The last drop - Life goes on

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Part 1- Loose ends and unkept promises

It had been a few weeks, a few weeks since they settled on their new lifestyle as filthy whores without honor.

The turtles, now no longer shinobi but common whores, and the only one that seemed to mind, though it was kept well hidden, was donatello, the tech savvy turtle who had refused to willingly engage in all the depravity and madness that had befallen his family; The turtle who had resorted to putting up a facade of a broken man to keep himself sane.

At the least, that is how he saw things; One last sane bastion, victim to mad family, seeking a way out.

Meanwhile, Ralph playfully slapped the ass of his last client for the day and wondered why Donnie looked so serious, getting a slap back and some surprise advice, as this stranger leatherhead (as in not the one from his reality) spoke up; The big gator wearing nothing but a belt, scales still glistening with Ralph's rubbed in jizz.

"Your donnie does not seem to have taken this change in life quite well, did he?"

"Y-yeah, I tried to get him into the scat stuff before everything went crazy, don't really remember the details with how everything's been, but I do remember donnie did not take it well and it just went downhill from there."

"Oh, and what do you remember of the event that started it all?" leatherhead said, groping the turtle, pulling him into a cuddle as both continued to watch an unaware donnie in his gloomy corner.

"Dude, you ran your time already... but I welcome the cuddles; But yeah... What I remember is that I went to him, begged him to shit on my cuz I was just figuring out my scat kink, then everything after that goes hazy, don't even remember if he did it or not" The turtle lets out a long sigh, eyeing as a filth covered Mikey escorts a former enemy, Commander Mozar, to the door, followed by some of his troops.

"Next thing I knew, our family had opened this mutants/aliens only brothel and I was getting shat on daily... still pissed you did not do that btw"

Leatherhead chuckles "Apologies, donnie there was too good of a toilet to pass up on and by the time I came to you for something more involved my bowels were well empty" He makes as if he would talk more, but cuts himself short to let Ralph finish whatever he had to say.

"I mean, for more that I enjoy all this, it feels like I never got to enjoy my moment with Donnie, and now he is all broken which is an issue itself."

Leatherhead chuckles, watching as Leo gives a messy kiss goodbye to his favorite client and obvious lover, the rabbit Usagi Yojimbo; Ignoring the look Ralph gave him at the chuckle and waiting for the turtle to open his mouth to start talking.

"Donnie isn't broken... If he's anything like my donnie, or others I met while reality hopping, he isn't broken, but I'm pretty sure your father could tell you that."

As if on queue, Splinter steps up from the shadows behind them, wearing nothing but wraps on his feet and hand, cock hanging encrusted with shit, dangling between the two from his position.

"Yes, I've long since noticed, but I decided to let him act on his own time... though it is taking a long while." he squeezes leatherhead's shoulder "And refer to me as you do your splinter, if I recall correctly, he told me his sons, and their lovers, call him daddy"

The rat grins; It had been a relative short time since he got contacted by the interdimensional versions of himself, he had since slept with countless alternate splinters, but had yet to enjoy alternate versions of his sons due to some foolish internal politics; Apparently his filthy lil brothel was good enough to become a central destination of the nexus, but not good enough that he was allowed to entertain 'VIP guests' as the dragon-creature in charge put it.

But that sort of thing was not worthy of his attention at the moment, he'd dwell on it another time, for now he had to focus on his wayward son.

With a shake of his head he refocuses his thoughts.

"Mr. Leatherhead, It is about time you head on home, as its closing time and my sons are biding their clients for the day farewell" he smiles, putting one of his smelly hands on Ralph's face to shut him up before the turtle could even speak to ask for more time in the gator's stead "And I do believe we are about to have a... family event" the rat winks, nodding to one of the many cameras that had been set to film everything nearly 24/7.

Ralph looked confused but leatherhead laughed "Do get me a copy 'daddy' splinter"

With that the gator nodded to Ralph as if to say goodbye and got up, walking over to the exit, where Usagi and Leo finally stopped sucking face and had started to say proper goodbyes, joining the lined up triceratons at the gate (not so they could leave but so Mikey could give each and every single one of them goodbye kisses right to their spent assholes).

As he left, splinter glanced over to Donnie, still stuck inside his own head, ignoring the world around him, laying on his shell with a dentist's gag keeping his shit stained mouth open, a vibrating ring gag around his rather long member, some half assed leather bonds keeping him balanced in place under the big "TOILET" sign painted on the wall above him.

The rat let out a disappointed sigh and tapped an unsure Ralph on the shoulder.

"I am trusting you, my son, to push through his lies and denial"

The rodent sounded like his old serious self as he spoke, though that was dropped soon after.

"Just wait until the clients are all properly gone, and your brothers can see it... now if you'll excuse me, I need to have words with Commander Mozar before he leaves." The rat licks his lips as he heads to the portal room, hoping to catch the triceraton leader in time to maybe have some one-on-one fun with him.

Ralph is left alone, staring at his brother from across the room, mind slowly going back to all the times he lusted and daydreamed about his siblings butts in the past, how much he wanted to get nasty with them, how crazy things got.

Ignoring the noises coming from the portal room, he walked over to Donnie and started to undo his straps and remove his gag.

"Come on bro, I'mma give you a bath, first one in a while" He said outwardly, while mentally completing 'Then we're gonna have to talk about you faking being broken all this time, among other things'

On his end Donnie has to fight to keep himself from doing a double take... A bath, maybe some normalcy would be coming back to his life? Still, to avoid being the center of attention, he continued to pretend to be a hollow shell of his former self, going along wordlessly with his brother's guidance, even stumbling around a bit for extra effect.

Ralph smiled and spanked Donnie a bit as he directed his sibling towards their (surprisingly clean) bathroom, which had since been upgraded, courtesy of their guests, to include a big bath and multiple showers, but no toilets of any kind; There had been toilets up until the whole dimensional portal thing started, then they had been removed by suggestion of their 'gracious host' over on the nexus side, to, in his words, 'Take away the options of shy visitors, encourage them to engage in the glorious filth''.

Even with his current lifestyle, Ralph did not quite like that, the dragon made his skin crawl, and he did miss having toilets around if only for the possibilities they brought...

He'd realize he was getting lost in his thoughts when he almost slipped in the slick wet ground of the bathroom, quite an embarrassing mistake for a ninja, or former ninja, to make; More embarrassing was that Donnie was the one to prevent his fall with some subtle motions that the Ralph almost missed, and would have missed were it not for Leatherhead and his father's words making him aware of Donatello's lies.

"Oops, guess been skimping on the ninja training to focus on the whore training" The most muscular of the turtle siblings said in a sheepish tone, teasing Donnie as he slapped his sibbling's ass again and went into the big bath with him, both settling down for a soak in the warm water kept running during the end of their 'shift'.

Ralph eyed his sibling's body and attitude, once again noting how he would normally have missed the subtle cues that his nerdy sibling was not completely broken; Deep inside a part of him hated that, wanted to pick up the proper ninja training back, but the lustful and depraved persona he had taken on all but drowned it out in thoughts of how their bodies had changed in their time doing sex work.

Donnie looked a bit thin and lanky, just a bit more than he used to be, his body being the darker shade of green of all the siblings, which frustrated Mikey to no end due to "wasted tan-line potential", well that and the fact Donnie had the longest dick of the siblings, even if it was a bit on the thin side and still smaller than their rat father.

Mikey himself had become quite the stereotypical femboy, being the shorter one of the siblings (in stature and dick), with the brighter shade of green and more androgynous features which were often accentuated by his crossdressing and the skimpy costumes he loved to put on.

Costumes which annoyed the hell out of Leo, who had gone back to being his serious self, only about sex-work and lewdness instead of ninja stuff; He tried to act like a 'mother bitch' or something and try to command Mikey and Ralph, even insisting they remain naked but for the 'ceremonial body paint' until a client requested otherwise, said body paint being a throwaway kink Master Splinter decided to experiment with and Leo took far too seriously.

