Jack - New Shoes

Story by bishopcorva on SoFurry

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I hope you enjoy this one as well. I tweaked it a bit and added some clarification from the original. But in the end it'll come down to what you see as the reader that I cannot. So if ou see something out of sorts, let me know. :)

Jack - New shoes

The morning had a false chill of winter still that felt especially good when said chill was carried on gentle breezes through open bedroom windows and caressed Jack on the cheek like a lover's touch. Though what brought a true grin to his face was hearing distantly a school bus laboring to accelerate again after picking up a fresh load of young minds to cart off to the hell that was middle-school. Listening to the fading roar of the bus give way to the whispering of a zephyr in the tree top, chirps of birds and a faint tick of the hall way clock, Jack was happy. Happy to laze in bed all day long, no plans for the future and no desire to seek any either unlike some of his friends who found part time jobs in their senior year and now worked those same jobs only full time. Jack was blessed to have been born into a privileged enough family that the words work, job and restraint were tantamount to fuck, shit, and damn. Those words we just never used, except to describe servants or workers.

Jack thought about the day before deciding that spending it in the nude, maybe watching porn until five, then get dressed and maybe take one of the cars to see a friend at work. He might even dabble in this whole service industry thing just to have something to talk about at the next event. Stretching then rolling over facing the window more, deciding that getting out of bed could wait till noon while sleep began to creep back into Jack's body. This was until the breeze direction changed. No longer was it coming from the window next to his bed, now it was coming from the other side, through the French-doors to his private deck. At first the smell wasn't much, a bit of fresh earth mixed with cut grass, then more smells were mixing in as sweat, animal, urine and other filth carried just as easily on the breeze right to Jack's nose.

Ignoring it at first, and then waving a hand to try and dissipate the smell. He sat up to cough while wrinkling his nose at the wretched stench blowing his way. Jack began cursing under his breath still trying not to breathe the smell of horse from next door. Sliding out of bed to stomp across the room, scowling as he walked across his deck to stand as nude as the animals he despised. Stupid horses he could see from his deck, stupid horses that were in a figurative sense next door, if next door could be counted as being three-hundred yards away. Jack sneered is disgust before snatching up his binoculars to look at the horses playing with that dumb ball again, the horses rolling it around, kicking and flopping on it. Jack was frowning since he thought that the ball had 'accidentally' gotten a few holes in it from 'accidentally' being slashed with a knife that rested in Jack's front left pocket of a pair of pants left draped across a chair.

"Dumb horses." Jack muttered to himself seeing only one this time rolling the ball about. Smirking in malicious glee since it was the especially stupid brown and white one; he thought he remembered the neighbor calling it a paint. "Stupid horse wants to play, I'll play." Jack whispered again to no one in particular while scanning the barn and house for signs of anyone home.

Seeing the neighbor's horse trailer and their sport-chassis were gone, most likely on a show trip. Lowering the binoculars while still looking towards the paint having fun, Jack said aloud to himself.

"Oh hello stupid horse, want a sugar cube? Yes? Say hello to mister stun gun."

Laughing he turned and walked back to his bedroom, slipping on his favorite pair of pants, a shirt and shoes. Jack began heading downstairs only to pause at the note taped to his door from mom. Spotting the money first like any good teenager, he counted then pocketed the five hundreds. Almost as an after thought he read the note while walking down the stairs and heading to the kitchen.

"Jackson dear, David and I have decided to go with the Brownsons to their next show. We are after all a sponsor of this horse show and we are thinking about acquiring a few of these magnificent animals of our own. The Brownsons were unable to get their regular boy that tends their horses because he is away on vacation so you will have to feed the horse Patches until their usual stable boy gets there, which will be in three days. All you need to do is feed him and make sure there is water available to drink. Love you, see you in three weeks. Oh the money is from the Brownsons, we said they didn't need to but they insisted, and who can say no to free money? You know how to access the accounts and you have your own card. Love you, Mom."

