Hungry for Love (vore story)

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#16 of Standalone or short-series stories by me

Originally posted on 2023-02-14

Aloe has been bitten by the Valentine's Day bug, though her plans for some kinky fun go through an unforeseen change.Word count: 5900. Contains: Non-fatal size difference oral vore, with willing male spider predator, and willing female badger prey. Also includes straight sexual situations.

Writing: Bad Manners

Hungry for Love

by Bad Manners


Finally, Aloe thought, she was home for Valentine's! The gray American badger didn't have anyone special to spend the night with, but that didn't mean that she didn't have any plans! Perusing her phone, she would book a 'predator' through a specialized escort app, HungryLuv, for some sexy, kinky fun. It was a shame that this service was not as cheap as she'd have liked, but Aloe was always excited to treat herself to some of the hottest fucks she had ever had before being swallowed alive...and then being let out safely, of course.

She scrolled through today's somewhat short listing of predators for tonight, but her eyes were transfixed on a certain horse's picture. 'Regulus', he was called. The badger inspected his profile, gleaning ideas from the pictures that her phone displayed. He looked well-endowed, if the bulge in his semi-nude shots were any indication. Oh, to be dominated by such a stud before being forced to curl underneath those muscular abs...! Regulus was the clear pick of the night for her.

Aloe was getting more excited by the second. But before the fun would begin, she'd take a shower, to enhance her flavor with some aromatic shampoo. She walked through the prompts on the app, tapping away until [PAYMENT CONFIRMED] was displayed on the screen. Her wallet was going to be lighter for a while, but she knew that tonight would be worth it...


The badger walked out of her bathroom still wearing a towel, her fur quite warm from the hot water, and reached her phone to find 3 missed calls from an unknown number. Probably just another scammer, she thought... But when it started ringing again on her paw, Aloe decided to take the call. She brought the phone to her head.


"Good evening." A male voice answered very clearly through the line. "Am I speaking with Aloe Taxford?"

"Yes...? And you are...?"

"I'm Seth from HungryLuv. I can see in our system that you have attempted a reservation tonight with one of our agents. More specifically, you have requested for Regulus, correct?"

"Uhh, yes...?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid to inform you that there has been an issue in our system with a concomitant request by another user, and Regulus has been assigned to them tonight. On behalf of HungryLuv, I offer my deepest apologies."


She wanted to scream at her phone. This was unfair! Why did this other girl, and not her, get to have fun with Regulus?! ...But tempting though it was to scream at the phone guy, it certainly wouldn't improve her situation, or make her feel better.

She cleared her throat and continued. "S-So, what now?"

"Since our platform has already processed your payment, we could simply offer you a refund, or reschedule your session with him for tomorrow."

"Oh, I-I see..." Her plans for Valentine's Day seemed to be slipping from her paws...! Still, it wasn't all doomed. "Um, actually, I wanted to know if I can get another predator to come here tonight? A male one, please. It's -really- important that he comes today, so I don't wanna reschedule..."

"I understand perfectly, Ms. Taxford, and I truly apologize for the inconvenience. But Valentine's Day is always a busy night for us at HungryLuv, and while we still have plenty of prey agents at our disposal, I'm afraid that we're short on male predators specifically."

"Really? Isn't there any predator you can send tonight? Anyone at all...?" There was a long pause on the other side. "Hello?"

"Ms. Taxford." His voice was grave. "If you wouldn't mind waiting, I can bring up your case to my manager, and figure out if we can make an exception for you."

"Oh! Sure, go ahead."

An exception? Aloe was intrigued to learn more... Which she would after a few minutes of listening to a cheerful on-hold music over the phone's speaker.

"Ms. Taxford? How do you feel about...spiders?"

She had to do a double take. "Huh? S-Spiders? I... I guess I just squash them, like any other bug-"

The attendant cleared his throat. "No, no, not that type of spider. I apologize for being unclear. I meant a person - who happens to be a male spider -, who would be willing to offer his services as predator through HungryLuv tonight." He paused. "If he's not to your liking, we will partially refund your payment, or we can proceed with a rescheduling of your previous escort."

