The DogBoys: The End

Story by WolfeByte on SoFurry

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#5 of Untold Scenes: The DogBoys

The DogBoys: The End

Authors note: Well, I had intended to re-write the works from part 3 on, but never found the wherewithal. So, most of this was written years ago, shortly after the others originally were. Slight revisions to syntax, grammer, as well as minor changes to content to bring it up-to-speed and consistent with where the series has gone in my brain. See previous stories in the series for forword. Rifts is put out by [Palladium Books.](%5C)

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual events, between multiple partners, at least one of which is not human. All actors are male, and over the age of 18. If any of that may offend you, or is illegal where you are, that's your problem. If you don't want to see, don't look. If you don't want to know, don't ask, etc... For External use only. Keep out of the reach of children. May cause vomiting, nausea, or general digestive disturbances. If it's a problem, consult your local mental health specialist.

© 2003, G. "WolfeByte" Jensen

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome. [Email!](%5C)


"Wow! I can't believe we just walked out of there!" Vince said. We were back in the 'Burbs again, and moving away from the city fortress of Chi-town, and it's blaring klaxons and panicked troops.

"Well I could have flown us out, if you had told me sooner..." I replied, looking back at the handsome DogBoy.

"No, that's not what I meant, I-" He stopped, his sense becoming uncertain. I stopped and turned to him. "You can fly?"

"Sure," I replied. "You can't?"

"No, I..." His fear and uncertainty saddened me. He realized again that his companion and lover of the past few hours has been a supernatural creature, and that conflicts with all the training he's ever received at the hands of the Coalition.

"Vince, you can go back, if you want."

"No!" His fear was of a different stripe now.

"Have I hurt you, or hurt anyone maliciously?" The DogBoy looked away, shaking his head. "Then why do you think being a 'D-bee' makes me bad?"

Vince thinks, his fear beginning to flow away, but his uncertainty hangs on. "I don't, but... They do."

"Are you Them?" I gesture towards the looming construction behind him.


"Exactly. If you believed I was evil, you wouldn't have come this far. But that doesn't mean you can't go back. In less than a day, you'll have lost any sense of Me. You'll forget."

"I wouldn't forget you." His endearing naiveté again, "But I'm not going back."

"I'm glad to hear that, My Friend. Thank-you."

We begin walking again, and I again marveled at his innocence, the innocence of his whole People. An innocence that Kull would once have thought was weak and pathetic. My thought's lingered on Kull and my sense flitted off to find him and Mhorl. They were safe, with Kull sleeping fitfully under the watch of the Vampire.

"Where are we going?" Vince asked, interrupting my thoughts and bringing my sense back to the here.

"To meet some friends." I smiled at him again.

We made our way through the complex and often-confusing streets of the 'Burbs, again leaving the richest-of-the-poor areas and entering into the slummier areas of the slums, approaching the mostly-abandoned shack where Kull and Mhorl waited. We had only made it half way when the alarm from the city ceased, and Vince explained that they'd now decided I had actually escaped the city and would now make an attempt of searching the 'Burbs with DogPack patrols. I hinted that I doubted that very much.

When we approached the hovel, Mhorl met me at the door, carrying a huge plasma cannon. It looked hugely comical, considering he was otherwise unarmoured, and unimposing. Or I thought so. I felt Vince's surge of fear as he suddenly stopped.

"'Bout time you showed up, Ma-, Rathe." The Vampire offered, "I don't know how to tell you this, but it looks like you've been tailed pretty closely by one of them."

I snickered, grinning widely, "You have no idea how close he's tailed me tonight, My Friend." I looked back at the DogBoy, "Vince, I'd like you to meet Mhorl, one of the friends I mentioned. Mhorl, Vince."

"B- but, he's a Vampire!" Vince exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you too, kid." Mhorl grinned at the canine.

I turned to face Vince, "Actually he's a former CS Officer, turned bounty hunter, turned Master Vampire, and now he's my friend. And hopefully yours as well."

