Chapter 4 fall of man dawn of a new age

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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? This is chapter 4 of the series, of the rewrite. Joe moves in with Shelly, He manages to send stuff to the new president of U.S.A.

Joe followed Shelly's car, to the house she got. They drove pass Paine field, into a housing development that was

done in the mid 1980's. Joe remembered it because, he had a friend who lived in a tri-level house while he was

going to high school before he went in the navy. She pulled into the driveway of a rambler style house. It was

painted a light brown with dark brown trim. Joe got out of his truck and walked around the place. He saw that it

had a flat concrete pad at the side of house, it had a medium size front yard and a small back yard with a Jacuzzi. If

someone told him a year ago that he will be changed into a anthro sheltie and moved in with a beautiful female tri-

color collie morph, he would of laugh in their face.

"Joe, let's go inside" As she unlocked the front door. Joe followed her in, and inspected the place. It was a

three bedroom lay-out, with two bathroom.

"Witch room is mine?" Joe looked around the house.

"This one" she pointed at the master bedroom that had a king size bed and he saw some of her stuff was already


"Alright, no problem" Joe look at her. "How did move all this stuff in one day"

"A few friends of mine, helped me move in." She looked at me.

"Well I better get my RV and stuff" Joe started walking out. "Please give me a ride over there." She

held his hand as they walked to her car.

They went to the trailer park were Joe had been living for the last two years. He hooked the battery

up to his RV and checked all fluids and un hooked everything and made sure all side doors were locked.

Joe started it up and followed Shelly back to her house and parked it at the side of the house.

Joe's cell phone just started ringing, he answered it. Joe was told by the person at the other end,

what Joe wanted to do with my parents belongings. He told the person that he will meet them on the

weekend at the place.

"What was that about?" Shelly asked.

"Somebody want to know, what I should do about my parents place. I told them I'll deal with them

this weekend, some of my stuff is still there. I am not ready to go there yet." Joe looked at the ceiling

"My desk top computer is still there, and some books. They asked me if I wanted my dads Nissan

pathfinder, I told them I'll think about it. I don't know, They still owe $20,000,00 on it. That will remove

a chunk of the lawsuit money, I got from the settlement. You insist, I keep in that investment account you

set-up for me." Joe said, looking at Shelly.

"I'll come with you, this weekend. We think about the vehicle, I kinda like that SUV." Shelly

looked at me.

"Speaking of vehicles, were did you get that camaro. What happened to the Honda civic?" Joe

looked through the front window at the shiny black chevy. Joe loved the old muscle cars from the 60's

and 70's.

"It was just sitting in a repo lot. I just took over the payments. One of my fiends wanted that civic so

I gave it to her." Shelly said, she knew Joe loved old cars.

"Well if we get that pathfinder, we use it on long road trips. I think it's going to a while before we

go on some. This crisis sure put a monkey wrench in some plans, I wanted to do this summer." Joe said.

"What did you wanted to do this summer?"Shelly asked.

"To go to eastern Washington to lake wanakit, and go fishing." Joe said answered looking at Shelly.

"Did you get a chance to read more of those computer files from that building?" Shelly looked at


"Yeah, I figured out why I recovered from that fun a couple yesterday morning fun so fast. When a

anthrop. gets a injury like a gun shot wound. They were to recover in less than a day in theory. Not a slow

process like for humans. They wanted the anthrop.'s back in action as soon as possible. If it was a severe

injury like a head wound, paralyzed, lose of limbs. They were to be destroyed." Joe said, looking around

the house.

"That's cruel" Shelly said.

"That's was there grand plan. The formula was to be shipped to a better equip lab. There was a fifty

percent fatality rate on the first test. They were going to do more test's and correct the problem with the

formula. Their was five anthro's in that loading dock area, four were dead and the fifth escaped. The fifth

was a berserker type, they were to go in dangerous areas and eliminate all resistance, showing no mercy."

Joe told Shelly. He was still worried about himself.

She just looked at Joe. I think she still felt guilty for knocking him out yesterday morning, while

Joe was giving her oral sex. This morning when she woke up, her insides were warm and she had some

abdominal craps. Right now she wants to have a rough session of sex with Joe at the moment.