Jack laughed as he read the note again at just the luck of all things. So he'd not have to be sneaky about torturing that stupid horse, although he thought that maybe he would have to tell mom and dad that he would see about their house in Hawaii if they did get any of the horses. Wadding the note up, he tossed it in the trash. Grabbing himself a bottle of lemonade from the fridge and popping the cap off the bottle, he left the cap where it fell for the maid to clean up since that was her job. Jack walked to the garage, thinking about which car should he take, after all it was something like a tenth of a mile and they couldn't honesty expect him to walk that far in this oppressive heat, smirking as he tapped a garage thermometer that showed the temperature to be a still crisp sixty-four degrees.

Driving the navigator around to the Brownsons, Jack could hear a whinny from Patches. He pressed the automatic gate button and waited for the gate to open and grant him passage to the yard beyond. Driving further around towards the barn to park he saw Patches back up a few steps from his corral gate. Patches remembered Jack and the nasty surprise with the beer bottle a week ago. But still, Patches was willing to forget and forgive Jack. He felt that as a horse, he should not hold blame to Jack. Patches understood that humans just didn't know enough about horses so humans had to be forgiven for being mean. Jack on the other hand took another swig of his lemonade while pondering just how he could hurt Patches and not have it come back that he actually did anything. Maybe take away his ball and just leave it outside the fence so the horse would be bored all day and night. Then Jack figured he could spray Patches with water. Jack knew Patches hated being sprayed with cold water. The water wouldn't hurt him just be torture enough to make Patches dread seeing Jack by the time the Brownsons horse boy showed up.

Killing the ignition, Jack polished off his lemonade, grinning and watching Patches with the same look a predator gives its prey. Patches WHINNIED again and clopped a hoof on the ground while laying his ears back, not liking that look at all and asking in a very horse like way that Jack stop looking at him like that, that it was frightening. Patches didn't have his herd with him for comfort and couldn't understand why this person was so mean to him. Jack stepped from the navigator and the driver's door then walking over to the fence while patches turned and backed off several strides and repeated the horse language request for Jack to stop scaring him. Jack just ignored the request and said in a sneering voice "We're going to have lots of fun Patches, lots and lots of fun." Patches knew what the word fun in human tongue was, but coming from Jack, it didn't sound nice.

Jack spent allot of time herding Patches away from the horse-ball so it could be 'accidentally' lost over the fence into a locked corral. "Awww, too bad you lost your ball over the fence Patches." Jack said while laughing. Before Jack could scare Patches more, his cell-phone rang. Walking back to the gate, Jack answered.

"Hello?" Jack asked then heard a familiar voice of Franklen Brownson.

"Jack, good lad. I hate to ask this of you but while we're out of town would you be gentlemanly enough to take care of Patches for us? We would have brought him along but some of the girls are going into season and we want to see about getting some fresh blood if you know what I mean. Anyway, if you're near the house, it's about time to give patches his morning feed, just about two scoops from the blue feed barrel and one scoop from the white oat will do him until dark. Oh and help yourself to the home brew in the barn, the wife doesn't want me keeping it in the house. Oh, before I forget one of the girls made a mess on the floor of our breeding pen. No need for a mop, just a good wash down with a hose and a soap and scrub with the scrub brush will clean it right up. If you do that for me, you can have all the micro brews in my fridge." Franklen added in a more hushed voice. "I'm not sure if your mom and dad asked you for us last night. If you do this for us then I'll make sure you get reimbursed most handsomely."

"Sure thing mister Brownson, I'm already over saying good morning to Patches when you called, he seems a bit skittish but I think it's because he's not used to me yet. Anyway, I'll get on that right now and don't you worry about anything." Jack said turning to point at Patches then motioning like Jack was cutting a throat "Patches and I are going to have lots of fun."

"Good show, good show. Thank you again Jack." Franklen said before hanging up.

Jack tapped end then slid his phone back into the holder on his hip. Laughing as he walked to the barn, careful to avoid the piles of horse apples on the ground. Patches trembled and calmed slowly, not liking Jack at all, that the boy was troubled badly. Horse thoughts being volatile, were dropped when Patches heard an unmistakable sound of feed being scooped and dumped into a bucket, then a softer scoop of grain, some shaking sound. Patches walked expectantly to his hanging feed tray but found it empty, turning his ears to hear a subtle fapping sound mixed with huffs and low grunts. Curiosity gripped Patches as he stepped to the barn door and peered inside to see what was making the sound. He saw that Jack had stripped nude and was masturbating over his feed bucket. Patches could not believe, that for as big as humans were, their males were very less than adequate for the duty of giving life to female bellies. As if to show Jack what a real male is, Patches felt himself drop in expose nearly two feet of blotched pink and black equine stud pride. Patches sniffed towards Jack who was in his own world of self pleasuring. Jack leaned back to the wall, finally spurting another surprisingly, small, load into Patches's feed. Blinking and snorting, Patches nickered as if to ask what was Jack doing to his feed.

