[p] Loving Leavanny

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#2 of Viola's Bugtimes

When she's called in to help Burgh's team, Viola doesn't know what to do for his enormously eggbound Leavanny. As she takes care of the mantid pokemon, she ends up developing some odd feelings for the pokemon--and resolves to help her any way she can.

A sequel to this earlier piece starring Viola/Leavanny! Was written for Patreon and supposed to be 1.5k words... ended up twice that and an actual romance story lmao (albeit still with pokephilia and ovi themes uwu)


It had started off simple. A return to Castelia to meet up with Burgh, the other Bug-type Leader. Viola, pride of Santalune City, had to admit she was glad to be friends with the man. Ever since their first meeting a year or two ago, they'd enjoyed a healthy professional rivalry tempered with genuine fellowship; and, of course, there was the time Viola had lost a little wager with him and subsequently spent the night with his bugs. It was one of the most exquisite nights of her life.

But when she arrived in Castelia City, Burgh was not in high spirits--the opposite, in fact. Some big League event was happening up north, but he was worried about leaving behind his ace, a lean and maternal Leavanny.

"This came at the worst possible time," he complained, running his fingers through his (completely immaculate) hair. "She's eggbound, but it's been rough on her this time around--the poor girl is completely incapable of travel, and I don't just want to leave her behind at the Pokemon Center while I spend a few days up north!"

Viola nodded. She understood completely. The nurses at the centers did great work, but having your pokemon being only one of several being looked after just wasn't the same, especially in a time like this.

Thankfully, Viola had the exact perfect solution. "You need an expert to watch her," she told him. "Someone who really knows Bug-types."

He cottoned on to what she was getting at immediately. "Are you sure?" he asked. "If anyone in the world is qualified it'd be you, but I don't want to put this on you."

"It'll only be a few days," Viola said, waving off his concerns. "Besides, I want her to stay safe and well. I'm more than willing to lend a hand."

Burgh had departed with his thanks, and Viola settled in for a few days of taking care of his ace.

The Leavanny was as she remembered from past encounters: proud, maternal, powerful, wise-looking; she was truly a queen among Bug-type pokemon. She was quite tall for her species, though still a fair bit short of an adult human. But when Viola first saw her in her current state, her heart went out for the poor creature. The Leavanny's abdomen, normally trim and thin, hidden beneath a swathe of leaves, was swollen with eggs. Viola had seen eggbound bugs before and knew they could get sizable, but she'd never seen anything like this. It seemed the Leavanny's biology had undergone the equivalent of a human getting pregnant with quadruplets or quintuplets--a once-in-a-lifetime bout of extreme fertility. But if your species plumped up with dozens of eggs even in a normal pregnancy...

"Hey," Viola said, keeping her voice soft and soothing. The Leavanny blinked awake and responded with a small, plaintive chirp. The two of them knew each other and were on good terms. Viola knelt, gently touching the creature's abdomen, and rubbed her hand back and forth along the smooth surface in what she hoped was a comforting manner. The Leavanny chirred thankfully in response and, after a few minutes, shakingly reached up one leafy frond to cup Viola's chin.

Her breath catching, Viola allowed the pokemon to pull her in for a kiss. They'd done this before--the Leavanny had been one of the pokemon to 'entertain' her that night she'd lost Burgh's wager. This time, as before, the Leavanny gave Viola a gift--a small trickle of sweet nectar. The liquid produced by their species was both highly nutritious and, for mammals, an extremely potent aphrodisiac. Even though the Leavanny hardly gave her any, when Viola pulled back from the kiss it was with widened eyes, burning cheeks, and a heartbeat racing faster than a train.

Settling back on her own hugeness, the Leavanny drifted back off to a shallow slumber, leaving Viola to watch after her once more amidst the still-lingering effects of the nectar.

The next couple of days passed just like that. Viola devoted her time to attending to the swollen matriarch, bringing her food and water and comforting her with gentle rubs and tender words. The Leavanny responded to Viola's attention with chirps of gratitude. Sometimes she nuzzled close against her, trembling, and she often rewarded Viola with small sips of nectar. At times even when Viola had other things to do and the Leavanny didn't seem in any immediate danger, the Kalosian Leader still ended up staying in the room with her, since she couldn't bear the heartbroken look the Leavanny wore when she left.

