Snow Day

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#2 of Older stories from Furaffinity

This was a sequel of sorts to Dangerous Party ( You don't need to have read the first to enjoy this one though. :3

Originally uploaded to Furaffinity on December of 2019.

It may seem a bit odd to write an unprompted sequel to a story that you were commissioned to write, but my readers were quite fond of Oscar, the character I created to be the antagonist of that story. I must admit, I was quite fond of him myself and may very well use him more in the future!

As before, this is quite an old story at this point and from a time when I was a lot more carefree when it came to proof-reading and redrafting my stories, as such there may be a few typos and mistakes here and there but I tried to catch them all before uploading here ^^;

The text colour changes didn't format quite right in the part where the two are exchanging messages, so sorry if that's at all confusing ^^;

Snow Day

The Return of Oscar The Rabbit

(Macro, Paw, Musk)


It had been around five weeks since the party, a party Jason had no intention of going to but was difficult to avoid when he found himself kidnapped, stuffed in a shoe and forcefully taken there. The micro fox had endured a lot of abuse that night, he had been strapped to a foot against his will, made to do horrible things for the amusement of the drunk and stoned jocks that had captured him and ultimately ended up being swallowed whole by one of them. Luckily the student had no intention of keeping him there forever and he was coughed back out in the early hours of the following morning but the event had been replaying in his head ever since. He had no desire to go through such an ordeal again, not fully, however he often found himself fantasizing about Oscar. Oscar was a rabbit, a tall and quiet handsome rabbit, the same one who had snatched him up at the gym and taken Jason against his will to the party. It was Oscar's fault that the torment had occurred, it was him who had put Jason in harm's way and seemed to get off on it all. Why then, Jason wondered, was he unable to shake the villainous rabbit from his head? He kept dreaming about being back at the rabbit's long soft soles, being forced to worship them, indulge himself in their softness, their warmth, their scent. Often he would awaken to find that he had cum in his sleep after having these dreams, he had a strange desire to meet with Oscar again, but this time he wanted nobody else to be involved.

Jason was woken by the bleeping of his alarm clock, with weary eyes and a lazy groan, he arose from the warmth of his covers and hit the snooze button. Letting out a long laboured yawn, the fox sat up in his bead and rubbed at his eyes. "No wet dream tonight, that's a plus I guess" he sighed to himself "Maybe I can catch five more minutes of sleep and.." he laughed to himself "No Jason, you aren't going to do that today". He reluctantly got out of bed, choosing to ignore the morning wood going on in his boxer shorts as he rummaged around in his drawers picking out some clothes for the day. He heard his phone buzzing on the bedside table, after slipping on a warm hoodie, he hopped over to see who had messaged him. It was Casey from his class, messaging to let him know that the lecture was cancelled today due to the weather. "Weather?" he asked himself, looking out his window to see a thick layer of snow covering the campus grounds. The fox grinned excitedly, he was a sucker for a snow day and it looked like the pathways had been cleared already, no chance of him getting lost in the cold white fluffy ice while trying to traverse it. "Perfect excuse for a cup of hot cocoa I guess" he said to himself, eyeing up the campus coffee shop in the distance "Let's just hope they aren't out of micro cups again". Jason opened his wardrobe, pulling out his thickest jacket and scarf before slipping them both on and heading out.

The ground was icy on the pathway leading toward the coffee house, meaning Jason had to take extra care as he walked, luckily most of the larger students on campus were either indoors in the warm or having fun elsewhere so the chances of being stepped on were reduced somewhat. Battling the elements, the fox stayed focused on his goal in the distance, eying up that door, the inviting warm glow coming from it's window and the smell of coffee and tasty baked goods wafting from it. As Jason got closer and closer he noticed the door swing open and a familiar figure stepping out into the cold wintery grounds, it had been over a month since the fox had seen him but there was no mistaking it, it was Oscar. The rabbit was wrapped up warm in a thick, fleece lined denim jacket with a green and blue scarf wrapped around his neck, he had a large gym bag hanging from his shoulder. Oscar flicked the long mop of dark brown hair out of his face while he carefully sipped at the disposable coffee cup in his hand as he began walking down in the direction the gym, he hadn't noticed the micro stood staring at him, he appeared lost in thought and walked right past the fox.