... Leon annoyed Ralph so much that he even struggled to think of his brother's body over his annoying attitude, the blue color-coded turtle having an average twink body and painfully average cock did not help.

And then there was Ralph; The buff red-coded turtle lifting one of his muscular arms off the warm water to flex, looking down at his muscular body and cracked shell with an almost narcissistic amount of self love; he had taken to working out extra hard and handling the more violent and forceful clients, and he was proud of himself, a pride further inflated by the rather thick dick between his legs, as long as Leo's but twice as thick.

With a grin Ralph eyed the limp, sluggish nerd sharing a bath with him; There was one other change to their bodies since this all started, a gift from alternate selves from a futuristic time in the form of color coded pendants, one for each though Donnie had not been given his due to his continuous broken spirit act.

"Heh, pity you're so broken Don, bet the old you would've loved to figure out how these babies work." Raphael says, reaching up to his pendant and flicking it; Within moments his shell disappears in a burst of light, letting the big turtle flex his muscular body in the bath, lacking its usual back weight and the restrictions it bought.

Donatello could not hide his interest completely, his head turning a bit and eyes focusing, mouth opening slightly to silently mutter to himself, once more a subtle sign but a sign anyway.

Ralph, honestly, had enough of those subtle signs, moving across the bath in one single motion he pulled Don into a kiss and started stroking his brother's dick under the water, his other arm used to hug his sibling close.

Without breaking from the passionate kiss the muscular turtle gave his sibling's dick some hard and firm strokes, squeezing around the head and base with practiced finesse; when it came to the kiss he did not hold back either, tongue-wrestling his brother with such vigor that it made Don respond in kind.

It was at that moment that Raphael broke the kiss with a sucking wet noise that echoed through the bathroom, saliva dripping from both of their mouths, forming a few bridges between the two as the buff male moved to straddle his lanky brother, his hand stopping with the stroking but holding firmly to the base of Don's half hard shaft, guiding it up his asshole; his hole still loose from the day of use, which also had it be relatively clean of packed shit, though some remained for the nerd's dick to push against as it went in.

Donnatello shivered at the feeling, it had been so long since he actually got to fuck someone, not just being used and abused as a toilet, the lanky turtle legitimately forgot if he was a virgin in that regard or not; A moan escaped his mouth and he shut his eyes, hands involuntarily moving to grab his siblings hips

"Got you!" Ralph said with a shit eating grin, giving Don a light slap as he quickly tried to act broken and limp again.

"Stop playing around, I know you're just acting, Master Splinter knows too, and that hunky leatherhead from another reality" He continued, grabbing Donnie's limp arm and guiding it to explore his shellless back; Donatello still trying to pretend even as his muscular siblings words (and sexy ass body) got to him.

With a powerful movement of his hips Raphael slammed Donatello's dick deep inside him, making his fragile sibling's hips hurt a bit, and maybe it was that pain mixed with the 'jock' turtle's next words that snapped him out of his act.

"Apparently he is in an open relationship with his Don... who was the one to make these necklaces."

"He did WHAT!" The nerd calls out before getting a muscular hand over his mouth, so it would not ruin the surprise for his siblings, Ralph doing so even as he started to move his hips faster.

He had partially lied, 'a' Donatello did come up with the shell removing necklaces, but he had no idea if it was the one the gator talked wonders about.

The wet splash of Raphael moving up and down echoed in the bathroom as he let go of his brother's mouth.

"A-another me came up with that?" he'd mumble out, now openly engaging in it, his cock already leaking a bit of pre, even if his own hips were aching from the bigger turtle's movements.

"Why didn't I get one? And why haven't other us come visit!" he asks indignantly before letting out a pathetic moan as he reaches the edge of an orgasm, only for his jock brother to slow his dick riding.

"You do have one, we just didn't give it to you because you were too busy pretending to be a limp, broken sex doll!" to emphasize his point (or just to fuck with his brother) he slams his hips down hard one last time, making Donnie whine loudly as he shoots his load inside his brother.

"Why were you doing that sort of stuff anyway? We live in the sewer and you were the computer freak of the family, you'd totally seen weirder shit on the internet." the buff turtle says, relaxing his body against the other, nearly crushing him with his huge body.

"I-I uh-urgh" The nerdy turtle started, trying to push his sibling off, said sibling getting the message and pulling back on his weight a bit.

"I... I don't know... I did see a lot of weird stuff, but I never expected it to happen to me and my family, Like I role played with guys online, but the thought of all that stuff for real disgusted me, and... well, you asked me to shit on you, then things~" Ralph cuts him off

"Spiraled out of control, yeah, I thought the same thing earlier, but still, to act like a catatonic toilet for... I honestly lost count but it most definitely been over a few months, maybe a year"

"Well, the toilet part wasn't by choice, and I just, I dunno, sort of convinced myself this was all a dream or a nightmare or an illusion, and that by just retreating into my own mind things would get back to normal... I'm still not convinced this isn't all a crazy dream..." He trails off for a moment.

"Though with how bad my hips and that slap hurt, along with other pains I've experienced... its hard to deny, though it's still hard to accept, I think... I'm still not into all that shitting and eating shit and filth and~" Ralph puts a finger to Don's mouth.

"Maybe that's because you been on the receiving end all this time" The buff turtle grins and slowly stands up from riding his nerdy brother's cock, eliciting more whining moans from him.

"Come on, let's have it so youre on top of the nastiness for once" Ralph steps back and offers a hand to a hesitant Donatello.

"B-but I dont know if I~" Ralph cuts him off again.

"Do this and I am giving you my pendant so you can experiment all you like with it, without having to risk your own, which I am sure you'll be given when everyone sees you full of life and actually joining in the new family past time." Hand still extended, Ralph uses his other arm to flick his pendant, returning his shell in another burst of light, before removing it and holding it over Donatello.

The nerdy turtle was silent, still hesitant as he looked up at his brother, at the pendant, as his mind went to the incredible interdimensional tech just a few rooms over that he never got to check over; His stomach churned and he felt dizzy at the thought of willingly engaging in all the madness he'd been forced to participate in all this time, at accepting that this was really his family, and none of this was a dream or a trick, but...

His hand clasped his brother's and they were off.

-- Meanwhile --

As those two brothers had a heart to heart, the remaining two and their father bid farewell to their last guests for the day; Standing in a big room with three circular gateways made of alien tech and plenty of seating, tables and distractions for those who might have to wait in queue, the room itself defying physics with its side and positioning, some more of the alien tech adorning its entrance to the rest of the lair.

Leo and Usagi still were too entranced in their romantic-yet-lewd talk, Usagi going on about how much he loved the smell and feel of 'everything' to come off Leo, how none of his homeworld geishas could match it, throwing his samurai pride in the trash with great pleasure, same as Leo did his ninja pride.

Mikey was still licking triceraton ass, as they got carried away with that, especially as leatherhead joined in.

And Splinter was sitting in one of the far chairs, casually stroking Mozzars dick as the triceraton stroked his, discussing clandestine plans to expand the 'sewer brothel's' services and selection in exchange for some personal work from Splinter.

Once they had agreed to their terms, and Mozzar had reached yet another orgasm which the rat took great pleasure in licking clean, Splinter moved before the big portals, clearing his throat to get their collective attention.

"I apologize in interrupting your fun, but I have a rather private matter to discuss with my sons"

Leo and Mikey give him curious looks

"But, before you go, we'd like to request that any of you who still hold something in your bowels empty yourselves, as a parting gift, and so our reputation is not tarnished with a client leaving still full" Splinter grins as he finishes his short speech, just nodding to his sons who rush to his side and kneel, extending cupped hands, heads lowered, Splinter joining them.

