Rayner's Way: Chapter 8 - Heading Home

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#8 of Rayners Way

Spring is in full bloom, and Rayner and Gab, after enjoying each other's company, get ready to spend a weekend apart.

"I hate April," Josh groaned loudly as the group walked out from behind a set of large Blue Spruce trees. The wind had gusted up and blown what looked like little clouds out from his fur. Rayner knew he was getting to that point, but the Samoyed ran his paw through his fur and said, "I brushed for two hours this morning!"

"Seriously, you need to come to my groomer," Olive shook her head as she said, "Three rounds two weeks apart, and your winter coat will be gone."

"Three for you, maybe," Josh argued, pulling out two pawfuls of fur, "I'll be going on eight, and all I'll be is bankrupt."

"They guarantee it even for an arctic fox," Olive explained, "and it's not that bad if you consider the time you're wasting."

"They could just shave an arctic fox and get the same result," Josh pointed out, turned around, and started walking backwards down the path so that he could face Olive, "I may lose three-quarters of my fur, but I want to keep the little I have left afterwards. I mean, Rayner, you're about as bad as me; what does your pack do?"

"Usually, we hook up an air compressor on May Day and go at each other for half an hour," Rayner explained with a shrug.

"Funny thing," Olive almost laughed, "That's what Furtastic does."

"I could buy an air compressor," Josh muttered to himself, "They'll, like, what a hundred?"

"The one we use is three or four," Rayner corrected, "I'm not sure if you'd get the flow you'd want out of a hundred-dollar one."

"And how much is your de-winterizing treatment?" Josh asked Olive.

"It's just under two hundred for the three treatments," Olive admitted, "but you also get shampooed and brushed."

"Buy a compressor or have weird beings touch me," Josh mockingly considered.

"Do they get, like, everywhere?" Kacy asked as Josh pretended to count on his paws beside him.

"It's not a happy ending place Kacy," Olive growled.

"No, I meant," Kacy tried to correct as he flinched away, "like, are you supposed to wear something specific?"

"I wear my swimsuit," Olive replied coolly, "it's just a two-piece."

"So, I'd have to get a Speedo or something?" Kacy asked.

"Wait, you aren't actually considering it?" Josh turned to Kacy and argued.

"Well, yeah," Kacy said, raising a paw toward Olive, "She spent all last spring comfortably. I'm not the cloud you are, but I have more hair than you think."

"Traitor," Josh grumbled, "Rayner, Gab, what are you thinking?"

"I can't afford that," Gab said quietly as he walked beside Rayner.

"I'd have to phone home to clear something like that," Rayner added quickly, "And they'd probably just say you're coming home in a couple of weeks anyway."

"You're going home?" Gab asked Rayner quietly.

"Yeah, it's May Day," Rayner explained, "Pack's planting crops and most likely needs help with half a dozen things with this year's calves. Hopefully, I don't have to deal with them."

"Gardening, walking, and an air compressor," Josh said, stopping to let Rayner get closer, "Can I come with you?"

"It's not gardening," Rayner laughed, "even the way the Pack gardens would probably injure you."

"I'm sorry, mister muscles," Josh grumbled and walked back up to where Kacy was, "I'm fitter than I look."

"And I'm one of the thinnest wolves in the Pack," Rayner shot back, "Some things are about size."

"Your mom and your sister can't be bigger than you," Kacy argued.

"My parents are referred to as Annitta and Victor," Rayner argued, "Mom is bigger, tougher, stronger, and, I cannot stress this enough, scarier than Dad. Tess is definitely stronger than I am."

"You're Dad's huge, though," Josh said.

"Anyone else see a tank with a bra on?" Kacy asked quietly.

"When she wears one," Rayner muttered quietly to himself. Gab and Olive stifled a snorting laugh when they figured out what he had said. "If you want to visit the Pack, May Day is probably one of the worst times. Plus, if I brought my own team, they'd probably have us out branding cattle."

"And I'm out," Josh raised his paw and announced.

"Yeah, no," Kacy announced as well, shaking his head, "I don't think I could brand cattle. That just sounds awful."

"Forget the sounds the calves make," Rayner argued, "the smells they make are so much worse. They just shit and piss everywhere."

"Please, to god, stop," Kacy begged and shuddered, "That's not what I meant and I absolutely don't want to know anymore."

"So your options then are to come with me to Furtastic," Olive said after Kacy finished squirming, "do nothing and complain, or join Rayner and experience what burning fur smells like."

"I can't believe I'm considering Furtastic," Josh muttered, "nothing's worse than burning fur, though."

"That's flat out not true," Rayner explained, "My brother Carl once didn't watch where the branding iron was one year and-"

"Please, no, stop talking!" Kacy turned and yelled at Rayner, "I'll go. I will pay whatever it takes to end this conversation."

"So Kacy is in," Olive said, "Josh?"

"Fine," Josh said.

"Good, I'll make an appointment for the four of us sometime soon," Olive announced, they all looked at her in confusion, but she shrugged, "Deal right now is if you book together, you get an extra session. If Rayner's going home, I'll set it up so Kacy and Josh are together and Gab and I are together for my first."

