Trouble in Wonderland (OLD)

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#1 of Commissions

Ellie, along with a friend of his, would spend the day at his place for the sake of having company and not getting bored to death. Yet, even then, they wouldn't to much else besides watch random shows and chat. His friend eventually recognises this, thinking of something he wish he came up with at the very start.

He would come up to him, proposing that they'd play Truth or Dare at a 'candy maze' he heard of the other day. Ellie, confused at first, asked what he meant with that.

He went on to tell him more about said maze, and that it's in a different dimension which he could open a portal to. He looks at him with a slight poker-face, the idea of 'opening a portal to a different dimension' sounding rather delusional to say the least.

His friend somehow picks up on his sarcastic expression, despite hiding it. He chuckles as he gets up, and summons a portal in the middle of his living room, right then and there. He looks back at him and winks. Inside the portal, or rather at the end of it, a landscape made out of what indeed looked like various types of candy could be seen, including the entrance to the maze.

Ellie's jaw dropped to the ground, never had he ever seen something like that before, let alone in his very own place. "You know what? Find your way out in less than 2 hours and I'll even go ahead and learn you how to open your own portals to wherever you want!" Feeling generous, he figured that surely that'd convince him to go in, acting as if Ellie wasn't already nearly taking off from excitement.

His friend strikes a smug look before asking "Truth or Dare?". Intrigued and even excited, Ellie immediately answered with Dare, having stars in his eyes while his paws repeatedly tap against the floor from excitement. He chuckled and said "Well, what're you waiting for? I opened another portal at the end of the maze, it'll take you right back to the overworld! Make it back in two hours and you win!", stepping aside as he awaited Ellie's response, his response being no different from what he expected. The excited snow leopard jumped off the couch and right through the portal, ending up on the other side as, right away, he'd slip on the soft and slimy ground.

His friend chuckled as he watched him flop face-first on the soft ground. As he lifted his face back up he'd find himself in the pastel candy wonderland he saw in the portal, lots of pink and other bright colours along with a clear blue sky. Ellie looks back and gives him a thumbs up as he gets up and takes a look around, still in awe about not only his surroundings but how it's all possible in the first place. "This place looks like something out of a dream!- Woah, look! That's the maze you were talking about, right??" He said as he pointed at a maze made out of what appeared to be pink stuff, presumably cotton candy and glaze.

His friend chuckles and nods, encouraging to check it out as he wishes him luck. Ellie chuckled and waved at him as the portal started to shrink, eventually disappearing in front of him. There he was, standing in some wonderland straight out of a kid's dream. He takes one last gander around before turning around and finally setting off.

On his way, he'd take a few stops to look around or try some of the candy surrounding the path, primarily giant lollipops, cotton candy trees and even a massive chocolate fountain at a giant intersection, both tasting sweeter and generally better than anything the overworld had to offer. He didn't want to get too sidetracked trying all the various candy, though sometimes it was rather difficult, he'd always get moving eventually.

After several minutes of walking, sightseeing and trying some of the various candy, he'd finally arrive at the entrance of the maze. The entrance appeared to be a very well-designed garden, mainly consisting of assymetrically-placed lollipop trees, 'gummy stars' and lots of cotton candy hedges, all that along with another massive fountain in the center spewing some sort of rainbow glaze. Making his way through the garden, he'd arrive at the entrance of the maze itself.

At the entrance, a sign read that before entering, the participant must equip their belt with an 'advanced tracking device' to ensure both safety and a better experience overall. "Participants? A tracking device??" He thought to himself, although considering the friendly and peaceful looks nad nature of both the maze and the wonderland itself. He wouldn't wait any longer as he put the belt around his waist before entering the maze.

Right away it occured to him that this supposed 'tracker belt' felt really heavy on his waist as he made his way through the maze. To make matters worse, some passages were incredibly narrow, some even too thin to pass through with this stupidly-wide belt. He'd sometimes stumble against the glaze hedge despite his greatest efforts to maintain his balance, getting the thick, pink goop on his arms as they became more coated and thus heavier with every slight bump against the maze, making it even harder to keep himself steady. Removing the thick, goopy coating from his arm was futile as the high levels of viscosity and thickness made it nearly impossible to get rid of.

