Open Office - Chapter 4

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#4 of Open Office

The porn is back! After a couple chapters of story progression, the naughtiness has returned. Still quite a bit more in this series - hope you all enjoy! As always, let me know what you think!

Greyson and Jacob soon grew inseparable. The vulpine quickly learned that their skills were evenly matched at the job, and it was refreshing to deal with someone who wasn't a total idiot, but also didn't make him feel like one either. They'd spend their mornings architecting solutions or chatting about clients they hated, then spend most of the afternoons coding on their own. It was a short time together, but the wolf was one of the friendliest furs the fox had ever met. His intelligence was only outmatched by his looks, though Jacob would never admit that part out loud.

It was due to the success of integrating Greyson into the office that Jacob didn't bat an eye when Zander announced that another employee had left. This time it was the girl on the sales side, whose name Jacob could never remember. With as little as they interacted, it didn't make much difference to him. She was nowhere to be seen that morning, presumably having taken her severance package and bailed.

As Jacob looked toward the dragon striding toward the front of the room, his eyes widened slightly as he focused on the male next to him. 'Does Zander like only know fucking giants?' he thought to himself. While the lion walking alongside the dragon wasn't quite as tall, he was every bit as muscular, and surely towered over the top of Jacob. He shook his head a bit, trying to focus as the dragon cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Hi everyone, quick announcement, if I can have your attention. Penelope resigned without notice on Friday, but luckily, I pride - excuse the pun," he paused, nudging the lion, "myself on being prepared. This is Taylor. He'll be joining Jeff in sales, primarily focusing on the Midwest. Do your best to make him feel welcome! Anything you want to say, Taylor?"

"Nope! Just happy to be here, and look forward to working with each of you," he said happily, eyes moving around the room. Jacob felt uncomfortable for a moment as it felt like the lion lingered on him a little too long to be normal, but the gaze was soon dropped and continued moving around. He shrugged it off, calling himself paranoid. If Taylor was half as good as Greyson was at his job, the company would be rolling in money by the end of the year.

"Well, I'll let you all get back to it. Taylor, make yourself at home; Jeff, show him around please," Zander asked, turning tail and heading back into his office.

"Sure thing, boss," the sales wolf replied, bounding up and looking up at the taller lion. "Welcome, Taylor! Now, if you're anything like me, you know relationships are everything, so let's start by introducing you to your coworkers. Here we've got the resident nerds, Greyson and Jacob - they make all the stuff we promise we can deliver," he started, taking a couple steps over to the pair of canines. A scowl briefly crossed the vulpine's face, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Nice to meet you, Taylor," he offered, holding out his paw.

"You as well. Good to see this office has a fox, eh, boys?" Taylor asked, grinning as he looked at the two wolves on either side of him.

While Jeff laughed, Greyson grimaced a bit. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you know the stereotype, what foxes are for and all that," the lion remarked, smile still across his lips.

"He's not for that. Jacob is a capable programmer, even more than me. If you can't respect him, leave," the wolf growled, hair on the back of his neck standing up a bit.

"Alright puppy, have it your way," the lion remarked, clapping Jeff on the back. "So, who's next? Hopefully more welcoming than those two."

As the pair walked off, Jacob simply turned back to his computer and got back to what he was doing. Greyson looked over, a little concerned - while he didn't know Jacob extremely well, he wanted to make sure the fox wasn't hurt.

"You alright? That guy's an asshole," the wolf remarked.

"Fine," Jacob replied, typing away.

Greyson remained silent for a moment, glancing off to the side and back. He swallowed, unsure whether he should speak again, but did so anyway. "You want to help me plan out this project? I know a good tech challenge gets your mind off things, and this customer's really picky..."

Jacob sighed. "Yeah, alright, let's go," he answered, getting up and grabbing his computer, heading toward the usual conference room they used. Greyson silently followed, shutting the door behind them and sitting down next to the vulpine. He wrapped his arm around the fox and gave him a quick side hug.

"You sure you're alright?" Greyson asked again now that they were alone.

"Yeah. Not the first time, and it won't be the last. Doesn't bother me much," Jacob said dismissively, opening his computer. "So, this project?"

"If you're sure," Greyson replied, opening his own again in return and showing the screen off to the fox. As his explanation started, almost immediately, Jacob's mood began to lighten again. The whiteboard in the room was heavily used, architecting flow diagrams as data moved throughout their theoretical application. Ideas flew back and forth, laughs were shared, but after a couple hours, they had a good idea of how the entire project was going to be laid out. The pair sat in their chairs with smiles on their faces, job well done for their time spent here.

As Greyson took some notes on their conversation and made sure it wouldn't be lost, he slowly adjusted his chair, moving it over toward the vulpine. Their legs briefly bumped, staying connected beneath the desk as more furious typing took place. 'God, even through his fur I can feel his muscles...' the vulpine thought, mind slowly straying from his work. Ordinarily he'd have scooted away, but he couldn't quite bring himself to do it this time.

Greyson stayed quiet for another couple minutes before he stopped typing. "Hey Jacob?" he started, interrupting the fox's thoughts.

