Secrets in Shadows - Chapter 3: The Arctic Storm

Story by KaleShadowWalker on SoFurry

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#4 of Secrets in Shadows

Secrets in Shadows - Chapter 3: The Arctic Storm

(C) 2010 by Kale ShadowWalker

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual activities between two males, one human and one not. If you are not of ages (18/21) or this isn't your cup of tea, please leave now. Thanks. As always, read, comment and vote or fav or anything else :P

Author's Notes: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. Life has been insane and I've been distracted by other stories. XD Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

Brad and Rob ran through their normal routine on the machines at the gym, Brad not really noticing anything different about the way his work out went. Rob, however, did notice, but he wasn't exactly sure he was actually seeing what he thought he saw. To him, his friend and workout partner had grown a little bit of muscle over night and he could almost swear he could see the other male putting on more as they worked out. He didn't comment on it though, he didn't want Brad to know that he was staring at his body or at the large bulge that was visible even when standing. He had thought in the past that Brad had flirted with him, but nothing every came from it and he always heard stories about the scores of women that went to his bed. So after every workout session they had, Rob would hang back afterward and have a nice long jacking off session in one of the stalls, promising himself each time that he'd work up at least enough courage to ask his friend if any of the stories were true. He never did though, which only made it even harder the next time. As the pair finished their workout, Rob had to pull the waistband of his shorts out just enough to let his arousal press up against him. He lets the band go and stands up, glad that the little trick worked to hide the boner that he had gotten.

Brad smirked a little as he walked by, his nose picking up his friends scent, though it really didn't register to his conscious mind right away. The werewolf in him though did pick it up, sending signals to the rest of the male's body and to the more conscious part of him, the human part of the brain. All that Brad really knew for sure was that he starting to get horny despite having used up most of his energy exercising. It couldn't be because of the way Rob had been looking at him, could it? Well maybe..he did know that the other male had a crush on him but for some reason he never truly showed it and Brad had decided to let his friend take his time. But something was stirring deep in him, making his balls feel heavy like those times when he hadn't relieved him self in over a week. His shaft also felt like it was wanting to stir, though with so many others around, he had to will it to stay down. Once inside the locker room. He sat down on the bench in front of his locker, not only to hide the growing tent his his shorts but also to get into his locker. He hear Rob enter and looked over at him as the male started to change.

"God that was amazing work out...I don't even feel like I have to energy to get out of here just yet." Brad chuckled lightly as he started to pull his clothes from the locker, though only doing for show since he had this strange feeling that there was a plan of some sort starting to brew in the back of his mind.

Rob nodded slowly and let out a soft laugh of his own. "Ah, that it was. Though I think you did more than me." He covered his waist with a towel before pulling his shorts and undies off, not wanting his friend to see the half-hard cock that he was still sporting. "Well, I'm gonna go get me a shower. I'll see you later for out next workout session." He walked past the other male and into the shower, going for the private stall on the end. Once inside he pulled off his towel and tossed it over the shower curtain rod, one hand wrapping around his shaft while the other one turned on the water. He got under the warm spray and moaned lightly, stroking the throbbing cock slowly. He spread his legs as he did, using one hand to hold himself up as he masturbated. He felt hornier than he ever had before and wasn't sure why. Something about the muscles Brad now had or something else, but he really needed to get off today.

Brad watched as the other male walked to the shower, grinning and tossing his pants back into the locker. He stood and stripped down to nothing quickly, not knowing really why or what he had planned. He just knew that he was very horny at the moment and needed some relief. He wrapped his hand around his cock, feeling it slowly as he looked down at it. The member seemed bigger than before, not just longer but thicker as well and his balls hung lower and were for sure larger. He wondered what could have caused it, though he wasn't really complaining. He had always wanted a larger cock and now for so reason he had gotten it. He licks his lips and lets out a soft growl, surprising himself with the sound. Soon though he picked up his friend's aroused scent once more. He followed it, his body almost acting on its own.

Though in truth, his werewolf side was making him go forward and into the shower, getting ready to claim another male and add them to his master's pack. On the outside, his body didn't show any real changes to any that might have seen him, but his balls were now churning with seed that was made for the specific task of entering another body and reforming that person's DNA and changing them to a were as well, but not right away. No, this change would be when the other least expected it and only would happen when the male's Master was present. So the werewolf mind kept the human moving closer to the shower, making his mind feel nothing but need to fill his friend.