He continued onward, squeezing his way through one narrow passage after another, stumbling into one wall after another as his body started to become gradually more coated in multiple accents of pink. As he made his way through the seemingly endless maze, he began to notice that the supposed tracker belt started to inflate and change into what seemed like a diaper. Chuckling in a slightly nervous and shy tone, he looked down at his diaper and watched as it grew bigger and bigger until eventually the diaper was almost perfectly round. It was soft and felt quite comfortable in the end. He giggled and rubbed his new under garment before moving onward.

The further he went down the maze, the goopier the walls got and the softer the ground became under his paws, almost feeling as if it was trying to drag him down. This, paired with the increasing weight from the accumulating goop on his arms would only hinder his progress. An odd but familiar sensation washed over him, growing stronger every time he got more of the pink, sticky goop on himself. The already thick layer of gooey glaze drooped from his arms as he waddled through one narrow passage after another until he arrived at a small clearing of some sort. Finally having sufficient space, he takes a brief break as he stretched his arms, ridding his arms from some of the viscous goop before moving on.

Due to a lack of attention, as he approached the exit of the small clearing, he stepped on a trip wire hidden by pink cotton candy, activating four mechanical arms that emerged from the glaze hedges, two to keep him still as the other two quickly strapped a ring gag around his maw before quickly disappearing into the glazy walls of the maze. Shocked and confused, he tried his utmost to try and take off the gage, but unfortunately for him, it appeared that a key was required in order to unlock and take off the ring gag, as he felt what he thought must be a key hole.

He hadn't eaten anything in hours, and it was getting harder not to take even a slight lick from the walls while his instincts told him to hold off. Maybe the glazy cotton candy was poisonous? He couldn't tell for sure, after all, he found himself in a universe different from his own. It was too risky, so he moved on, hoping to find a key to unlock his ring gag and take it off. About 15 minutes later after running into one dead end after another, he'd stumble upon a massive clearing, a sign on his right hand side reads "Chocolate marsh" with "Mind your EVERY step or pay the price...!" written right underneath it.

He observed the area. A large body of dark brown chocolate with some tiny islands made out of cotton candy with sugar canes sticking out from the ground. He thought for a second, planning a route in his mind from one solid patch to the other, then he set onward, slowly and carefully stepping foot into the thick and sticky stuff as it rises all the way up to his knees. Trudging through the smooth mass, he pulls a candy cane sticking out of the chocolate to use as a trekking stick. He prods around as he gets closer and closer to the first small island, eventually making it to the patch of solid ground. He stretches and shakes the clingy mass off his legs before heading back in and towards the second patch.

Right away, he noticed that not only was the second patch of solid ground twice the distance compared to the first, but the chocolate marsh itself also seemed to get deeper and thicker the farther he went, thus making it increasingly difficult to navigate through.

Despite the intense struggles to remain steady, trudging through the thick and silky smooth chocolate felt rather relaxing and even exciting, the feeling of the sticky mass tightly hugging and clinging onto him as his legs slowly disappeared into the smooth substance, the temptation to take even a slight soak in the thick and viscous mass was almost irresistible the further he went and the deeper he sunk. Aside from the urge to give into the chocolate swamp, the smell didn't do Ellie's inner desires any justice either as he'd regularly stop to run his whole paw along the goopy mass and licking it up, sinking as his diaper became more coated with the thick, sticky chocolate.

Ellie was starting to get carried away as he mindlessly trudged forth, and paid the ultimate price as he approached the second patch. He misses the mark and hits a deep spot, sinking to his upper chest in an instant. All shook up, he frantically grasped onto a candy cane as the dark ooze dragged him deeper quickly. He pulls himself up and pushes himself onto the small cotton candy island using all his strength.

"Oh good lord was that close..." He thought, gathering himself as he looked around once more. One last patch of ground stood between him and the end of the chocolate river obstacle. A small gap lied between patch 2 and patch 3, however, a long trudge awaited him at the third island and the end.

