Loving Family: Dawn (X)

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#8 of Loving Family

Toby the Eevee

Dawn the Espeon

Chp 8

Toby was in and out sleep for most of that day and the following night. That morning, he was feeling a bit better, but it wasn't much. The current thing he was worried about though, was his sheets. They were messy and uncomfortable now, so he had to do laundry, no matter how crappy he felt. He rolled the bedding off the bed and into a ball, and continued rolling it out the hall and down the stairs. Once it hit the stairs, he lost control, and it rolled all the way down and exploded in a pile of cloth at the bottom.

He let out an annoyed string of curses as he trudged down after it and began to gather them back up. Once he reformed the ball shape, he continued pushing it to the laundry room. He ran into more issues once he got there. The washing machine was already in use. He let out a nearly pained sigh and climbed onto his ball of sheets. He sat on it, lightly rocking back and forth while waiting for the current load to finish. The timer said it would be five more minutes.

He looked back when he heard someone enter the room. Dawn stepped in. "Oh, good afternoon Toby." She said cheerily. "You waiting on me?"

"Yea. My bedding needs washed."

"Are you still sick? Washing your sheets will certainly help. What are your symptoms? I could help."

"Headache, aches all over, stuffy nose, sore throat, the usual cold stuff." He groaned.

"I'll get you taken care of, don't worry." She stepped past him to move her bedding to the dryer. "Stand up for a sec." She told him. Once he did, his sheets lifted up and floated into the washing machine, and she set it for him. "I'll come find you as soon as I'm done." She said, before disappearing out the door.

"Ok..." He said after the fact. He headed to the kitchen to get a snack while he waited. A short while later, he had a bag of chips and was sitting in the living room. Breeze was on the treadmill behind the coach, so she had dibs on the TV, but he didn't really care. A little longer and Dawn reappeared. A bottle filled with a dark purple liquid was floating next to her.

"Drink this." She insisted, floating it to his mouth.

He gave it a sniff and turned away. "Ugh, what is that?!"

"Drink it." She said more seriously. "It'll make you feel better."

"I don't need it. I've been taking cold medicine."

"You do though." She said, the bottle threatening to spill on his fur.

"Fine." He said grumpily. He took a drink of the thick liquid and grimaced. He took one more and had to pull back with a gag. "That is nasty!" He heard Breeze laughing quietly behind him.

"Drink it all." She continued to insist. The bottle slowly began to tip, getting close to spilling before he took hold of it. He closed his eyes and chugged it down as quick as possible. "There, what the hell was that junk?"

"Cold medicine."

"But I've been taking that!"

"The capsules. Those aren't as good. Trust me. I'll be back with more before bed."

He groaned but she was already out the door again.

"She's right you know." Breeze told him.

"I'd rather be sick than down more of that." He responded, getting comfortable again.


Later that night, after he had remade his bed, Dawn tracked him down.

"Time for your medicine!" She said enthusiastically as she burst into his room.

"I do feel better, but that stuff tastes like death." He turned his head away.

The cup floated over him again. "I've got something special planned for us, but you've gotta get better first."

"Fine!" He moaned loudly. He drank the thick liquid medicine down as quick as he could. When he finished, he opened his eyes again to find a thick green pill floating there. "That thing is huge!" He whined. "No way I can swallow that."

"It's a vitamin. It'll help you get better in a snap. I'm feeling a bit left out, so you know. Why pick me last?"

"It's not like that. It just kinda happened that way." He took the pill lightly between his teeth, built up some spit, and forced it down, nearly choking on the size.

"Then get better quick, for me. I've got a date night planned. Thought it probably won't be as elaborate as everybody else's."

"I could do with something simple. I'm already starting to feel better."

"That's good. See you in the morning." She stepped out of his room, her forked tail pulling the door shut.


Two days later, he was fully recovered. Like the previous day, Dawn showed up a few minutes after he woke up. She had a dark purple ribbon attached to her tail, just below the split. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"Huh, where are we going?" He asked. He hadn't even gotten out of bed yet.

"On our date, silly."

"I need to shower first. How do you know I feel better?"

"Psychic type." She said flatly. "I try not to pry, but I couldn't help myself. Come find me when you're ready." She hurried back out the door, leaving him to take care of his morning routine.

About 20 minutes later, after a quick shower and spending a bit of time puffing his fur, he was ready to go. He opened his door and almost stepped into the hall, but he stopped. He turned around, took of the translator collar off his mirror and put it on, before hurrying out. He headed down the stairs, spotting her waiting next to the door.

"Ready?" She asked upon seeing him.

"Yup. Have you been waiting here this entire time?" He said, already knowing the answer.