Rob didn't hear the shower curtain get dawn open and then back closed, nor did he hear the lust filled but still soft pants coming from behind him. He was too lost in his own pleasure, loud moans filling his ears as they echo off the shower walls. He didn't even feel the hands that pressed against his hips. He did, however, feel the pain of being suddenly penetrated by a thick cock. His eyes flew open, his mind now focused on trying to find out who was about to rape him right there in the shower. The cock slid into him more, making him feel like he was a virgin again from the thickness of it. He tried to move his arms back to grab at the other male, but before he could even bring them around, they were grabbed and wrapped around his own chest, a pair of muscled arms laying across them.

"Now now, don't struggle Rob. I know you've been desiring this for a long time." Brad whispered into his admirer's ear, grinning as the male went limp in his grip, except for light thrusts of his hips backwards to impale himself on the large shaft trying to push fully into him. He chuckled lightly and gave the ear beside his mouth a nip, pre leaking from his cock as he gave another hard shove with his hips, feeling the body in his arms shiver as the mushroom head pushed against his prostate before going deeper. The warm passage was tight around his shaft, hugging around every inch as he finally pushed in all the way. The veins along his dick stood out, making it feel even thicker, the entire shaft throbbing hard and already leaking hot pre.

Rob's mind was racing with the thoughts that he was finally having his fantasy come true and with all the pleasure coming from his stretched rear. He moaned loudly as a hand wrapped around his throbbing shaft, his hips bucking into the tight grip. The pleasure in him seemed to keep growing, giving him all new levels of bliss. He'd been with guys before and enjoyed it, but something about this time was hitting some deep part of his being and multiplying the pleasure over and over, almost on a bestial level. He pushes back into the thrusts and into the hand around his cock, grinding against Brad's groin with each thrust. Their hips slapped loudly and wetly against each other, echoing off the walls and mixing with their deep, almost growl like groans.

As Brad rocked his hips back and forth into Rob, his cock throbbed harder and started to leak cum instead of pre, not noticing it due to the pleasure fogging his mind. He just kept thrusting, each bit of cum that he leaked was absorbed by his friend's body, starting a few changes in the other male, but most of them hidden and just preparation for a much more dramatic change to come later. The dick in his hand did feel a little bigger and thicker and the scent of arousal and need coming from the male was much more pronounced and clear. All of this made him give in to the pleasure filled passion even more and he didn't even realize that the other was cumming until he felt him shudder in his arms and give a long groan.

Rob's orgasm seemed to go on forever, his shaft shooting out what felt like a weeks worth of hot seed onto the shower floor and wall, only to be washed down the drain by the water. He panted hard and leaned back against the hard body behind him. He had never came so hard before or so much, yet despite it, his cock was still hard in the hand that was stroking him. The pleasure didn't wane like normal, it just kept flowing through him at the same orgasmic level. His nerves felt like they were catching fire with the waves of bliss washing through his body, every single hair on his body feeling like it was standing on end. He could almost swear that he could feel that sensation in places where he had no hair at all. Then he felt something new, a bite on his shoulder and a very hard thrust before the sensation of being filled with liquid warmth ran through his body. He also felt the subtle sensation of belonging to Brad, but it was so subtle he thought it was just his imagination.

Brad pumped jet after jet of his thick seed into his friend's hole, where it was absorbed into the other male's body immediately. He didn't know it though, nor did he realize that his eye teeth had grown out to their werewolf length, piercing the shoulder that his lips were against and leaving a mark there. He didn't know how long he shot his seed, but he finally came down from his peak. He pulled his softening dick out slowly, the one in his hand starting to shrink as well. As the head finally pops out, he licks along the outer edge of Rob's ear before whispering into it. "My house. 7 pm sharp. Be late and you'll get punished." He gave his friend's ass a slap before leaving him alone in the shower stall. He dressed back into his normal clothes, thoughts of the coming night running through his mind as he left the gym.

Rob slumped against the shower wall, basking in the post orgasmic bliss. He closes his eyes and pants, letting the water wash over him as he waits for some of his strength to return and for his mind to process what just happened and the command he had been given. He had just been royally fucked by his best friend and it had been the most amazing experience ever. He felt a strange longing to be wrapped up tightly in Brad's arms, a longing too strong to be lust induced. He shook his head, starting to think twice about showing up, but soon as excuses started to form they slipped from his grasp and melted away to mist. Even just thinking about not showing up or finding a way to miss the appointed time, his body would shake just a little and the thoughts would vanish. So he just finished his shower, getting out to dry off and dress. By the time he was dressed he was excited about spending some time with his best friend. He was even now thinking of ways for him to seduce Brad and have a night of hot fun.