"But I can't," Gab broke in, "I can't afford... wouldn't it be better to find someone who you can split the cost with?"

"I don't have anyone else that would go," Olive said simply, "you two dating anyone you want to take?"

"My last date ghosted me," Josh muttered, "third date was two weeks ago and I think she has my number blocked now."

"I haven't been on a second date since October," Kacy grumbled, "What di' you do?"

"You okay if I steal your man away from you, Rayner?" Olive asked quietly as Josh and Kacy talked in what Rayner thought was a weirdly cutesy attempt.

"Yeah, but I'm a little jealous," Rayner muttered. However, Olive gave him a smirk, and he corrected, "Okay, really jealous. But I guess so."

"Well, hang on," Gab whispered, "You sure? I'm... honestly, I can't afford it. I can't even really pay you back."

"What's to pay back?" Olive asked bluntly, "Your ticket is free."

"It's not like a date, though," Gab whispered.

"Actually, speaking of," Olive whispered, "How did yours go?"

"Better than expected," Rayner whispered as Gab put his ears back and looked away awkwardly, "You were right about the Sangria."

"I'm glad," Olive cheerfully said, "What type was it?"

"Red," Rayner said quietly, "It was Blueberry."

"Oh, I like those," Olive agreed, "What'd you think of it Gab?"

"It was really good," Gab said quietly, scratching his ear. He had absently reached out for Rayner's paw, which Rayner smiled and took gently before realising what he was doing. Looking around, no one seemed to have noticed, and exhaling deeply, Gab added, "It felt like we were in a movie."

"You do the whole spaghetti kiss thing?" Olive asked quietly but then smiled broadly when Gab looked like he was about to fold his ears into himself, "Oh my god, you did; that's so adorable. Did you take pictures?"

"No, we didn't take pictures," Rayner chuckled and said quietly.

"You should have," Olive said quietly, "you could have put them on the internet for points."

"Maximum of five," Rayner said, shaking his head, "I doubt anyone would want to see us kissing."

"Guess again, gay wolves kissing," Olive muttered as she played with her phone. Holding it up to Rayner, he saw that there was a shockingly large number of professional pictures of, as Olive put it, gay wolves kissing. Most of them were either in forest backdrops or close to sunset but they were all very clearly men.

Rayner and Gab stared at the phone for a bit and then at each other. Maybe the world wasn't like they thought; maybe their families had a problem with what they were. Even then, neither of them knew how their families would treat them.

"Aren't you worried about searching for that?" Gab asked.

"No," Olive said and shrugged, "it's my phone and I have searched way worse. Plus, page one is pretty tame. Page five or six probably has... yup, porn."

"Oh lord," Gab muttered, staring blankly at Olive's phone.

"That can't be right, right?" Olive asked and pointed at a picture with an abnormally large wolf, "like you two aren't like that, are you?"

"Could be real but most likely edited," Rayner said calmly; he looked over at Gab, who was still staring at the picture in shock, "Should probably change the topic."

"Uncomfortable?" Olive asked mischievously.

"No," Rayner said firmly. He looked Olive in the eyes and tilted his head toward Gab, "But some things are private."

"Fine, I'll be nice," Olive muttered, putting away her phone.

"I'm not like that," Gab muttered when the phone left his sight. Both Rayner and Olive turned suddenly to look at him, and he flinched a bit. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I thought you wanted an answer."

"No, I'm just shocked you did," Rayner said quietly.

"I don't know," Gab almost whispered, "We're holding hands, dating; Olive showed us pictures... very graphic ones... After last night and this morning, my brain's all weird."

"Aw, did you two?" Olive started, but Rayner's stern look made her change course, "That would be private. I'm sorry. I'm just happy for you."

"Rayner and I are dating," Gab whispered as though he was stating a fact. Rayner felt like he was getting whiplash going back and forth between Olive and Gab. He was sort of shocked at how open Gab was, and though he trusted Olive, he worried about how Gab was going to react later. Gab swallowed hard, took a deep breath in, and continued, "Dating means we aren't just friends. Thank you for being happy for us."

"You okay?" Rayner asked Gab.

"It's like coming out again," Gab whispered quickly, his breathing laboured but steady, "Saying you're my boyfriend, and we have done boyfriend things."

"Well, I'm really happy you trust me," Olive whispered, "You two really are a good couple."

"You aren't disgusted by it?" Gab asked quietly, "Us?"

"No," Olive whispered firmly, "Love is love, lust is lust, and life is life. If you two want to share those aspects with each other, I think that's great."

"Really?" Gab whimpered quietly, caught himself, and swallowed hard. He cleared his throat and added, "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"I'm serious," Olive said quietly after a couple of seconds, "I'm sorry you two got a real shitty deal just because of who you love."

"We are too," Josh added.

Rayner and Gab looked up to see Josh still walking forward but Kacy turned and gave a sad little smile. At some point, their conversation had ended, and they had started listening. Neither knew when they had, and neither wanted to ask.

"Safe," Gab whispered quietly and smiled to himself.

"I think we are, too," Rayner added quietly, squeezing Gab's paw. Looking back up, he said, "Thank you."

