summer afternoon

Story by Werewolfantipaladin on SoFurry

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#2 of Flametail

I stare down into my cereal bowl and make a face my stomach is jumping so much I don't feel much like eating. "Jake, honey, you feeling ok?" my mother walks over and looks at me.

"I'm ok Mom" I take a spoonful of cereal and swallow. She smiles and ruffles the fur on my head.

"Are you going to call Max today?" she asks, I nearly drop my spoon but luckily her back is to me.

"I'm not sure Ma"

She turns "Did you and he have an argument?"

"No Ma, we're cool" I force down another mouthful. She pulls out the chair across from me and sits.

"Sweetie, I know when my boy has something on his mind, I also know it concerns Max" she pauses "Call him up, he's your friend Jake. Whatever it is, I'm sure the two of you can work it out"

I finish my breakfast , rinse out the dish and put it in the dishwasher. 'Guess I've put it off long enough" I shrug.

Ma gets to her feet. "Good. I'm going to visit your aunt. If Max comes over, don't make a mess Honestly Jake, how the two of you destroy your room when he visits...what do the two of you do in there?"

I laugh "Playing video games is a serious business"

Mom snorts "Two 14 year olds spending a lovely summer morning, in the dark room playing video games, when I was your age...."

"Yea Yea yea Ma " I answer and go into the living room and pick up the phone, touching the pentacle around my neck and saying a prayer. The phone is picked up on the third ring "Hello"

"Max...Max, it's Jake"

"Jake, why the hell have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" he sounds upset "I've been calling for the past few week and you are always not there"

"I know Max, I know, I just had to sort a few things out in my mind, that's all. I never did thank you for visiting me when I was in the hospital"

"Oh Jake, our friendship goes back to nursery school, why wouldn't I visit you?"

"Look, can you come over, I'll explain everything"

"Sure thing" he says, "I have a couple of chores to finish up, say about an half hour?"

"That's ok. My mother is going out so we'll have the place to ourselves"

"What's that supposed to mean" he asks and I curse myself, stay calm. "Max, I just want to talk to you about something and well, I'll feel better if it is just you and me"

"Uh, alright Jake, I guess, see you in a few" he hangs up.

I put the phone down and go into the kitchen, my mother has put her jacket on. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and shoulders her pocketbook. "I hope everything works out between you Max. He's a good friend to you Jake, honest, trustworthy, loyal."

"I know Ma, I know"

She ruffles my fur again "I'll be back later this afternoon." I watch as Ma leaves then I hurry upstairs and go into my room. I go over to my dresser, a small stuffed wolf sits on it. I pick it up, holding it to my chest.

I remember laying in the hospital, suffering from a case of food poisoning. Max had been the only one of my friends who came to visit and he had brought the toy wolf with him. I can still hear his voice "Snagged this from my mother's gift shop. I can't be with you all the time Jake, but he can. He'll watch over you" Max had smiled at me and I felt.....oh goddess what I felt at that point. I snap out my memories and put the wolf back on my dresser and look at myself in the mirror.

My tail swishes back and forth and my green eyes are bright. I am one good looking Fox, I think to myself. I run a paw up under my shirt, exposing my white chest and belly fur then slide it down into my pants, feeling myself get hard. No, not quite yet.

I bend down and feel under my bed and pull out a bag. Inside is a library book. The title reads "The Happiness of Furry Gay Sex" I started flipping through the pages. I had studied this book over the past week, reading about relationships, mating positions, realizing how much I loved Max and wanted to have sex with him.

I close the book and slip it back into the bag removing a jar from inside. I was too nervous to buy a tube of K Y Jelly but did score some Vaseline. The book did say it was a lubricant but really shouldn't be used with a condom, something I couldn't buy. It would have to do. The doorbell ringing startles me and I quickly hide the bag and go downstairs.

