Chapter 6: Blood

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#6 of The Fallen Goddess

"AURUM!" Solthas complained as the young blue dragon swooped from above only to pull away, whipping Solthas with a blast of cold air. Solthas could hear him chuckle in his mind, as he climbed higher and higher through the air with each flap of his elegant wings. "What? Don't like the wind?" Solthas shook his head not so much as a response as to vent off his anger. "Not when it nearly knocks me off my feet!" "Well if that's what I have to do to get you to stop, then so be it."Solthas could hear his wings cutting through the air as he dived from behind again. "Fine!"Solthas shouted. Aurum aborted his dive and gracefully descended beside Solthas with a thump as his rear legs hit the ground followed by his front. "I don't mind all this traveling, but you need to rest-- you're tired." "I'm not tired." Aurum laughed, "I can feel how exhausted you are, if you didn't have my strength to feed off of you'd be sprawled out on the ground snoozing." It was true. Solthas's muscles ached and throbbed with each step about ready to give up. He had been marching while Aurum sailed above; it had been that way since the final border-- Solthas smiled at the thought -- he couldn't imagine what the guards thought when he approached them without any clothing or weapons-- babbling about dragons as well. Of course they didn't believe him. Dragons? They were things of myth. They humored Solthas and gave him a backpack with supplies and sent him on his way. He only wished he could've seen the guards' awestruck faces when Aurum flew over... "I suppose you're right." Solthas let the backpack slump off of him, and reclined tensely against Aurum's side, "After all, it's not like anyone's going to be around here. " Aurum wrapped his tail like a belt around Solthas, as if he was afraid Solthas would keep going. "Sorry, Aurum, I'm just worried about Drake, that's all." He started stroking the aqua blue tail. "Do you think he's okay?" "Why do you pester yourself so much about him?" "He was MY responsibility, and I just left him behind-- Aurum, I don't know what to do..." Solthas laid his head back against Aurums warm body, and closed his eyes in deep thought. Soon, he slipped out of consciousness. "And you're my responsibility." Aurum thought to himself, before following him into sleep. * * * Aurum glanced at Solthas, various blurs in his eyes made it hard to see but he blinked them away to see that Solthas still slept; his hand tightly grasping Aurum's blue tail. He longed to tell Solthas how much he loved him and found himself thinking it. "I love--" Solthas suddenly stirred, and stretched his arms out. "Heh, thought I was sleeping did you? Aurum, you don't have to be so covert about how you feel about me-- I can feel what you feel remember?" "I hide it for a reason," He responded quickly, resting his head on the ground while fixing his gaze on Solthas. "Why?" "Solthas? Aren't you afraid of how others will feel about us?" His tail lifted up to Solthas's face and began to stroke his long powerful jaws. "I just don't want anyone to hurt you." "Aurum, nobody is going to hurt me," Solthas reassured him with a tender smile, "Because they know that you will defend me, as I will for you." Solthas held Aurum's tail still as he nuzzled it. "I promise you we'll be fine. And as for our other activities, we'll find another place to perform them." Solthas could feel the heat flushing to Aurum's face as he quickly looked away. "Actually, um," His eyes focused back on Solthas. "Do you think when we're in a town or something we could--you know-- at an inn or something?" "Why?" Solthas ran his hand on the part of Aurum's exposed underbelly, "We could do it right here." "I'd prefer to do it in a more private place." "I was afraid earlier," Solthas said, as he rested his arm on the dragon's side, "that I didn't perform well, and that's why you always pushed away the issue." "No, I- its just unusual for me to ask someone to have sex. I enjoyed you tremendously; couldn't you feel that coming from me?" "I kinda couldn't feel anything," Solthas smiled, his eyes unfocused as he remember their passion vividly, "Just your skillful sucking, and your explosive orgasm-- that was amazing, by the way. I just wish you had kept yourself in me..." "I will next time," Aurum said quickly, trying to avoid building up the lust between them, "which is why we have to go to a more private place-- could you imagine what