=====================Later That Evening (7 pm to be exact)=========================

The doorbell on Brad's house rang at 7 pm on the dot, sending Shadow into a barking fit, the canine running around in the living room and barking at the door as Brad went to open it. It took him a couple minutes to get the wolf to sit long enough for him to let his guest in. He grinned when he saw it was Rob, wrapping an arm around him soon as he got the door closed. He felt the others arm wrap around him in return and smiled warmly. "So my hot little admirer decided to listen like a good puppy and show up. Good boy." He winks and starts to move to the couch, only making it a couple steps before stopping. "Oh silly me, this is Shadow." He held his free hand out towards the canine, laughing softly. "I found him snooping in my trash a couple nights ago and couldn't find it in my heart to call the pound on him. Don't worry, he's friendly."

Rob chuckled lightly and nodded, still a bit nervous, not just from the large black dog before you. That wasn't it really he realized as he petting the male canine, giggling softly from the licks to his hand. His nervous were on edge because he wanted to ask his friend if their little fun in the shower meant nothing or there was something more, if the feelings he had been wrestling with since were true or not. He scritched behind Shadow's ears before being pulled over to the couch by Brad, laughing softly as he got pulled down to sit beside the taller male. He couldn't help himself and leaned over against him, his free hand laying on the leg nearest him. He rubbed slowly, looking up just as his friend looked down, their eyes meeting. "Umm...about earlier..."

Brad smirked and leaned his head in more, touching their noses together as he looked into Rob's eyes, seeing the obvious questions and feeling in his eyes. "You wanna know if it met anything?" His question was confirmed by a slight nod and a light blush appearing across his cheeks. "Well, I've been thinking about that myself, and talking it over with Shadow." He laughed softly at the confused look he got and shook his head some. "More like thinking stuff out loud while he listened and gave wags of his tail. The point is, that I wasn't sure myself when I got home. I remembered fucking you and good too, but I couldn't recall what had made me decide to do so. Not that I regret it. I've been lusting for you for a while myself to be honest. Just hadn't worked up the courage to ask because I thought that you didn't have any interest in me. But since you showed up, I know you're truly interested. So I guess the point of all of this is...Do you want to be my boyfriend, Rob?"

Rob blushed deeply as he heard his questions answered soon as they came to mind. He smiled brightly and answered his boyfriend, by giving him a deep kiss on the lips and pressing tightly against them. They both moaned softly, Brad's arms pulling him closer as their lips parted slowly. Tongues met each other, sliding from mouth to mouth as they swapped spit and moaned to each other. Before he could even process the thought, Rob found himself laying on top of his lover, their growing tents pressing tightly against each other, eyes locked and looking deeply into each other. The kiss broke slowly though, his bottom lip getting tugged lightly before letting go.

"Mmm, while it would be nice to sit here and make out with my new boyfriend all night, I had planned on cooking supper for you and we'll need the energy for later." Brad laughed and winked, sitting up and making his lover sit up on his lap before picking him up and placing him on the couch. He got up before Rob could protest, moving to the kitchen and starting dinner. He was done within a half hour, having fixed them all stake, cooked to medium for him and Rob and a raw one for Shadow. He also fixed a baked potato for him and Rob, placing everything on the table for them and Shadow's on the floor. He called them both to the kitchen, pulling out his partner's chair for him. He sat across from them, Shadow going right for his bowl as the pair conversed about plans for their next work out session and ate their dinner.

Rob helped Brad clean up the dinner, telling it was only fair for him to do so. Soon they were done and found themselves back on the couch, Shadow curled up near by and gnawing on a bone as he watched them. They started to make out again, hands exploring each other chests as they sat on the couch. They pulled from the kiss long enough to pull each others shirts off and toss them away. Brad laid back on the couch, pulling Rob down with him as they kissed again, neither of them noticing that the slight paunch had disappeared and a defined six-pack had taken its place. Brad though did notice the new muscles on his lover's back, grinning around the kiss as the werewolf in him surfaced in his mind. His human side didn't go to the back of his mind this time. No, they merged fully, both wanting the same claim and mark Rob as his mate. His tongue pushed into his soon to be mate's mouth, making them both groan deeply and grind against each other. Their pants tented slowly, pressing more and more against each other. Brad could smell their shared arousal, his nose also picking up the light smell of submission coming from Rob. He smirked a little as he pulled from the kiss, a soft whimper escaping the other male's lips as he did.