Max stands at the door wearing cutoff jeans, sneakers and a black t shirt. A knapsack is slung over his shoulder. "Hey Flametail" he says "Long time no see" I smile at him

"Come on upstairs" He follows me "I didn't know which games you wanted me to bring, so I brought the Gameboy and some Nintendo cartridges" He grins "I brought Zelda, we can try that dungeon again, I have it mapped"

"Sure thing Max" I open my bedroom door then close it behind us and then I lean against it. Max puts his knapsack on a chair and looks at me. "You feeling OK Jake?" he sounds concerned "What's on your mind?" his blue eyes regard me.

I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. "Max, what I am about to say is the reason why I've been avoiding you. Let me say my peace and whatever you decide, whatever you do is alright with me" He looks at me, tilting his head in confusion but I wave him off. "I am in love with you Max and have been for a long time. You were the only one to visit me in the hospital, you've always been by my side. I want to make love to you Max, I want you inside me, I want nothing more than to hear you howl my name" I stare at him "I want you in the worst way Max, right here, right now."

Max stands up, a blank expression on his face, he grabs the side of face with his paws, is he going to break my, he's...he's....oh goddess he is kissing me! I feel his tongue in my mouth and I kiss him back hard, taking him into my arms, long minutes pass as we embrace, finally he pulls away, wiping at his muzzle a bit.

"What took you so long Jake" he says with a smile, I can see the front of his cut-offs bulging out.

"I thought you'd reject me." I laugh and reach for him "or kill me for coming on to you. How did you know"

Max smiles "When you were in the hospital hooked up to all those dripsand out of it, I took your hand in mine. You got a boner. I had suspected it before, and that proved it. What do we do now?" he asks

I go over to my bed and take the book from its bag, showing him the cover. Max laughs "An instruction manual?" I nod, look at a few pages then go over to him sliding a paw down into his jeans and stroking what I find there. "take off all your clothes" I whisper and the Wolf quickly does.

I make him sit on the bed and continue to stroke his wolfcock as it stands straight up from his body. I rub it against the side of my face then massage his balls, they are coated with fine hairs like felt. "Jake" he moans. I start sucking on him, going all the way down to the base, trying to recall everything the book said to do. I feel his paws on my head scratching behind my ears, I can smell something, the scent is hot, cloying, I am reminded of pine needles and the ground after a rainstorm.

Max trembles, I give his balls another gentle squeeze, he howls in pleasure and my mouth is filled with his hot cum, it is so salty and I almost gag, there is so much of it, his hips buck against my muzzle as I swallow, then breathe, then swallow again. I look up, licking his dick clean. His eyes are half closed.

"Lie back Max" I say, quickly removing my shorts. He looks at me "What are you going to do now" he wags his big brush of a tail at me giving me a good look at what he has just underneath

"Just enjoy it Max" I grab the jar of Vaseline and cover my dick with it and rubbing some on his tailhole, Max lets out a gasp as I poke a finger inside. I get into position and slowly ease my way into him. Goddess I never felt anything like it, he is so tight inside.

Max grits his fangs, pain and pleasure on his face. "Am I hurting you?" I start to pull out but he grabs at me

"No...just go slow" My body feels like it is on autopilot as I start moving my hips back and forth, Max howls again as I let out a moan of pleasure, I can feel it, a hotness, a burning, fire in my crotch, I grab pawfuls of his grey chest fur, slide in past my knot and scream his name as I come, Max tightens against me,crying out as well, spraying my chest and stomach with his semen.

I lick at his muzzle, feeling his body spasm. "Jake" he whispers. The room reeks of Wolf and my own scent,

"I'm going to have to open a window". I slip out of him, my legs feel so rubbery I can just about make it. Oh damn, it is already open. I put on the fan but it does little to cool me down.

"Jake come back to me" I do as he wishes, sliding onto the bed next to him, running my paw over his chest.

"You are mine now Wolf Eyes" I whisper into his ear

"And you are mine too Flametail" he pokes me and grins.

"We'd better shower" I get to my feet "if my Mom smells what we did..."

Max looks at me "We did nothing wrong, our love for each other is no one else's business. We keep it between ourselves and don't broadcast it. What we did today is personal and private" he looks at me and sits up. "and we'll do it again and again and leave it so"

I look at Max, feeling such love for my Wolf it hurts. "let's clean up and then we have that dungeon to beat"