Diaper Dad's Day

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An incestuous romp between a diapered father and son.

Jack had an unusual relationship with his father.

The father and son bears had a close bond, which got only closer when Jack's father Allen began experiencing accidents. The older bear, who was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, started having daytime accidents. He could suddenly feel his underwear getting warmer and wetter. He looked down surprised and slackjawed as he suddenly relieved himself. He was initially embarrassed by his accidents, which increased in frequency. He would sneak off into the laundry room to toss his soaked underwear and pants into the washer. Jack, who lived with Allen, was none the wiser. Jack worked throughout the day and returned home in the evening -- all by the time Allen was done with his laundry.

Increasingly concerned that his son would learn about his predicament, Allen made the impulsive decision to buy adult diapers from a nearby pharmacy. But for some reason, the secrecy aroused him. And when he put on an adult diaper for the first time, Allen felt a rush. With his heart racing, Allen approached the mirror in his bedroom and admired himself. He was wearing a diaper that was thick, bulky and noisy.

I think he's going to find out, Allen thought. But the prospect of being discovered or exposed aroused him further. Why?

Allen used his diaper for the first time while he was on a conference call. Since the pandemic, Allen worked remotely from home and had two video conferences a week. He wore a nice suit, dried his brown fur and combed his headfur back for the meeting. But what the webcam didn't capture was what he was wearing below the waist. He was feeling adventurous that day, wearing only a diaper. As one of his coworkers discussed an item on their meeting agenda, he felt his diaper suddenly warming up. He heard himself pissing loudly. Pssssh. A seemingly loud and thunderous purr inside his diaper. He imagined his coworkers heard it. He flashed a slight smile and casually placed a paw over his padded bulge while he felt his diaper expanding just beneath his grasp. He looked down at his groin briefly and then looked back at the camera. Sure, the diaper was distracting, but he was pleasantly surprised by the soothing sensation he felt with his soaked diaper pressing against his eager, throbbing member.

Just before the meeting wrapped up, Jack unexpectedly walked past his bedroom. He returned home from work early. Allen didn't hear his son pull his car up to the driveway and walk up the steps to the front door. He was blissfully preoccupied.

A shocked Jack asked his father, "Dad, what are you wearing?"

Allen's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. He widened his eyes with dread followed by numbness. He looked over to Jack standing in his doorway, then he turned his focus to the laptop. The video conference showed several people, looking confused by what they heard from his feed. Allen chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. He told his colleagues the sound they likely heard was from the television running in the background, and he forgot to mute the volume prior to the conference call. The meeting mercifully concluded, everyone wished each other farewell and signed off. Once the meeting officially ended and he exited out of the application, Allen slammed his laptop down and looked over at Jack.

Jack was shocked to see his dad in a diaper, but he was curious.

"Why are you wearing that?" Jack asked.

"I've been meaning to tell you. It's just that I've been having 'accidents' lately. I hoped I could manage them better with these," Allen replied. He placed a paw on his diaper.

"I know about your accidents, dad."

Late one night, Jack left his bedroom and headed toward the kitchen for a glass of water. He walked down the hallway and noticed the laundry room door was open. Normally, the laundry room door was open when a load was being washed and dried. He peered inside the laundry room and spotted a basket full of dirty clothes, but the clothes weren't his. Allen passed out early that night and forgot to work on his second load of wash. On top of the pile of clothes was his piss-stained briefs, clearly marked in yellow. Jack was captivated by what he saw and what he could smell: an inviting musk he had grown accustomed to. He looked around before swiping the briefs.

In his bedroom, Jack sat upright in bed, naked, with his father's briefs wrapped around his snout. He pleasured himself while indulging in Allen's uniquely rich and pungent scent. Being openly gay, Jack had sniffed around a number of briefs and jockstraps of men he dated over the years. None of the scents he encountered were as inviting as his dad's. But now that he learned his father was wearing diapers, he was overcome with strange desires.

Allen originally wanted Jack to leave the room. But he could see Jack's feet were firmly planted to the floor. Jack looked surprised but intensely curious. He stared at Allen's diaper, a traditional white and generic brand. The clearly soggy diaper fit nicely around his comfortably wide waist. Allen wet himself enough that his bulge drooped over his desk chair. Despite it being thick when it needed to be, Allen's diaper could barely conceal his erection; there was a faint outline of it that Jack was close enough to Allen to notice.