"Rathe, look o-" Began Vince, just as I was jumped from behind, sending my attacker and I rolling onto the ground.

Kull came up on top, clutching onto me, his muzzle pressed to my lips, our tongues playing. I moved one hand up under his loincloth, and cupped his balls in my palm, squeezing slightly. He broke the kiss, "Hey, no fair! You've got armor, I can't reach yours!"

"Serves you right! Can't we ever just shake hands or something?" I asked him. Then to Vince, "Hey Vince, meet Kull, formerly of the Lone Star Complex."

Kull and I both look over at the perplexed DogBoy, looking down at us. Mhorl had one hand on his shoulder still, after restraining him from interfering with Kull's 'attack' on me.

Kull gave his best toothy smile, "Bringing home strays again, Eh?"

"Well I brought you home, didn't I? " I asked, grinning at Vince. "What do you think?"

Kull looked the DogBoy over appraisingly, "He's cute. I guess." He tried to sound jealous, but wasn't much good at it anymore. Especially when my hand was now idly stroking his ass.

Vince saw that, and did a very convincing impression of being jealous. "Yeah. Swell to meet you guys. Really." He looked back at Mhorl, then at Kull, then at me.

Kull got off me, and gave me a hand up. "So what's the plan now, Rathe?" Kull asks.

I look at Vince, who looks away. Telepathically I say to Kull, "He's not done adapting to things yet, and being tired won't help. He was shot during our escape by his own commanding officer."

Kull nods, "Ah, poor kid."

"I think we'll get some sleep here, for a few hours, then head out to establish our camp." I say. I walk up to Vince, and put an arm around his shoulders, guiding him towards the house.

"Where we going?" He asks. As we approach the house, it begins to re-form itself under my will, becoming more solid and stable. Rotting wood seeming to grow as if alive again, strengthening and merging into the rest of the house.

"I'm gonna put you to bed, and say goodnight..." As we go into the house, I look back at a grinning Kull, watching us go. He winks.


We reached the basement where Kull and Mhorl had found a large mattress and laid it in the corner. Vince stopped to watch it mend, rusting springs returning to strength, the cover mending itself. I reached around Vince and started to unbuckle his DogBoy armor. "But-" He started, and I shushed him. I removed his armor and clothing, one piece at a time, rubbing my hands through his fur, and smoothing it out as I did. My armor and clothing likewise was removed with my mind, at the same time, leaving us both naked at the end. I stepped back to admire his form and figure as he turned towards me.

His gaze wandered over my body, now in the closest thing to an original form that I've ever had, and he seemed stunned, but all he said was, "Nice tattoos."

"Thanks." I scritched my fingers down his chest and belly fur to stroke his already swelling organ, eliciting a shudder of pleasure from him.

"But... but what about Kull?" He asks.

"What about him?" I reply, as I push him back onto the mattress, and follow him down, my hand returning to his cock, coaxing it to rampant life.

"Eehh, you two seemed rather close?"

"We are." I had him fully erect now, rubbing my thumb across the underside of his glans.

"Waddabout..," He pants, "... us?"

I lean over and lick his muzzle, "Yeah, we're rather close as well."

"Oh." Was all he managed, until I moved down to lick his cock. "Ooohhh..!"

I took him into my mouth, suckling gently and my hands and sense felt him relax and respond to my actions. I lapped at his flesh as I caressed his balls, then sucked him some more, bobbing my head over his crotch as he watched, grinning. I could sense Kull at the stairs, watching us as well, from the dark, as he pawed himself quietly. I took my mouth from Vince's cock.

"So it's your turn now... Wanna fuck me?"

"Yeah!" He growls. I move to straddle his chest, facing his feet, then bend back to work on his cock and lift my ass up in front of his face. He nuzzles his muzzle between my ass cheeks, his long canine tongue finding my hole. I groan as I slurp on his meat again, his soft wetness lapping at my anus, his saliva gathering at my entrance. I nurse gently on him, enjoying his tongue fucking, until I taste the first hint of his pre-cum on my tongue. I let him slip from my mouth and climb off of him, staying on all fours.