Leatherhead smiled and was the first to speak up, albeit to say goodbye

"Sorry boys, dumped all that I had into Don, and when I get back home my Don is gonna dump all that he has in me, so looking forward to it '' With a wave he stepped into one of the circular openings and disappeared in a flash.

Usagi, predictably, rushed to squat over Leo's hands, putting noticeable effort to empty what else remained in his bowels; The yellow-orange-ish hard turn that slid out being received by his 'boyfriend in all but name' as a great blessing; Afterwards the bunny simply gave Leo a kiss on the head and left as the libido-rush of the day he had started to wear off and shades of embarrassment started to creep into his mind.

On the triceraton side, 2 guys who were all spent were ordered to stand in formation and watch as the remaining 3, not counting their commander, lifted their asses at Mikey, simultaneously farting and pushing, letting an absolutely huge load of earthen brown mushy shit fill those cupped hands, as well as smearing on his arms and falling on his legs, those left watching whining about not being able to join in.

A glare from Mozzar and they all shut up, a gesture having each take turns going through the passage, back to their reality; Soon Mozzar was the only one left, his ass aimed at Splinter's cupped hands as he lets out a rippling rancid fart, breaking the noise when he spreads his cheeks and lets his asshole wink out a firm, slimy and massive dark brown log, its smell and appearance showing the general got better meals than his soldiers.

It was clear he could keep going with the huge log, but he stops himself, asshole winking and cutting the log short as the Triceraton ponders for a moment, then shrugs.

"What the hell, I was planning on unloading the rest of this on a prisoner back home, but you deserve a 'snack' after your great service" With that he grunts and goes back to shitting, the turd now coming out containing some pieces of hotdog the triceraton had taken from the turtle's kitchen and shoved inside himself much earlier.

"Hope whoever is getting all this enjoys their meal!" He says before laughing out loud and just stepping past the still kneeling turtles and rat, going through the passage and disappearing as well.

"Well, what now daddy?" Mikey asks in the sluttiest tone possible.

"Well, now..." Splinter smiled, getting up, still cupping his hands, his sons mimicking him.

"We greet your brothers" He finishes Right as Ralph walks into the portal room, pulling an awkward Donnie by the hand, it being obvious outright the lanky turtle wasn't his usual (as of late) self.

For one he instantly gagged at the sight and smell of the shit in their hands but before the other two could react, Ralph had turned around and excitedly said.

"Donnie, bro, I want you to shit on me, all over me" with a big (and literal) shit eating grin.


"S-sure, I can t-try" Don blurts out, making Leo and Mikey's mouths drop.

"As the sexy green creature from those movies you are so fond of says, my wayward son... Do or do not, there is no try" Splinter smiles then adds "We are literally going to feed you all this shit if you don't, to help" he finishes sheepishly as the nerd of the family gulped nervously... and Also got a confused boner at the idea of thinking of Yoda as sexy.

In his nervousness he missed his siblings arguing over how they wanted to keep their messy 'gifts' for later things, all his attention focusing on Ralph, hand going over to his brother's necklace, which he was now wearing.

"A-alright, kneel, or lay on your shell... or back if you want the necklace back for this, or just sit~"

Before the nerd could even finish stumbling through his words Raphael had dropped to the ground, kneeling with his legs spread to the side, hands braced on the floor in front of him, mouth open and eyes looking up at Donatello with a pleading need.

The other turtles try to interject, ask what is going on, but a whip of splinter's tails across each of their asses silence their questions, though regardless of that, all eyes were on Donnie, the lanky turtle starting to hyperventilate a bit as he shut his eyes and tried to drown out the pressure.

After what seemed to him like an eternity, Donatello opened his eyes and spoke with a mask of confidence.

"Alright, but I'm NOT doing it on your mouth, close that up, it's going on your face" he commands, Ralph shutting his mouth but breaking into a smile as his beloved nerdy lil brother (they were all his lil brothers with how big he got) turned around and pressed his still wet buttcheeks to Ralph's face.

"Here it comes!" Donnie declares, reaching back to grope his buttcheeks and spread them apart.

"It's coming!" he says as his belly gurgles for all to hear.

"It's!~" he continues nervously as his asshole starts to wink.

And then there was a tooting noise, followed by a rasping one, his orange stained black-green pucker spreading to pass gas in a huge fart, kept silent by the spread cheeks at first, but the nerd, in his shame, lets go of said cheeks, letting the brapping noise echo through the lair to the disappointment of all involved.

A long moment passes, only the sound of splinter's tail whipping the other two turtles into quietness being head, and then Don speaks up.

"I'm sorry, I can't just... do it on command, I... I'm not~" he starts to mope only to cut himself off with a yelp as he feels Raphael roughly shove one of his meaty fingers up his hole; The act feeling painful yet pleasant, better than the last time his ass was used.

"Nope, you can do it, you just need a little help" Raphael says, holding onto Don's hips with one hand, spelunking for shit up his brother's nasty bowels with the other; He pumped his finger, wiggled it around, rotated it a bit, and then, with a pop, he pulled it out.

Meaty fingers held in the air like a trophy, Ralph showed to all present, but primarily Donnie, its mushy brown coating, letting its foul smell, like that of the fart but a thousand times worse, hit the nerd.

"Like I said, just need a little" The jock turtle starts before slowly bringing the finger to his mouth, opening it wide and slowly shoving it in, then closing his maw and forming a vacuum around the finger as he sucked eagerly on it, tongue slurping all over as he pulled his hand back until another wet pop was heard.

The finger once again was held up, this time coated in saliva, glistening in the lair's light, completely clean of shit; Donatello could only gag violently at the sight he just witnessed, even as his lanky cock once more started to grow hard, conflicting feelings threatening to break his mind for real... or just send him back to drama queen faking it mode.

And then Ralph was holding up two fingers, Don barely registered, before they were shoved inside him again, this time with a full on yell as the jock turtle's meaty mutant mauls penetrated his behind, the two together thicker than any dick or sex toy he recently had shoved in there against his will; His cock pulsed and leaked as he moaned like a whore, almost as if making up for all the moans he held back all this time.

Slowly but surely, the two fingers digging around his insides make his belly gurgle, his bowels move and the moaning nerd turtle cry out for his brother.

"Ah, Ralph, it's coming, stop... It's coming out, all of it."

With a satisfied grin the jock reptile pulled his fingers out, some mushy shit getting tooted out at his chest, those fingers covered in more of it though he wastes no time admiring it; Ralph starts to eagerly masturbate with his shit covered hand, helping Donnie keep steady and guiding his hips.

"Bring it on nerdy bro" he says before giving one of Don's cheeks a lovebite and a lick to his brother's asshole right before another tooting and brapping fart comes; Ralph almost having time to grow disappointed again before an absolute torrent of brown-black shit started pouring out,, concentrated from all the scat Donnie had been force fed during the day and his own held back loads.

It went into Ralph's mouth, nose, it covered his face and sprayed down his body, joining the shit covered hand that stroked his dick viciously, mixing with the pre.

Donnie himself reached an explosive orgasm followed by a torrent of piss, leaking out from both ends, so to speak, as he fully let go of his inhibitions; The burbling noises of his shitting mixing with the occasional wet brapping of a fart or another all drowning out his girlish moan and Raphael's deranged laughter.

It felt to the two like an eternity of bliss, for splinter and the other two turtles it was a quick but glorious event; Mikey and Leo putting aside their 'gifts' so they could start masturbating, Splinter simply watching with an approving smile.

And then... It was done.

Ralph reached his orgasm, his load shooting out to mix with Don's piss and own spent load, the nerd turtle stumbling forward and catching himself on time to turn around and fall on his ass on top of the mess, looking at Raphael as the jock reptile took a deep breath and rubbed the massive mess of shit in, basking in the afterglow.