"Hmm?" Jacob piped up.

"I know Taylor was way out of line earlier today, but I can't really stop thinking about what he said. I gotta ask, are you sure it didn't bother you?" The wolf wondered.

" I said, I'm fine. Why does it bother you so much?" Jacob asked.

"Because," Greyson started, pausing to collect his thoughts. "Because...I've started to like you, and...I know it's weird to ask this, especially of a coworker...but, if you ever wanted to, y'know, do the stuff Taylor was talking about...I'd be open to it. I just...I just don't want you to think it's because of a stereotype or anything; it's just...I like you."

Jacob's eyes went wide as he listened. Was Greyson really saying what he thought he was saying? "Wait...what?" Jacob asked, dumbfounded and frozen in place.

"You know...I mean, we've only worked together a couple weeks, but you're kinda hot..." Greyson continued, looking away in embarrassment. "And...I figured, you know... if you don't ask, you don't get, right?'d want to..."

"Like...right here? Right now? You're serious?" Jacob asked, still not sure what else to do besides try to see if Greyson was kidding or not.

"I'm serious. You know no one ever bothers us in this room, and the door's locked anyway...see, and no windows..." he continued, moving his other paw onto Jacob's thigh, lightly rubbing along it. The fox wasn't pushing away or refusing, and the wolf took it as a positive sign. As things looked promising, he slowly became more assertive, but Jacob soon started looking slightly uncomfortable. "You okay?"

"No - I mean, yeah, it's just - it's a lot to take in," the fox stammered.

Greyson smirked. "I've been told that before," he joked, taking his paw off Jacob's leg and bringing it to his own crotch, slowly undoing his zipper and revealing his sheath below. Clearly, the wolf wasn't one for underwear. Given the vulpine's lack of refusal, Greyson took it as implicit permission to try to make progress. The large, grey package rested above two darker orbs, not even fully visible with the wolf's pants still partially covering them up. A small bit of pre already formed on the tip, giving a shimmering tone to the fur.

"Wait - stop. Lane," the vulpine stammered, grabbing Greyson's wrist and keeping it still.

"Huh?" Greyson asked, tilting his head a bit and looking at the fox.

Jacob's ears drooped. "Lane. He' boyfriend."

"Ah. I see," Greyson replied. "So, I take it you two aren't open?"

"No. I mean, we've never explicitly said yes or no, but I think that means no until we do..." Jacob replied looking away from the wolf as he was trying to find his words.

"Hey, Jacob, it's fine. Can't blame a guy for trying though, as cute as you are," Greyson remarked.

"Thanks. And I'm flattered, really. I just, I can't," Jacob muttered.

"Alright. Well, no worries. I know it'll be hard to refocus, but what do you say we just forget all this and finish what we started here?" the wolf asked, gesturing to the screen.

"Yeah, okay," Jacob replied, shaking his head and trying to look back toward his laptop screen. Every time he glanced over, however, he could very obviously see the wolf's sheath still out in the open. "Aren't you gonna...?" he asked.

"Hmm?" the wolf replied.

"Never mind," Jacob said quickly. Greyson apparently hadn't realized he'd left his dick out, and while Jacob couldn't touch, there was no rule against looking, right? Despite the distraction, he'd tried his best to make progress. Every time he tried to type, however, a new thing popped into his mind. The most obvious was the fact that the wolf still hadn't scooted the chairs apart. Every time Jacob shifted his leg, it slid alongside Greyson's, reminding him just how strong the lupine was. Each curve of the muscles hidden below the warm, soft fur were felt each time Jacob's limb traced against them.

The distractions from there quickly escalated. The fox's eyes were routinely drawn back to the wolf's crotch, and the tip of the pointed red cock had made its appearance. It seemed like each time Jacob rubbed up against the wolf, a little bit more stuck out. It got to the point where Jacob had no idea how Greyson could be so oblivious. The wolf was simply typing away, jotting down notes and occasionally glancing up at the whiteboard to remind himself what they'd talked about earlier, all while his stiffening erection approached the size of Jacob's forearm.

Thoughts of his horse back home raced across Jacob's mind as he now openly stared at the glistening shaft barely below the table, inner turmoil quickly wrestled with. The vulpine found himself going back on his earlier words, justifying his desires by saying that they'd never been explicitly closed, and most couples nowadays were open to the idea. Jacob gulped and put his head down a bit, shaking it slightly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, thumbs flying across the screen to send Lane a quick text, simply reading 'Love you <3'.

Greyson was mostly focused on his own work, but rather suddenly he was distracted from it, jumping slightly out of his chair in surprise. The vulpine's head was still lowered, but the rather more noticeable change in the fox was that his black paw was now resting on the head of the wolf's shaft. Greyson broke out into a huge grin, staying quiet as he felt the vulpine slowly start sliding his paw up and down the first few inches of cock.

