Mega Trainer Chapter 4 (X)

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#4 of Mega Trainer

Seth and Soul begin their plan and make a new friend.



P.S. pokemon do not permanently harm each other in trainer battles, as in the games, but have the potential to hurt each other if they wish to.

P.S.S. Shane is Alex now (too many s names)

Seth the Trainer

Soul the Absol


The next day, we woke up early, the sun just rising. After a strategy meeting, we departed for the park. Soul decided to stay outside her ball today. When we got there, it was bright enough to find a dark spot, under and behind a few trees from where our target would be. I took a seat and waited. After sitting and skimming my pokedex for a few hours, trainers began to gather and battle. A while later, I spotted Alex.

Before he could get to the field, I cut him off. "How about we make a real bet?" I said with as much arrogance as I could manage through my contempt for him.

"What did you have a mind?" a smirk appearing on his face.

"Follow me to a less... busy place and we'll talk." I said, turning around. Exactly to plan, I heard his boots crunching the gravel behind me.

I lead him to one of the back alleys of town, near the subway. "Okay. Let's make a real wager. Winner takes the loser's pokemon."

"Why would I take that bet? How do I know your pokemon is worth the risk." He scoffed.

"My absol was able to knock down your espeon without even trying. She just didn't want to waste her time on a weak opponent." I said with a dirty grin.

"You haven't seen anything then. I'll take that absol of yours. I'll train it better than you ever could."

I held back my anger at this remark and we shook on it. We both sent out our pokemon. Alex looked at his espeon and said "You had better give it your all this time." I saw him mouth the words "or else" at the end. Then the espeon cringed. I looked down at Soul and she looked back at me with a nod.

Espeon looked at Soul and recognized her. [Please don't make me hurt you. If I don't fight for real, he will...]

[Don't worry about him] Soul barked. [We made a bet that if you lose my trainer get's you. We're here to save you!]

[But... he would never give me up. He spent so much time training me. If I just give up... I can't. I don't want any more pain!] Espeon cried out as she began to form a blue sphere.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Could that attack really be...? "Soul watch out!" I called out too late. Espeon launched her aura sphere and it locked onto Soul. She tried to dodge it but it curved and hit her squarely in the side. The attack knocked her flat and she struggled to get up. "Soul!" I cried out. She meekly barked back. [I'm fine.] She leaped into action, hitting Espeon solidly with night slash. The attack knocked her back into the wall of the alley. As Espeon got to her feet, her blue gem began to glow with a brilliant white light. When she rose up, she unleashed her dazzling gleam attack. The light condensed around Soul, hitting her from all directions as she cried out. She forced herself to stay standing as she stalked closer to Espeon. She gathered all her remaing might and hit Espeon with night slash once again, this time it scored a critical hit. Espeon was pinned back against the wall again by the force of the attack. When the dark slash faded, Espeon collapsed.

"Get up, Espeon. Now! We aren't done yet!" Alex said in a threatening manner. Espeon tried to get up but Soul put a paw on her back.

"It's over. I won. That means Espeon belongs to me." I said, walking towards him.

"Like hell I'm giving you my pokemon. She belongs to me. Besides, battles like this are illegal." He said as he recalled Espeon, turning and walking away.

"Come back here!" I yelled.

"Go fuck yourself" he called back, walking back into public view.

"Damn it." I growled under my breath. I looked to Soul who was breathing heavily and about to collapse but still glaring daggers at where Alex had been. I bent down, stroking her neck. "I'm not done yet. We are not giving up." I recalled her and went to the pokemon center.

After getting Soul healed, I returned to my spot from that morning, keeping an eye on Alex. After time passed, the crowd dispersed and Alex left. I followed behind him until we arrived at a relatively empty part of town. I released Soul and pointed at Alex. "Get him."

Soul bounded forward, tackling Alex to the ground while growling angrily. She took his leg in her teeth and drug him into an alley. I followed behind. "Shut up or she'll rip your throat out." I said, no longer holding back my contempt for him. His yelps stopped immediately. Soul pulled him deeper in and out of sight. "Espeon's ball. Now."

"Jesus, I didn't think you'd be this pissed."

I kicked him in the side. "This isn't about your goddamn powerful pokemon. I'm saving her from you!" I roared. I reached down, unclipped Espeon's pink ball from his belt, and gave Soul a nod. "Soul, show him what will happen if he does something like this again." Soul reared back and used her horn to give Alex a light cut along his chest. "Let's go." Soul and I walked out as Alex yelled at us "You bastards!"