"So, by Pack reckoning, are you in a mateship now?" Kacy asked.

"Mated relationship and no," Rayner corrected absently but quickly added, "I mean, that's private. The pack may be open about shit, but this is the city."

"Your pack would know, though," Gab asked, tilted his head a bit, and looked around. Kacy scratched the back of his neck.

"If they asked," Rayner said hesitantly, "umm, yes."

"Aren't they like your pack?" Gab asked quietly.

"Yes," Rayner whispered, "but we are different, and I don't know where you're at with this, so I'd infinitely rather be cautious than careless."

"I'm building trust," Gab whispered back and then asked loud enough to hear, "We're marked, pre-mated, right?"

"I love you," Rayner whispered, squeezing Gab's paw again. Nodding, he said, "Yeah, that's right."

"I can't remember what that means," Kacy muttered.

"Monogamous, and they haven't done anything that would lead to pups," Olive explained as she shook her head at Kacy.

"Seriously?!" Kacy turned around and almost yelled, "That's just dating with more words. That's not even really dating... you've been together for like six months."

"Eight weeks," Rayner almost growled.

"You have been serious for eight weeks," Kacy corrected, "After eight weeks, Gem and I spent less time apart than we did together."

"Yeah, until her dad caught you, and you jumped out her window," Josh added as they all turned the bend in the road.

"She said he had her take three pregnancy tests even though it was September, and then she went to the doctors twice to make sure you didn't give her anything," Olive piled on, "Man was she angry at you for not standing up to him."

"He was going to kill me," Kacy tried to argue but then sighed, "I was an ass, though, for how that all went down."

"Quick to burn," Rayner mainly said to himself, "and burn out."

"I burn bright then," Kacy almost grumbled, "It's hard for me not to, though, when a girl actually likes me. Plus, it's not like either of us hadn't done stuff before."

"You get tested, right?" Rayner groaned.

"No," Kacy almost scoffed, "I wear protection often enough. Why would I need to get tested if nothing's wrong?"

"To know there's nothing wrong," Rayner argued, "Especially if you only wear something often enough. I haven't done anything, and I went and got tested."

"You still have your v card?" Kacy turned around and asked quietly, "You and Bell, you were serious? You literally never... tried it?"

"Every girl I went out with," Rayner explained, "it never felt like the right time. I know why now, but it was still a mystery back then. Mating, to me, means I want pups and to get married. I hadn't found that yet."

"Yeah... but," Kacy said as he walked backwards. Rayner could see the small number of gears inside Kacy's head starting to burn; they were working so hard. Kacy eventually finished, "She really liked you, though."

"And I didn't like her like that," Rayner said firmly, "I wanted to, but I never felt it."

"So if she came to you in the fur," Kacy almost argued, "willing and ready, you'd-"

"I told her I wasn't ready yet," Rayner interrupted, "She yelled at me, Kacy, for like a solid half hour because if I wasn't ready then I never would be. She told me I had to be some sort of faggot for turning her down. Turns out, she was right."

"Shit," Kacy put his paws up and frowned, "Fuck, okay. Yeah. That's a clear sign."

They walked in silence for a bit as Kacy pondered through what he had said. Rayner wasn't sure how much any of them had known before he had said that but he was pretty sure Olive had had a good idea. Josh probably did too but both were respectful about it.

"Yet?" Gab whispered, took a deep breath in, and smiled to himself.

"For the first time in my life," Rayner whispered back and squeezed Gab's paw, "I am making a path that I feel could lead there. I love you."

"I love you too," Gab whispered as his smile crept further into his muzzle.


That night they snuck back to the apartment for more of a debrief after the group had parted for the evening. Gab worried about the cost of the treatment. Rayner tried his best to explain that they were all aware of how hard Gab was working to make university work, but it felt hollow. Somewhere between not being able to make the situation better and not having a place where Gab could contribute financially was hard. He helped Josh a lot in the classes he shared, but the rest of them were a year ahead.

"You heading home this weekend?" Gab whispered after a stretch of silence had enveloped them as they snuggled in bed. Rayner had a pillow propped up against the wall, and Gab had laid back to be with him. Both were facing the window, watching the last twilight fade into the dark of night.

"I am," Rayner whispered back, "Tess says I'm on branding with her and Carl. That'll be awful."

"I'll miss you," Gab whispered quietly and hugged Rayner's arms.

"I'll miss you too," Rayner sat up a bit and whispered into Gab's ear, "I'll text as often as I can and I'll make sure to call."

"I will always be waiting," Gab whispered, rubbing Rayner's paw. Gab let out a slow breath and then relaxed, "I'm not used to missing someone. Anyone."

"Not even your mom?" Rayner whispered as he squeezed Gab tighter.

"No, I do miss her," Gab whispered, "but it's not the same. I feel happy with you. I don't want you to leave or I want to follow you. I know I can't, or shouldn't... probably would be a train wreck if I did go. I want to be with you, though."

"I'm sorry," Rayner whispered. To him, it was weird to think of a world where a being didn't miss others, "I'll only be gone for three nights. It'll be a good test run for the summer."

