The Newbie's Journal

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I was recently introduced to the VORE Station, information about which can be found here:

The people involved seem really passionate about the project, and the depth of the game makes for a very immersive experience if you are willing to learn the controls. I was lucky enough to have a friend show me the ropes, and I came up with a fun idea of a story based on his character Renaud, and my predator over there, Khang. This is THE longest story I've ever written, and I'm very proud of this one. I sincerely hope everyone who reads it enjoys their time in the world, and I encourage all to let me know if you liked any particular parts. Please check the keywords for content warnings. The PDF has formatting and the text down below doesn't so it's probably a nicer read with PDF, but either works!

The Newbie's Journal

By studmonkey

8:57 - Day One

Teleporting is something I'm not sure I'll be able to adjust to. The vertigo and roll of my stomach sent me into the wall and I nearly hurled through the metal grating beneath my boots. Thankfully there was a welcome droid at the door to greet me and set me up straight again. It was so strange for it to ask me for permission like it did, "Renaud Vulpkanin, Security Recruit, welcome to the NRV Stellar Delight. May I assist you in transference to your posting?" Its mechanical mitt hovered over my bicep, and after I caught my breath for a minute, nodding seemed to allow it to wrap an arm around my shoulder, the other gripping the closer arm as we walked side by side out of the teleportation room. It was weird that he said my race as my last name. There must've been something wrong with the information I filled out in the application. I'll look into that when I have time.

I was still woozy as he pulled me through the station and it asked if it could assist with the travel sickness. I didn't expect the needle to jab my arm from one of its fingers, but in seconds I found my balance again and was able to walk on my own. I expected tech to be fancy, but I didn't expect it to function this well. Its hard to picture when you come from the simpler colonies planet-side.

I still can't believe I landed this gig. There were dozens of people in that hallway when I went for the interview. Security seems like an important job on stations like this, considering raiders are such a tale to be told by grounders to scare us out of the sky. Considering most of the guys applying had a head or three over me, I thought it was a wash for me to dream of this position, but maybe I was the only one with any credentials. Some of my contacts must've really played up my expertise. of them. I think I can guess who really put the cherry on top of my five years at the Passion Pit. My last boss, Logan, seemed to always be impressed with how a guy of my size could drag a drunk brute out the door and deposit him into the waste bins. The monkey also was impressed with how I managed to get my knot in his hole and help him bust during bathroom breaks. I'm glad he was inspired enough to give me the praise. I'll have to send him a ping as thanks for the extra credits I'm gonna be rolling in.

I've never worked with much more than a taser and baton, so I'm surprised the droid didn't have to ask permission to pick my jaw up off the ground when we pushed through the door to security and I saw the arsenal ready to arm an entire fleet locked behind bullet-proof glass. Excitement over the idea of wielding one of these flooded me, but the dread of having to use them washed that away pretty quickly. Was this really something that the station had to deal with regularly?

I asked the droid a few things. His name is B-23, Bartholomew, 23rd iteration. Apparently the crew here has affectionately renamed him Bart, and that's easy to remember. I asked Bart how often the station is attacked by raiders. Apparently the droid had to ponder that one, sifting through logs from years past. He came up with a record of a dinky cruiser of pirates latching onto one of the empty escape pod attachments, about fifteen years ago. "All assailants were terminated." Hearing that in programmed relaxing tone of droid was a little chilling, but if criminals burst into a place armed like this...its hard to expect anything less. He didn't give details about the action but I figured it was inappropriate to ask further questions at this time.

He stood and watched after guiding me to a locker, asking me to suit up. It was a little strange getting nude in front of someone you don't know, but I suppose the droid isn't much of a pervert considering the exoskeleton around his waist wasn't equipped with any intimacy modifications. I started suiting up as I had a few more thoughts to express.

The crew was modest, which was strange considering this place looked like standards would require about fifty people at least to run the entire heap of metal, but he clarified that the AI on board handled a lot of complicated maintenance of the intricate systems. People played significant roles here, but a good amount of the work is contingency preparation and life sustainment. He spoke of the colorful cast around; cargo workers for supply requests, cooks and botanists for sustenance, janitors for cleanliness, security of course, bridge management for navigation, technicians for various system maintenance, medical personnel for injuries, and the list went on. Those were the only ones I remembered, but its nice to no the metal halls had life in them. I didn't see anything on my way over here. I figured I was about to meet my superior, considering I heard someone on a radio in the other room.

He let me be, telling me to scan the ID my locker held at the door to get in and speak with the head of security, Rose. I'm just sitting on the bench in front of my locker right now writing this. Weird to say, I'm nervous. I've never really dealt with being nervous before. I usually feel qualified for gigs but this doesn't feel the same. Its...bigger. Maybe because the environment is so new? I'll have to brew on it some, but I hope I can get along with my co-workers. Or the other crew. It all depends on who I meet.

The outfit fits my body nice at least. Its very flattering. Rubbery, leathery material that's real soft on the body. Nice colors, red and white jacket with black pants that really hug the package nicely. Makes my thighs look thick too, and it has one of those nice straps for my tail to fit. Its also got a nice zipper for easy dick access. We'll see if that comes in handy. Heavy boots with an inch of padding beneath them, my biceps and chest nicely contoured. An ear piece that fits in my pointed ears. I've never had species-specific equipment like this, but it's a blessing. The microphone is far enough out to reach the end of my snout.

It's embarrassing but looking in the tail is wagging. I guess these are good kind of butterflies in my stomach. I'm closing up this journal for now. I'll update after I get some down time after my briefing with Rose.

18:22 - Day One

Today was mostly getting used to the new area, becoming familiar with what the day-to-day will be like. Rose was terrifying, but well-spoken and proper. She knew what she was doing, and was to the point about what she needed me to do. Gryphons always exude that regality by nature, but Rose felt like the captain of an elite squadron. This place seems like dirt compared to what she could probably be doing, but she seemed proud of where she was. Even being shorter than me, her stance demanding my respect from the moment she shook my hand.

Regular shifts for security are between two and three personnel, Rose working as the head most days of the week. I suppose she doesn't like taking off much. When another officer is on deck, I probably won't be interacted with them, so it looks like I'm on my own for a while. Her contact is saved at the top of the station's PDA, so I have a direct line to her if I have any questions. A little nerve-wracking, but it seems not much is expected of me from the beginning.