Jason stopped for a moment, watching the rabbit leave. He was having an internal argument about whether or not he should follow Oscar to try and get his attention or to just continue about his day. Jason was well aware of what this rabbit was capable of, especially when his housemates were involved and he certainly did not want a repeat of the party night, at least not fully. His mind quickly wandered to the feelings he felt when around Oscar's huge, soft, warm and musky feet, resulting in him feeling a slight reaction in his pants as his cock began to harden with the lewd thoughts. "Am I really about to let my kinks overpower my common sense?" Jason muttered to himself. Oscar was now a fair distance away, it would be difficult for a tiny micro to catch up at this point but Jason was pretty sure he knew where the rabbit was going. He waited for a moment, weighing up the options in his head before giving in "Screw it" he said to himself, beginning to jog in the direction Oscar had headed "I guess I'm going to the gym". Oscar was still in the distance and sure enough, he headed into the gym. Jason's jog sped up, becoming more of a run, he skidded a little on an icy puddle but managed to stay on his feet as the doors to the gym grew closer and closer, after a couple of minutes he was there, huffing and puffing outside the door in exhaustion. "What the hell am I doing?" he groaned to himself, pressing the low down button for micros to gain access. The door opened and he hopped right in, seeing Oscar stood at the reception desk, chatting flirtatiously with the buff looking dog behind it.

There must have been a large delivery earlier this morning as tall stacks of cardboard boxes stood against the walls of the main entrance way, leaving enough space so as not to obstruct any gym-goers, regardless of their size. The stacks would have looked tall enough if Jason was regular sized, as a micro they looked like gigantic brown skyscrapers, he stared at them for a moment before bringing his focus back to Oscar at the desk. The fox took a deep breath before marching toward the huge rabbit, not noticing the sticky wet blob of chewed up bubblegum on the ground before him, he felt his paw sink into it with a gross squelching sound. "Urrgh! Gross!" He whined, tugging at his leg to free his paw from the sticky, rubbery goo. After some struggling it began to loosen, Jason gave one more strong tug and managed to free himself, however lost his balance in the process, he stumbled backwards on the cold tiled floor, falling back against one of the towering piles of boxes. "Shit.." Jason whimpered as he noticed the stack of boxes begin to wobble from the impact, a loose box at the top coming loose and toppling over, falling straight down toward the tiny micro. Jason whimpered louder and closed his eyes, there was no way he could get out of the way in time, just as he braced himself for the impending injury he heard a loud grunt followed by the sound of the box being caught "Gotcha!" he heard a voice say. Jason opened his eyes and looked up to see Oscar stood over him, holding onto the box that almost crushed him.

"You okay, little guy?" The rabbit asked, putting the box back in place. "Y-yes, thank you.." Jason squeaked shyly, had Oscar just saved his life? That seemed quite uncharacteristic of the mean bully that had been teasing and tormenting him before. "Hey, Brian!" The rabbit called back to the dog behind the desk "You really need to get these moved somewhere else, this little dude almost got killed! It's a real health and safety issue, ya know?". The dog sighed and nodded in agreement "Yeah, I guess I'll get on that now, sorry buddy". Jason cleared his throat and blushed "Oscar?" he asked coyly. Oscar looked back down at the trembling tiny fox "Oh! It's you!" he chuckled "Heh.. This is a little awkward.. But more importantly" he squatted down to get a better look at the micro "You sure you're okay, little dude? That was a really close call". Jason stood up and dusted himself off "Yeah I'm fine, thank you for, you know, saving my life" he blushed and looked at the ground, to embarrassed to make eye contact. "No problem" The rabbit smirked, standing back up "I'm just glad I made it to you in time. Anyway, see you around little dude". The rabbit began walking away toward the changing rooms. "WA-WAIT!" Jason called out, causing Oscar to stop in his tracks, he looked back at the micro curiously. "Can.. Can we talk?" Jason asked nervously. The look of curiosity on Oscar's face only grew from this request "You wanna talk to me?" he asked "Umm, sure we can talk, wanna come into the changing rooms with me? It's a little more private in there". Jason nodded and smiled, running over to Oscar and following him, the rabbit held the door open, letting Jason go in first as he followed.

Oscar paced over to the benches in the corner of the changing room, sitting down and smiling welcomingly at Jason "Come on little dude, nice and quiet in here today". Jason made his way over to the corner, stopping at the rabbit's feet before his large brown hand lowered for the micro to climb up onto. Jason hesitated for a moment before climbing onto that' soft plush palm, enjoying the warmth as it lifted him up, placing him in the rabbit's lap. The two stood looking at each other in awkward silence for a moment, unsure of what to say to one another, eventually they both tried to speak at once, then stopped, then both tried to speak at once again before laughing. "Heheh, you first" Jason giggled. "Alright then" Oscar Smirked "So I'm guessing you wanted to talk to me about what happened at the party, right?". Jason blushed a little before responding "In a manner of speaking, yes..". The rabbit leaned back against the wall, looking down at the tiny fox in his lap "I'm so sorry, little dude" he sighed guiltily "I let my weird kinks get the better of me and then my house mates got involved and it got way out of hand, I didn't mean for it to get as extreme as it did".