Jack just grinned squeezing out the last few drops of his greasy pearly cum, making sure to get it all into Patches's feed. "Giving you a bit of extra protein Patches, that was no matter what, you'll have always swallowed my cum you dumb ass horse."

Snickering with glee, Jack looked around for a rag to wipe him self off with, but found none readily available. Shrugging as Jack simply shrugged then grabbed the bucket and headed towards the door. Patches scrambled to get away, but was still very much exposed as far as what separates mares from stallions, even more to the chagrin of Jack who got an eyeful of half hard stallion pride dangling underneath Patches. Jack blinked in awe at the sight before feeling his cheek burning with embarrassment once he realized he was nude, in a horse corral with a stallion, looking at the stallion's dick. Quickly dumping the food for Patches in the feed tray glad no one was around to see. Going back into the barn to hang the bucket back up while patches munched happily on the food, not even tasting the additional flavoring that Jack added, which as Patches figured was not surprising since it was so small anyway.

Jack, though embarrassed couldn't help himself not to look around in the barn for a rag to clean him self up with. The few stalls and tack pieces hanging about, looking around a bit more before a thought struck him funny. He wondered briefly what it would feel like to try on one of the pieces of tack just for laughs. He grabbed a random halter from a hook board and worked it around his head. He pretended to be a horse, making bad impressions of whinnies and snorts, while tapping his barefoot to the floor like he was pawing the ground. Looking around again before entering a stall, closing the door to shake his head at the fifteen by fifteen stall, surprised at how clean it was and how un-horse like it smelled. He spent enough time playing around that he forgot entirely about the door of the barn was open to the corral and of Patches in the corral and how easily Patches could enter the door.

Patches however didn't forget, wandering back to the door then moving inside. He stopped to sniff Jack's pants and shirt before snorting a sneeze over the clothes. Stepping past to follow the muffled odd whinnies coming from the stall of one of his mares, not sure of what was inside the stall. Hooves thumping near silently on the ground up rubber bits which enabled Patches draw closer to the stall silently. Patches looked inside only to surprise Jack as he was stepping back out. Patches was startled by the sudden appearance and reared up a bit which made Jack jumped with surprised fright and half stumbled, half ran further into the barn. He ran in a direct heading towards the grooming and breeding area. Patches wanting to apologize set after Jack which made the human run faster in a panic thinking that Patches was going to stomp him flat.

Jack quickly climbed over the low fence to the breeding and semen collection area. Though slipping a bit on the still wet floor from that morning's 'incident' Franklin had warned him about. Jack ended up sliding on his butt and back right where Belle had her state of estrus checked. In his panic Jack hardly noticed that he was now reeking of mare in heat urine. He also failed to notice the gel like froth from an aroused mare most all of which he ended up splashing down into when he slipped again on the floor. Normally the Brownson's would have cleaned that up, but in their haste to pack up and go before sunrise, simply forgot until well after they were gone. Although Patches slowing to a trotting walk, he sniffed the air and caught wind one of his mares and desperate need of service. Jack shimmied across the floor to the far wall, hiding behind a block fence out of sight of a mad stallion.

Breathing slow and holding his nose at the reeking stench of horse urine and other filth drying on his skin jack stayed put, hidden from sight. He heard Patches snorting and clopping the ground with his hooves, trying to find him. Although when the scent hit him Patches had forgotten entirely about Jack. Jack sat long enough for the urine to soak into his skin and Patches long since wander away. Jack sat alone, nude and still reeking of mare in heat. Stretching as he stood back up, muscles aching and feeling so very unclean. Jack looked around, spotting a large shower head over a rubberized floor grate.

"Shower oh god yes a shower. Now I know they have shampoo somewhere." Jack said while opening a few cabinets.