The feral canine watched the two, smirking a little around the bone he was gnawing on. He could already smell the changes happening in Rob, tail wagging in eagerness to have another male in his pack. He nodded as he dropped the ball, his pet Storm distracting Rob with another kiss. He dropped the bone and walked over to the pair, pretending to just be a normal dog. He gave the slowly changing male a few licks to his side, the mostly human's skin absorbing it right away and getting nothing but a light wiggle in return. He walked away then, going back to his bone to let his saliva do its job. While the seed his pet Storm had implanted into the human earlier had started some subtle changes, it wasn't enough to fully change a human. He had done that on purpose, so that his pets would be imprinted with his DNA and would always obey him. Soon they two males would be mated to each other and belong to him as his pets. He wondered what Rob would becoming, gnawing on the bone as he laid down to watch the show.

Rob gasped into the kiss as he felt a lick to his side, blushing some as well. He pulled from the kiss slowly and turned his head to look, blinking as he saw that the dog was still gnawing on his bone. Maybe it had just been his imagination and give it no more thought as his face was pulled back so he was looking into his boyfriend's eyes once more. He felt a tingle run through his body, blinking a bit as it felt like his hair were standing on end once more. His eyes went wide as he felt what could only be described as claws running down his back, making him shudder and arch up into them. He watched as his lover's eyes got a lusty and animal like look in them, shaking his head and trying to pull away. He didn't move though, the arms around him had grown muscle where he had been distracted, keeping him easily against the other male. His skin was starting to feel warm and uncomfortable, like it was itching from the inside. "Noo...let me go..something..something's not right..."

"Actually the opposite is true." Brad said, squeezing Rob tightly and leaning his head up to nip his neck. "Your body has now processed my cum and your becoming like me. Stronger, bigger, more animal." He grins as his own face slowly pushes out into a muzzle, fur growing on his body. "Mmm, just give in my love and we'll be together forever as two hot werewolves."

Rob's eyes went wide as he watched the muzzle form, feeling soft fur starting to press against his chest. He shakes his head and whimpers, still struggling in the shifting arms, feeling the muscles bulge more against his back. He could also feel his own muscles growing, his skin pricking so much that he had to look down at his arm to see what was happening. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, white fur was sprouting right out of his skin, coating his arm quickly. He whimpered again, unsure about changing into a werewolf. Something hard pressed up against his jeans covered crotch, making him let out a soft moan and grind down against it. Somehow he knew it was Brad's own jeans covered crotch, but it already felt much larger than he remembered. Thoughts swam through his body swelled, lust starting to take over along with the werewolf inside as he breathed in their shared musk and his mate's needy smell. His pants started to feel too small as his body grew new muscles and height.

He squirmed more, finally using his developing strength to pull from his lover. He stood up slowly on unsteady feet, groaning as his heels pushed up, making the soles of his feet arch and grow as they became digitigrades. Sharp black claws sprouted from the toes as black fur covered them up to his new ankles. Loud pops echoed in the room, his jeans bulging and straining as the seams started to rip, white fur showing through the growing holes. He grabbed the waistband of his shredding jeans, starting to loose himself to the animal growing in his mind. He gives a hard tug with his hands as they became paws, pulling his jeans off, holding them up as little pieces drop off. He tosses them away, looking over at Brad just in time to see the male's pants rip away as well. He walks back over to him, pulling the shredded remains away, freeing the large sheath and balls that were there. He licks his lips as he watches the male shift up into his full werewolf form, his mind totally taken over by the wolf in him. He lays back down on him, pressing his changing body down against his mate's. His shaft throbs, a sheath growing over it as his cock grew and shifted to canine in nature.

Brad grinned and gave a soft but dominating growl, grinning as Rob's ears shifted into white wolf ears and laid back against his head in submission. He chuckled, watching his lovers face push out into a muzzle, white fur covering it as a black mane grew out. "Well well, looks like I'm going to have a maned wolf as a mate." He grins as a pair of black handpaws caress his face, feeling his mate finish his changes. Their sheaths grind and swells against each other, his paws slipping down his mate's back to give his rear a grope and strokes his tail slowly. He pressed his muzzle to Robs, giving him a deep and passionate kiss, grinding up against him as his shaft swells slowly from his sheath. Their lips parted and his tongue slipped into his wolf's muzzle, groaning as the male started to suck on his wiggling and roaming tongue. They both closed their eyes, sheaths swelling as the slowly ground against each other, bodies flexing and growls echoing in the room.

An idea suddenly crossed Shadow's mind as he watched the two, his sheath swelling some as he dropped the bone and got up. He walked to the pair, shifting up into his were form. He slips on top of Rob, whispering into his ears as he wraps his arms around him and presses his sheath between the firm and fuzzy butt cheeks. He grins lightly as the male jumps a little in his grip. "Easy there, Artic, your new master just wants to claim you as well..."

To be continued!