Viola was one of the world's leading authorities on bugs, and she was watching with trepidation at the Leavanny's state. The poor bug was getting huge, easily as big as a human with twins or triplets--but Leavanny were decidedly much smaller than humans. What was worse was that the pregnancy seemed to be progressing faster than usual--a not-unheard-of anomaly for some Bug-types, but concerning given the pokemon's state otherwise. It was looking more and more like the Leavanny's due date, which was supposed to be a few days after Burgh was scheduled to return, might be jumped up a notch.

One night, as she was giving Burgh's ace some much-needed water and talking candidly with her (the Bug-type seemed intelligent, and understood much of human speech), Viola was interrupted by the Leavanny reaching up to her chin again. Viola let her words trail away, expecting to be brought down in for another nectar-filled kiss--but instead, the mantid pokemon held her leafy frond there for a few seconds before trailing it down. Viola shuddered at the whispering touch on her neck, her collarbone; the Leavanny traced her curves through her thin silk shirt, gently running her frond-tip along the sides of Viola's breasts and down further to caress her hip.

With a small, almost shy chirp, the Leavanny looked up to match eyes with Viola. Unspoken understanding passed between them, and Viola took off her top so the Bug-type could have unfettered access. Grasping her sides, the Leavanny gently tugged her in closer so that Viola's torso was near her mouth.

The Bug-type began layering Viola's bare skin with small, affectionate, almost exploratory kisses. Viola gasped at each feathery touch, so soft and yet so loving. She'd given her body to bugs before, including this very Leavanny--but unlike those past flings, defined by mutual sexual fervor, this was different, strangely more intimate despite the fact that the Leavanny was doing nothing more than leaving tender kisses on her. Aphrodisiac nectar still laced her mouth, and every kiss burned afterwards with a soft, sweet fire that made Viola take her lips in her teeth with a soft whine. She was getting wet.

This continued for a few minutes, Viola having to maneuver her body around whenever the Leavanny wanted access to a different spot; after all, the pokemon was too gravid to move. Eventually the Leavanny's attentions ceased, and Viola (who was by now panting openly, her cheeks ruby-red with arousal) glanced down at the swollen mantis.

The Leavanny met her eyes again and more wordless understanding passed between them. Heeding the pokemon's desire, Viola angled herself so that her flushed and waiting pussy was right up against the Leavanny's mouth.

The result--heaven.

The Leavanny ate her out with soft, gentle, tender laps, too eggbound and weary to go any faster, but every stripe she licked drove Viola mad with desire. "Yes," she sobbed, "yes, I--I--" Her words fell apart as she came, gasping.

She didn't even remember cuddling up to the Leavanny like a lover, but when she coasted down from orgasmic bliss, that's exactly where she was: curled up alongside the bug like she was a big spoon, caressing Leavanny from behind, feeling the pokemon's warm breaths rising and falling.

Viola would never have expected this, but it felt right. "Hey," she whispered. "Thanks." The Leavanny chirred in response, and Viola, against all odds, found her drifting off to sleep right there, curled protectively around the big pokemon.

She was woken a few hours later by Leavanny's plaintive cry. She shot up, ramrod straight, to see the Leavanny propping herself up shakily on her leafy forearms. The poor pokemon was panting with exertion, her abdomen straining.

It was a few days earlier than projected, but it was clear--laying time had arrived.

"Shit!" Viola said. "Shit, shit!" Leavanny, like many Bug-types, had to lay their eggs in an incubator for them to survive. Wild pokemon used other living creatures--pokemon in their areas, typically, or on rare occasions unsuspecting trainers passing through--but trained ones could make use of a special machine.

But Burgh had left his incubator in his Gym and, expecting his ace's laying to commence after his return, had left the Gym locked, leaving Viola and the Leavanny in his apartment!

Viola knew it was hopeless to expect the Center to have such a machine available; cognizant of the late hour, she dialed Burgh's number, but it went straight to voice. Trying again just in case, she chucked her phone aside angrily when it didn't work.