Finding various sample flasks, a few prepackaged horse sized condoms, cleaning cloths, each in their own airtight bags. He found what appeared to be perfume in a dark brown bottle that he checked and accidentally spilled a bit on himself thanks to fumble fingered handling. The last thing Jack found was a large bottle of Mane and Tail, smirking at the sight of a pair of horses printed on the bottle. Then looking in a mirror to see that he still was wearing the horse bridle, grinning a moment before laughing louder.

"No wonder he wanted to stomp your ass Jack, got the stud action going." Jack grinned more and flexed his arms, sloshing the perfume bottle enough to cause a third of the contents to spill down his back. Sniffing the bottle and not really smelling anything at all, a label proved to be futile since all it read was 'enhancer - not for consumption, external use only'. "Guess it's suppose to make hair soft or some shit," spilling some into his hand to rub over his groin only to feel a tingle of horny arousal really start rolling through himself.

Jack spent a bit more time rubbing in the enhancer formula to his groin and as the feeling of horny desire grew stronger with each application. He nearly forgot himself in pleasure before he had to stop and look for a cart to hold the washing items. Failing to find a cart to put all the wash stuff on so he wouldn't have to bend over to get the shampoo or wash cloths. But Jack did find a fridge and remembering what mister Brownson said about the home brew, Jack grabbed a bottle from inside, popping the flip top stopper to guzzle several quick gulps of the beer. Smacking his lips before taking another quick gulp of the sweet brew, checking the label was a picture of Patches and nothing else. Shrugging as Jack finished drinking the beer down, then grabbing another, feeling a tingling buzz already starting. Swigging the second bottle nearly as fast as the first Jack began to feel his pleasure buzz increasing and he started to feel hot. Sweating as he staggered back to the shower to stand, looking for the controls which were affixed to a post a few feet away. Turning the hot open full and cheering loudly at the amount of water that began to cascade down.

Underneath the showering water, even though it was all hot, the temperature was just a bit over one-hundred and six degrees; no where close to Jack's usual hundred and forty degree hot showers. Jack washed, rubbing hard with the cloth to scrub off the dried urine, using a healthy dollop of the shampoo as well for his hair and groin, then down the crack of his rear. Not caring if he pissed on the floor, partly drunk on the home brew beer Jack failed to pay attention to patches.

Patches finding that he couldn't get past he fence decided to go around, and look for another way to get at his mare. Since her scent was even stronger now, calling the stallion to a mare in desperate need of his special service. Washing the suds off his body Jack felt fantastic, and would look as much, especially to any furry with a lust for equines. Covered head to hoof in sleek glossy wet brown white and black hairs, the blotches patterned in such a way that right over Jack's rear, was a large white patch that curved down along the hips to look like grip marks for a stallion. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo again since it felt so good the first time. Jack again washed longer hair, scrubbing down an increasing equine body while the urine and enhancer worked fully against genetics, transforming a human into a horse. Patches circled the stranger horse person who was obviously enjoying a wash. The suds flowed down a sleek and powerful body again, while Jack's mind fogged by the special ingredients that were stored in the beer bottles. Human thoughts became enveloped by unfamiliar but strangely familiar thoughts at the same time.

Rubbing his groin to feel a weighty sack but nothing else, Jack grinned with pleasure at the rubbing over his lower belly. He never noticed as his masculinity withdrew fully and left behind a mare's udder. Behind underneath a wet flowing tail, a dark skinned vulva parted and flexed in a distinctive 'wink' of a mare filly in need. Jack found him self stooping further to feel around for a towel while stepping towards the taps to shut the water off. Water streaming down a nearly completed equine body as jack stepped away from the water cascade. Flipping the shut off handle then grunting as that moment his hands and feet decided to cramp. He whuffed again deeper as he tried to stand up and felt some how allot taller than before, stepping awkwardly since he felt very forward heavy. Jack staggered then fell forward again. The Double clop of hooves caused Jack to freeze, spinning like a natural to face Patches, who was looming ever closer, head and ears up, nostrils flared and snorting short huffing grunts of his own.

