Perverted Paradise - Part 5 (Ending)

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#5 of Perverted Paradise

Disturbing revelations are made, and more forced sexual antics ensue as Toby and his friends stay in the mysterious, master-filled building concludes...

(Thank you to everyone that has watched/favorited/rated <3)

It felt like an eternity before Mistress arrived; Toby never thought he'd actually look forward to seeing that evil lioness, but considering Vince's injuries, he needed her help. Luckily she soon came and opted to carry the broken wolf bridal style while Toby anxiously followed her down the hall. Mistress led Toby to the shower room, and that's when she left the cat alone, taking Vince with her to presumably get medically treated...

As Toby showered, Vince's blood washed off him and slid down the hexagonal drain. Toby felt absolutely miserable; all he cared about was seeing Vince. Being separated from the wolf now, after all the awful things he did to him, felt like a mountain of salt getting rubbed into his wounded heart. Toby didn't know how long he stood aimlessly under the shower, but Mistress eventually returned, telling him to dry off and follow her. Toby complied, but as he was about to exit, he stopped and stared at her.

"Please let me see Vince!"

Toby pleaded desperately, hoping the lioness would fulfill his request.

"No... he's getting treated. Your interference won't help anything."

Toby had never felt this much despair before; he just wanted to fall to the floor and cry...

"Ugh... look, you'll get to see him tomorrow if that makes you any better. He should be fine by then..."

That did indeed make Toby feel mildly better, but still having to wait a whole day to see him felt like too long. Mistress then led Toby to his room and locked the door. Jamie was awake, sitting, and leaning against the wall as Toby entered.

"Hey, Toby..."

Jamie said; as he looked at the cat, concern steadily built as Toby didn't reply and had a sad look on his face.

"Uh, wait, where's Vince...?"

Jamie asked, although he somewhat regretted doing so as Toby's mood was most likely because of Vince.

"Nm... He... he got hurt... so they're treating his wounds..."

Toby managed to speak out, clearly on the verge of tears.

"I see... I'm sorry..."

Jamie replied, more worried for Toby than for Vince's health...

"Those sick fucks are gonna get what's coming to them for all the hell they've put us through."

Soon after Jamie spoke, Toby collapsed to the floor, the guilt for what he did amplified by the husky's words...


Jamie quickly stood up and approached Toby on the floor, gently placing a hand on his back, wanting to confront the cat in his defeated state.

"Hey... I'm sure Vince is okay..."

"No... you don't understand... I was the one who hurt him..."

Jamie was taken aback by Toby's confession, but he reassured him anyway.

"Those bastards made you do it, though... you can't blame yourself for that; you're a victim in this too."

"Then... Then why was I turned on!?"

Jamie was even more shocked by Toby's response, and it took the husky a moment to find the right words to reply...

"Look... sometimes your body reacts differently to what you want... It doesn't mean you liked what you did..."

Toby stayed silent; he didn't know what to think anymore; his masters had utterly broken and confused him. The only thing concrete was his worry and affection toward Vince... Eventually, Jamie left Toby's side and returned to his spot on the wall; the two remained in silence for a while until Jamie decided to break it.

"Toby, I know it's bad timing, but there's something important I want to talk to you about."

Toby looked up at Jamie, his mood in utter shambles, but he felt okay enough to have a conversation now.

"What is it...?"

"It's about Vince..."


"C'mon Toby, just hear me out!"

"I said no! If you have anything bad to say about Vince again, I don't want to hear it!"

Toby yelled back, his sadness getting replaced with anger.

"Look, Toby, I understand you have feelings for him or whatever, but there's something you should really know."

"Stop! I don't care what you have to say, so just shut up!"

"Toby! You're acting stupid, so I'm just gonna tell you; the first night we were here..."

Toby was beyond fed up with Jamie; he tuned out the dog's words and rose to his feet, then, in a swift motion, dashed at the husky on the floor and punched him firmly in the stomach.

"Ugh! The hell!?"

"I said shut up, you fucking asshole! I don't want to hear any of the shit you have to say about Vince!"

Toby yelled out right in Jamie's face, and the husky started growling; the punch didn't hurt, but he was still engaged. He was both bigger and stronger than the cat and could easily beat him in a fight, but he didn't want to hurt him; he just wanted Toby to listen, but clearly, the cat was beyond reason...


Jamie forced himself to say, also wanting to insult the cat for how stubborn and naive he was acting, but he decided it wasn't worth the effort. The room stayed silent after the altercation, and then after what they guessed was a few hours, the lights were shut off, signaling bedtime.

Toby crawled over to his pillow and rested, his head against it, awaiting sleep. He felt so empty and alone, not having Vince sleeping here with him, so Toby reached over and grabbed Vince's pillow beside him, and clung to it tightly, burying his nose in the fabric. It had the wolf's scent on it; this was the closest thing he'd get to having Vince with him...

Toby fought back tears as he hid his face in Vince's pillow; it took a while for the cat to finally fall asleep, as his mind was completely filled with thoughts of the horrors he had done... However, he eventually succumbs to slumber upon thinking about getting out of this hell with Vince and the normal happy life they'd have together afterward.

"Wake up!"

Toby was jolted awake upon hearing Mistress's commanding voice. The cat soon sat forward and stood up, his mind still hazy, with fleeting slumber. Meanwhile, Jamie was already up and didn't even bother to give Toby a passing glance as the dog was still upset with him from yesterday's events.

Mistress stood in the doorway staring at the two slaves, wearing a neutral expression, very out of character from her usual permanent scowl. Toby met her stare and decided to muster up the courage to speak.

"Mistress, can I please see Vince now?"

The lioness didn't respond at first, sighing quietly before answering.

"Yes, follow me."

Toby was baffled Mistress was acting so complacent, but his emotions toward finally seeing Vince overpowered his suspicions. The lioness soon turned on her heel and began clacking down the hall, not even checking if Toby and Jamie were following her. Toby quickly chased after her, blindly fueled by the prospect of seeing the wolf. Jamie, however, didn't act so fast.

The husky considered not following at all and just staying in the room or perhaps even trying to find a way to escape, but ultimately Jamie followed after Mistress, deeply sensing something bad was about to occur and that he had to be there to save Toby's ass when it did, despite how annoying cat had been toward him.

After they walked about a couple dozen meters down the hall, Mistress stopped at one of the white doors and stood in front of it for a moment before opening it. She didn't push the door open immediately, instead resting her hand on the handle for a couple seconds as if hesitating. Strangely enough, she had a small smirk on her face. Toby, of course, didn't notice any of this, his mind full of thoughts of Vince, but Jamie, on the other hand, watched it all with deep suspicion and dread...

Mistress finally pushed the door open and moved out of the way so Jamie and Toby could enter. The lioness still had that smirk on her face, and Jamie wanted to ask her what the hell her deal was, but as he saw Toby go dashing into the room with reckless abandon, the husky was forced to enter as well, without further delay...


Toby shouted in excitement as he was reunited with the wolf, who stood in the center of the room as if expecting the cat's arrival. Toby ran at Vince and embraced him in a careful hug, overjoyed to finally be with the wolf again. Vince's injuries were very much visible but looked decently healed, considering only less than a day had passed. Toby wondered if his violence toward Vince was less harsh than he initially thought or, rather, if this place just had really good medical care, but in case, the cat was just glad Vince was with him and okay.

While Toby was embracing Vince, he had failed to notice or care about the other two individuals also in the room, which of course, Jamie caught immediately. It was their masters. However, instead of the bull and horse being naked like they had been before, the two hulking men were wearing creepy-looking black ropes. Jamie wanted to turn around and run out of the room upon seeing the disturbing display, but before he could, Mistress slammed the door shut and locked it...

Toby soon broke out of his blissful trance and stopped hugging Vince, the presence of his masters and their strange attire now dawning on him. Toby looked back and forth at Marco and Ernie, who stood like statues in either corner of the white room; he was utterly confused by their passive behavior...

"They didn't do anything to you while I was gone, did they?"

Toby asked Vince with a concerned tone. Vince simply shook his head in response.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Jamie spoke up, directing his attention toward the bull and horse, who remained silent, pretending as if Jamie wasn't even there.