Nothing needed to be said, and Greyson certainly didn't want to push Jacob too hard and scare him off. He did, however, turn a bit in his chair, giving the fox better access to his crotch. As subtly as he could, he slipped his thumbs into his waistband and let his pants fall until they were around his ankles, spreading his legs a bit with the newfound freedom.

Jacob, meanwhile, was still convincing himself this was the right thing to do. Each time his fingers traced across the warm - no, hot - flesh, he was more and more sure he wanted to keep going. After the first few strokes left his fingertips sticky with watery pre, he soon brought his other paw up to join in the fun. Neither one alone could encircle the shaft, but together they could manage it.

Greyson's lips only curled further upward as he saw Jacob soon slide off the edge of his chair, slowly making his way to the ground and kneeling before the knotted length now pointing at his face. Knowing it was now or never, Jacob took the plunge and extended his neck. Opening his lips and engulfing the first couple inches, he tasted the salty pre now sticking to his tongue.

Now content the fox wasn't going anywhere, one of the wolf's paws slowly rose and rested itself on the back of Jacob's head. No pressure was applied yet, just heavily resting there, almost guiding the fox up and down as he worked his way further down the length. Greyson was impressed - normally someone would struggle once they started taking it into their throat, if not gagging then at least slowing down a bit. Jacob had basically no transition though. Inch after inch disappeared down his gullet as fast as it passed his lips, and he wasn't stopping there. Less than thirty seconds after he'd tasted it for the first time, Jacob felt the entire cock down his throat, nose pressed firmly up against the growing knot still trapped in the fuzzy sheath.

The fox left it there for a while, doing his best to swallow around it, even managing to poke his tongue forward just far enough to press against the knot. His paws kept themselves busy as well, each taking one of those massive dark orbs below and giving them a light squeeze, feeling just how much weight was behind them. He squeezed and rubbed against them while bobbing over the last few inches, the wolf once again impressed with how long he could stay down. With his lips pressed firmly against Greyson's knot, he felt his pocket vibrate, causing him to freeze for a moment. Quickly though, he shut out the likely response from his boyfriend and went back to sucking.

Sensing the fox could take it, Greyson took a bit more of a forceful approach. The paw on the back of Jacob's neck pushed a bit harder, shoving him down the length a bit faster than he'd been going on his own. Lust drove him to clench his fingers around Jacob's neck, not just forcing him down, but dragging him up too. It wasn't overpowering, but the fox no longer felt he was in control, his esophagus being used as a cock sleeve for the wolf's pleasure.

Panting heavily, Greyson eventually dragged Jacob all the way off his length when he felt himself getting close, leaving strings of saliva and pre connecting the pair. "Fuck you've got a good muzzle...But as good as it is...I'd like to try the other end too..." he wheezed, stroking himself as he looked down at the vulpine.

Jacob nodded, slowly getting to his footpaws and undoing the fastenings on his pants, letting them join Greyson's on the floor. As he bent over the desk, he felt his own comparatively smaller erection smack into it, proof he was enjoying the experience every bit as much as the wolf was. He closed his eyes, preparing for the lupine's inevitable entrance, but they quickly shot open when a different sensation than expected graced his tailhole.

Greyson had knelt behind the fox and shoved his muzzle between those cheeks, only reaching up and spreading them after his tongue had made contact. He wasted no time getting to work, lubing up the entrance with his saliva, feasting on Jacob's inner walls as sloppy wolf tongue slurps echoed throughout the room. The fox shivered with pleasure as the wolf's tongue went in further than most guys' cocks could reach, easily pressing against the prostate inside and causing Jacob to shoot pre all over the floor. A brief thought crossed the fox's mind, hoping he was clean back there, but the wolf's lack of revulsion quickly answered that. Only once he was satisfied Jacob was properly lubed up did the wolf rise back to his full height. He left the fox's hole in the cold air for only a brief moment before something much warmer pressed against it.

The wolf eased his tapered tip inside to start, but as he got going, he quickly realized Jacob didn't need someone to take it easy on him. The fox was practiced on both ends, and it felt as if the ass was trying to swallow his cock faster than he could push it in. Jacob's head tilted back, a small moan escaping his lips as he felt his tailhole quickly filled with Greyson's length. The wolf wasn't about to miss a signal that big. With a predatory grin on his face, he leaned over the table and pulled himself back, removing over half his cock before jamming it back where it belonged.

With the oral work having gotten them both clearly worked up, neither one wanted to waste much time. Greyson jackhammered his leaking cock in and out, working over the experienced hole as Jacob's neglected cock flexed each time, banging into the bottom of the table. The engorged knot slammed against the fox's sphincter, demanding entrance, only to be denied for now. Unsatisfied with that answer, Greyson redoubled his efforts, grabbing the fox and pulling him back into the thrusts until finally, with a satisfying squelch, the knot slipped inside for the first time. That wasn't the end of it though, as the wolf was aggressively making sure the fox knew his place, pulling the knot back out and shoving it through the weakened, ever-widening hole time and time again.

Jacob couldn't bear it any longer, and with the attention he was receiving, quickly found himself pushed over the edge. He tried to stifle himself, but another moan escaped his lips as his cock quickly started firing his sizeable load underneath the table, spraying against both the wooden underside and the floor below.