The Leavanny cried again, slightly pained; Viola could tell the creature was holding back actually laying her eggs unless there was a safe place to do so. If the eggs weren't laid in a warm body or a specialized machine, they would never develop. Even leaving them out for an hour would kill any chance of them hatching. Burgh's Leavanny wouldn't risk her young that way, Viola could read it in her; she'd hold them in as long as possible, even if that was hazardous to her already-strenuous health.

Ignoring the fact that she was still naked from the previous evening, Viola paced frantically, threading her fingers through her hair. The machine was in the Gym, and even if she broke in to get it, it was huge, too big to drag back here. Her team were all bugs themselves, and not eligible to serve as incubators. She laughed madly at the sudden thought of rushing down to the street at 3 in the morning, begging passers-by for help: "Hello, I know we've never met, but would you mind if my friend's bug knocked up your pokemon? It needs to happen like, right now."

The Leavanny's voice grew more strained and Viola was aware that she was looking at her abdomen with worry. The poor pokemon looked scared and desperate.

...but it wasn't only pokemon that could shelter eggs, was it?

Viola glanced down at her own stomach. She'd seen it swell with eggs before, having experimented with her own team--but those had been small creatures, tiny loads that had barely rounded her. This Leavanny was much bigger than the ones she was used to, and was more fertile than usual besides. Could she really handle that many?

The Leavanny whimpered again, and Viola's resolve steeled. She'd have to.

"I'm here," she said, pulling in close to the creature. "I'm here. I've got them, I'll carry them, don't worry."

The Leavanny, still panting, her face strained, gave a worried chirp.

"I'll be fine," Viola said, sounding braver than she felt. "No one knows bugs like me. I can--I can handle this. Now let's do it." Scooting around the Leavanny's swollen abdomen, readying herself, she found that the pokemon's glistening ovipositor was already extended out from the thorax, pulsing as the Leavanny fought her body's urges to lay her eggs.

I can do this, Viola thought to herself. I can do this. Leaning back, gently gripping the ovipositor with one hand like it was a toy, she sank forward, letting it penetrate her.

Her breath heaved out of her in a ragged gasp, sensory overload bursting like a firework. The feeling of the Leavanny's ovipositor inside her pussy was incredible, slick and solid and filling. The Leavanny herself moaned, and the sound was quite different from the desperate noises she'd made in the last few minutes. This was a sound of pleasure.

Wriggling her hips, squeaking with obscene joy every time she moved further down, Viola pushed herself along the pokemon's ovipositor as fast as she dared. Normally, Bug-types liked to swing into you when they readied their egg-laying, rutting their ovipositors into you like they were cocks; but this time was different. The Leavanny was too big to do anything like that, and time was of the essence.

Viola was left to do most of the work herself; gasping and panting, forcing herself to focus even amidst her body's triumphant joy at getting penetrated by a bug, she worked her way down until the Leavanny's equipment was almost entirely within her, the tip kissing her womb.

"O--kay," she forced out, her breaths hot and heavy. "I'm ready. Let's--let's d-do this."

With a melodic chirr, the Leavany leaned back, closed her eyes, and pushed.

Her egg-filled abdomen, finally free of mental constraint, relaxed and gently squeezed out a number of lumps. Viola could track them as they traveled down the ovipositor; Leavanny eggs were oblong, about half the length of a human hand. Normally something like that wouldn't be hard to handle, but in large numbers...

The first of the eggs squeezed past her mound and into her pussy, and though the pressure there was slight compared to the initial sense of getting penetrated, the egg rubbed her just the right way to stimulate her G-spot, and Viola's eyes fluttered as she came, orgasm sweeping over her like a prairie thunderstorm. She was still reeling when the egg met the end of the ovipositor and gently--but inexorably--forced its way even deeper. There was an intense inner pressure of a few seconds and then Viola felt the egg plop satisfyingly into her womb. It was a small thing, barely noticeable amidst the glowing symphony of her orgasm, yet she was still cognizant of the sudden fullness, of the abrupt switch from being someone who was not pregnant to someone who definitely was.

And that was only the beginning.

The eggs kept coming, more and more of them, ceaseless; they slid down the ovipositor, wormed their way inside of Viola's pussy (nudging her G-spot every time; soon a new orgasm was threatening to swallow the remnants of the old one), and then settled snugly in her womb.

