The Last Renamon: Chapter One - First Day of Summer Vacation

Story by Zephyx on SoFurry

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#1 of The Last Renamon

/Hey all this is the new guy on lemon street my name's Zephyx. Anyway truth

be told I'm 18 and horny as hell for Renamon (and why not she's f**kin sexy >:) anyway this is

the first in what I hope to soon become a series of Renamon/lemons :) email me @ [email protected] with reviews! :)

***ALSO legally I do not own in any way, shape, or form Renamon or any

associated characters and as for mentioning RenaFan and RenaTamer they were the

kick-A$$ authors who inspired me to write this. Thnx alot u guys!! (PS I kinda borrowed

parts of ur sceneries :P lemme no if thats ok)

O btw my fav stories are of Takato/Renamon and Axel/Rena but don't get me

wrong; sometimes the Rika/Renamon thing is just as hot >:)

**Also this story was proofread by my newest friend Omega so he gets 50% of

the blame/congrats baby!! :D

Quick Guide to Main Char

Name: Zack Castro

Origin: Human...?

Parents: Deceased. 5 years ago, his parents were said to be murdered. No

clues were found and in order to deal with the pain and loss of love he

began to read lemons in order to cope. One day a random site popped up

inviting him to a Renamon lemon site and that was when he first fell in love

with her.

Age: 17

Sex: Likes it ....JK JK male of course

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Eyes: Surgically altered to better resemble the color of Renamon's

eyes (only the iris, not the whites of his eyes)

First Day Of Summer Vacation .....


It was a the 25th of May, the last day of high school for Zack. As he walked

out to the parking lot searching for his car, he (as usual) started fantasizing about Renamon again.

Most of the time whenever he dreamed about Renamon it usually never extended beyond simple wishings for her exsistence and somehow becoming the lucky person to be her partner. However, being a teenager (with horomones and a sex drive raging like hell) he quickly developed a hard-on before he got to his car. Looking down and seeing his "tent" he quickly unlocked his car (A 2001 mazda 300zx for you car nuts) and jumped in to hide his arousal.

"Damn it, why the hell can't I just be normal and get off through pictures of chicks like ... I don't know Rihana or Shakira or something."Speeding home so he could read a couple of lemons by RenaTamer or RenaFan, he felt a sudden weariness overtake him. Arriving home, "Shit I'm tired," he groans, "I'll just sleep a little and then some fantasy fun," he said to himself. He fell into his bed, asleep before he even hit the mattress.


Slowly he opened his eyes to an open beach. Looking around he immediately recognized it as the beach that RenaFan had described in Takato's dreamworld where he and Taomon made out. (Holy shit, he thought, this place is beautiful.) However something he noticed that was different was the seemingly endless forest that started about 20 yards inland. As he looked into the darkness that the forest created within itself he thought he saw a quick flash of a yellow body.

(Oh dear god if that was who I think it is please don't let me wake up, he thought). He froze hoping that if what he saw was true, that it would come out of the forest. (What the fuck is wrong with me, if that was a Renamon then me freezing up like a coward will not prove anything, yet I'm afraid that the moment I move I'll wake up and never experience this, he thought).

"Experience what?" said a voice, a female voice, from behind him. Zack nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly turned around to see who said that but as he turned,there was nothing there.

Suddenly he felt .... a clawtip? .... touch his shoulder, "Once again, experience what human?" the voice asked.

As he began to turn around, he felt her dig the claw into his shoulder. It was painful but he could tell she was warning him not to turn around.

"Uhh... um..... uh what?" was all Zack could manage.

"Don't play dumb, your species is bad enough," she said, "Now I heard what you just thought,"

(Fuck, she can read my mind?! and why am I still getting turned on when I don't even know who or what the fuck has its claw in my shoulder?!)

"EXCUSE ME!?!?" the voice yelled as Zack felt the claw sink an inch into his shoulder hitting a nerve which forced him to his knees.

"AGGGHHH...!!!!" he screamed in pain. Beads of sweat formed on his brow and a vein bulged from the pain on the side of his head.

"Human you would do well to watch how you speak *and think* around me," she said.

"Can I at least see your face? I'm already in alot of pain and I can't move my left arm!" he said.