"Ew, three months without you, without this," Gab whispered coldly and gestured to how they were lying down, "Summer won't end fast enough."

"We're on the same page with that one then," Rayner whispered.

The week seemed to fly by treacherously fast. RiverBEND was running this week but Rayner had texted Lilith saying he would skip it. Lilith agreed and said she was going to start her weekend early. Neither seemed to get why this week was a repeat of the local history session and not a social thing but neither asked.

Rayner and Gab spent that night together, even going so far as to walk through the apartment when one of Rayner's roommates was making herself a late supper. Gab wasn't able to hide his embarrassment but as he moved down the hallway, Rayner put a finger up to his muzzle. His roommate smiled and nodded. Rayner felt both weirdly bold and uncomfortably open.

They needed tonight together regardless of the cost. Listening to music and whispering to each other like they always did, they realised that snuggling was turning into more. Wrapping up, they held and played with each other with their paws until the pressure became too much, and they eventually spilt. Between the muffling of the walls, the music coming from Rayner's phone, and the general background noise of apartments, no one heard Gab's whimpers or Rayner's low moan. Rayner smiled as Gab fell asleep in Rayner's arms before his knot went down.

That night, the two slept deeply and quietly. Every once in a while, Gab turned or twisted in Rayner's embrace, but they never parted. The two dreamt mostly of life together. A couple of times, Rayner dreamt of missing class or a bad exam, but one that bothered him was just being home in an empty bedroom, knowing Gab wasn't there.


Morning came with the wind tapping the window. Both Gab and Rayner woke to the sounds of the trees outside the window being blown around. Rayner relaxed once he knew what the noise was but Gab hugged Rayner close. Gab told him that he had had a nightmare but not what it was about. Before Rayner was able to react, though, Gab gasped and quickly looked himself over as he remembered nodding off before cleaning up.

"Don't worry," Rayner whispered when Gab looked up at him, "I slipped it off when you untied it."

"Sorry," Gab whispered back, "I just remember being warm and floaty. Then just really sleepy."

"I don't think I stayed awake much longer afterwards either," Rayner whispered, twisted a bit, and kissed Gab on the lips. Slipping his tongue in, Rayner ran it fully over the top of Gab's mouth. Moaning, Gab pressed his own tongue against Rayners as it moved. Rayner glanced down between Gab's legs before whispering, "want to get warm and floaty again?"

"If I don't get wrapped up soon," Gab whispered, almost laughing, "I may actually make a mess."

"Do you want to mark me like that?" Rayner pulled Gab on top of him and whispered. Gab shuddered as his sensitive flesh was dragged through Rayner's soft fur. Shuddering, Gab thought and flexed.

"Rayner I need a condom," Gab whimpered and stretched a bit, "Rayner, please.

Smiling, Rayner grabbed one of the ones off the top of his dresser and broke the packaging. Gab had already started to leak. In a smooth simultaneous motion, Rayner wrapped Gab up to the knot and kissed him again. Gab started the kiss with him but once Rayner's tongue was halfway in, Gab started to pant. As Gab firmly pushed himself against Rayner's paw, Rayner felt Gab spill. Pulse after pulse quickly sent seed into the wrapper between them and warmed Rayner's paw.

"Oh god, that was fast," Gab whimpered and looked down at himself, "I almost did mark you."

"That what excite you?" Rayner whispered as he helped Gab steady himself. Gab tucked his ears back and nodded. He swallowed hard and shut his eyes as he continued to pump seed into Rayner's paw. "You okay?"

"I wanted to," Gab whispered as a small tremor went through him, "I just, I panicked when I thought about today."

"It's okay," Rayner had the biggest smile on his muzzle as he whispered, "You weren't ready then and today wasn't the day."

"Oh god," Gab quietly moaned, "I'm sorry."

"All I heard is my mate wants to mark me with something special," Rayner pulled Gab close and whispered, "We just need the right day to feel safe."

Before Gab could protest though, Rayner cupped Gab's head with his free paw and kissed him. Gab was tense for a moment but relaxed into the paw holding him. Rayner found he had more access this time as Gab opened wider than before. Moaning, Gab played with Rayner's tongue as it explored his mouth, starting with the back of his soft palate.

They held and kissed each other until Gab's ability to hold himself against Rayner faded. Regardless of how much he shuddered and whimpered, Rayner had kept him close to his peak for about five minutes, but even with the extra excitement, Gab's flow eventually slowed and then stopped. He sighed after his body finally relaxed.

The two shifted around then to snuggle. Rayner had made a couple of comments that he was more than good this morning. He wasn't sure of how long it would take to get him to the same place after their session late last night and he didn't feel the urgency to get there. Gab tried his best to even the score as he put it.

"So what actually made you panic?" Rayner whispered after they snuggled for a bit.

"It's just," Gab whispered back and then looked up at Rayner, "you're going home."

"So?" Rayner whispered simply.

"Rayner," Gab grumbled, "you'd... smell like me. Even if we washed up."

"Something weirdly exciting about that," Rayner whispered back as he shivered a bit, "I'd be scared shitless of them actually putting it together, but... honestly, if you had marked me... I don't know."

