The Gnoll's Pet - Chapter 4

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#4 of The Gnoll's Pet

DISCLAIMER - This work of fiction contains non-consensual and abusive scenarios. I do not endorse such things in real life in any way, shape or form. If this kind of content triggers you, this is not the story for you. There will also be much bondage and paw-related content in later chapters.

Artwork is by Adraes

Originally posted to FA as Chapter 5 on April 11, 2021; been doing edits and I decided to combine the prior chapters so my numbering no longer matches.

Hack is finally left unsupervised whilst not being restrained, or completely exhausted, wonder what he'll do...

Also we get a closer look into Gerra's relations with other Gnolls.

Hack panted as he closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep in spite of the shaft in his rear. As much as he hated to admit it, he was enjoying the position she had him in, and had far less trouble than he expected getting to sleep. When he next awoke he found himself unable to see, a blindfold covering his eyes and the rope still restraining his arms. "Relax pet, was thinking last night: 'the little folf just has too many distractions, I should remove some o' them fer a while so he can focus on my training.'" She teased as she ran her padded hands over his sides, causing him to shiver and pant. "Does this excite ya?" She murred, scratching his ears as she moved away from behind him.

"Y-yes" he blushed in response, before feeling something flop against his nose.

"Then this should excite ya even more, open yer maw pet, time fer 'breakfast'." His heyna captor giggled as though she'd delivered the punchline of a joke that had gone over Hack's head.

Damn,_he sighed inwardly, opening his maw for her; _n __o point resisting anymore, besides, I'm really starting to enjoy what she'_ s doing to me_.

"That's a good pet," she murred, pushing what he now recognized as her shaft into his maw, "I don't expect much out of ya performance-wise this time, just suck, move yer tongue around, and enjoy as ya get better acquainted with my meat."

He blushed, moaning and murring, rather enjoying her taste as she stroked his head. Her shaft was thick and long, causing him to grunt as it pressed into his throat, yet he still kept trying to lick over the unique dick-like shape. The almost gamy flavor of her meat was almost driving him wild, and he was already feeling quite needy.

"This a bit much for ya, pet?" She asked in a mocking tone, yet still pulled back, letting him suck what would easily fit in his maw. "Suck harder, don't make me do all the work... I won't be happy with ya in that case!" He gulped, trying to suck and lick as hard as he could, jaw already getting sore from the effort. "Yah, certainly something we need ta work on," she grumbled, thrusting somewhat, unexpectedly, but careful not to ram his throat and trigger his gag reflex. "This' barely passable. Be very glad I'm such an understanding mistress. Any other Gnoll'd ram straight down yer throat an' worry 'bout yer recovery later, hah!" She finally came after several minutes, holding his maw shut and herself in, letting out a roaring cackle of a laugh as he felt her thick, sweet and salty juices pouring into his maw. "Don't waste yer breakfast," she chuckled, "swallow every drop!"

He gulped down all her cream, even slurping and licking out what he could from her shaft. "Mmm, good boy." She pulled out, patting his head, "obedient, but ya really need training. That'll have to wait until later though. As usual, got my duties ta the tribe ta attend to..." She pulled the blindfold off him and untied the rope, giving him a sharp look; he almost missed it as his eyes blinked out of sequence, trying to adjust to the sudden flood of light. "While I'm gone, I expect ya to clean up yer mess from last night, ya really left quite a big 'un.~" The Gnoll laughed teasingly, gesturing at mostly dried cum stains all over the bedsheets and several pillows. "There's a washboard an' soap in the other room, try not ta use too much water or ya won't be able ta bathe later!" At this she laughed, then stopped in the doorway. "Ya do know how ta cook, right pet?"

Hack blushed, grimacing a bit at the commands and having to do laundry by hand. "Uh, I had a basic course in it, but..."

"Well then, ya'll be preparing dinner too, there's some ingredients in the fridge. Be back in 8 hours unless somethin' happens." She gave him a sharp look, an evil glint in her eyes. "I expect the food ta be ready and the bedding clean and dry by then... don't disappoint me. Oh and no snacking! I'll know if ya've eaten 'r wasted anything!" She growled the last bit, then left, locking the door behind her.

Getting up from his bed he found he could finally walk without excruciating pain, or his legs giving out.I could be designing proper infrastructure for that bitch, and what does she have me doing? Void damned cooking and cleaning!_He slammed one of the stone walls, yelping and instantly regretting it due to a bruised paw-hand. _But she's letting you stay and feeding you, isn't that worth something? He thought to himself, not sure why his mind was making this argument to him_. She told you what the Leonin will do if they find them, you know what they're like, it's hardly a tall tale!_ He shook his head at these thoughts, pushing them away as he looked around, resolving that he was not going to work on the given tasks yet.Probably still an exaggeration! Though... _e ven if they made them slaves..._ n __ot a fate I'd wish on anyone. Heh, right, and exactly what she's doing to me! Now, wonder if she has my Terminal D_ eck in here..._

The terminal deck is a device everyone raised on a Yotan ship learns to make as a preteen. It's effectively a rugged, portable and flexible universal computer that is made to easily interface with more advanced and powerful systems, as well as serve as a personal computing device. Hack had actually started on his much sooner, and had improved it significantly; instead of merely and advanced tablet with a minimal GUI interface his was a rugged laptop in a secure case with every existing diagnostic tool he was aware of, and several more he'd built himself - plus an extensive offline technical database. "Aha!" He shouted in triumph as he spotted the device, plucking it out of a drawer. "Glad she kept it, I'd had a hard time making another from scratch, and I'd probably never find all the documents again!" At this he powered it on, and began working on a problem worthy him, forgetting the mundane task he had been ordered to do for the time being.

