Dinner at The Shitter

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#1 of Viletopia Series

Probably the one thing that seemed to get a bunch of hits on FA was the introduction of Viletopia. To be as blunt and simple as possible, Viletopia is a city full of furries and reptiles who find things such as defecating on the sidewalk and eating their own feces and occasionally relaxing in a Jacuzzi of piss perfectly normal and acceptable, even though everyone in the city isn't mental. So if you don't find any of that normal or acceptable, don't read any of my Viletopia stories, like this one for example which contains much scat. Eventually one of them will make you puke. But if you can handle all that, read away. :P

You can thank avatar?user=51767&character=0&clevel=2 EtherBunny for giving me the idea about this sort of society.


Dinner at The Shitter

Somewhere in the middle of the revolting city of Viletopia was a yellow mouse who was busy walking down the street with a fairly erect cock in his hands. He was moving his hand back and forth slowly as ejaculate began to squirt out and roll down the muscle. It just so happened that this was the same mouse who ran into JT and the gang a while ago...and it was also the same miscreant who shot his load all over Rocky's face. His name was Roger. Right now the mouse was going out on a date with a pretty buff tiger who, like many other occupants in Viletopia, walked around in the nude. The tiger's name was Samuel, and he was a common, orange furred tiger with black stripes. Both of them were heading to a restaurant as they walked down the street, prepared to eat their hearts out. While walking, the mouse kept looking at his date and stroked his arm muscles with his left hand, simultaneously pawing off with the other. Samuel would simply purr and smile at Roger before scratching the back of his head with his claws. Anyway, the restaurant they were headed to was called The Shitter...for seemingly obvious reasons. When a health inspector came in from out of town to survey the place, the first thing they noticed was that it smelled like a monkey's posterior and pure defecation. As soon as the inspector entered, he wanted to leave from the smell alone. Many of the workers there either cooked meals without protective clothing on or tended to use utensils twice. For example, one of he chefs scratched his testicles with the spoon he was using and continued to stir with it. Another employee used a knife to dig out a splinter and later used it to chop up vegetables. If that wasn't bad enough for the inspector, he wound up witnessing a shedding eagle masturbate and later used his hand to roll dough, getting feathers all inside the grain. And yet, when the inspector asked a few of the customers why they ate there, no one complained and no one caught a deathly illness or food poisoning, despite the horrible hygiene conditions. The inspector was going to give them an "F" rating, but seeing as how everyone knew about the poor hygiene and still ate without complaining or getting sick, he had to give them an "A" rating. Afterwards, no one every bothered inspecting the place again.

"Oh this is gonna be so much fun Sammy! I'm so excited!!" said Roger.

"I can see that." said Samuel, glaring down and realizing Roger was practically choking his cock.

Samuel and his date walked through the doors of The Shitter and were greeted by the horrible smell of the food and poor hygiene status. Samuel inhaled deeply before sighing and smiling.

"I love the smell of fried scat in the evening!"

"That's actually the dead lamb we found decaying for the last two months in the trash can, but good try." said a smelly, yellow skunk.

"Hey look, it's Sam! I didn't know you worked here!" said Roger, stunned at the skunk's career.

"Well, I figured I might as well share my fetidness with the rest of the furries here in Viletopia. They deserve a well cooked meal containing the sourest and smelliest and thickest skunk oil this side of the country. Hell, if it hadn't been for me, they wouldn't have invented skunk flavored shish-kebabs!"


Sam started shaking his head. "I'm not a cannibal; skunk-kebabs are made with skunk meat. Skunk flavored shish-kebabs are regular shish-kebabs I sprayed with my foul oil and flatulence. It's very good in my opinion!"

"We'll take two of those for the appetizers then. And make sure mine's veggie-less!" said Samuel.

"You got it." said Sam, running into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Roger and Samuel found their seats at a table with two huge cockroaches on them. As Samuel growled at the miniscule bugs, they scurried off the table and ran under the bathroom doors. The tiger and mouse sat across from each other and looked left when they saw a small bowl housing cloves of garlic.

"Garlic?" asked Samuel.

"It's getting close to Halloween remember? Garlic keeps the vampires at bay. The last thing we need is to have a bloodsucker drain your veiny neck dry."

"You'd think they'd run off as soon as they got a whiff of us, but what the hell."

Roger took a clove of garlic and started chewing on it while Samuel grabbed eight and chucked them all inside his maw. Both of them noisily chewed on their vegetables while smiling at each other and swallowed hard, almost fanning their mouths from the spiciness of the cloves.