"Ernie, could you be so kind as to apprehend my dear friend Jamie?"

Vince asked as he turned and looked at the horse. Toby thought he had misheard the wolf or that he was joking; his words made absolutely no sense...

"Yes, master..."

The horse replied, sending harsh waves of shock, confusion, and dread throughout both Toby's and Jamie's souls. Ernie then swiftly dashed at Jamie, tackling the husky violently to the floor.


Jamie cried out after suddenly being pinned to the ground by the large horse. The dog's mind steadily built with rage after discovering his suspicions had been confirmed...

"V-Vince, what's going on!?"

Toby frantically spat out, mind in utter disarray regarding the situation unfolding. Vince turned to the panicked cat, leaned down, and kissed him.


Toby's eyes widened in shock as Vince kissed him, gripping firmly upon his waist so he couldn't pull away. Once Vince was satisfied, he let go of Toby, causing the cat to trip backward a bit, but the wolf soon seized again to prevent his fall.

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything, my love."

Vince said as he stared lovingly into Toby's eyes; Toby started back at the wolf, looking into his eye as well; the eyes he once thought were beautiful now seemed to be filled with nothing but madness.

"Vince! You fucking bastard, I knew you had something to do with this; I saw you do that coded knock on the door the night you when missing!"

Jamie shouted out vindictively as he struggled under Ernie's strong pin. Vince put a hand over his face and chuckled softly as he watched the enraged dog squirm like a pathetic worm on the floor.

"Ha, oops, I guess that was a bit sloppy of me, but it didn't matter. I had already made up my mind at that point."

Vince replied ominously. Meanwhile, Toby was in complete disbelief; he was convinced this was some fucked dream and not reality. It had to be there was no way Vince was in any way involved with these evil people responsible for their suffering...

"Fuck off, and go to hell!"

Jamie yelled back.

"Ha, Hell? Places like heaven and hell are second-rate delusions the weak use to justify their grossly misguided morals. The mere idea of an afterlife, soaked in either eternal bliss or pain, depending on the actions one took during life, is just pure idiocy and frankly goes against everything I stand for..."

Vince explained, sounding like a completely different person from the one Toby had come to know and fallen in love with...

"Vince... Stop..."


Vince turned and looked at the despair-ridden cat.

"They... they're making you do this, aren't they...? You're just doing and saying this because our masters told you to..."

Toby said with a shaky voice. That was the only other conclusion his frazzled mind could come up with.

"That's an interesting theory, my love, but you're wrong if anything; it's the other way around. You see, Marco and Ernie, our 'masters,' were just following my explicit orders, the past days' events, and really everything here is because of me."

Vince stated matter of factly, not showing any signs of deceit... This couldn't be happening... Toby felt like his brain was going to explode...

"I suppose I should actually start explaining things; I'm sorry, I can get a little scatterbrained when it comes to my mission..."

Vince confessed, in a cutesy voice, contrasting the utterly messed up situation this was.

"You see, at a young age, I could already see how fucked our world was... People shame, abuse, and destroy each other and themselves constantly. Governments don't help and only worsen things, and most concerningly, outdated, superficial, or just plain wrong ideas and laws are the driving factors for what guides a person to act the way they do within a restrictive, broken society."

Toby understood about half of what Vince was saying; he was still hoping this was just a horrible nightmare and he'd wake up from it any moment now...

"So that's when I decided to take on the daunting task of completely reforming this fractured world of ours. With the core idea of having people stay true to their inner self, and fully express their deepest, 'darkest' desires, with no restrain."

"You're a sick fucking lunatic! I swear to God I'll fucking murder you for all the shit you've put us through and for getting Rick killed!"

Vince sighed at Jamie's outburst; he couldn't have the husky continue interrupting him while he explained his motives to his love...

"Ernie, could you silence Jamie for me? Non-lethally, of course, I still have plans for him..."

"Right away, master."

Ernie promptly elbowed the husky brutally on the head with practiced precision, causing Jamie to get knocked out cold.

"Much better..."

Vince said with a relieved tone. Toby was overcome with fear as he glanced at his passed-out friend on the floor...

"Where was I?"

Toby didn't want to hear any more; his heart ached with throbbing pain; he had cared for Vince so much; he was the reason why he was able to keep going despite the horrors their masters threw at him, but Vince was actually one responsible for all his suffering, why...? How? Toby's mind was having trouble comprehending such an agonizing truth...

"My goal of reforming the world is dubbed 'Project Paradise.' This facility is our headquarters. My loyal followers and I live here, and as their supreme master, I allow and guide them to bask in the forbidden pleasures society has reprimanded them for, but this location is just a taste of the utopia I dream of. I plan to expand and integrate my philosophy worldwide, and you'll be with me every step of the way, Toby."


Toby couldn't take this; it was too much...

"You see, Toby, you're precisely the kind of person I've been looking for. I've spent the past couple of years scouting for young men suitable to become Project Paradise's Messiah and subsequently conducting trials to test them; You see, that's what these past couple of days have been."

Toby felt like Vince was speaking another language from how insane he sounded, but ultimately the cat was too stunned and emotionally destroyed to protest, so he was forced to continue listening to the wolf explain everything.

"And I can confidently say you're a perfect fit as our Messiah, Toby."


Vince kept using that word, and for some reason, amidst Toby's immense confusion, that was what he decided to question.

"That's just the title I decided to name it; in actuality, your role is to satisfy me as a life partner, as a lover. You're my muse and motivation to finally achieve my destiny of realizing paradise!"

Toby felt sick... He wanted no part of Vince's fucked-up perverted cult and certainly didn't want to be his lover anymore... The wolf was not the same as the one he had cared for...

"No, Vince... just... just kill me or something.. I don't want any part of this madness...."

"Aww, Toby, don't say such depressing things; you'll make me sad. There's no way I'd ever kill you or let you die, for that matter; you're too important to both me and my mission."

"You... you can take your bat-shit crazy mission and shove it up your ass; there's no way I'd ever love you after all the evil shit you've put us through!"

Toby was shocked he had the mental energy to say what he did, considering how scrambled his brain felt, but he was glad he said it nonetheless.

"Ha... Toby, you can say whatever you want, but you and I both know how your body truly feels..."

Vince replied, nonchalantly not at all concerned about Toby's rising anger.

"Shut up! My-my past arousal doesn't change that fact I hate you every fiber of my being!"

Toby shouted, downright furious Vince would bring that up. He was now genuinely resentful toward the wolf.

"'Past arousal?' Are you sure it's not ongoing? Toby, you enjoy inflicting pain on others, specifically on those you care for. I should know; I experienced it firsthand, and that's okay; a person such as yourself is welcome in my paradise... And I know you don't hate me; you're just in a state of shock upon learning about my mission, deep-down you still have feelings for me."

Vince replied calmly, in a matter-of-fact tone, as if he knew every aspect of Toby's psyche.

"You got me all wrong, you crazy fuck! The only feeling I have for you is disgust! And I'm not some sick pervert that likes hurting people! I'm not like you or any of your evil followers!"

Toby shouted back in an attempt to dissuade the sick stuff Vince thought about him, but ultimately it was to no avail; the wolf was certain he understood Toby on a physiological level despite only being close to him for a few days.

"Is that so? Hey Marco, can you assist me here? I need to remind our Messiah of what he truly desires."

Vince called over to Marco, who stood silently in the corner until Vince's command caught his attention.

"Of course, master."

The bull approached Toby from behind and locked hold of the cat's shoulders with a firm grasp.

"Nuh! H-Hey, get off!"

Of course, Marco paid Toby's protests no mind and swiftly maneuvered the cat to the floor so that he was lying on his back.

"S-Stop, what are you doing!?"

Toby cried out as he struggled against Marco's strong grasp; the bull was effortlessly pinning his arm to the ground with his massive hands. Vince merely smiled as he watched his loyal follower apprehend his love. The wolf then walked in front of Toby, staring eagerly down at the area of the cat he wanted...


Toby kicked his feet about, attempting to make contact with Vince's legs, but the wolf made sure to stand far enough away for that not to happen.

"Toby, my love, there's no need to struggle so much; I know you'll enjoy this as much as me, so just stay still."