One of the dim lights in the rough hallway flickered as Gerra exited her room and locked the door. Again?! She, growled inwardly, seething in frustration at the state of... everything. We just raided a transport with light bars last week! I swear, we could make stuff so much better than the Vulpin... if we had the means t __a_ do it._ Of course that was always the problem... and one that there legitimately wasn't a good answer to. She'd heard stories of how they once had factories and made everything themselves; stories of a home world covered mostly in grassy savanna plains, beneath two bright orange suns, not the tiny dim red dwarf that barely lit the surface of this rock when it was overhead. Probably doesn't even exist anymore, not after the Leonin got thorough with it. They even claim the animals we used t __a use f_ e_r food and work as theirs now! She growled aloud, heading off to the arena. Not only did she need to blow off steam now, but she fully intended to take up Arth's challenge from the prior night. The arena wasn't anything spectacular, just a large cavern with a high ceiling and a smooth floor, covered with several old blood stains. Her tribe didn't normally allow particularly bloody fights: she had already began wrapping her claw tipped fingers and toes off with strips torn off old rags after entering. First blood marked the loser was the rule here, and the goal was generally not to leave scars, much less permanent damage.

"So, ya actually have the guts ta accept my challenge, old lady Gerra?" Chuckled Arth from the other side of the room, her own claws already covered.

"Damn straight, little girl!" Gerra shot back, even though she knew Arth was no more than 4 years younger than her; Gnolls didn't normally keep written records, but the community was so small they had at least a basic idea of such things. Arth snarled at that, rushing towards her and drawing back her right arm for a heavy blow. Perfect, exactly the response I wanted. Thought Gerra, sidestepping and letting her barrel towards the wall.

Arth skidded to a halt just before she hit it, spinning around with a glare. "Surprised ya ken still do that, what with yer aging joints!" Arth jabbed verbally as she approached more cautiously this time; Gnoll challenge fights, after all, were normally as much about vocalizing one's grievances and feelings as beating the opponent into submission.

"Learned somethin'? Was hoping ya'd fuck up like the last 3 times!" Gerra shouted as she stepped towards her at the last moment, grabbing Arth's wrist and pulling her into a gut punch. Gerra might be shorter and slightly weaker than most Gnolls, Arth included, but she knew how to use her better dexterity to make her own attacks just as effective, if not more so. Arth had opened her maw to retort but all that came out was a wheeze as she staggered back, then tried to lunge at Gerra again; this time, Arth landed a blow of her own on Gerra's right shoulder as she tried to dodge away. "F-Fuck you, and yer loud mouth!" She grunted and growled, righting herself and landing a roundhouse kick on Arth's maw, causing her to fall to the side, blood dripping from her maw. "It's over, Loudmouth," Gerra panted and growled, leaning down over Arth, "NO MORE FUCKING CHATTER ON COMMS DURING PATROL!!!"

Arth lowered her ears, trying to catch her breath, the snarl falling from her lips, "Yeah, whatever..." she panted after a few moments, wiping the blood from her maw, taking Gerra's now extended pawhand and standing back up, "thanks, really needed dat action."

Gerra ruffled Arth's headfur as the other Gnoll stood, "Yer welcome, Loudmouth; I'd say the same, but kinda had some the other day." In spite of having a bit of a rivalry going, Arth had long been a trusted friend to Gerra after all, even though she was oft too impulsive for her own good.

"Anyway, ya never answered my question 'bout yer pet, Old Lady!" Arth chuckled, this time congenially.

"Oh c'mon, ya know I don't 'break' my pets, Arth;" huffed Gerra, shaking her head as she gave Arth a playful smack the the shoulder, "don't confuse me with the Matriarch!"

"Right, it's just... well, he'sa folf."

Gerra shook her head at that, the oral legends said they had powerful machines, more so even than their former Leonin Overlords who made them fight and kill each other; however, they were also said to be very weak and fragile, as well as utter cowards. "Well, he's certainly fragile, but he didn't break when I had my way with him. No, I plan on keeping him around a long time.~" She licked her lips whilst saying the last bit, as though she'd just smelled a delicious liboar being roasted.

"Sure, sure," Arth nodded, "just... don't let 'im git out like dat pitiful li'l Lapinian ya used ta have." Gerra spun around, her maw clenched as she gave Arth a burning, angry stare. "'re still bothered by that? Damn old lady. Pets die or get taken all the time!" Arth's voice was hushed as she continued, "I get it, ya care fer yer males, even pets... but dat makes ya look weak. And who'm I gonna tease if ya get exiled fer it?"

"Don't worry 'bout me Arth, I know better than ta do somethin' stupid 'round the others... unlike someone!" She stuck out her tongue and they both laughed heartily, the prior mood had completely lifted. "C'mon Arth, we've got another patrol comin' up."