Jason mumbled on his words a bit trying to respond before gathering up the courage to say it "So yeah, about that" He began "So up until your house mates got involved.." he blushed deeper unsure if he should continue. Oscar grinned "No, carry on, please" he rubbed the tiny fox's head with a fingertip. Jason took a deep breath "Okay, so up until they got involved.. I was actually enjoying it" he covered his face to hide his embarrassment "And worst of all I haven't been able to get that out of my head ever since, so I was wondering if..". Oscar began to giggle, having a good idea of where this was going "Hold up. Are you asking me to do it to you again?" he asked with a smug grin. "Yes" Jason whimpered shamefully "But if you do, can it just be you and me this time? No house mates?". Oscar began stroking the little fox with his fingertips again "Well well, a willing tiny slave and it ain't even Christmas yet" he snickered "Of course, I've been wanting to scratch that dominating a micro itch for a while now, it just didn't seem appropriate after, ya know". The rabbit pulled his phone out of the side pocket of his baggy cargo pants "What's your number, little fox?" he asked "I'll let you know when I'm done here and take you back to my place again" he gave the micro a playful wink "Plus if you play your cards right, I'll send you a few post workout foot pics as well, just to get you in the mood". Jason let out a shy squeak in disbelief "You're serious about this?" he asked. Oscar rolled his eyes and smirked "Of course I am, I don't mess around when it comes to this sort of thing. Now, number please?".

Jason and Oscar exchanged phone numbers, and continue to talk for a few more moments before Oscar notes the time. "Alright, little dude, I need to get changed and get me some exercise" the rabbit said, playfully booping the fox on the nose with the tip of his pinkie finger "so, you can stay and watch me, or go do your own thing until I come and get you, your choice". Jason thought about it for a moment, since his original plans for today were cancelled due to the weather, he didn't rally have much else to do "I guess I could stick around for a few more minutes" he smiled, wagging that tiny bushy tail as he looked up at the rabbit. "Hmm, wanna watch me get changed, do ya?" Oscar laughed "I'm flattered! I guess I had better give you a little teaser of things to come.." The rabbit scooped the little fox up in his hand, slipping his foot out of his shoe and resting it on his knee, he made the fox watch as he slowly removed his sock, revealing the smooth soft pink padded sole. "Aww, my little pet fox missed these, didn't he?" Oscar teased, wiggling his long toes as Oscar watched longingly. "Y-yesss" Jason whined, a little embarrassed as he watched the toes curl and wriggle hypnotically. "That's good" Oscar hummed "Because they've missed you an awful lot, you've kept them waiting a long time so I think you owe them some sort of apology". The rabbit moved the fox up close to his sole, curling his toes tightly to let Jason admire the wrinkles forming and disappearing as they unclenched. "Kiss it!" Oscar commanded "and while you're at it, take in that strong warm scent, you'll be smelling that a lot later today". Oscar lightly pressed his tiny fox up against his sole, purring in satisfaction as he heard his little toy moan lustily. Jason, as instructed, began kissing every little centimetre he could reach of Oscar's foot, whimpering happily as that musky sweaty scent filled his nostrils, the sole felt just as amazing as he remembered, so soft he felt as though he could almost sink into it. The fox's kisses quickly became loving licks, exploring the creases of the rabbit's foot with his tongue, he felt his cock begin to harden and throb in his jeans as he let his inhibitions go, allowing him to moan out in joy and rub his tiny body up against it.

