.

He gained in tempo, strong forearms jamming the rock-hard cock faster and faster into Frank's soft compliant rear. Stars appeared in the fox's vision.

The wolf hunched over, leaning against the glass, panting with excitement.

"I, uh, a little embarrassing to be honest but I think I'm going to cum soon" the wolf whispered almost to himself. You don't mind, do you?"

"No!" Frank managed to make a noise in that direction. No wait, that's not right, what was the answer... yes?

The wolf closed his eyes and pummelled Franks ass mercilessly, the fox's knees went weak and he fell to the floor again, moaning at the constant relentless fucking.

"Ugh, so close"

Frank pulled himself back up to the counter just in time to see the wolf throw back his head and howl triumphantly as he came. The cum didn't fly out of the back end of the device as Frank's intuition expected, it flew hot, wet and sticky into the back end of the fox.

It would be five more minutes of languid stroking and moaning later that the wolf had composed himself enough, to put on his clothes and re-enter the room, he found Frank panting on the floor in the foetal position, pants dripping with cum.

"Oh, hey man, I, uh, I really appreciate you letting me have the first go like that. Uh, I'd appreciate it if we didn't count this against your quota of encounters though because, well, I'm an employee and so we can't really use that data, if you know what I mean.

He glanced at the dark spot under Frank's tail.

"Oh, yeah, that's the self-cleaning thing, fluids only flow one way" the wolf tipped the toy upside down. Fluids go in this end but they flow back out through you. Makes cleaning a breeze, but you honestly should have taken your pants off and use the towel provided.

"Frank groaned wordlessly."

"Oh, shit, are you ok?"

The wolf lifted Frank gently up off the floor and steadied him.

"Oh man, I really did go to town on you didn't I. Jeez, sorry there, little buddy, I guess without any physical cues it's hard to know how the other person is doing. I'll make a note of that. Say, can you, can you... can you walk?"

"I'm f...fine, just f..fine, gimmie that" Frank swiped the toy from the grey wolf's clutches and limped gingerly out of the door.