"Perhaps I should allow you this if only for a second, though I want your word that you will not attempt anything other than simply looking at my face," she said, "and if you try something, I will break your arms and legs in one of your heartbeats."

"I swear, please..." he said, now sweating profusely from the pain.

In the back of his mind he wondered how he could still be asleep and be suffering this much pain, however he saw the creature come around from his left and every thought he had disappeared. He looked up to see who (or [he hoped] what) it was that was binding him. Just as her face came

to view though, the sun glared behind her head, successfully forcing his eyes shut from the intensity.

"Wait your not one of them...." she said. "Oh digi-gods, I'm sorry for this," she began apologizing, "I thought you were one of those bastards sent by DCT." She finally removed the claw

from his shoulder and he fell from his knees to the ground. "Shit," she said, "you're going back already."

(I have to help this human, she thought, not only did I wrongly attack him but I also mind-linked through force. Dammit I guess I'll have to go back to his world with him....)


Zack bolted upright in bed, immediately grabbing his left shoulder as it protested to moving so quickly.

(Damn that hurts, must've slept on it wrong, he thought. God that dream was so real....but I never found out who or what that creature was.)

Suddenly Zack realized his shoulder felt odd. Normally when he slept on his arm he would regain feeling in it and the skin around his shoulder wouldn't feel...well like a massive bandage. He looked at his shoulder and then saw the rather large bandage that covered exactly where the creature had dug her claw into his skin. Carefully so as not to destroy the bandage he lifted the edge to see a nearly fully healed oval scar.

(What the fuck....., he thought) Suddenly the dream and everything that happened within it flowed

back into his memory.

(That was so weird, he thought, Everytime I've dreamed of Renamon she was loving and immediately willing for me, but then again those dreams felt like dreams. Something was different that time, he thought, everything was too real...and what the fuck is with this scar?!)

As he looked up he noticed he was in his bed but there was something underneath him that was beeping. He felt around underneath untill he found.....he couldn't believe it, a D-Arc.

"No way..." he said aloud. Just then he had the feeling like he was being watched come

over him again and he quickly hid the device under a pillow. Luckily the device silenced as he put it under the pillow just as a figure appeared at the door to Zack's room. It was weird though because the whole time Zack had been staring at the door the figure still managed

somehow to just fade into view.

As he looked closer (Who the hell.... he thought) he saw the figure was tall probably 5'9" (same as himself) but she was yellow and had ears (...that come off her head by nearly a foot!? and is that a tail?). Suddenly it hit him (No way....)

"Are you alright?" asked the Renamon from his doorway.


"No way..." Zack said aloud. "What's wrong then?" she replied curtly.

(What the h... oh now I get it, he thought, she thought I was talking about myself) "Sorry I mean yes I'm fine" he said.

"What? you've never seen a digimon before?" she said still sounding rather annoyed (What is with this human, she thought).

"No it's not that it's just that you are the first real one I've ever seen (and I'm glad you're the one I was able to see!! he wanted to say, but he didn't want to annoy her further) "So um how exactly did you get here?" Zack questioned.

"What are you talking about I just followed you when you left my world," she replied.

"Wait a second so I was in the digital world? So it exists? How did I get there? How did I leave.....?" he started asking hundreds of questions until the Renamon shouted, "SHUT THE HELL UP! (Zack's mouth snapped shut).....ok now please stay quiet and listen. Alright as to how you reached my world I haven't the slightest idea. Obviously it exists as you know and in my rash action I nearly crippled your left arm from the shoulder down. Before I go further what is your name?" she said.

Being caught slightly offguard he said, "Why?" using the obviously stupid question to by a few seconds to help him remember his name.

"We already went through this stupid act just tell me" she stated. "My name's Zack, and you are?" he said.

(Wait so if all that was real then has she been reading my thoughts this whole time?) The digimon looked at him oddly saying, "My name is Renamon, just that and yes I've been hearing your thoughts for the past 10 minutes."


"Ok then, so um why did you come back here with me?" he asked. "After wrongly attacking you and forcibly connecting with your mind, I owed it to you to at least see to the wounds I gave you," she replied, "now before I leave is there anything else you would like me to do as a final payment for my debt?"

"Um....uh... there is one thing that I have always dreamed of doing" he said looking at her.

"What?" she said.