"Haha, easy now little dude" Oscar smirked, pulling Jason away from his sole "We don't want you getting too excited just yet, not when I have so much planned for us to do". Jason whined defiantly, wanting to go right back to the large rabbit's foot but he knew that wasn't going to happen yet. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to give my tiny new slave all the footplay he wants later" Oscar giggled, teasing Jason's crotch with his fingers and causing him to moan more "But now I must be getting changed, feel free to watch! I like a tiny audience". Oscar winked at the micro before setting him back down on the bench, he then proceeded to slowly remove his jacket and T-shirt, playfully gyrating his hips like it was some sort of strip tease. Jason giggled as he watched, it was more adorable than it was sexy but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find the rabbit's bare, well-toned chest attractive. Oscar smirked and looked back at the micro as he slipped his cargo pants down, revealing some tightly fitting pink boxers beneath them, his fluffy puffy tail resting above them and wiggling "I never claimed to be good at this" he chuckled, tightening and loosening the muscles in his buttocks to make them bounce. "Well it's definitely entertaining" Jason smiled, watching as Oscar changed into his shorts and an old t-shirt. "I'm good for something at least" Oscar said, sitting down beside the tiny fox and smiling warmly down at him "So where can I find my little foot-pet when I'm done here?". Jason gave a shy shrug, finding himself kind of enjoying being called Oscar's pet "my plans were cancelled due to the snow, so I guess I'll just be bumbling around on campus. I'll message you though" He smiled and leaned into the rabbit a little. "Okay, don't go too far though, I'm not in the mood to play hide and seek, got it?" Oscar grinned, standing up and giving Jason another boop on the nose before heading out. Jason considered waiting for Oscar in the gym but he didn't bring a change of clothes with him, nor did he particularly really feel like working out today, if he were to head to the micro facilities, his mind would only wander back to Oscar and his feet, likely resulting in him getting turned on with an audience. The fox thought about it for a moment before deciding to go back to the coffee shop, he was still craving that hot cocoa after all.

It was still freezing cold outside as Jason made his way along the long icy path to the coffee shop, he could see his breath in the air while he took careful slow steps and shuffled around the icy puddles. It was still very quiet out, the fox had expected to see more students having fun in the snow. The warm glow of the coffee shop lights came into view and Jason picked up the pace, making his way to the front doors and letting himself in. The welcoming smell of fresh coffee filled the interior of the shop, the sounds of indistinct chatter and the tapping of laptop keys could be heard all around, Jason made his way up to the counter, climbing up the small ladder leading to the top of the counter. It was nice of the college to provide things to make access easier for micros, Jason thought to himself as he reached the top. "Well well, if it ain't my favourite micro fox" came a friendly voice from behind the counter, a large grey owl peered down at him with a smile. "Oh, hey Ollie" Jason responded, greeting the owl with a wave. Ollie leaned on the counter "So what can I get you? You'll be pleased to know, I put in a large order of micro-sized cups since your last visit. No more sewing thimbles for you" he laughed. "No coffee today, I'm in a hot cocoa mood" Jason grinned, sitting cross legged on the counter. "Well it is the perfect weather for it. First snowfall of the year in these parts" Ollie hooted, pulling a tiny coffee cup from a box under the counter and heading over to the machine with it "Afraid they don't do marshmallows small enough to put in these but I can give you a marshmallow to pull apart and put in if you like?" he placed the tiny cup of hot chocolatey drink down in front of Jason who wagged his little tail excitedly. "Heh, nah it's okay. It gets my hands and face all sticky when I try" the fox giggled, paying with his miniature card and thanking the owl, he wandered across the counter towards some specially made seats for micros at the end.

Jason seated himself and gazed out at the snowy landscape out the window while he sipped at his cup, he pulled out his phone, putting his earphones in and put on some fitting music while he lost himself in thought. His mind wandered to thoughts of Oscar and whether or not he was doing the right thing in allowing himself to be put in a potentially dangerous situation again just to satisfy his fantasies. His previous encounter with the rabbit had not gone well but today, he seemed quite caring and sweet, he even saved the micros life from a heavy falling box of god knows what, he also seemed happy to fulfil Jason's strange fantasies, even sharing in them himself. Jason found himself blushing and smiling while thinking about him, realizing that he actually had a pretty big crush on the rabbit, who knows, maybe that would prove to be mutual, he thought. As he lost himself in music and thought, he was quickly brought back to reality as a message tone rang through his earphones and his phone buzzed. Jason looked down at his screen, it was a picture message from Oscar. "Oh dear.." the fox chuckled to himself, knowing that this would definitely be something naughty, he looked around to make sure nobody was looking before opening the message up. It was a photo of Oscars sole rested on the thigh of his other leg, it looked a little sweaty and tender, he had clearly been working out pretty hard. Another message quickly followed.

'Just taking a five minute breather, these bad boys are awfully sweaty already ;3'

Jason stared longingly the photo, he could practically feel the warmth and smell the musk radiating from them, he was wondering exactly what to say back to him before another message came through.

'Oh and I don't really care if you mind or not but I saved you as "My Plaything" in my contacts. Just because that's what you are now <3'

Jason blushed and sat up, crossing his legs to hide the erection forming in his jeans before responding

'Hehe, unexpected but very much welcome! ^///^; How's the workout going? When should I expect you?'