"I'd be scared shitless," Gab whispered, "of you not coming back. You'd be locked in some Pinewood basement so that I couldn't defile you anymore."

"Defile?" Rayner chuckled quietly and hugged Gab tightly, "If they locked me in a basement, I'd break out and come back here so you could claim me as your mate. I'd go back to show them the braid, my tail, and to get my stuff."

"You'd come back for me?" Gab asked quietly.

"I'd bring you with me first," Rayner whispered, kissing Gab's forehead, "I'd fight to have you accepted into the Pack and not give up until they threw me out. If everything went south, I figure I'd get a bunch of loans and a job, finish my degree, and then move to wherever you want to go."

"You'd pick me over your pack?" Gab looked concerned as he stared Rayner in the eyes.

"Well, you're knot's fairly convincing," Rayner muttered to himself as he broke eye contact with Gab.

"You shouldn't," Gab whispered as he watched Rayner, "You shouldn't pick me if mf 'omeff 'own-"

"I'd fight for you to be accepted," Rayner interrupted, he had put a paw on Gab's muzzle but Gab seemed to have ignored it. Swallowing hard, Rayner added, "When the time's right, I'll talk to my parents, but, honestly, Gab, I haven't felt this... like this... I love you. I don't want a path that doesn't include you. Are you?"

"Oh god, if I could get a bank to guarantee me a loan," Gab whispered quickly, "I wouldn't go back to that garage again. These last three months... since November... I feer like I wake up with something to look forward to. I haven't felt that in a long time. I'll do whatever it takes to get in with your family. I mean your pack."

"I love you so much but you understand that my Pack," Rayner whispered and held Gab close, "has its own problems."

"Yes," Gab whispered and nodded, "Not all of it, obviously, but it's where you are so I want to be there too."

"You're going to have a real hard time getting into the work," Rayner whispered.

"Well, do you think I'd become as sexy as you?" Gab asked as he felt around Rayner's chest, "I'd totally be up for that."

"Gab," Rayner whispered, shaking his head, "I'm serious."

"I am too," Gab whispered, suddenly sounding sad, "If you're going to fight for me, I don't know why you would, but, God help whoever gets in my way; I'll work until you don't have to."

"You'd be locked into my crazy cult then," Rayner whispered but Gab shook his head.

"Only tied to you," Gab whispered into Rayner's neck. Shivering, Gab pulled his ears back and looked up at Rayner with an embarrassed little frown.

"Look at you," Rayner whispered before licking Gab's nose, "teasing."

"Ah," Gab muttered, "you licked me."

"Figured you should get what you give," Rayner whispered, leaned in and nipped at Gab's neck, "Plus if I'm going to work myself to licking what your tail is hiding, I should start somewhere safe."

"You'd lick me there?" Gab shivered.

"I kissed you there. I'd push my tongue in there," Rayner licked Gab's neck and whispered, "make you warm and wet. Make you ready. I want my mate to swallow my knot without fussing."

"Rayner?" Gab whimpered and squirmed.

"And in heat, I'd fill you," Rayner moaned quietly into Gab's neck, "I'd hold you close until you had more of my seed in you than I had in me. I'd make you a Pinewood."

"Make me a Pinewood?" Gab whimpered quietly.

"Say it louder," Rayner whispered as he smiled.

"Make me a Pinewood," Gab whimpered.

"Gab, I'm not sure if you're teasing me now or if I'm still teasing you," Rayner whispered and chuckled.

"Oh... umm," Gab shuddered and swallowed hard as he looked up, around, and then at himself. Panting, he stretched a bit, then shivered as he snuggled back up to Rayner's embrace.

"Or were you actually ready to be tied?" Rayner asked very quietly.

"What?" Gab muttered and then added, "no."

"What about dream Gab?" Rayner asked again, "Was he ready to be held again?"

"No," Gab whimpered before adding, "a little. But Rayner, I can't-"

"I'm teasing Gab," Rayner interrupted, "Just teasing. Do you want me to stop?"

"I don't know," Gab whispered after a moment, "I'm all tingly and shaky... and I'm not sure if this is real or if I'm ready."

"Do you want to see if you are?" Rayner suggested when Gab got quiet, "I'll wrap up, I won't touch you, and it'll literally be just a trial run."

"I don't know, maybe?" Gab whimpered and shuddered, "This won't hurt, right?"

"Never, Gab," Rayner whispered as he held Gab as he vibrated, "This is entirely about you being comfortable. Stop at any point when it becomes too much."

Rayner reached over and undid the package to wrap up his painfully hard and leaking, deep red manhood. Gab squirmed and shuddered as Rayner worked the latex down around himself and they both panted as they waited for Rayner to get tied to it. Gab whimpered a bit when Rayner let himself go and turned back toward Gab.

"Okay, climb on top," Rayner whispered as he helped Gab up a bit. Rayner could feel how Gab was shaking when Gab was trying to get his leg over Rayner's torso but when Gab placed his still-hard cock down on Rayner's stomach, there was a new level of intensity. Gab, Rayner figured, was pushing himself beyond reasonable expectations but if Gab wanted this then Rayner wasn't going to stop him. After Gab's shuddering slowed a bit Rayner added the next step, "Okay, lift your tail and, when you're ready, place me where you want me. I won't move. I promise."