"Fuck no, stay away from me, you sick freak!"

Toby spat the words out like venom as he gave Vince a glare of pure resentment.

"Oh, Toby... Ernie, could you do me a favor and apprehend our Messiah's legs?"

The horse immediately fulfilled the wolf's request, leaving the passed-out Jamie's side, and dropped to the floor to grip Toby's legs.

"No, damnit, stop!"

Toby was now struggling against both Marco and Erine as they held his limbs, showing no sign of letting go. After ensuring the cat was fully secured, Vince positioned him above Toby, paying the cat's objections no mind.

"N-No, stop; what the fuck are you doing!?"

Toby screamed out in confusion and panic as Vince lowered himself into his lap; soon, the wolf fully plopped down onto Toby's groin, sending a wave of horror throughout the cat's drained mind.

"Nhaa... NO!"

Toby struggled some more as Vince started grinding his soft ass right against his sheath. The wolf gently rested his hand on Toby's sturdy chest, allowing himself to adequately hump down onto the writhing cat beneath him.


Toby gritted his teeth and closed his eyes out of pure shame as he felt his body begin to react to the erotic action. He couldn't believe this was happening... After all the evil stuff Vince was responsible for, the abuse, the trauma, the emotional manipulation, Rick's death, for god's sake... Still, the wolf was able to get him hard, and in a matter of a few seconds, no less. Toby wanted to die; how could his body comply with this demented insanity?

"Oh, Toby, one of the many things I love about you is that you always get hard at just the right moments..."

Vince jeered as he stared his lustful blue eyes down at Toby. However, the cat kept his eyes closed, wanting to remove at least one of his senses from this nightmare. Vince could feel Toby's now fully erect member rub up against and between his cheeks, and soon the desire to have his love inside of him took precedence, and the wolf positioned the cat's dick at the entrance of his hole.

"P-Please, stop Vince; I don't want this..."

Toby found himself begging, not wanting the wolf to rape him, by forcing his cock to fuck his ass.

"Shh, my kitten, It will take you some time to fully accept your position, but for now, just try to relax. As your lover and as future paradise's supreme master, I promise I'll pleasure you as much as I can and in every way possible. And as _my _lover and our Messiah, you'll pleasure me to the fullest extent as well. Once paradise is achieved, you and I will be gods of the new world, and every day will be one of pure ecstasy and bliss. There will be no limit to our love and desires, Toby..."

Vince explained in a caring voice, attempting to ease the cat into submission, but all his words did was make Toby feel utterly defeated. Vince talked as if he was certain he would become his lover and partner in whatever fucked-up delusional "paradise" the wolf wanted. But even so, there was no way he could accept such fate, no matter what Vince thought. Toby would resist until the very end, but for now, he was forced to fuck the wolf he hated.

"Nhaa... no..."

Toby cried out meekly as he felt Vince slip his pre-slicked tip into his tight hole.

"Mmm... God... yes..."

Vince moaned out, deeply satisfied by the feeling, and the wolf didn't spare another second before pushing himself deeper into the kitty's cock, spreading him open.

"Ghaa, nmmh..."

Toby was forced to omit soft moans as Vince pushed himself fully onto his cock, the feline barbed length scraping across the wolf's unlubed anal walls in a painful yet pleasurable way...

"Hah... this feeling, the feeling of my love, paradise's Messiah, being inside me... Hah... yes! It's a feeling unmatched, your warmth Toby, your energy, your soul, it's overwhelming me with pleasure! This, this is the sensation I've spent years searching for! The more our bodies unite, the closer we will be to paradise!"

Vince lustfully moaned out, sounding completely psychotic, while he sat on Toby's lap, the cat balls-deep in his ass. The wolf was now rock hard, too; his canine cock fully emerged from his white sheath, knot and all. After spending a reasonable amount of time basking in the feeling of Toby fully hilted inside his ass, Vince began hastily bouncing up and down on the cock, supplying him with unparalleled pleasure.

"Mna, nmh, eha..."

Toby tried in vain to suppress his moans, but the feeling of Vince's tight ass, gripping onto and milking his dick, was just too much to ignore.

"Mh, yes, kept letting out your cute moans; it's like a symphony to my ears..."

Vince's comment made Toby want to keep quiet even more, but as the wolf picked up the pace and started riding his cock harder, Toby knew that would be an impossible task, and soon the cat was moaning, writhing mess as Vince had his way with him.

"F-Fuck... Nha... just... stop already..."

Toby managed to plead while Vince bounced on his cock with vigor.

"Ha, why would I stop now? You're about to cum, aren't you? I can feel your cock tensing..."


"You're going to shoot your seed deep inside me, Toby. I want your essence to fill me up; I need it..."

Vince squeezed down on Toby's cock as he rode him faster, fueled by the prospect of his love cumming inside him.

"Nha... No, I'm gonna- HAA!"

"Yes, give it to me!"

Toby couldn't hold it back any longer, and soon his cock began spraying thick ropes of cum deep into Vince's bowels. Meanwhile, Vince shot out his load across Toby's chest; the two came together, much to the wolf's delight and to Toby's horror.

"Hah, mm, good kitty, I can feel your warm cock throbbing inside me. Yes, keep feeding me your Messiah cum... I want this moment to last forever..."


Toby kept shooting out rope after rope of cum into Vines's ass even after the wolf finished shooting out his load, completely painting Toby's black fur white. Toby felt like his orgasm was lasting forever, which was mentally torturous despite how physically pleasurable it felt. It was probably the most intense orgasm he's ever had, second, only to the time Vince sucked him off in the forest... Toby felt utterly disgusted the wolf was able to make his body feel so good.

"Haa... ugh...."

Toby grunted and groaned after his orgasm subsided; his balls felt completely drained. However, his cock was still hard and lodged deep into Vince's kitty-cum filled ass. Vince was reluctant to get off the cat, wanting more than anything for the two to be like this as long as possible, but he knew there'd be plenty of opportunities in the future, so he soon got off the cum-stained cat, letting Toby dick slip free of his now messy ass and arose to his feet.

Vince could feel Toby's seed leak out of his used hole as he stood; it was a feeling both erotic and disappointing; he wanted the kitten's cum to stay inside him. Toby looked up at Vince, deeply exhausted after being forced to fuck and cum inside the wolf.

"Okay, Marco and Ernie, you can let go of him now."

Toby hadn't even realized the bull and horse were still holding onto his limbs; they had been so quiet, but he was thankful he was free now that the men released him, or at least as free as he would get within Vince's demented prison.

Toby shakily stood to his feet, he wanted to lunge at Vince and beat him to a bloody pulp for everything he'd done, but he knew that wouldn't be wise with Marco and Ernie in the room with them. Vince soon approached Toby, causing the cat to cringe, but his disgust only deepened when the wolf leaned down and began rubbing his face into his neck like a feral pet would.

"G-Get away."

Toby weakly said, then pushed Vince away from him. The wolf merely chucked in response, then turned to his two subordinates, who stood by obediently, perking their head up, awaiting their master's words.

"You two did an excellent job fulfilling the role of master for this trial. And for helping discover our Messiah, you both will be rewarded significantly for your contributions."

"Thank you, master, it's been an honor."

The two said in unison as Toby watched in disbelief. Just a day ago, the bull and horse had been unremorseful brutes that fucked and humiliated them, but now they were bowing their heads to Vince, the one Toby thought was a victim in all this but turned out to be the mastermind...

Why...? Why did things have to be this way? Why couldn't Vince have been the sweet guy he appeared to be? No... perhaps Toby had always been a little suspicious of him but just chose to ignore it. If he had just listened to Jamie, this outcome could have been prevented, or at the very least, his feelings could have been spared...

"C'mon, my love, we have much more to do."

Vince said as he stood by the door. Toby didn't listen and just stood in place. Vince let out a soft sigh and walked over to Toby, gripping hold of the cat's hand. Toby didn't stop him, not out of acceptance of Vince's will, but rather he saw no purpose in putting up a fight now, not when he could get shut down easily by Marco and Ernie. He'd find any opportunity to escape or, better yet, enact revenge on the wolf responsible for all his suffering.