If it made the situation any better, if he wouldn't make it, he'd at least go out in bliss.

He pulls a candy cane out of the ground beside him and prods into the dark ooze to test the depth. This part, however, appeared to be a lot more on the shallow side, only coming up to his thighs. Feeling like unwinding a little before setting onward, Ellie swiftly made his decision. He steps back in, and so he went for a nice little soak as opposed to making it to the other side as quick and careful as possible, now that he still has the chance.

He lays back against the solid ground and allows the dark, goopy stuff to ooze over his body, rising up to his neck. The thick, brown chocolate would instantly fill up his diaper as he submerged it, feeling it wrap around his throbbing length causing him to moan briefly yet loudly as his tip rubbed against the soft walls of the comfy diaper. He lets out a sigh of relief, arousal even as his length grew erect in seconds. It'd take a bit for Ellie to reach the bottom, letting out a sigh of relief after he stops sinking at chin depth, the goopy stuff tightly embracing his body and refusing to let go, not that he wanted it to do so just yet. He fishes for his length through his diaper, squeezing it and gently stroking his erect member, he'd moan through his ring gag as he did this, holding nothing back. His diaper would fill up with the thick chocolate weighing him down even more, not that it really mattered to him, though.

"This feels soooo good..." He thought, finally getting to relax and enjoy himself after countless hours of navigating through the cotton candy hallways and running into traps. His arousal surged, a wave of pure bliss washes over the snow leopard as he strokes himself off underneath the thick, tasty ooze.

Speaking of tasty, he'd dunk his head backwards into the chocolate and open his maw, knowing it's safe to do so. It felt too good to be true, both getting to feed himself to his heart's content all while pleasuring himself, yet against all odds, this was all real.

He could still swallow despite his maw staying open because of the ring gag being just flexible enough for him to do so, although he did make sure to catch his breath once every few seconds to avoid drowning. A short while later he'd finally feel an orgasm form and build up, his pleasure seizing control, all he could think of is enjoying himself. He picked up the pace, stroking his erect length quicker and quicker, causing the chocolate to stir up and further liquify, thus making it easier to move his paws up and down.

He'd consume loads of the delicious chocolate whilst submerged, doing so to his hearts content all while getting turned on from it too.

Once his hunger was satiated, he worked his way above the surface again, just his head however. The snow leopard gasped only immediately resume huffing and moaning through his ring gag in a shaky and louder tone as his orgasm would peak, blinded by sheer pleasure. He'd rub his tip through the soft yet filled diaper, pre oozing from it and mixing up with the chocolate.

He arches back, letting out a sequence of loud moans and other exclaims of pleasure as he would finally climax, blasting his warm, sticky load in his chocolate-filled diaper. As he continues to moan he'd lean further back into the chocolate until his head submerged, the surface bubbling like crazy as he slowly rides out his explosive orgasm underneath the thick stuff.

Upon finishing his climax, he'd resurface and slowly trudge his way to the fourth and last island, that and the end of the chocolate marsh being in hopping range. Huffing and panting still, he takes a few seconds to prepare himself as he takes the candy cane, takes a few steps back before leaping right in, instantly sinking to his chest as he did. He used the cane to keep himself from going under as he swimmed for dear life, wasting not even a millisecond as he struggled, wallowed and swam towards the other side.

He would go under a couple times, but eventually resurface, the thick chocolate filling his diaper weighing him down while coating every inch of the snow leopard's body.

Luckily for him, and against all odds, after struggling for his life for several minutes, he finally makes it to the other side, using the candy cane to slowly pull himself up and work his way out of the chocolate marsh.

"I made it...! At last...!" He thought to himself before he drops to the ground, totally exhausted, panting deeply and feeling his heart pound all the way at his neck. He didn't think he'd actually make it, but there he was, having proven his fears and doubts unsound. The chocolate oozed from his diaper until he could finally get up and balance himself properly again. It was nothing short of relieving to be able to walk without stumbling, at least, not as much as his diaper and the thick padding inside remained soaked with the thick, tasty substance.

