Power Fur Rangers- Episode 22

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#24 of Power Fur Rangers

Episode 22

"Twisted Evil Pt. 4"


Furry Sith Lord

Previously on Power Fur Rangers, Lisa sneaks into The Evil Lair on the moon to tries to rescue Brian. While there she learns that they are about to throw him into a black hole. Will The Power Fur Rangers save him in time? Find out today on Power Fur Rangers!!!

Movin in like lightning,

You never know what they're gonna throw at you,

Don't give up!

Just Stand Your Ground.

The Fight is Tough,

But We're Behind you...

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!!!

Brian felt the rocket slowly decreasing speed. He guessed they were next to the Black Hole but just enough away so the gravity of it would not pull them in. Twisted Red and Twisted Black rose from their seats and walked to where Brian was still helplessly tied up.

"Let's make this quick, I don't like being close to one of these things." Twisted Black said as he shivered at the thought of it.

"The forcefield engaged?" Twisted Red asked.


"Good then open the hatch and we can toss him out." Twisted Red said as he chuckled evilly.

"Bye, Bye, Blue Power Fur Ranger" Twisted Black mocked and although he still could not see clearly Brian thought he saw a large hatch in the side of the rocket open up. Brian shivered in terror as something approached him and he was lifted to his feet. He closed his eyes and waited for the Twisted Rangers to toss him into space.

He wondered if he would feel any pain as he suffocated and froze while the gravity of the Black Hole pulled him inside it. He wondered what would become of his body since no one had ever gone into a Black Hole and returned to tell the story. He took a deep breath and prepared for the end.

In The Power Fur Ranger Secret Base, Tom paced restlessly as the other Power Fur Rangers fought against Twisted Blue to save The Pink Power Fur Ranger.

"No, no, no, no, The rocket is slowing as it approaches the Black Hole!" Clank said.

"We can't wait any longer! I have to go." Tom said as he prepared himself to transform.

"This is very dangerous, Tom. We don't know what's in there." Zoltan said, trying to calm the feline.

"But if Brian is in there this is the only chance we have to save him. I may be wasting my powers but as a Power Fur Ranger I have no other choice. I'm sorry.

Powered By A Dragon!" Tom shouted as he crossed his paws in front of him making 'X' shapes then closed his eyes. He quickly opened his eyes as he extended his index and middle fingers as if he was unsheathing claws. He then clasped his paws together as if holding a ball of energy and motioned to pull his paws behind his back.

"Power of The Green Power Fur Ranger." Tom Shouted.

He then motioned as if he was throwing the energy like a fireball forward. The ring he wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped his body. The goo hardened and became his Power Fur Ranger outfit that looked as thin as spandex but stronger than the toughest steel. The helmet he wore had blackened slots where the eyes were so he could see out of it. His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had. He had a silver vest that had gold dragons on it. The vest appeared as flimsy as a cloth material, the same as the outfit but in reality it was stronger than carbon steel. He was instantly transported outside the base and he removed his Fur Flute Dagger from a holster.

"Time for The Green Dragon Zord!" The Green Power Fur Ranger said. He placed the tip towards the mouth portion of his helmet. The knowledge of how to play the flute filled his mind as if it was second nature to him.

He played an eerie haunting little tune that could be heard for miles around. The melody seemed to tell a sad tale and a call for help. When at last he was finished he heard the distant sound of something huge roaring in response.

In an old forgotten cave next to the ocean a pair of red glowing eyes opened and the dragon opened its wings as he flew out of the cave towards the source of the melody that was played. Its huge size adjusted itself and it decreased its size until it was twice the size of The Green Power Fur Ranger.

It coiled its long body like a corkscrew as he stood in front of The Green Power Fur Ranger. It was ghost-like being completely translucent. Staring at him with its glowing red eyes.

"Understand," The dragon spirit replied as if it could read The Green Power Fur Ranger's mind. He leapt up and flew off into the sky towards the ship and the Black Hole. The higher it flew the more it used it's energy to fly faster and faster trying to catch up.

"I'm ready Zoltan," The Green Power Fur Ranger said telepathically and he was transported to the outside of the rocket ship as it slowed to a stop. The Green Power Fur Ranger held on for dear life as he waited for the spirit to finally arrive.

"Please hurry, Axelrod. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on." The side of the ship suddenly jerked as the hatch opened and The Green Power Fur Ranger saw an almost invisible force field in place. He climbed over to touch it and saw that he was able to pass through it easily.

