A Slow Burning Heat [Feral TF]

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#4 of Transformation

"Rose takes up the job at a mysterious dog pound as an escape from her terrible father. Once she gets there she finds a shelter full of male dogs with no humans in sight. She has no idea how far this shelter will take her from the human world."

This story is much longer than my previous posts! My longest before this was only about 3k words, this one is a full 7.6k! I'm very excited to share this with you, its been a passion project for at least a month. Hopefully you find it as interesting as I did.

Rosanna Anya Diaz, that's what it said on her name-tag. She pinned it onto her pink button-up shirt, up and on the right side of her chest. She threw on her pink baseball cap which kept the word "PAW" on the front, with a cartoon paw print patch put on the side. She had her khaki pants pulled up high onto her waist, strapped on with a black leather belt. She wore black Crocs with Pokémon themed buttons placed into the holes.

As Rose walked through the door the bright LED lights flickered a little, and she immediately noticed the stains on the shag carpet in front of the business desk. Sitting in the office chair behind it was an older woman, Rose had met her before. She was the owner and operator of this pound, short and curly gray hair sat on top of a wrinkled prune that was just about as purple as an actual prune. She eyes glanced from behind her glasses and vintage 60s magazine to see Rose standing in the doorway. In the way only an old woman's face can, she lit up. Leaping, and by which I mean metaphorically as she had to slowly get up and grab onto her walker, up she went over to the young woman to greet her.

"Oh, welcome!" She quickly hobbled over and hastily shook Rose's hand, and looked her in the eyes. "I can't stay long, but you'll be working her full time." As she shook her hand Rose could feel cold metal pressed against her, the keys to the shop. "You paychecks will be direct deposit from my account, so we won't need to see each other again!" As she started to "sprint" towards the door, she yelled, "Cleaning supplies are in the closet, there's tons of food in the back too!"

With a "sprint" (again she's like an 80 year old woman, she was going about a snail's pace but you try and stop an old lady with a walker from running away and see how morally right you feel) she left, leaving Rose in shock. She expected this to be a simple summer job, something to do in the down time before college. She had always loved animals, but didn't expect to be running a shelter all by herself on the first day.

Rose didn't know what to do besides stand there for a moment. Her arms were left hanging to their sides, her soft tan skin left burning under the lights of the shelter, and her long and curly black hair left dangling down her back. She gathered herself and moved over to the side of the room. Currently she was in the main lobby, but through a small doorway she made her way to the pens. She could see all the dogs lined up in their cages, mostly all larger in size. She could smell the piss-stains and god-knows what else in the room and knew at some point that she would have to clean. She walked down the long hallway, catching glimpses of all the dogs in the shelter.

Once she had made her way to the end of the hallway, Rose noticed a paper taped onto the wall by the crates, typed out in Impact font. The note read:


*8:00 AM* - Daily Check-in

*9:00 AM* - Individual Kennel Cleaning

*11:45 AM* - Refill Food and Water

*12:00 PM* - Playtime Indoors + Lunch Break

*1:30 PM* - Open Outside Park Doors

*3:00 PM* - Call Dogs Inside

*4:00 PM* - Back Into Cages

*9:00 PM* - Closing

She stared for a moment at the schedule in disbelief, 9 o'clock closing time? Was this old woman insane? How could Rose even stand to be here for that many hours. Well, the more she thought about it, the more it seemed bearable. Rose was still living with her dad before she moved out to college, which she didn't really want to go to in the first place. College was just the only option she had to escape her father. He was a violent drunk, and had hit her on more than one occasion. It wouldn't that bad at home if there was someone else there, but every time she'd try and keep a pet her father would get rid of it. She'd read so many books on animals, dogs and cats and horses and whatever. She knew quite a lot about pets, so she figured why not give this job a try. A nice escape from everyday life.