Reeling in fright Jack let out a scream that was a perfect match for a horse's cry of surprise. Back peddling Jack realized quickly that first of all, he couldn't stand up on two legs because he no longer had two legs, he had four legs now. He couldn't talk normal; only make hurring nickers, whickers, grunts, huffs, neighs, squeals and whinnies. Third he was still hot and felt itchy, along his rear. Fourth, patches was making low grunts and whickers back, ones that seemed to make sense if Jack could believe it. Shaking his head and closing his eyes, counting to three then opening his eyes again was Patches close enough to nearly touch noses, inhaling sharply Jack felt a rush of calmness. Puffing back out a bit more relaxed which allowed Patches rub his large equine head against Jack's.

Patches was Still rumbling low nickers, which Jack began understanding as 'I no hurt mare, like mare. Be with mare. Protect mare from evil human. Human gone now, no fear in mare, stallion here now pretty mare. Pretty mare like stallion? Stallion like pretty mare, like pretty mare lots, want pretty in my herd.'

Jack blinked and huffed gently as the clouded sensation filtered back into his mind 'Mare... why are you calling me a mare? I'm Jack not a dumb horse. Fucking hell, I'm hot, need out.' Huffing as Jack moved forward, brushing along Patches who turned and followed closely, Jack went right to the gate and thought about lifting the handle with a hand but couldn't quite managing to lift a fore hoof to slide the gate latch. Laying his ears back and kicking gently at Patches who wouldn't stop sniffing at his butt for some reason.

'Patches not now,' Jack huffed, finally using his mouth to work the gate, stepping through with Patches following quickly.

'How know stallion human name? I be stallion of land near hollow mountain.' Patches snorted following Jack closely, gently nudging here and there to herd Jack along.

Jack in the mean time simply accepted the touch while a slower bestial mind worked hard on figuring a way out of this situation 'Hollow mountain? You mean the barn right?' Jack nickered back to Patches while heading back out the barn.

'Is barn hollow mountain?' Patches whickered back as he herded the fresh mare.

'Yea now would you stop that, I need to get out of this crap so buzz the hell off,' Jack snorted firmly.

Exiting the barn into the run where patches had been left nearly two hours earlier did jack feel better to be outside, drying in the sun and where he could get a better view of himself. To which patches was eager to help.

'You is pretty mare. Smell healthy and ready, make strong foal.' Patches kept insisting while Jack just knew otherwise.

'Not mare, I am Jack, I'll show you. What do you see when you look at me?'

'Healthy pretty mare I bring into my herd," Patches answered while nudging Jack on his flank.

'Wrong dummy, I am not a stupid mare, see?' he insisted back with a stamp of a hoof, before turning his head to look. Jack was again silenced when he saw no sign of a sheath or weighty balls, like Patches sported.

Patches stood tail arched up, ears erect and stiffly exposed, for Jack to look at again. Feeling a shiver all over Jack turned and felt the urge to run, and run hard. Jack wasted little time accelerating into a full gallop away. Patches watched for a few huffing breaths then follow with glee at his mare initiating the courting procedure. Jack made laps of the smaller field followed by Patches who sometimes forced jack to change directions. Eventually though Jack could run no longer and slowed to a trot, huffing as her body was lathered in sweat, just like Patches was, though Patches kept nudging Jack towards a corner near the barn. 'Mare ready now, stallion has accepted mare, will make mare member of his herd. Give mare many foals.' Jack only huffed as a fence on one side limited options for escape, though an odd truck surprised Jack, it was the that guy, the one that the Brownson's usually got to watch the horses. Maybe he'd help.

Pushing past Patches to WHIINNY at the man who simply smiled and rubbed Jack on the nose and forehead before offering an apple half for Jack to eat.

"Looks like mister Fred intends on breeding you two together," was all the man said.

Jack was shocked at the man and even more so when patches reared up and landed on his back. Patches's forelegs falling down to follow the trail of white along Jack's waist, like landing lights for an airplane. Grunting deeply Patches lurched and shoved, soon finding Jack's wet and slick vulva, intent on breeding his new mare into his herd, Patches lunged firmly. Jack GRUNTED beneath Patches as the thick mottled stallion shaft quickly was worked further into Jack's body, confirming the fears of being a mare in heat trapped with a stallion that has a nearly ninety-eight percent success rate of breeding mares the first time.