"... Thanks bro" He says after a moment, eyes closed as he continued to rub it all over himself.

"Y-you're welcome" Donnie stutters out, reaching to massage his own crotch before slowly tumbling back in exhaustion; The last thing the nerd sees before he passes out is Splinter standing over him.

"Welcome back into the family properly, my son" The rodent says before picking a shit covered sausage bit from the pile he held, putting it into Don's mouth; The nerd is too tired to even gag, just chewing and swallowing before passing out.

As he did, Splinter made sure to equally share the remainder of the food-containing mushy turd with the others, Ralph and Mikey eagerly taking their parts straight from 'daddy's' hand, Leo making more of a ceremony of it... in that he requests Splinter put it on a plate so that the average turtle could eat it like a dog.

Splinter himself takes the last bite, an idea forming on his head, his focus on the satisfied Ralph... Perhaps he should be rewarded for finally breaking Donnatello out of his self imposed mental exile... yes...

Still, it would take a bit to set it all up in secret from the others, and perhaps she should give Donatello some time to properly adjust; As his mind raced he stroked his long thin beard, stepping away from his sons and into the shadows, he had had some research and work to do...

Part 2- Day to day life.

Some time later


Leo crouched by his 'work desk', a low to the ground wooden calligraphy table slightly refurbished; its top decorated with photos and drawings of the turtle and his family, with a corner dedicated entirely to his 'daddy' and another to his lapine lover( which also contained drawings of Usagi's scatological adventures in his home reality)

All of said photos and drawings were exceptionally lewd in nature, but the corners for the two special individuals in his life were specially so due to the addition of jars and vials containing the rodent and lapine's bodily fluids.

As to why he kept said fluids, other then finding pleasure in the act, was to aid in his latest project:

His shell-switch necklace, modified so that every bead of its chain was a small vial containing the scat of his lover and father, the rectangular pendant itself encased in an oval vial, currently empty.

Leo had been planning to get some tech-smart client to give him a hand in keeping it functional even when the vial would be filled, but now that Don was back he just needed to wait for his disobedient nerd brother to learn the tech.

The blue painted turtle chuckled to himself and went back to work in filling some beads with his lover's latest gift; keeping his hands busy as his mind drifted towards work, how he could best please his clients, especially Usagi.


Don sat in his own filth at his workstation, a self imposed challenge to help him get used to it all, associating those disgusting acts with the actual sexual pleasure he felt (and always felt, but kept secret) while 'doing' on machines; In his desk were Ralph and his shell removing pendants, as well as notes from his alternate self who came up with these (for some reason they were still not allowed to directly interact with other turtles, something Donnie filed away in the back of his mind for future investigation) as well as replicas and plans for some of his other inventions.

Had the pendants not taken his focus so much, he would surely be losing his shit at the fully functional scale model of the other reality's metalhead, sans AI, that stood half disassembled on his desk; Well to be fair he was still losing his shit (figuratively and literally) at it every time he looked over... A turtle robot fully capable of replicating all sexual acts, from vanilla sex to the filth his life had become.

A shock to his fingers from touching the wrong thing brought him back to reality from the daydream of a bunch of sexy robots, metalhead included, using him.

"Right, Donnie, focus... you're trying to figure out transdimensional tech that can seemingly alter molecular makeup with the flick of a finger, the sexy robots can wait... and also don't dwell on the fact you were picturing the robots using you as a toilet ~ OUCH"

Another zap as he mumbled to himself and his mind drifted away again, this one accompanied by his shell disappearing in a burst of light and the sudden and violent movement of his bowels.

"Well, that's concerning..." He pants out after he is done shitting out whatever else he had inside him, body covered in sweat, lower body completely stained in shit, ass and crotch covered in the fresh mess, which dripped to the floor below his chair.

"I really need to focus, maybe I should borrow one of Mikey's Naughty Wyvern collection."

After a moment of thought, he shook his head and went back to work.



"What's sewer dwellers and intergalactic perverts! It's your favorite cum and shit dumpster, Mikey-ikey!"

Michelangelo greeted excitedly, standing on a stage wearing a frilly see-through skirt, lace leotard, and exaggeratedly flashy and girly leggings and bridal gloves... Basically doing his best to cosplay a NSFW magical girl; Cameras and lights aimed at him from multiple sides, tables of sex toys and props resting against the glittery rainbow backdrop of the stage, which concentrated rather strongly with said toys, but specially with the huge glass containers of shit that hung from the ceiling, each with a different picture or species name to signify its source.

"So, last weekend's theme poll was magical girl, so..." he does a twirl, showing his outfit.

"How do I look?"

Mikey waits a moment, basking in the adoration and lust of his simping fans on the stream chat.

After a moment of said basking he speaks up "And dont worry Mr 'DakotaDong' this pristine lil costume will get all filthy in a moment" He glances to the side, giving an annoyed look at his unwilling co-star.

"After all, can't expect it to stay clean in a fight with such a disgusting, vile, filthy and grumpy villain, ain't that right, Mr. Hun.... A quick poll should be on chat right now to decide how our nasty little conflict will go!"

Grumbling, the former human-turned-turtle-monster stepped on stage, wearing nothing but bodypaint, a spiked cock and ball ring and a matching spiked collar, which was also what kept him docile.

"Don't mind the grumpiness, and I'd be a bad host if I did not mention my co-star is here thanks to a lovely donation from channel friends 'beatbangingBOAR' and 'TankFuckerRhino' make sure you go check their channels if you fancy hot mutants and cool music and/or gunphilia"

His glorified ad read over he started humming to himself, shaking his ass to the cameras as he went to the table in the back and fetched a few tools, including the jars, which he handed to hun.

"Alright, polls over huns, and it seems the winning scenario was... I get taken down but the villain's underhanded filthy attack and then he uses me" He smiled, that was the one he'd been hoping for.

"Well then" He turns to hun, nodding to the jars and the attached hoses "Let's get started!"

After some exaggerated posing Mikey was hosed down with the pressurized scat, getting knocked down to the ground before Hun opened one of the jars and dumped it on Mikey's face before moving to roughly shove his dick against the effeminate turtle's mouth.

He was playing rather rough, but Michelangelo liked it like that, and he would get some payback before the night was done.

And so went his exaggerated roleplay stream, none of his siblings aware it was even going on; Splinter on the other hand, being subscribed to his son's channel, though he would have to watch the archive this time.


The muscular reptile wrapped tape around his hands, panting and sweating, naked and shell-less body sitting on one of the shit stained weight lifting benches; he had borrowed Mikey's pendant to remove his shell before starting his daily workout, was always easier to use the gym equipment they'd been gifted without a shell, but that's not to say he wasn't carrying extra weight.

Getting up from the bench he spreads his cheeks for a moment, turning to his behind was facing the gym's mirror wall, checking the weighted buttplug he had up his nasty behind, making sure it was still stuck firmly in place; That little thing alone weighted as much as his shell normally did, and it could be attached to some of the gym's equipment, so he could work his 'core' strength.

He considered going for one of those next while appreciating himself, the muscles and jock attitude came with no small amount of narcissism, after all; A hand slowly massaged his smelly, sweaty body, coming down to his crotch where his cock and balls were bundled into a cock-pouch of red bandages, to prevent accidents from happening.

"Damn I'm sexy" he said to himself while going over to something that resembled a rowing machine, but modified so that the user would attach the weights to a plug like his, pulling themselves forward to lift the weights and relaxing back to let them drop.

This was basically how he spent his free time when no guests were over, working out, preparing for his what was his actual favorite downtime activity: Sex Wrestling; Where he would climb into the ring with an opponent and bodyslam each other physically while trying to piss or shit on each other in fancy ways to achieve 'dominance'.

