PMD - EOM - Chapter 23B (X)

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#26 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Prince the Sylveon

Clara the Leafeon

Chp 23 B

"Hi! I wanna join a rescue team!" Prince told Marie, nearly bouncing in excitement.

"Alright. Have a team in mind?"

"Yea, Team Memories!"

"Alright. Paw print here. And the test is tomorrow. You don't have to participate if you don't feel ready. Go speak to Crash either way."

Prince signed it, and rushed towards the yard, where the marowak was directing a small group of other pokemon.

"Hi, I was told to come see you about a test." He said, a bit more calm, but still giddy with excitement.

"Well that's good." Crash said, leaning on his bone. "Because of recent events, I'm stepping up the test to today, and at a different location than usual. The group leaves in a few hours if you think you're ready."

"Yea, I'm a tough guy!" He said, flaring out his ribbons to make himself seem bigger, though Crash was unimpressed.

"We'll see. Just wait around here."

Prince sat down right where he was. Crash gave him a look, then turned back to what he was doing. The sylveon quivered a bit, but otherwise just sat there...

Over the hour, he grew both more excited and impatient. By the end, he was playing, switching his weight all to one side, before switching back, so that he swayed wildly from side to side, and was humming loudly.

"Alright! Everyone for the trial, over here!" Crash called out. Prince perked up and sprinted over. A group of around fifteen pokemon quickly assembled. "Alright, let's move out!"


The group traveled for about twenty minutes, heading southeast of the city. On the way, they passed by the beach and the new base, before going onto the sand for a bit. They eventually came to a cave.

"Alright. Here we are. So, you will go in, and retrieve an object from the end. Easy and simple. You'll be in groups of two or more. If you don't have a group, step forward." About half the pokemon did so. "You and you, you two, and... you both." He said, pointing from pokemon to pokemon, until he pointed at Prince, and a leafeon. Based on her toned and lithe body, she was quite fit and female. "If you attack or harm any of the other participants..." His voice faded as Prince turned his attention to his partner.

"Hi there!" Prince greeted her, extending a ribbon.

"Clara. And you are?"

"I'm Prince! You ready to do this?"

"I've been at this for a while, and this cave is filled with water types, so you got pretty lucky."

"But then why haven't you passed the test yet?"

"I'd rather not say... Just don't do anything to screw me over, alright?"

"Of course. I wanna pass this too." He said.

"Good, now let's get to work."

A few other groups went in first, then their turn came up last. "Alright, you two, go on." Crash motioned.

"I'll lead." Clara said. Prince fell in line and they ventured into the cave. Once they were in the thick of it, the cave was dim, but not dark, lit by sparse torches. Several wild pokemon showed up, but Clara drove them away nearly instantly, merely lashing near them with vines to send them running.

"You're really strong." Prince commented.

"If I could just take this test alone, I'd have passed a long time ago. Not to be rude, but if you sit back and do nothing, we'll pass this thing just fine."

"But I should prove myself. If I don't do anything, then I didn't earn anything." He whined.

"That's good ethics you got there. But I could care less right now, I am passing this." She said, speeding up the pace.

As they walked, she kept her tail firmly planted over her rear, though Prince wasn't looking there. He was far too busy looking around and listening to the dripping cave. Thanks to her power and talent, they made it to the end in record time, where there was a small crate full of badges.

"Yes!" She hissed. She ran forward and grabbed one. "Now we just have to leave."

"So why did you never pass before? We did this pretty easy." Prince asked, cocking his head.

"You've been a good sport. Alright, so I'm a sexy lady I guess, cause every time I've done this, a male was my partner, and he tried to get lucky. Usually, that ended with a kick to the balls. Which means I got disqualified."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must've gotten worried when we got partnered."

"Yea, but you did good." Clara said with a smile. "Thanks for not blowing it."

"You're welcome." He smiled back. Until he got a whiff of something. His nose twitched as he tried to smell it again. When he did, his eyes went wide.