I was given my access card and radio in the locker room. Rose updated my PDA personally with the station's software licenses, but she instructed that I should head to cargo to pick up an order she put in for me. It seems like its been a bit since they've had to order new equipment. Rose said, "The previous scoundrel ran off with the armor and all. I wouldn't be surprised if he swiped a roll of toilet paper as well." Clearly she was annoyed that this last guard disappeared out of the blue, but I didn't really comment. It seemed like a sore spot and I wasn't ready to have a drink with my boss and let her shoot the shit just yet.

She showed me my desk, the bathrooms nearby, some of the basics of the security computer systems wired throughout the station. Apparently there are turrets hidden in some of the walls in case of some breaches, but talking with Bart, they haven't been used in a long time. Rose seemed a little miffed I asked, "This isn't history lesson. Its training." A "Yes, Ma'am" seemed to fix that line I crossed. Good to know I've got an up-tight boss this time around. I'll learn to navigate her.

Apparently my responsibilities consist of a few things, one being 'making my presence known.' Patrolling the decks every once in a while to give the air of safety and security, to let people know that they have protection if they need it, and to become a familiar face. Very different from guarding an entrance to a club or a person. I suppose I'm responsible for everyone on the Stellar Delight, at least partly.

There was a mountain of forms to read and sign, but Rose let me head over to cargo just so I could see the rest of the ship for a bit. I wasn't in the mood to sit in such an unfamiliar place, leaving it unexplored. The adventure-boy in me wanted to see what really was on these fancy stations I've always dreamed about. Plus, apparently I had to get used to patrolling it anyway.

The whole station had three floors. The hierarchy of personnel had me wedged somewhere in the middle, so the few rooms I tried, I had access to them. Cargo was apparently at the aft of the station, so I took my time wandering the halls to see what else was on board, making an effort to avoid reaching my final destination.

Security is on the lower deck, and it looks like a ton of the science department is down here with us all. There's also a bunch of dormitories for people who aren't a fan of transferring back planet-side after a shift. There was a library as well, which was desolate of life. I may relax in there during some breaks. Just for some peace and quiet.

There was a little more hustle and bustle on the mid deck. The cafeteria was here, and there were a blend of faces here. All sorts of shapes and sizes mingled and dined. A recreation room was close to that as well as a bar, which sounds fantastic. I'll have to talk with Rose about the restrictions of alcohol on this job, considering I saw a number of people already swaying in their stools. Why do I get the feeling I'm mostly going to be breaking up drunk fights? Medical and the bridge were here too, but I wasn't interesting in conversing with anyone inside, so I just peeked through to see what was what.

Top deck had officer quarters it seemed, as there was a receptionist and some very official looking name-tags on the doors. I didn't spend a lot of time up there, but I did see I had easy access to a precarious walkway above some of the halls on deck two. Why the hell can anyone just walk up there? That seems dangerous as all hell. This deck is also where the teleportation room is, which I completely forgot about at that point already. But hey, now I know where to go home to at the end of the day. There is a shuttle that takes people to the ground as well, so I'll have to assess my preferred method of travel.

And speaking of dangerous, I went to take a leak and there was a side door out of the bathroom that I checked out, and it just led into what I can only describe as a spooky dank maintenance shaft? The lights were flickering, the floors were greased, there was mice running around between all the trash on the ground...I got bad vibes from it. Piles of trash. Why? I walked through with my mag-light for a bit, and they snaked and slithered around many of the rooms. It seems like anybody could sneak around them and hide their way through the ship. Maybe they're just neglected, but I'll have to talk with the janitor on duty to see if they can replace the lights. Seems like a violation to just have anyone walk around back there without proper monitoring. I'll have to find a map or something to navigate the area better.

Cargo was waiting for me once I was done killing some time. The halls were mostly barren, aside from a few people with faces in their PDAs as they walked. I tried to get that eye-contact to initiate a greeting but I suppose today is not one of those days where that's welcomed. I didn't see anyone at the reception counter to cargo, so I knocked on the window and waited.

Up to this point, I was wondering why these halls were well over twice my size wide and tall, but it fit together once Khang stepped into view. Rose mentioned he was working earlier, but this beast of a man stood nearly four feet above me, the window barely even framing his gut as he stepped into view. I'm used to being a little taller than most average folk, so this dude really shook me for a moment as his baritone voice asked, "You must be the newbie. Rose let me know 'bout chu."

I couldn't place his accent at all, but the dude was older, bigger, broader, more in every aspect than I expected. I don't even know how he got into that room considering the wide frame of antlers he was carrying on his head. He seemed friendly as all hell, so I chatted with him. He called me into the cargo department and he sat me in a big chair they had back there while he sifted through the drop zone for the box Rose ordered.

The guy's been a spacer for ten years, loving the gig and the people he gets to meet. Apparently its a pretty chill job in cargo, as long as people are respectful about the amount they order and when they expect it all to get processed. He said he really likes the physical labor of it, gratifying work that tires him just enough by the end of the day. "Love workin' up a sweat," he said. I could tell, the dude's uniform was crying from how his arms and gut bulged that fabric. Crazy to think they had a big enough size to fit his frame, but it wrapped him nicely.

Very nicely. Fuck, he's handsome, and he smelled amazing too, that raw essence a guy gets after hours of lifting. Big arms, thick chest, tight belly, firm ass. Not that I touched it, I just looked. He bent over a ton while he was trying to find my box. The dude was just fucking big. I wasn't about to flirt with a friendly guy I just met at my new job. I don't know who or what he's into, and he talked plenty about a few of the names on board that were on his "shit list" from treating him like a servant. He talked about retaliating occasionally, and that made me worried I'd have to ticket the guy at some point but he was smart to not tell me specifics. It must've clicked in his head he was talking to a security officer halfway through the story. I smiled all the same. It was a nice welcome.

He thudded the box of supplies in front of me and sat opposite my chair. It made me jump. I couldn't believe I didn't hear this half-ton moose coming up from behind. He asked me about my job before this so I talked about the Passion Pit, telling him about the kind of stuff I had to do, dealing with drunks, druggies, creeps, etc. Keeping people away from my boss, or protecting the talent at performances. I told him about Logan, and how he probably helped me get this job. He asked me questions about random things with my previous work, and I was confused at first, answering all the same. I think he was trying to just get me to open up, and it worked. I'll be sure to look the other way occasionally for him, as long as its nothing to egregious. He had these piercing yellow eyes, boring through me the entire time we chatted. It was hard to be anything but open with him.