The process was fast, all things considered; or maybe it only seemed that way, since soon enough Viola was lost in a haze of orgasmic bliss, the constant stream of eggs enticing and stimulating her until she was adrift in a sea of sheer ecstasy. Once, amidst her haze, she heard a sound like continuous pleasured moaning, and realized it was coming from her. She blinked and saw her stomach rounding; just when had it come out so far? She reached up one trembling hand to its swelling roundness, feeling it tremble and surge slightly with every additional egg packed inside. She knew what would happen--her body would shield and nurture the eggs for just under two months in its warm confines before she would lay them. Afterwards, little Sewaddle would emerge to take on the world.

They weren't her biological offspring, of course; she was just a surrogate. Yet Viola couldn't help but feeling that she wasn't also their mother in some way.

On and on came the eggs, squeezing inside of her, forcing her tunnel to spread just a touch farther apart, and then nestling tightly inside of her ever-growing womb.

During a time when she was coasting down from another orgasm but before a new one built up again (in other words, during one of the few moments when she was relatively lucid) Viola found herself astonished that she already looked nine months pregnant. Craning her head up, she saw that the Leavanny's abdomen had shrunk. It seemed she was well over halfway done now; perhaps even three-quarters of the way done.

When the Leavanny glanced up and saw her looking, the pokemon let out a querying chirp. The intent was clear: are you alright?

"Yeah," Viola sighed, leaning back and content to be buoyed along as the laying played itself out. "I'm fine." Not long after the whole thing grew to be too much, and she drifted off into a pleasant and bliss-filled unconsciousness...

When she woke, it was to the feeling of lips on hers. She opened her eyes to see Burgh's Leavanny--looking weary, yet back to her old trim self--hovering over her, glancing down with open concern. As she blinked awake, the Leavanny cooed excitedly, and then brought her lips down to Viola's once more.

They kissed passionately, Viola moaning against the bug, and the sweet flow of nectar made her body burn and dance. When the kiss finally broke, the Leavanny cuddled up to Viola, chirping excitedly, and Viola raised one weary arm to hug the pokemon close to her. "We did it, girl," she said, her voice slow. "We did it."

As she hugged the pokemon close with one arm, the other rose and caressed her belly. She was huge, about the same size as a full-term woman expecting twins. Her skin was taut and tender, pink near the front, and as Viola tried to rise, the weight off-balanced her and set her falling back with a whumph. The Leavanny chirruped worriedly over it, but Viola eased her fears. "'M fine," she said. "Think I'll just... rest a bit." And the newly egg-laden Leader fell into a slumber, cuddled with a very appreciative bug.

When her cell blared to life, Leavanny had to go and fetch it--Viola was still so gravid she could barely stand. She eased Burgh's panicking as best she could, telling him that she had everything taken care of. He didn't seem convinced, but he only had to wait a day to see.

As she hung up the call, the Leavanny--who, like most pokemon, had bounced back easily from her ordeal and was now spry and mobile again--had cuddled up to Viola again, chirping with gratitude. Resting one hand on her backed stomach, Viola had drawn in the Leavanny with her other, and the two of them cuddled affectionately. At some point, it had stopped being about the Leavanny paying Viola gratitude, or about Viola caretaking the pokemon. They simply liked one another.

By the time Burgh arrived the next day, Viola had acclimatized to her newfound hugeness well enough to stand and, slowly, walk. Burgh had been astonished at the sight, but Viola told him she didn't mind. "I think this was for the best," she said, rubbing her belly while glancing down warmly at it. "I really do."

She left not long after, having to return to Kalos--but before she went, she made sure to make plans to return a month or so hence. "I'll be back soon to lay these eggs," she'd told the proud-looking, eager Leavanny. "Our eggs." The Leavanny had nuzzled her close, chirping happily, and Viola returned the embrace. Something had happened between the two of them, something Viola had never thought would happen.

As she rode to the airport to board a private plane back home, the Kalosian reflected that she loved bug pokemon--but not once had she ever thought she would be in love with a Bug-type.

She was jarred from her thoughts by the sudden sensation of her eggs shifting in her womb. She gasped--and then smiled, tracing one finger over her taut belly, its tight bounty a gift from her new lover. "Well," she mused, "the world is full of good surprises."