Soul began to walk back to our hotel, but I stopped her. "I'm not saying what we did was wrong, but we should get out of town. The law may not be on our side on this." Soul gave me a confused look. "Humans are pretty complicated on morals. C'mon, let's go." We both hurried away from the city. As we reached the edge of town, I noticed something too late. We were going in the wrong direction! We couldn't go back now. So we would just have to visit towns out of order. Instead of going to Ira town, we were headed to Haven. Although if we kept going from there, we would make it to Etral city, the home of the league. I hear it was the most magnificent city around.


By the time we made it away from Everlive it was already pitch black out. Only the light from my flashlight kept me on the path. "Hey Soul, how's your night vision?" She let out a happy yip. "Good. Find us a spot to camp for the night." Soul turned off the path and into the trees. I followed behind her, stumbling over the uneven ground. As I came through a cluster of trees, I spotted Soul sitting down in the middle of a clearing.. It took a while to set up camp in the dark. I substituted my electric lantern for a campfire and, while it provided no heat, it gave me enough light to get things done. And I had a fluffy pokemon to keep me warm for the night. We had one thing to do before turning in however.

I pulled out Espeon's ball. Soul sat next to me, her tail wagging happily. I let our new friend out and she immediately dropped down and began to cower. [Please no!] I reached out and put a hand lightly to her head, rubbing between her ears. "Shh. It's okay. You never have to worry about Alex ever again." She was still tensed up. I reached forward and pulled her into a hug. "Shh. Shh. Relax." Soul came up and gave Espeon a lick on the ear. Espeon looked over to her and then began to wriggle out of my grasp. I let her go and she glared at me. [Alex is going to get me back. He will never let me escape!] Soul got in between her and me. [No he won't! We won't let him!] I saw tears well up in Espeon's eyes. "Espeon," She winced. "Sky. Your name is Sky now." Her eyes lit up. "I swear on my life, I will protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you. Trust me." I stared into her eyes, trying to convey my sincerity.

Her gaze softened and then her eyes welled up. She darted past Soul and tackled me down. I yelped but my surprise was crushed when she buried her face in my shirt covered chest. She began to cry profusely, her tears wetting my shirt and her sniffles muffled by it. I reached down and pet her between her ears, rubbing the bases of them. I looked up to see Soul smiling at us. "Sky..." At the mention of her new name, she went ballistic, cuddling me violently. After several minutes of petting, her tears and sniffles stopped but my shirt was soaked. "You don't have to hold on to me, I'm not gonna run away." She slowly released her death grip on me and let me sit up. "So, my name is Seth and this is Soul. It's been a long day for all of us so let's turn in for the night. You sleeping in or out of your ball?" Sky padded the ground before sitting on her haunches.

"Okay then. Soul, I believe you and I have business to take care of in the tent." Soul gave me a lusty look and sauntered towards the tent. She nudged the flap aside with her horn and turned her head back. She lifted her tail just enough to tease me and gave her rear a wiggle before disappearing inside. I looked back down to Sky. "You okay out here?" She nodded and lied down, her paws folded underneath her. Now that that was taken care of...


I opened the tent flap to find Soul laying on her side, stretched out. She had one paw down rubbing at her vaginal lips. When she saw me enter, she removed her claws only to spread her blue lips for my viewing pleasure. Seeing her even bluer inner flesh made me erect immediately. I knelt down, moving her paw aside and replacing it with my hand, my fingers dipping in to tease at her flesh, my digits immediately coated in her juices. She reached her now free paw to my head, pulling me into a kiss. I couldn't help but notice how her paw got me wet. She really wanted this.

The changes began to start, but they didn't stop our foreplay. My body temperature rose as my fur grew out. My fingers shrunk and changed, my nails becoming claws, my fingers fusing into paws. My pads and toes did not get the depth of my human equivalent, but the wider range allowed me to play with her folds better and tease her clit unintentionally. A leathery blade shaped tail sprouted from my rear as my body began to shift into a quadruped stance.

Soul reached behind me and pulled me close, our fur intermingling. I felt her tail wrap around my thigh and I laid mine over hers. Our kissing became more difficult as my nose sprouted into a muzzle, forcing me to kiss her sideways instead of straight on. I felt her pull her head away. I looked up at her rising mouth questioningly. She put her lips to the base of my growing horn, licking it. I shuddered at the feeling... no wonder she liked when I rubbed her there. I could feel my shaft emerging and began to grind into her, my shaft rubbing at her lips, readying me to enter her.