She checked the clock up above the exit, the time displayed as 7:55. She had no idea if the clock was actually right or not, her dad didn't let her have a cell phone and she couldn't afford a watch, so she went along with what the clock said. Walking back down the aisle she began checking all the cages, making sure every dog was in its holding area. As she walked past she noticed that a large number of the dogs, if not all of them, seemed to be males, and not a single one of them fixed. Its not that it was particularly a problem, Rose was fine leaving the decision up to the people adopting from the pound. It just meant all the dogs were a lot more territorial, even if it seemed like they all got along.

Each cage was tall and big enough for the dogs to have walking room, Rose could easily fit inside each one. While she walked past the crates she noticed how each dog reacted. Some looked away in some kind of fear, others stood at attention and muttered a low growl, but a few looked up in pure delight. On each cage there was a small name-tag with the dog's name and breed, and a few of those dogs stood out. There was a big Chow Chow with the name Rogan, he ran right up to the door of the cage and Rose could have swore that he would have broken the latch if he had the chance. He was huge, easily the biggest dog in the shelter, and yet the nicest one too. He had a sweet smile on his face and tried to lick Rose from the bars. His tongue was almost as wide as a fist, and it pushed through the bars of the cage in quick, bursting motions.

To her right in another cage was a dog named Hector, which she could tell was the least clean of them all. She swore she could literally see clouds of musk around him, he smelled incredibly bad. He was a large Bull Terrier, though not nearly as big as Rogan, but what caught her eye the most was what was behind him. She could see his balls hanging under his small tail, much larger than average. She could also see his sheathe literally sagging from the weight of what was inside. Oddly mesmerized for a moment, she pulled her eyes away from the black bull terrier.

Once she had gotten back to the start of the hallway she gathered her bearings. She knew at the other end of the hallway was the outdoor exit, and she figured that just lead to the parking lot and not the fenced off field. Walking back to the lobby, she saw the entrance into the playpen, and past that were two large glass doors that led to the rather expansive fenced off area outside. In the playpen there were platforms and steps and other random things for the dogs to hop on, jump over, crawl through, etc. There was also a toy crate next to the exit with chew toys, tug-ropes, and other random little things. Outside there were less toys but much more space.

This dog pound was out in the middle of pretty much nowhere. It was on the outskirts of town down a dirt road, the only reason Rose knew about the place was that she lives down the road with her dad. Considering land was very cheap this side of the state, she wasn't surprised that the original owner could afford all this land. Still, looking out on that backyard and seeing all the grass, she couldn't help but think of it more like the Great Plains. Not to mention there was even a small pond to the side of the property that the dogs could feel free to play in. The water looked crystal clear, which albeit was strange but Rosanna had no complaints.

Moving back to the utility closet Rose grabbed all the supplies she needed to clean each and every dog's kennel. There were at least 30 dogs in the pound, and she would have to sweep each of their cages. Making her way through the different kennels she cleans the floors, taking out all of the... presents. (That I will not be mentioning by name, this is not that kind of story.) With the first kennel she cleaned she went ahead and attempted to wash the cage with a filthy old rag and some Windex, but after that ended with a completely yellow rag and an empty bottle, she decided to forgo that idea and just sweep the rest.

Once she joined each dog in their cage, they each seemed to react positively. Even if they were standoffish at first, they warmed up to Rose's presence quick and let her do as she pleased. Some of them came up and sniffed her, others tried to coerce her into treats or whatever else. When she made it to Rogan's crate she was assaulted by an onslaught of kisses. The moment she walked in Rogan tackled her to the ground and laid on the licks, she could feel the makeup she wore today wearing off lick by lick. She gave him and few pats on the back and tried desperately to shove the bear-disguised-as-a-dog off her until she finally managed to get two arms around him and remove his face from hers.

When she stood back up she patted her pants off of all the dust and fur. She stopped suddenly and looked at her arms. She hadn't noticed how much body hair she had. She lifted her elbows in the air and looked over at her armpits, they were covered in hair as well. Rose always did her makeup in the morning, but she wasn't much for shaving. Still she did it occasionally, and didn't expect such a buildup already.