I didn't get to spend too much more time since I realized I was gone for almost an hour after chatting, and I grabbed the box and hurried out the door. I shook his hand quickly before disappearing down the hall. It lasted maybe a few seconds but I can still feel the heat of his palm on my hand right now. The dude's got a grip, and I should've expected as much.

I got grilled a bit by Rose but I was able to charm her a bit I think, convincing her that I needed the tour of the place. She recommended I bother Bart for that in the future and marched away. I spent the rest of the day finishing those forms, so tomorrow is probably going to be my first day of 'making my presence known' on the station. I'm beat and its a little bit past the end of my shift, so I may grab a quick drink at the bar and then head back ground-side for some shut-eye.

Khang just pinged me on my PDA. He hoped my first day was welcoming and smooth. I didn't know he had my contact but I guess everyone is locally linked through the comms server here. I'll have to stop by tomorrow and see how his day is going.

16:30 - Day Three

I'm fucking beat. Yesterday was so filled with tasks that I didn't even have time to log anything. The real chaos starts in the middle of the week I guess where a ton more people were on the station. Not only was Rose taking me through like six different things at once to try and get me spun up, she got pulled away and I had to handle some things on my own, just...guessing. I think I did a pretty good job considering but we'll see if there's any backlash from sloppy paperwork on my part.

Six patrols per day were required by my position, and I had to juggle those thirty minute walks and inspections with ID approvals that apparently needed to get done. For some reason, there were just a handful of discarded IDs found underneath one of the stairwells in the maintenance shafts, so they individually had to be closed out with people who were no longer employed, or I had to contact them if they still were working, and of course nobody found was on the ship. I left messages on about nine PDAs describing the situation, and no one had gotten back to me.

The walkthroughs were fine, honestly. Verifying everyone had badges on, proper access to things as I dipped into offices. There were no drunks like I was worried about, but I suppose that isn't much of something to find on a Tuesday in the afternoon. I was pretty stressed by the end of the day, even having to go re-connect some cameras in the halls. The janitor said the wires are just constantly loose, but he laughed at me when I tried to tell him that they seemed fine. Maybe there's some inside joke with me being new, so I'm not going to let it get to me.

Cargo was busy as hell too when I stopped by. Seems like a ton of supplies were coming in, needing to get sorted to various places. Food to restock the kitchen, chemicals that were getting divided up all over the station for cleaning and chemistry, and random 'science' reasons I am not qualified to understand. It was a mess back there, and there were three workers today, one of them Khang. I swiped myself in to say hi and asked if he needed anything. He seemed to barely be able to focus. Something was distracting him, and considering the mess of paperwork on his desk, it seemed like some of the newer cargo techs were getting a little confused as to what was going where. I told him to whoop some ass and get them in shape. "I'll do somethin' to em alright..." His drawl gets me good. I didn't like seeing him pissed but I did like seeing him sweat. I brought him a water and that was the last I saw of him yesterday. It seemed to brighten his mood a little.

Today wasn't as bad, thankfully. Patrols around the decks were quiet and I didn't have to process a bunch of random crap because people can't follow protocol. I was alone today, but Rose was on her PDA if I needed anything. People seem a little...intimidated by me. I guess I'm used to wearing my bitch face at the club down planet-side but maybe that's not the best demeanor for this atmosphere. I'll have to pay attention to that when I'm approaching people. It doesn't help I'm a head taller than most here, but there's a few giants as well so I'm not nearly the biggest. There was this enormous naga lady I saw robotics, and I'm surprised she was able to fit between the tables in there, but she seemed to know what she was doing. And of course, Khang. I'm realizing I didn't see him today and its already at the end of my shift.

Don't know if it was creepy, but I just flipped through the security cameras and didn't see him in cargo. Maybe I missed him. I'm gonna go grab a drink at the bar and then head home.

22:58 - Day Three

Fuck me I can't get to sleep. I haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened and my dick is begging me to shoot another load. My chest fur feels so fucking gross. I might have to shower but I just need to get this down so it can finally be out of my head.


The drink I got from the bar was a little strong, so I was hanging out a little longer than I usually would. By the time my head went from swaying to that nice buzz again, I packed up my stuff and went to the bathrooms on the lower deck to piss before heading home, and who else walks through that creepy side door into the dark shafts other than Khang. I had to bite my tongue in that moment, the dude barely fitting through the door as his shadow waltzed in. I almost called him handsome right there. It works when I flirt around all drunk at the club but here, I gotta be safer.

He greeted me with that charming smile and bassy voice I practically want in my ears everyday now. I feel like he was able to see how it made me blush. I was worried I'd scare him off by letting him know I'd have a thing for him but the conversation we had was fucking...wild. I still remember it beat by beat.

Khang sidled up next to me in the urinal, and he must've been a little fucking drunk or something too because the dividers between these things do nothing to give him privacy, but this hulk of a moose whips out the biggest cock I've ever seen in my entire fucking life. Soft, riddled with veins, foreskin pinching his head just enough that I noticed him squeeze it, the hood milking a drop out before he started dumping his bladder out. "I gave one of those rookies a tongue-lashing yesterday and he decided to quit. He's gone. He had potential but he was clearly getting way too distracted..." I realized I was staring at his rod for a solid ten seconds before I wrenched my gaze away. That was when the smell hit me. God the smell of this man's dick, I don't think I've ever had anything so potent grace my snout. Its like, burned into me, and its what's making me hard right now.

I could feel them as I turned away. Those eyes were watching me, and my dick was rock hard in my hands. My eyes might as well've been glued to the tiles in front of me because I didn't dare acknowledge I got caught looking. I could see it out of the corner of my eye still, that beautiful cock. He shook away the last few drops and mashed it back into his overalls like a pillow going into a case too small for it.

He looked down and saw my dick, laughing, "Renaud, you see one dick like mine and you're pulsing like that? Shiiiit...well I'm flattered, little fellah." I am not little. Not to most people, but the way he said those words...I closed my eyes, pretending the world wasn't real right there. I apologized but he didn't seem to care at all. "Don'tchu worry that lil' head of yours, pup. Most people get that way when they see my hog. You ain't special." He chuckled, 'lightly' patting my back even though I nearly smacked my nose against the wall from his fat hand pounding me like that.