*'Well that depends... how horny are you? ;3'. *

** 'A**** fter seeing that? Very! o///o'**

'Oh? That's a shame. I think I'm gonna need more than just "Very" because I want you desperate and practically begging to worship these beautiful feet.. Show me just how horny you are, I want a picture ;3 ...'

Jason whined a little, blushing deeply as he wondered if he could get away with taking a photo of his boner in the middle of a coffee shop, he looked around to see how busy the coffee shop had gotten, there were quite a few customers in at the moment, there was no way he could snap a picture like that and not be seen, he would have to find somewhere more private. His eyes met the door to the micro restrooms. Given how few micros there were on campus, surely there would be a stall free. He quickly got to his feet, using his jacket to hide the very obvious erection visible from his jeans he waddled awkwardly over to the restrooms and found a free stall to sit in, he slipped his jeans down, the bulge still very much visible through his boxer shorts, he glanced at the photo of Oscar's sole again, admiring it and rubbing at his crotch to get it harder before taking a photo of the throbbing bulge and sending it to the rabbit.

'Hehehe >:3 Someone is excited, huh? Okay plaything, tell me where to find you, Master's feet need some attention!'

'I'm at the coffee shop, Master. Come get me! <3'

'You're a lot more confident via text, huh? :p Alrighty then, give me about five minutes, little toy. I think I'll skip on showering, wouldn't want you to miss out on Master's musk ;3'

Jason left the bathroom and took his seat again, finishing off his drink and watching eagerly out the window for Oscar to arrive. He could feel his heart racing with excitement, he had dreamed of this moment for well over a month now and it was finally happening again, except this time it would be willing and not involve any other hungry drunken jocks. It wasn't long until he saw Oscar outside, jogging up the pathway toward the coffee shop with a very smug look on his face, he was just as excited about this as Jason was it seemed. The fox wagged happily as the door opened, the little bell above it ringing as the rabbit stepped in, he was puffing and looked a little sweaty but no less cute. Jason blushed and called to him "Over here, Oscar!". Oscar's eyes met his and he wandered over, leaning up against the counter with a cheesy grin. "Fancy meeting you here" Oscar chuckled, resting his open palm next to Jason's table "Ready to have some fun, little dude?". Jason squeaked happily and hopped off his chair into the rabbit's hand, it's softness cushioning his landing. "I'll take that as a yes" Oscar hummed, wrapping his fingers and thumb gently around the fox and giving him an affectionate squeeze. The rabbit brought Jason up to his face and whispered to him teasingly "I didn't put any socks on, it's awfully sweaty in my shoes.. Wanna take a ride in em?". Jason blushed deeply and nodded in response "but.. but how are you going to put me in one without everyone seeing?". Oscar giggled and winked at the micro "Same way you took that photo for me. To the restroom!".

Jason had never been in the restrooms for regular sized students before, he had never really had any reason to. The décor was very similar, a mix of light brown and white, he looked around at the huge sinks and stalls in amazement, they were the size of buildings to someone his size. "Looks like we're alone" the rabbit purred, kicking off one of his shoes and lowering the fox down to it, he playfully dangled Jason above the opening "Smells pretty bad already, huh?" he laughed. Jason groaned a little as that heavenly musk enveloped him, he wasn't even inside the shoe yet and already he found himself babbling and blushing, it would only get stronger once inside. "Take one last glance at freedom, little plaything. It's a luxury you won't have again for a while" Oscar teased before dropping Jason inside his shoe. Jason landed on the warm insole, it was a little damp from Oscar's sweat and the smell was even stronger, he sat there unsure of what to do next as he admired the sweaty discoloured print of Oscar's sole and toes. "Now crawl down to the middle and get comfy, I'll be jogging home and I don't want you getting flattened on the journey!" Oscar demanded. "Y-yes Master" the fox blushed, shuffling his way down to where the balls of the rabbit's foot would be going and bracing himself. He felt the shoe move around as Oscar repositioned it and was soon met with the long musky toes wriggling playfully above him, the big toe giving him a teasing poke before they all passed overhead. The huge, sweaty pink sole hovered above Jason's tiny body for a moment before pressing down on him, pressing his weak little body into the cushioned insole below. The micro fox let out a grunt from the impact, followed by a moan as he snuggled up into the rabbit's sole, kissing tenderly at the soft pink flesh while it's scent filled his nostrils and the sweat seeped into his red fur. "Try not to cum too quickly, I don't want to have to wait for you to regain your stamina before I have my fun with you" Oscar teased, walking out of the bathroom and toward the door with his tiny slave sticking to his sweaty foot, almost sinking in to those soft plush sweaty soles.