Jack could do little to fight the pressure or the rush of pleasure radiating out from the thick shaft buried inside her body. Trembling as she licked her lips and nose feeling her body tensing as Patches began to make shorter bucks. Deep within Jack's belly, Patches began to flare while pressed snuggly against Jack's cervical barrier. Patches's stub urethral process extended to breach her cervical tension while he bit Jack's neck and mane to hold his mare in place. Thick hot bolts of fertile stallion seed rushed forth to begin pumping into Jack's womb, each pulse of heat a stunning blow to Jack's human male ego, that not only was he turned into a dumb horse, but turned into a even stupider mare and now... He's being fucked by the same horse he came to torture that morning. While Patches grunted and slowed the seeding of his mare, was Jack in for one last surprise. A Final thicker pulse was pumped into Jack, smearing over his cervix and tunnel, much thicker than anything previous. Jack grunted as she laid her ears back while Patches pumped his thicker gel-plug into his mare, assuring that only his seed will make a foal in the belly of his newest mare.

Patches slid off Jack's back with a grunt of pleasure, the flaccid stallion shaft dripping combine juices of mare and stallion while Jack felt the thick gel sliding within her. She could almost feel the sperm swimming in her belly. Lowering her head did she huff to the water bucket while Patches stood proud of dominating and breeding a mare as is his right as stallion of the land near he hollow mountain. For the rest of the afternoon Jack found the will to resist being herded by Patches non-existent, submitting to Patches for the next three mounting and breeding cycles until dinner. Only then Jack noticed that his navigator was gone, it couldn't have been stolen its alarm would have sounded. For the next two days Jack's will to escape was likewise crushed by the dominance of Patches. Jack felt more at ease with being on four hooves and playing chase with patches. Although she felt their talks were mind numbing and her boredom was broken only by figuring out how to open gates with only her tongue and lips.

Time passed quickly and three weeks later a whistle of a turbo diesel and a rumble of heavy tires of gravel signaled the return of the Brownsons and jack's mom and dad. Perking her ears forward and running back and forth along the fence Jack tried to get their attention. Other horses were unloaded from a trailer, Patches greeted all the mares, his and newly aquired ones that were led and placed into a paddock near by. WHINNYING a challenge to another stallion that was led out of the trailer but secured in a separate corral. Jack spent time watching her mom and dad talking with the Brownsons, before finally mom walked over with a small bag of carrots, rubbing Jack's nose, her mom whisper in a soft voice.

"You're such a beautiful girl, and if Patches did his job right, you're a beautiful pregnant girl... But don't worry, we won't take you away from Patches, at least not until your barn in built, might be a year before that happens though, and by then. You'll have a beautiful foal and either patches or Ferdinand will have put another one in your belly. You're father and I are so proud of you, finally getting out of the house and earning your living." Rubbing Jack more along her forehead "Don't worry, it's not forever, just until you manage to bear enough foals to pay us back for all the expense you caused us."

"That might be oh, ten, twelve foals, wouldn't you say Franklin?" Jack's dad said to mister Brownson.

"At least twelve." agreed Franklen Brownson. "After all, she'll be eating allot of oats and grain and those are expensive."

Jack was mortified while her parents and the Brownsons laughed and went inside to celebrate the beginnings of a partnership in an exclusive ranch to cater to exotic dreams and desires. Shivering as patches was already getting to know one of the new mares and ensuring that another Mare would be heavy with foal. Though the eyes of Ferdinand told more than what was appeared Ferdinand's eyes told that a man became his dream and accepted that in the morning he would be claiming mares and several would be bearing him foals as well in nearly a year's time.

For the next year Jack's mind dulled slowly in the monotony of the day, listening to hammering, from his home, feeling extra weight shifting side to side as a foal grew inside his belly. Seeing all the other mares in likewise condition only made Jack's human mind that much more depressed, while the horse side of him compensated easily. Not sure if they had been human or normal horses. Franklen told Jack at his three month mark of pregnancy that horses stay pregnant for about eleven months, and are ready to be bred again within a month of bearing a foal. Now jack realized it was coming down to her eleventh month, the barn was nearly ready and Jack was feeling sure that the foal was due. Moving around in the birthing stall while her mom and dad talked outside with Franklen abut the expense of the barn, saying at least three more foals to cover costs made Jack weep inside. Fourteen more years of being a brood mare, were only the prelude to the first shock of contraction pain. While near by a whinny sounded as Ferdinand pranced around in his new paddock.