"WHEW!! I just remembered how spicy those things were."

Samuel opened his mouth and belched loudly in Roger's face, covering his head in a cloud of garlic breath. The mouse's eyes grew wide and he started to paw off harder, enjoying the erotic smell of Samuel's bad breath.

"Do it again..." he murred.

"Seriously? I never knew a mouse could adore the stench of garlic breath."

Samuel leaned over on the table and veered his head closer to Roger's, opening his mouth and exhaling slowly and loudly into his face. The mouse inhaled again, puffing out his chest, and resumed his masturbation. There was just something about the hot smell of garlic and tiger breath that made him get a hard on. After Samuel was done exhaling, he leaned even closer to Roger and licked his nose a few times before exhaling once more. Roger smiled widely and sighed with glee, already mesmerized by the tiger's breath. It was then that he noticed his twinkling blue eyes and thought they looked like a lush pool on the outside of a mansion. Roger got lost inside that pool, swimming for all eternity until he felt something warm wrapping around his mouth. Roger got out the pool and looked down to see the tiger kissing him passionately on the lips. The mouse moved in a little closer and kissed him back, feeling his whiskers tickle him on the cheek. And if that wasn't enough, the mouse tasted his date's breath, which was three times better than it smelled. It was a lot sweeter for some reason, like someone coated it with glucose. Samuel slowly backed away from his date and smiled as he sat back down, hearing a loud squirt under the table. He didn't even have to look down to realize what happened.

"I see I've gotten you excited..." chuckled the tiger.

"You've no idea."

"All right, I got your shish-kebabs!!" shouted Sam, running over to the table.

Samuel and Roger took the meat wrapped around a metal spike and sniffed the meal a few times before drawing their heads back.

"PEE-YEW!!! You got some strong skunk spray there Sam!"

"You're welcome."

Roger opened his mouth to take a bite of the meat, but the smell of the musk entered his mouth and made his eyes burn.

"Heh heh...is it too strong for you Rog?"

The mouse bit down into the meat. "Of course not!" he lied.

His eyes were currently on water and it was becoming hard for him to swallow and chew. And yet, a small part of his brain wanted the noxious food, craving it more and more. Roger swallowed the meat hard and sighed after it arrived in his viscera, taking another bite of meat.

"I take it you like it then?"

"Awesome." said Roger, despite his still burning eyes.

Samuel bit down and gradually ripped off a slab of meat, chewing it slowly and swallowing so hard everyone who glanced at his throat saw a lump traveling down his esophagus.

"Nice. Your skunk oil makes the meat more succulent and juicy, not to mention spicier."

"Thanks. Another waiter will be by to take your orders soon."

The tiger nodded his head and started to noisily chew his way through the smooth meat while Roger was still having trouble swallowing his food. It wasn't that the mouse hated the skunk flavored shish-kebab, but it was so spicy that it was irritating his eyes and messing with his sinuses.

"You sure you can handle that shish-kebab?" asked Samuel.

Roger lowered the spike into his mouth and scraped off all the meat with his teeth, chewing on the whole pile very slowly and savoring the stinky, eye-watering flavor. It felt like his tongue was on fire, but he didn't care. He was too busy staring at Samuel's eyes and enjoying himself to care. With one, deafening gulp, a huge lump slithered down his throat and splashed in his stomach juices.

"Man, that was sssspicccyyy!!!" panted Roger.

"So why did you eat it?"

"My bowels don't agree with spicy foods...if you know what that means."

The tiger laughed deviously and started purring as he thought about all the disgusting, sex play they could perform in the future.

"Can I take your order?"

A very fat purple elephant walked next to Roger and Samuel, also lacking the hygiene the rest of the town didn't have. She was wearing the same black and blue striped shirt like everyone else, but unlike many others, she was wearing the stripes pants too. She must've used them as her toilet, because they smelled like a pit full of dung.

"Yes. I'll have the Swamp Salad and four Smellchops with Limburger gravy poured on top."

"Okay." said the waitress, scribbling down the order.

"What's this Slime-gasbord?"

"It's a platter consisting of two square sandwiches filled with month old meats and cheeses and stuffed between two moldy grey pieces of sourdough bread. There's also a subway we doused with slime and piss and a bowl filled with large beetles with nacho flavored cheese stuffed inside."

Just hearing of the moldy sandwiches made Samuel's mouth water.

"I'll take that!!" he said, licking his maw.

"Lastly, what drinks would you like?"

"I'll take a Sprite." said Samuel.

"You still carry the Yellow Leaker right?"

"Of course."

"I'll take that."