"Maybe... Anyway, I'll drive." She led the way out into the garage.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a secret." She teased. She guided him through the cars, to a lilac colored sports car, the same color as her fur. She climbed in, and motioned for him to follow. He hopped into the passenger seat and they were off.

With the advent of pokemon in society, technology had to catch up to allow them to live a similar life to humans. One of the quickest to adapt was cars. The models were not as varied as human versions, but it made up for it with body form variants. The typical quadruped version had two quick steps to get into it, and were a bit shorter. The controls were operated with the mouth and one forepaw holding the wheel, while the other used pedals next to it. It looked a bit silly, but it worked safely. Most pokemon were even better drivers than humans once they were able to properly use a car.

Just after leaving the garage, she put the top down. It was finally starting to cool down now, and the wind felt nice on their fur. The ride was mostly silent, as they were just enjoying each other's presence. He was mostly focused on the ride, as he hadn't been out of the house for a long time. Summer was on its way out and autumn was closing in, and the trees were starting to change colors.

A short drive later, they arrived a fancy restaurant downtown.

"So you really did want to go on a date. Isn't it kinda weird though, that we're out in public?"

"Shush. Nobody knows, and they don't need to. We just look like any other couple."

They went in, with her leading the way.

"Table for two." She told the waiter at the front. It was still early in the day, and the place wasn't very busy, so there were shown to their table immediately. Once they sat down, Toby noticed she was also wearing a translator. "So what do you want?"

"I haven't had a good steak for too long, so that I guess."

"Okay, get a big one and we can split it."

"It still feels a bit weird being together like this in public."

"Relax. No one knows. A few years ago, pokemon living like us was taboo. Do you regret how things have turned out?"

"No! How could I? Life is great, it's just kinda..." He trailed off when he saw the waiter approaching. He ordered enough food for both of them, then continued. "Awkward. What if people find out?"

"Screw them. We just do what we want and if people have a problem then they can just go away. What we do at home is no reason to hide there."

"Yea, talk like that is all well and good, but what about the real world? Whatever, let's just have a good time."

"That sounds more like it." She said, the cheer returning to her voice. She got out of her chair, walked to the other side, and took the other one next to him. They ate a few dinner rolls until the main meal came. They ate quickly, stealing food from each other's plates. Once they finished, she paid and they left.

"That was great. I think I need a nap now." He said with a yawn.

"We're not done yet. We've got a movie to see."

"Oh, let's go then. So what movie is it?"

"I didn't do too much planning ahead. We'll just see when we get there."

Shortly after, they arrived at the theater. "So, what do you want to see?" He asked as they went up to the building, eyeing the posters on the wall.

"I don't really care much. Whatever you want."

"Oh, how about that one." He said, pointing to a popular action movie. They got the tickets, got a small popcorn and a pair sodas, and took their seats in the darkened room. The theater wasn't very populated, leaving them plenty of room.

Movie theaters were not immune to the pokemon revolution, meaning that they now had seating for pokemon. The 'seat' was a cushion that could be raised or lowered based on the size of the pokemon. It had holders on the side for drink and popcorn. They settled in just in time, as the trailers were just starting.

They were fine, a few boring ones, and a couple interesting ones. Soon the movie started, with a loud and flashy fight scene. He was really getting into it, his heart speeding up. He nearly bit his tongue off when he felt something touch his balls. The way he was laying left them exposed behind him. When the touch did not leave, instead nestling around them, one furred tip wrapped around either side.

He looked over at the likely culprit, to see her looking intently at the screen. He could see her thin tail snaking over to him. "What are you doing?!" He whispered fiercely.

She looked over at him innocently, silently asking 'who, me?'.

"We're in public! Stop it!"

"It's not like you're hiding them..." but she did remove her hold. Her tail instead moved up and draped over his back. The twin tips went up and started to lightly rub his ears. He was much less embarrassed by this affectionate gesture.

Pokemon might always be naked, but they never had sex in public, and most humans, and other pokemon, just ignored any naughty bits. She did refrain from being frisky, for a while at least. Whenever something big would start, an explosion or a shootout, every time people's attention was drawn to the screen, her tail would dash down and tease him, either giving his balls a light squeeze or sneaking under him and poking at his sheath. Whenever he would look over to scold her, she would stop and act as if she hadn't done anything. Despite her playing, he did enjoy the movie, and eventually, her company.

After an hour and a half, the movie came to a close. They threw away the trash and left the theater. Just after they got in the car, Dawn turned to him.

"That was fun. So, how about we bring this date to a close~?" She said with a lustful gaze.

He looked up at the afternoon sky. "Uh, isn't it more romantic to do that at night?"

"Well, yea, but I don't really wanna wait that long." She put a paw on his side.

"I'm okay with that. But I'd rather go home first..."