"Are you a perv, son?" Allen asked. The older bear was no fool. He squinted and lowered his gaze at his son, who was tenting in his pants.

Allen's question and booming voice pierced the air and put Jack on notice. Jack was nervous. "N-no."

Allen gestured for Jack to approach him. "Come over here and get down on your knees."

Oh shit. He ordered me.

This is a side of his father that Jack hadn't seen before. His mood completely changed from embarrassed to engaged. For good measure, Allen flashed a smile. He was all in.

Jack faced a sudden moral dilemma. He was about to go down on his own father, but his father wanted it. And deep down, Jack wanted it too. But what could it all mean? Then he figured it was easier to ask for forgiveness than it was to get permission. When a man, any man, commanded him to do something, he obeyed.

Jack walked over to Allen and got down on his knees. Allen placed his large paw on Jack's head and guided him where he needed to go. It didn't take long at all for Jack to have intimate access to Allen's diaper. He didn't need to be told to smell it.

"How does it feel to smell your old man?" Allen looked down at his son, who was in a blissful and quiet trance.

"Feels nice, daddy," Jack replied in a muted but seductive tone.

Allen's diaper was not fully used, but there was just enough musk for Jack to indulge in. Jack was excited to explore every square inch of Allen's diaper. Allen knew the boy had some more nerves to conquer, so he gave him plenty of time to experiment. Jack rubbed the padded bulge in a careful and circular motion. He was delightfully surprised by the diaper's thickness and warmth. He quickly decided his dad was freshly wet. Perhaps it was true that Allen was having accidents, but Allen appeared to enjoy having them. Jack not only accepted his father wearing diapers, he was also aroused by it. The arousal was now mutual.

"You should be in these too, boy," Allen said. "I've seen your bed."

When he was a teenager, Jack occasionally wet the bed. It wasn't frequent, but it happened enough for Allen to purchase for his son pull-up "underwear." Jack was embarrassed that he had to wear diapers to bed. Yet they provided him comfort. There was also a sense of relief knowing his dad was on board with him wearing them. He looked at himself in the mirror, looking at his thin frame and the pull-ups hugging his waist. He fell asleep, woke up with his sheets dry but was completely wet. That wet feeling made him feel cozy enough to fall asleep for another couple of hours. He started looking forward to the weekends so he didn't have to wake up early for school -- that he could lay in bed and enjoy being in a wet diaper for a while. At the time, Jack derived no sexual pleasure from being in that state.

But now, that feeling he once enjoyed was being reevaluated in a brand new context.

Allen was excited. He gyrated his hips and pressed them into Jack's welcoming snout. Jack heard the loud sounds of the diaper rustling beside his ear. That sound served as a vivid reminder that his father was in diapers.

"Do you think I need a change, son?" Allen lowered the tone of his voice and slowed down his speaking.

"I don't know."

"Guess you'll need some convincing."

Allen was a good pisser. He was never shy about letting it flow whenever he needed to. He was someone who had no qualms whipping it out in public: on the boat during fishing trips; in the alley of a bar when the bathroom lines were too long; out in the backyard when his now ex-wife spent too much time in the bathroom. For several of those instances, Jack was there, looking on. He long admired his dad's thick stream. Now his infamous stream was pouring into his diaper with a loud hiss. The diaper gurgled from the excess as it couldn't absorb his piss fast enough. He leaked a little from the leg gathers, but that was expected. The diapers he wore were a generic brand.

Jack felt the increasing warmth of Allen's diaper expand and embrace his face. He could also feel the forcefulness of Allen's stream hitting against the padding. That was certainly no accident. Allen was wetting himself on purpose.

It all happened so quickly. Jack found his head planted securely into his father's armpit. He was told to breathe in.

The diaper was eventually removed. Allen held in his paw his fully hardened shaft. It was time for his son to have a taste.

Jack closed his eyes, sniffed around the dick, grabbed onto the base of the shaft, and dove right in. Any sense of awkwardness faded into his limitless and lustful curiosity. He was given free reign to cave into his submissiveness.

"You give great head," Allen said. "You must've practiced with a lot of guys. You must be a real slut."

Jack felt smaller and smaller as his father teased him. He pressed all the right buttons.

