In Soviet Russia, Dragon Fucks You!

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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Yes, I'm submitting a story that has no fetish material included in it whatsoever, besides gay sex. SHOCKER. :O

Apparently this is my best non-fetish gay yiff story on FA, so I figured it would only be fair to share it with SoFurry readers too.


In Soviet Russia, Dragon Fucks You!

When you go to the army, you expect several things. You expect to have a drill sergeant scream in your ear to do this and do that, for no apparent reason whatsoever. You expect for the food you're served to taste terrible, like it was vomit. You expected not to go back home for the holidays. You expected to get shot at. You expected not to come back home at all. There were billions of things you'd expect once you joined the Army or the Marines Corps. or the Navy or Air Force. But this was not the case for Travis and Letowlek. The two furries were so happy to finally earn their place in the army, so happy to finally get their stripes and earn their place in the world as a noble, honorable furry. Both of them were giddy and excited to the point where they almost felt like screeching like schoolgirls. And now, all that excitement was being thrown back in their faces like the rain that had been pouring on their heads a few hours ago. Travis was a brown wolf with a fair muscular build in his early twenties. He had blue eyes and claws sharp enough to scalp someone. Like his counterpart Letowlek, he had dreams of joining the army, like his father did. Letowlek was a gray dragon with red wings and just turned eighteen a few weeks ago. Although younger then Travis, he was much more muscular, and definitely taller than the wolf. Both of them had been friends ever since high school and even decided to join the army together, making sure their bond was never separated, even by the blowhard buffalo drill sergeants.

Anyway, right now, both of them were stationed in what some furries consider the heart of the U.S.S.R., also known as Russia. Their platoon had been sent to parachute into the country at night, on a dangerous stealth mission; their commanders received Intel that a terrorist coalition was selling and/or planning on using chemical weapons. Their platoon was sent there to make sure that didn't happen. It wasn't like normal privates in the army; this was obviously a Special Ops. mission, their first one. So, while everyone in the platoon gets to infiltrate Russian military bases and bunkers and warehouses searching for weapons with the power of "Fifth Freedom", Travis and Letowlek were sitting in a large wooden lookout tower, fiddling with their guns and equipment. They thought this would be an all-out assault and badass shooting sprees like those seen in Call of Duty or Medal Of Honor. But no...their team posted both of them inside the lookout towers while all of them went out on a super secret mission where they could kill without questions asked. Both of them were wearing regular green khaki uniforms and big black boots. Letowlek was sitting on the tower floor, hearing the crickets chirping in the distance as he repeatedly unloaded his M4 carbine rifle. The dragon took out the magazine and looked at the bullets inside, before sighing and putting the magazine back in. Then he did it again, and repeated this pattern several times over until he grumbled and started to take the bullets out, dropping them to the floor with loud clinking. He stared at the bullets for a while before rolling them against the ground with his boot and sighing heavily again, bored. The scaley crawled over and grabbed all the bullets from the floor, pushing them into the magazine again and reloading his rifle. It wasn't until the dragon looked down the barrel of his gun that he knew he was bored, bored to the point where his logic had melted out of his ear holes. He put the assault rifle down and glanced at his teammate Travis.

"Travis?" he muttered.

Travis didn't respond. He was sitting down as well, his back pressed against the wall and his blue eyes shielded by his brown eyelids. In other words, he was sleeping.

"Travis? Travis, wake up." said the dragon, louder this time.

"What?" said the wolf, annoyed.

"You awake?"

The wolf opened his eyes and shook his head. "I was just resting my eyes. Why, what's up? You see any enemy movement?"

"You know the answer to that already."

"Oh. So, you're bored huh?"

"No fucking shit wolfie. Who knew Russia would be such a boring continent?"



"Russia's a country."

"That's what I said: continent."

"No, country."




"You're not saying...ah, who gives a shit. It's three in the morning, I'm tired, I'm bored, I'm sore, and we've been stationed here for hours."

"It could be worse. We could be getting shot at."

"At least that would be fun. All we've done so far is get yelled at by a bull, tread through mud, and endure hellish practices back at training camp. And for what? Just to sit on our ass?"