a guard patrol, or anyone else for that matter, would think if they found me over your body?" "Yeah, He just had the orgasm of a lifetime-- or better yet, I wish I was him." Aurum snickered. "I don't think that's what they'll think." "You never know, but, if we're going to find each other between our legs anytime soon, then we better hurry to the next town." Solthas stood groggily, and then shouldered the backpack. "C'mon. It's only a few miles away." It took longer than Solthas had anticipated-- much longer. By the time they had arrived to Maylon, the night watchmen were just starting their shifts. They were quite shocked at seeing Aurum, and immediately demanded an explanation, their short swords poised to attack if he didn't give one. After calming down the startled guards, Solthas managed to convince them that Aurum wasn't a threat. But the guards kept a close eye on them the whole time they were in town. He had learned from one of the guards that travelers had been disappearing. After an entire village went missing, the whole area was put under quarantine by the Crown and no one was allowed to leave, unless they were in a well-armed group. And much to Solthas's anger, the guards insisted that he enter the city and not leave until the crisis was over. Solthas sighed; perhaps it was for the best. "Why is no one out?" Aurum asked as he soared above the empty streets. "It looks like it's night time, Aurum. It could also be because of the Quarantine." "It's always light in the caves though-- the glowplants on the roof the cave keep it lit." "So every village sets a time when to sleep and when not to sleep and almost everyone obeys it." Solthas explained, "That's why it's so confusing for travelers, like us." Most of the higher class inns of the town wouldn't take them in, citing that they were full or renovating, but finally Solthas found a place that would allow them to stay the night, The Inn of Blackrock. The inn was small and shabby, to say the least, and reeked of sour beer and spilt ale -- mixed in, of course, with the occasional stench of vomit. The few patrons there didn't seem to mind it though... "HOW MUCH?" Everyone in the inn went silent and glared at Solthas, who was standing in front of Human Innkeeper, most just noticing Aurum in their drunken stupor. "Don't make a scene or I'll raise it." The Innkeeper sneered quietly, as he felt numerous eyes fall upon him. "100 gold for you and your dragon. Take it or leave it." Solthas had never heard of such a ridiculous fee for a room. Remembering his promise to Aurum (and that he couldn't leave because of the Quarantine), he gave the gold without much of a fight. The innkeeper withdrew a rusty key from his back pocket with a grin at the gold. "Outside. The stairwell on the right. 3rd from the last door." Solthas grumbled to himself as he stepped outside, quickly finding the rickety old stairway that led to a long row of doors on the second story. Aurum's voice projected into his mind as he climbed the steps, "You didn't have to spend all that on a room for me. We could've done it out on the roads, like you said. Solthas got up to the landing, and began walking across to his room several doors down. "You told me you prefer to be in a private place. This place is convenient and private, even if it's expensive. Anyway, we can't leave until the Quarantine is lifted" He began to fumble with the key. "Now let's go." Aurum landed next to Solthas easily, and when the door was opened, he scrambled, with some difficulty with the door, inside and Solthas quickly followed. "So," He said as he jumped onto the relatively (and surprisingly) clean bed. "Bed or on the Floor?" "Looks like you've already made your choice. Now here comes the real question," Solthas said as he let the book bag slump off his shoulder and left it slouching into the corner. "Anal or Oral?" Aurum beamed, "Lay down and you'll find out." Solthas glanced at Aurum as his slid the dim brown cloth from his sex, watching the young dragon's expression. Aurum's grin grew wider. Solthas came closer to the very edge of the bed where Aurum sat. Aurum faced him and reached out to touch Solthas's hardening shaft with one talon. He felt the blood pulsing through it, and began stroking it. Up and around the head, he made sure to rub every part of Solthas's sensitive member. He began to lick the member, his small tongue touching it tenderly. He looked up to see Solthas's eyes were closed, focusing on the sensation of his sex with each teasing