Living Conditions

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#172 of Commissions

Commission for Ephemeral_Dreams

Part 1 of a series they wanted involving a studious and kinky young tiger named Reggie who moves into a dormitory house with the muscular if somewhat dim dragon Troy but Reggie learns more than he expected from the big jock.

"Living Conditions"

It was a bright afternoon as Reggie slept in the back of his cab; the warm sunlight radiating off his white-furred face as the soft sound of the car's engine had lulled him into a mid-afternoon snooze. "Now remember, Reggie..." He could hear his mother speaking to him...

"Now, remember, Reggie." Angela Barnes had said to the young tiger as she straightened the collar of his button-up polo shirt and wrapped her arms around him. "You be sure to call us every weekend, alright?"

"Mooom..." Reggie let out a sigh and took her hands. "I'm eighteen years old, I can handle myself."

"This isn't about you handling yourself. It's about making sure your poor mother doesn't worry." She said, before licking her thumb and brushing it across Reggie's cheek, causing the tiger to recoil in response. "Besides, with your father not being around anymore I hate having to see my only boy headed off into the world..."

"It's not into the world." Reggie assured her. "It's four hours away. I'll try to make it back as much as I can, but I've got no idea what college has in store for me." He said.

"And that's why I said to make sure you call."

Reggie sighed and straightened up his glasses as the clamp of his little sister's arms around his waist caused him to bump into his mother's shoulder, knocking them loose. "Lucy..." He said at her beaming face.

"Say can I have your room while you're gone? Can I? Can I?" The budding twelve year old was so full of energy she was practically bouncing.

"Lucy." Angela hissed subtly before looking at him. " me when you get there, okay?"

"I will." Reggie said with a soft kiss to his mother's fuzzy cheek before opening the cab's door and sliding in.

"And don't you be joining any fraternities." She warned. "We've seen enough college kid films to know when it's bad news...

"Mom..." Reggie rolled his eyes.

"And be sure to eat well, not just junk food and fried--pickles or whatever--"

By this point, Reggie had largely ignored his mother, rolling his eyes in half-amusement as the cab revved to life and started to move. "And no girls in your dorm for the first year, you hear that, young man?!"

Reggie waved out the window at Angela as the car sped off down the cul de sac and out of the neighborhood. He hadn't even had the heart to tell her that women didn't really interest him, so she wouldn't have to worry about some strangers in his dorm. He would just need to deal with whomever gets assigned to share the room with him until he was able to find some apartment off campus which would probably take some time.

"So..." The cab driver spoke up, interrupting Reggie's train of thought. "You're off to some new life away from home?"

Reggie put on a polite smile as he regarded the driver. "Yeah--I... I guess." He said somewhat nervously as he looked back out the window to the neighborhood he'd grown up in quickly faded from view...

The soft stop roused Reggie from his sleep as he leaned forward, then thumped back against his seat in a sleepy exhaustion. He rubbed his eyes to see they had stopped at a gas station, the driver having gotten out was pumping gas and wiping down the windshield. Getting out to stretch his legs, he yawned and also spread his arms out.

He had no idea how long they had been driving, but from the town's name in the name of the service station, he knew they were actually pretty close to their destination. He checked the time on his phone and saw it was already almost two in the afternoon. With an assertive grunt from the driver, Reggie got back into the cab and they completed their journey into town. As the cab drove along the clearly marked boundaries of the college, the driver stopped just outside the gates leading into the grounds and Reggie disembarked. He grabbed his rolling suit case, put on a baseball cap to protect his eyes and left his thumbprint on the driver's phone to sign the fare off to be paid by his mother's bank before making his way in.

The campus was buzzing with excitement as Reggie rolled along the sidewalk, looking for where he needed to go for orientation. Various clubs, groups and fraternities were hawking their recruiting pitches, several students shoved flyers and even small trinkets like bracelets made from hemp and "environmentally safe" bottles of water into Reggie's hand, causing him on more than one occassion to nearly drop what he was forced to hold before making his way to the orientation table. A cute-preppy human college girl with bleach blond hair and a pink top that seemed 'way' too small for her bounced to life at the sight of the white tiger. "Hi there! Welcome to Montgomery! Are you here to check in?"

Reggie smiled politely and nodded. "Y-yes I guess I am."

"Fabulous! My name is Tiffany and I'm the volunteer R.A. for the day. And what's your name, cutie?"

"Oh. Reggie--err--Reginald Barnes."

"Okay, well let's see..." She began to type like lightning on the laptop she was in front of. "Okay, Barnes... Barnes..."