"Would you kiss me? I've always dreamed of sharing my first kiss with a renamon....and since your here...." he said desperately hoping that she would agree.

"Rrr...(well it won't kill me I guess, but still it just seems wrong)..." the renamon thought, (at least he's not that bad looking... for a human...) she thought. "Fine, but only one kiss and make it quick," she said, "oh and what exactly is a kiss?" she inquired.

"You're joking right? You seriously don't know what a kiss is?" he said incredulously. He looked into her eyes. It was the first time he truly looked into them. He saw her beatiful dark blue eyes surrounded by the dark oceans of black that was the rest of her eyes. While he knew that this was a normal characteristic of Renamon (and looked at pictures of her and her eyes many times), he still felt amazed at how descriptive and yet shielding her eyes could be.

However he noticed her eyes thin to slits with his last comment and quickly recovered, "Sorry I just thought that you knew what a kiss was since you were okay with it."

"Well basically you and I will push our lips together....and then.... well you know its hard to describe its much easier to just show you....if that's alright?" he asked.

"Fine just do it already," she said, annoyed at the time this was taking. Zack stood up from his bed and walked over to her.

"Okay so now we push our lips together like.....this" he said slowly leaning towards her muzzle. She looked at the human and realized what a kiss was, and realizing she couldn't go against her earlier agreement, she met his lips with her own furry ones. At first the kiss was innocent enough, but Zack thought (Hell, I already got this far, lets see how far I can go).

He parted his lips wider and push his tongue towards Renamon's mouth, touching her teeth. Quickly Zack threw his arms around Renamon's head and hips holding her in place as he pushed

his tongue beyond her teeth and explored the inside of her mouth.

(What the hell is he doing?!, Renamon thought, I remember what a kiss is and this is nothing like what I remember....actually...its kind of....better..., she thought, and he tastes pretty good too)

Suddenly Zack felt Renamon's tongue wrestle with his and he quickly lost to her agile muscle. Then she proceeded to explore his mouth, caressing his molars and the roof of his mouth with her long tongue.

After a few minutes they released the kiss and Renamon panted heavily as Zack gasped for breath.

"That...was amazing....*huff... thank you Renamon" Zack said.

"That...wasn't what I was expecting...." Renamon replied quickly regaining her wind. (Perhaps this human isn't that bad, she thought, maybe I could stay a little longer... if only to try that again...)

BAM!! Ripping Renamon from her thoughts came the sound of the front door exploding into the house. At the door stood two tall figures dressed in nearly all white with the exception of the black glasses they wore. Both men looked to be around 6'2" and had a muscled-build. As Zack looked

around the corner of his door he saw that both had a sword that looked like something from a sci-fi convention. The blades were a dark red with electrical discharge surrrounding the blade making an odd chirping noise sounding exactly like a couple birds talking at once.

"The Avian brothers..." Renamon growled from behind Zack, "They must have located me when I traveled back here with you. Stay here and don't move. They are after me, but if you even so much as come within a hair's distance of being in their way then they will kill you without a thought," she warned as her eyes took on a cold stare that showed nothing but hatred.

All he could do was nod his head, (Her eyes...their so intense...., he thought). Then Renamon disappeared. Then from the front door he heard her voice yell, "DIAMOND STORM!!" then there was a series of noises like shattering glass.

Zack looked back out to the front door to see Renamon's back and a gaping hole where his door once was. He looked beyond that to find that the men were on their backs, slowly getting up yet they didn't have a mark on them. "Incredible, I didn't even see the attack and I know that they should at least have a few scratches!" He said.

(Hmm...He's right, thought Renamon,they do show no damage at all from my last attack and they are mere humans. How did they do that...)

Suddenly Zack remembered the D-Arc under his pillow and ran for it. After he grabbed it he looked at it closely. (It's real, he thought to himself, but if thats true then is Renamon my partner? and if so, I need to find my old cards, just in case)

Quickly he tore his room apart as he heard, "DIAMOND STORM!!" and then from one of the men "AVIAN BLADES!!" He heard a bloodcurdling scream of pain from Renamon.


Just then he saw something glowing under the sheets of his bed. "What is that...?" he said aloud. He removed the sheets to see a blue digicard (Like the ones in the series that helped with digivolution...,he thought) "Hang on Renamon! I'm coming to help!"