Greyson immediately felt the increased tightness as Jacob's orgasm started, and knowing his first job was finished, quickly set in on his second. He bent over the fox, chest pressed against the vulpine's back as he slipped his knot inside a couple more times, finally staying put for good. The wolf bit down on Jacob's shoulder to muffle himself, half-moaning half-growling as he claimed the vulpine's ass, hips still bucking as jet after jet of hot wolf seed flooded Jacob's bowels.

The two lay there panting after their orgasms finished, each one still able to feel their cock jump from time to time and try to spray just a little bit more. Greyson had collapsed onto Jacob's back, leaving the fox surprised the desk could even hold them with as large as the wolf was. Breathing was more difficult now, but he wasn't about to tell the wolf to move.

"You were right..." the fox breathed, basking in the afterglow, breaking the silence.

"About...?" Greyson asked.

"It was a lot to take in," Jacob explained.

The wolf let out a small laugh. "I did try to tell you."

"I'm glad I didn't listen," Jacob said, squeezing his ass as much as he could around the length inside.

"Stop that, if you want me to pull out sometime today," Greyson said with another chuckle.

"Who says I do?" Jacob quipped.

"As fun as that would be, we do still have other things to do. Besides, no one said it can't go back in later," the wolf replied.

"I'm gonna hold you to that," Jacob said almost demandingly.

"Feel free. I think our morning syncs are going to be a lot more fun from now on," the wolf remarked.

"Probably take a lot longer too," Jacob noted.

"I don't mind if you don't."

"Not at all."

The pair rested there as still as they could, trying not to move for fear of keeping Greyson's knot mind-breakingly swollen for the rest of the day. Jacob could hardly feel a difference, but after about fifteen minutes of laying there and enjoying each other's warmth, the wolf finally shifted himself up and tried to pull himself back a bit. After a couple weaker tugs, the wolf abruptly jerked his hips back and ripped the knot out. Jacob stifled a yelp, but there wasn't much of an option. He knew that if Greyson kept barely trying to remove himself, he was just going to make it inflate again. Despite the fox doing his best efforts to clench, cum still dribbled from his hole, down his crack and over his balls, landing both in his pants and on the floor below.

"Fuck fuck fuck," the fox spat, quickly getting up himself and trying to squeeze tighter. "I didn't even think about cleanup."

"Me neither. And there's...kind of a mess, in more than one way," the wolf noted. While the fox quickly took stock of his dripping ass and his own cum on the table and floor, his eyes went a bit wide as he looked over the wolf's still-erect length. While part of him was surprised the knot had ever fit, it wasn't his biggest concern. The length was absolutely coated in cum, but small brown streaks were also along it, growing in intensity by the time you reached the tip.

"Fuck, I don't know what we're going to do," he remarked, still straining to hold in as much as he could.

"I mean...yours at least is easy, right? That's clean, you can lick it up..." Greyson offered.

"Eugh. Alright, fine," Jacob replied, knowing if he wasted any more time, the mess was only going to get worse. Quickly, he dipped below the desk and attacked it with his tongue, the familiar taste of his own jizz across it as he scraped the underside. Thankfully the janitorial staff kept the place relatively clean, allowing him to proceed without too much issue. The rough, wooden surface wasn't the best to lick, but Jacob at least soon removed the visible stains, if not the scent. He soon turned his attention to the floor, giving the hardwood the same treatment, quickly swallowing his own semen to hide his transgressions.

With a small, stifled belch, the fox soon rolled over after finishing the job. "Alright, any ideas about...the rest of it...while I did that?"

"Just the one..." Greyson uttered, still trying to keep his cock from dribbling onto his pants.

"You can't seriously expect me to lick that clean too, can you? And what about my ass?"

"Just...push it out and drink it, I dunno," the wolf shrugged.

Jacob remained silent for a moment. He obviously didn't have a problem with it, but fucking a coworker was already a big step for him today. Was he going to lick his own waste in front of them too? As frustrated as he was, he seemed to be left with no other choice. Grumbling, he spat the word "fine" at the wolf before he shuffled forward along the ground, grabbing the wolf's shaft around the base and angling it down. Seeing it as the fastest way to get the job done, he opened wide and quickly engulfed the length again, only closing his lips once he got to the base. He tightened them as much as possible as he pulled off, swallowing as necessary, cleaning a huge amount of the jizz in one pass. His tongue attacked the knot next, making sure any sources of dripping were taken care of, causing Greyson to shiver with sensitivity as the fox handled his recently spent cock.

As Jacob gulped down the last of the cum from the bottom, he refocused on the tip. There, more of the waste was spread around - not a lot, but enough to be noticeable, and certainly enough to be smelled. With a grimace, he leaned in and ran his tongue over the few streaks left, lapping them up until the wolf's cock was clean. Despite himself, Jacob couldn't really control his desires. His licking was rather frantic, and it wasn't lost on the wolf that the vulpine's shaft was throbbing even now. Taking longer than he probably needed to, the fox finished slobbering over the wolf's shaft, leaving only a sheen of saliva covering it.