Vince approached the door while still holding Toby's hand. But before knocking, the wolf turned his head toward Jamie, who was still passed out on the floor.

"When he wakes up, bring him to the ritual room; I still have plans for him."

Vince said, inducing a whole heap of questions into Toby's head.

"Yes, master."

Marco replied, then Vince did his knock on the door. It opened a few seconds later, of course, Mistress being the one to greet them on the other side. Vince stepped out into the bright-white hall beside her; Toby forced to follow.

"Abigail, my dear, I'd like to thank you personally for all the work you've done helping conduct our Messiah trials."

Vince said, starting passionately at Mistress...

"Thank you, master."

She mumbled back, bowing her head slightly and looking down at the floor.

"Oh, Abigail, how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to call me 'master.' You're going to be my right-hand woman in paradise; after all, titles like 'master' are beneath you."

Vince explained as he raised his hand and caressed the side of her face gently.

"Right, sorry, mas- I mean Vince..."

Mistress or rather "Abigail," replied back, sounding like a shy schoolgirl and not all like the evil dominatrix Toby has come to know her as...

"Oh, ma- Vince, I... retrieved your robe."

Abigail stated, revealing the article of clothing she had been holding under her arm.

"Thank you, Abigail; I suppose I can't be naked all the time anymore."

Vince joked as he turned around, the lioness slipping the black robe onto him.

"Ah, there we go."

Vince said he tied his robe to fit him snugly.

"How do I look, Toby? Don't worry; I'll get you one too."

"Fuck you."

Toby said, utterly fed up with Vince.

"Hey, you better watch that tongue of ours, cat; you may be our Messiah, but Vince is still our supreme master, show some goddamn respect."

Mistress spat, sounding much more like the lioness Toby recognized.

"It's quite alright, Abigail; he'll learn to appreciate his role with time..."

The lioness gave Toby, and mixed-emotion stare, to which Toby gave her a stare of hate back. Toby had never liked her; she had killed Rick after all, but now knowing she plays a significant role in Vince's paradise-driven madness makes him hate her more.

"Now then, let's go to the ritual room, shall we?"

Vince asked, and Abigail nodded, then began walking down the hall. Vince followed after her, grabbing hold of Toby's hand again, forcing the cat to follow as well. They walked for quite a bit until Abigail stopped at one of the doors, which looked like all the others.

Toby wondered how they understood where anything was, considering how everything looked the same, but then again, everything relating to Vince seemed to make no sense anymore... Abigail soon opened the door and moved out of the way, gesturing for Vince and Toby to enter. However, just as Vince was about to, she stopped him as if just remembering something important.

"Wait, Vince, you should take his..."

The lioness held out the gun she had always holstered to her thigh, the very same gun used to murder Rick.

"Hm.. are you sure, Abigail? I hope you know I don't plan on killing our Messiah."

"Of course not, it's just a precautionary measure, besides it's not him I worried about; it's the Enlightener... you know, you don't have to go through with that.. or at the very least let one of us watch over you. I fully trust your research, Vince, but I'm just concerned, is all... I don't know what I'd do if something seriously bad happened to you..."

Abigail confessed, sounding genuinely distraught. Toby had no idea what she was talking about, but he sure as hell didn't like the sound of it...

"I'll be fine; you worry too much, but if it makes you feel better, I'll take your gun."

Much to Toby's dismay, Vince took Abigail's revolver, tucking it into the pocket of his robe.

"Enjoy your time with our Messiah, Vince ... After today, our journey toward paving the road to paradise officially begins."


Vince simply replied back, then led Toby into the mysterious room, Abigail promptly closing the door afterward. This room was substantially different from the others Toby had seen thus far. For one, Its walls were stone concrete; Toby was oddly happy to see another color other than white he felt like he was going insane from having to stare at the cursed color 24/7.

The room also has a creepy atmosphere, probably due to its dim lighting, also making it hard to see. The most apparent difference was that it had a flight of staring leading down, and as Toby peered over the railing, he couldn't see the bottom...

"It's just the two of us, Toby... I know this isn't the most romantic place, but I promise once paradise is realized, I'd take you anywhere you want in the world."

Vince stated in a loving tone, squeezing down on Toby's hand harder.

"I'd rather choke on glass than spend another minute with you..."

Toby spits back coldly; he was so over Vince and his goddamn talk about paradise; for a moment, he considered jumping down this flight of stairs head first but dissuaded the thought, sticking with his intentions of escape or revenge instead.

"Ha, I think I like this side of you, Toby, not that I don't like the normal you, the weak, innocent boy who always needs help from others; it's quite an adorable act, really."

"Shut the fuck!"

Toby shouted and ripped his hand out of Vince's grasp.

"My... save that feistiness for later; now come, my kitten, it's quite a long way down."

Vince said, not phased by Toby's anger but, rather, finding it amusing. The wolf then started to descend the stairs, and without much else to do, Toby followed...

The wolf was right about one thing, these stairs seemed to go on endlessly; they had to have been walking for at least ten minutes now, and Toby's bare feet were starting to hurt from the cold concrete steps. Just what the hell is down here...? Although the cat's question was soon answered when they finally reached the bottom.

Toby didn't know what to expect, but the place Vince took him to was certainly creepy as hell. The area was somewhat small and relatively empty; the only thing filling the room was a long wood table placed at the back wall, with various objects and medical equipment resting on it.

The floor was dawned with a big worn-out red rug, and much like the stairs, the lighting was poor. The most concerning thing about the place was the door at their right, which was draped in chains and had a large padlock on it... Toby didn't even want to know what was behind there...

"We're here. I call this place the 'ritual room,' but it's more like my personal workshop, where I can toy and test my experiment unbothered."

Toby had no clue what "experiments" Vince was referring to but considering all the wolf had revealed thus far, it had to be something sinister...

"Well then, let's get this started."

Vince spoke and then walked over to the table. Toby watched as the wolf fiddled with a metal box, opening it and pulling out a clear liquid-filled syringe.

"Tah, what the hell is that....?"


Vince said coyly, then turned around to show off the syringe to Toby.

"I'll let you decide that... Now better a good kitty little and stay still for me..."

"There's no fucking way I'm letting you stick that in me!"

Toby shouted back, ready to retreat to the stairs and sprint back up them despite how much his feet hurt.

"Toby, don't make this difficult..."

Vince stated, sounding a bit annoyed while he still held the syringe. But Toby didn't listen and began making his way up the stairs.

"Don't make me shoot."

Concerned by the comment, Toby turned around to see Vince aiming the gun at him...

"Y-You wouldn't shoot me..."

Toby said in a vain attempt to call the wolf's bluff.

"Are you sure, my love? I can put a couple bullet holes in your shins right now; I don't necessarily need my Messiah to walk."

Vince said, lowering the gun to Toby's legs.

"W-Wait, fine..."

Toby quickly spoke up, causing the wolf to lower the revolver to the floor and tuck it back into his robe.

"Good kitty."

Vince approached Toby, who reluctantly walked down from his spot on the stairs; he then brought the needle down to the cat's neck and swiftly injected Toby with the mystery liquid. Vince then stepped away and walked back toward the table.

Toby rubbed at the spot where the needle stuck him; he didn't feel any different right now, but whatever effect the substance had would probably take some time to activate. However, Toby's soon pushed away that thought as he saw Vince place the gun he had stored in his robe onto the table. This was the perfect opportunity to make a move; the wolf had his back turned and everything.

With only slight hesitation, Toby began quietly walking towards his objective, intending to grab hold of the gun and kill this psychotic freak. Toby was only a couple feet away from the weapon now, and Vince still hadn't noticed him; he was preoccupied with organizing syringes on a tray. So in a quick motion, Toby went lunging for the gun.


Toby suddenly cascaded to the floor, confused about what had happened. But as Vince stood above, now aiming a dagger at him, Toby soon realized the wolf had intercepted and kicked him to the floor, the dagger the wolf had now, he had pulled from his robe. It happened so quickly; Toby didn't know Vince had the physicality to do something like that...

"Oh, Toby, did you really think It'd be that easy?"

Vince said with a smile. Meanwhile, Toby grimaced as he started hatefully up at the wolf; it was about the only thing he could do in his position.