"One thing about me since I changed, I noticed that I am a lot stronger and have more energy. How

a bout you?" Joe looked at her.

"Same thing as you"she answered.

" It seams that this formula gets rid of any problems, we had before." Joe looked at her he knew

what she was thinking. She told him while they were dating she couldn't have kids because she couldn't


"I better get to bed, I got to get up early." Joe walked to the bedroom.

She followed him to the bed. Joe undressed and got under the covers, she stood at the foot of the bed and

Joe watch as she peeled off her clothing. Then she flung the covers off the bed and Joe felt her rip off his

under wear, Joe smelled something in the air. It was making his blood warm and he was aroused, then she

jumped on top him. She grabbed his penis and sat down on it. Then she wrapped her long legs around his

hips and stuffed his head between her breasts. Joe started rubbing and caressing her 42 DD's. Later on she gave

him a blow job, Joe tried to give her oral sex she didn't want a repeat of last time. She will let him do

some other time. Shelly kept Joe up till two in the morning.

The next day at the navy base, Joe noticed that there were more ships tied up to the piers. Joe was

walking funny his nuts felt like he was kicked hard down there. His dick felt like it was ran on a belt

sander. He ran into John and Jose, they snickered when they saw Joe.

"Rough night Joe?" John asked trying not to laugh.

"Don't ask." Joe answered while limping to their group.

"Squid, Foxy and uh. HA HA HA, What happen to you Squid? Your acting like you spent a night in a

brothel in Thailand." Eddie was laughing hysterically.

They were assigned together as a group. Jose gave Joe a piece a paper that had a phone number on


"That's the number to the oval office, It's a direct line used by the secret service."

"How did you get this?" Joe looked at him.

"My father was a agent for them before he retired, he is one of the fatalities, do me a favor in

respect of his memory. Get a hold of the president, and tell her were all of this started, ok" Jose looked at


"I'll do it, If were near a phone booth I'll call her. So she will get to the truth." Jose grinned.

"Joe, I heard tomorrow is our last day of this stuff, It's back to turning wrenches on Wednesday."

John was grinning.

"Yeah, I got to finish rebuilding that 370 industrial engine for that lift truck." Joe was grinning to


"Back to the custom auto shop for me, I got to finish painting that Mustang" Jose said.

"Get over here, right now!" Eddie yelled, from the city bus.

"He had to spoil the moment."John grumbled.

They were taken to the Alderwood mall in north Lynnwood, there was a couple of other groups

there to. "They must be almost done with this." John said.

"Good I hate this, maybe someday the nightmares will stop." Joe looked over to John.

During lunch break, Joe walked over to a phone booth. He took out the piece of paper Jose gave

him and dialed the number, Joe put in the required amount of change. Then a female voice answered

"This is the president." Joe told her all the information he came across, how and were it is at. She wanted

to know about him. Joe told her that his a little scared about a prison term, because he told her about the

means of how got it. Joe finally worked out a deal that he will call her if need be. Just say a phrase while

on TV and he will call her. That was the final deal, they worked out.

The rest of the day went without any more problems. Joe told John and Jose that he talked to the

president and that she's coming to here tomorrow. Joe left them out of the loop so they don't half to

worry about stuff. "So she wants to meet you in person?" John said.

"Yeah, she wants to talk to me in person." Joe looked at John.

"She better have a presidential pardon for you before you show yourself." Jose said.

"That's what I said to her, she is really upset for what happen to humanity. It's going to take years

to recover from this. The curfew is going to be in effect for a couple more weeks. The regular businesses

are going reopen on Thursday."Joe said.

"Be careful Joe, Don't reveal your self to her yet. Shelly might get jealous." snickered John.

"I'll be careful, Shelly might want her autograph."Joe laughed.