I looked down to line up my next thrust, planning to start missionary. I noticed something odd about my absol dick. It had little nubs, like a minor version of feline barbs. They would not scrape the female but they would definitely be felt. I could also see the small bulge in my sheath that would grow into my knot.

As I touched my tip to her lips, them spreading from my point, I heard her make a noise. I drew back from our kiss. [What is it?] I asked. She had a tired look in her eyes. [Can we just do it normally tonight? I feel exhausted. I know you promised me... but we can make good on that in the morning~.] [Alright,] I said with a nuzzle, [just for you, milady.]

We separated and she got into mating position. Before mounting her, I took a moment to look over her body. She had her front end bent down, her chin nearly touching the floor of the tent. Her rear was propped up with her legs straight, ready to remain standing through the pleasure to come. Her tail was folded to her back, showing her goods to me. Just below that was the small pucker of her ass, although that was not what I was after. The object of my attentions was her canine pussy, her puffy lips a light shade of blue that spilled into a darker shade on the interior, perfectly framed by her white furred hips.

[Going to keep your lady waiting~?] She said, wiggling her hips and waving her tail. I licked my lips and said, [I would never], as I hopped onto her back. I wrapped my forelegs around her back and put my head into her neck fur. We both began to purr as I drew my hips back to line up my shaft. With a moan from her and a grunt from me, I thrust in, bottoming out in one motion. I began to pant into her ear, the pleasure of her heated folds already getting to me. Before I could begin moving, I felt her wrap her tail around mine as best she could with it pinned mostly below me. I lowered mine to meet hers, coiling them together.

I pulled back but her depths did everything they could to keep me inside. When only my tip remained massaged by her, I reversed, settling into a slow lovemaking. She began to moan, pant and purr alongside me. Her pulsating flesh wrapped around my member perfectly, likely due to our same species state. I could feel the nubs around my tip rubbing deeper than my cock-flesh into her walls. I could already feel my knot growing, tapping against her rear with every inward thrust. It was already too big to keep it from being caught inside.

With a particularly violent thrust back from her, my knot was soaked in the juices spurting from our union. [Do it! Get it in-] She started begging but I brought a stop to that as I pounded into her, lodging my knot in as it ballooned out, plugging her passage. I wasn't at my limit yet however. I began to shuffle side to side although most of my stimulation came from the pressure of her gripping warmth.

The growing pressure in my swollen balls began to reach a peak. I was closing in on my climax, and from the moans and needy grips of her insides, Soul was close too. Suddenly the dam broke as I felt a wet bristly tongue lick at my sack. With each pulse of absol seed I shot into Soul's womb, the licks continued, now joined with paws, coaxing more of my juices into her. Soul did not know this was happening but the results were greatly enjoyed. She was driven into a climaxing mess beneath me, her face wracked with pleasure from the heated feeling my seed gave her. *Oh, I wish I was in heat...* Soul thought to herself.

As my orgasm ended, I looked back to see who decided to join us. I could see a pair of fluffy purple ears and a split tail wagging but the rest of the body was hidden and still aiding my slowing climax. I took a deep breath, trying to get my voice to come through my panting. Eventually I managed to squeak out [S-s-sky... is that you?] I heard a purr and felt the vibration of it on my balls. I then felt a strange feeling in both my mind and cock. The blood in my loins left my knot, causing it to deflate quickly, but the rest of my member remained rigid. Soul let out an irritated whine at my early departure, my leisurely seeding having been cut short. I clambered off her back and turned to face our new guest.

[Sky! What are you doing!?] I asked worriedly. At my voice Soul also turned around.

[Sky? Did you help him out? That was nice~] Soul let out a guttural purr.

[How was I supposed to sleep with you two fucking like that?] Sky asked with a tilt of her head and a swish of her tail. [And who is this lovely thing?]

[Sky, listen... It's me, Seth.]

Sky gave me a quizzical look, her ears twitching. [You can't be. Seth is human. And you are a full fledged pokemon.] Sky said as her forked tail wrapped around my shaft. [And a very well endowed one at that.]

[I'm serious. For some reason, I can evolve, but only with a pokemon who loves me, like Soul.]