A spider...? Sometimes she'd even forget that arthropod people were a thing, with how rare it was to spot one even down the streets. She'd spoken with a bee who worked at a coffee shop once, but she'd never even seen a civilized spider before. "Um, h-he's not gonna web me or something, is he?"

The call center employee chuckled politely. "No, I can assure you that he won't. He's a trained predator, like any professional in HungryLuv, and he will only do what our clients are comfortable with. That is, assuming that this arrangement would be desirable to you."

The badger hadn't ever considered a spider partner before. It could probably swallow her whole, but was it even physically possible for one to have sex with her...?

"Ms. Taxford?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking. Um, you said something about a discount...?"

"Correct. If he's not to your liking, you'll receive a partial refund. I apologize once more on behalf of HungryLuv for the sudden consternation."

If he really was as professional as any other predator she'd hired before, then there wasn't much to fear, she reasoned. "O-Okay, then. I guess it'll do..."

"Just to confirm, Ms. Taxford. Would you like me to dispatch a different agent for your house, at 8PM, in Regulus' place?"

"This s-spider guy? Yeah, sure, that's okay..."

"It's no trouble at all if you would rather not have him." His tone over the phone seemed serious and frank, dropping the salesperson façade.

"O-Oh, it's fine...! I really wanted this today, so if he can still fu- er, swallow me, I don't mind it..."

"Excellent! I'll register your request in our system now." His microphone caught his key-tapping. "There we go. The information should be up-to-date on your phone, as well. The agent will arrive at the scheduled time soon. HungryLuv thanks you once again for your continued patronage, and wishes you a wonderful Valentine's Day!"


Aloe disconnected the call and sighed. She was really doing this... A spider, huh? She didn't even know HungryLuv had those. The American badger opened the app on her phone to check who had been assigned to her, but his profile was pretty bare-bones - and he didn't even have any pictures. Just had his name, 'male' for gender, and just 'spider' as his species. This guy wasn't gonna turn out to be a freak, was he...?

Honestly, Aloe didn't even know what to expect. Maybe she should at least look up on Guurgle what naked male spiders looked like, in preparation.

In fact, did they even have cocks...?


Her doorbell rang a few minutes after 8PM. Aloe wasn't any less anxious - she'd barely found anything online. Almost as if spider people didn't exist...! And yet, one of them must've been standing outside of her door at that very moment.

She looked through the peephole, but it was hard to discern anything weird about the tall man. He dressed smart, and his proportions seemed off, but with him facing the door, his arachnid features weren't really distinguishable through the small lens - other than the extra pair of bulging eyes, and a green blur underneath. She unlocked the door to greet him, but when she opened it, the badger could only stare silently.

"Are you Aloe? Good evening." His emerald pincer-like jaws moved to the sides as he spoke. "My name is Seth, and I will be your HungryLuv escort for tonight."


Well, he was definitely a spider! His face was exactly what she would expect: big eyes in the middle, a smaller pair just next to them, and 2 tinier pairs on the sides of his head, which was covered with black fur and white markings. Next to the big fangs she'd already noticed, there were two appendages, which looked too short and fluffy to be 'legs'. Down from his 'neck', beneath the gray overcoat and dark blue sweater that he was wearing, were three sets of arms. Although he only gestured with the top pair when speaking, keeping the others crossed behind his back. His fourth set of limbs really did serve as legs, wearing suit pants to match the overcoat. And behind his 'back', it was hard to miss his large oval abdomen, bearing more black and white hair just like his head.

"I'm sorry. Is this too much...?" Seth spoke, adjusting his backpack. His eloquent tone was much more expressive than his unchanging face. "I won't be offended if you believe that I'm too creepy, or wish to cancel my services."

"What...? Oh, n-no, not at all! You're just...d-different from what I expected." The badger was still scanning the tall male. She'd never seen anyone like him before, and it was hard to not compare his anatomy to the ones she was used to. At the very least, his large chelicerae - his iridescent green jaws - should be able to spread enough to swallow her whole. He was patiently letting her take in his anatomy, but she could feel the chilly breeze from outside. "Oh...! Sorry, p-please come in!"