"You have to," Gab shuddered and panted hard. Rayner smiled as Gab lifted his tail, "please don't... I need this," and then something Rayner didn't catch.

"No moving," Rayner reassured, "No touching. You are entirely in control."

Gab, eyes closed and muzzle open slightly as he panted in short, shallow breaths, reached behind him and gently held Rayner in his paw. Rayner wasn't sure what to expect, but it almost felt like Gab's core started shaking at a different frequency than his extremities. Slowly and hesitantly, Gab lowered himself down. The first touch to his entrance caused him to finch back up, but the second time he was able to hold himself there.

Rayner moaned as the heat from Gab's tail teased him. That warm, soft patch of flesh radiated what Rayner could only imagine what pleasure it promised within. True to his word, though, Rayner laid back, frozen in place with his paws gripping the bedsheets to either side of him as Gab tested himself.

"Oh my God, Rayner," Gab started to whimper as he held himself against the tip of Rayner's cock, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... Rayner, that's. You're... that's you."

"That is," Rayner whispered, "How does it feel?"

"Oh my God, Rayner," Gab shuddered as we whispered slowly and arched his back a bit before swallowing hard.

"Here, Gab, let me go and lean into my chest," Rayner whispered as he worried a bit about what Gab was thinking of.

Gab followed without hesitation; letting go of Rayner's cock didn't mean that it fell. Gab had enough pressure against it that even without his grip, the wrapped, red cock stayed positioned to penetrate Gab's tail should either of them want it to. Rayner, however, stretched his hips back to let himself fall back onto his stomach as Gab let out a whimpering but quiet moan. Leaning forward, Gab collapsed onto Rayner. Rolling a bit, Rayner brought Gab back down onto the bed, with a quick arm, pushed Gab's tail back between his legs, and brought him into a curled position.

"Hey, you're safe," Rayner whispered and cooed as Gab grabbed onto him. Shaking hard, Gab tried to curl into himself but ended up just snuggling hard into Rayner's grasp. Rayner, with as soft a touch as he could, rubbed one of Gab's ears and asked, "You're safe. You did it. How did it feel?"

"It was like," Gab whispered and he shook, "Not like my dream. Oh fuck Rayner, I can't believe I did that. That could have gone so bad."

"Did it, though?" Rayner whispered as he nuzzled Gab, "Was it bad?"

"No," Gab whispered faintly, "God no."

"How did it feel?" Rayner asked again.

"Really scary," Gab whimpered, swallowed hard and then whispered, "but like... Rayner, I wanted you in me really, really bad. I needed you. I wasn't expecting it to feel like... that."

"That's good though," Rayner whispered, "means when we are ready-"

"I wasn't ready. I'm not ready. I can't believe you stopped," Gab whispered as he rocked himself in time with Rayner, "You could have just-"

"I made a promise to you," Rayner whispered sternly.

"I know," Gab whimpered, "but a lot of beings have and they don't. They don't. You know?"

"I do," Rayner almost growled, "would you have?"

"No," Gab whimpered and shook.

"And that's why I love you," Rayner whispered soothingly again, "Even after being hurt, you're still a good wolf."

"I'm not," Gab whimpered hard in protest.

"You are Gab," Rayner whispered quietly as he held Gab, "You are."

"I'm just," Gab almost hissed into Rayner's neck, "I swear I'm not trying to be like this. I'm just terrified."

"That's not what I saw," Rayner whispered as he rolled Gab onto his back and hugged him tightly, "I saw a brave wolf just a few seconds ago."

"A scared wolf," Gab corrected, "barely able to control himself."

"I said brave, Gab, not fearless," Rayner argued, "Fearless wolves are stupid and dangerous. Brave wolves are strong and smart. They feel fear but overcome it because they know it's worth it. You know some risks are worth taking."

"But what if I... did something?" Gab argued and held Rayner close to him.

"Gab, even if you moved before I could have stopped you," Rayner started and kissed the top of Gab's nose, "You may have gotten half an inch in you at most. Listen, I was fully up, and the only lube we had was on the condom. Unless you're a lot more practised than I imagine, taking me dry isn't going to happen."

"Really?" Gab asked after a couple of seconds. He looked surprised on top of all his other emotions now. His breathing was laboured but was becoming more controlled.

"Really," Rayner whispered and nodded.

"Well, should I be," Gab whispered, "umm, practised?"

"No... well? I'm not sure," Rayner whispered and laughed a bit, "RiverBEND had this nurse come in and talk about how to be more comfortable with sex. Then there was this sex toy store; they had a meeting and tried to sell us stuff. One of the packs was a set of, I think they called them training plugs. They were so... well, it's to stretch out down there so that I can get in easier."

"And they just," Gab whispered with a rather stunned look, "said all this?"

"Yeah, it's definitely a different sort of group," Rayner whispered and nodded. He mischievously added, "If you want, I can get you a set?"

"No," Gab almost gasped out, but he looked away, then back, and added, "Unless... well do you want me to-"

"That's entirely up to you," Rayner chuckled as he whispered, "and it's not something urgent."

