Magical Mishap [Story]

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Commissioned art drawn by Agent

Story written by me

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The young mage's head felt heavy as he was eight hours into his study session. The only thing keeping him awake was the remnants of caffeine from the coffee and the lantern on the edge of the desk. The spell trials were tomorrow and the apprentice. His spellcasting was decent but not as impressive as his elite peers. His internship with one of the wizards was fruitful but he had overheard other apprentices performing great feats with their masters even accompanying them on missions. Meanwhile, this one had trouble with anything outside of the basics. He was desperate.

His concentrating was fading. He spent hours flipping through pages of tomes that he had taken from his master's study. There were of course forbidden to use without supervision which is why he waited until the dead of night when the elder wizard was asleep. He struggled to find a spell he could cast without it becoming a dud, or even exploding in his face. He needed something, anything to supplement his studies. He needed something that can work, anything.

Suddenly his eyes glanced across a summoning spell. Perfect, he thought. Being able to summon a creature or a familiar would definitely give him praise. It would put over the top of his peers at the academy. But he could feel himself fading into welcoming arms of slumber as hit head touched the pages of the book before jolting back into place. He just needs to read it once, and something minor so it won't be obvious. A kobold would do.

The young man straightened his posture and started to read the spell but an unexpected yawn escaped from his mouth. When he finished, nothing happened at first until glimmers of purple wisps appeared around him. The entranced mage poked the lights as they became thicker and enveloped his body. It wasn't long before he was cocooned inside the purple lights. His body was enveloped in a purple glow as he curled up into a fetal position. His body felt numb but not uncomfortable as the magic absorbed into his form. The magic sucked the remnants of resistance he had and coerced him to sleep.

The apprentice awoken as his vision slowly came into focus. He felt refreshed, energized, and ready to take the exam. The mage tried to stretch but felt his legs and feet hit something cold and smooth. He felt around and realized the surface was everywhere around him. The apprentice head was filled with so many questions. Is he trapped somewhere? Why can he not see clearly? What is this gooey liquid he's in? Why does his skin feel super smooth? Why does his body feel weird? Is that a tail?!?!

As soon as he grabbed the appendage, the apprenticed yelped and hit the top of the cocoon making a crack. With sharp beams of light shooting into the cocoon, the young mage punched and headbutted the top until it tips over. The top cracked open spilling out the apprentice and all the contents inside. The young apprentice got up on his hands and knees while wiping away the gooey liquid where he was greeted with a reflective blue muzzle and a sleek reflective rubber body. The former young man was speechless as he examined his claws and talons under the translucent blue goo. The stunning reality hit him that he didn't summon the kobold but became one. To make matters worse, he hears the heavy footsteps of his mentor in the hallway. Stunned by fear, the apprentice shivers as punishment or ridicule awaits him with his teacher's arrival.