The jog back to Oscar's house was certainly a unique experience for Jason, he could tell that the rabbit was taking care not to stomp down too heavily but it was still a rough ride. Each time Oscar's foot touched the ground, the fox could feel the air being forced out of his lungs, causing him to gasp each time it lifted and making him inhale more of that damp sweaty air. His body was practically glued to Oscar's foot and the longer it went on, the more stuck he became. Jason was lucky the rabbit's soles were so soft, he was almost sinking into them and the overpowering masculine, musky scent was everything he remembered it being, even more so in fact and it was driving the tiny helpless fox wild. His cock was throbbing uncontrollably as it was continually forced into Oscar's foot, he knew for sure that Oscar could feel it, he just hoped he didn't end up climaxing before the big mean bunny got back home, it was getting harder and harder for Jason to hold back his urges. Thankfully it was not much longer until the jogging turned into a slow walk. Jason heard the jingling of keys followed by an opening door. "I'm home!" Oscar's muffled voice rang out as he slowly walked through the hallway. "Welcome back, you crazy bastard" Came another familiar voice, it sounded like Mike, the squirrel who had swallowed the poor fox last time he was at this house, Jason remained silent, praying that he wouldn't get involved in his and Oscar's fun today. "Aww, that's an awfully mean greeting!" pouted Oscar "What did I do this time?". The squirrel laughed "Nothing. Just anyone who goes out for a jog in that weather clearly has a screw loose". Oscar snickered and made his way toward the stairs "What? Not a fan of the snow? Anyway, I'm going to my room, I'll be in there a long time, don't disturb me, okay?". There was a brief pause before the squirrel answered "Alright.. Enjoy your wank I guess?". Oscar grinned and slowly ascended the stairs "Oh trust me, I will" he playfully stomped the foot Jason was stuck to, causing him to let out a quiet yelp as he was pinned between the sole and insole. The fox responded by nuzzling between two of the bunny's huge, long and plump toes, giving them an affectionate kiss each, a few steps later he could hear the sounds of another door opening and closing behind them, the weight on him was suddenly lifted as Oscar sat down on his bed.

"Enjoy the ride, my little foot charm?" Oscar cooed patronisingly, wiggling his toes as the little fox continues worshipping between them. "Aww, speechless are we? That's won't do at all, I like my slaves to tell me how much they love serving my beautiful feet" Oscar giggled, lifting his feet up onto the bed and removing his shoes. Jason slid down the sweaty pink sole of the rabbit, landing on his back on the fluffy blankets below, he let out an exhausted but satisfied groan as he lay there catching his breath "That.. was... Amazing..." he blushed deeply, looking up at those long tantalising toes as they curled above him. "MmHmm" Oscar hummed "You're damn right it was" he grinned down at his micro slave "So were you a good boy?" he asked. "How do you mean?" Jason groaned, sitting up only to be nudged back down by a big soft toe. "I mean, did you manage to make it here without popping your little cork, what else would I mean?" Oscar sighed and smirked. "N-no sir, I didn't jizz myself.. I came real close but you told me not to so.." The tiny fox mumbled. Oscar looked at his pet in surprise "I.. am really impressed actually" he said "I was almost certain we'd have to let you take a nap before we got started, give those tiny weeny little balls some time to refill". Oscar blushed and giggled "I'd say I was glad I didn't mess my clothes but they're kind of drenched in your foot sweat after that ride". Oscar leaned down close to Jason with that familiar smug grin on his face "And I'm sure you'll never wash those clothes again, right?" he teased "But in all seriousness, you won't be needing those, take them off". Jason put up no argument, he did as he was commanded and proceeded to remove every item of clothing he had on, even his underwear until he stood completely naked on Oscar's bed, between those huge rabbit feet that splayed their toes excitedly.