"That's the way the world works Travis. You spend all your life learning shit you know damn well don't apply to you in real life, like trigonometry or art class, and even though you could be the smartest furry or scaley out there, you end up working at Burger King till you're 57. Tell me one thing you learned in school that we needed to know for the army."

The wolf shrugged. "I didn't know what Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, half my class either stayed home or didn't sleep at all because they were too busy fixating on that game. One guy said he stayed home so he could take care of his sick brother but everyone in the class knew he only stayed home to play the game; he just used that as an alibi."

"How old was he?"

"I dunno, sixteen, seventeen."

"Hey, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a badass game!"

"That game sucks ass."

"It does suck ass; all you do is run around nuking people in multiplayer."

"And the storyline sucks ass. I get the Makarov part, but after that everything was retarded and made no sense."

"And every goddamn character you played as or took a liking to died! Private Joseph Allen-"

"-Ghost, Roach-"

"Especially Roach; I was so pissed off when that happened! You went through all the shit just to get shot by General Shepherd!"

"And then Griggs and Gaz aren't there anymore cause they got shot in the first game."

"You have to admit, the game had a shitload of badass moments."

"A little too many. The part where Soap got stabbed in the chest, and then took out the knife without dying of blood loss, and then throwing it at General Shepherd AND KILLING HIM, is a little too stretched."

"That's very stretched."

"I hated The Driver."

"...You sat next to him in a car in Brazil...and then he got shot and died..."

"That's the point! The Driver could've been the next Griggs and replaced Sgt. Foley, but noooooo, they up and kill him off in about thirty seconds of his appearance! They did that with Royce and Meat too!"

"Speaking of which you notice how in one scene, Meat had dark skin, and then in another scene, he was white?"

"Actually I did; I laughed at that part."

Letowlek giggled. "Yeah, that was funny. The betrayal was a pretty awesome 'WTF?!' moment though."

"It was. That really did shock me; I wasn't expecting that."

"I'm debating whether it was the nuke in the first game or his betrayal that's more sho-"


"You're not even considering-"

"The nuke. You can't beat killing 30,000 soldiers in one blow. And on top of that, your whole goddamn squadron dies and you're forced to painfully crawl out your downed chopper to look at all the rubble, and then you die. I think the only reason why they added General Shepherd's betrayal, was to keep the audience attached. Meanwhile, in COD4, the game's already badass and fun regardless, and not just the multiplayer."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The furry and scaley heard faint gunfire in the distance and looked over the railing of the tower to see if any Russians were nearby. All the gunshots were quiet though, and it was only a short burst, probably from an assault rifle. There wasn't any returning fire, so a gun battle probably wasn't going on. Both animals sighed heavily and sat back down in the tower, shielded by the wooden walls.

"False alarm."

"As always."

Travis sighed. "Look at us. We're two privates basking in our sweat and talking about a war game when we're in an actual war."

"This isn't really war. It's just us infiltrating a foreign country on a hush-hush case. But yes...we're a furry and a scaley doing nothing more than bitching about a videogame with kickass graphics and badassness, but a terrible plot."

"What else are we gonna do now? We've reloaded our guns several times over and we've checked the equipment to see if it was broken or not so many times that we probably broke it by accident."

"Uh, I don't know. Wanna talk about how your life was when you grow up?"

"I spent my adolescent life doing nothing but studying to pass school and working out at the gym."

"You didn't have any girlfriends? No fuck-buddies or bitches?"

"No. I didn't have much of an eventful life growing up. I had friends but nothing consensual or loving, if you know what I mean."

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't have a great uprising either. Most of my time was spent like you, lifting weights and all that junk. I didn't really have girlfriends either, but I did have these 'special' fuck-buddies-"

"You're homosexual."

Letowlek yelped and stared at Travis as he played with his gun. "How'd you know that?!"

"I grew up in Furtopia, remember? That city was full of gays and lesbians and bisexuals; it got to the point where I could smell the cum that was still dissolving in a furry's mouth. And I remember this one guy who got a rimjob almost every day."

"So how'd you know I was gay?"

"I saw you masturbating to gay porn on"


"Yeah, had no idea you were into inflation."