"We do that a couple more times," Gab whispered and shuddered, "it might become urgent."

"Look, come out to Pinewood, meet the Pack, and make sure you want a life with me," Rayner whispered as he sat back and looked at his wolf, "I'll hold you until the sun can see us."

"Speaking of," Gab whispered and looked up with a sad look, "How much longer until you have to go?"

"Umm," Rayner whispered as he looked around for his phone. A quick check made him almost hiss, "shit, like an hour."

"Rayner, I could still help you," Gab whispered as Rayner got out of bed to look for his bag. His sheath slipped back around his now softer member as he moved, even though it was still wrapped up. Gab tucked his ears back as Rayner looked around before adding, "I'm sorry, I should have... shouldn't have-"

"Gab, shh," Rayner whispered, coming back to the bed with his bag, "Again, we don't always have to both get off. I'm actually shocked I didn't finish when you had me pressed under your tail."

"I just don't want you to feel like I'm a bad mate," Gab whispered.

"You have a kind heart, warm paws, and an even warmer tail," Rayner whispered back with a mildly seductive tone, "when I need time alone with myself this weekend, I'll have a lot of great memories. Especially of this lovely cock that's always so happy to see me."

"Rayner," Gab whimpered as Rayner finished whispering. Rayner had come up at the end of the bed, reached over, held Gab upwards a bit, and looked over it like a fine sculpture. Leaning back down on the bed as Rayner looked him over, Gab added, "Just kiss me."

Rayner smiled and took the opportunity, giving Gab a small kiss on his stomach just above his knot. A flinch went through Gab as Rayner made contact, and snapping upright, Gab scowled.

"Rayner!" Gab whispered loudly.

"What?" Rayner whispered, still smiling, "If you want me to kiss you lower, you have to be more specific."

"You wouldn't," Gab muttered as he tilted his ears down. When Rayner's smile grew, though, Gab took a shaky breath in and tried to find something he wasn't sure existed. Biting his lip, Gab made up his mind, parted his legs and lifted his rear end a little in the air. He watched as Rayner crept lower, stopping once to take a deep breath as he pressed his nose against the fuzzy orbs just past his sheath. Gab couldn't believe he did it but he asked, "You like my scent?"

"This is what my Gab smells like," Rayner whispered as he pressed his nose close to the base of Gab's tail.

Taking a very slow breath in, Rayner once again enjoyed the smoothness of Gab's musk and arousal and the sharp hint that was Gab having finished. Breathing out through his mouth, Rayner felt Gab shudder as the hot breath assaulted the puckered entrance. Lifting his head back up, he gave a little bit of a sad smile as he looked at Gab.

"No kiss?" Gab whimpered and gave his rear end a bit of a seductive wiggle as his tail tried to wag even though it was pressed up against the bed.

"Yeah, I shouldn't," Rayner whispered, "Not when I'm so close to going home."

"Oh," Gab muttered and then fidgeted a bit before looking up at Rayner again and asking, "Could I... would it be okay if I, you know, smell you?"

"Yeah," Rayner whispered almost excitedly as he climbed back into bed, "I didn't think you were into it."

Gab tried to say something as he rotated himself up into a sitting position but couldn't seem to find the words. Rayner looked behind him as he lifted his tail and arched his back. Gab looked a bit bewildered as Rayner presented himself but slowly inched his nose forward. Just before touching Rayner's flesh, Gab took a sudden quick breath in before almost squeaking.

"No, Gab," Rayner whispered and turned quickly as Gab held his nose, his eyes going wide, "You're supposed to slowly sniff not... Well, that's probably not fun."

"Ah," Gab whimpered as he rubbed his nose, "It's like cinnamon."

"In through your muzzle," Rayner whispered through a chuckle, "out through your nose."

Gab did as he was told as Rayner got up and started packing again. Most of his shorts were washed enough that he didn't worry about them but he purposefully left the underwear he had worn last night in the corner. It wasn't much to get his stuff ready but he wanted to make sure he had everything.

"What do I do with this?" Gab asked quietly, holding the condom that he had been wearing.

"Just tie it up, put it into a tissue and throw it in the garbage. I'll take it out with me," Rayner explained as he looked for the last of his brushes, "How's your nose?"

"Stopped burning," Gab grumbled, "Can't really smell anything, though."

"Rayner!" they heard Jack suddenly call from the living room. Rayner said a small pleading prayer that went unanswered in the half-second between Jack yelling, "Your dad's here!"

"Oh Skoll, save me," Rayner whimpered as he looked between his mostly packed bag and a wide-eyed Gab holding a filled condom in his paw while he was completely naked.

Neither had to be told to move, and neither moved slowly. Gab had his clothes back on before Rayner could finish packing up the rest of his bag, but they both managed to stay enough away from each other that it mostly went smoothly. Brushes were going to be forgotten this trip, as well as some of Rayner's school work that he had been hoping to work on.

Leaving Rayner's room, Rayner had all his bags and belongings with him. He tried his best to hurry without looking like he was in a hurry so that Gab could sneak out in a couple of minutes after they had left. Seeing Jack first in the doorway looking over Victor, Rayner gave a bit of a wave that turned into him scratching his head. His dad seemed to be trying not to take too much of the fox smell in but wasn't succeeding.