"Let's make this quick, I don't like being close to one of these things." Twisted Black said as he shivered at the thought of it.

"The forcefield engaged?" Twisted Red asked.


"Good then open the hatch and we can toss him out." Twisted Red said as he chuckled evilly.

"Bye, Bye, Blue Power Fur Ranger" Twisted Black mocked and although he still could not see clearly Brian thought he saw a large hatch in the side of the rocket open up. Brian shivered in terror as something approached him and he was lifted to his feet. He closed his eyes and waited for the Twisted Rangers to toss him into space.

The Green Power Fur Ranger jumped through the forcefield feet first and the surprised Twisted Rangers looked at him. He took out his Fur Wakizashi and prepared himself to strike them. They looked at each other in terror and transported themselves back to their Evil Lair.

The Green Power Fur Ranger approached Brian and quickly untied him. Briasn opened his eyes in shock and saw The Green Power Fur Ranger waving to him.

"Hey buddy, ready to go home?" The Green Power Fur Ranger asked as he opened his hand and gave Brian His Blue Power Ring. He placed it on his winged finger and he and The Green Power Fur Ranger were transported back to their secret lair.

"Welcome back buddy," Lion said as they all changed back to their regular selves.

"Thanks, I thought it was gonna be over for me." Brian replied and Tom placed a new set of glasses on Brian's beak.

"No, no, no, no," Clank cried out as he used his scanner on Tom. Everyone turned to look at him to see what was wrong.

"Your power level has dropped to 60%" Clank continued.

"Wow, that was a huge drop!" Skyler exclaimed.

"It was worth it to save Brian." Tom said proudly.

"LIKE with Twisted Blue out of the way that just leaves 4 more of those creeps." Lisa said.

"You guys got rid of Twisted Blue?!" Brian asked.

"Yup, he won't be a problem anymore." Terri said. She turned and hugged Brian making his new glasses slide down his beak.

"Zolton, is there anything we can do for Tom?" Lion asked.

"The Power Masked Rangers sent us the schematics they used in building the chairs they use to recharge. We are going to attempt to construct one and then modify it to see if The Green Power Fur Ranger's powers can be recharged.

The trouble is that we don't know what to do if it doesn't work. I've sent messages to other Ranger Groups to see if anyone has any ideas on how to help Tom. They've been wanting to help us but they too don't know of any way to recharge the powers without The Evil Emperor doing it himself." Zolton explained.

"Even if he were here I don't want to be his slave again. Or forced to hurt my friends while under his spell." Tom said while Lisa sat in the background and rolled her eyes.

In the Evil Lair on the moon, Gollip sat on The Evil Emperor's throne while Twisted Black and Twisted Red knelt before him.

"So we transported back here because there was not room to fight The Green Power Fur Ranger." Twisted Red explained.

"Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful! The pit is full.... full of fools that run like cowards as they outnumber a single The Power Fur Ranger." Gollip screamed.

"Sir," Twisted Blacked started to say but was instantly interupted by Gollip.

"Silence!!!! Get out before I throw you both into a black hole myself!!!" Gollip screamed and The Twisted Rangers ran from his presence. Twisted Pink and Twisted Yellow leaned against the wall of the hallway outside the throne room. They waited as the other two ran out of the throne room and joined them. Twisted Black and Twisted Red leaned over to catch their breaths.

"What a windbag," Twisted Pink said.

"How would you boys like to get rid of that bag of snot permanently?" Twisted Yellow asked.

"Let's go someplace private," Twisted Red said and they followed the hall until they found an empty room.

"What are you two planning?" Twisted Black asked.

"We want Shark-Finster to make us a new monster. One that can undo the effects of the magic The Evil Empress placed on Gollip." Twisted Pink explained.

"Fool, that will make him into a Power Fur Ranger again." Twisted Red replied.

"Then we send him out to attack The Power Fur Rangers as he thinks they are evil clones. That way either they destroy him or he destroys them." Twisted Yellow added.

"But how are we gonna convince him that we are the... good species and The Power Fur Rangers are the bad species? Twisted Red asked.

"We'll have Mirror Force make us look like his old allies. After years of being corrupted by magic it'll be easy to convince him of anything.

"Anybody know what The Power Fur Rangers looked like back then?" Twisted Black asked. The other shrugged trying to think of answers.

"Somebody will have to find out. My traveling to where The Evil Army last battled The Power Fur Rangers and captured Gollip." Twisted Pink said seductively and she slowly walked over to Twisted Black. She began to pet him as if to encourage him to volunteer to her plan.

