Limits: Chapter 9

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#10 of Limits

Pizza's on the table. Can one get heartburn from just looking at pizza? No, but Helga know's it's not heartburn. It's guilt and stress boiling over and she doesn't know how to deal with it. Even as her girlfriends try to make it better.

You can find all eleven chapters on my Patreon and Subscribestar. Credit for the thumbnail image belongs to literaturabdsm.

It was not the snap of the whip or the thud of her hand that made Helga grin. No, what pushed the pig to pull her fist back and rocket toward her victim, were the sounds made upon impact. The clap of skin on skin, the strain of rope, and the mouthful grunt from underneath the burlap sack over the canine's head. It sang like sweet, cruel music to her ears.

She had a fit punching bag. Sure, the pitbull had a little fat around her thighs but that was what the treadmill was for. The pig planted her fist against the mutt's gut. The hooded gray-furred dog keeled over, or she would if not for the bindings holding her. Her arms tied behind her head with taut ropes suspending her from the ceiling. The only thing touching the floor was a single paw balanced on her toes. She swayed back and forth with every hit, the momentum digging the ropes deeper and deeper across that body. Her breasts swelled, puffed red from the tie around each. Helga laughed as a clothespin fell from one, letting it flop freely as the other latched against the string tied tight to the ceiling.

"Oh, we don't want this to fall." Helga's breaths tensed in exhilaration as she grabbed her living punching bag. The way the bitch shivered, how she whined into whatever filled her mouth underneath the faceless sack, pure ecstasy. Helga swore she'd orgasm just from the sight of it.

But she wasn't a watcher. The pig liked to participate, to make her bitches squeal underneath her thumb. The pitbull squealed plenty as Helga pulled her free titty back to the hanging clip. "Oh come on now. Aren't you a fucking masochist?" Her backhand crashed against the hood. No restraint, no mercy, just how Helga wanted. "Don't tell me this is too much?"

It was.

Helga shook her head. No, the bitch loved it. She clapped her calloused hand between the whip-marked legs. The juices that drenched her palm confirmed it. "You know, I think I prefer you like this." She winded back her left fist and slammed it into the pitbull's side. "I could use a real workout." Her right followed through, the resounding thud echoed across her mind. She laughed and kept throwing punches. Why even bother talking to a punching bag? It was meant to take her blow, give her a workout. Fuck how it felt. Fuck how it cried!

Where was she?

The pig stopped and turned around. She was in her basement. The concrete floor was covered in gym foam padding while the walls were soundproofed. No one could hear anyone from down there. No one could stop her from sinking into her fun. And what fun she could have with all the toys and equipment lining the walls.

A shrill gagged whine grabbed Helga's attention. She scoffed and held her living punching bag in place. "Guess I gotta give the brat some attention." Not that the pitbull needed a break. She'd grab a taser later to make up for last time. Across the room, the source of the whimpered cry, laid flat a tan-furred vole against a table. Like the pitbull, a burlap sack masked her face, and ropes were tied tightly across her body. Unlike Helga's breathing exercise equipment, the vole's limbs were stretched to the sides and tied to the table chairs, leaving her pussy exposed for everyone's viewing pleasure.

She shivered as Helga's fingers dragged across her stomach. Fists clenched and arms yanked as if she could get away. "I thought you wanted my attention?" Helga cackled and wrapped her hand around the vole's skinny neck. The brat thrashed in the bindings as the pig clenched her grip. "Go on, say something." Helga leaned in, ear perked up to the gagged vole. "I know you want to. You crave those little acts of defiance like you think a punk should. But you're not a punk." The vole's breath slowed. Her life seeped out from her. "You're just some brat who likes the look. I should just rip out those piercings. Make you have some real ragged looks."

She let go. The vole's chest rose high as she sucked in air. Helga laughed and twisted the tight nipples by the large rings, keeping them in place as her victim tried to lower her chest. Her gagged cries were music. "Frankly, you're an annoying little shit. Lazy too. I don't know why I bother to get you off at all."

