Eighteen and Stoned

Story by Jr Silver on SoFurry

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Eighteen is a very exciting time in a wolf's life. It's adulthood put into the form of a number, and gives one a whole new grasp of life. If your lucky enough not to live New Jersey, you could buy smokes, or go ahead and legally watch porn. Why was it that when I had turned eighteen, all I did was sit at home, drink a couple of beers and pass out. Life had always been dull, entertainment for me was an Xbox, a gym, a trade school, and that's really all there is. People were fickle to me. It was when all the bullies and popular kids who avoided me in high school started going out of their way to say hello to me that I got a deep seated hatred for people. The fact that they couldn't be seen around me in front of each other sparked so much anger and resentment.

Recalling one such occasion. I was doing some grocery running at Acme. I hated that place, due to the large student hiring rate, it was a short walk from the school, so kids usually got hired by working right after school had ended for the day. If only it were the kids like me, the outcast group, that got hired. But managers don't hire the kids with the black hair and army jackets, they hire all the prep-hop pint shitters. And that was exactly who I ran into. She wasn't the bully type, rather the "I have no time for you." kind. I can say they're worse then bullies, bullies go out of their way to make you feel bad, she basically acted like I didn't exist. If only that were still the case.

I remember walking up to the register and hearing an uplifting and joyful voice saying my name. "Oh hey John." I looked up to see that bubbly look on her white feline face. One that never graced my sight when we were in school. "Hey." was all I could muster. Conversing wasn't my line of duty, rather sit around and flick my lighter while people threw shit at me. If only I was in school when that was cool. "What're you doing? Just shopping?" Forgive me for seeming like an asshole, but all I wanted to do at this point was bash my skull against the register. I had a very low tolerance for dim-witted comments. But she also didn't correct herself, which gave me the ability to respond, I did have a spot for those with a low comprehension of conversation, or idiots.. "Yeah, running low I guess." A couple of seconds passed, and then she said something that just sent a bullet of hate through my brain. "My god, this job is just so crappy. They want me to come in on Sunday for like the fifth time in a row. But, money is money. You know." She was acting like she was my kindergarten BFF. She'd never said Hi when I passed her in the hallway at school, or in the lunch line. Whenever I tried speaking with her she just walked on by. And now she was just breathing away.

I grabbed my bags, I hardly got out two sentences, but she never shut her flap the entire duration of me being there. She looked up "Guess I'll talk to you later." Which was when I looked up. "Why are you talking to me anyway?" She had a puzzled look on her face, as If she was completely oblivious to the way she acted in school. "You never talk to me in any of our classes." She had a blank look for a second before looking down. I left.

I did get over the event later on. Never much had a thing for keeping anger. In fact this story I just told you is what I told my friend the night my life felt good for once, like actually happiness had flooded my life. I did have a friend in school, I think everyone had at least one. A tall raccoon, named Aaron.( Yes he is black, and no I'm not racist ) We were both the in the back of class kids.

About three days after my Eighteenth, I gotta text midday from the only person who wasn't my family or job on my phone. Aaron's message went something like. "dude, how r u with weed???" I really didn't understand the text, but two hours later (waiting for my parents to leave for some stupid banquet) we were both sitting on my back porch, staring at a bag of AK-47 (for those of you familiar with your shit) that Aaron got from his older brother for his eighteenth. He put it up to my nose and told me to take a whiff, and I did. The pungent herb did have a remote scent, nothing special. "Dude, whadd'ya think?" He was smiling and hopping around like a fucking kid on a sugar rush. "I'm thinking this bag must'a been twice as full before you got here you spaz." "Nah dude, this is gonna be my first time dude. AND your first time." He grinned as he pulled into his little pocket, pulling out what looked like a pipe, but he called a bowl. Even more confusing was when he explained how to smoke. "Kay, you put your thumb here, suck. Now breathe in and hold it." After a few seconds I released a cloud of smoke, and a slow feel good sensation ran over me. Getting more noticeable as I cracked a smile and fell back into the lounge chair.

A good seven minutes and about three more bowls of weed went by and we were both simply sitting in the garage, smiling at each other as we tried figuring out what the meanings of System of a Down's songs were. Needless to say, we were stoned.

A short while later. "I'm probably never gonna have a girl friend dude." Aaron was saying as he was hitting the bowl, then passing it to me. "Sure you will. Gotta be someone out there for everyone right." Then, as you probably guessed you damn psychic readers have guessed, the statement that changed my life was muttered. "Don't even know if I wan't a girl, man." I looked over. "Well, are you gay dude?" A silence broke over, which unnerved me as I was expecting a utterly manly response. "Dude, are you?" I asked. "Well, I still yank it to girls, but yeah. More or less." I simply sat with my jaw hanging. Falling back in my seat. "Dude." Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for his response. "What about you? Are you?" I didn't know if I just didn't respond quick enough or what, but I got the subconscious feeling he knew what my answer would be. "Dude, holy shit man!! This is fucking awesome!" Were both fags!" I just sat back in my chair, laughing with my hands covering my face, both of us laughing together. It was known to me for a while, but it just felt good to say, especially with someone else saying it too.

After a while of laughing and calling each other fags we were both back to smoking weed and listening to music, techno now, which was fitting. "So what now dude?" I had looked up from the floor, bowl in my mouth? "What do you mean, what now?" He just smiled at me. "You know."

(And I think that is where I'll leave this. There is more. Just thought an opening was in order. Plus I'm kinda beat. Thanks and hope you enjoyed :D)