"You were trying to kill me, weren't you?"

"You're damn right I was!"

Toby surprised himself by blatantly shouting out his intentions, but at this point, his was beyond tact; his hate for Vince took over.

"I thought as much; I can see it in your eyes... Hey, Toby, I want this transition period to go as smoothly as possible for you... so how about I give you your chance?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll give you a chance to kill me."

Toby was thoroughly confused; there was no way Vince would actually give him a chance to kill him, would he?

"I'm being serious, but weapons won't be allowed; if you want me dead, then you'll have had to do it with your own bare hands."

Vince said with sincerity, then threw his dagger to the floor, took off his robe, and placed it on the table behind him.


Was the only thing his mind could think to say.

"Mm, If I'm being honest, I've been craving a part two from what you did to me the other day; I want to see the full extent of what my Messiah is capable of. So c'mon Toby, murder me; I know you want to."

Vince said confidently, then moved to an open area of the room, now waiting for Toby to act. The cat was still confused beyond belief, and he was certain it was some tick Vince was pulling, but nonetheless, Toby rose to his feet and faced the wolf, ready to attack.


Toby didn't wait long before angrily yelling and charging straight at Vince. The wolf didn't even dodge out of the way, and Toby managed to tackle him violently to the floor.


Vince let out a weak grunt as his back slammed harshly against the rugged floor. Toby soon straddled the wolf below him, then raised a balled fist before bringing it down brutally onto Vince's face as hard as he could.


Vince grunted in pain as Toby punched him hard at the side of his muzzle, but the cat didn't stop with just one blow and soon punched the wolf again, this time hitting his nose, causing a mini explosion of blood to rain upon both their bodies.

"This is for all this suffering you put us through, you bastard!"

"Ghk, tah, nha!"

Vince was forced to grunt in anguish as Toby continued to beat him mercilessly, and out of instinct, the wolf tried to block his face from Toby's attacks, but the cat merely knocked his arms away and kept assaulting him relentlessly.

It didn't take long until Vince's face was utterly filled with blood and bruises. One of his eyes was swollen shut, his nose busted, and a few teeth were knocked loose. Toby had completely destroyed the wolf's face, which he once thought was handsome; it filled him with a morbid sense of satisfaction; that feeling then spread to other parts of his body...

"Haha, you're turned on!"

Vince managed to say while spitting out a glob of blood. Toby was infuriated that the wolf was speaking after how violently he beat him, but he was right; his dick was hard and rubbing up against Vince's furry stomach, which was beginning to get soaked in the blood dripping down from the wounds on the wolf's face.

Once more, Toby was ashamed of his arousal, but he soon thought back to the mystery liquid Vince had injected him with... That had to be the reason...

"This is your doing! That thing you injected me with is making me hard!"


Vince went into a fit of strained laughter, which only infuriated Toby more, and so the cat punched him hard in the jaw to shut him up. The blow had its intended effect, and Vince laid back silently, festering in pain Toby infected him with.

Toby didn't know what to do now. He was so motivated to hurt and kill Vince just a few minutes ago, but now his boner confused him and gave him cold feet... Maybe... Maybe if he just got off, his mind would be clear enough to go through with killing Vince...

So hesitantly, Toby began slowly grinding his fully erect cock against Vince's warm fluffy stomach... Toby waited for Vince to say something demeaning, but the wolf stayed silent, his wheezed breaths being the only sound he made. That was the cat's cue to pick up the pace, and he started humping against Vince's chest faster, reluctantly enjoying the odd sensation of the wolf's fur pleasuring his aching dick.

Toby soon moved one of his bloody hands down to his cock and used it to press his member harder against Vince's body. But even with that, it still wasn't enough. Toby kept his strange grinding but still didn't feel like he was any closer to blowing his load; however, his cock was still much, very erect...

He knew what he had to do, but if he did, he'd just be confirming all the sick things Vince said about him. No... the wolf was the one responsible for his hard dick in the first place... So, after half-heartedly reassuring himself his actions were okay, Toby got off Vince's lap and positioned himself near the wolf's ass.

The cat then grabbed Vince's thighs and pulled him up slightly so that his needy dick was aimed at the wolf's pucker. Soon after, in a hard trust, Toby drove his cock deep into Vince's ass, his cum filled insides, making it easy to slip in.


Vince moaned out weakly as he felt Toby's cock fill him. The cat only waited for a second before bucking wildly into Vince's ass, attempting to extract at much pleasure as he could from fucking the wolf's sloppy hole, needy badly to shoot his inside seed inside him again, to clear his mind.

"mhm... nahn...."

Vince continued to let out broken moans as Toby fucked him rough and hard. Messy sounds of cum churning echoed in the small underground room as Toby's cock slid in and out of Vince's seed-filled ass. Toby made sure to not hold back at all as he slammed his hips against the wolf's cheeks as brutally as he could, forcing Vince to milk his load.

The cat caught a glimpse of Vince's battered, blood-soaked face again, which sent a new wave of desire throughout him, and without even realizing it, he lunged forward and dug nails into Vince's chest.


Vince cried out loud as Toby sunk his nail into his skin, then began dragging down, drawing out blood, and causing the wounds from yesterday's whipping to reopen, inducing a harsh wave of pain.


Toby was close; Vince's pained cries were doing it for him. While continuing to dig his nails into the wolf, ripping his flesh open, the cat didn't relent in his powerful thrusting, and with one last aggressive pound, Toby pushed himself into the wolf's ass as deep as he could and began shooting out his load.


Toby yelled out as he came, his cock throbbing violently and shooting ropes of thick sticky seed into Vince's ass, adding more cum to the load he had pumped into him earlier.

"Eh... mm-ha..."

Vince moaned again as he felt Toby cumming inside him; despite how much pain he felt, the sensation of his love filling him up caused his dick to slightly emerge from his sheath. Toby didn't care if the wolf was turned on or not, he just needed to use Vince's ass to make himself cum which he had achieved, and soon his cock stopped throbbing, signaling the end of his orgasm.


Toby took a deep breath and pulled his dick out of Vince's ass, causing a pool of kitty cum to come spilling out as well. Toby looked down at his dick which was beginning to soften. The cat then looked up at Vince; his anger toward the wolf was still present, but even after fucking out his load, he still felt apprehensive...

Could he really go through with killing him...?

No, he had to; Vince deserved to die; who knew how many others the wolf was reasonable for tormenting...?

Toby had to kill him for himself and all the others Vince had and plans to abuse. Overame with newfound motivation, Toby got back on top of Vince and slowly moved his hands down to the wolf's neck.


Vince said meekly while he stared up at the cat, one of his eyes swollen shut. Toby had to look away; the sight of Vince's pained state, for some reason, made his hurt ache despite how much he hated him... Without further delay, Toby began squeezing down on Vince's neck.


Vince gagged in agony as Toby started choking him; the cat continued to look away, dreading seeing Vince's face while killing him, knowing his heart couldn't take such a sight... A few seconds, which felt like hours, passed as Toby kept choking Vince, the wolf gasping for air.

Soon tears started running down Toby's face, overwhelmed by the emotional burden of the situation. Why...? Toby's mind screamed in frustration. Why was he crying for a piece of scum like him? And why wasn't Vince trying to stop him?

"Fight back, struggle, Goddamn! Do something! Why are you letting me do this to you!?"

Toby screamed down at Vince, tears pouring rapidly out of his eyes while he continued restricting the wolf's breathing...


Vince grunted quietly as he looked up at his distraught lover, the cat's tears raining down on his blood-stained face. Vince looked as calm as he could while being choked, making Toby feel anger, sadness, and confusion all at once. The wolf made no sense... he wished Vince would try and fight back. It'd make the process of killing him so much easier, but no, he just laid there and accepted it...


Toby screamed out of both frustration and sorrow, then released his grip from Vince's neck.

"Haahh,.... haahh..."

Vince began letting out deep breaths upon being able to breathe again. Toby then got off the wolf, feeling like a failure... He couldn't do it; he could kill Vince despite all the evil shit he's revealed to him.


Toby said as he buried his hands in his face and cried, feeling like a disgrace.