"I'm-I'm not! It's just...when someone inflates, all the gas goes into their belly and then they release all their cum when they get horny and it just excites me to the point where I get a boner and just have to fap. What about you? Are you uh, gay?"

"I can be."

"What does that mean?"

"I've had no sexual contact minus a handjob. I think I was raped too but, that doesn't count."

"What do you mean you got raped?"

"I got hammered to the point where I couldn't open my eyes the next day without tears coming out of them whenever my iris came into contact with light. One of my friends told me I got laid, but I never found out whom...what, had sex with me."

"Did you take a guess?"

"My ass was sore, so I'm assuming it was a male furry, or a shemale. Guess that makes me gay or a pansexual."

"Huh. You seem nonchalant about that."

"I have no problem with gay furries. As I said, I grew up in Furtopia, so I was practically surrounded. Unlike the furries I know, I learn to tolerate disgusting shit."

"You mean that literally? You can tolerate actual shit?"

"Uh, no. I don't fantasize about rolling around in feces."

"Neither do I."

"...But you fap to inflation."

"Nothing wrong with that, right? It's not like it's snuffie."


Letowlek scooted a little closer to the brown wolf and nudged him on the shoulder.

"So you said you were gay-"

"I said 'I can be' gay."


"I'm an animal, more importantly a dog. If it has a pulse I'll probably fuck it."

"Is that so?" said the dragon, sensually.

Travis glanced at Letowlek. "What are you doing?"

"You did say you're an animal, and you'd fuck anything, right?"

Travis gazed at Letowlek for a brief moment before fiddling with his pistol and laughing nervously.

"Yes, yes I did say that."

"Then perhaps we should become more intimate yeah?"

"No, no we can't do that now. We're on the middle of a mission in the middle of hostile territory! What if the enemy finds us and ambushes us? What if the team is in trouble and we have to help 'em out? ...What if someone sees us?"

"Then let's not have anyone see us hmm? C'mon, it'll be fun!"

"I'm not nervous. I-I-I just don't think this is the right time or the right place to do this in. At least let us go down the ladder and into the bathroom!"

"The enemy can easily walk inside the bathroom and kick open the stalls. We're over twenty feet in the air, surrounded by wooden walls, and the only way in here is through that hatch on the floor, which I've locked."

The gray dragon giggled and crawled over to the brown wolf. "Nothing is going to happen. And besides, we're in a war zone. There's a chance we won't get to make love again before we die, so let's do it now."

"You, you may be right but um,"

The wolf cleared his throat. "What about an enemy attack from the sky? There's helicopters and jets and-and random mortar shells and cluster bombings and...and..."

The dragon grabbed the wolf by the back of the head and slowly brought him over to his lips, where he kissed him very gently. The wolf stared at Letowlek with wide eyes while the scaley was simply breathing and pushing his lips against Travis'. The canine had to admit, he was a very good kisser, and he didn't even use his tongue. The last furry he kissed like to lick the inside of his mouth, and that was a major turn-off for him. The dragon was lucky; Travis didn't have bushy or shaggy fur so it didn't tickle of scratch his face when they kissed. Letowlek himself had lips that were as soft as or softer than marshmallows, and if Letowlek had put on lip gloss, they'd taste like cotton candy. It seemed like forever before Letowlek retracted his cushion-like lips from the wolf. Both of them stared deeply into each other's eyes and heard more faint gunfire in the distance before Travis leaned forward and started kissing the dragon on his lips. He was a little, slobbery with his kissing, but the dragon didn't mind. He was just glad that Travis didn't have bad breath. The dog wrapped his arms around the dragon and both of them were moaning passionately and kissing noisily now, unable to take their lips away from each other as though they were glued or stapled to one another. Both of them ripped their lips apart from each other and panted with their tongues hanging out before they resumed their smooching. They were panting loudly and kissing and licking each other inside their mouths now, clearly enjoying themselves. Travis moaned again and his tail began to wag very wildly, until he fell flat on his back and looked up at the scaley. Letowlek smiled leeringly and started to take off his belt before unzipping his khaki pants. The brown wolf also began to strip off his pants very quickly, until the gray dragon smiled and looked at the canine's underwear.

