Day 27 - Recording

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#27 of Hypnovember 2020

A Sylveon with a hypno kink shows his boyfriend what makes it so hot with the help of some recordings. Of course, he has his own reasons...

Featuring my darling Cenajus 's character Cotton!

"Trust me, you'll love this." Cotton said, making sure his Riolu boyfriend was wearing the headset before carefully lifting a tape with his Sylveon ribbons and slotting it into his video player.

"Which tape am I watching first?" Azyl asked, tapping his paws on the floor, and adjusting the headset on his ears. Being a Riolu wearing a headset made for Sylveons, it fit quite well.

"Just an induction." Cotton said. "It'll help you get used to the feeling and get you deep." He explained, clearly very excited. "Just watch the screen. Trust me, you'll like it a lot."

Azyl nodded and watched the screen intently, wanting at the least to humor his boyfriend. Hypnosis tapes weren't something he had an incredible interest in, but they seemed like they might be fun. Besides, it wasn't like it was going to take up the whole afternoon.

The tape started, and a set of vaguely familiar, brilliantly blue eyes appeared on screen, and a quiet breathing began on the headphones. Azyl found himself absorbed into the blue, and his breathing coming into sync with the breathing in his ears.

"Hello." He heard in his ears. "Go ahead and relax yourself. This tape will put you into a nice, relaxed state of trance, and hold you there for a moment, before an optional wakeup. Just keep looking into my eyes, and breathing just like that. Feel yourself sync up with me. Feel yourself relaxing all together. Every part of you, loosening and relaxing, and becoming limp. It's okay to lay down a little, if that's more comfortable." He instructed.

Cotton watched with eager anticipation, studying Azyl's facial features for the beginning of the trance. His own excitement was growing quickly, and he found himself laying down into a little sylv-loaf, his quickly hardening dick hidden under his belly. Something about seeing it beginning to affect his lover... did things to him.

Azyl was, of course, slipping right under. His eyes were half-lidded already, but always focused on the hypnotist's stunning blue ones. Cotton had made a point of sitting behind the screen, to avoid the temptation of looking at them as well, but even seeing the reflected blue in Azyl's eyes was enough to invoke a Pavlovian boost of arousal.

He waited. It was coming. The moment - the big moment of this tape. He hadn't memorized all of them, even though he'd listened to each one dozens of times, but he knew this one very well. Any second now-

A snap so loud he could hear it through the headphones, and Azyl's eyes rolled up. Cotton let out a long sigh, gritting his teeth slightly and grinding his dick on his belly as the Riolu dropped deep, deep down into trance. He wondered if he looked this cute when he was enjoying these tapes.

Fuck, this was hot.

The wake-up was next. Cotton watched, panting slightly and eagerly awaiting Azyl's eyes to return to focus. The dazed Riolu slowly came to his senses and locked eyes with him, and they both smiled.

"Wow." Azyl said, reaching up and scratching behind his neck. "That was... wow. Yeah." He giggled. "I can see why you like this so much."

"Wanna listen to another?" Cotton invited, leafing through his box of tapes with his ribbons, but staying loafed, lest he reveal exactly how much he enjoyed this.

"Sure! Gosh, yeah. Anything like that sounds amazing."

Cotton picked one and read it, shifting uncomfortably as he grew even more aroused. He huffed softly and slotted it in.

"What is it?" Azyl asked, and Cotton smiled coyly.

"Just listen. You'll like it." He promised.

The tape began, and Azyl focused his eyes on the screen again, where the bright blue eyes greeted him once more. Cotton bit his lip softly as the Riolu dropped quicker than before, his eyes rolling up slightly and his eyelids twitching. Cotton growled a little and humped against his plushy belly, trying to be subtle with great difficulty.

"I'm a good boy." Azyl said out loud, and Cotton couldn't contain his shuddering breath. This was so hot. Too hot.

"I obey." Azyl continued, as Cotton lifted his back legs and swung his engorged dick around a little, gripping it with a ribbon and stroking steadily at it.

It was coming soon. The line. A few more repetitions of those mantras, a little deepener, first. It happened before his eyes, the Riolu starting to drool and leaning forward like a puppet with its strings cut.

And then-

"I'm a good prey." Azyl mumbled. Cotton moaned and bit his lip. "I obey."

Fuck, this was the hottest thing.

Awakener - the Riolu stirring and looking up at his boyfriend differently than before.

"Cotton?" He mumbled, rubbing his eye.

"Mhm?" Cotton said, purring and squishing himself back down into a loaf, trying not to arouse any more suspicion.

"I- I want you to eat me. Would that be okay?" Azyl asked, his own arousal growing.

"Mhm." Cotton said. Oh yes. Much more than okay.

He'd have to do this again some time soon. First, he had a pupper to swallow.

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