"That's fine. Though if you really wanted, I'd blow you right here."

He cleared his throat, and she started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving home. On the way, he could hear a tapping noise over the engine. He looked over and saw her tail wagging wildly, slapping the leather seat. Once she pulled into the garage and turned off the car, she shot off, vanishing out of sight before he even got out.

He got out, following the trail of open doors back into the house, shutting them as he went. He had a fairly good hunch as to where she went. He followed said hunch, going upstairs and to his room. The door was cracked, and he usually shut it before leaving. He nudged it open and found Dawn. She was on his bed, with her rear raised towards him. Her front end was down and her tail was curved up and back down, the split tip forming a heart around her pussy. She was shaking in an attempt to draw him in.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Fuck me already!" She begged. Her tail broke the heart shape and began to run up and down her lips.

He couldn't resist any longer, rushing over, and hopping on the bed and onto her. He lightly humped her until he was erect enough to penetrate her. When he did, she let out a pleasured yelp, and started thrusting back into him wildly.

"Jeez..." He said when she calmed down.

"I've been waiting so long~ C'mon, make me feel good~" She wanted to use her flexible tail to play with him, but it was pinned to her back.

He nuzzled into her neck, wrapping his head around the side to rub his cheek against hers. He started thrusting, settling into a slow pace. She squirmed under him, trying to make him go faster, but he was in full control, and he was going to enjoy this.

His slow pace, while pleasurable, was agony to her. She was soaked, and had been raring to go all day. "Do me! I've been waiting for a rutting for too long now!"

"Alright..." He said, drawing his hips back until only the pointed tip of his canine member remained in her. He took a deep breath, breathing in the slightly sweet smell of her fur, before pounding in, giving her exactly what she wanted and needed. He bottomed out, his knot had not yet swollen, and his tip pressed against her cervix. She purred, the rumble flowing into his body. She pushed back into him, grinding and rubbing his member around inside of her.

"Oh, you'll be the perfect male for us. You're even bigger than your father~" Dawn said.

"You... had sex... with my dad too?" He asked through his panting.

"Well of course. Your dad had his own harem here, just like you. Until he moved out with your mom." She explained, as if he wasn't balls deep in her.

"What was he like? My mom always said he was a kind man..."

"He was. But we can talk about that later." She pushed back into him, renewing the fires of lust. "I haven't gotten laid properly for almost two years now. So how 'bout we get back to it~" Her twin tails, freed by his recent movements, snaked behind him and formed a cradle to heft his balls. "Those things are jam packed... why don't you empty them in me?" She teased.

The feeling made him thrust into her violently for a moment before slowing down. He let out a groan and nuzzled into her while he kept humping. His body was suddenly enveloped in a psychic aura, holding him still. He lifted up, and his cock slipped out. She wriggled around and flipped over before lowering him back down.

"Much better." She said as her tongue darted out to lick his cheek. "Now c'mon, don't hold back on my part." He tried to get back in, his tip poking all over her rear until he scored a hit and returned to her wonderful depths. His body still felt tingly from her powers, but he went all out nonetheless. He was nearing his limit and his knot was growing with it.

"Come on..." She whined under him. She nudged her head up and touched her nose to his. "Talk to me, let me know how you're feeling~"

"I... uh... I'm kinda busy." He said, accentuating every word with a pounding thrust. "It... feels good."

"Well, that's a start. We'll get you talking dirty yet. Now fuck my needy pussy, fill me with your cum. Do me like you wanna impregnate me!" She yelled as his knot slipped in.

He leaned down, his hot panting directly next to one of her furred ears. "I'll... hah..." He started. His member swelled and throbbed violently, and she could feel the pleasure overwhelming his mind. His climax arrived and a jet of hot sperm splashed into her womb. Once the flow slowed, he said, "Sorry... I tried to say something sexy..."

"It's the thought that counts." She reached up and pulled him down into her, cuddling as close as possible. "Now that you're stuck here, what do you wanna talk about?"

He took a few deep breaths first. "About my dad..."

"Oh yea, he was a great man. Honest, kind, insatiable~ He first met your mom and moved in with us after they started dating. He refused us once we all went into heat, and only your mom got pregnant. And then your mom didn't want you to grow up as a spoiled brat, so they moved out together. And then, before you were born... Promise me you won't leave us!" She suddenly yelled, tears forming in her eyes.

"I would never. You've all done so much for me." He kissed her on the forehead, right on the gem. "I would do anything for my mates."

"Then make us a family. I hear that having children is one of the greatest things in life, and I've always wanted some."

"It would be my pleasure." He told her with a smile.

"In a few months, we'll all go into heat. So we'll have to build up your stamina for then. So, how 'bout another round when your knot deflates~"