"That's not going down for at least another half hour..." Greyson noted, reaching down and gripping his cock again.

"Yeah, well, I'm not starting this cycle all over again, at least not without a way to clean up. And besides..." he paused, squatting and closing his eyes. "My ass still isn't clean. You want to return the favor?"

"Nope. I'm fine with rimming, but that's a bit too much for me dude. You have fun though," the wolf replied.

"Ass...It's your mess to start with," the fox remarked, leaning partially against the wall as he placed his paws beneath his tailhole to cup the mess.

"Most of it, anyway," the wolf corrected. "You added the, uh...color."

"Right, sorry about that...I didn't exactly expect to get fucked at work today," the fox replied, grunting softly as he let the first rivulets fill his paws, only to bring them up to his maw and suck it down.

"I didn't expect to fuck you either, but here we are. Next time I'll bring a cup for this part," the wolf joked.

"Ha ha..." Jacob laughed sarcastically. He wasn't going to say it, but he really didn't mind that idea, and quite enjoyed getting to taste more of the wolf's spunk right now. A cup certainly would make it easier too. "Just don't tell anyone about this. Any of this, alright?" he asked, to which the wolf made a zipping motion across his lips. After the tenth pawful with no signs of slowing down, the fox sighed and shook his head. "How big are your fucking loads?"

"I don't know, I've never shot inside a measuring cup," the wolf remarked. "Enough to cover someone's head though, that much I can tell you."

"Great..." the fox said, rolling his eyes, even if he did genuinely think it was great. Another spurt, more cum farts, and another pool of wolf jizz for him to suck down.

After straining for a while and multiple false endings, Jacob finally was satisfied when he felt the last few dribblings of soiled cum end up in his paws. As he brought it up to his lips, a small additional surprise was on top - a small nugget of shit floating in the mess. Quickly, hoping the wolf didn't notice, he shoved it inside his maw, mashing it up with his tongue so he wouldn't be seen chewing before swallowing it down. After wiping his ass a few more times, the fox lapped up the last of the cum he could feasibly get, collapsing to the floor at long last.

"You, uh...You know how to put on a show," the wolf remarked.

"That wasn't the point," Jacob said annoyed, belching some of the cum back up.

"Yeah, but it's definitely going to be something I think about next time we fuck," Greyson replied.

"Perv," the fox quipped.

"Right back at ya," the wolf answered.

"Okay, fine, we're both pervs," Jacob admitted. "Is that thing ever gonna go back down?"

"After that show? Probably not," Greyson replied, causing Jacob to groan.

"Alright, well, let's just try to distract ourselves...There's still work to do, I suppose..." the fox remarked, slowly getting back up and moving to his chair. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm not putting my pants back on until I know I'm not going to mess them up."

"And I hope you don't mind, but I don't think I can physically put mine back on right now," the wolf teased, flicking his cock for emphasis.

"I don't mind at all. But no more fucking today after all that," Jacob said.

"Yes sir," Greyson joked, sitting down next to the fox and trying to put his paw on Jacob's leg, causing the vulpine to bat it away.

After nearly an hour of trying to focus on work mostly unsuccessfully, pants were back on both canines, whether they wanted them to be or not. They'd taken up the conference room for hours now, and while Jacob's tongue had cleaned it as much as he could, the scent wasn't going anywhere. Luckily, by this time, most of their coworkers had left for the day, and the rooms were away from the desks. With good fortune, no one would notice it. Everything was looking good, as not a soul was spotted when they made their way toward the restrooms to get cleaned up. Jacob, for a moment, believed they had a chance of getting away with it.

That chance quickly vaporized, however. The fox was the most eager, moving to enter the restroom first. To his horror, the door swung outward toward him before he could lay a paw on it. Taylor excited the room, and the proud, suited lion glanced at the pair of canines. He sniffed briefly, easily able to tell what had transpired, and gave a knowing look toward the wolf as realization dawned on him. Too embarrassed to speak, Jacob rushed inside and ducked into a stall. Taylor simply laughed and winked at Greyson as the wolf moved to follow Jacob in. Out of view of the fox, however, the wolf returned with a grin of his own and winked back at the lion, giving him an understood nod. A quick fist bump was shared before the pair separated, Taylor now armed with the knowledge of Jacob's willingness, the fox's secret outed the day it was formed.

As Greyson made his way into the bathroom, he forced his face back into a bit of a somber expression, easily finding Jacob in the only stall and slipping inside with him. There, he saw the vulpine sitting on the toilet, head in his paws, looking like he was on the verge of tears. The wolf remained silent, looking down at the vulpine, who made no attempt to even acknowledge Greyson's entrance. Just as he was about to break the awkward silence after a couple minutes, Jacob spoke.

"Never should have done it..." he mumbled, still staring at the now-locked door.

"Done...what?" Greyson asked, though he had a pretty good idea he knew the answer.