"Doggy Style?" I ask, grinning.

"Uh, sure, I guess..." He moves up behind and after a few false starts, easily mounts me, sinking himself completely inside. "Ahh..." He sighs, without awareness of doing so.

I moan softly as he starts to pull slowly out, his mind fixed on feeling every inch of his cock as he slipped it's length through the grip of my body. He pauses with the head of his cock just within the ring of my sphincter, and I squeeze myself around it, waves of pleasure washing through both of us. Our empathic connection letting us both know we want this to last, for every moment of pleasure to be fully savored. Even Kull, on the stairs, pauses with us, his hand gripped around his cock, just behind the head.

Then the moment is broken, as Vince slides himself firmly back in, making us both grunt our pleasure as fur meets flesh. My cock, rigid and untouched below us, throbs in pleasure as the Dogboy breeds me. I feel as if I could cum already, the pleasure I feel coupling with Vince so exquisite. Even though we've only known each other a short time, the bond with him was greater than I had felt in a long, long time. That was with a Canine-being as well, so long ago...

It was easy to love a Dog, to love Vince, for one such as I.

Vince leans over me, and I shudder as his furred form covers me, tingles against my naked skin, even as he withdraws his cock from me at the same time. He licks at my ear as he mounts me again, the feeling of being re-penetrated after being so emptied completely, if only for a moment, makes me moan more loudly.

"I love you too." He whispers in my ear. He thrusts a firm shallow thrust within me, as if to punctuate the ideal. He licks my ear again, and works down to the nape of my neck, nibbling and licking, the short thrusts slow and firm, bringing us both a pleasure only increased by the touch of his mouth against my skin.

My sense reaches across to Kull, knowing that he shares this moment with us as well, as even Mhorl upstairs must in his once-dead way. Kull strokes himself more rapidly, watching the Dogboy hump me, and he knows our bond is strong. My bond with him, likewise allows him no jealousy, only a shared connection and pleasure. His cock throbs and drips with it, making his flesh slick under his moving paw.

Vince finally raises himself up off of me, to get a better range of motion, his cock able to make long, deep strokes again. He grips my hips and starts pulling himself into me with greater speed and intensity. I push back to meet each of his thrusts, his balls banging against my ass with every motion. Flesh meets fur each time he hilts himself within my ass, his cock slick through my anus and banging pleasurably against my insides.

We're all making our individual sounds of exertion and ecstasy, Kull not even trying to me quiet any more. Vince knows he watching, and it seems to excite him further, performing in front of my other lover. The Dogboy hunches over me and grips my cock in his hand, letting our motions move my smooth shaft through his furry fist, increasing our pleasure.

I grip him with my body, and try to hump into his hand and push back against his thrusting cock at the same time. Vince's thrusts lose some of their rhythm as the feelings build to a crescendo.

Kull doubles himself over easily, and slurps his length into his muzzle just before his semen explodes from the tip and bathes his tongue. My sense shares his orgasm, as he announces it's arrival with muffled grunts and growls from around his cock. I can almost taste him through the link, and the extra thrill trips Vince and I over into our own orgasm.

We feel Vince's cock spasm inside of my body, his semen spurting it's warmth into my hot innards, even as my own climax sends my seed slopping over the Dogboy's fist, onto the bed. We shake and pulse with our mutual epiphany of feeling, as the sense of the world is lost in a flood of orgasmic bliss.

When it recedes, all it leaves is the warmth of our bodies against each other as we lay on the bed, and the connection made stronger, the bond increased by love and the sharing of the experience. Vince pants and nuzzles my neck as he lies atop me, his cock softening inside. He rolls off of me, leaving me empty but fulfilled, as Kull joins us on the bed. We lay together, enjoying the peace and companionship of the moment.

Eventually, they pass on to sleep, and I rest. When Vince awoke, he'd ask those questions he'd had since the begining, and I would answer.

(Authors Note Part 2: Nothing left but an epilogue, which should be posted in the next little while, to tie up loose ends, and answer some of the weirdness...)