"Uh--B-A-R-N-E-S..." He spelled.

"Right here you are. All checked in--oh, well lucky you! It looks like your dormspace was upgraded. Probably due to incoming pairings. Since you're flying solo they assigned you to an actual dorm house."

"A dorm 'house'? Is that like a fraternity?"

"No." She shook her head. "It's sort of a new thing, usually for our established student bodies, but we had to put you somewhere...this one's actually a duplex. Two bedrooms on each side."

"Two bedrooms? So I'm still going to have a roommate...?"

"You will, you lucky thing." She said with a wink before writing something down on a sheet of paper. "And here's the address; it's only about two blocks from here just down that street there."

"Oh, awesome. Thanks!"

"Sayyyy one more thing, I see you're here on a...MMA scholarship? That is like the first one I've ever seen, what's that?"

"Just... a scholarship from a school I've been attending for twelve years. It's martial arts, so I guess it's sort of like a sports thing."

"Oh! We totally have a club for that if you're interested in signing up."

Reggie pressed a smile onto his lips as he politely nodded to Tiffany. "I'll...look into that! Thank you." He said as he turned and carted his suitcase off with him.

It wasn't far, just about two blocks Reggie had noticed a nice white duplex with the address number he was given. Approaching the 'B' side of the house, he noticed immediately there was a pair of underwear strewn across the bush planted outside the door. He picked it up and looked it over.

"Oh, this can't be good..." He said to himself as he crumpled them into his hand and tried the door. To his surprise it was unlocked and opened with ease. As he opened it he cleared his throat and let out a somewhat hesitant "Hello?" Before stepping into the house.

The entryway was quaint; immediately to the front of the door was a flight of carpeted stairs that went up. The carpet was a slightly grayish-white shag carpet that extended across the front room. To his left was what looked to be the living room, and down the hall past the steps was a brightly lit kitchen. A doorway at the bottom of the steps caught his curiosity and he moved to open it, only to see that it went down further into a cellar. Listening intently, Reggie didn't hear anything down there; only the creepy silence that seemed to accompany all basements he'd ever encountered. The fact this duplex had a basement made him curious, were they connected to their neighbors down there?

A thumping noise from upstairs turned his attention away and he closed the door. "Anybody home?" He asked again as he left his suitcase near the base of the stairs and started to make his way up. The hall upstairs also had a somewhat claustrophobic feel, with the wall to the other half of the house on the right side. There was a slight hook to his right as he reached the top that led to a pair of doors, one right next to the other, then there was one immediately to his left. Likely the two bedrooms. By way of decoration, the house had little to offer and made even this small space feel empty. A soft rumbling noise turned his attention to the door on his right. He swallowed and made his way to it, he knocked lightly, but heard no answer. He pushed the door open slowly only to be met with a bedroom.

The shag carpeting had changed to a stretch of hardwood flooring that made its way across the chasm of the bedroom, only a rug right at the door was the only covering the floor had. The large bed near the back window was occupied; a massive dragon sleeping in bed with two gorgeous women wrapped in his muscular arms. Reggie recognized this species; Flamedramon, even without the telltale mask that most of them wore, he could clearly see from the nose ridge and the V shape on his forehead, normally hidden underneath it, that this was his roommate. Again, he cleared his throat. This time making it loud enough to stir the man from his sleep.

The man's eyes slid open slowly, he sneered in a bit of a sleepy confusion before saying anything. "And who the fuck are you?" He asked gruffly.

"Ah--I'm.. Reggie Barnes. I guess I was assigned as your roommate for the semester."

The Flamedramon shrugged his arms slightly, rousing the women from their sleep. "Ey... ladies, I think it's about time you two got outta here." He said, glancing at the tiger. "Gimme a minute, I'll meet you downstairs." He said sternly.

Reggie didn't hesitate much, he gave a half nod before slowly closing the door behind him and making his way down the steps as he'd been instructed. He waited by the door for at least twenty minutes before the bedroom door finally opened. The two women; a doe and a human exited the room first and the door closed immediately behind them. They observed Reggie as they descended the steps and giggled as they spoke amongst themselves. As they headed out, the doe poked her head back in. "Oh, hey, cutie. By the way... good luck." She said as she then disappeared again.

"Wait! Good luck with what?" Reggie asked as he looked out the door and already saw the pair were trotting down the street together.

"So, what kinda name is Reggie, anyway?" The voice alarmed the tiger for a second who turned around to see the large mon making his way down the steps. He was dressed in a pair of boxer shorts and nothing else. It was clear he never skipped...any workouts at the gym, the sheer size of the dragon's pectorals made the tiger's mouth run dry. He hastened to moisten his tongue before replying. "What do you mean? It's... my name? My parents gave it to me when I was born."