Joe drove home, it seem different that he was pulling up a drive way and parking his truck in a

garage. Shelly was home fixing dinner, Joe told her about what happen today. She was awestruck, she

said the same thing as Jose that he should work a deal before he told her who he is. She went over to the

TV and turned it on. The president, a female gray wolf who used to be the speaker of the house was on

the news saying that she got a lead to what happen in the last week. She is going to Washington state

tomorrow to investigate the lead she got. Then she looked directly at the camera and said "To the

concerned citizen, please call in the next two hours. You are pardoned and nothing is going to happen to


"Whoa, you better call."Shelly looked at Joe.

"There's a phone booth a block from here." Joe said.

Joe walked to the phone booth and called the oval office. "I got your message, I am going to give

you the copies of all the stuff I took out of that building. I rather not keep this stuff it sickens me of what

they had planned."

"What do you want in return?" she replied.

"No press, just you and secret service. You bringing any survivors of that group to justice and your

autograph." Joe said thinking about Shelly.

"Any money?"she replied.

"I'll explain when we meet, I am bringing my girlfriend with me. She wants to meet you." Joe


"I'll be staying at the hotel on pacific ave. Do you know were that is?" she replied.

"Yeah my older sister worked there before she died." Joe choked.

"Can you be there before 6:00 PM tomorrow?" She replied.

"Yes no problem, I'll be at the front desk." Joe said.

The next morning after Joe left. Shelly was getting ready to go to Bellevue, she suddenly ran into

the bathroom and threw-up. She flushed the toilet, her breasts started feeling sensitive. She felt flu like

illness. "No way, I can't be. The doctors say it can't happen to me. I sure hope so." She got up, and

finished getting ready.

That night Joe and Shelly went to the hotel and waited at the front desk. "Are you the concerned

citizen?" A female voice asked.

They turned around and looked at the female gray wolf. " Yes I am, please to meet you Mam." Joe


"I had my people examined that building you told me about, the stuff was still there but some data

was messed up." she looked at Joe and Shelly while they were being escorted to her room.

"I got all the copies, I have taken" Joe pointed at a case Shelly was carrying.

They got to her room, the secret service checked our bag and checked both him and Shelly.

"Let's get to business, what do you want?" asked the president.

"Like I requested no press, you give the credit to whom you seem worthy." Joe said.

" I do want to give you finical aid, what do you want?" she looked at me and Shelly.

"Ok, she has a mortgage on a house she just got and a antique car, me I don't know." Joe thought

to himself.

"You have a kind guy Shelly, treat him nice they are now very rare." the president looked at Joe.

"His dad has a new SUV that is owned by a bank and he was one of the people that passed

away." Shelly looked at Joe.

"Just leave me some info and I'll take care of the stuff, and I'll bring the ones responsible to

justice and thanks for your help."she signed a piece of paper and give to Shelly.

They said are good byes and left. Then drove home and talked "Thanks for speaking up for me

Shelly, I just got nervous." Joe looked at Shelly.

"No problem, thanks for getting rid of the mortgage and the car payments." Shelly smiled.

"Your welcome" Joe smiled as we went home.

Joe looked out of the passenger window, wondering what the future was going to bring. The

president told him all the fatalities of the U.S.A. The U.S. lost over a hundred and fifty million people and

the country was down to less than hundred and fifty million.

"She looked like she didn't sleep in days" Joe said.

"Huh" said Shelly

"The president, she look like she didn't sleep in days" Joe repeated.

"I do not want to be her" Shelly replied.

"Yeah, she is under a lot of pressure to get us back on are feet. I hope the leaders in the future

learn from this"Joe said.

"Your right Joe, I agree, it was greed, disrespect of the population, and trying to get stuff done

cheaper. I knew that some day out sourcing was going to bite the people in power in the ass, and this time

it killed half the people on the planet." said Shelly.

They drove home, to a uncertain future. Shelly was wondering if she is pregnant or not. She

looked over at Joe. He was staring out of the window. She drove on, she touched her stomach. "I'll see a

doctor later. I am not getting my hopes up, I 've been disappointed to many times." She looked at Joe

again, he was asleep.

That's the final rewrite, I hope the first four are better. I liked Shetlands story plot. But I don't like the

point of view. I thought he left out to much stuff, in the first four chapters.

Raven Fox