lick. His mouth lowered on it, clamping around his rigid cock and Solthas groaned when he felt the hot wetness of Aurum's mouth. Exploring, Aurum touched the warm reptilian flesh, wrapping around it, closing his eyes to focus on the sweet sensations of the smooth cock, the bulging hot head, and finally the warm pink hole with a little excited pre-cum. "Laid down." Solthas did making sure for Aurum to see his cock standing straight in the air. The Dragon maneuvered his way over Solthas, lining up his rear with Solthas's warm fleshy cockhead. When Solthas's head touched Aurums soft anus, Solthas protested, "You can't do that my scent--" Aurum shushed him, as his ass opened up between his strong rear legs. The head pushed through like a serpent entering his hole, its long silky smooth texture easily slithered and snaked through Aurum. The warm spit lubed his insides with a thin film, but soon he'd be filled with something warmer from Solthas. He finally felt the hot balls beneath him, rubbing longingly against his ass. He squeezed, much to the pleasure of Solthas, to feel the warm head and the delicate body of Solthas's cock-- he wanted to remember every detail of Solthas's body. Aurum stood up slightly, pulling the smooth reptile flesh between his legs, tugging the massive head. He let go and his weight made him slide down the shaft with a deep moan coming from Solthas. Again he tugged at the warm penis, feeling the blood pulsing inside it, loving the tight fit of the head. He dropped down, his rear caressed against Solthas's sack. Aurum enjoyed the stimulation and began to accelerate, each time squeezing the head, issuing a loud groan as he felt the head push up into him. He felt Solthas's pre-cum dribble wetting his beautiful shaft. Aurum continued bouncing; his rigid cock barely twitching it was so full of blood. Solthas moaned and waves of white cum streamed through Aurum, its warmth comforting him. The orgasm flooded his brain with electricity, blasting though each nerve of his entire body. Aurum pulled up all the way and Solthas's cock fell to its side, some of it's cum dripping on the bed. Solthas sat up excitingly, and began to stroke the Aurum's rigid pink member causing his legs to twitch. Solthas felt himself curious to Dragon cum-- what did it taste like. He lifts the heated dragon cock up, begins to bob, sliding up and down the shaft. The dragon's tail begins to stroke the back of Solthas's neck affectionately, each moment bringing him closer to the inevitable orgasm. The cock begins to shudder, and with a moan, cum floods into Solthas's mouth. It was so warm and sweet Solthas swallowed it in globs, it was a sugary sweet taste. Eventually the orgasm seizes Solthas's muscles, and he could no longer hold the cock between his lips. He rested his head on his stretched out arm, enjoying the draconic high. The cock fell limply and shot some cum out on to the white cotton sheets between them, and long soaked through by the time they awoke from the pleasurable coma. "Sorry Solthas," Aurum said softly after realizing what he had done. "Hey, You did nothing wrong." Solthas said looking at the sticky white goo, "The guy overcharged us and as far as I am concerned he can clean it up." "So you're going to sleep on the floor?" Aurum asked when Solthas got off the bed and sat on the floor. "Have to. As much as I like Dragon cum, I don't really want to sleep in it." Aurum rested his head across the two pillows, and easily drifted off to sleep without much thought. Solthas on the other hand fell asleep on the cold wood floor waking only periodically. At some point while he was awake, He heard a noise in the bar below-- like glass breaking-- and rose to his feet. Throwing on his clothes quickly, Curiosity got the better of him and he went downstairs for a drink... The bar was eerily empty except for five black-robed reptiles, each one a deeper shade of black than their robes. Four were sitting in a booth in the far corner, whispering ominously in a strange harsh language. The reptile between the three other males, in the far corner, squeezed the carved staff to the point of snapping when he saw Solthas. The reptile seemed tense about something and his glare bothered Solthas tremendously. The fourth sat at the bar. He was tall but that was all Solthas could see under the cloak of the thick robe. Solthas sat on one of the red and white barstools and waited for the bartender, even though a half full bottle of ale was only a little ways down the bar. He