"Oh shit!" She cursed. "The fucking suppressant wore off. Now listen, I came this far, I don't want to have to hurt you."

Prince's expression changed, looking much more smug and his voice deepened greatly, no longer sounding innocent. "Well, I don't want to hurt you either. You have a problem, one that I can help you with. So why not bend over, and we can both enjoy ourselves."

"What happened to you? Does my heat really change you that much? Shit, just back off. I'm not some whore for you, and I haven't come this far to fail now!" She growled, baring her fangs and adopting an aggressive stance.

"Your body tells me a different story." He turned and raised a leg, proudly displaying his pink dog cock. "It calls to me, wants me to put out your fire~"

"Hell no!" She threatened, a vine coming out and whipped the ground next to him.

"That's a shame... because you're already mine." He purred, rumbling loudly.

Her nose twitched as she finally noticed it. The smell in the air, laden with a different kind of pheromones.

"It's a special type of attract, honed with the experience of countless matings, and many females left with swollen bellies."

"You... you stay... away..." She said, starting to pant, and finding it hard to speak, as if her mouth was full of cotton. Out of her control, her body slowly began to pad around, until her rear raised and front lowered. "You bastard!" She screamed, her voice becoming hoarse.

"Shh~" He whispered as he approached. "No more words." He licked across her swollen vulva, causing her to yelp.

"I swear to Arceus, back off! Or I'll-"

"You'll what? If you haven't noticed, you're already mine." He smiled, licking his lips and slowly mounting her.

Her body twitched and she grit her teeth as she put her all into resisting, but was unable to wrest control. "I'll... I'll hurt you." She threatened, but at this point it was an empty one. "I'll rip-!" She gasped when he thrust home inside her, taking her virginity. "No..." She whined.

He gently licked the short fur of her neck. "It's okay." He purred, before nibbling on one leafy ear.

"I won't give you the satisfaction of breaking me!" She growled.

"I don't think you have a choice..." He mused. "In that case, I won't hold back." He smiled deviously as he immediately went to town on her rear, pounding her hard and fast. She let out an unintentional grunt that had the faintest bit of pleasure in it. His ear twitched, but he didn't push her about it. Instead, he redoubled his efforts, his hips now a blur.

"I'll..." She tried to say more threats, but all she could do was lower her head and drool. He could swear that she was starting to move back into him, but it must have been a mistake. After all the fight she had put up, how could she submit so easily.

He grinned, knowing how she really felt. Too bad they had to hurry, as he would have loved to show her a really good time, but giving her an egg would have to do for now. His breeding instincts were working fast, and his knot was nearing its max, just waiting to seal her up. He gave a few more powerful thrusts but made little progress.

It was his turn to yelp when he felt something squeeze his full balls. They were especially sensitive with being on the verge of releasing their contents. The squeeze wasn't much, as the vines were wobbling and barely under her control, but it was certainly felt. The pain caused him to drive his hips forward in an attempt to get away from the pain. This forced his knot into her tight cunny, which in turn made her vines fall limp as she came. His cum burst out, filling her womb in short order. Deep inside, life began as sperm met ovum.

"Ahhhh," He sighed, legs giving out and pinning the female to the ground. "Treat my child well." He said, licking her cheek.

She scowled at him. "I hate you."

"Too late for that." He said, sounding smug. Underneath him, she stood, exerting her full strength to lift the male locked to her crotch.

"I'm not failing this test again!" She roared, starting to walk to the exit. "And you, you are my mate now. I'm not raising a kid all by myself."

"Who do you think you are? You can't tell me what to do!" He yelled. He would have done something, but there was little he could do, tied as he was. He was still busy giving her more seed to ensure she carried. He let out a squeak when she wrapped another vine around his balls.

"Amazing how quick a male changes when you threaten those things. Now, I am the boss." She warned him.

"Fine." He said, having no intention to actually stay.