Khang started to walk out of the room. He could tell I was a little frozen but I forced myself to ask about the employee he was talking about. It was weird someone would up and leave like that so quickly, especially considering these jobs seemed so hard to land. He stopped in the doorway and turned, "I guess so. He was practically beggin' to leave once I was done with him. I told him it wasn't all over yet if he didn't want it to be but...the kid had plans I guess for somethin' bigger. I wasn't gonna stop his dreams from coming true."

That's weird, right? That's a really weird thing to say, at least if the cargo guy was just quitting. I put my dick away because I was no longer able to piss with this extra baton in my uniform. I turned to him, and the way his hand was just...scratching his belly. Man, every time I look at this man, I just fall in fucking love...

I nodded my head as if to accept his explanation and just as he was about to turn and leave, he said it, "Oh, by the way. If you wanna play with my dick some after a shift, just gimme a ping on the PDA. Those dorms upstairs are rarely used for any other reason but that. At least when I'm usin' em." He laughed and waved, "See ya, Renaud."

No man is this casual with coworkers. I don't remember seeing anything about sexual harassment when I was going through all those documents but...that's gotta constitute that, right? I should report that kind of talk. Right? I think I'm just gonna jizz one more time and try to sleep.

15:50 - Day Eight

I don't know if I can take it anymore. I really don't want to lose this job but every time I close my eyes, that black, slicked shaft is there waiting for me. I've never had trouble casually fucking coworkers before but this guy for some reason is just constantly on my mind. Nearly everyday since we talked in the bathroom, I've jerked off. I walk by cargo, I'll say hi and keep the conversation going, and he's acting like nothing happened in the bathroom earlier this week. I feel so bad thinking like this about him but I just don't understand why he's latched into my fucking mind like this.

I've beat it in the bathroom stall here more than I have fingers; morning, afternoon, and night, just picturing the casual interaction. He wasn't even trying to be hot, I think he was just talking with somebody he was comfortable with.

Rose seems satisfied with whatever I'm doing on the clock here, as she hasn't complained to me, and I've felt very comfortable falling into a pattern already. Its great to get so adjusted so quick but it also just means I have plenty of time to think about him.

I think I'm going to ping him. I'll update later.

17:44 - Day Eight

I've never cum so hard in my entire life. I sent him a simple message, "Hey. I'm in room 5. You got some time?" He didn't even respond. He gave me one of those thumbs-up reactions to the message. Guess he's a short talker through text but damn, I didn't have to wait long for him to show up. Ten minutes, he was able to get up to the room and slide in, locking the door and giving me that damn smolder of his. It was like three laces he undid on his overalls and within seconds, he was naked, asking, "Why're your clothes still on, lil' fellah?"

I was drooling as this stud stripped in front of me, I didn't even think about getting naked myself. It was like a porno, watching his shirt peel over his head, seeing his gut spill out of the compression jacket. His arms were just as thick as I imagined they'd be, and his pits had that perfect fuzz that looked soft to the touch. His caramel fur glistened from sweat, and he had this black patch over his chest and shoulders, sort of like a black poncho of thicker fluff that covered him, grey strands perking out here and there.

Those boots came out, thick feet crunching the carpet, thighs that could probably crush a car, and his dick...there it was again, chubbing to life in my presence, the entire room swelling with the smell of this man in a matter of minutes. He walked over beside me, and he was quick to start stripping me, peeling away my jacket and pants as we talked. He was so casual, I couldn't believe it. I fondled his sack, the thing practically two of my heads. He whispered down, "So watchu have in mind, pup?"

I told him I've been thinking of tasting his dick for literally days and he guffawed, assuring me it wasn't the first time he's broken his coworkers like that. He picked me up off the huge bed in the dormitory and sat himself down there, swinging his trunks for legs up as he kissed me deep. I didn't expect to be kissing this guy but honestly, the way his huge tongue managed to be gentle with my mouth, I didn't mind. He was very careful with me, especially considering that he picked me up with so much ease that I figured his muscles could probably hurl me against the wall like a tomato just to see it burst.

He pulled from the kiss and whispered into my mouth, "Bestchu get to work then." I was set down between his thighs and there was that glorious cock, the stud picking up his sack and all, slapping it down in my lap. The scent hit me like a slap to the face, and I couldn't resist leaning down to inhale it deep. The heat flooded my lungs, my lungs siphoning the pungent oxygen from his musk to filter it through my body. I was drooling, and his mitt of a hand was rubbing over my head, encouraging and welcoming as the first day we met, "There you go, take it in. You'll need that to get it in your throat, boy."

Another one of those dangerous words. I could feel myself shrinking under his care. I lifted the ebony shaft, the thing as thick as a bat and hot as a stove top. The flesh was damp, but I didn't mind. Most times I prefer my partner take a shower before this kind of fun but considering Khang's smell was doing something powerful to me, I wanted it steamy like this. I peeled the foreskin back, gaping my mouth as wide as I could, and tasted him for the first time.

I was in heaven. Time was fake. There were no obligations. It was just me and him. I laid down on my belly, never breaking eye contact. My ears were folded back the entire time, and I don't think I ever let his dick out of my mouth unless he pulled it out himself. I think he could tell I needed it, and he was trying to give me air. Looking at the time of this entry, he was in my mouth for over an hour and I didn't even know it. He left right before I started writing.

I became familiar with him. His smell, his contours, and sensitive spots. I learned what kind of pressure he likes applied to his balls. I learned he makes the cutest moan every time I gagged myself on his meat. He said the hottest fucking thing after I held him inside my throat for ten seconds, "I could feel your heart thumpin' against me. You're pretty excited.~" When I rolled my tongue through his foreskin to swallow his pre-cum, he'd always scratch my chin, telling me I was doing a great job.

Never has a man broken me like this, and I can't wait to see him again for it. He warned me when he was close, and he made me just keep the tip at the edge my throat. I don't think I've ever felt my throat so loose, because once he started to cum, it was all just so easy to swallow. It was like a hot sludge and I had the realization I'd eat anything this guy put in my mouth. He had a thumb on my neck, chuckling as he felt the bulges of his spunk dripping down to my guts. Thankfully I didn't eat dinner yet because I probably wouldn't have been able to keep his cum in me so well.