But it was true. He had practice. Plenty of practice. Obviously, he never confided to his family about the relationships he was in. For years, Jack was in the closet. He would tell his dad that he was hanging out with friends. In reality, he was meeting men at rendezvous points throughout the city. But looking back at all his dates and sexual encounters he had, Jack realized he was looking for someone who possessed similar characteristics to his dad, and everyone he was intimate with lacked that special something. It was that familiar scent. Jack manifested a subconscious desire to touch Allen, so he sought men of similarly large body types to experiment with. But nothing could possibly beat the real thing. Jack sighed a breath of relief, knowing Allen accepted his sexuality and was likely bisexual.

Allen was rough with Jack, but Jack appreciated it. He pressed Jack's head further down his shaft until he reached the base. In that moment, Jack realized Allen wanted to have this experience with his son as much as Jack wanted the experience with him.

The spontaneous whirlwind of sexual intrigue came to an explosive finish when Allen came inside Jack's mouth. The old man was pretty pent up. Some of his cum dripped from Jack's moist lips as the younger brown bear tried to swallow it all. Ultimately, he was successful. Dad had warm, salty and savory seed that went down easy. Thick, but not thick enough to choke on.

"You're not only my son. You're now my toy," Allen told him. "And that toy is going to put me in a fresh new diaper."

Relishing in his post-orgasm bliss, Allen returned to his relaxed self. He educated Jack on how to diaper him. Then he teased him. "The irony is not lost on me," he said. "You're putting me diapers and I'm putting you back in them. And we like it!"

The diapering proved to be an invaluable bonding experience for father and son. The big bear was sprawled out naked on his bed. Allen looked down at him and marveled at his physique: the plentiful, hairy gut; his now-flaccid chubby dick hanging casually to the side; the sharp, post-coital musk that relentlessly lingered in the air; the freshly spent, plump balls dangling low, waiting for the next opportunity to be squeezed and worshiped; the extra large diaper folded out, resting underneath Allen's bottom. The process was simple. Allen instructed Jack to take his time so he could better appreciate the moments they shared together. And Allen promised to give Jack the same treatment.

After he was put in a new diaper, Allen told Jack to get ready to leave the house. They were going shopping. Allen lowered his brow, smiled and jingled his car keys.

The two got dressed and headed to the pharmacy. As they wandered through the aisles, Jack looked over at his father and saw him smiling from ear to ear. He had a skip in his step. He was liberated. He was enjoying himself. That's nice to see, Jack thought.

But the mutually blissful moment came to a screeching halt.

Allen took Jack by the paw and headed toward the personal care / incontinence aisle. Allen made Jack study the selection of diapers that were available. There were diapers available that were geared toward customers that wanted to wear underwear, not diapers. Then there were diapers that were branded as "adjustable unisex briefs." These were the ones that Allen wore. But Allen wanted something that was thicker -- not just for himself, but also for his son. They finally came across actual diapers. Allen selected larges. He made Jack retrieve a bag of mediums. They spent long enough time at the incontinence aisle to get some lookers.

"I'm too old to care what people think of me carrying a bag of diapers," Allen said. "But in your case, you have an uphill battle."

Jack was nervous. He was carrying with him a bag that was clearly labeled "diapers." He looked over the shoulder and saw a young couple smirking. The older folks were more understanding. One older gentlemen gave the father and son a subtle nod and a wink. But for Jack, the path to checkout became an arduous and humiliating journey. He was active enough in his hometown that people knew who he was, so hearing rumors about him wearing diapers would race around town. And when they finally reached checkout, the cashier recognized him.

"Oh, hey Jack! What's up?"

Allen looked over to Jack and smiled wryly.

What have I done?

The checkout process was nerve-wracking. The cashier didn't make much small talk after that. She scanned the barcodes on both bags of diapers and processed the transaction professionally. Jack stood behind Allen while he was carrying his bag of diapers while Allen reached for a credit card out of his wallet to pay. Jack was emotionally caught in between complete humiliation and numbness. But Allen soon added to his emotional chaos. Allen shifted his stance slightly and bent his knees. Jack didn't notice anything unusual until he heard something pop and blort in front of him. The back of Allen's pants expanded slightly before receding in place.

No. He didn't. He couldn't have. That would be -- that would be crazy!