"Huh.... don't look at me like that! I ain't going nowhere." Twisted Black replied.

"We just need to know what color he was, then we look like the other colors and he'll believe us once he sees us in our outfits. We then show him the real The Power Fur Rangers and say they are the fakes and we need his help in destroying them.

"There are some records I remember seeing as I explored the Castle." Shark-Finster said, making the Twisted Rangers jump as they did not hear him creeping in from behind them.

"Can you make a monster to undo the magic?" Twisted Pink asked.

"Yes but the effects won't be permanent. The best I can do is a sort of phase shift that will bend time around him and put him in a state before his body was twisted. However, like I said, eventually the effect will wear off and he will turn back into Gollip." Shark-Finster explained.

"As long as it is long enough to destroy the Rangers then so be it." Twisted Yellow replied.

"As you wish, Monstrum Arcesse Ktanos! Meet DeSpellorite!" Shark-Finster said. A Monster wearing a dark gray colored mast and a flowing black robe stood before them. Faint wisps of smoke flowed from the eyes adding to the eeriness of the creature. Twin gold colored chains were wrapped across its body making an 'X' shape on it's chest.

There are a couple of things you need to be aware of. First, Gollip will have no memory of future events. Secondly, when he reverts back into his current form he will have no memory of the past or anything he did while he was under DeSpellorite's magic." Shark-Finster Exclaimed.

"Perfect, that is just what we wanted!" Twisted Red replied gleefully.

"Come on, let's try it out!!!" Twisted Pink shouted as she ran towards the entrance.

"Wait, where is he?" Twisted Black called out.

"Probably sitting on The Evil Emperor's throne, as usual." Twisted Pink said. She ran towards DeSpellorite and grabbed the robe of the creature to make it follow her. The rest followed them close to watch what would happen.

When they neared the entrance of the throne room, Twisted Pink stopped them to finalize the plan.

"OK, as soon as this thing uses its power you guys send him to the planet. Once there Mirror Force will be waiting to use his power to make us look like The Power Fur Rangers. We convince Gollip that The Power Fur Rangers are evil and fake Rangers then he destroys them. Got it?" She said and the others nodded. She turned back towards the monster. "Go!" She ordered.

DeSpellorite softly entered the Throne Room. Gollip lay half asleep on the throne when he saw the monster approaching. He sat up straight as he looked at the strange creature that had smoke coming out of its eye sockets.

"Pitiful, pitifu...." Gollip started to say but a beam of light shot out of the eye sockets of the mask and it struck Gollip on his chest. His body began to twist and bend as he cried out in pain.

Fur began to grow from the sickly looking skin of Gollip and a tail suddenly began to grow. Gollip fell to the floor and wriggled around as his tail grew and the fur began to cover his body. Once gray colored fur completely covered his b ody the loincloth Gollip wore fell off him.

A Gray colored Fox lay on the floor breathing heavily. He had a black colored tail and one of his eyes was missing. A black eye patch appeared and covered his left eye then the fox clad only in his fur rose and clothing suddenly appeared on him.

The clothing looked like silver silk that had gold trim. It looked like the outfit a ancient warrior might wear, unlike the modern clothing species wore today.

"What...what's..." The gray fox stammered but before he could finish his question he was transported to the planet's surface.

The Twisted Rangers stood there and as Mirror Force waved his arm the Twisted Rangers became The Power Fur Rangers. Mirror Force used his magic to turn himself into The Blue Power Fur Ranger so that all five were together.

"Are you the one Zoltan told us about?" The Fake Red Power Fur Ranger asked him.

"Zoltan?! How do you... who are you?"

"Let me explain," The Fake Black Power Fur Rangers started. "Many years ago you and the other The Power Fur Rangers were defeated. We thought you all but died except Zoltan found that you had been trapped in a time warp.

Just recently, The Evil Emperor made clones of us, only he made them stronger and we can't defeat them." The Fake Black Power Fur Ranger explained as he lied.

"Zoltan found that he could save you from the time warp and we hoped you could join us in beating The Evil Power Fur Rangers. Will you help us...." The Fake Pink Power Fur Ranger said but she had to stop herself because she was about to call him Gollip. She feared hearing his name might break the spell. "...sir."

"Nick, my name is Nick, and I'll do anything to help save the planet. Evil Rangers or no Evil Rangers, Zoltan can count on my help." Nick replied.