His balls are fucking huge, so it made sense some of it splattered my face at the end. It dribbled down my chest, but he called me cute all the same, pulling me into his lap. My back was against his gut, and that wide palm grabbed and rubbed my dick. I'm embarrassed to say that I fired in about three seconds of him stroking. He squeezed my knot in just the right way, it was so perfect. It scared him, but we both laughed about it. We cuddled for a good twenty minutes, talking about the day. I told him how stressed I was about hooking up and he assured me never to worry about it. The dude's single and wants to stay that way. Apparently we aren't the only people on the Stellar Delight that get up to these kinds of encounters. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for hot guys but right now...Khang is quite enough.

He kissed me on the lips again before he said goodbye, and...Ive been here, rubbing my belly as it works on his load. Stress relief from work and a free high-protein dinner? Damn...this job is getting better by the day. Probably going to head out soon even though I doubt I can put this belly back into my uniform. I'll try.

13:05 - Day Twenty-Five

Been a couple weeks since I've updated. Works been going smooth, crushing my daily goals for things. Plus, robotics was able to build a security bot that seems to handle a good amount of routine checks, so I just get the reports of what needs to be addressed and then I'm set for that rotation during the day. I've met a lot of other departments and they seem to be more receptive to me. I'm unsure if they just warmed up or if I've been softer lately.

Khang and I have continued hanging out during work hours, still fucking on company time. We have plenty of small chats about our lives, about work, but we both have grown to desire each other. No different than the last gig, when the urge comes up, we'll figure out a way to find a window. We've explored each other thoroughly at this point. I've swallowed more of his cum, eaten his ass. He's got a really nice pucker back there. Glistening, dark as night just like his dick. I've fucked it too. The dude's a switch like me, so it works out.

He's traded with me on those positions, sucking me, rimming me. Its a little scary having him between my legs like that because the guy's antlers are enormous. I had to hold onto them to stop them from stabbing me. His tongue gets a good eight inches into my hole. He keeps saying he likes the noises I make with something jammed inside me, and he only further proved that by managing to get his entire dick up my backside after tonguing and stretching me for a good thirty minutes. The dude worked for it, so I was happy to let him blow out my back. That's not something we can do frequently though. I had to sleep in the dorm that night because I honestly just couldn't walk. I guess when you get something big enough that deep, its tickling a part of your spine that isn't really supposed to be rubbed. Thankfully I was able to limp my way to medical in the morning to get it checked out. Nothing was out of place, they just gave me some steroids to reinforce the muscles down there. Khang bought me a coffee before our shifts and started to apologize. I told him I'd take the breeding again regardless.

The dorms have been a favorite spot for us but on occasion he kept asking me to meet him in the maintenance shafts. He walked me back through the dingy corridors to show me this oversized futon he apparently liked to sit on during some breaks. He'd smoke back there on occasion and I could smell the tobacco. I've tasted it on him for a while but I never questioned it until seeing the spot. Everyone always seems to have a spot where they sneak cigs. Regardless, he nearly broke my pelvis riding my dick on that thing. Thank the cosmos this guy has leg strength for days, otherwise one fall and I'd probably be a crumpled mess under his weight.

Long story short, I feel great. The pay is great. Khang is great...real great.

17:05 - Day Twenty-Six

Quick entry. Went back to Khang's spot to see if he was there smoking. I wanted to tell him about the botanist bitching at me for bumping into them in the hallway. He wasn't there but I saw something down by a junk pile. It was an ID card, and it was of a cargo worker I didn't recognize. Profile seemed normal, a reptilian guy in his twenties. Fit, handsome, his profile picture looked eager which was strange. Usually you need that weird dead-pan for security purposes when these pictures get taken.

There was something familiar about him though so I snooped a little into his access logs to see when the card was last scanned on the station. Twenty-something days ago, he clocked out from cargo and...that was it. He never left the station. The shuttle has no record of him leaving. Cryo has nothing on him freezing. Teleportation room has no record of him zipping out of here. Unless he's still somewhere on this ship, the dude's just...gone.

I don't know why this would be back h

17:15 - Day Twenty-Six

Sitting in the stalls to process this. Khang came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. It scared the shit out of me and I'll never understand how this guy is able to sneak around so quietly. He might as well be a mouse.

I showed him what I found and talked about all those other ID cards that got passed to me from the shafts to destroy. He looked at me funny for a bit. He was clearly wrestling with something in his head. I told him how I never really thought much about the cards until right then, especially because this one was close to where Khang spent a lot of time.

He stepped back a bit I guess to give me some room and he took a deep breath. "You really don't know?" I assured him I didn't but he gestured for me to sit down, so I did. He sat on the floor opposite me, closing his eyes as I guess he was piecing together his words. I was growing concerned honestly because at this point it seemed like it was some horrible secret he was about to reveal.

"You best chat with that monkey friend about why he helped you get this gig." I was confused, but he continued, "Laws are pretty different up here. One of the reasons there's so much firepower in that office of yours is because there's a dirtier crowd around to deal with sometimes." He stood up with a groaned started fumbling with his overalls, unhooking them to expose his shirt underneath. I was very wary of why he was getting naked, but maybe he figured we could fuck while we chatted or something.

"One of the other reasons people like gigs like this is so they can...indulge in their desires." I figured he meant the sex we've been having but he went on. "Other desires..." And he lifted that shirt to show his gut. I've seen it many times. Its one of my favorite parts of him, but there was definitely something different about it.

I looked at it, seeing the familiar happy trail that goes down to his dick. His belly button. The taut, short fur that decorated it so nicely, but his hand circled the side of it, and he jostled a lump there. I focused on it...processed it. I didn't understand it at first but then his gut fucking moaned. Not gurgle or groan like hungry bellies tend to do. It moaned, and the lump of someone writhed beneath his fat.

My eyes went wide and I could feel my heart beat through my chest, threatening to burst from me and run down the hallway. He could see my panic and he extended a hand to calm me, "Now now, calm down. This fellah asked for it." A thousand words ran through my body. Eating people got people locked away in high-security prisons back planet-side. Once different cultures starting blending across the galaxy, numerous governments had to put restrictions on what can and cannot be done with this practice. Some places allowed it, others vehemently banned it, and others even had designated clubs with licenses where it could be practiced. Respawning was a technology in its infancy...but it was incredibly expensive, and I imagine most...meals didn't have the pleasure or care of their predators providing such a convenience when their time came. I get people have different feelings of it. I just never imagined I'd run face first into it like this.