A wicked thought crossed her mind. She let go and grabbed a whip. Helga didn't remember ever using an actual whip, but it was there in her dungeon. "Maybe I should fix that? Scar that cunt of yours so much that you can't use it?" By now she heard a familiar but muffled word escaping from the gagged vole. Some kind of fruit. She didn't care.

Except she should. Helga's arm swung back without her consent. The smile across her face wouldn't fall. Everything was wrong. The whip had knives. Why did it have knives?! "I hope you like anal only, cunt!"


Helga's eyes cracked open. Her brow, no, her entire body was caked in cold sweat. "Amy! Rebecca!" Her mouth mumbled their names, too dry to say anything coherent. The blanket over her fell to the floor as her arm shot out. She blinked once, then twice. Her heavy breaths filled the room as she realized that this wasn't her home dungeon, but the guest room in the cabin.

A dream. The pig groaned and fell backwards against the covers. Her forearms laid across her forehead as she took another deep breath to calm herself. Not a dream, Helga realized. A nightmare.

She laid there for an unknown amount of time, enough that her body grew comfortable in its stillness. Helga knew she would never hurt them like that. So why did she dream of it? Why did the pig smile as her fists were caked with their blood while they screamed for mercy? Was she just fucked up? No. The pig fought tooth and nail against this thought. Teeth and nails did nothing against its thick hide.

She was thirsty. Helga bit her lip at what she thirsted for. The pig used to drink a lot, back when she rode from town to town on the back of her Harley with her found family by her side. Back when each day started without a clear idea of where they'd sleep, or how they'd pay for food, or gas. She drank to relax then. While she was no alcoholic, Helga knew not to dig too deep into that nectar.

But, by god, she wanted a drink now. Enough to stop her fingers from shaking. Maybe they packed beer in the fridge? Amy and Rebecca might have...Helga's eyes shot open. She slammed her boots into the ground and dashed for the door.

"Amy-" Her cry stopped short at first sight of the vole. She, Rebecca, and the rainbow-haired badger were busy setting out paper plates across the table. Two large pizza boxes stood in the middle, one open to reveal a veggie-lovers pie.

They all looked to her with varying degrees of shock and concern. Helga gulped and forced out a smile. "H-Hey..." She scratched the back of her head, "Thought I smelled something."

"Did you sleep well?" Amy had dropped her plate before she asked. The vole's hands reached for Helga's face. "Let me get a look at you."

"I'm fine." Helga brushed her off. She couldn't look into those indigo eyes without getting goosebumps. "Little thirsty. Did we buy beer?"

Amy blinked and turned to Rebecca. "Can you check?"

"We didn't." Jewel already had the fridge door open. "Plenty of water and gatorade though. Got a preference?"

Helga lumbered over and grabbed one without looking. Her tongue would sort out the flavor. She took the closest free chair and felt gravity's weight against her as she sat down. The pig avoided direct eye contact, able to see their concern clear as day from her peripheral vision. "You're all looking at me like I died." She cracked a false grin, "Don't tell me you think I'm gonna eat brains next."

"We just want to make sure you're ok." Amethyst scooted her seat closer to the pig, "You collapsed after you said the safeword. We had to carry you up the steps."

The pig shied away from her girlfriend's touch. "That so?" She didn't remember much after saying her safeword. "Hopefully I wasn't too heavy. Haven't been strict with my diet."

"You weren't," Rebecca said. The pitbull furled her ears at Helga's gaze as if she regretted butting in.

"Oh...well, good." Helga moved the veggie pizza aside, "Please tell me you didn't just order veggies. Honestly, who the fuck even likes veggie pizza? What, are you trying to be healthily conscious or something about your choice of grease covered cheese bread? There's no point in-"

Amethyst cut her off, "The second box is pepperoni. I know how you like your pizza."

Helga paused, her hand over the second box. She pinched the cardboard flap and peeked underneath, finding the curled-up pepperoni slices across the cheesy wasteland. "Oh...right." She flipped it open and grabbed a slice. Half the cheese ripped off from her piece. "Oh for fucks sake."

"It's ok." Amethyst got up, "I'll get a knife."