"Great you can find The Evil Power Fur Rangers at Billy's Juice Bar." The Fake Yellow Power Fur Ranger said.

"As Black as the shadows, Black Power Fur Ranger!" Nick cried as he crossed his paws in front of him. The Power Ring he wore began to glow with a black light that soon completely covered his body. When the light faded he looked like a androgynous black clad ninja.

He reached into an invisible pair of pockets on his outfit and tossed a pair of gloves that had razor sharp knives attached to the fingers into the air. The Classic Black Power Fur Rangers jumped up high and stuck out his paws as the gloves attached themselves to him. He gracefully landed as he took up a fighting stance.

"Head to the Juice Bar, we'll catch up after we report to Zoltan." The Fake Red Power Fur Ranger said as he and the other Fake Rangers began to transport. Within a brief second, The Classic Black Power Fur Rangers vanished then suddenly reappeared as it held the decapitated head of Mirror Force.

"Fell the Fury! Black Power Fur Ranger." Nick cried and the Twisted Rangers began to turn back into their normal selves as the illusion was broken by The Classic Black Power Fur Ranger defeating Mirror Force.

The Twisted Rangers vanished before The Classic Black Power Fur Ranger saw them for what they were. Nick turned back to himself as the head of Mirror Force vanished as it turned into dust.

"Billy's Juice Bar," Nick muttered to himself as he began to walk in search of the place. He had never been on this planet before.

In the secret base of The Power Fur Rangers, an alarm sounded and Clank hustled over to observe a monitor.

"No, no, no, no Zoltan!!! Check the monitor!!! It's Nick!!!!" Clank shouted and the others looked around in confusion.

"How is this possible? There was n o way to undue how The Evil Empress twisted his body. This must be a fake." Zoltan exclaimed.

"Um... excuse me but who is this Nick person?" Skyler asked.

"Nick was one of the original The Black Power Fur Ranger. He was turned into Gollip because of the spells The Evil Empress used on him. it twisted him, changing him into the creature we now know as Gollip."

"He was a mean fighter," Skyler remarked as he remembered the battle he once had with Gollip.

"Did the spells war off?" Lion asked.

"Impossible, we found there was no way to change him back." Clank said.

"LIKE another illusion by Mirror Force?" Lisa asked then the monitor showed The Classic Black Power Fur Ranger decapitate Mirror Force.

"Looks like Mirror Force is no longer a player in the game." Brian remarked.

"No, no, no, no there can be no doubt about it! That is Nick!" Clank remarked.

"Is he on our side or their side?" Tom asked.

"That, I'm afraid, is the real question. Nick was always a fighter for truth and justice. He only became evil with the magic of The Evil Empress twisted his mind as well as his body. No doubt he must be lost and confused as he stumbles around on a planet he knows nothing about." Zoltan explained.

"Then we have to find him before he hurts someone... or himself." Lion said. The others agree with him and Brian went over to Clank.

"Can we find him on the com;uter?" Brian asked. Clank was busy typing away on the keyboard as he searched the monitor.

"This computer is not geared to track his power ring. I'll have to adjust it but it could take some time." Clang answered.

"We better split it. We can cover more ground and look for places highly populated. He'll probably be looking for anyone he might know." Skyler said.

"LIKE how can you be so sure?" Lisa asked.

"Because it's what I would do." Skyler replied.

"Be safe Power Fur Rangers, because there is no telling how he will react." Zoltan cautioned.

Nick approached a building that had a sign reading Billy' Juice Bar. He ignored the looks the other species gave him as they observed him in his warrior outfit. Their clothing seemed as strange to him as his was to them.

The others said The Evil Power Fur Rangers would be here and he intended to find them. It was odd that none of the species here were running in terror from them. This made him wonder if he had the right place.

It was odd that he could read the sign but he had never seen lettering like that before. Was this a new power from his ring? He did not know but he would have to worry about it later. First he had to get inside.

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!

Power Fur Rangers- Episode 23

Episode 23 "The Evil Emperor Returns Pt.1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 21

Episode 21 "Twisted Evil Pt. 3" By Furry Sith Lord Last time on Power Fur Rangers, Brian was cubnapped by The Evil Army and forced to give up his ring. It was then given to Twisted Blue so that an illusion from Mirror Force...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 20

Episode 20 "Twisted Evil Pt.2" By Furry Sith Lord Previously on Power Fur Rangers, The Evil Army now had 5 members of The Twisted Rangers and using the monster Mirror Force they were able to disguise themselves as The Power Fur...

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