Aloe moved out of the way to invite him in, following the man with her gaze after almost accidentally closing the door on his large posterior. He'd walked over to her coat rack, but was considering something before he removed his coat.

"May I use this? Though it might be best if you look away."

"Y-Yes," she replied, "but why?"

"You might find it...uncanny, if you see me using all arms at once. Most people get scared when I do."

"Oh..." Maybe that's why he was keeping two pairs of arms hidden behind him all this time. Aloe looked away, paying attention to the sound of fabric slipping out as he removed his coat while she sat on her sofa. "You can sit on the armchair right next to the couch."

The badger didn't turn to him, per his request. Finally, Seth joined her vision, only wearing his sweater, backpack, and smart pants now. He was staring at the armchair, then looked back at his abdomen, realizing that there wasn't really any space for him to sit there with his large posterior. And Aloe noticed it, too.

"Oh crap, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't think-!"

"You're fine, Aloe. It can be hard to accommodate my physique." He looked over her. "Would you mind if I sat beside you on the couch?"

"Of course not..." The spider walked over, still on his two hind legs, before he sat on the middle cushion, letting his abdomen splay on the side farthest from Aloe. Sitting sideways like this also meant that he was directly facing her. "It must be hard, being a spider. Your house must be very different from mine, then... Sorry, don't mean to pry."

The escort looked around, shifting his whole body with the lack of a neck. Thankfully, his multiple eyes made up for his lack of mobility. "Not really. Most of my furniture is quite similar to yours. It's mostly my abdomen that complicates certain tasks, but getting furniture made-to-order can be quite a financial strain, as you can imagine."

"Hmm... Like your clothes? Are there even stores that make them?"

"No, not around here. I have to wear tailor-made items, which end up on the expensive side, yes."

"I-I see." She scratched her chin, unsure if this small talk was doing any good to her nerves. Despite his abnormal politeness and prolix language, he didn't come off as arrogant or strange. "So, uh... What kind of spider are you? It didn't say on your HungryLuv profile."

He crossed his top arms. "I'm a regal jumping spider. From your expression, I assume that you've never been with a spider before." She shook her head. "Most of my clients never have. When we communicated over the phone, I really thought that you would reject me on that basis."

Her eyes gaped in surprise. "W-Wait, that's why I- YOU are that guy from the phone earlier!"

"Correct." He answered, unable to nod.

"Oh fuck...! I-I don't even remember if I said something embarrassing to you when you asked me about spiders! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm pretty sure I-"

He chuckled. "It's alright, really. I never assumed that your comments were in bad faith. And I understand that I'm far below most people's standards of the ideal predator. Most of our mammal customers who are prey themselves prefer our mammal predators, for example. And our few arthropod customers tend to be predators themselves. In fact, I believe I'm currently the only arthropod escort in HungryLuv at the moment."

Aloe considered how she, herself, had only been with male predators in the past: a lion, an otter...and unsuccessfully, a horse. Maybe Seth had seen her HungryLuv history? It might be hard for him, always struggling to satisfy his clients' preferences with a body that he didn't choose... She had the impression that he felt sad, even if spiders couldn't make any facial expressions. Maybe because of how his pincers moved idly?

"I-I mean," the badger continued, "I thought at least some people would be interested in a spider predator."

"There have been a few. Unfortunately, most people are put off by my appearance... In fact, my superior informed me that, due to complaints, they'd scrub most information from my HungryLuv profile, since it was deemed 'too unappealing'." Aloe had a shocked face from hearing it, and he raised his hands. "Don't get me wrong, I still love my job, even if I don't get to be dispatched as often as other escorts! On the other hand, it was quite the surprise when you agreed to let me come to your home tonight."

To be frank, the thought that some HungryLuv workers didn't get clients at all, or simply weren't advertised in the catalog, hadn't even crossed the badger's mind. "So you mostly work on taking calls instead?"

"Correct. I've been told that having eight hands would make it the ideal job for me, even if I can only answer one phone at a time." He joked. "But I'm glad that I continue to be employed under HungryLuv as an escort, receiving the very occasional requests."