Making his way to the exit of the marsh and towards the third collection of tight, goopy and confusing hallways, he'd rub his soft diaper, still blushing and panting from all the struggling and bathing in the delicious ooze. The chocolate inside his diaper would mix with the semi-liquid cotton candy ooze from the walls of the maze as his arms would end up coated in a thick layer of it, once again starting to weigh him down to the point where he started to slowly sink into the ground. He'd begin to eat the cotton candy goo off his arms in hopes of slowing the sinking while also making sure not to eat too much, considering that he would start to gain weight as a result from eating copious amounts of chocolate and candy goop.

After what felt like ages of navigating through one hallway after another, he'd enter the final obstacle of the candy maze. It appeared to be some sort of massive ball pit, with gumballs for plastic balls, said a sign above his head on his left hand side, the one next to it having an objective and some rules written on it. The exit of this section was locked with a padlock with a total of 3 keyholes in them. "A game of sorts, huh? Whoever built this place must love toying with his visitors..." He thought before going over the rules.

Apparently, the keys were hidden somewhere deep between the gumballs in the pit. He'd have 10 minutes to collect all four keys and slot them in the right holes, otherwise 'a not-so-fun fate would await him'. A bit more on the ominous side, he thought as not only was this supposed to be a fun game, but the way this warning was delivered and the lack of info regarding his fate made this all that more grim to him, although judging from the pipes above him, he supposed he knew what would happen if he would fail.

The timer would be triggered after crossing a line marked with blue glaze, and the timer would stop when all four keys are correctly slotted in the padlock, and depending on how much time there is left, a reward would await for the efforts of those who pass swiftly. This motivated him, also piquing his curiosity in the mean time. He took a deep breath, stretched his limbs and ridded as much glaze from his arms as he could before approaching the starting line.

"You can do this... Remember; eyes on the prize...!" He thought before leaping into the ballpit. Right off the bat, he flashed back to the time where he'd sink into the chocolate marsh deeper than he bargained for, as this pit full of gumballs instantly reached up to his chest. What didn't help either was the viscosity of said stuff, as it'd slowly melt into a sticky and colourful ooze as he wallowed through it. Digging his paws through the candy, he'd grab what felt like a key. He pulled his paws out of the viscous stuff, it was a key indeed. He looks up at the timer, feeling confident after seeing that only 45 seconds had passed, and he already had the first key. He tossed it towards solid ground, the key landing perfectly on the candy grass.

Struggling and digging through the thick, sticky ooze gave off a similar, satisfying feeling as his member would once again grow rock-hard over time.

To his surprise, despite the struggling and difficulty moving through the molten gumballs, he'd find another key after digging for about a minute. "Wow I'm that lucky...?! This'll be over in no-time!!" He tossed the second key to safety before continuing his search for the other half. It almost seemed too good to be true, surely there wouldn't be a catch after finding half the keys after only 2 minutes...?

During his search, he felt something enter his tailhole as he bumped his rear against one of the walls of the pit, causing him to let out a shiver of pleasure. "What the- How??!!" This caught him off-guard, and to make matters worse, he'd start to orgasm while the timer continued. He'd attempt to continue his search, but his arousal would overwhelm and ultimately distract him, huffing and moaning as he digged for his crotch as opposed to dig for a key...

His buttplug suddenly started to vibrate, intensifying his orgasm to great extents. This wasn't the best time to get side-tracked, but unfortunately he couldn't help it. He started to feel more obligated towards finishing his orgasm rather than finding the other two keys and getting out of here. He looked up at the timer again, only five minutes remained. He desperately digged around while moaning uncontrollably, and there it was; the third key!

He tossed it at the exit where the other keys laid, waiting to be slotted. Unfortunately, he would start to climax right as he wanted to get back to searching for the last key. Only three and half a minute remained, and the last key was nowhere to be found. Things weren't looking too great for Ellie, his arousal has gotten the best of him and the last key was nowhere to be found, moaning and shivering from pleasure as an orgasm would slowly build up and grow stronger over time.