But he most certainly did. Allen messed his diaper, surrounded by other customers in line and the cashier. Jack turned red. He wanted to be embarrassed for his father, but Allen obviously messed himself on purpose and wanted his son to see it. Allen continued his credit card transaction without much fanfare. Meanwhile, Jack was getting redder. He never knew his dad could be so shameless.

After returning home, Allen sat down on his living room lounge chair with a squish. Jack sat close by with his paws on his knees, looking down at the floor. He wasn't diapered yet, but he could smell his dad now. What an intense smell. He was almost paralyzed by the odor. It wasn't intense enough to reek, but it certainly lost all subtlety.

"If we're going to date, you're going to want all of me," Allen said.

"All of you, huh?"

"If I'm going to wear diapers, I'm going to wear them all the way. And you will too." Allen casually stroked his diapered bulge. He was wet again.

He's sure wet a lot. He's going to keep me busy, _Jack thought. _I guess there's no turning point now.

Allen gave Jack the courtesy of not making him change his full and messy diaper, but he did order Jack to smell him and breathe in deep. Allen clearly savored the role of being a dominant, dirty old man.

Allen put Jack in his diaper. The two were in Jack's bedroom. Jack placed a paw on his chest and felt his heart racing as he was diapered. The anticipation made him wild. He looked into Allen's eyes and noted his soft disposition -- one that could change into a more mischievous one at any given moment. He tried to restrict his arousal as much as he could to make the diapering more comfortable for him, but that was next to impossible. He knew that once he was put in diapers, there was no way he could escape from them. Any independence he may have had, at 25 years old, was slowly being stripped away from him. What was he going to lose next? His ability to get erect? A chastity cage. Wanting to leave his house? If his father was going to make him his toy, he was going to serve him when called. Jack swooned at the possibilities.

The diaper was now his comfy prison. He could either resist and return to a life that was unfulfilled or surrender and give in.

The moment of surrender arrived in the form of a text message from his father.

"I locked the bathroom. Ask me to unlock when you need to shower. Now piss your pants," he wrote.

Jack looked at his phone. His face was saturated by the glow of his phone screen. There was a sense of relief. Instead of trying to control his situation, he was allowed to relinquish it and become dependent to his master. His master also happened to be his father. He was given an order, which he obeyed. He was standing in the hallway just outside the bathroom door when he received his text. Seeing the door was now locked and he had no key, Jack instinctively knew resistance was futile. When he wet his adult diaper for the first time, he helplessly watched his diaper quickly expand. Inside, his cock was tightly pressed against the padding while he wet. This gave him warm and cozy buffer for him to enjoy. Being new to diapers, he kept looking down at the floor in anticipation of leaking, but there were no leaks. No wonder his father accepted diapers so instantly. They're quite exciting to wear.

But having his diaper changed would prove challenging. He had to not only beg, but comply with his father's orders.

"Wet more."

Jack's diaper would get so heavy from being wet, he found himself instinctively lifting it when he walked around the house. But surely, he would be changed by --

"Stay in that diaper. I'm adding another layer. We're going for a stroll."

After dinner one evening, they went for a walk around the neighborhood as they watched the sun slowly set. Allen made Jack wear gym shorts that were transparent just enough to see some of his extra thick diapers. Anyone who walked close to him could see. Because he was waddling, it would be easy for anyone to deduce that he was wearing diapers. Allen made sure to walk around other people and gauge their reactions. Jack felt some embarrassment, but he was slowly breaking down. He began to wonder how much "abuse" he could take before he was finally changed. And what would motivate Allen to use his tailhole?

They came across another father and son, a pair of mutts. The father was dressed in a black tank-top shirt, gray jogging pants and sneakers. The son was dressed in a colorful striped shirt, brown pants and shoes. They stopped by a fire hydrant. As canines often do, the dogs stood by the hydrant with the father publicly relieving himself. Piss splattered against the side of the hydrant. Jack and the young canine, who appeared to roughly be the same age, locked eyes.

"How's it going, Bob?" Allen said to the father dog.

"Eh, not much. Long day at work."

"You got a nice stream going on."

"That's what happens when you drink one too much cups for coffee at work," Bob said, chuckling.

"You got any left in the tank for my boy?"

Jack perked up.

"Oh. You put him in diapers already?"

Oh God. Jack blushed.