"Sorry you got saddled with it then. It's a very nerdy name."

"I happen to like my name." Reggie answered defensively. "What about you? Let me guess, you're Chad? Todd? Some burly...big-ass dude name?"

"Troy. Close." He said as he leaned against the banister, taking up practically half the hallway. "You're kind of a smartass aren't you?"

"From time to time." Reggie said. "Hey look I'm...sorry if I interrupted...?"

Troy shook his head. "Forget about it, they overstayed. It wasn't supposed to be a sleepover but, hey when two women are throwing themselves at you--you know..." He said with a knowing laugh, but Reggie remained unphased.


Reggie looked him over; Troy was definitely stacked, his massive shoulders, that slick torso leading down to a more slim waistline; a great V-shape. He definitely worked out and he wasn't at all afraid of people staring at him. "S-so I guess I better check out my room then--?" He grunted as Troy nudged him back.

"Now, hold on. You're not trying to pull a fast one on me right? You got a slip of paper saying you're supposed to be here?"

Reggie fumbled with his pockets before pulling out his registration paper and handing it over. "There we go..." He said as Troy looked it over.

"Okay. Sounds good. House rules; you can have people over late, but if I'm in bed keep 'em in your room. I'll do the same thing. I don't mind if you blair music, but if it's something gay like 'Pop' or K-Pop, I ask that you keep it down. Clean your own mess in the kitchen, I'm not your mom so I won't be going behind you to clean anything. Buy your own food or replace whatever you eat out of the fridge. And the neighbors are cool, but they are like--super introverted so I wouldn't talk to them unless they talk to you first."

"Sounds good." Reggie said. "But I think I'm offended by you calling pop "something gay" it's a pretty stereotypical and short sighted statement."

"Well that's me. I'm crass and fucking straight as an arrow, you got it?"

"Perfectly." Reggie said with a glare. "But I'll warn you now, I'm gay as a two-dollar bill. If you got a problem with that--"

"Hey. Hey. To each his own." Troy said, putting his hands up, feigning surrender before bending down and jabbing Reggie roughly in the center of his chest. "But I catch you so much as peeping at me, you're gonna be out of here so fast you'll have to have your tail sent back to you in the mail."

Reggie's blood was boiling, he couldn't stand such a bigoted attitude. And in twenty-twenty-two of all years he'd thought people had moved past this sexist nonsense. "Trust me, I'd have to stand you first before I could be interested in you." He said as he batted the dragon's claw away and grabbed the handle of his suitcase.

Reggie dragged the suitcase up the stairs, hearing it thump dully against each step as he climbed and he opened the door to the left of the stairs and stepped into his new room. As he slammed the door shut behind him he groaned as he leaned himself against it, rolling his eyes in frustration as he looked around the room. The ceiling was slanted off to one side, giving a nice sky-light etching along the all that spilled light over the queen sized bare bed underneath the windows. The carpet from the hallway had invaded the room and continued throughout. He knew that it was going to be a lot of work to get this place set up the way he wanted. But he was willing to take on that challenge; Troy, on the other hand was an asshole and he'd never been so angry with someone so quickly in his life. He grunted in frustration as he threw his case down.


A week had gone by since that fateful first day, and each day felt like a test for Reggie, who tolerated Troy every morning when he left the house and every evening when he returned. The man never seemed to leave, but passing him occasionally on the college campus as they switched classes reminded him that yes, he was a student here too. It was a cloudy afternoon, and Reggie had stopped at the quad and sat next to the fountain to read his favorite novel. A soft breeze was blowing, making his fur flutter softly as he leaned back and felt the subtle spray of the fountain's splash on his neck when all of a sudden;

"Yo. Gayboy. What are you up to?"

Reggie rolled his eyes back so hard, they fluttered. As he turned slowly to look at Troy, he saw that he was carrying yet another female under his left arm. This one was a tigress colored almost exactly like him. This piqued his curiosity and despite every better judgement he had he answered. "Troy. I thought I smelled the aroma of sweat and failure." He said with as much snark as he could muster. "And who's this?"

"Oh this is... Bethany--"

"Charleen?" The female corrected him, crossing her arms angrily as she glared at him.

"Oh, right." He giggled coyly and made a twisting motion over his lips. "Charleen."

Reggie and Charleen shook hands softly. "So. Walking around with this brute huh?"