"C-come oooon...! Snap out of it!!" He thought to himself, though the other part of him would take over. Having a good time is all he cared about, even if it'd eventually cost him his life. It was like the semi-liquid gumball pit somehow influenced his thoughts, and that may as well be the case. The snow leopard continued to shiver while the butt plug in his tail hole began to vibrate more, pre starting to ooze from his tip once again as the thick, sticky stuff oozed into his diaper. If it wasn't for the pit having a bottom, he would have sunken out of sight just like that...

Moan after moan, he'd quickly begin to near his climax point. He looks up at the timer, noticing that he only had about 2 minutes left to find the last key and get out of the sticky pit, or else he'd have to face being buried alive in liquid gum ooze. Ellie arches back, and lets out several moans as he would finally climax, blasting his warm and sticky load in his diaper, blinded by arousal while the clock only ticked on.

He'd eventually begin to lose balance, and thanks to sheer luck, it caused him to step on a hard object which was painful but finally knocked some sense into the snow leopard. He'd grab the key with his toes, raise his leg and pick up the key, throwing it towards the surface. Unfortunately, he didn't get to enjoy his climax as much as the previous one, but being crushed under the weight and pressure of deep and thick ooze wasn't exactly his preference either.

Time was short as he finally made it, left with only 45 seconds to slot the keys in their corresponding holes. The goop covering the keys made it impossible to distinguish which one belonged where, meaning that a blessing from the stars above was required to make it out alive. Sweat began to pour down from his forehead, knowing it was now or never.

He swiftly grabbed a random key and shoved it in one of the key holes, but it didn't fit, also getting the next one wrong, and another until he heard a click when trying the last one. He grabbed another one and got it right on the first try. The last two were easy, slotting them swiftly. He heard a buzzer as he put the last key in the right hole, looking up at the timer to see "00:03.251".

The snow leopard collapsed on the candy ground as he lets out pants of exhaustion and relief, absolutely exhausted, watching as the gate opened before him. He took a moment to regain his composure, letting the flow of adrenaline slowly wind down before continuing his journey, hoping to find the exit of this maze as soon as possible.

He'd later stand before a corridor leading to the last game, a sign reads. His tail wags from excitement, motivation and hope resurging as he walks towards the end. An unfamiliar voice would interrupt him, however, hinting towards the fact that someone might be behind all this after all.

"I see you made it this far, Ellie... Now, initially I'd congratulate you, but there's one more test you need to complete before I do! Then, you'll reach the exit and get to meet the mastermind behind this marvellous maze... In person! See you there!" Unable to distinguish whether it was his friend or someone else, he shakes it off assuming it's pre-recorded, however, whoever that was knew his identity, or at the very least his name. A reason for slight concern, but not enough to drag him down. He proceeds through the gates and into the final test.

Before him was what appeared to be yet another maze, except this time made out of just candyfloss. A sign on his right hand side read the following.

"Beware these deceptively dangerous walls, for you might end up entangled in them, never to exit alive... Heheheee... You got 3 minutes to find the exit, or else the walls will close in on you! Good luck!"

He sighed, whoever thought of these games sure loves certain death. Ellie takes his time to prepare himself before approaching the starting line. He takes a deep breath and so his journey to the end begins, the same voice through the speakers, hyping him up as if it's all a show. Ellie was having a lot of trouble moving through the maze, his coated arms brushing against the narrow walls, getting them stuck ad nauseam as he raced through one corridor after another. Adrenaline surged through his veins, his lust for revenge growing stronger and stronger the more the maze and the ticking clock irked him. He was going to make whoever is behind these sick games pay for what they put him through.

It quickly became clear which direction he had to follow, as a timer and a set of speakers could be spotted when looking over the walls.

The snow leopard struggled and stumbled while the unknown voice teased him through the speakers, saying that he knew he was having fun. His length throbbed from the feeling of the remaining bits of liquid gum ball stuff coating his length in a thick layer. The voice would eventually introduce himself, his name being "Jack" and that he indeed ran the place. Ellie remained silent. He grew so tired of that so-called "mastermind" that at some points he'd forcefully tear his way right through some of the cotton candy walls all, simply out of sheer irritation.