Rose decided to overlook it for now and finish cleaning out the crates in the pound. The rest of the dogs were all pretty normal. She had to plug her nose in Hector's kennel, which left her to do everything else one-handed while she cleaned inside. Once she had finished every last crate, she went back over to the schedule to make sure she knew what was next. Refilling the food and water.

n every kennel each dog had his own bowl of water and a bowl of food. The only dog food the old owner gave them seemed to be a mix of dry kibbles, usually steak flavored. In the back closet, which seemed much larger inside than it appeared on the outside, there were stacks upon stacks of kibble bags. Rose grabbed a few bags and lugged them over to the front of the room.

Ripping open the tops of the bags she lifted one with a heave, then moved over to one of the dogs. She opened up the crate door and poured the food straight into his bowl, then slammed the gate shut again. This process worked fairly well for all of the dogs except Hector, who had his foot in the bowl. Rose tried to get him to move, to no avail, and settled on just pouring his food into the bowl with his paw inside.

When she was done divvying out food it was time to move on to the water situation. While searching through the random cabinets and cupboards of the shelter to find something, anything that could hold water, she found an old measuring cup from the 50s that she could have swore was made from uranium. Unfortunately for her, in her search to find a vessel to hold the water she forgot the most part of the situation: where to get the water. After opening every possible door she finally found a bathroom, then promptly realized she forgot where she put the measuring cup. Chaos proceeded for what felt like another hour before she finally found it again and painstakingly filled up each dog's water bowls individually.

When things were all said and done it was already 12 o'clock and Rose knew she had to let the dogs out of their crates for indoor playtime. Exhausted she moved through the hall, popping open the doors on her way through. The dogs ran past her, almost knocking her down on their path of rampage into the play area. Once the last dog had scurried his way over to the playpen Rose shut the gate that connected the lobby to the play area, hopefully preventing the dogs from hopping the fence. She shuffled her way into the kennel hallway and fell onto the floor, tired as all get out. She was sweaty, overworked, and to top it all off hungry.

She could feel her insides crying, clawing for food. For all she knew, there was no food besides the kibble that she had just poured out. And well... for some reason she wasn't so against it. I mean, it could taste fine. After all it was steak flavored, and the packaging looked fine.

She hobbled towards one of the cages, which ended up being Hectors. While she would plug her nose, she was on all fours and tired and couldn't bother. Besides, she was sort of starting to get used to his very dog-like smell. It was dark and musky, like a lumberjack in the woods, masculine in a strange way. She didn't like it, it wasn't her thing, but she couldn't help but normalize to it. Either way, that's not what we should be focusing on in terms of weird dog shit that Rose was getting into, we should talk about how at this point she was staring into a bowl of dog chow.

Rose was apprehensive, obviously. She could see where Hector had slobbered all over his food, and she promises you that she did not clean out his bowl before this so who knows what was in it before. Nevermind the fact that she saw his paw literally in the dog food earlier. But, against her better judgment, Rose digged in. The first few bites were awful, absolutely terrible, it is dog food. But after a while she began to enjoy it, bit by bit. Sure it tastes like dirt, but there is an enjoyable meaty aftertaste.

Rose found herself eating almost the whole bowl before she finally came to her senses. Standing up, she ran over to the dog food once more and dumped a good bit into Hector's bowl once more. She stood beside herself for a moment, then glanced up at the clock; it was about 1 o'clock. Thirty more minutes until she'd have to open the doors to the outside field.

In the mean time she made her way over to the playpen and sat down on a bench inside, only after gently hopping over the gate. She observed all of the dogs jumping on the play-sets, or fighting with each other over a certain toy. A few were off to the side, relaxing in the light from the windows that heated the floors. Suddenly she saw a big group of the dogs begin to wrestle each other, but it started to get more serious. One of the dogs was yelping incredibly loud, while the other dogs barked away. Rose stood up to intervene, but suddenly the dogpile became quiet. A big white dog from on top of a platform leaped onto the ground and seemed to stare fear into the hearts of the other dogs. They all swiftly moved out of the way and went to do other things, while the big white dog tended to one of the dogs wounds.