"All right then. Your food should be ready in a few minutes!"

As the waitress turned around, she bent over and purposely blew a nasty fart in the couples' faces, causing some of the sugar packets inside the brown box to fly out of their wooden case and fall on the floor. Someone outside of Viletopia would describe the smell as rotting pot roast stuffed with eggs, but seeing as how they were inside a restaurant named The Shitter, they couldn't really tell. The elephant smiled slyly before she stood back up and began to walk away. Samuel and Roger couldn't resist, and leaned forward to smell the foul gas.

"Gotta love this restaurant."

"Who doesn't? The waiters'll fart on your food or season it with scat for free!"

This was true. A large portion of the waiters and waitresses were busy coating the food with their stink. A weasel was busy rubbing a steak under his armpits, a grey spotted hyena was peeing heavily into someone's glass of water, two jaguars were busy taking turns farting into a bowl of noodles, and a badger was standing on top of a table grunting with fists made as he squeezed out several logs of poop. All in all, the restaurant had excellent staff service.

"So when did you first arrive in Viletopia? I haven't heard of you up until I saw you in that weightlifting tournament a few weeks ago." said Roger.

"I moved here about a month ago after my family and I were ostracized from our state for being a little too...odorous. We walked around wearing odorant and soiling ourselves and publicly urinating and all sorts of disgusting things. Eventually, I just went nude and my parents started wearing diapers."

"Oh, cool! I got an uncle who wears diapers too."

"Yeah, well, everyone around us were so appalled by our grotesque behavior that we were thrown in jail and the next day after, they senator forced us out of town."

"That's harsh man."

"Hey, I'd rather get thrown out of town for being stinky than get thrown out of town for being homosexual."

"Why would you get run out of town for being homosexual?"

Samuel sighed. "I had this friend and...we had really strong feelings for each other. Some furries didn't like that..."

Roger raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean-?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

At this time, two waiters brought out the drinks Samuel and Roger ordered. Samuel's drink was clear and fizzy, but it looked like someone sneezed into the liquid, which would explain the floating yellow-green slime. Roger's drink was nothing but urine straight from a bull and beer mixed together. He wasn't sure why, but bull urine was very tangy and strong for him. Roger grabbed the glass and started drinking the yellow fluids, absorbing the musky drink with his taste buds. Samuel did the same, slurping up the snot with his tongue and licking it off his lips.

"Bull urine eh? Sounds nice."

"You want a taste?" asked Roger.

"Sure, why not?"

Samuel grabbed the glass after it was handed by Roger and took a small sip of the urine, swallowing hard once again.

"Reminds me of the time my friend dared me to be his urinal."

"Nice friend you got there."

"Yeah, you should meet him one day. He's real 'friendly' if you know what I mean."

"What, you mean he likes to have fuck buddies?"

"Not exactly fuck...more of group masturbation."

As the mouse and tiger were talking to each other, a few more waiters came out carrying a couple of dinner plates filled with sandwiches or smellchops or whatever type of food that the furries ordered, steamy and hot, but not so fresh. The smell would be described as carrots and throw up, and the Limburger gravy Roger ordered didn't make the odor anymore pleasant. Still, they loved the horrible stench and inhaled deeply.

"Hope you guys enjoy your meals!!" said the waitress.

"Oh, don't worry...we will." said Samuel, with drool sliding out his hanging maw.

The couple licked their lips and started to noisily chew their food with their bare hands.


Roger and Samuel sighed with relief and patted their stomachs twice.

"Oh...that was good!"

Roger responded by burping and cleaning out his teeth with his claws.

"I love that fat white belly of yours mousy. You need any help digesting that meal?"

"I'd love that."

Roger leaned back and began to digest while Samuel simply rested his head on the table and smiled at his date. The mouse felt something warm brush against his leg and giggled.

"Is that your paw or are you just happy to see me?"

"Actually that's cat piss."

Roger looked under the table and saw an arc of yellow liquid flying right at his leg from the tiger's penis. The mouse sat back up and stared at Samuel, not minding him urinating all over his leg one bit.

"You're giving me a hard on..." said Roger leeringly.

"Would you like to venture deeper?"

"...How deep?"

"I'm sure some ass sniffing would stimulate your exotic needs...and nothing smells better than a musky tiger ass right?"

"That's right..."

Samuel got out of his seat and stood next to the table, turning around and raising his tail a little bit.

"Come and get it!"