"I see you're excited."

Travis exhaled gruffly and nodded before the dragon put his hand down his underwear and slowly began to grope his penis. The wolf moaned softly and smiled in a somewhat goofy fashion before he started getting a larger boner, one that the dragon began to squeeze. His hand was cold, but it wasn't freezing and it had a rough, but enjoyable texture on it. As Letowlek felt some precum glazing his arm, he knew it was time to give the wolf what he wanted. He took his hand out of his underpants and grabbed the waistband, laughing some more as he started to pull them down. Travis raised his paws and grabbed the dragon's waistband as well, dropping them until his large, erect dragon cock flopped its way into the air. The cock was smooth from what he could tell, uncut and nearly eight inches long. There were no barbs, thank God, so it wouldn't tickle or hurt the dog. The last thing he needed was quills poking his rectum. Letowlek also dragged the wolf's underwear all the way down and his long cock came out too. His was a little shorter, but still lengthy enough to please Letowlek. His was also uncut, and surprisingly black. The dragon lowered his head and licked the black cock, heading up from the balls to the glans, cupping his mouth over the head of the penis and sucking it like a popsicle briefly. After he sucked up some of the pre, he opened his mouth and exhaled, letting the pre ooze its way down his chin. Travis raised his legs in the air a little before Letowlek moved forward and started moving his dick around the canine's cheeks, feeling how smooth his ass was.

"That's a smooth rump you got there soldier." said Letowlek.

Travis giggled sensually and winked at the dragon. Letowlek didn't waste any time and he thrusted forward, penetrating the canine with his long cock. Travis grunted and closed his legs on the dragon's ribcage, while Letowlek moved forward and murred loudly. He thrusted again and both of them grunted, making Travis murr with his tongue resting on the side of his face. The dragon thought about doing him doggie-style, but he wanted to see the expression on his partner's face while he fucked him, so he went with missionary. Besides, Travis said he was tired; why strain him anymore by making him sit on all fours with his tail raised? All the wolf had to do was lie on his back and take it in the ass until the cum was released. And so, Letowlek began to thrust backwards and forwards with his erect cock, penetrating the wolf's anus very slowly. Travis was sighing and murring quietly as he stared at the dragon's big eyes and welcoming smile. There was something about the scaley on top of him that made him giddy with joy and bliss. Maybe he really was gay...or at least bisexual with a male preference. Either way, he had no problem fucking guys. Letowlek closed his eyes and inhaled sharply as he lowered his body and moved forward a little, sticking his glans inside the wolf's rectum, which felt shocking smooth and squishy. It was tight as always, but only because he didn't put on any lube or lotion. Just a minor defect, nothing serious. Letowlek grunted and sighed a few times as he thrusted forward, moving backwards very slowly. He liked to enjoy the moment, as opposed to other furries and scalies who went around trying to shoot their load as soon as possible. There was no rush here. No one was watching, no one could hear them. Why rush? And anyway, if they died, at least they'd die happy, horny, and full of cum, as opposed to bleeding to death after getting stabbed in the gut, lying in agony for hours. The dragon thrusted again and smiled, before looking back down at the dragon's cock. It was pointing in the air now, not curved to the side or slanting a bit. It was standing up at a 90 degree angle. Which was good, as it made it all too easier for him to bend down and suck on his cock some more.