"Well. I couldn't help it." She admitted with a smile. "I saw him at practice and thought he was kind of cute. So I gave him my number."

"Only took me three days to find it." Troy admitted as well.

"Oh. Well, I'm happy for you two. And to answer your question, I'm reading." Reggie said to Troy. "You ought to try it sometime."

"At least I don't need a dick in my ass to do it." Troy scoffed.

Reggie's face scrunched in confusion. "I...don't currently. But I have a dick in my ear--oh wait, that's because you're talking--"

"Shameless the way you two flirt." Charleen said facetiously.

"We ain't flirting."

Charleen sighed and looked at him. "Troy, you're cute but you're kind of dense right now. Are you gonna take me back to your place tonight? Or what?"

It was at that moment that Troy didn't respond right away; Reggie spotted his gaze heading elsewhere and turned to see a large stallion just across the quad. Long, luxurious horse mane flicking in the breeze, a pair of tight jeans and a vest with no shirt underneath. Not exactly conventional outerwear for the lower temperatures of this late autumn afternoon. "Noooo..." He whispered to himself.

"Reggie, are you okay?" Troy asked, causing his attention to turn back to the dragon.

Reggie shook his head to clear the imagery of Troy's staring out of his head. "Uhm--yeah...yes I'm fine."

"Crushing on some pony over there, ehh?"

"No, but I'm thinking you--" His voice trailed off. "Wait, are you trying to be supportive?"

Instantly, Troy wrapped his arm around Reggie's head, putting him into a painful headlock and forcing the tiger to grunt and try to pull away. "Now you ought to know me better than that." He said aggressively, his grip tightening. "You're my roommate, of course I'm gonna support you. Even if you're queer. Right?"

"HEY!" Reggie exploded angrily as he shoved Troy off of him. "Quit using that to define who I am, I've known you for one week and I already can't stand your ass around me. Don't take every comment I make like some sort of sick compliment, you asshole. I'm not attracted to you, I will *never* be attracted to you, and you know what? I'm going to apply to find another place on campus. There is no way I'm going to live in the same house with a bigot like you. Now take... "this week's" girl and get out of my life."

Reggie had never lost his cool like that, and while it felt good to finally get those words off his chest, he could see a dully hurtful look in Troy's eyes. Eventually he turned and stormed off. Mumbling. "I gotta go..." As he did so.

Did he really actually try to make himself the victim after everything Reggie had said? Reggie stormed off too, heading in the direction of their house. Blindly angry, he hadn't even realized it had begun to rain as he made his way there. When he got to the house, he groaned angrily and slammed the front door shut before storming up the stairs to his bedroom. He'd made it his own in the last few days, getting a nice blanket set for his bed and positioning it better under the skylight so that the sun and moonlight would shine down on him more vividly. He sighed loudly as he threw himself onto the bed and rolled over onto his back to look up into the stormy sky now spitting raindrops onto the skylight above him. Eventually the light flicker of lightning began to accompany the rain and everything felt pretty peaceful. He realized that it was after six, he needed to call home. His mother would be freaking out if he didn't regularly call them, give them tabs of how his week had been. Etcetera. He sat up and looked to see that his phone wasn't on its normal charger. It was then he remembered:

"Augh...I must have left it in Troy's room."

He got up and walked to the door. He had been in Troy's room the other day, talking to him about the chores and tasks they would have to do week-to-week. At least next week he wouldn't have to worry about it when he filed to have his place changed. He just couldn't live with such a homophobic dick, it was simply too much.

Walking into Troy's room and turning on the light, he spotted his phone on the night stand by his bed. As he went over to it and picked it up, he noticed that the drawer on top was opened partly and a DVD could be seen sitting inside. He opened it and saw that that was all he had in there. Curious, he picked up the disc and looked at the title: "Senior Time". That was odd, Reggie thought. "Hmm. Must be when Troy was in high school. And who knows how many years ago that was." Curiosity got the better of him, and instead of putting the disc back, he snatched it and ran back to his room where he began to load it on his computer.

"What if I've got it all wrong? What if this is some... virus. Some trap to prove that I'm not trustworthy?" He hesitated loading the file on the disc...and for about twelve seconds, he considered what can of worms he was opening. But that didn't stop him. He hit 'Play' and his computer activated its media player.

The video started off somewhat blurry, but then a screen within a screen came into focus. It was a porn, it was straight porn which made Reggie just a little bit queasy. "Oh god... why would you be recording this?" He asked aloud.