"I did. He has two of them one. My boy is a heavy wetter just like his pops."

Bob, who stood as tall as Allen, walked over to Jack and rubbed his headfur. "Good stuff. Now I can't hold my bladder much longer, so get those shorts down and let me use your diaper."

"Maybe your son would like a turn after you?" Allen said to Bob.

"Oh, that dork? He's back in diapers too."

"Very nice."

Jack didn't know Bob very well. But Bob was a neighbor and an associate of Allen's. The two would come over to each other's homes, have a beer or two and a laugh. Jack thought nothing of it at the time. Jack and Bob spent time together long after Jack's mother passed away. Jack was now suspicious the two had some sort of sexual relationship. His suspicions would soon be confirmed.

Bob positioned his dick down and into Jack's diaper. Because Bob was slightly taller than Jack, this was easy for him to maneuver into position. He unleashed a thick, hot stream into Jack's diaper. Underneath his shorts, Jack's second diaper expanded. His first diaper was utterly destroyed and totally saturated. The second diaper captured the excess. By then, Jack's humiliation was gone. His mind emptied. He was now in service of anyone who wanted to use him for her devious purposes. Bob's son looked on, crossed his arms and smirked.

"This is convenient. Thank you, kiddo," Bob said.

"You're welcome, sir," he softly replied.

As he was peeing, Bob told Jack a story. "Your father and I had a fling," he revealed. "We started out as neighbors. Then we were lovers.

"We were sitting out on Allen's back porch, having a beer or two, talking about the game. I got more than tipsy. I was drunk. At some point, I peed all over the lawn chair I was sitting on and made quite a mess. I told him I was sorry and was willing to clean it up, but he put his paw up. 'No need,' he said. He looked at my wet pants and gave my crotch a squeeze. Didn't know what to make of that. He made a pass. I wanted to punch him in the face for being a queer, but that was ultimately a ruse. I liked it. He told me I did a good job wetting myself and he gave me a kiss. It was exhilarating. Wow! Another man kissed me and he liked that I pissed myself? It was hot."

They made out in the backyard, hurriedly took off each other's clothes and fucked outside. They couldn't wait to get their paws on each other.

"I fucked your dad against the wall on the side of the house," Bob bragged. "He wanted to know what it felt like to have a real man inside of him. So I gave him a knot."

Allen felt the hard, swollen knot inside of his tailhole. No amount of spit lube could prepare him for the intense pressure he felt inside.

"The drunk, flirty bear wore me down. I gave it to him good. And I probably gave him the idea that being in pissed pants can be fun. So how do you like my piss, boy?"

"It felt good. Thank you, sir."

"My pleasure."

Jack was horny. He didn't care about getting his diaper changed anymore. He only cared about what could happen next.

"And Allen, if your son needs to be fucked, let me know."

"How soon can you come over?" Allen asked him.

The final big event of the night was underway. Allen was starting to have some reservations about his ex-lover fucking his son, but his raging hormones got the best of his tongue. Then again, there was a part of him that wanted Jack to feel the way he felt that fateful day. Bob, his son Hank, Allen and Jack all gathered in Allen's bedroom. Everyone there was pantless. Bob was the only one fully naked as he laid on his back in Allen's bed.

"You want this?" Bob asked him. This would be his last opportunity to escape everything.

Jack nodded. "I want this."

Bob took the time to remove Jack's two diapers. Afterwards, Jack immediately went down on Bob. He leaned over the bed and sucked on Bob's massive canine dick. A different scent. Slightly more foreskin than what Allen had, but there was enough fleshy delight for him to savor. In between soft but heavy breaths, Bob complimented Jack.

"Good work. You know your way around a dick."

I sure do. But not two dicks.

Then it was Allen's turn. Jack felt more comfortable around Allen's dick, which was much more familiar. He didn't have the knot, though. He got down on his knees and serviced Allen while the older bear stood and pressed down on his son's head.

I think I want both.

Before he devolved into being a mindless servant for the two hulking studs, Jack withdrew from Allen's cock with a request. "Can you both fuck me at once?"

Allen and Bob looked at each other. Both shrugged. Why not?