"Fucking you," Jacob said simply, and louder this time, reaching over and grabbing some toilet paper from the roll. The fox grumbled as he tried stuffing it down the back of his pants to clean up some of the leftover cum, displeased to find it had already started getting onto his underwear.

"So...why did you?" Greyson asked cautiously.

"I don't know," Jacob spat, still struggling to clean himself. After a few moments, he grumbled again and undid his pants, lowering them slightly once more to give himself better access. "Don't know why I'm trying to hide it; not like you haven't seen it already."

"You, need any help?" Greyson asked, though he was quickly cut off.

"No," Jacob said firmly, bordering on anger.

"Alright...look, I'll just, uh...get cleaned up at home. Night, Jacob," the wolf said slowly, undoing the latch for the stall again and heading out. Behind him, Jacob rather quickly stood up and locked it once more, neither wanting nor needing anyone else remaining in the office to learn about his escapades.

After struggling for a few minutes to remove as much evidence as possible, the fox sighed. It was progress, but he still smelled. His underwear was a lost cause. Thankfully, however, his pants seemed to be fine, and his ass wasn't about to wet them at this point. Not seeing another option without getting caught, the vulpine took his underwear off, wadded them up in some toilet paper, and put his pants back on. Quickly, he dashed from the stall and tossed his bundle into the trash, hoping no one would find it before the janitor removed the bag that evening. With as late as it was, it was unlikely.

Mind still racing, Jacob gathered his things and made his way back to his car, a workday filled with far more excitement than he was ready for finally over. As his journey home began, he ran over the events of the day in his mind. Greyson was going to be awkward to be around at this point. Some part of Jacob was angry at the wolf for enticing him, yet as mad as he was, Greyson was at least respectful of his boundaries, and Jacob was the one who broke them down. The larger concern was Taylor. The lion definitely knew what happened, and while Greyson made his promise not to tell anyone, the lion was under no such oath. Jacob could only hope Zander and Lane never found out, and he'd have to vow never to do anything like today again.

As he pulled back into his driveway, he slowly headed inside, opening the door as quietly as he could. Fortunately, the horse didn't seem to be around. Setting his bag down on the table, Jacob dashed up the stairs and grabbed a towel, heading into the bathroom as fast as possible. Clothes were shucked, towel was set aside for later, and the hot water was turned on. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jacob stepped under the stream and slowly started cleaning his fur, running his fingers across his ass and cleaning some of the tangled mess that was left there. Before he could get very far, however, he saw a very large, very naked body standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Hey babe," Lane said groggily. "Heard the shower so I got up. You just get home?"

"Yeah, a minute ago" Jacob said shortly.

"Odd, you don't usually shower right after you get home. I thought you liked keeping yourself all nice and sweaty for me," the horse said with a grin, his semi-erect shaft bouncing slightly at the thought.

Jacob shrugged, doing his best to play it off. "Well, didn't see you around when I got here, so figured I'd shower off and relax. Didn't want to disturb you."

"Please, you know it's no disturbance," the horse reminded him. "There's no off-limits time; you can suck me off when I'm sleeping, I don't care. I appreciate the thought though." Lane stepped closer to the shower. "Since there's no 'potential disturbance' anymore, you mind if I join you in there?"

"Be my guest," the fox remarked, sliding one of the shower doors slightly open, meanwhile running his paw over his ass a few extra times to clean it as much as possible. He didn't particularly want to fuck now, but if he ever refused, it would be the biggest alarm bell he could set off for the stallion to realize something was up.

Lane quickly stepped through the offered entrance, sliding under the stream with his fox, bringing him into a firm hug. He craned his neck down heavily, trying to clear the height gap between them to press his lips to the vulpine's, abruptly shoving his giant tongue inside Jacob's maw. Down lower, the vulpine could feel the oversized meat jump against his crotch and stomach, stiffening up with each passing second.

"Mmm...someone didn't brush their teeth before work. Naughty fox," Lane said lustfully, pulling back slightly from the kiss and licking his lips. "Can still kinda taste my cum on your breath, and a bit of shit too."

"What can I say? I like the taste," Jacob said sheepishly, embarrassed at not having thought to rinse his mouth out at the office.

"Really? The guy who whines when I piss in his ass just because he didn't get to drink it likes the taste? I never would have guessed," Lane teased, resuming the kiss and stepping forward. He pushed the fox back up against the wall and slid his cock over the vulpine's torso, smearing his fully erect length across Jacob's chest and coating his fur with sticky pre. After a few minutes of passionate making out, the stallion finally pulled back, panting slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt your plans, but I'm gonna turn this off," he remarked, reaching behind himself. Jacob couldn't see anything back there but assumed he was turning the knob, as the flow of water ceased over them. "I have every intention of absolutely wrecking your ass, and I don't want a drop of it washed away. Now come with me," he ordered, giving the fox absolutely no choice. Lane picked Jacob up and carried him out of the shower, moving no more than three steps before the fox was shoved up against the tiled wall. His back rested against it as he looked up at the horse, Lane repositioning himself to hold underneath Jacob's legs and keep him in the air. With seemingly practiced ease, the equine maneuvered his hips to press right up against Jacob's sphincter. Callously, he slipped inside, shoving the flared head through the well-used hole.