"Holy fuck she's hot..." He heard Troy's voice. His speech was slurred, he was clearly drunk. A hand came into view and grabbed something directly in front of the camera. After a moment, Reggie realized that it was Troy's crotch he was looking at. "Dude I already got a chub watching her..." He the camera turned to the crotch--and cock of another guy sitting right next to Troy on the couch. This was where Reggie's eyes widened; this just got interesting. "Holy shit! What the fuck are you doin' man? Just whipping your dick out like that? I'm sitting right here!"

"Hey, I'm cool if you want to whip it out too, I just got all pent up at the party and this shit's... real nice." The other voice said. "Come on, don't be a panzy. No-homo, right?"

Reggie rolled his eyes. That phrase in itself burned with so much cringe it pissed him off. "No Homo" was literally a term closeted gay guys used to excuse clearly gay acts and hasn't been a real thing since the turn of the century. To his surprise, he watched as Troy unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to reveal a nice, thick dragon cock. It slithered from its slit and he slowly wrapped his fingers around it to stroke.

*Boing* Reggie felt an instant arousal at this; those supple abs as he pulled his shirt up, Troy's masculine cock and the way he played with the tip before beginning to stroke himself. Even adding a slight twist each stroke he made. The tip was already glistening as it drooled precum onto his stomach.

"Oh, fuck. You really were into this weren't you?" He heard the other guy say. "Oh yeah..." He said as he laid back and stroked himself more. Oddly enough, the camera didn't really trail back to the movie, and kept both of the boys' cocks in view of its wide angle recording.

Oh man, this was hot. Reggie admitted to himself as he felt himself get hard, his thick tiger meat pushing against the front of his pants, making a large tent aching to be released. Reggie unzipped his pants and freed it from his underwear underneath. He began to stroke himself in time with Troy and his friend on the video. Watching as their hands worked in sync along every inch of flesh, each of their shafts drooling out long, thick streams of precum that dripped onto their own stomachs. Eventually Troy's friend rolled over to one side and grabbed the flamedramon's cock.

"Dude what are you doing?!" Troy objected aloud.

"Don't worry man, I'm just helping a bro out. Just relax..."

Then, a wolf's head appeared on the screen as his tongue lapped up the drippings from Troy's cock and as he closed his blue eyes, he began to run his tongue, and then his lips, and then his entire mouth along Troy's meat, a low groan of pleasure emitted from Troy as the camera began to shake a little bit. He was actually getting a blowjob from some guy and here he was talking about being gay like it was some sort of a freak show? What a hypocrite. He watched as the wolf's head dragged down Troy's cock before pushing it upright and going down on it fully in front of the camera. "Oh f-fuck... bro." He grunted softly. "You're gonna make me--cum..."

The vigor of the wolf's head was clear, he was into this, and a long smile appeared on his face as he continued to move down, then up. Slowly, methodically. This was fucking hot...

"Nnnhhh HRRRRRNNNN!" Both Troy's recording and Reggie made almost identical noises at the same time as Reggie began to spew his seed across his desk and onto his carpet. Troy grunted loudly and his entire body shook along with the camera as the wolf on the screen then swallowed every drop. Slowly rising, then falling down to the very hilt before dragging his cum-coated tongue off the messy pillar of flesh.

It was then that the recording went dark, and the video ended. Leaving Reggie flopped back on his bed again, panting loudly and still shivering from this discovery. "What...the fuck?" He asked himself.

There was a thud from downstairs as Reggie bolted upright. He heard the door to the house open, and then close it. Then the sound of staggering footsteps coming up. He quickly cleaned his hand off and pulled his pants back on. Tip-toeing to the door of his room, he could hear Troy's whispered voice and that of some other guy. "Talk about deja-vu..." Reggie thought as he heard another thump against the wall near Troy's room. Silently, he turned the handle of his door and slightly nudged it open a crack and what his eyes fell on was no less shocking than the video he'd watched.

Troy stood upright against the frame of his door, his shirt lifted up over his stomach slightly with one hand and that horse they had spotted from earlier was giving him one hell of a blow job right there in front of the tiger's eyes. His mouth fell open, but he managed to keep from making a sound as this horse was enthusiastically sucking Troy off, and Troy was into it, using his other hand to hold the horse in place while he fucked his mouth. That beautiful blond mane of hair shifting from left to right as he thrust in hard and as deep as he could.

Reggie didn't make a sound, he also didn't want to get caught peeping at his roommate either and he closed his door again. All this time and he finally has a reason for Troy's ass-hattery... he was so far in the closet he needed moth balls just to survive. Reggie needed to help him, maybe helping Troy see the reality of who he was might get him to lighten up...


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