Super Effective 1

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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#1 of Super Effective

Super Effective (Male Charizard / Female Vaporeon)

By Mnementh


This is the first lemon I've written, so please bear that in mind while reading it. If it turns out ok and I get constructive comments, I'll make more.


Each morning, Charizard would wake up and immediately go for an early flight, stretching his wings out and enjoying the cool morning air. Today was an exceptionally beautiful day, sun shining bright with no humidity at all. Charizard was getting ready to head back to his cave when he suddenly heard someone cry "Help!" At first he thought he was just hearing things, but the voice sounded again, this time more plaintive and sad. He looked down at the forest where the cry was coming from and decided to go see what was going on.

Nothing could have prepared Charizard for what he saw once he landed at the scene. The first thing he noticed was a female Vaporeon who had her legs tied up, preventing her from being able to run away. Charizard looked behind her and saw who he assumed was her trainer, butt naked with a whip in his hand, and who was also aroused. The trainer's clothes and 3 other pokeballs were thrown against a tree to the side.

"What the hell is going on down here?" Charizard roared.

"You gotta help me" the Vaporeon said. "My trainer always takes us out here and forces us to do sexual acts for him. Please help, I don't know how much more of this I can take."

Charizard couldn't believe what he just heard. Sexual acts with a human? Before he had any time to react, though, the trainer was already issuing attack orders, assuming that Charizard's roar had been a challenge.

"Heh, a fire type, eh? Hahaha, you won't stand a chance! Vaporeon, use a Hydro Pump attack, NOW!!!"

But Vaporeon did nothing but say again, "Please help me."

"I said to attack, you useless shit! Fine. You'll pay for this later, I guarantee it." And with that he ran to grab one of his pokeballs. Charizard had seen enough, however, and he used Agility to place himself just a few inches from the trainer. Roaring in outrage at what this trainer had been doing for who knew how long, Charizard Slashed the trainer's face, leaving 3 deep cuts in the trainer's face. Losing all courage, he fled the scene holding his hands to his face, blood running down and dripping off his hands and arms.

Still panting from the anger, Charizard said "Well, that takes care of that loser. I still can't believe he would rape someone, let alone someone not of his own species! Here, let me make quick work of those ropes tied around your legs." He walked over to where the Vaporeon was still laying, bent over, and let out a very weak Ember attack that burned right through the ropes. Getting up a little shakily, the Vaporeon let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much" she said. "I owe my life and my new freedom to you, I don't know how I could ever pay you back."

"Don't mention it, getting to slash an asshole like that in the face is more than payback enough." Looking at the other pokeballs, Charizard asked "Well, shall we let them out and tell them they're free now?" He began walking over towards them.

"Wait!" Vaporeon cried out. "I just though of something I could do to pay you back, and I refuse to take no for an answer." She then ran in front of Charizard with a playful look on her face and, without warning, buried her muzzle into his crotch.

Charizard let out a surprised yell, which quickly turned into a moan of pleasure. He looked down and already saw that his cock was halfway out of his sheath. Vaporeon's head was bobbing up and down at an incredible, expertly licking all areas of his hot rod. In just a few more moments, his member was fully aroused, all 10 inches of it. Now only able to take about 7 inches of it her mouth, Vaporeon began massaging the base of his shaft her front paws, gently rubbing and sometimes letting one of her claws lightly scrape his flesh.

"Oh god yes!" Charizard groaned "I'm gonna cum!" This is what Vaporeon was waiting for, she abruptly stopped her blow job and back away a few paces. Charizard let out a feral roar in both shock and desperation. "What are you doing?" he panted.

"Lay down on your back, I want to try something. Trust me, I think you'll more than love what I'm about to do to you." She said, giggling.

"Alright, I hope so." Charizard laid down on his back, his 10 inch pole sticking straight up in the air, glistening with pre-cum and saliva, gentling throbbing.

"Ok, just tell me if this causes you any pain." And before he could object, Vaporeon let out a low power Bubble Beam aimed directly at his cock.

Charizard had never been in such a state of ecstasy before, both pain and pleasure were assaulting him at the same time. High speed bubbles either strongly rubbing against his rod as they went past or popped on his prick if they came in direct contact. Pre-cum began squirting from the tip of his dick, his claws dug into the ground and he began bucking his hips into the stream of bubbles. "I .... can't ..... hold back ....." he moaned more than spoke.

Still administering her Bubble Beam treatment, Vaporeon suddenly got up and ran over to Charizard. "You're gonna love the finale" she said quickly. She pounced on his cock and deep-throated as much as she could and, without warning, let out another Bubble Beam.

That was all Charizard could bear, the combination of the bubbles popping on his cock and his balls and with Vaporeon's tongue lashing at the tip of his rod. He let out a mighty roar and emptied his burning hot seed into her waiting mouth, bucking his hips as more and more cum was coaxed out by her treatment. She swallowed as much as she could, the rest coated his cock and his sack. After about a minute, he finally stopped cumming. "That..was..........incredible, I've........never felt....that.....kind of...pleasure before." Charizard gasped, trying to catch his breath. Slowly, his spent member began retracting back into his sheath, much to the dismay of Vaporeon. "That was one helluva a reward."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" she said, still licking cum off the side of her face. "I do enjoy sexual acts with other pokemon, speaking of which, I think you need to return the favor now."

Charizard glanced at her and noticed that her paws were now rubbing against her cunt, which was already quite wet. He got up, and knew what he had to do...



email: [email protected]

Please email me with your comments. I enjoyed writing this and will probably write many more, but if you all don't like it then I won't bother.