Seth didn't want to say how he had to basically convince his skeptical manager to let him come here tonight; or how he might face consequences for missing his regular call center shift, if she sends him away early for a discount. In other words, by coming here, he was taking a risk. But it had been his choice to see her, and he simply loved being a predator too much, rare though the opportunities were. And he'd decided to spare her the details. It wasn't fair to complain about his job, or put undue pressure on his client to agree to anything; he'd only stay if the gray badger really wanted him to.

"Well, you're the first spider I've met, but you sound really charming and polite. When was the last time you got called?"

"Last time? Let's see... It was in October."

"October? That's like, four months ago... That's too long!" Aloe was legitimately surprised. She thought that using HungryLuv once a month was already pretty sparse for her tastes, but that's because she could only afford as much. Did he really get so few clients...?

"On the 31st, in fact. Someone had decided to hire me for their friend, as a Halloween gift."

"D-Don't tell me it was because of your appearance." She didn't frame it as a question, but Seth shrugged. "That's just mean!"

His tone was still upbeat. "It's part of the job. Our customers are free to choose us for whatever reasons - especially outward ones."

"Okay, if you say so... But- But did it?"

"Us having sex, then me swallowing her...?" The regal jumper ruminated, emerald fangs rubbing against each other. "Yes. I'd like to think that I have done my utmost to please her. Like any escort from HungryLuv would."

"And she was a mammal, like me. And she didn't choose you." Like her. "And you still had sex just fine?"


"But you don't even have a-a penis... do you...?"

One of his normally hidden arms moved into her view, grasping his backpack. "No, but I bring a prosthetic with me, for that purpose."

"Like a strap-on?"

"Precisely. A custom-made one. Although..." His face with round eyes turned back to her, and his brush-like appendages near the fangs - his pedipalps - flicked. "I did not use it last time. I may still wear it if you would prefer, but-"

"You didn't...? Then how-?! ...Can you show me what you did?"


The American badger was lying on her mattress, exposing the breasts on her chest, her open legs revealing her labia. The regal jumper followed after her into the bedroom, exposing his thorax after removing his sweater and shirt. It was also black with white details, with a bit less fur over the sternum. Aloe remarked to herself how his naked segmented exoskeleton reminded her a bit of muscular abs. He had his pants on his hand, and other than the cut-off waistband, it looked pretty normal. It was clear that the arachnid didn't have anything hiding in his 'crotch', apart from the joints of his lowermost limbs and a small cylindrical junction that connected his abdomen to the bottom of his upper body. Even now, he only used that one pair of legs to move around.

"Isn't it awkward for you to walk on two legs...?" She noticed that he had removed his shoes as well, but his feet had a weird shape compared to mammalian hind paws. They were long and pointy.

"You grow accustomed to it, in order to fit in. All of us spiders do; otherwise, people would be constantly frightened at the sight of a big arachnid scurrying about." He'd brought his backpack with him, and placed it on the ground against the mattress, before shoving his pants through the open zipper.

"Even when you're alone-?"

He leaned in with his body over hers dominantly, his top arms pushing down on the bed to keep him from smooshing her. His cephalothorax was a bit wider than her torso, overwhelming her a bit as it took most of her vision. Aloe hadn't noticed his 'fingers' until now, the long claw-like segmented appendages spread over the sheet. They had fur near the base, and their uniquely insect-ish appearance would explain the long shape of his feet that the badger had noticed. Maybe there wasn't much of a difference between his 'hands' and his 'feet'?

"No. Not when I'm alone." Seth replied softly, giving the mustelid a glimpse into his yellowish mouth between those iridescent pincers.

His face was quite a bit terrifying up close, but the large round eyes and furry skin made it somewhat cute, balancing it out. The jumping spider didn't breathe down on her when he spoke, since his lungs were in his abdomen, like most of his organs. The couple was staring directly at each other. They both had known, in the back of their heads, that this uncomfortable interaction was bound to happen - but they also hoped that their partner was anticipating the next move just as much as themself.

She tried to bring her hands to him, but remembered one of the spider facts she'd read online. "I-Is it safe to touch your fangs?"