"You shouldn't need to get a knife." Helga snapped, "Fucking yoopers can't cut a pizza properly. Only makes sense, considering how much these hicks just love to drink their sap whiskey while hunting goddamn feral moose and..." The pig caught her tongue, took a deep breath, and munched her pizza to keep silent. Wasn't even good pizza. Sauce was burnt, the crust was brittle, and the pepperoni had an utter absence of spice.

A knife plopped down beside her, "Here you go." Amethyst returned to her seat and helped herself to a veggie slice with Rebecca. Jewel went for the pepperoni. Helga wolfed hers down. Something about that nap made her famished and thirsty. The apple-flavored sports drink wasn't cutting it.

"Did you nap well?" Amy asked.

"It was a nap." Helga stared off into the space where the TV sat. "Rainbow, do you have cable?"

"Not here," The badger said, "Parents wanted this place to be a big family trip and said cable would be distracting. We got a DVD player though."

Of course, they did. Helga tried and failed to not roll her eyes at Jewel's explanation. She'd heard the same shit from Allison when her kids were tiny brats. All attention on the tube, none on family, so they gotta force it off. Maybe they just needed to be better at making their kids pay attention? Fuck if Helga knew, she hated kids. Little snot-nosed brats, always making noise.

"I brought my movies just for that." Rebecca smiled. Helga cringed. Not the horror movies. Anything but the blood-soaked horror films. How does a pacifist even like horror? Shouldn't she like peaceful shit? The pig hunkered down into her chair and kept eating, already at her second slice. "I decided to bring some classics. Friday 2, Halloween, oh, and I got the remake of 'The Town that Dreaded Sundown'."

"How's that a classic?" Amy asked and Helga thought. "Isn't a remake, by definition, not a classic?"

Rebecca's blue eyes whipped wide in shock, "What? No. There are remakes that are way better than the original."

"Like Dawn of the Dead?"

Rebecca's shock turned to ire as she turned to the badger. "No, not like Dawn of the Dead. Zack Snyder is a hack. The original did a better job at showcasing society's capitalistic obsession with that one scene of a biker checking his blood pressure while zombies ate him."

"How's that capitalistic?" Amy butted in, "Those machines are free. Plus those zombies looked blue. It was weird seeing a blue bull."

"Romero was still using make-up effects for black and white movies! It's hardly his fault."

Helga kept quiet throughout this entire exchange. Her back hunched as if the lower she went, the more she could blot out the stupid conversation.

Yet her eyes did wander. They picked out little movements from Amy and Rebecca, scratches at their wrists or neck. Guilt pooled in her stomach like bile with every itch they answered. Did she need to get the aloe? Fuck, she hadn't even done a proper aftercare session. They could have bruises that needed proper healing. She couldn't remember how stacked the first aid kit was.

The snap of Amethyst's fingers broke her out of her panic. "I asked you something."

"What?" Helga said to no one. Then she blinked and asked Amethyst, "What? What are you asking?" Her tone was a smidge more aggressive than she liked.

"We're thinking we'll just do a marathon before bed. Would you be fine with that?" The vole reached across the table to grab the hand Helga left there. Both hands were warm, soft, and just a little greasy from the pizza. She tilted her head, letting her half-cut dangle gently as a warm but flirty smile crossed her lips. "Will be plenty of jump scares to cuddle up with."

She couldn't look into her eyes. Helga pulled her hand away and turned her cheek. "You know I hate horror movies." A truth and a lie. She could stomach them enough with the girls at her side. Like living teddy bears to keep her safe. "Just keep the volume down."

"Are you sure?" The vole's hand followed. "It'll be-"

"Yes!" Helga snapped. "Yes. You can have your fucking movie marathon. Just..." The pig exhaled and released her fists. Helga hadn't even realized they were clenched. "Just keep the volume down. I need to sleep."

Rebecca chimed in, "So soon? But you just napped. Shouldn't you-"

"I'm tired." She held her head like she was knee-deep into a headache, "I'm sweaty, tired, and exhausted. I'm not even making sense. Just...just watch your movie marathon, and keep all the screams to a minimum. Now, unless any of you have objections, I'm going to go take a hot shower and then crash in bed. Good night."