Needless to say I'm still shaking from the encounter. He tried to explain himself, talking about how the guy wanted it to happen. About how much they both enjoyed it...but I can't shake the thought of it. All ending like that in a stomach of some huge man. Those final moments of post-nut clarity before the lights go out and you're gone for good. I asked him about the respawning. He shook his head and implied the job didn't pay nearly enough to have access to that. I understood. He clearly thought I was afraid, and wanted to help me calm down. I slipped past him saying I needed a moment to think.

The scary part though is that...I'm not afraid. I'm hard. Sure, its tense thinking about it. Its a lot the prey gives up in those situations's something everyone is curious about, at least the few times I've talked about it with friends. This horrible taboo that society says you can't have. I've been on both sides of desire for it. Seeing a cute guy half my size, wanting to plug his ass back-stage and see how much of his head I can get in my throat. There was a regular at club too, this fat alligator I'd be hired to stand near for the night. I barely paid attention to the crowds those nights because I always wondered why there was a new twink in his lap every time he visited. It was never the same boy, and I always suspected the dude's appetite was taking them. The way his hands dragged underneath their clothes, the way his tongue scraped their necks... I used to think about being in his lap, and what he'd do if I went home with him. I was bigger than most guys he fooled around with, but that didn't stop the fantasies.

It makes perfect sense that people would come up here to do these things. Eat people. I've looked at his gut with those sort of feelings before, but he never seemed like the type of guy to do it. Too caring, too casual with how he handles himself but I guess I was wrong. I never let myself explore those feelings. After that gator stranger, I realized how much I focused on it. I had to work pretty hard to shake the habit but...fuck. I think Khang has been waiting for me outside the stalls. Unsure if he wants to chat or if he's gonna keep me from talking or something, but either way...I've gotta talk to him.

23:21 - Day Twenty-Six

Well I'm not dead. I'm just laying in bed. Overwhelmed. Horny. He looked pretty distressed when I came out. He suggested we talk in the hall. There were some chairs that were in sight of some of the security cameras. He figured that'd help me feel safe while talking. It was a good suggestion, even though it made me aware that he seemed to know where all the cameras were. I didn't focus on that too much, but we had a pretty good conversation. He seemed very nervous. Not wanting to scare me, not wanting to make a sudden move and have me run off or pull out the taser in my pocket. I wasn't going to use it, but I could feel the heat of its battery on my thigh.

I kept starring at his gut while I spoke and he could tell. The lump underneath his uniform was already gone. The guy in there was probably dead. He asked me to talk about what I was feeling. I didn't want to tell him yet, so I asked him about who it was in there. He got flustered a bit, squirming in his chair. Even with my danger-sense activated, the dude is still looker, and it was nice to watch him writhe. I couldn't help but chuckle at how uncomfortable he got. Weirdly lightened the mood. "One of the janitors...Tajaran fellah. The little guy asked me to sit on him in the shafts on the other side of the station. I figured he wanted to eat m' ass some but...he started to push. So I helped him." His gaze locked with mine, mine with his. I was looking in those topaz eyes for a hint of malice and I hated how I found none.

I asked him how long he knew the guy. He sighed, "Couple weeks. Feline fellah wasn't much of a talker. He'd swing by cargo to say hi on occasion, not much else. We never really talked much about any of the stuff we did, I just know his eyes flicked down to the goods a lot. I followed him into the janitor closet one day and bent him over a table in there...he seemed pretty content with that." I crossed my legs at the imagery, refusing to let him know he was already off the hook in my eyes. I didn't even want to believe it. There was still a boulder in my stomach that weighed heavily in me. I needed help lifting it out.

There was a pause as I processed the information. He waited, his foot anxiously tapping on the carpet, I realized how much he valued our friendship, even with how short its been. He wanted me to be okay and wanted to give me the space I needed. I asked him, "So you barely knew this guy. You barely talked to him. You fucked him a couple times. And now he's digesting inside you?"

He nodded slowly, "Yea." My breathing was rattled. I kept harping on that one detail, that the man in there was smoldering away in the furnace of my friend. Having Khang's gut pressing down on me numerous times, the dude is hot to the touch. I can't imagine what its like inside him. I started getting visibly flustered. I leaned forward and dropped my head into my palms to hide my face.

Without looking at him, I asked if he liked it. He spoke real softly, "I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't like it. With this kind of interest...there's a lot of responsibility I feel like I have. Some of us bigger folk ain't so kind when it comes to eating up boys like this. They'll just grab em in those shafts and...never be seen again. Not even a text log of where they went. I much prefer when I get to feel my meals enjoy it." It was so sick, almost objectifying but...even with something as dark as this, I could sense the care he gave me in the many times we've fucked in that voice of his still. The thought of other predators on this station shook me, and the professional in my head wondered why any of this was allowed without proper monitoring. I started to realize why the cameras were getting disconnected. I looked up to him, and I guess something about my gaze needed reassurance. He shook his head, "I appreciate what these fellahs give me, every one of em." A genuine grin peeled across that wide muzzle of his. I broke the stare first, submitting to his charm once again.

Another pause and he repeated, "What are you feeling?" Through a trembling breath I told him how confused I was. How much I remembered about grounders taking this crime so seriously. How dangerous it was, like the boogeyman that can make you disappear over night. It did make you disappear over night. I told him about how it was compromising my affection for him. It was the first time I said I had feelings for him. Nothing about commitment, deeper relationships or anything like that. Just as a friend I can trust, that I can confide in some, that I can feel comfortable with mentally, physically...emotionally. He understood that. He apologized that it was revealed this way. He said its never easy to show people that interest but he also didn't want me to figure it out without him there so he could talk.

I kept going, telling him what I knew about it. What my thoughts were about it. I told him about my feelings around smaller guys, the way they've made me drool in the past. Wanting to just...take them. Keep them for myself. I told him about the alligator back in the club, the ways I thought about him, being on or in him. He stayed silent, but I could tell the question that was on his head, so I answered it, "I don't know if I'd ever eat somebody. Wrestling with the idea of where they go and what happens inside me is overwhelming. And I don't know if I would ever..." I looked to him and he scratched his chin, returning to a memory as he looked to the fluorescent lights above.