Of course, he could only engage in it when they had guests over outside of work time, or the rare time Leo got the dried shit-stick off his ass and accepted his challenges; Thinking of how little he got to indulge had him sigh, turning away from the mirror to directly look at the Ring on the other end of the gym... Only to find himself staring at his father's furry chest.

Somehow, in the split moment of Ralph turning Splinter had closed the distance, it was enough to remind the turtle they all used to be ninjas, and now only 'daddy' kept up the art.

"Raphael..." the rat smiles "I have a different type of stage in mind for you"

His very presence and attitude seemed to bring a sudden end to that feeling of 'routine' that had been on the back of Ralph's mind.

"Master, I mean~"

"Call me... Chef... and come along, I will need some assistance." the rat chuckled and turned, not waiting for an answer, tail wrapping around Raphael's bulge as he lead the turtle away.

And like that their casual day off was coming to an end, though the others did not know of the special surprise splinter had prepared for them yet.

Part 3 - Let's make a pizza.

A few hours later Splinter, Raphael in tow, strode confidently into Bebop's private recording studio, which was divided between a music and mixing stage and a big TV style kitchen; Like the turtles the two mutants had completely moved on in live to new things, only their new lifestyle was more focused on producing internet and (hopefully one day) TV content rather than outright selling their bodies.

"Wow..." Raphael goes, slack jawed as he takes in the fancy studio, specially the fully stocked and prepared kitchen.

"Heh! Would be more impressive if your daddy let them' visitors use the mutagem bomb so we could air on life TV" Bebob says, stepping from backstage, wearing nothing but a purple jockstrap, chef's hat and an open chef's coat; The boar stopping cold in his tracks at the glare from Splinter.

"Mutagem what?" a still distracted and awed Ralph asked, not quite catching it.

"An in-joke between us, nothing for us to concern ourselves about, my son" Splinter says, still glaring at the board.

"Y-yeah, just a dumb in joke" Bebop stutters nervously, knowing the rat would get back at him for the slip of the tongue.

Raphael himself wasn't dumb enough to believe the obvious lie, but that also meant he knew better than to push it... He'd have to ask Don later what this could mean.


After an awkward moment of silence from all involved, Splinter finally spoke up:

"To celebrate your sibling finally joining us properly, we are going to throw a special pizza dinner party, one prepared in just the right and filthy ways" The rat grins, turning to Ralph who quickly replies.

"But... I don't know how to cook" Splinter quickly adds "And I don't know how to make pizza, that is why we are here" the rodent gestures to the boar.

"Yer daddy asked me to help ya, Since I've been running a kinky internet cooking show for a while now, my only condition is that we film it all so I can air it later" he crosses his arms proudly while Ralph mutters about having to catch the show live sometime.

The boar continues "Now, while being naked is fine and dandy, it's... unsanitary" he barely holds his laughter in "Go get dressed while I get the cameras all set up, should have matching chef's tops and hats for you both... or you can just wear whatever costume you please, honestly I just need a sec to set up this shit since you guys got here earlier than I expected and Rocksteady been messing with the settings" He happily gestures to the backstage, giving Ralph an ass spank as the turtle passes by, whispering to him "make sure you check rocksteady's show too, figure it might be more yer stile"

A few moments later, the lights were shining, cameras were rolling and all the ingredients and tools necessary to make a few pizzas were laid out on the counters; Bebop went about his usual streamer host spiel, thanking viewers and such before suddenly gesturing backstage.

"Well, this time I am actually getting some help! It's why this particular episode is being recorded instead of being aired live, come on in you two!"

At his word in steps splinter, wearing an sushi chef's kimono but not much else, the rat having found himself a bit at a loss for fitting costumes; After him was Ralph who wore nothing but an apron with red straps and the embroidered red text: "Shit on the cook", said apron tied with some difficulty over his shell, as Don still had his necklace.

"Why yes, it's every mutant, alien and freak's favorite living cum toilets, the sewers whores you can't help but love, the toitles!... well, one toitle and his daddy" he chuckles "Cuz you see, this is actually going to be a surprise for the rest of em! We're baking some shit pizzas, as in pizzas made with shit, jizz and the nice stuff, and we're gonna have em' delivered to the other toitles in secret!"

Bebop clasps his hands and steps back, gesturing with his muzzle for the two guest stars to approach the counter, Ralph actually looking rather into it, but Splinter, for once, seeming a tad bit shy... Mostly as he tried to hide his raging hard on, so as to not steal the spotlight from the main action.

The boar quickly gestures to a mixing bowl, which had a drone camera zoomed in "Now, if one of yous can be kind and add the 'secret' ingredient, we can get started" He played up his accent and locked his snout, hand quickly and openly moving to stroke his thick uncut dick "Dont worry, Chef Bebop will be... on hand to help... hehe"

Partially ignoring the boar, the two guest stars move up to the bowl, Splinter quick to wordlessly gesture to it, Raphael easily understanding his father expected him to be the one adding the ingredient; With a quick look over his shoulder, met with a nod from a masturbating bebop, the muscular reptile climbed on top of the firm counter, legitimately surprised it could handle his weight, and crouched over the dough filled bowl, lightly flexing his muscles and tightening his glutes for a moment before effortlessly continuing to strain his bowels while relaxing his ass, a technique that took some practice.

To do his part, Splinter gently grabbed Ralph's cheeks and spread them, positioning his hands so they would not cover up the view for the camera, letting it see as the dark green turtle pucker winked, bulged a tiny bit and then spread to let a stinking solid log of dark brown shit start to slide out; The turd's surface shining slightly in the studio lights due to being somewhat oily, the crap log slowly falling on the unmixed dough, curling up and sinking in on it as the reptile continued to manage a surprisingly long uncut log.

As this went on Bebop slowly stepped over to splinter, holding a phone in one hand, he effortlessly shoved his dick inside the rat's nasty pucker while filming it, snorting and making undignified pig noises as he started to fuck Splinter from behind, the old rat not even reacting outside of a smirk and a queefed fart.

"Hmm, yeah, keep an eye on the log" Ralph says as he continues to struggle, pushing the content of his bowels out, the solid log soon breaking and giving way to mushy shit, his 'daddy' letting go of his cheeks as that happened, to let the reptile make a mess of himself; The sensation of the mushy shit getting smeared between his cheeks, odd pieces of corn included, was enough to make the jock turtle rock hard, the cameras just giving the extra final push to make him start leaking pre.

It did not take long after that for Ralph to moan out "T-think I'm done" as he balanced back so more of the mushy corny shit would fall in the bowl, not noticing splinter had grabbed a cup and held it in front of his dick.

"We can't waste even a little bit, my son" The rat says with degenerate glee as he suddenly runs a cupped hand trough Raphael's asscrack, whipping his son's ass with his bare hand, making sure all the shit fell in the dough bowl, which he quickly started to knead with that same hand; All the while using his other arm to expertly catch the jock reptile's orgasm, as the hand-wipe was enough to make Ralph shudder and cum.

Without even another word the rat dumped the cum filled cup onto the mix and started mixing the dough with both hands, the motion making some fart-like noises as the shit, jizz and dough mix... And the rodent farted himself, shitting out a mess around the boar dick penetrating his backside.

"Do make sure to catch that son, and my own release... Like I said, we can't waste even a little bit" Splinter adds with an evil chuckle and a wink to the cameras.

"Oi, Toitle, while you do so, don't forget to 'warm up' the peperoni" Bebop adds, nodding to several phallic sticks of meat; Raphael whining submissively to the two older men and literally crawling on the counter over to the sticks, making a show of sticking his ass in the air while using a bit of his leftover ninja-flexibility to start shoving the first one up his still somewhat gaping, filthy reptile hole.