"Shh.. my kitten, it's okay..."

Vince said with a slightly raspy voice as he approached Toby and gently stroked his back. Toby just let him do it; he was completely emotionally wrecked, and despite Vince being the reason for his anguish, his hand motions felt nice.

"I knew you couldn't kill my love..."

Vince cooed, then shifted the crying cat so his head rested in his lap. The wolf then began lovingly caressing Toby's face.

"You see, your heart knows what you truly desire. You want to be with me, Toby... you want to be with me together in the paradise I create."

Vince said gently while continuing to pet his love. Toby didn't know how to feel; he definitely still hated Vince, or at least he thought he did... But also wasn't able to kill him. Toby purposely missed his chance of escaping this insanity by spearing the wolf's life...


Before Toby could reply, the sound of footsteps interrupting him caused both Toby and Vince's ears to perk up. They then rose to their feet, directing their attention to the stairs.


It was Jamie; the husky called the cat's name from the top of the last flight of stairs. The husky soon ran down the rest of the stairs but then paused when he reached the bottom and saw Vince's beaten state, his mind filling with rage upon seeing the wolf.

"Grr... Vince!"

Jamie shouted out while suppressing a growl, he was fully ready to pummel the wolf to the ground and rip out his throat, but his attention was soon caught by the firearm resting on the table behind him. He then charged at the table and grabbed hold of the gun.

Meanwhile, Vince didn't just stand by; he went and revived the dagger he had thrown on the floor earlier and quickly moved behind Toby, gripping his waist and pointing the weapon at the cat's neck.

"Uh, what!?'

Toby uttered out of confusion of Vince's sudden threatening action. Jamie was now aiming the gun at the wolf but hesitated to shoot now that he had Toby in front of him, a knife at his neck...

"Damn you, Vince, let him go!"

"Lower the gun first."

Vince said back calmly, not showing any sign of taking his dagger away from Toby's throat.

"Not a chance!"

Jamie yelled back, then began taking slow steps forward. Vince then started taking steps backward, with Toby in his grasp in response.

"Stay where you are. Might I remind you what the stakes are..."

Vince declared, bringing the dagger closer to Toby's neck.


Jamie omitted an angered growl at the action. Toby was so confused; just a minute ago, Vince was telling him how they'd be together and all that, but now the wolf was pointing a knife at his neck... Seriously....?

"Listen, Toby, I'm going to need your help..."

Toby's ears perked up as Vince whispered into them.

"Hey, what are you saying to him!?"

"That's none of your business, and please stay put, Jamie."

Vince pronounced to the dog, then lowered his mouth back to Toby's ear.

"I need your help apprehending Jamie; I'm going to inject him with a special concoction of mine..."

"No way, I'm helping you!"

Jamie stopped his slow steps for a moment as Toby shouted.

"Shh.. my love, let's not make this difficult; if you don't cooperate, I'll inject Jamie with poison that will kill him near-instantly, instead; you wouldn't want that would you?"

Vince explained in his ear, causing Toby's eyes to widen in fear. He couldn't let Jamie be killed... But at the same time, he couldn't help Vince with whatever sick plan he had...

"Don't listen to him, Toby!"

Jamie called out upon seeing his friend stricken with fear, he didn't know what Vince said, but whatever it was, it couldn't have been good. Vince then hit the wall behind him, causing Jamie to close the distance between them.

"I have a clear shot now, Vince. Let go of Toby, or I shoot!"

Jamie declared, aiming the gun right at Vince's head.

"Sorry, Jamie Toby is mine now... Lower the gun."

Vince replied back with conviction, hovering his dagger dangerously close to Toby's neck. Jamie gritted his teeth out of frustration... Fine, if Vince didn't want to listen, he'd just have to kill him; there was no way he could cut Toby fast enough after shooting him, or at least Jamie hoped the wolf couldn't...

Toby closed his eyes out of terror as Jamie hovered his finger over the trigger; the cat fully expected Vince's brains to splatter across his face any second now, but after hearing an empty clicking sound, nothing happened...


Jamie stared at the gun in confusion; he had pulled down on the trigger; why didn't it shoot...? Suddenly the husky was assaulted with harsh pain as Vince kicked him hard in the balls. Jamie collapsed to the floor, dropping the gun in the process, debilitated from the blow to his most sensitive area.

Toby watched in shock at what had just happened. Vince let go of the cat, pulling his dagger away from his neck. The wolf then walked over to the gun on the floor, picked it up, and, shockingly, aimed it at his temple.

"Wait, what are you-!?"

That empty clicking sound rang out again as Vince pulled the trigger...

"It's not loading; Abigail must have anticipated that her revolver might have been used against me, so she chose not to load it. Quite a clever ploy; after all, a gun has the same effect when it comes to threatening someone, whether it's loaded or not, of course, as long as your target thinks there's a bullet in the chamber."

Vince explained, then placed the non-loaded gun back on the table.


Jamie groaned on the floor as he rubbed at his abused balls, trying to muster up the strength to stand to his feet and attack Vince.

"Toby, can you make sure our friend stays still?"

Vince asked as he extended his dagger for Toby to grab hold of; the dagger that was aimed at his neck just moments ago..."

"No, I'm not doing that..."

"Toby, I hope you remember what I told you..."

Toby tensed up with dread after Vince's comment; his mind flashed with images of Jamie's corpse. He couldn't let the husky die, so he grabbed hold of the dagger despite how much he didn't want to.

"Good kitty."

Vince said warmly, then turned back towards the table. Toby held the dagger awkwardly for a moment, unsure what to do. However, now that he saw the wolf's back facing him, the thought of literally stabbing Vince in the back popped into his mind, but Toby pushed away that thought, considering how poorly his attempt at attacking the wolf turned out last time...

"Toby, c'mon, what are you doing...? Attack him..."

Jamie muttered while on the floor, nestling his injury.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't..."

Toby replied, ridden with guilt, and pointed the dagger down at him. The action took Jamie aback, but he knew Vince was forcing him to do this. Meanwhile, the wolf had finished selecting the appropriate syringe he was going to use and approached Jamie on the floor.

Then, as Toby stood by obediently, he stuck the needle into Jamie's neck and pushed the liquid into his bloodstream. Jamie barely cringed at being injected and just scowled, engaged Vince had control over the situation.

"Now, this substance is the real deal, unlike the saline I inject you with, Toby."

Vince revealed, backing away from Jamie and placing the empty syringe on the table.


Toby was shocked to learn his injection had been fake, or at least that's what Vince said. However, the cat was more concerned about Jamie and the messed up drug the wolf had just injected him with. Vince soon walked in front of the flustered cat and easily took the dagger from his grasp, placing the weapon on the table as well.

"What fuck did you just inject me with?"

Jamie spat out, starting to worry about his health.

"I'm glad you asked."

Vince said with a smile on his face; the wolf had retrieved his robe and was using the fabric to wipe away some of the blood on his face and chest, although by now, most of it had already stained into his fur. With no more tasks, Vince tossed his now bloody robe to the ground and stepped in front of Jamie.

"I call it the 'Enlightener,' it's a formula I developed myself. Its effect will be apparent soon, but there's no harm in explaining now. Basically, the Enlightener is an intense aphrodisiac that specifically targets the parts of a subject's brain relating to strong emotional bonds, morphing said bonds to ones of extreme sexual desire."

Toby had a hard time understanding what Vince was saying, although he got the gist of it and didn't like the implications...

"And seeing as though you were willing to kill for Toby, I'll classify that as a strong emotional bond. In a few moments, the only thing your mind and body will be focused on doing is fucking Toby with every ounce of strength you have."


Toby gasped in shock. Is Vince's "Enlightener" really capable of making Jamie do something like that...

"Ngh... There's... There's no way ever to do that, you sick fuck!"

"Oh? Then why are you covering your crouch? C'mon, just succumb to your desires..."

Jamie hung his head in shame; he had a boner that he was shyly attempting to cover. It seemed like the damn thing Vince injected him was working, and worse, all his mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of Toby, thoughts of having sex with him, touching his body, and tasting him... the husky tried to force himself to look away from the cat, but he simply couldn't Toby naked form was just too appealing...