"Yes, I've had the glands and spikes of my chelicerae removed. You won't be stung or poisoned."

This was as good of an invitation as Aloe needed to bring her paws to him: one over his mouthparts, another underneath his thorax. Under the short coat of bicolor hair, his chitinous body felt a bit like hard plastic, each part covered by another around the joints. She felt the nub of his 'shoulders', or joints rather - at least the ones within reach on his sternum. The hardness gave them a strong appearance, and Seth refrained from shifting them as the badger explored his body. Her digits ran down the length of one of his emerald fangs, moving toward the stub at the bottom where his venomous tooth would be.


She moved her hand away with his groan. "Oh, d-did I hurt you...?"

"Hm? Oh, not at all. Apologies, but I just felt the taste of coconut on your fingers, and..." He paused. "It's been too long since I've eaten someone."

Aloe made a mental note that Seth could taste with his pincers, even discerning the type of shampoo she'd used. She brought her paw back to the chelicera.

"It's okay. I want you to taste me."

No... She yearned for more than that. But she wanted him to make his move.

His pairs of eyes seemed to stare straight into hers, before he lowered his head to bring her neck between his pincers. The badger moaned, feeling his iridescent jaws gently clasping her skin. A normal prey would've been stung and paralyzed, but she writhed in arousal under that unique predator, feeling the chelicerae clicking against her collarbone.

"Close your eyes." Seth asked, still holding her between his fangs.

"Huh? Aren't you going to-"

"Yes. However, I don't want to cause you distress when my other arms begin moving around."

Aloe wanted to rebut him, but decided to trust his judgement. He had said this already, hadn't he...? She shut her eyelids. As his face got up from her neck, the badger felt his cephalothorax shifting over her paw to hover closer above her, before his fingers touched her shoulder. Then, another set of claws stroked her waist, on the opposite side. And another started fondling her breast - all at the same time! She gasped in surprise, before yet another of his arachnid claws nipped her inner thigh.

Four of Seth's eight hands were on her simultaneously, and it felt incredible. Like being played with by multiple men, only there was just the jumping spider in the bedroom. His fingers were unlike any creature's touch - they had some fur, but felt bony, with no fat tissue to cushion the pressure like her soft skin did. But they weren't any less skilled at caressing her tender parts. It really felt like...well, how she'd expect a big spider groping her to feel like. Aloe was getting wet, and Seth's paw on her waist traced over her midriff to arrive at the top of her labia.

As he drew his finger over the fluff covering her clitoris, the hand on her shoulder also moved down to grasp her other breast. Both of her tits were held by his spider claws, being fondled and jostled delicately, at the same time that he worked on her pussy and thigh. Aloe loved to imagine that she was being played with by her soon-to-be predator, letting him inspect and decide if she was a worthy prey... All the contact from the spider definitely enhanced this fantasy. Maybe she could even pretend that her silky bedsheets were a spider web, and that she'd gotten caught in it...

Still stroking her pleasure spot, his other lower paw on her thigh moved closer up, slowly intruding her vagina. She moaned when Seth fingered her, sinking part of his long appendage, probing the slick walls as he continued to play with her other erogenous zones. The badger couldn't help but open her eyes, looking down at him, watching how his eight limbs twisted all around her body in some way. He was using only three of them for balance - one next to her head, and the hind ones outside of the mattress -, while one of his central arms rubbed at the brush-like tip of his own pedipalp, sticking out between his face and his top arm. Seeing him almost completely enclose her against the bed was thrilling - it rang a few instinctive alarms, but the possessiveness of it all was pushing a lot of her buttons.

"Mm-!" She moaned as a second digit entered halfway in her tunnel. "I- I think I'd like the strap-on, a-actually..."

"Of course." His voice was soothing and professional, but there was a hint of arousal in it, too.

"Wait...! D-Don't stop touching me!"

His pincers clicked as he chuckled, displaying cunning satisfaction. "I wasn't planning to."