Splinter and Bebop stop for a moment to enjoy the sight, which is when the boar has a downright evil idea; Just as Raphael's asshole finishes 'swallowing' the first pepperoni stick and the reptile presses the next one to his backside, Bebop snatches it out of Ralph's hand, causing the startled turtle to half shit out the one he had already shoved in; While that happened, in the same motion he used to snatch the meat stick, he shoved it up splinter's muzzle, all the way down the rat's throat, catching him mid protest and lodging the meat log firmly in, causing the rodent to gag, choke and sputter.

Then all it took was for the grinning boar to let go of the meat stick, while giving a hard thrust to shove his own 'meat stick' inside the rat's backside; The results were immediate: A stick of pepperoni went flying across the set, followed by a heavy shower of vomit 'accidentally' aimed right at the mixing bowl with some help from the nefarious pig.

A brown-green sludge of half digested scat, sushi and other foods filled the bowl and mixed with the shit and dough already inside as the rodent gasped for air, hands still inside said bowl, getting coated in the shit; Splinter painted the counter's underside with his jizz, and Ralph the top of the counter as the disgusting spectacle happened, the turtle looking over his shoulder as he kept his position, still struggling to keep the pepperoni stick in.

"Heh, how'd you boys like my special ingredient, for extra spiciness" Bebop asks gleefully, still thrusting, even as he'd started to cum.

Raphael gave no answer, just looking away, actually feeling shame he found the entire act so enticing, just going back to doing his meat stick related task; Splinter, on the other hand, stood still for a moment taking some deep breaths, eyes wide as he felt the afterglow of the act... He had discovered a new kink, one possibly more disgusting than the shit play he was once so ashamed of, one that gave him one of the best orgasms of recent time.

The rodent spit what remained of the vomit into the bowel and went back to mixing, speaking in a raspy, but casual voice.

"I'm going to get back at you for this, piggy... but don't worry, I'll take it easy, for you just helped me discover a new fact about myself..." and with that, the show continued as 'usual', with splinter not bothering to wipe his muzzle as he started to mix it all in with the dough while getting his bowels filled with fresh boar jizz.

This went on for a bit, with some extra, and extraterrestrial, ingredients being included so the dough would actually work, Splinter actually groaning a bit as Bebop showed his wonderful porcine ability of cum for almost hours at a time; By the time the dough was properly done and shaped splinter's belly was bulging up a bit, matching his son's own as during the preparation Raphael was ordered to fit in plenty of shredded cheese, spices and sauces up his behind, the muscular turtle flexing his asshole tightly shut as he did his best to hold it all in, never moving from his position on the counter.

"So, my sexy ratatouille, can ya handle keeping my bacon flavored jizz inside long enough to dump it all on the pizza? Cuz I do think it's about time we start adding the sauces!" Bebop says, lowering his glasses to wink at Ralph and the camera, the turtle just groaning back in discomfort.

"Why dont you pull out and find out" Splinter said slily, waiting for the chuckling boar to pull back on his finally softening cock, not a drop of jizz spilling out despite the rodent's somewhat inflated look, even as he climbed onto the table and crouched over the pizza, letting the camera get a good look at his shit stained behind before letting slowly go with a wet burbling noise; A massive load of jizz mixed with shit burbling out of his behind and covering the dough, the rat's tail making sure to spread it evenly in layers.

As he did so, Bebop quickly rushed aside to another camera setup, wiping his filth and cum covered cock into a bowl in full view of it, before bringing said bowl over to splinter, along with a chef's knife and some other cooking utensils; The rat waddled forward, cutting back on his emptying load just long enough to have the remained of it go into the receptacle he was just presented, so as not to drown the main pizza with the 'bacon mayo' alone.

Guessing it was his turn as Splinter got off the counter, Ralph scooted back on the counter and half crouched over the brown-jizz covered pizza, but before he could let go the rodent put his hand over his son's asshole, moving it back so he was lightly spreading it with two fingers; His free hand grabbing the chef's knife, as he grinned.

"Got to cut the pepperoni, when the time comes, but for now... be a good little sauce dispenser, show me you can control your bowels enough and push out just the shredded cheese and the sauces, you can do that, can't you my dear son?" Splinter spoke in a dominating and fatherly tone towards his turtle son, who only nodded nervously in return and went about grunting and pushing, his pucker slowly burbling out a wet tomato sauce fart, followed by the dribbling of the red paste-like ingredient and all the shredded cheese mixed in as the burbling slowly died down.

This time the one to spread it about the pizza was Bebop, using his filthy hands and even letting a bit of lustful drool drop in, the pig pressing his body next to Splinter's so he had access to the counter.

Slowly but surely glob after glob of sauce, seasoning and shredded cheese where pushed off that puckering green hole in rasping, burbling sauce-farts, stopped only by the occasional poking of a pepperoni log, only for it to be pushed back in by the rat's waiting two fingers, and the sauce to continue to flow; This process going on until the pizza was properly covered with tomato sauce and cheese, covering the nasty mess underneath almost completely.

"And now, the finishing touches" Splinter said, moving his hand away from his son's asshole and switching the hand that held the knife as Raphael moaned and the weakening flow of sauce was ended with a huge pepperoni log started to poke out, the ninja rodent expertly cutting thin slices and spreading them about the pie with dexterous motion, the proximity of the knife cuts to Raphael's behind actually arousing the Turtle with its dangerous feel... if He still had a load to give he would have certainly cum again by now.

Moans fill the air as the final bit of the first meat stick is pulled out by the rat and thrown aside as he moves to cut the next one, and then the very first one that Ralph had shoved inside himself, layering the pizza pie thickly.

By the time it was over the muscular turtle could only groan and fall forward in exhaustion from all the pushing, the two older men present continuing to address the pizza pie and even making plans for an extra one with the leftover ingredients.

As he started to climb off the counter, Bebop chimed up suddenly:

"Hey there toitle boy, couldn't help but notice ya got all hot and bothered when daddy was vomiting... maybe we can add an extra layer to the pizza, if you get me" he grins and pantomimes vomiting to the buff reptile, Splinter giving an approving nod to the idea.

Raphael looked between them and the pizza a few times before nervously going up to the pie; He had liked seeing it, yes, but doing it...

Before he can think further on it Splinter has moved behind him, forced his mouth open with one hand and shoved his filthy finger down his throat with the other; What follows is a gasping upchuck of green-brown vomit, with some more regular food bits in the middle, covering the nice pizza pie, albeit not completely as Ralph's stomach was far more empty than splinter's.

Either way, the turtle was let go, if not outright pushed to the side with a rote "good job" as the two older males went back to their discussion from a little earlier.

But Raphael was not privy to what came next really, a slap to his tired butt and he was on his feet, taking the pizza to the oven at the back with express instructions from chef bebop; He would sit out the rest of the (now extended) cooking show as he handled the pizza meant for his home, and finally got to rest his ass and knees some.

Part 4 - Family Dinner, Family Matters.

Same day, just a bit later.

Splinter had sent Raphael ahead back home, fearing the jock's acting would not be up to snuff to disguise the nature of what was to come, at the least not if he was holding the perfectly disguised filth pizza, since just the smell of it cooking had caused Ralph to grow hard; Of course it wasnt without giving him a task, the simple one of passing along the message that 'Daddy Splinter wants to celebrate'.

Message passed along, Ralph just grabbed some weights and got to work lifting even in the dinner room, trying to bury the arousal and excitement, specially as Donnie came to give his pendant back; Thankfully it wasn't long until Splinter arrived, removing his robes as he expertly handled the jumbo box of pizza, throwing said robes aside right as he slid the huge box onto the dining table, his four sons rushing to the table like starving men.

Splinter himself stepped back with a sly wink to Raphael, handling a smaller box the turtle did not even see him bring in, though he guessed it was something done with the leftover ingredients.

Ralphs attention was brought back to the dinner table as the box was opened to reveal a piping hot pizza, smelling like the most delicious of its kind ever, the foul smell of its ingredients expertly masked; The jock started to idly masturbate as he went over, not having to hide his arousal that much, seeing how Mikey and Leo both had hard-on's themselves.