"J-Jamie, are you okay...?"

Toby asked, concerned, as he watched Jamie grimace with discomfort on the floor.

"T-Toby you... you gotta get away from me... I-I can't control myself..."

Jamie confessed as he began to feel like a spectator in his own body, the drug-induced lust consuming every facet of his mind. Vince merely watched with excitement and satisfaction as the Enlightener did its magic.

"Ngh.. mhm... grah...."

Jamie grunted and groaned on the floor, trying to fight against his own urges; it was a losing battle. Toby didn't know what to do... should he run? Should he hide behind Vince? But the cat's indecision caught up to him, and, in an instant, Jamie lunged right at him.


Jamie pounced on top of Toby, pinning the cat to the floor firmly; the dog didn't wait a second longer before thrusting his face aggressively at the feline, locking Toby a kiss.


Toby's eyes shot out of his head as he felt Jamie slip his much bigger tongue into his mouth; the husky used the muscle to lick and taste around the sides and roof of the cat's mouth, savoring his flavor and the rough texture of the cat's tongue, all the while Toby moaned in protest at the forceful action.

"Nmmh... Mhh..."

Jamie soon grabbed and harshly pinned Toby's arms to the floor, ensuring he didn't slip away while he violated his mouth with his fat slippery canine tongue. The husky, fully hard 9-inch cock was grinding needily against Toby's own cock, which, unbeknownst to the cat, had grown erect as well. Vince soon moved beside the two males, aggressively making out, and started stroking his cock, which grew with arousal as well upon watching the erotic display.

Meanwhile, Toby was having difficulty breathing as Jamie's face and tongue smothered his senses, the cat tried in vain to break free, but Jamie was much stronger and bigger than him and merely squeezed down on his arms harder the more he struggled. Eventually, though, after at least a solid minute of Jamie forcibly writhing his sloppy tongue inside Toby's mouth, the dog pulled away, causing large globs of slip to slatter across Toby's face.

"Haa... eh...."

Toby tried to catch his breath after his mouth was freed, but Jamie didn't give him a break before moving down to his chest.


Jamie stated eagerly, licking at Toby's chest like a mother cleaning her pup. The husky utterly soaked the cat's fur with doggy slobber as his hungry tongue lapped across the feline's slim but toned chest. And he soon moved his attention over to Toby's nipples.


Toby jolted in pleasure-soaked shock as Jamie's messy licks assaulted his sensitive nipple. Once the dog was satisfied in sufficiently wetting his nip, he moved to the other one and brutalized the area with his tongue as well.


Toby was forced to moan and writhed in intense pleasure as Jamie licked at his other nipple. Thankfully the husky soon moved his attention from those sensitive spots and began lapping at his stomach instead. Toby was now completely overcome with arousal, his dick aching with need as Jamie's flexible tongue painted every inch of his fur with messy spit.

Jamie was in a state of complete lust; his mind's only object was to get Toby's taste ingrained into his mouth and explore the cat's body to the fullest extent. The husky's tongue tingled with fiery pleasure as he licked and matted the feline's fuzzy fur, and his dick throbbed violently with pure desire; as he lapped lower down the smaller male's body, soon reaching Toby's hard cock.

"Gha... wait..."

Jamie, of course, didn't listen, and in a quick motion, the husky completely engulfed Toby's entire length into his warm wet muzzle.


Toby screamed in ecstasy as Jamie took in and began sucking on his cock, eagerly, as though the dog was trying to suck the cum right out of his balls from how intensely he slurped on his meat. Jamie had moved his hands away from Toby's arms and violently grabbed onto the cat's waist.

Toby used that opportunity to try and push the husky off of him. Still, even if he had been using his full strength, Jamie's muzzle was locked so firmly onto his dick that there was no way he'd get him off. The dog showed no signs of pulling away, even as Toby weakly pushed at his head.

Jamie had his nose buried into Toby's pubic fur and deeply inhaled the cat's musky scent while aggressively bobbing on the feline's barbed length, basking in the feeling of the cat's cock filling up his muzzle and poking at his throat.

It hadn't been that long since Vince had started sucking on his dick, but Toby felt like he was about to blow. His pre was leaking into Jamie's mouth amply, which the husky eagerly gulped down. The erotic sounds of the dog hungrily lapping and swallowing his cock was too much.

Just as Toby felt like he was seconds away from a fat orgasm, Jamie suddenly pulled off his dick, causing another torrent of spit to splatter onto him.


Toby grunted in frustration, despite not wanting Jamie to suck him off while under the influence of Vince's drugs, he wanted to a cum, badly; however, the cat's mind wasn't left to linger on his sexual frustration for long as Jamie then forcibly flipped him to his front.


Toby's hands and knees made contact with the rugged floor brutality, causing pain to course from those areas, but soon the cat was overwhelmed with another sensation when Jamie dove his face straight into his asscheeks.


Toby moaned out as he felt Jamie's wet tongue lapping at his hole with vigor. The cat tried to crawl away, but the ass-hungry dog behind him had other plans and gripped Toby's cheeks violently, ensuring the feline stayed put while he ate him out.

"Gah... Nmm..."

Toby had no choice but to moan as Jamie used his canine tongue to slurp at his tight hole, all while the dog squeezed down onto his asscheeks; escape wasn't an option. This was now Jamie's second time eating his ass; however, this time, the dog was a lot more aggressive, almost using his tongue like a weapon to brutalize his vulnerable hole. Vince stood by, jacking his cock, while watching Jamie use his beastly tongue to assault his love's ass.

The wolf was overcome with sheer elation by the display but was beginning to feel left out, so he decided to move to the floor beside Toby, and with a bit of strength, fighting against the husky munching at his ass, Vince managed to slip under the cat. Toby was now resting on top of him, the cat's spit-matted chest pressed against his own blood-stained fur, their dicking pressed against each other as well, inducing waves of pleasure and warmth.

"Ngh... V-Vince, make it stop- Nmh!"

Toby had tried to beg Vince to end this, but the wolf just used the opportunity to lock Toby in a kiss. Vince immediately slipped his tongue into Toby's maw; it was now his turn to violate the cute feline's mouth. Toby cringed in disgust as Vince's tongue played around in his mouth, and soon he started tasting the wolf's blood.

The harsh irony flavor caused Toby to sputter, and he attempted to pull away, but Vince quickly gripped a hand on the back of his head, ensuring their mouth stayed locked together. While that happened, Jamie continued to lap and munch eagerly at Toby's hole and cheeks, but after thoroughly wetting the area, the dog decided to set his attention deeper.


Toby moaned loudly in Vince's mouth and squeezed down on the wolf's shoulders as Jamie slipped and dug his tongue increasingly deeper into his ass. The wiggling wet muscle licked inside the cat's depths with fast, lustful motions.

Toby now had two canine tongues inside him... The sensation and taste of Vince's sloppy blood-filled kiss, combined with Jamie aggressively exploring and spreading open his tight ass with that fat slippery tongue of his, was completely overwhelming him.

Toby had never had his senses assaulted to this level, the cat's mind was screaming for it to end, but his body was basking in the feeling of being used in such stimulating ways. The husky and wolf, double-tonguing, lasted a couple of minutes longer until Vince and Jamie finally pulled away from the cat at roughly the same time.

"Ha... Nnm.. haa...."

Toby let out exhausted breath while his ass and chin leaked out a plethora of canine spit. But the kitten was only given a brief moment of reprieve before Jamie repositioned himself behind him and slapped his fat doggie dick down onto Toby's ass and back.

"Uh! N-no wait, stop you can't-!"

"Shh.. my kitten, you'll be fine. Just try and relax."

Vince cooed warmly as he hugged Toby gently, stroking his back and head while slowly humping up against the cat's erect bumpy member. Jamie was now grinding his big canine cock, next to Toby's tail and across the feline's ass and back.


Toby moaned quietly with apprehension as he felt Jamie's hot, heavy meat rub on top of him. However, the dog didn't carry out his external grinding for long and soon positioned his dick at the entrance of Toby's spit-lathered hole.