"Hey dad," Rayner called as he walked up to Victor and gave him a submissive lick. "Sorry for taking so long. I wasn't ready."

"That's fine," Victor said in his deeper tenor and nodded behind Rayner, "Who's this?"

"Umm," Rayner turned and, to his horror, saw that Gab had followed him, holding his bag and the garbage from the room. They looked at each other, and Gab's already flat ears were pulled back further upon seeing Rayner's expression. Swallowing hard, Rayner introduced him, "This... is... Gab."

"Hello, sir," Gab said in a small voice, which Rayner wasn't shocked by, but Gab did something Rayner was not expecting. Looking between Victor and Rayner, Gab hesitantly stepped up, gave Victor the same lick that Rayner had and then shuffled back into his place beside Rayner.

"City wolf with manners," Victor commented and nodded to Gab, "that's a surprise."

"One of many," Jack muttered from beside them. Rayner turned and glared at the fox until he realised Jack was in the living room with his other roommates. Jack tucked his ears back, and Rayner watched his tail slowly slide between his legs as he stepped away.

"I'm Victor Pinewood," Victor continued as the fox retreated, "Gab?"

"Gab Wilson, sir," Gab said as calmly as he could.

"Good to see Rayner with a wolf," Victor stated, turning to Rayner, "But we should go; your mother has us shopping again."

Rayner knew what his father meant, but he couldn't help but notice how much of the whites he could now see to Gab's dark brown eyes. Rayner quickly gave a subtle shake of his head as they all walked toward the door hoping Gab would understand. Biting his lip, Gab followed regardless.

Outside, the air was warm and humid. The trees were budding at the end of a wet April, and the world started to seem like fresh life was starting again. It made their paws instantly muddy, but Rayner figured that since he was going to a dirt field, this would be considered clean in a couple of hours.

"The bins over there by the side of the building," Rayner said and turned to Gab to point out where he could escape before whispering quietly, "I'm so sorry, he meant friends. I hope you're okay."

"Did I do the kiss thing right?" Gab whispered back at the same volume

"Perfect, and it's not a kiss... but yes. Thank you," Rayner whispered as he stifled a chuckle. Of course, Gab would fixate on that. "You did great. I love you."

"Love you too," Gab whispered, "Text me."

"I will," Rayner whispered back. They both flinched as the truck door slammed shut with Victor's standard assurance that it would stay that way. Gab looked in panic, but Rayner whispered, "He's not mad, I think, he's just loud."

"He's so big," Gab whispered with a shuddering hiss.

"I'm small, remember," Rayner whispered, "I'm so sorry, I need to go."

"Text me," Gab whispered again as Rayner moved away and jogged to the truck.

Inside, Victor had the center console open and a couple of tissues now on the dash. Blowing his nose loudly, he groaned and clicked his teeth. Rayner wasn't sure what to make of this.

"Does that fox bathe?" Victor complained before blowing his nose again. Rayner felt most of his stress melted when he heard his dad speak. He wasn't rushed or angry at him, his dad was trying to get away from Jack. That made a lot more sense.

"Yes," Rayner said after a moment, "often, actually."

"I was probably rude. That scent is just too much," Victor said as he started the truck. The old diesel roared to life around them as Victor looked around. Looking out the window, they both saw Gab still standing still, staring at them but focused on the truck. Victor added before he put it into drive, "I like that wolf, though. Not many in the city would do that."

"I'm glad," Rayner said hesitantly.

"Where's the rest of him?" Victor asked loudly as he let go of the break and started to drive.

"Gab's the one who's having issues affording university," Rayner tried to explain as neutrally as he could but felt like he gave an edge.

"Well, good for him," Victor said and turned to Rayner in surprise before turning back to look at the road, "I don't think I'd give up food for schooling. That sounds like something Sig would do. Respectable. Stupid in a smart way but respectable."

"Yeah," Rayner said with a smile as he turned to see the last glimpse of Gab as they turned the corner, "He's actually really incredible."

"What's he have planned for-" Victor started but then sneezed loudly a couple of times. Catching his breath, he complained, "Sorry, I can't. It's in my eyes. How do you deal with that?"

"You get used to it," Rayner laughed and shook his head, remembering the first couple of weeks living in the apartment. Silently though, he was also praising that fox for hiding the fact that Rayner was entirely covered in Gab's scent and his own arousal.

"I can't believe Gab would go into that apartment if he didn't have to," Victor complained, "He going home today?"

"No," Rayner tried his best to ignore the first comment, "He's going with Olive for a fur treatment thing."

"The husky?" Victor sounded shocked, "She didn't invite you?"

"She did but it's just one session and they are getting the same thing I'm going to have done when we get home," Rayner explained.

"Rayner," Victor almost argued, "You're letting another wolf go instead of you and a city wolf at that. Following a girl to a spa is basically a date."

"Dad," Rayner groaned, "I cannot stress this enough, I am not dating Olive."

"You may not be in a while," Victor said quietly as he shook his head.