"God, it's already so fucking sticky in here..." the stallion remarked as inch after glorious inch of horse cock slipped inside the fox. "Going to be so fucking messy when I pull out. And you're going to lick every last bit of it clean, you hear me?" he instructed, stepping forward to finish getting the last of his length inside. As he did, he gave a particularly abrupt thrust as he did, forcing Jacob's upper back and head even farther up the wall.

"Yes sir," Jacob replied, wrapping his legs around Lane's back and preparing himself for a rough fuck. His mind quickly went back to why it was so sticky in the first place, but was soon forced to forget about the wolf's residual cum in him and focused on providing the most pleasure he could to the enormous erection invading his bowels.

"Good bitch. Now hold tight, and I'll give you what all you foxes really want..." Lane promised, and he was never one to break his promises. Almost immediately, he slid half his cock out of the fox's ass and hammered it back home, sliding Jacob up the wall a couple inches as a result.

"Aww look! Little vixen's enjoying it too," he teased, seeing Jacob's cock now fully out of its sheath, clearly pressured out by the pistoning flesh against his prostate. "Pretty big for a bitch," he continued, "yet here you are, choosing to turn yourself into a fuck sleeve for the even bigger guys. And you know why? Because you love it. Because you're a fox, and that's all you're good for. You take dick, and you say thank you after. Whore like you lives on cum, like it's your whole purpose. Lucky for you, you've got a horse who loves nasty cock gobblers, and you're one of the few who can take every fucking inch of it into your shithole. And lucky for me...Well, lucky for me, that shithole feels like it was already full before I got in there," Lane ranted, sliding Jacob up and down the wall as his hips slapped into those furry cheeks, his oversized, leathery balls swinging against the base of the fox's tail. The vulpine's pucker was quickly forced inward, only to be pulled back out as Lane removed a bit of his cock, flexing back and forth with the little integrity it had left.

Jacob desperately wanted to focus on his tailhole being speared, but his mind wouldn't let him. In just that short spurt, Lane mentioned Jacob being open for bigger guys and called him a fox whose only purpose was being a cock gobbler. Would the horse be okay knowing what happened at the office? Was Jacob overthinking it all? The fox blinked a couple times. He leaned his head back and grunted alongside the horse, trying to throw those thoughts out once and for all. There wasn't much else he could do with the complete and utter control Lane had over him, but he didn't mind it that way. As abusive as Lane's comments were, Jacob knew deep down he agreed with them and wanted nothing more than to live that way, both at work and at home. At least he was fulfilling the home part, happily taking his boyfriend's dick less than fifteen minutes after arriving.

"God, how are you still tight..." the horse grunted quietly, focused on driving into the fox as fast as he could. Wet slaps echoed throughout the bathroom as Lane seemed determined to shove Jacob through the wall using nothing more than his hips. Their bodies came together time and time again, the fox's knot fully engorged and resting on his stomach, ready to blow at a moment's notice. It didn't take too much longer - Lane knew just how to brutalize that special spot in the fox's ass with each thrust to get him off as well. The vulpine's grunts turned into an extended moan as his orgasm started, cock jumping and spraying upward, hitting himself in the face, chest, and painting a bit of the wall behind him.

Lane smirked as he saw the fox's cock start shooting, redoubling his own efforts. Now that his boyfriend was taken care of, it was time for him. The fox had no time to enjoy his afterglow as his ass was continually hammered, Lane now bent over top of him even more as he tried to finish. Jacob could feel the flared head buried somewhere deep in his bowels expand, almost immediately followed by the horse throwing his head back and groaning out. His cock throbbed madly as it filled the vulpine ass with seed, causing Jacob to smile as he could visibly see his stomach swell. Not even a drop of the load was able to escape past the engorged head of the horse cock.

As Lane finished, he sat there panting for a few seconds. His energy was gone and holding Jacob up against the wall wasn't going to last much longer. Knowing he had to let him down, the equine stepped back. He pulled his cock through the long passage out of Jacob's ass, and after giving a particularly forceful tug to free the head, it was easy to see why Jacob had started swelling a bit. A fire hose of seed sprayed itself out over Lane's crotch, legs, and the floor below. He made no effort to avoid the stream, however, and soon lowered Jacob back onto the ground where he could stand on his own.

"Huh. Not nearly as...brown as I thought it'd be..." Lane panted.

Jacob said nothing, simply shrugging and moving down onto his knees. He assumed his usual role, and for the second time that day, the fox took a cum-covered shaft into his paws and started licking it clean. He was hoping to distract the horse from that insidious line of thought by giving his cock more attention, something he was rather adept at doing. It didn't take long before he showed off that he could take the length fully in both holes, gulping it down and sucking the cum off as he went. Getting a little more into it, he treated it as an appetizer before his inevitable dinner later.