Roger quickly jumped out his seat and got on his knees so he could crawl over and smell Samuel's funky ass. The mouse looked up at the buff tiger's asshole and Samuel bent over, pointing his butt at his face. Roger sniffed the tiger's butt and left his nose inside his ass for 30 seconds before retracting it and murring loudly.

"Mmm, I love your warm nose brushing against my tailhole."

"And I love the smell of an unwashed feline buttocks pressed against my face."

"No one's ever felt this strongly for me before y'know. All my previous dates only wanted me for my sex or for my strong, muscle capabilities...but not you. You actually listen to what I have to say. You actually...care about me. And you didn't even run away from me once you realized how horrible my B.O. and breath are."

"Are you kidding me? I can never get tired of your tiger breath!"

Samuel laughed. "Thanks. That really means a lot to me."

In the midst of the affectionate conversation, the tiger bent over a little more and as a result, wound up passing gas in the mouse's face. The mouse just so happened to have his mouth open at the time and managed to taste the gas. Samuel smiled devilishly before he propelled some more redolent hot gas in Roger's face. The mouse opened his mouth wide and started panting, moistening his butt hole with his breath. After tasting the smelly rank fart, he stuck out his tongue and started licking the tiger's ass, giving him a nice, unhurried rimjob. The tiger began to murr and giggle as the saliva tickled his soft spot as his rectum was thoroughly cleaned by the mouse.

"That tickles!!"

Like always, no one around the restaurant minded the couple or what they were doing. Hell, some of them were doing the same thing and a few of them were having sex right on the floor. As Roger continued giving his date a rimjob, he started urinating all over the floor and soaked his smelly feet in warm, yellow piss. The feline looked down and murred even louder as he wiggled his toes in the puddle of piss, acquiring his own erection. Roger finished his rimjob and leaned backwards on the floor as his date turned around. Samuel aimed his cock at the dirty horny mouse and started urinating on him as well, soaking his stomach and neck and face with his own dark piss. Roger started murring and panting erotically as he got an erection and moved his dick higher into the air, hitting Samuel on the stomach too. Both animals were busy pissing on each other with erect cocks out of their sheaths. The piss was now soaked into their fur and reeking of dead fish and coffee. The carpet was drenched with urine and heading everywhere in the room, even soaking some of the other furries' paws as they ate dinner. But like always, no one cared. A couple of them even got on the ground and started lapping up the warm fluid with their tongues. As they finished their little piss play, Samuel felt his stomach growl gutturally and knew more gas was building up.

"Ready for some more gas darling?"

"You know it!"

Samuel walked over Roger's head so he looked directly at the tiger's taint. He looked down at the mouse and smiled before turning around and squatting down so his ass was perfectly planted on his nostrils, gently resting against it. Samuel sighed and grunted before he shot out a fiery, hot blast of ass gas that stunk like crazy. The meaty skunk flavored shish-kebab he ate earlier now formed thick gas in his bowels and it was now coming out. The odor was so strong Roger thought the tiger dripped some skunk oil on his nose, which would explain why his nose and throat were burning. The tiger grunted again before ripping some more gas in the mouse's face. Roger started to get and erection and ejaculate was spilling out of his dick. Samuel started playing with the mouse and grabbed Roger's dick and started rubbing his hand up and down, masturbating so he wouldn't have to do it. Samuel then continued to release wave after wave of sewer dog-shit reeking gas that only made Roger hornier. Eventually, after the tiger leaned a little and shot out a loud, trumpeting noise that sounded like it would've blown a hole through a plate, he cummed. The white gooey liquid squirted on a rabbit's face and he merely wiped it off, brushing his hand clean by wiping it against the chair he sat on. Samuel shifted down a little and started farting again, only this time, a nice big log came out, yellow and brown and lingering with skunk oil and the moldy bread he ate. The log plopped on top of Roger's stomach before he grunted again and sharted all over his torso, splashing messy watery scat all over his body and farting terribly. The tiger sharted nearly five seconds before he stopped and Roger stood up, letting more ejaculate drip to the ground.

"Now it's your turn to get marked." said the mouse leeringly.