He started, "My first was up here actually. Couple months after I got the gig. I was fooling around with this human in the library. Real cute, softest touch I've ever felt. Had this nice chinstrap around his face that he liked to get scratched. I think it was more about my big ol' hand holding him than the scratching itself but...anyway. He was small, so he couldn't really swallow my log but he was tonguing the tip real nice." He chuckled, checking in with a quick glance I guess to see if I was ready to hear this. I was. He chuffed and continued, "I hadn't eaten that day. Was a real long shift, bunch of orders got doubled up somehow and the quartermaster was pissed as all hell at anyone and everyone that crossed her path. I was stressed...and wanted to manhandle my lil' friend some."

I noticed his scent building across the coffee table between us. It makes me so fucking weak. He uncrossed his legs and adjusted himself, the cocky bastard feeling like he could tease all of a sudden, "My belly groaned while he was suckin' me. We just stared at each other for a whole minute. Something...clicked in both of us. Like electricity. Another one of those wordless moments, like with the cat fellah in here." He squeezed his stomach and something slopped inside, "Eyes quiverin', dartin' between my belly and my mouth. We both looked around, silently making sure no one was about to see what was going to happen. We pushed into a kiss. I started ripping off his clothes. He started whining more and more and I just...swallowed him whole. I was ravenous...don't know what overcame me."

Through my own arousal I asked him if that's when he knew what he was, and he nodded, "Yea...I was a predator ever since. When he stopped squirmin' in my tank, I dumped the biggest load in my uniform. I tried going back to the job to pretend it all didn't just happen, but it did happen. He's gone, and I'm still here. I felt his body convulse at the end, just like when he came while we fooled around. Just...more primal than ever. Had to go shower for a good thirty minutes to process it all. Both my feelings and his body, heh." He pinched his eyes shut and apologized, but I confessed it was okay. I told him it was hot. He talked about the complexity of letting somebody die inside you, how horrible it felt to end a life but he found a lot of support on the forums through his PDA. He learned about the culture of the kink. Of what was expected, what was desired, what was off limits, and what was allowed. It blew my mind to think that this was something with such an official following. He added, "And I've seen a few people get fired for getting that's why I've hid it. Some of the supervisors must be looking the other way but they still don't want stories spreading around."

He asked if I was okay and after a few moments I told him yes. He asked if I wanted to stop fooling around with him...and I said no. Even with the introduction of something that puts my life at risk like this, I don't think I could ever separate myself from Khang at this point. I told him I was probably going to chat with Rose if I could take a few days off for a family emergency just to think about this some. Figure myself out. Laying in bed writing this...I have to know more.

09:29 - Day Twenty-Seven

I haven't slept. My dick is betraying me. Four loads throughout the night and I haven't been able to shut my eyes. He's there, every time I close them. I keep thinking about what the janitor felt like in there. What I'd feel if I touched his belly. What the guy went through before he passed. I'm fixating on the thought of the guy being digested and absorbed by that beautiful body, the rest just getting...disposed. I'm obsessed. I want him so bad right now and that terrifies me. I'm clocking in.


Renaud came up in civilian clothes, only his PDA and ID in his pockets as he stepped out of the teleporter with his heart throbbing faster than a humming bird. He wasn't thinking, simply acting, his dick a pointer on a compass guiding him towards true north. He leaped down the stairs, multiple steps at a time and found himself in front of cargo within seconds, the canine nervously bouncing at the reception station as he rang the button.

The lumbering form emerged from behind the crates stacked high, writing in a clipboard with his oversized mitts for hands, Khang muttering down towards his work, "How can I help you today...Renaud." His eyes went wide, wiping his hands as if he looked messy, tossing the clipboard to the desk and leaning down to show his wide mug in the window, "What are you doing in?"

"Fuck me." The wolf's lips were tight, waiting for the demand to be met.

"What, right now? I've got some orders to pro-" He stuttered.

"Meet me in the bathroom stall downstairs. And you better be hard when you get there." Renaud disappeared from view, the firm tone unapologetic, needy. His paws stomped their way across the metal grates, the enormous hallway swallowing him from sight.

His clothes were nowhere in sight, sitting on the oversized porcelain throne in the plus-sized stall, a place they've met once before for a quickie. Only his ID and PDA were on the ground by his feet. Renaud focused on his breathing, counting the seconds as they passed, his body bringing him to this moment. The moose glided into the stall, already unfastening his overalls and letting the mammoth length flop free, chubbed and ready to go.

They stared at each other for a moment, barely any inches between them as Renaud gulped and leaned in, inhaling the earthy scent of the man before him, allowing the tendrils of musk to soften him as they did every time before this. It was fresh-cut grass, newly placed mulch, the sweet scent of seed and the tangy pinch of sweat. It opened Renaud's mouth and inches disappeared in the officer's throat.

Khang groaned in delight, satisfaction of those lips melting his tension over work and the petrifying fear of losing a friend, "I-I thought you were going to qui-"

"Don't talk." Renaud's tongue scraped the slit at the tip, staring into that dark eye that watched back, fingers tracing the roadmap of veins like he did every time he pleasured the moose's rod, "Just fuck me."

He nodded, stepping forward and rolling the canine onto his back, hiking those legs up into the air as his calloused hands pulled the vulpkanin's cheeks apart, a glistening, lubricated hole staring back. He was loose. Khang could smell the neediness below, realizing just what Renaud was doing while he was home, playing with himself all night. He saw the fatigue in his friend's eyes and nodded, guiding his cock inside that hole, letting it sink inside.

The laborious insertion stirred Renaud's body, his tongue lolling free as Khang's hands found their way beneath his pits, thumbs nearly touching around the the dog's broad chest. He loved these muscles, how they flexed when the two of them mated, seeing perspiration decorate it the faster they started to move. Every inch made them tighten, squirm, like his body was being ripped in half and the sweet panic in Renaud's eyes always made him want to push just a little bit harder. He held his breath, listening to the whines and slickness of his entrance as his massive member swelled the man's colon wide. His swollen nuts soon clapped against Renaud's cheeks, and Khang's rhythm began, the two finding the synchrony they've built with each other over the past month quickly.