Sky gave a murr and her eyes got an even lustier look to them. [Well allow me to give a gift to my savior. I'm still a virgin. Now take me, my hero.] Sky turned and presented herself.

I turned to Soul, asking permission. [Go ahead, enjoy yourself. But tomorrow, you're all mine.] With my mates permission, I pounced forwards onto the smaller pokemon.

I couldn't put myself on her back due to her smaller size so I had to hold myself up with my forepaws. Sky did not seem to mind however, based on the way she rubbed herself onto my belly. I felt her tail wrap around my leg, the forked ends poking at my balls and base. I eased myself into position. My tip touched her lips, just barely touching inside. Before I could ask her if she was ready, she forced herself back, taking her virginity in one fell swoop. She whimpered in pain and I forced my hips to remain still while she got used to having something inside her. I lowered my head and gently licked her tears away. Her whimpering stopped at this gesture and she nuzzled her head into my licking.

[I...I think... I'm ready] Sky stammered out. As slowly as I could I began to pull out. My slow pace got Sky riled up, fidgeting in the cage of my limbs. [Seth, please show me what real mating is like. Give me all the pleasure you can.] She punctuated her desire with a thrust of her hips.

[If that's your wish, I'd be glad to grant it.] I began to speed up gradually, until my hips were a blur, our hips pounding into each other over and over. Each thrust was met with the sound of flesh slapping as my fur was still matted from sex with Soul. With every reverse of direction, a squelching sound was rapidly becoming audible as she got wetter and wetter. She was already soaking, our combined juices leaking liberally from her. She was already far wetter than Soul had ever been. Whether it was her breed or something else, she was definitely juicier than my mate. Her passage was also tighter due to her smaller size. It was also more textured compared to Soul's. Soul did have more muscle control than her though. They both had their own unique flavor.

As we began to get closer to the end of our first encounter, her tails began to get a little rougher in their prodding, digging in and lightly squeezing my testicles. I also felt a little nagging sensation in my head but in the face of my current activity, it was ignored. Both of us began panting our climaxes closing in rapidly. My knot was pounded at her entrance, demanding entrance. I wanted to get it in but I held back until I would cum at the same time. My limit kept building and building... but it never came. It felt like there was a blockage of some kind. My member was throbbing like mad almost in the same way it would when I was cumming but nothing was coming out. I felt my balls swell with the held seed that was prevented from releasing. Her tails only made it worse. With the swelling, it felt like I was even producing more cum than normal.

All at once, the dam lifted. I slammed my knot into Sky harder than I intended, shoving her across the floor. My pulsations were so intense that I lost my footing, falling onto Sky and forcing her to the ground. By the time my primary ejaculation was done, her belly was already bloated by the sheer volume of seed inside her. Her tails continued coaxing me for all I had.

I heard her begin to giggle underneath me, her face looked to be in a pleasure induced high. [Wow...] she sighed.

[Sky, did you have something to do with that?] I asked her after I caught my breath and my cumming had come to a near stop.

[Did you not enjoy it?] She responded.

[No, that was amazing. What did you do?]

[I just used my psychic powers to give us both what we wanted.] She purred while wiggling below me, rubbing her fur against mine.

[But I'm an Absol, a dark type, psychic stuff doesn't work on us.]

[Well that is true. Dark types have much stronger mental defenses. But even the strongest fortress can be breached by love.] She rolled her head to the side, kissing at my mane. I lowered my head to return her kiss. When we broke the kiss she continued. [Also, you weren't as strong as a normal dark type would be. Maybe it has something to do with you not being a pokemon, or maybe you just don't know how to block someone like me out. Not that I'm complaining.]

[Wait a minute, could you talk to me while I'm human with your powers?] I asked with an urgency.

[No. Only the most powerful psychic types can do something like that. Like an alakazam. But I can still read your emotions. That's how I knew you were serious about protecting me. You're my hero... and my lover.]

I looked over to Soul who had watched our entire lovemaking. [Soul, how do you feel about that? Think we can handle another member?]

Soul walked over and gave Sky a deep kiss. [You are already more than enough for me. As long as you take care of both of us, I can share.] I smiled at the thought.

At that point my knot had softened and my cock slipped out of Sky, followed by a rush of cum. I rolled over to the side with a huff. My eyes slipped closed, my exhaustion overwhelming me. The last thing I felt before slipping into unconsciousness was two tongues licking at my shrinking dick.