Roger bent over and exposed his bright yellow ass to the tiger before cocking his leg up and letting out a monstrous fart. It smelled a lot like the stinky smellchops he ate and mixed with that Limburger gravy, his gas actually smelled like feet. Roger ceased his expulsion for a minute to exhale and later bent down further to let the gas come out easier. Some of it was beginning to smell like burnt cabbage and moonshine; it sure was making Samuel dizzy. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but grab his erect cock and paw off, shooting his load clear across the room and having it land inside a crock pot. Next, Roger grunted and began to shart all over the tiger's chest, coating his big, buff muscles with brown and tan mouse manure. Some of it splashed under his chin, but it only caused the tiger to murr loudly and resume his masturbation. Roger stopped sharting until he let out one fat log of poop and sighed with relief. Roger turned around and glanced at Samuel and he returned the same loving look right back at him. It was a glance of lust but more of the look you see once you set your sights on your true love and know you haven't made the wrong choice. Roger knew Samuel was the one, and he was certain Samuel knew it too. They stared at each other for a moment before the feline smiled widely and charged towards his stinky, grimy mouse. He tackled him and as they slid to the floor, Samuel got his penis jammed into his ass. He yowled loudly and stared fucking Roger with all his strength in the middle of the restaurant floor, with many of the guests watching or pawing off to.

Samuel started going back and forth wildly, thrusting so hard Roger screamed with bliss everytime he went forward. In five seconds flat, the tiger was at his peak and began to cum. He jammed his dick deep into Roger's rectum and left it in there, inhaling sharply. Then, simultaneously, Samuel sharted all over the area behind him as he cummed into Roger's ass. Behind him, tons of shit and fluids and hydrogen-sulfide were squirting out his ass and dirtying up the tables and chairs, and in front of him, white goo was seeping outside a mouse's tender ass. It was beautiful...if you removed all the scat from the picture that is.


"Hey, you wanna know what-what-"

Roger grunted and yowled once the tiger thrusted into him again.

"You wanna know what piss and shit smell like together?!"


Samuel retracted his dick for a moment and stood above Roger, looking at his ass. Roger lifted his grimy tail and stood on his hands and knees, bending over some more. Samuel started pissing on Roger's ass and he returned fire, sharting all over Samuel and the front side of his body. Combined together, someone would say piss and shit kinda smelled like spoiled mussels and dank oil. Another would say it smelled like fox piss and a septic tank. Another individual would say it smelled like a monkey cage and acid. But there was one thing they could all agree on: It STANK!!! As the mouse let the small droplets of poo slide off, Samuel growled lustfully and jammed his dirty cock back into his dirty ass and started his sodomy once more. What made the whole situation even better was Roger's gassy viscera. As the tiger fucked his mate, Roger farted loudly on his dick, shooting some cum and more scat back at him. Samuel placed his head down and smelled the foul combination before he continued. Once again, the tiger reached his peak and cummed, he did another Double Blow move. Only this time, he was all out of poop so nothing blasted out his ass except spicy, brimstone reeking air that flapped against his butt cheeks and made a deep, balloon deflating noise. After Samuel finished cumming, he retracted his cock again and stood back up, commanding Roger to turn around.

The mouse smiled with anticipation and Samuel grabbed his leg, lifting them high into the air so they were next to his face. Samuel bent down and stuck his dick inside Roger's asshole once more, only this time, he leaned in to sniff the rat's smelly toes.

"Mmm...cheesy..." he murred.

The tiger started simultaneously sodomizing his mate whilst sniffing his toes to get an even larger hard on. As he moved back and forth, his dick got more and more erect until it was veiny and widening Roger's ass. He yowled four times along with Roger, emitting saliva from his maw before he left his dick inside and cummed yet again, shooting such a big load that a lot of it spilled outside his ass like milk from a cow. Samuel exhaled twice before he thrusted again and cummed as he yowled at the top of his lungs. Roger gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, murring and moaning until some drool began to fall down his face. Samuel exhaled twice again before he stuck his long, hard dick further into his rectum and cummed, screaming so much he thought the windows would shatter from the noise. He shot another large quantity into Roger's ass and, like before, more began to spill out all over the floor and piss and blood. Samuel's cock was hurting. Roger's ass was throbbing with pain. And yet, they couldn't be happier. Samuel began to breathe slowly and whine with pain until he looked down at his mate with tears of joy forming in his eyes. The burly tiger collapsed and fell on top of Roger, breathing and exhaling with his tongue hanging out, the same as Roger was doing.

As they smiled at each other, warm goo began to squirt on their bodies. Samuel and Roger sat up and noticed all the male waiters and customers just shot their load after pawing off. All the females were busy murring as they rubbed their pussy with their fingers. Samuel and Roger had no idea they just put on a show for the restaurant, but they didn't care. Now everyone could go home happy.


"I love you my little cheese-chompin' shit blaster." said Samuel as he walked home with Roger.

"I love you too my muscular, musky feline." responded Roger.

Despite how vulgar the restaurant was, even beautiful things such as love could be found in The Shitter. ...Well that, and a bunch of shit.

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