Donnie was eager too, but not to their level, showing he was still somewhat hesitant, especially as Mikey brought up the idea to "Add some turtle Mayo" to the pizza.

"Can you guys at least leave a few slices... un-mayo-ed or... whatever" the nerd stammers nervously even as Mikey stood on his seat and masturbated furiously, Ralph and Leo simply aiming their dicks up so their loads would land all over the melted cheese.

"No can do bro!" Mikey says, adding his load to it, quickly followed by a grunting Ralph and an apologetic Leo.

"Sorry, but it's for your own good, you got to get used to this." The 'leader' of the group said as he cut the jizz seasoned pie into slices with his Katanas, which had since become nothing but pizza cutters; As he did Raphael alone caught the faint whiff of vomit and shit, as well as the fact that their father had sneaked back into the room, having brought him a portable projector... He knew what the rat had in mind.

Eagerly Mikey grabs two slices, all but goblins down the first before taking his time with the second, speaking with a full mouth.

"Ss--oo dd--elish*"

*translated from full mouth: So delicious*

Leo is more organized, getting three slices into a plate before casually starting to eat one... while making the most undignified moaning noises.

Raphael grabs a slice and nods to Don before eagerly biting down on it, holding back some moans of his own.

Finally it's Donatello's turn, the nerd just trying to do it casually like Ralph, but moaning after his first bite and scarfing down his first slice to grab another.

"Been so long since I got to enjoy proper pizza" he mutters in between slices, missing as Ralph half chokes on his next one.

So goes the meal, Mikey making a mess of things, even letting a whistling fart escape to 'make more space' before being stopped by Ralph, who gets a bit rowdier with his eating, Leo keeping to his three slices and Donnie sneaking an extra one as the jock and femboy fight over it, shoving it down his gullet as Mikey tries to reach for it and Raphael lets out a laugh.

Don finally catches on to Raphael's reaction, starting to ask.

"Why are you laughing?" as he gulps down the last slice... only for the lights to be turned off and Splinter's projector to be turned on, displaying a video recording on the far wall; At first the siblings, sans Ralph, are surprised but they all turn to watch the video displayed in the dining room's wall, the recording of the making of the pizza.

It takes a bit for the rat to figure out the wireless speakers, but soon there is sound too, and it becomes abundantly clear what they just ate; Mikey grows more aroused as he watches, muttering to himself "no way" repeatedly as he starts to masturbate, joined soon by Leo who watches the recorded Splinter intensely.

Donnie, however, just looked appalled as he watched the grotesque cooking show, the realization hitting him in waves, each wave bringing up a gag from him; Ralph's attention was focused more on his sibling than the recording, though he glanced at it every once in a while, their father too watching the nerd turtle with great interest.

To neither of their surprises, Don violently starts to vomit on the empty pizza box right as the recorded Ralphael starts to shove the second Pepperoni stick up his ass, his vomiting turning into full on projectile vomiting, painting the table and wall, as the upchucking action begins in the recorded video.

For more that they are amazed and aroused, Mikey and Leo do show themselves hesitant at the vomiting in video and happening in the room with them, but not enough to put a damper on their pleasure as they keep watching and masturbating, ignoring their poor sibling for now.

Donatello tries to control himself, but more and more he gags and blorfs out fresh shit-pizza all over, almost falling back as he tries to control himself, tries to steady his limbs, to turn and leave... Only to hit his vomit-covered face right onto Splinter's chest, the elder rat looking down at him with disappointment.

"Come with me" he says in a demanding tone before giving a nod to Ralph and turning to leave, Donnie gagging once more as tears form in his eyes and he obeys.

Raphael watched the two leave, before turning to enjoy the recorded show and his siblings' reactions, hoping to turn their opinion on vomiting around as he walks up to the table and plants a hand on the mess Don left behind.

"Enjoying the show?"...


As the siblings bond in the dining room, their Daddy rat sternly leads Don into a secret passageway, down a set of steps... It was a secret in location only, but all the turtles knew the rat had his private room, one that had since been expanded to accommodate their new lifestyle; His own personal porn studio, with several cameras set 24/7, medical tables and tools, sex toys, BDSM swings... the works, all sharing the room with a modern office desk you'd find in a doctor or lawyer's office and a wall-to-wall bookshelf filled with porn in various forms and from various origins.

It was Donnie's first time seeing it, however, due to his long lasting ruse and refusal to give in, he had never gotten the chance to watch any of the pornos filmed in the big, dungeon-ish room; Regardless of that he was still the first among his siblings to see it in person and not from the angle of one of the ceiling or tripod cameras set about.

"Use that necklace to remove your shell and have a seat" Splinter would say as he stepped towards the office desk, stopping only to gesture to a seat-table with leg holds, something like a gynecologist's, but obviously modified for lewd purposes, a camera positioned right between the legs even.

"Uh, F~" Don starts but is cut off

"I gave you an order... and it's daddy, not father." the rodent says sternly, stopping at his desk, still facing away from the nerdy turtle, suddenly slamming his hands down on it.

"Actually, you are right, It's best we begin this somewhere else" He says, taking a deep breath and using his tail to pull a nearby wooden chair right behind him.

"Sit here, and let's talk" he says in a more relaxed tone, still leaning on the table, facing away from Donatello, the nerdy turtle gulping nervously, gagging as he tastes his own vomit and stepping over, flicking his necklace so his shell was gone right before he sat down on the wooden chair, being left facing his father... his daddy's ass.

Unseen by Don, the rat presses a switch on his desk, getting some of the ceiling cameras to turn and zoom in.

"I am SO disappointed in you, my son... Of you all I expected you to be the most receptive to this lewd lifestyle..." Splinter starts, tail moving to rest over Don's shoulder, slowly swinging in an unnerving way over the turtle's far too exposed back.

"You were always online, always messing with machines, forums, online communities... When I kept this all a secret, and held back, I always believed if anyone would understand me it would be you, hell I expected that maybe you'd even be too kinky for me and my tastes, maybe into some of that... bad stuff... At the least in regards to THAT I am proud of you" His tail slowly starts to hook behind Don's head as the turtle sweats nervously, wanting to speak but being afraid to.

"But then I find out you're a vanilla little bitch, not a drop of disgusting filth in your browser history~"

"Hey!" Don interjects before his father's tail coils around his neck for a moment, then relaxes.

"Just a desire to fuck robots and machines... and a mind so closed off to the wonders of other kinks that you pretended to be a broken doll for months! MONTHS! Instead of just trying to accept things, to adjust and adapt, as I trained you all to!" Slowly splinter reaches behind himself, grabbing at his round yet toned buttcheeks, letting his hands and fingers dig into the fur.

"Even now, you play at having broken out of that foolish vanilla mindset, but I can see it, I can see your hesitation, I can see you trying to think of ways to escape it all, to find a shortcut or... something... but not accept it" His tail now pulled Donatello's head closer to his asshole, it's prehensile form making sure to keep the turtle's muzzle facing towards the rat's ass.

"But I can see it, I can see that spark of degeneracy inside of you" as he says that, he relaxes his grip on his buttocks, letting Don see as they ripple from the sudden fart the rat lets out, starting out silent before burbling and rippling, as if blowing a raspberry; The hot sulfuric air from it hitting the turtle in the nose and eyes, making them water, the flow growing stronger as Splinter slowly spreads his cheeks to reveal his asshole gaping wide and filthy.

"And I think it's time I do something to bring it to the surface!" with those words the rodent used his tail to shove his son's head against his gaping asshole, Donatello's entire face going into the slimy, shitty hole, the turtle yelling out and struggling only to have his arm paralyzed with pressure point blows from his father, his head kept firmly in place by the tail, only allowed to pull back long enough to desperately gasp for air.