Allen laid on the bed. Jack rode him on top. Bob approached him from behind. Jack slowly slid down his father's cock, straight down to the balls. What a thrill it was! But what made the moment more thrilling was that Allen's diaper was covering his face. He couldn't see much of anything. All he could do was feel the wet, slimy padding covering him and his snout, and breathe in. There was the initial shock of penetration. But he was no virgin. He was tight, but well-versed. The waves of pleasure soon arrived. He bounced up and down on his dad for several minutes while Bob stroked himself. Hank, who was wearing a diaper, sat on the floor and rubbed himself. This was the first threesome Hank ever watched, so he decided to say nothing and enjoy himself in the corner like a good diapercuck should.

Bob carefully guided his dick over to Jack's hole and managed to fit over Allen's dick. Jack winced. When he was younger, he experimented with toys of various shapes and sizes. He was comfortable enough to use everything he got his paws on without feeling much pain. But the double penetration was different. It took some work. When Bob managed to get inside, he nearly fainted from the intense pressure forming. But once the knot was wedged in, Jack was overcome with pleasure. Allen felt Bob's knot grinding against his dick. What friction! This was a tight fit. Not much movement was possible. But Bob and Allen found a way to alternate their thrusts. Bob moves out. Allen pushes in. Underneath Allen's diaper, Jack had his eyes closed. He gritted his teeth. The see-saw friction and pressure mounting inside him was intense. He was quickly approaching his climax.

But the first to break was Allen. He never had sex like this before. The friction against his threesome partner's knot, the tightness inside his son's tailhole, and the unpredictability of his incontinence was too much for him to bear. He barely uttered a warning to everyone before he came. Wave after wave of cum was sprayed in Jack's prostate. He heard Jack mumble and moan loudly upon receiving his dad's generous, warm and thick loads. He gritted his teeth and cursed softly to himself when he started peeing inside him -- a rather unexpected outcome. Jack loved this moment and smiled the moment he knew his tailhole became his father's urinal.

"Fuck!" exclaimed Bob. "That wasn't planned, was it?"

"No," Allen sternly replied.

Bob's large canine cock began to throb. Allen's piss had covered his shaft. Though the accident was unexpected, the spontaneity brought the dog over the edge. When he came, Bob delivered three large bursts of spunk inside Jack before he pulled out and pumped a final load onto Jack's back. He looked to the side and spotted Hank squatting suspiciously in the corner of the bedroom. Hank got a little excited from the action. Maybe too excited. He messed his diaper in front of everyone. When the attention was diverted to him, Hank sucked on his thumb and rubbed the back of his lumpy diaper with his paw. This was the most the caged pup could do in the moment. He was excited, covered in sweat, and wanted nothing more than to be a part of the action.

"I think your boy needs a change," Allen said. Then he received an unexpected kiss on the lips from Jack. A kiss of gratitude. Allen opened his mouth a little and added more passion to the kiss. They embraced.

"Thank you, dad."

Bob tapped Allen on the shoulder. Allen broke from kissing his son and turned around only to be kissed by his former lover. After they finished kissing, Bob said to Allen, "Guess it's my turn to take a leak. A proper one."

"Bathroom is locked," Jack said.

"Should I piss inside your boy?" Bob asked.

"I got an idea," Jack said. He pointed to Allen's discarded diaper

Allen and Jack helped refasten the diaper onto Bob. Bob was turning red. "I haven't worn an adult diaper before," he confessed. "But I have to go, so this will do." The cynicism quickly faded once he was able to grasp the sensation of wearing a diaper, especially a used one. His cock was surrounded by a warm, wet and slimy texture.

"This feels nice. Alright. Here I go."

Immediately after unloading into the diaper, Allen let out a contended sigh. This was the first pee he seriously enjoyed. Now he was able to understand -- like everyone else in the room -- why diapers were fun to wear. But he enjoyed the added bonus of wearing someone else's diaper. The more he wet, the more relaxed he became. He was excited by his unique circumstances. A simple pee in a used diaper was the perfect end to an adventurous evening. He decided to keep the diaper on before getting dressed and leaving the house with Hank by his side. He made sure his son was going to remain pantless, with his fully loaded diaper exposed, for the five-minute walk home.

Jack and Allen changed into fresh diapers before they snuggled with each other in bed. Moral questions could be answered in the morning. But for now, they decided it was best to snuggle under the covers and enjoy a good night's rest in a bedroom that now smelled like a nursery.

Happy Father's Day, everyone! - CC