Khang stopped for a moment, the straps of his overalls dangling by his sides, swiftly pulling his undershirt over his head and tossing it to the ground so the mountain of a belly could roll down onto Renaud's dick, crushing it against his abs. The heat swelled in the small stall, the two of them sweating as their essences mixed and combined, tingling both of their snouts.

Khang lifted his companion up and sat himself down on the toilet, draping Renaud over the dome of his belly, pasting him to the damp surface so he could rotate his hips and plunge up into him with ease. He squeezed the belly tight, whining into the fat as it punched his insides harder and harder. Khang's grunts were growing in volume, the soft surge of those nuts below signaling an approach to release.

Renaud lifted himself off of that belly, whispering, "Khang..." He said nothing else, watching the moose slowly leave that physical trance and join gaze with him. They both were drenched, breathing deep, full breaths that siphoned the flavor of the air through both of their lungs. Khang's hands held firmly on the wolf's shoulders.

They both felt it. Their breathing synced by the time it happened. That sensation, that desire. That connection. Renaud's hands roamed around the fluffy belly, massaging up through the black tufts of the moose's poncho-like fur. A brief moment of clarity, Khang licking up the drool from his lips as he whispered, "Yea?"

The weakest of nods, wordless. Silent, just like so many of the boys before. Just how he wanted it. Khang started to swirl his hips back and forth, wide muzzle lurching forward to plunge his tongue deep into the canine's mouth, throat, piercing him and tasting him thoroughly. He's tasted Renaud so many times before this, but he was never as sweet as he was right now.

They both moaned into the kiss, Khang whispering into his friend's throat, "Good boy." The lips gaped, blunt teeth splitting open as the cavern of the moose's maw found the wolf in the way of it closing again. The slobber soaked into him, matting the fur on his face as the tight pinch of the moose's gullet accepted him, already feeling the bat lodged in his intestines squelching free.

The first gulp sent a shiver through Renaud's entire body, and Khang could feel it as his head popped inside, subjected to the muggy heat of the man's throat. He could feel the thump of the moose's heart, pounding the side of his head as shoulders squeezed so easily within. The carpet of a tongue battered against the security officer's torso, stimulating him, savoring the taste of his friend in a way he only dreamed about.

The plug pulled free from the aching pucker, the black trunk bobbed free in the air. He whined loud as the emptiness overwhelmed him for a moment before his dick dragged against the broad tongue, distracting him. He clenched himself tight, needing his load to stay inside for this journey, knowing it wasn't going to be as blissful as the research online implied.

Khang's tongue scooped through his taint, pushing inside the loose ass of the wolf as he tilted his head back, letting those muscled legs wave in the air. Renaud could feel gravity was the only tool at work now, squelching him deeper as his shoulders wiggled him further along. His nose pressed to the sphincter of that stomach entrance, spreading around him as he caustic bitterness of that gut smashed him. Those were acids. They were going to bite quicker than he would like, but his body demanded to feel it.

The legs were quick work, suckles painting thighs and calves with spit, and soon the paws too before the resounding gulp finished Renaud off, and the sickening gush of his friend's body swirled through his esophagus, depositing him fully in that tank he loved so much. A vile belch resounded throughout the bathroom, and Khang settled, both of his hands on the soon-to-be grave of his friend.

The fog within was thicker than molasses, heavy and difficult to breathe. The belch tightened the chamber, compressing the wolf within dangerously, so much that he whined from how it threatened his bones. He whimpered, the plush walls shifting from pillowy soft to tough and powerful with every compression the gut gave him. He was in a haze, drunk off of sex and musk, feeling his length throb in the viscous pool around his body. The liquids within clung to him, tingling him, splashing up his body with every affectionate, deadly compression that was applied to his body.

Khang had questions, but he couldn't deny the feeling they both had. The desire they both felt as it was sealed, the wolf's fate set in stone. He hugged his full belly, rubbing over the lump of his friend as he spoke, knowing the reverberations of his deep voice made it through the fat to his prey, "Very good boy..." He pet over him, massaged him, holding him whenever he felt the panicked whimpers within. Khang calmed him as the moose's belly slowly worked on the boy, digesting him.

Thirty minutes had passed, the squirming at its end. The high of cathartic bliss made time pass in a blink of an eye. He could feel the shape of his friend breaking, the walls groaning and biting at his meal. The fat stomach nearly steamed in the stall. A loving tell slipped from Khang's lips once more, "You're gonna be with me forever, little man...cum for me." It was like a switch, the swollen length beneath the belly waiting for this moment as the twitching body inside erupted and climaxed, the walls tightening, gripping, claiming. The muscles contracted and squeezed, the sickening CRRUUUUNCH of the wolf within urging Khang's length to fire its load and splatter the stall's door with the white slop from his nuts. Potent ropes slapped and splashed against the ground as it dripped, steaming the stall up further. The shapes of the wolf within were no more, the belly working at the scraps of the wolf, remains of his former life no longer visible through the fat flesh.

Khang looked at the mess before him, breathing slower to calm himself down as he affectionately rubbed his swollen belly. He could feel the slop starting to be slurped down into his intestines, the soft tickling of those bone fragments subtly noticeable as they trickled down. He was eager to feel the boost of excitement and energy once his body started to absorb the nutrients from his friend, the brute leaning down to grab the ID and PDA on the ground. The journal app was open, and he scrolled through the entries, starting from the very beginning of the security officer's employment. He read them all, smiling. Khang kissed the gut in his lap, pocketing Renaud's belongings. He admired his friend's sacrifice, and he will always remember the handsome officer, from the moment they met to the moment they joined bodies.

He sighed, having been in this situation a handful of times before, "Well...shit." He stepped over the mess, and started his clean-up routine, locking the bathroom doors as he pulled a hose from a closet to rinse away his mess. The drains were powerful, able to suck down the gunk he'd fired onto the floor pretty quickly. Something caught his eye in the disposal bin, seeing the canine's clothes folded nicely inside. It seemed Renaud knew what he wanted today, and Khang was able to give it to him. A shower was had, lovingly caressing the fat he was accumulating from his meal, and within an hour, he was back at work. He hummed to himself with glee over how the pup would be on his waistline forever and ever.

The Secret Spot

**The Secret Spot** "Fuuuuck....." Nox groaned, beating his dick. He was sitting on Logan's chest. The tip of the hyena's dick rested on the monkey's open lips, and without much more effort, he spilled his load out into his friend's mouth, slopping...

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