"Ah, the joys of embracing filth and degeneracy, to not be sickened by such things, to take pleasure from the disgusting and off putting" the rat goes on, almost as if reading out a gospel, one of his legs slowly lifting and dexterously bending back, so that his toes were playing with the nerd's long cock, massaging it back and forward between two toes, playing with the head, enforcing pleasurable sensations on the turtle rod even as its owner drowned in buttslime and shit.

"You WILL grow to accept this, accept that which is in our very nature as sewer dwellers, as mutants... you will grow to love filth!" Slowly he braced himself on the desk, which he knew full well could hold his height, lifting his other foot... Soon the rodent was making a show of flexibility as he held his ass steadily in place, lifting himself off the table with his arms, both legs bent in a diamond shape to massage and tease Don's cock, tail still effortlessly making the turtle eat out his ass.

He kept this going, just barely letting Don breathe as the turtle's cock grew harder and hotter, now being massaged between two foot soles, letting pleasure mix with the disgusting, adding the occasional silent fart straight from the source to the mix... it was hard to tell if the erection was from genuine pleasure or lack of oxygen, but Splinter did not care either way.

The rat would have kept it going until his son orgasmed, but a few creaks from his desk, plus the feeling of the turtle growing weaker made him change his plans... Besides, an orgasm would work better as a reward for when he accepted filth fully.

Slowly he brought his feet back to the ground, and only then did he slowly relax his tail grip on his son's head, letting the dazed turtle pull back and gasp weakly for air; Using this weakened state, the rat grabbed Donatello by the mouth, shoving his fingers in, pulling him along off the chair and leading him to the gynecologist table; When there he takes his fingers off Don's mouth, gives them a lick and then effortlessly pushes the shell-less turtle onto the table, strapping him in properly, spreading the leg holds, adjusting the camera so he had easier access.

As this happened Donattello could only whine between gasps "P-please, stop, p-please".

His pathetic begging fell on deaf ears as his rodent parent grabbed a stool and some sort of tool from a small shelf underneath the table, sitting himself between Don's legs before shoving two fingers, the same ones he used to 'guide' his son here, up Donnie's tight asshole, wriggling them around and pulling them out covered in filth; As this happened the turtle struggled and grunted, trying to look down at what was happening, only to see the grinning rodent lift up a speculum into view.

Adrenaline kicked in and Donatello started to struggle violently while yelling, begging and crying "Please, master splinter, stop, please!" His words cut off with a grunt as the cold metal tool was shoved up his asshole, and then full on replaced with a yell as the rat opens the speculum to its maximum without delay or warning, gaping the turtle's dark green asshole to the extreme, causing some shit to leak out.

The yelling was, in turn, cut short by Splinter getting up from his stool and shoving his shit covered hand down Don's mouth, using not only the shit from the earlier fingering, but some of the leaking mess he quickly scooped out.

"Yell again, and I'll feed you some more" is all he says before he returns to his stool, letting the gagging and groaning turtle struggle to not yell in pain as the rat started to play around his insides; Splinter lightly prodding and pushing at the gaping asshole in different locations, gently running his claws along the inside, then every once in a while doing a more violent prod, all of this intercut with him manually blowing air into the asshole, blowing into places he had prodded, and all but shoving his muzzle in to blow deep inside.

After one such blow of air he pulls back and suddenly removes the speculum, not even bothering to fully close it first, delighting in the sadism of it all; His actions are met with a defiant, if possibly unintentional, fart right to the face, the rancid hot air pushed out, mixed with the rat's own rancid breath, causing that green pucker to wobble and rasp painfully.

"Oh, for me? You shouldn't have" he says mockingly before shoving his muzzle against his son's hole, giving it a deep, wet and invasive french kiss, tongue licking all over the abused asshole before pulling back and leaving strings of saliva between the two... but only long enough for him to shove the speculum back in and spread it to maximum again.

This time Donnie takes it without yelling, if only because his mind was legitimately getting close to breaking for real this time, and the turtle was almost disassociating over the whole process.

"You know son, you have such a nice hole... the nicest of all your siblings... It's what makes it extra enjoyable to see it ruined like this, or even further" He leans in and licks some of the shit leaking out.

"See it permanently gaping like this, constantly leaking shit, cum... Make you just completely incontinent due to just being such a gaping wide whore... You do know if you did fuck machines, it would end up like this anyways right? Some piston action sexy robo leaving you like this... it's delightful"

He takes out the speculum again, this time mostly closing it, then starts to lick it, making sure Don see's him doing so, sees as he licks it absolutely sparkling clean; Noticing his son's still hard and needy cock twitching at it... He was getting there, or maybe it was the machine association he just made.

Still, he wordlessly puts the speculum aside and gets up, moving to the side of the table and undoing Donatello's restraints; The turtle tries struggling some, but its weak and half assed, Splinter is able to easily shove his dirty fingers in Don's mouth again and lead him to the other side of the room, where a billiard's table was; This time it only took a look from the rat to get the exhausted turtle to lean over it, assuming position as his rat daddy adjusted some of the cameras and fetched the billiard balls in bowl.

"Good boy, you're learning" he would say as he crouched next to Don's well abused behind.

"This will be the final lesson for today" the rat says sternly, putting extra emphasis on today; Afterwards he just wordlessly starts to lick one of the balls all over before just shoving it Donnie's ass without any fanfare, the turtle himself only shivering from it; He starts to repeat the process, only speaking up by the third one.

"Focus on them, on how good they feel inside you" he licks and shoves another, then another "How good it feels to be full" he repeats those words over the next 3 balls.

"How good it will feel to let it all out" the rat says, breaking the repetition, as he starts to shove the cue ball in; That one struggles to go in and stay there, poking halfway from the stretched green pucker, needing Splinter to lick it further, coax it in gently until it disappears with a wet popping sound and a silent queefing fart.

"Now, my son" he continues, going back to his fatherly tone for the first time all night.

"Focus on the feeling of letting them out" He says, putting a cloth sack under Don's behind right as the turtle lets out a loud grunt and half of a yell as he tries to violently shit them all out in one go, a popping rippling fart and wet noises accompanying it as he manages to quickly get 4 out before his asshole is literally slapped shut, Splinter putting his hand over it.

"I said, FOCUS on the feeling of letting them out, on the pleasure of shitting!... Do it again!" the rat says, back to his angry voice as he just mercilessly shoves the shit covered billiard balls back up Donatello's asshole, not being even halfway as gentle this time.

Lesson somewhat learned, Don braces himself on the billiard's table, crouching down some and starts to shit out one ball at the time, one by one popping out of his asshole with a matching popping wet noise and the occasional strangled whistling fart; Before it was over he'd started masturbating, not even noticing that he had full feeling back on his arms again; Behind him the Rat eagerly watched each shit covered ball fall from green pucker into cloth sack, one by one until the very first one was about to come out, that one he caught in one hand.

Don didn't quite catch what was said next, he just saw a shit covered billiard ball offered to him and just took it, letting the rat just outright shove it into his maw; The turtle quickly reaching an orgasm and letting out muffled moans as he licked it completely clean and just spit it out on the table.

"Good boy" he heard next, his father's hand petting his head, another offering him a shitty cloth sack of shitty billiard balls...

He took them and wordlessly pulled another one out and started to lick it clean even as he was directed to the exit.

"Go join your brothers, my son... Now you have truly joined them in full"

Don nods, sucking on the next ball and leaves, Splinter remaining in his secret room, an evil grin on his face; He had all his sons 'back', but his work was far from over.


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The last drop chapter 3

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Tai Lung's escape

You may have heard the tale of the dragon warrior, but not told like this, no... not the true tale of how it all happened; Heed me, dear reader, the following snippets contain the unbridled, uncensored account of how it all really happened. After all,...

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