His tongue traveled lower over time, first polishing Lane's cock and moving to the equine nuts below. He was only able to take one into his muzzle at a time as he sucked them clean, but he knew Lane appreciated the effort. From there, he slid his tongue across the horse's powerful thighs, pulling the jizz off them as much as possible and gulping it down. Before long, Jacob ended up on all fours, doing his best to service the stallion's lower legs. He even moved around behind the horse to make sure he was perfectly clean. Just as he felt he was about done though, he heard a soft noise above him. As he looked up, he was immediately smacked in the face and rendered unable to see.

"Sorry hon, dinner's a bit early tonight...Think I started cooking it a bit too soon," Lane joked, now squatting down slightly, another log already halfway out of his ass. Jacob sat bolt upright and practically lunged toward it as soon as he saw it. His lips circled the waste before it could even move another inch, and before the log finished being expelled, Jacob had already chomped through it and separated it himself. His jaw worked overtime, exhaustion from being fucked off the ground for so long completely evaporated as his need to feed on shit overtook him. Sticky, disgusting waste spread between his teeth as he savored the flavor, doing as much damage to the log with his tongue as he did with his teeth. The long muscle mashed up the shit, sliding through it and causing Jacob to shiver each time a new repulsive flavor graced his taste buds.

As the rest of the log finished coming out, Jacob refused to open up. His mouth was full, but he was absolutely not ready to swallow yet. Unwilling to let it go to waste, he kept his muzzle exactly where it was, nose pressed firmly against his boyfriend's pucker as he felt the shit spreading around it. While most of the dark brown excrement squeezed against the horse's ass cheeks and over Jacob's face, some of it went inside his nostrils with nowhere else go to. Jacob coughed a bit, spraying small bits back out, but maintained his pursed lips. There was something oddly satisfying to the fox about trying to get horse shit inside him in any way necessary, even using his nose if he had to. Breathing was much more difficult now, but for Jacob, that was a secondary concern for the time being.

With the rest of the second log smashed over his face, Jacob relented and allowed the third inside. He guided it with his lips, barely swallowing as it entered, making room only as it was necessary. This was the taste he lived for, and while his body instinctively told him no, his dick was screaming yes and drowning out everything else. Again, the shit-loving vulpine took his time, slowly chewing his way through the waste, eyes closed in ecstasy as he listened to every satisfying squelch his jaws produced. The warm food was everything he craved, and unwilling to miss anything, he raised his paws. Spreading the horse's cheeks a bit farther, he made sure as much of his muzzle could fit between them as possible.

For the remainder of the dump, his body worked on autopilot, opening his lips in time with the widening shithole in front of him, only to close them right up against the end of the next log, never letting any of the pre-chewed mess out. It was anyone's guess how Jacob didn't end up painting Lane's legs with cum again, though the fox sure felt like he was close to doing it. Soon enough, Jacob felt the pucker widen, but the only thing he received was a quick shot of gas inside his maw. Disappointed with the lack of something more solid, he pulled himself back a bit, still swishing around the mixture inside, indistinguishable from a diarrheal soup. As his meal ended, the exhaustion finally hit Jacob once more, and he moved to lay back down against the bathroom floor. While it was messy before the meal started, spending so much time eating horse shit only allowed the lake of cum leaking from Jacob's ass to grow. As such, there was a wet splat as he laid down in it. As he glanced to his side, his eyes lit up when he realized he'd never bothered eating the first log Lane pushed out, having set it aside to not miss the second. Jacob quickly grabbed it, placing it back over his eyes where it started, a broad smile on his face and cheeks bulged out with more feces.

Lane turned around and shook his head as he looked down at the fox, erection still standing proudly over him. "Enjoy your meal, hon?" he asked, laughing slightly as Jacob simply raised a thumb in reply, his chest rising and falling quickly as he chewed. "Alright, well I'm gonna go grab myself a quick one too, I'll be back for round two after, and we'll see how big we can make this mess. Don't go anywhere," he said, knowing full well that Jacob wasn't about to leave the pool of cum unless he was physically dragged out of it.

The vulpine flashed a quick thumbs up again as he heard the horse wandering off. No attempt at cleaning the bathroom was made by either of them, and Jacob was sure that Lane was still tracking at least a bit of cum throughout the hallways. After swishing the shit around for a while, Jacob slowly began swallowing it, just a bit at a time, not fully disappearing for at least ten minutes. With a small treat left, he reached up and plugged the nostril that had unfortunately become free of shit, snorting heavily as he did. The quick breath caused the waste inside the other nostril to immediately hit Jacob's throat, which he promptly swallowed.

Finally done, he let out a relaxed sigh, unable to see much in the room through the log on his face. He wasn't about to eat it now though, knowing it would make a nice snack later on. It was an unfortunate side effect of being a shit eater - he couldn't just grab food whenever he wanted, so he had to plan ahead a bit, even if it meant not eating everything at once. As he let his limbs go limp in the sticky mess across the floor, he fully let his head back and dozed off, content with the fact that he'd be woken up by horse cock impaling his tailhole once again, as nature intended.