On his way he'd grow tired of his gag, pulling the cord and tears the thing right off. Unfortunately for Ellie, he'd fall right into one of the game's traps as he proceeded through a door, thinking it was the exit. Two robotic arms restrained his arms while another set strapped a new gag around his maw, this one being in the shape of a canine knot. He'd then be covered with more candyfloss to further hinder him. He heard the voice laugh at him in a derisive and teasing manner. "Bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Knew this gag would look great on you! Doesn't it?" Ellie felt a sense of embarrassment washed over him, his length throbbing like crazy while purring, trying his utmost to deny his enjoyment as he struggled to get the candyfloss off him.

After yanking and pulling for what felt like forever, he'd finally break free from the layer coating him. He'd continue onward as the walls got more narrow while the clock kept ticking, struggling and stumbling as the timer and speakers appeared to get closer and closer.

At long last, he would finally find the exit of the maze, noticing that upon looking up at the timer he still had quite a lot of time remaining. The same voice from before congratulated him, letting him know how honoured he felt to have Ellie as his first guest.

"Good for you. This'll be your LAST!" He thought to himself while the so called mastermind rambled on.

He noticed two doors in front of him along with what appeared to be a room of some sort overlooking the cotton candy maze. One door leads to the exit of the maze itself along with a worn wooden door that appeared to be locked, assuming it leads to the control room. His curiosity and frustration gets the best of him as he'd kick down the door with sheer force, taking the set of stairs leading up to the control room where he'd hopefully get to meet the smug bastard.

The rambling stopped, causing Ellie to chuckle in a smug tone. "W-what was that?!? W-What are you doing?!?!? You're not allowed to do... that..." Said Jack before Ellie opened the door and finally came face to face with him. Before him stood a scared fox with long, blue hairs, horns and whiskers of an eastern dragon and a slim build. Ellie didn't hesitate for a second, having thought of the ultimate way to punish this critter for the troubles he caused him.

Ellie would approach him before grabbing him, gripping tightly as he carried him off to a hallway that functioned as a shortcut to all obstacles. The small fox-dragon thing kicked and squeaked as Ellie held him between his right arm and waist, chuckling as he begged him to let go of him. The snow leopard would only chuckle and look down at him as he carried him to his favourite part: The chocolate marsh.

He noticed how Jack started to freak out, pleading him to forgive him and let live. Without a further ado, he approached the edge of the island he stood on and flung him right into the thick stuff, landing on his back as his upper body almost instantly disappeared into the dark ooze. Ellie would sit down and watch as he struggled for dear life, squirming and pushing at the surface as he made a total mess of himself. "I-I'm sorry! I-I mean it!! Oh fuck...!~"

He clawed at the now smug leopard, satisfying himself in front of him as he sunk deeper and deeper in the thick chocolate, quickly ending up neck deep in the ooze. "P-please!! G-get me out of he- glk blrblblp!!~" The dark stuff began to ooze through his throat as he tried to beg for forgiveness, slowly submerging in the bubbly muck. Ellie giggled as he catches a brief glimpse of a blush creeping along his face before the chocolate oozed over his snout, burying the helpless fox. The surface bubbled as Ellie moaned and blew a load in his full diaper.

"That's what you get." He thought as he finished his orgasm, got up and proceeded through the shortcut. He made his way through the dimly-lit hallway, relieved and satisfied.

One thing Ellie did not take into account was that, unfortunately for him, these hallways were protected with an alarm system against intruders, triggering them almost immediately. This caused the ground underneath him to disappear, revealing a lower layer of shallow syrup. He stumbled and fell forward, his whole body sticking to the ground. This syrup pit, despite being shallow, had the viscosity of rat glue, trapping the snow leopard and not letting go of him no matter how hard he struggled.

He'd let out a sigh of disappointment, struck by karma from thinking he could pull a fast one on Jack's maze. He'd have to wait for his friend to eventually come rescue him, fearing it'd be long and exasperating. Ellie sighed again as he ceased struggling, eventually dozing off from exhaustion, hoping someone would rescue him as soon as possible.