"So pick a foot, little plaything..." Oscar demanded, folding his arms and giving Jason a stern look. Jason looked at them both, he had already become quite well acquainted with the foot on the left, having been practically glued to it on the journey here so he pointed to the one on the right. "I think this one deserves some attention" he giggled. "Righty, eh?" the rabbit asked "A fine choice! And looky what I kept!" Oscar reached into the drawer on his bedside table and pulled out a rubber band, the same rubber band that had been used to fasten him to Oscar's foot on the night of the party. "What?" Oscar chuckled "Can't I be sentimental sometimes? I kept the one I used on that other micro too". Jason blushed deeply as he watched the rabbit stretch the band out between his fingers "You know I'd gladly worship your feet without being tied to it, right?" he squeaked. "Too bad" grinned Oscar "I'm the Master, you're the slave. I call the shots, you got it? Now give Righty a snug while Master straps you in". Jason nodded and walked over to the sole of Oscar's right foot, which lay on it's side, the sweaty pink soles shining in the light. The fox laid down on his side too, cuddling up close to his master's foot and beginning to lick obediently. He pressed his naked body against it, his crock throbbing against the sole once again but this time with nothing between them. "Mmm.. This feel so good.." The fox grunted, massaging the balls of his master's feet with his tiny little hands. "How does it smell, little plaything?" Oscar asked, stretching the elastic band over his foot and slave before letting go, letting it pink into the fox's back and fasten him in place. "It's incredible" Jason groaned, grinding his body against Oscar's sole as he buried his face into that silky smooth fleshy padding, taking in as much of the rabbt's powerful musk as he could, holding it in and moaning loudly as he exhaled.

Oscar began purring and playing with himself, fondling his huge cock as he heard his slave's moan of pleasure "Mmmm, keep those noises coming, footslut! They're making me so hard!". With his free hand, he slipped his pants and boxers down, giving his dick more room to breathe as he tugged at it aggressively "Tell your big mean master how much you love being at his huge stinky feet!". Jason kissed at the rabbit's sole tenderly as he continued to hump and massage it with his hands and body "Ffffuck! I love it so much, Master! Your feet are so hot and feel and smell amazing! I never want this to end!" he cried out as his cock began leaking precum out on Oscar's foot. "Mmmm, I'm gonna have to keep you here for a while then, huh?" Oscar moaned, tilting his head back and letting out a long outward breath as he tugged himself faster and harder "You belong to me now, my tiny little bug, how does it feel?". Jason let out a pathetic lusty whimper, knowing that he was getting close to climax but not wanting it to end so soon "M-Master? I'm c-close! I Don't wanna cum yet!" he yelped, his cock throbbing uncontrollably. Oscar huffed and grunted slowing his fapping down a little "Me neither, little plaything.. Let's slow it down a little".

Jason agreed and stopped humping, laying against his master's foot and breathing heavily "Th-thank you" he puffed, cuddling the rabbit's foot affectionately. "Fuck, I didn't know having a willing micro slave would be this hot" Oscar growled "We're definitely making this a regular thing by the way". Jason let out a happy whine, he was so caught up in pleasure he wasn't thinking clearly and ended up responding with "I love yooou" before quickly realizing what he had just said and blushing "I- I mean I'd love that.." he squeaked. Oscar stayed silent for a moment before resting the foot with his slave on it on his knee to look at him "Did you just tell me you loved me?" he asked with a grin "You do know this is strictly a sexual arrangement I'm proposing right? No strings?". Jason whimpered in shame "I'm sorry, I meant to say I'd love that.. It was a Freudian slip, I guess?" Oscar chuckled and rubbed his tiny slave's back with his thumb "You can love your master if you want, little fox. In fact I encourage it, it's actually pretty hot to hear you say you love me" The rabbit gave his cock a little squeeze just thinking about it "Just know that I have little interest in a relationship beyond you being my tiny slave, so if you were hoping for some sort of romance to come from this I'm sorry to disappoint you". Jason giggled shyly and shook his head, his muzzle nuzzling softly into Oscar's pink sole padding "No, it's fine. I'm more than happy with this arrangement.. Speaking of which? Are we good to carry on again?". Oscar smiled down at his little pet with glee "You sure are keen, aren't ya?" he laughed "Sure thing, I'm thinking I should make a little fox sandwich". Just as Jason was wondering what Oscar meant by that, he found himself quickly being squeezed between both of the rabbit's soles, his face being buried into that smooth padding once again.

The micro let out muffled moans as the soles of the rabbits feet squeezed him between them, rubbing together and giving their little prisoner a full-body massage. He was encased in the soft, squishy, smooth, padding of Oscar's feet and felt a rush of almost euphoria come over him as he lay in their warmth and took in that masculine musk, the rubbing of Oscar's feet were forcing his hips and crotch to grind into the sole before him, he whimpered in sheer bliss as his dick once again began to dribble out precum. "Tell your master you love him again, my darling little slave" the rabbit sang, squeezing his little pet between his feet as he tugged at his cock eagerly. Jason was no longer embarrassed to say it, he knew it turned Oscar on a lot to hear it, the rabbit loved having his ego stroked after all, he took a deep breath of foot musk and let out a deep lusty groan before doing as he was asked "Mmmfff! I love you Master! I love you so much!" he cried out, starting to hump Oscar's sole harder. "Fffuck yeah you do!" moaned the rabbit "You love master and his feet, don't you my little slut?" he pressed his feet together even tighter, smothering the micro between them "Say it again and maybe I'll let you breathe". Jason wriggled around helplessly, the soles were squeezing him so tight he couldn't get any air into his lungs, he let our a squeaky whine trying his hardest to get even the tiniest bit of oxygen as he felt himself feeling faint, with the remaining air he had left he yelled out "I love you, Master!". Oscar moaned loudly as he pounded at his cock, his moaning becoming howling as his hips began to buckle, with some heavy breaths the rabbit began to cum, covering his shirt in large amounts of the sticky fluid, some even hitting his face and the headboard behind him "Mmmmm! Fuck, that's hot!" he purred, loosening his grip on Jason who gasped loudly for breath.