She reasoned that they had to be fine now. None of them were in heavy pain. Hell, Amy was chipper enough to suggest they cuddle. She could check for bruises in the morning.

The shower in Jewel's cabin carried the same rustic feel as the entire building. By the end of this weekend, Helga didn't want to see another polished branch as a railing or towel holder for as long as she lived. Without care, the pig tossed her clothes into a rampant pile and turned the faucet. The hotter the better.

Someone knocked at the door. Helga held her sigh because of course there would be a knock on the door. The pig cracked it open just a smidge to peek out, finding Amy standing in the hallway. Not standing in the way one would normally stand, but with her chest out and hands behind her back like a submissive. Except she had a cheeky smile across her lips.

"Amy, I'm taking a shower." She didn't know how to make this any more clear.

"I know. Was wondering if you could use some company?"

"What happened to movies?"

The vole tilted her head toward the living room, "Jewel's setting it up while Rebecca's cleaning. I can come later."

"Ok? If you need to shower you can take it after me." Helga turned and shut the door.

Amethyst caught it, "Or we could both shower. Save's Jewel's parents some water, and we get some alone time. Some real alone time, not this 'cover my collar mic with your hand' forced alone time."

Of course, the rodent wanted personal time. Helga squinted and snorted through her snout. "Amelia," She said her girlfriend's name with as much restraint as she could muster, "I need to be alone right now. Good Night." This time she closed the door without anyone catching it. Not hard enough to slam, but to hear a solid push followed by the turn of the lock.

Balanced by both hands at the door, Helga breathed out another sigh of relief. It brought none. Her nails scratched against the wood as her heart kept pumping. The beat rounded out in her ears. Another breath, then another, followed by a suppressed grunt that should have been a scream.

Steam rose through the air. For the first time since they came to the cabin, Helga's muscles relaxed under the weight of hot water. She stood in the stream, letting it cascade over her as she looked at her hands. They shook. She closed them into fists. They still shook.

She did not sleep well that night.


Helga carried a crick in her neck that she couldn't stretch out. Thanks to her fucked internal clock, the pig woke up at the crack of dawn from the living room couch. She'd migrated there last night after another nightmare almost woke Amy and Rebecca. They'd both snuck into her bedroom at night after their movies, Helga wasn't sure when. What she was sure of is that Rebecca decided to pack a goddamn sleeping bag to stay in the same room rather than stay on the couch.

As if the pig didn't feel guilty enough.

When her morning routine didn't work, Helga opted to just live with the pain as she brewed a pot of coffee. Black. The bitter taste helped snap her eyes open with the sunrise. After the first mug, she began to strip the basement of her additions and load the hauler. Ropes were bundled, cages were disassembled and put away, Lorraine's go-pros were not to be found. Did Rainbow take them? It sounded reasonable since Jewel was in charge of splicing the recordings.

Did she even want them anymore? Amy and Rebecca would, no doubt. They wanted to be added to Helga's personal scrapbook of partners for a while now. Photos, videos, all with permission of course. It was an obsession from the pig's youth. That and she could never find good lesbian porn online when she was between partners.

Of course, the longest relationship she'd been in wouldn't care. Helga laughed at her situation. Any normal person she figured would find that scrapbook weird. Hell, she debated tossing her collection into a fire just to improve her dating chances. All it took was one fateful munch. And now they wanted to be part of it, part of her memory.

They already were.

Jewel got up before Amy and Rebecca. Possibly from the smell of coffee. The hauler was halfway full by the time the badger got out. "I thought the plan was to have everyone do it?"

"I got up early." Helga tossed another bundle of rope in. "Maybe if we get home early, I can get a discount on the return."

"I don't think that's how it works."

The pig laughed. "No. No, it's not." She sure wished it did.

Jewel, not appreciating the soft sounds of the lake and birds this fine morning, broke the silence between them to ask, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes," Helga said without a beat. "And I'd like people to stop asking." She had enough to worry about as is. The long drive back. Returning the trailer they were hauling. The drywall job she'd have to do once her vacation was up. Fuck, she wasted her PTO for this. The pig shook her head and told herself it wasn't a waste. Didn't feel like the opposite of one either.