Letowlek grunted and moved forwards again, piercing the rectum further. Both of them were murring loudly and Letowlek was thrusting forwards a little faster. He wasn't speeding, but at least he was going faster, indicating the pre and cum was busy making its way up to the head of the penis, and would soon squirt its way into the wolf's asshole. The dragon thrusted forward again and forced an ecstatic squeal out of the furry. He stuck out his tongue and hissed in the wolf's face before lowering his head and kissing him on the mouth again, acquire another stale, but partially satisfying taste of dog breath. He felt Travis' cock brushing against his torso and felt some more sticky precum on his gut. It felt nice, like corn syrup but stickier, and warmer. The dragon moved backwards before thrusting forwards again and hearing another soft squish. Travis opened his mouth and exhaled again before grabbing the dragon's head and rubbing his face. Letowlek growled and murred before gritting his teeth and moving forwards some more. His thighs were in-between Travis' legs and he was so far in that he could barely see his long dick anymore. More precum was coming out of the wolf's penis and Travis couldn't help but moan loudly and pant with loud huffs. The dragon flapped his wings a couple of times before he moved backwards and forwards again. Everytime he moved forward, he heard a loud squish, like a sponge or frog getting stepped on and Travis would murr. Everytime he moved backward, another squish was heard, but no blissful murr came out of the canine's mouth. The dragon inhaled sharply and put his hands on the floor of the watch tower. He thrusted forward very slowly, but further to the point where his scrotum was brushing against the wolf's butt cheeks and Travis moaned in a high pitched tone before Letowlek exhaled gruffly and backed away. He inhaled sharply and moved forward again, thrusting into Travis and forcing another high-pitched growl from him, before he exhaled loudly and moved backwards. Pre was oozing its way out of Letowlek's penis, and he was starting to get a little excited. Travis could tell by how red his face was. Perhaps it was because of how much force he was exerting. Or maybe the dragon was blushing, slightly embarrassed at the situation. No one ever thought of a dragon fucking a wolf inside of a watch tower while both soldiers were on duty. And knowing their blowhard sergeant, the bull would shove his horns in both of their asses, and not in a sexual way; a painful way. A way that would either pierce their ass cheeks or rupture their colons terminally.

Letowlek was enjoying himself, but he figured that it was time to finish his sodomy. The dragon smiled and started murring with his mouth open as he started to move faster, bumping his crotch against the wolf's taint and scrotum. The wolf's eyes grew wide and everytime he went inside of him, he'd moan and gasp. The repetitive, but rapturous sex-play went on for nearly a minute or two before more precum was squirting out of his cock and getting on the dragon's khaki uniform. The wolf raised his arms and put them around his neck, bringing the dragon's head down so they could kiss each other as the dragon continued to pummel his asshole with his cock. They sighed and murred in a muffled tone as they moist lips made contact yet again, and Letowlek took his mouth away so he could finish the wolf off. He lifted his upper body again and started to bang the furry very quickly, grunting with his eyes shut and teeth grinding and hands pressed against Travis' underbelly. Travis was howling now and his dick was fully erect, not far from Letowlek's face. The dragon was also shouting and moaning loudly, even louder than Travis was, and he was doing all the work. Letowlek yowled loudly and thrusted his entire body forward, screaming and shouting as much as the wolf was before he left his cock inside briefly. The next thing Letowlek knew, the syrupy substance was on his neck and khaki suit, coated with an odd cream color. Letowlek exhaled the same time Travis did, and the wolf's cock leaned to the side again. It didn't take long before the scaley looked down and noticed his cock had cum spewing out the head. Letowlek's cock was also dripping with goo, and he felt relieved after shooting his load. The dragon moved backwards and pulled his cock out, watching as cum spilled onto the floorboards. Both of them looked at each other with smiles on their faces as they sighed heavily.

"Whew...goddamn, that was tight."

"Yes, yes many furries say that their first time. Second, if you were raped that night."

Travis moved away from Letowlek and started to put his pants back on.

"Sorry about your uniform."

The dragon chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll just say it's bird shit."

"What, a bigass bird with diarrhea?"

"There IS a word called 'macro' remember..."

"You think after this Special Ops. mission, maybe we could spend more quality time back in our barracks?"

"Of course we can. Hell, we could spend the rest of the night up here if you want."

"Okay. I'm sure the squad won't need us anyway."

After Travis said those words, their radio squawked and static buzzed over the small device.

"Guys, we may need more backup down at this warehouse; you're clear to join the assault team, over!"

Travis grabbed the radio and responded. "That's a negative Bob. We'll stay up here, keep lookout, over."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," said Travis, smiling at Letowlek. "I'm sure."

The wolf slammed the radio down before walking over to Letowlek and kissing him on the lips again, their bodies falling backwards onto the floor. It wasn't even four o'clock yet. They had another four hours to kill before it was dawn.