One of his 'feet' beside the bed lifted itself towards his backpack on the ground, managing to grab a strapped device within the pouch. Before Aloe even could see it, he'd wrapped the custom black harness around his thin 'waist' - his pedicel, which separated the two main parts of his body -, before closing the loop with a magnetic clip. All of that with only one of his walking 'paws' - and with no less proficiency than he managed to control any of his other claws still massaging his client.

The dildo sticking out at the front was a bright white, further emphasizing the regal jumper's dichromatic exoskeleton. Seth removed the claws out of the way into her vagina, only keeping a digit over her clit as he approached his abdomen to hers. The silicone spire began to push into the entrance, and she moaned. Humping forward like this was not part of a spider's natural instinct when it came to sex. Still, there was some amusement in it to him; pleasuring mammals felt much more straightforward and responsive than with female spiders. Even better, then, when they wanted to be swallowed by him right after - satisfied prey were always the best. Moments like these were the reason why he'd chosen his job.

The badger stared at his body atop her, especially at the pedipalp that he stroked with his claw, just a few inches above her face. "Hf... you k-keep...rubbing that thing...on your face...? Haa..." Aloe asked him between pants, in sync with the silicone toy partially slipping in and out of her.

"Oh, these?" The appendages outside of his jaws twitched. "They are my genital bulbs."

"...Like a pair of penises...?"

"No, it's quite more complicated. However-"

The badger wasted no time in bringing one of those bulbs towards her mouth, suckling the black capillary sponge. Seth was surprised by her attitude, but welcomed her sudden affection to his pedipalp. Maybe Aloe expected it to be as pleasurable as a blowjob, even if his bulbs weren't near as sensitive as mammalian genitals... Still, he was stimulated by her saliva and tongue, just like he would be when rubbing against the sperm-storing cavities in a spider's venter. But most of all, the regal jumper was turned on by her eagerness to please him. He continued to thrust the dildo strapped to his lower cephalothorax in and out, feeling the muffled moans coming from her mouth around his spongy bulb.

Seth could tell that she was wet from the droplets flying from his strap-on onto his skin with each hump. It was much easier to penetrate her now, with how slick and stretchy the tunnel was, and he decided to raise things up a notch by pushing part of his claws in and out along with the white silicone. Aloe threw her arms to the sides as her dulled screams got louder. He'd studied her HungryLuv history to better please her, and knew how she preferred dominating escorts. Living up the fantasy, the spider grasped each wrist with a set of claws, pinning her without ever removing his other hands from her breasts and vagina.

It didn't take long until squirts from her vagina accompanied her muted yells, vibrating his pedipalp in her snout, before her tongue pushed it out for air. Seth continued thrusting and stroking to draw it out for longer, slowing down as the badger panted. He was unable to orgasm - even with the pleasurable attention given to his sensitive bulb -, but there was an insatiable craving in him that the small mammalian could satisfy.

He brought down his pincers once more, savoring Aloe's fur on her neck, getting a taste of her sweat along with her flavorful shampoo. In the wild, his prey would've been paralyzed by his poison rather than their own sexual climax. This, however, was a Manner of hunt, which required a particular set of skills, and came with its own reward at the end - even if he was paid money to do it, and even if his client enjoyed it. Seth brought the clawed limbs that were on her breasts to the back of her ears, and spread his iridescent jaws to reveal the yellow flesh in front of her eyes.

And then, he sunk down his face around hers. Consuming solid meals wasn't natural for his species, but it was very satisfying, especially if they squirmed back. He tried to move as slowly as his hunger would allow, being careful to drag more of the moaning prey into his expanding throat. His chitinous body seemed rigid from outside, but it could still expand around prey of Aloe's size just fine. The articulated bits of his body - fangs and claws and joints -, moved like mechanical limbs, guiding more of the furry catch into his gut with the precision of clockwork.

Aloe was surprised that his throat was not made of chitin, but fleshy, although not as warm as she'd come to expect from her previous encounters with predators. And it was still easy to see from the inside, with a bit of light leaking through the translucent yellow gaps in his exoskeleton, letting the moaning badger see the dim walls of the narrow tube. Normally, it was hard to make out anything past the mouth; now, she could even look down at her shoulders getting shoved tightly after her head. Aloe was getting worked up again, aided by more of Seth's hands rubbing over her body as he kept swallowing her into that stuffy yellow flesh. She could almost make out the shadow of his body on the outside world from here...!