Rebecca was awake and moving before Amethyst. The pitbull had a habit of being the earliest to rise and somehow operate on six hours. She'd pulled on a beat-up sport's hoodie and pushed herself out to jog around the cabin. "How's your neck feeling?" Helga asked when the pittie passed her.

"Fine." Rebecca scratched it. "Why?"

"I'm just asking." She turned to the house, "Hot Topic up yet?"

Rebecca grinned despite the judgment in her eyes. "You know she hates it when people call her that. It's not even accurate anymore."

"Anymore?" Helga gave a soft chuckle, "Hot Topic's always been a garbage business. Granted, I don't think you can have a chain be punk. Punk can't be part of the establishment."

She let Rebecca continue her jog. Helga thought about joining her, as a way to fight against the jitters in her body. The pig opted out of it. Instead she grabbed another mug of bitter coffee and waited for their sleeping punk to wake up.

Amethyst's asymmetrical cut stood on end thanks to bad sleep. The vole dragged herself across the kitchen like a zombie, one strap of her bra hung loose over her shoulder. Helga pointed to the coffee maker, and in silence the vole took a fresh pot and filled a mug.

"I hate black..." Amy stuck her tongue out over the steaming brew in protest.

"Didn't buy creamers." Helga sipped from hers. "Thought you would, being a barista and all."

"I don't bring work with me, just like you don't."

Helga figured a barista's skill was more applicable to regular days than drywall installation, but she didn't push it. The two stood in silence, one staring out the window, the other into space, letting the fumes of their drinks waft into the air. The pig peered down at Amy's neck, trying to find any signs of damage. Whatever was there had been covered by the vole's studded leather collar.

Her day collar.

Guilt crept up. Helga looked away. "We're gonna leave in fifteen. Get dressed." Amethyst smiled and said something. Whatever it was, the Helga figured the vole must have found it cute. She ignored it all the same and headed back out, keys in hand. One final inspection before hitting the road.

Her girls took to the backseat as Jewel took to the passenger side. Even with the sun brightening the sky, the morning had a dim light to it. Must be from the trees, the pig reasoned, since there weren't enough clouds in the sky.

She yawned throughout the first hour, coffee be damned. Amethyst asked if Helga was alright to drive one too many times for her taste. "I can do it." Her tone sat snippy on her tongue. Strained eyes and heavy eyelids fought against her will as they winded down the empty backroads toward the highway.

The girls were talking about something. Helga tuned it out. She turned the radio on when they hit the highway, then back off when she found nothing worthwhile. "You can plug in my phone. I've got plenty of music." The vole suggested.

"I have a headache." A lie that became true the longer they drove. Could caffeine cause a headache immediately, or was it a lack of sleep? Helga tossed the thought out the window.

One thing that the pig found fascinating about driving was how mesmerizing the long road could be. Years of cross country biking had taught her to be focused. One wrong move, one misplaced thought, and she'd skid across the pavement in tatters. On a bike, Helga would feel the wind and bugs splatter against her, a constant reminder that she was moving faster than any person should.

In the car, she felt none of that. The engine purred in front of her rather than roared underneath her legs. Cold air from the AC blew like a breeze rather than a gale. Even the chairs were comfier thanks to proper back support. She blinked once, no cars or trucks in sight. A second blink, delayed by a second that she snapped back with a shake of her head. Her neck grew heavy, voices dulled. Coffee. She needed coffee.

"Helga." Someone said. Helga responded that she was fine but didn't hear the words brace her lips. "Helga." She tried to move her head back but it stayed still. "Helga!"

Brakes screeched under the weight of the pig's boot. Nobody screamed. No one had time to. Someone's hand dug into Helga's shoulder as she wrestled with the steering wheel. A horn blared from behind. Rubber tore against the pavement.

Then nothing. Helga hunched over, face against the wheel. Every breath ready to rip out of her chest. One hand had her fingers dug into rubber, the other stretched out as a bar for the badger next to her.