caught the eyes of the black male two seats down drifting over to him, looking low at Solthas's waist and below. "Where's the Bar keep?" Solthas turned to face the male, and his examining eyes darted away. "Beats me, serve yourself," He slid the bottle down to Solthas. "It's the good stuff." Solthas poured it into the shot glass before him, over flexing some of his muscles to attract the male's curious eyes. "I didn't see you here earlier. When did you guys come in?" "We just got here awhile ago," He paused at the empty shot glass. "Pass me the bottle." Solthas slid it down on the glossy oak bar. "So how long do you think the Quarantine will last?" "Don't plan to stay here that long," He sighed motioning to the four in the corner, "But they refuse to let anyone travel with us. You probably know that they consider it an 'armed' group when there are six males." "Damn, I'm screwed." Solthas said softly. "I guess we're going to be drinking buddies for awhile. My name's Solthas." "Name's Blood," He said softly, rotating the empty shot glass in his hand. "At least that's what the guys back there nicknamed me." "Blood?" Solthas said incredulously, watching him pour the last of the bottle. "Why do they call you that?" "Before I start to scare you," His gold eyes looked straight into Solthas's. "Listen to the whole story, and then judge me." He sighed, as if it physically pained him to recall the tale. "I killed an entire family when their son and his friends raped and killed my son." He paused as sorrow filled his voice. "We searched for days, but I remember it clearly when I found his body-- they raped him then slit his throat and he bled to death. What kind of person could do that to a child?" He shook his head. "I found out they did it by the tracks they left behind. One had a limp-- you could see it in the small tracks that were in the dried blood-- and there was only one child with a limp in that village. I couldn't prove it but by the way they smirked at my pain... I knew. I prayed to the gods for justice and then I learned that prayer was useless and began to drink. One night, I got so drunk. I took an antique broadsword my father used during the war and killed all of them while they slept... I was exiled and wandered from town to town alone." He threw the shot glass and it shattered. "I prayed for revenge on all of them. The Black Goddess heard me and sent her high priest to tell me that she would aid me. I was told to simply return to the village and she'd aid me in its destruction. It was amazing... I simply thought and it happened. I burned the whole village to the ground, then finally I burned the church to the old god I prayed to..." He went silent waiting for the reaction. "So you were the one who destroyed that whole village? Everyone?" The reptile nodded still shaken from his own story. "I'm not a terrible person-- at least I don't think I am. Anyway, I haven't harmed a living being since." "How sure were you that the kid was responsible?" "The Black Goddess even confirmed it, the High Priest said so." "Let me guess, of those four in the corner. The one who likes to glare is the High Priest?" "Yeah, whatever you do don't provoke him--Hells, Don't even look at him." He warned. "He's in a pissed off mood. When he gets like that it's bad." "So this Black Goddess? What is she?" Blood gave a slightly drunken laugh, "A dragon, if you can believe it." "I could." "Ha! Either you're drunker than I am, or somehow you've seen one. Which is it?" "I'm just a very open-minded person." "You're Drunk." He said flatly. "And on just a shot, too." Solthas looked around the room covertly examining the robed figures in the back. He saw that the High Priest was still glaring at him, "Well I'm going back to bed. Your friend's stare is starting to get to me." Solthas stood up and his eyes caught glimpse of something on the other side of the bar-- a chalky white hand. As Solthas peered over counter he felt the bottom of his stomach drop out. The Innkeeper laid motionless on the ground, his neck twisted around like a balloon animal. Hands gripped Solthas's throat from behind, squeezing like vise grip. His body went weak, and he couldn't move as he felt the tightness in his lungs grow. He struggled, but his arms and legs felt like lead weights in water. His lungs burned and his vision blurred as spots began to form in it. Moments later... A curtain of darkness crashed down upon him. * * *

Constructive Comments on ways for me to improve are greatly appreciated.