For Seth, the sensation was divine, too; and worth every second of listening to complaints from HungryLuv customers over the phone. Aloe was right, it had been too long. He couldn't help but stare at the gray fur disappearing between his emerald jaws, inch by inch, headed towards his moving stomach. With her thighs between his pincers, tasting her orgasm, the spider's cephalothorax was starting to bulge out quite a bit, the outline and silhouette of her head somewhat visible between the hard parts of the dilating sternum. One of his arachnid claws rubbed over the bulge between his limb joints, while another fisted her slick nethers to guide her into his mouth. He could hear her loud yells inside, before she ejaculated once again over his arm and slipped further into the spider.

As her mind started to clear after the second orgasm, the badger noticed that it wasn't that warm or humid inside of Seth. Even with decent visibility of her path, she couldn't tell where his throat ended. The walls were mostly stretching around her as she passed through the peristaltic muscles, and there was no indication of any sphincter nearby. She felt her feet slip past his mandibles.

"Is your your abdomen?" She panted, still recovering from her climax.

"Ahh..." He moaned in satisfaction, endorphins rushing in his brain from having consumed such a big prey that was still slipping down his throat. "My stomach...? You're already inside of it. Rather, my abdomen contains my intestines."

Already in it...? She was being forced to curl up in this part of his digestive tract after hitting a part of his guts that was too tight to slip through - most likely, his pedicel. His moving stomach wasn't a sealed chamber, but the narrow end still managed to keep her in place.

"It doesn't feel any different from your throat..."

He looked down at the bulging mass settling into a fetal position at the space between the joints of his eight arms. "I guess I differ from most predators in that way, as well. My stomach only serves to expel acids out of my mouth, or to drag things down into my intestines. Therefore, it's always active, as you must be experiencing first-hand at this very moment."

The walls kept pushing down before releasing her, though they were unable to bring her deeper into his bowels thanks to her size. It felt like being swallowed non-stop down a never-ending tunnel - a really incredible sensation. The badger couldn't help herself but rub her clitoris with a paw as the yellow flesh smothered her, over and over. How come she'd never tried a spider predator before...? She'd have to call for Seth with her next paycheck.

"I'm grateful that you're enjoying yourself..." The spider remarked, grateful that his prey overcame her initial estrangement to his appearance. He moved out of the bed, walking on most of his legs - now that he wasn't concerned about abiding to a socially-acceptable gait. He used all but one hand, which was instead stroking the warm bulge masturbating underneath his cephalothorax. "Though if my stomach is too active for your tastes, I could try dislodging you into my abdomen, where it is much calmer."

"Hah... Hah... Haaah-!" Aloe ignored him, simply continuing to pleasure herself and gasp as everything constantly shifted around her in the yellow organ.

Seth remained quiet, getting her message. Removing the strap-on still slick with Aloe's fluids, and putting it in a sealable plastic bag from his backpack, the regal jumper would let his client enjoy his Valentine's Day service for as long as she wanted.

As he moved back to the living room, he remembered what the badger had told him earlier. 'It must be hard, being a spider'. She was right, in many more ways than she could probably imagine. It wasn't possible to change his appearance, even if it would make so many things in life easier. But being able to constantly surprise a meal like Aloe, and then let her enjoy his body inside and out, was so fulfilling that, given the chance, he wouldn't want to change a thing.

Without much delay, she came once more, inside of his moving stomach. It was surprising how much pent-up lust the mammal had, and even more how uninhibited she was. The spider realized just how much Aloe had been looking forward to this, and he was happy to serve her. Yet, once her squirts died out once more, she started shifting under his sternum once more.

"Is everything fine in there?"

"Not fine, it's amazing! Never came so many - hng! - times in a row..." The grey badger was panting again in his sloshing organ. His prey was barely done with her last orgasm, but she was already getting worked up for a fourth, apparently! "Hf! Think you can...hahh...clench down harder on me...?"

Seth would've smiled, if he could. "Of course."