The fox licked at the rabbit's sole lovingly who was basking in the afterglow, Oscar chuckled and began petting Jason's back with his toes "Well that's me spent, so you now have my undivided attention. So tell me, what can I do to reward you?". Jason moaned happily and kissed at his master's feet "Umm.. Don't suppose you have those stinky gym socks with you, do you?" he asked shyly. Oscar smirked, having a good idea of where this was going "I do, they're in my bag beside the bed.. Did you want me to put them on?" he asked, reaching his hand down and unzipping his bag slowly. "Yes please.." the fox squeaked, his tail wagging nervously. "You sure do love master's musk, don't ya? Maybe next time you can explore the other musky parts of me" Oscar giggled, pulling a sock out of his bag and sitting up to slip it on over his micro paw prisoner "And there will be a next time, won't there?". Oscar pulled the sock on tight, trapping the fox inside as the sweaty, damp, heavily scented fabric bound him tighter against the sole. Jason purred happily and started to hump once again "Y-yes, I certainly hope there will be a next time". Oscar let out a playfully mean laugh "Aww, look at you acting like you even had a choice in the matter!" he pressed his socked foot down on the bed as the micro inside humped and worshipped his sole "But I'm glad you enjoy this too... Now fuck your master's sole until you cum, little slut". Jason snuggled into the rabbit's sole, humping upwards into it harder and faster, the muffled cries and moans of pleasure were music to Oscar's ears as he applied more and more pressure on the little fox. "Christ, I can smell that sock from here! I'm shocked you're still conscious in there" Oscar chuckled, feeling that hard little cock grinding shamelessly away at his sole. Jason gasped and groaned, the sensations from his master's foot and sock sending him into a sexual trance as he felt himself growing closer and closer to climax, with a final thrust and a drawn out moan, the tiny fox coated Oscar's sole in his seed, soaking himself with it as well in the process. He lay motionless against the rabbit's foot, panting heavily with a satisfied purr, a warm blush on his face. "Was it everything you hoped for, plaything?" Oscar asked teasingly while wiggling his toes. "I didn't even know I could feel so much pleasure" Jason whined, nuzzling into one of the rabbit's toes.

Oscar relaxed on the bed, leaving his little slave in his sock for a few more minutes before removing it and freeing him from the rubber band, he placed Jason on his fuzzy chest and smiled warmly down at him. "I had a lot of fun too" The rabbit grinned "Why not have a little rest, we've got time for round two, right? I mean it is a snow day, we don't have anything else going on". Jason blushed and curled up on Oscar's chest, cuddling up close and sighing happily "I definitely want to make this a regular thing" he purred. Oscar smirked and began looking at his phone "Looks like we may have time for more than a second round, my pet" he chuckled "Big snowstorm headed our way this afternoon by the looks of things, it won't stop until tonight". Jason looked up curiously as Oscar showed him the screen of his phone with the local weather forecast "So it'll be another snow day tomorrow I guess?" he asked. Oscar nodded "Plus it wouldn't be safe for a tiny little guy like you to be out in a snowstorm.. You're staying with me tonight, I won't take no for an answer" he winked at the micro playfully. "Oh believe me, I wasn't going to say no" Jason laughed, crawling up Oscar's chest and snuggling into his shoulder and neck. Oscar blushed a little "Hey, no mushy crap, you" he smirked "Save that for later.. and tonight, I'm thinking since you like my socks so much, you can sleep in one of those". Oscar began wagging his tail again "While you're wearing it?" he asked excitedly. "You know what? Since you've been such a good little slave, sure, you got it" Oscar responded with a cheesy grin. The two of them lay there together, recovering from their little playtime and looking forward to further fun. "I've got a lot of things I wanna try out with you" Oscar purred "You're in for one hell of a night".