No one was hurt. Not physically. Helga's stomach churned at the fear in their eyes. Rebecca pushed into her seat, gaze wide in shock. Amethyst's haggard breaths echoed behind the pig. Her black painted claws dug deep enough into her girlfriend's leather jacket that Helga almost asked her to let go. Her mouth just couldn't form words.

Jewel's did. "The fuck!?" The badger screamed. She unbuckled and kicked out the passenger side door, marching her way out from the middle of the empty highway.

"H-Hey!" Helga reached after her, "Hey! Don't walk across the highway!"

Rainbow said nothing as she pointed to the edge of the road. The fury and fear across her face told Helga everything she needed. Once safe from the zero incoming traffic, Amethyst and Rebecca got out of the car to calm Jewel down.

Helga watched in silence. "Fuck..." she swore under her breath, forehead against the wheel. "Wake." She bounced her head off it, "The. Fuck. Up." Every word came with her forehead against the wheel. It all happened so fast. Years of experience and yet she would have gotten them killed if they were in some busy intersection. She fucked up. She really fucked up. She was their protector, she couldn't fuck up. Else why would they trust her with the whip, with the ropes, with their support? "Fuck." Her head stopped bouncing. She slumped against the wheel.

A few taps against the windshield pulled Helga from her pity. Amethyst stood outside the door, hands wrapped around herself. She arched her head to tell Helga to get out of the car. The pig forced her legs to stabilize against the pavement and needed to grab hold of the car door for balance.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

Helga was sure her girlfriend's tone wasn't judgmental, but that's how she heard it. She peered over to Rebecca and Jewel before answering, finding the pitbull and badger sitting at the side of the road with the former's arm wrapped around the latter's shoulder. "How's she doing?" Helga asked.

"She's not hurt, physically at least. None of us are." Amy's breath came out in shreds, as if her heart and mind were on different wavelengths. Helga felt the same. Her mind wanted to relax, but her body was covered in goosebumps. "What happened?"

The pig opened her mouth to speak, but took a breath to calm herself before she snapped. Now wasn't the time to be snippy. "I fucked up. I nodded off for a second and I just...fucked up."

"You nodded off?" Amethyst looked into Helga's eyes with a squint. Not satisfied, she reached for the pig's face, "Are those bags? Have you been sleeping?"

She caught the girl's hand. "No."

"No?" Amy pulled back. "The fuck do you mean 'no'? You told Jewel you were fine."

"I thought I was." She dug her hands deep into her leather jacket's pockets. "I figured enough coffee would keep me going. I was wrong." Helga sank her neck into her shoulders. She wanted to shrivel up and die. She was at least twice her girlfriend's age and almost got them killed by sheer incompetence.

"Were we too loud last night?" Amy, bless her heart, asked. As if she could be responsible for the pig's entire fuck up. "We couldn't get subtitles to work so we had to have volume and-"

"No." Helga shook her head, "No, it's got nothing to do with you. I just...I just had trouble sleeping. Bad dreams."

Not about to fish the pig's hands from her pockets, Amethyst wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist. She didn't feel warmth or comfort in the vole's touch, only guilt. She was in charge, she had to make sure they were safe. Nightmares weren't real, she should have slept through them.

After an eternity of hugging with silence only broken by a truck passing them by, Amethyst laid her palm flat and said, "Give me your keys." Helga didn't argue, pushing the keychain between the vole's paw. "I'll talk with Jewel, see if she's comfortable sitting in the back or something."

"I can-"

Amy cut her off. "You will sit where I tell you to sit, and you're going to try to get some rest." She grabbed the pig's wrist tight. "Just...We can't deal with this right now. Not after that. Not after..." The vole let her head fall against Helga's chest. If she expected a hug from the pig, Helga wasn't fit to give it. Not now. "Promise me you'll try to sleep in the car."

She promised. Jewel didn't want the passenger seat after calming down, leaving Helga to take her spot while she joined Rebecca in the back. Helga let her heavy eyelids fall as Amy drove them back across the highway.

They didn't open until she was home.