Then, as the husky's lust reached feverishly high peaks, he grabbed onto Toby's hips and slammed himself forward, driving his cock fully inside the kitten with one mighty thrust, the dog's knot being the only part of his dick not lodged inside Toby's constricting depths.


Toby cried out loudly in pleasurable pain as Jamie filled him up; the cat buried his face in Vince's fluffy chest out of instinct, wanting some form of comfort while getting violent ass-fucked by the dog. With only a brief pause, enjoying the sensation of Toby's snug hole hugging his dick, Jamie began bucking his hips in and out of the kitten's tight hole, not showing any signs of restraint.


"Ah! Ngh! Gha!"

Jamie growled ferally out of pure pleasure while Toby moaned loudly every time the dog slammed his fat doggie dick into him, the cat's whole body jolting forward at each powerful pound. However, Vince made sure to cling onto his kitten tightly, ensuring the feline didn't stray too much while his ass got brutally fucked by the lust-fulled husky.

Toby tried to ignore the pain of Jamie's big cock grinding roughly against his tender anal walls and instead focused on the feeling of the canine thrusting at his G-spot. The hyper-erotic feeling made his cock ache harshly as it was forced to rub against Vince's dick, their cock's friction spurred on by Jamie's hard pounds.

Despite the violent thrusts the husky supplied him, Toby was at least thankful his ass was lubed enough to take such a rough fucking; the dog's warm dick slid in and out his ass with little resistance aided by the sheer amount of doggie spit Jamie had coated Toby's insides with.

"Nmm.. Uha.... mm..."

Toby began moaning quieter as exhaustion started taking hold of him. Jamie had been pounding at his ass for at least several minutes now, the husky's fierce pace only increasing, and Toby was nearing his mental and physical limits.

But despite everything, the only thing Toby cared about now was achieving an orgasm. However, whenever the cat seemed to get close, Jamie would suddenly find a way to avoid pounding at his prostate, forcing the kitty to sustain a painstaking boner.

"You wanna cum, don't you, my love?"

Vince asked, sensing Toby's needs by the expression he wore.

"Y-Yes... please..."

Toby found himself begging, throwing out any shame he had left. Vince was pleased by the cat's response and looked up at the husky, still thrusting aggressively into his lover's ass, and that's when he suddenly got an idea. Vince then grabbed Toby's waist and started pushing the smaller male back onto the fat canine cock fucking him.

"Uh! Wh-what are you doing!?"

Toby cried out, confused by the action, but Jamie, on the other hand, seemed to get the idea and gave the cat a final hard pound before attempting to jam his oversized knot into the kitty's tight ass.

"Ngh! N-No, I can't take your knot! Nhaa... It's too big, s-stop!"

But the men didn't listen to Toby's pleas, as Vince continued to push him down on the fat knot, while Jamie gripped the kitten's hips harshly and did the same in the inverse.

"F-Fuck... it hurts, please stop!"

"It's okay... It will all be over soon, my love..."

Toby closed his eyes and buried his head in Vince's chest again, agonizing at the feeling of his ass being spread wider than it's ever been before. Then in a torturous second, Jamie's fat knot brutally popped inside him.


Toby cried wildly, seeing stars, as he felt Jamie's knot pop inside his tight, abused ass. But amidst the pain, his g-spot was getting utterly obliterated by the knot, and soon after being tied, Toby began spraying out his pent-up load across Vince's chest.

Jamie was soon to follow and began pumping out the contents of his heavy ball directly into Toby's warm ass. Vince was last to cum; seeing his kitty in so much pleasure was what did it for him, and soon all three males were riding out their orgasms. Toby was forced to accept a hefty amount of sticky doggy seed up his ass while he and Vince painted the wolf's chest with their combined loads...

After about fifteen seconds or so, they had all finished cumming, causing the confines of the underground room to get utterly filled with the smell of musty sex and seed. After Toby finished cumming that was it for him, and after giving Vince's beaten face one last mixed-emotional look, he passed out on top of him.

Jamie was in the same boat, and due to his fat cock, being knotted inside Toby, the husky was forced to collapse on top of the cat as he passed out from exhaustion as well.

Vince was now the only one conscious, and he struggled to get out from under his love as Jamie's heavy form added weight. But the wolf soon managed to slip free and rose to his feet, staring down at the passed-out stuck pair with a sense of contentment.

"This is goodbye, for now, Toby, our Messiah; when we reunite, paradise be ours..."

Vince spoke with confidence, despite knowing the cat couldn't hear him. The wolf then bent down and kissed his lover on the head before retrieving Abigail's non-loaded gun and starting his long trek back up the stairs.

He and Abigail had so much to do... A wave of excitement overcame the wolf as he thought about how their journey toward paving the road to paradise had begun...


It had been three months since Toby had woken up in the hospital after he and Jamie were found naked in the woods. The cat explained to the doctors and police about Vince, how he was the one responsible for their kidnapping, forcing them to perform sick sexual acts, and how the wolf was ultimately planning to create some insane perverted paradise with the sexual drugs he developed. But nobody believed him; they all thought he was crazy!

Apparently, there were no records of a white wolf named Vince in his state, nor were there any accurate records of him in their country. How was that possible? Was Vince, not his real name? In any case, the police had to have found some evidence of their kidnapping, right? What about the white van that took them? Were there no witnesses? Was Vince paying off the police? No, more like their entire country's government? How can a young guy like him have so much power??

The story Toby was told regarding what had happened to them was that their car crashed in the woods in the middle of the night, causing their group to get lost in the forest for a week, but that story was just a plain lie! They still have Rick listed as a missing person, but Toby saw the raccoon get murdered right before his eyes!

The past three months have been rough for the cat. At first, Toby legitimately believed the events spent at the white building were all just his own fucked imagination; but the cat knew in his heart it was real, all too real. Not a day has passed where Toby hasn't had a sexual nightmare about that place, his cursed dreams almost always involving Vince...

He just can't seem to escape the wolf, even after being free, and worst of all, his dreams always end with him cumming, staining his sheet with seed and shame. It's hell; Toby knows he can't take this cycle any longer... What was the point of living when Vince and his delusions plagued his psyche to such a crippling degree...?

He needed answers; he _needed _to find Vince, but the only person Toby could turn to for help was Jamie, and the husky wanted no part in looking for the psychotic wolf; he just wanted to move on with his life. Toby can't help but feel like it's karma for not believing him back then, but even so, the cat feels so alone...

His life feels so empty and broken. Toby often found himself thinking about the brief time he spent with Vince at the facility, wishing to return, if only to escape the despair the outside world has treated him with...

Toby knew he shouldn't wish for such messed things... Vince is evil and responsible for so much suffering, his included, but still, Toby wanted to see him again.... and in some distorted version of fate, his wish was somewhat granted; just a couple hours ago, Toby received an email titled, "To Our Messiah." There was only one person that could have sent that email...

Toby had been reluctant to open the email. Somehow he knew if he did, he'd alter the course of his life forever, no perhaps even grander than that, maybe he'd change the course of history itself. But still, even with that overwhelming feeling of dread present in his gut, Toby opened the email on his phone...

The message had one word written, "Paradise," and contained a string of numbers... It was coordinates...


Toby muttered to himself... the cat now understood what Vince meant by that word. He now felt oddly happy, a feeling he hadn't felt in months...

Toby knew what to do next, where to go... He'd see Vince... The wolf would be the one to save him from his misery... Vince would create a paradise to save _everyone _from their misery, and he'd help the wolf as his Messiah, as paradise's Messiah...


Perverted Paradise - Part 4

After the brutal session with Marco and Ernie, Toby and Vince were taken to the shower room. The cat and husky ended up having to hold onto Mistress's shoulders for support from how broken their bodies felt, much to the dismay of the lioness, who made...

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Perverted Paradise - Part 3

After the incident, thankfully, Vince and Toby were halted off to a small shower room, where they promptly washed off the piss and cum staining their fur before they were forced back into the white room they woke up in originally, their new "home" as...

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Perverted Paradise - Part 2

Toby's strained eyes slowly parted open. "Uhh..." The cat let out a weak groan as he adjusted to his surroundings; his head throbbed with pain, and his body felt like he had just run a marathon. Toby sat up slightly from the wall he was leaning...

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