She remembered this dog, his name was Titus. On the tag by his kennel he was listed as a Kuvasz, a Hungarian herding dog, but she thought he looked more like just a plain white lab. This pound seemed prone to naming dogs the wrong breeds, she saw what was clearly a Chocolate Lab labeled as a "Mongolian Wirehaired Sheep-Dog".

No matter, what she did notice about Titus was his very large presence. The other dogs in the pound clearly thought of him as the alpha, even if a few were larger than him. He had strong muscles and a pure white coat, you could easily mistake him for a polar bear. Rose looked at him like he was some majestic hero out there, he was gorgeous. She couldn't quite understand why she felt so immediately attached to this dog, but for some reason this felt right.

She continued to watch the dogs play, running around chasing each other, grooming themselves and sniffing one another's butts. She could see Rogan and Hector wrestling with each other, even though Rogan was larger Hector seemed to have the upper hand. They both were inept fighters though, mostly just rolling around together and yapping.

Before she knew it the clock struck 1:30, which means it was time for Rose to open up the doors to the field. As soon as her hands grasped the door handles each dog reared its head straight towards the exit. She could hear the wave of tails wagging and dogs rushing to the door, and out of fear she immediately threw the doors open and ran out of the way. A stampede of dogs crashed through the doorway and flooded into the fields to continue their playtime. Some dogs ran straight to the play-sets, others went into the pond.

Rose herself looked around for anything to do. The dogs were all off doing their own things and playing their own games, except for a few. Titus was sitting near the front of the yard, seemingly surveying all the dogs and making sure they weren't causing a ruckus. Rose noticed Rogan the Chow Chow on his own as well, chasing his tail. All this time at a dog pound, and not once has she played with one of them! Picking up a small tennis ball she walked over to Rogan and waved it in his face. He was immediately intrigued, his face became focused. Rose tossed the ball and off Rogan went, chasing after it like his life depended on it. The grass kicked up in his wake as he launched for the ball, catching in his jaws.

He ran back to Rose and dropped the ball in front of her, covered in slobber. She carefully picked up the ball and threw it yet again. They played fetch like this for some time, she actually started to get pretty good at tossing the ball around. At one point she tossed the ball pretty far, in fact all the way to the pond. She watched as it landed onto the ground, bounced along the grass, and rolled straight into the water. She could see Rogan still charging, not flinching at the fact that the ball was in the water. With a mighty leap he dived straight into the pond, almost in a cannonball, and retrieved the ball. Rushing back to Rose she stepped back, hoping he wouldn't be splashed by the soaking wet dog. And well, she was. Rogan took an excited leap straight into Rose, knocking her onto the ground yet again. He dropped the ball onto her face and began licking like there was no tomorrow.

Struggling to pull him off yet again and now covered in dirt and water, she finally got two hands on his head and pushed his face away for a moment. She gasped in air after holding her breath, and wiped some of the slobber off her face. Rogan was firmly on top of her, standing directly above her. She knew she was short, but he was much larger than her and, if he laid down on top of her, could totally cover her in his fur. She looked down to her legs to try and wiggle out from underneath him but caught a look at something else. Rogan's penis was completely out of its sheath. For a moment, Rose was completely mesmerized. It was long, much longer than she thought it'd be (though she wasn't thinking about it too much up to this point). It was a pale red but seemed to glisten in the sun, and his knot seemed thicker than her fist.

Snapping out of her trance she suddenly mustered the strength to rip Rogan off of her. She ran back inside and darted into the restroom to get changed. She ripped off her clothes and splashed cold water in her face. What was she thinking just then? Whatever that was, that wasn't okay. She stared at herself directly in the eyes in the mirror before gathering her senses. Once she had finally calmed down, she noticed that her surprise body hair wasn't limited to her arms. It was all over her. Her legs were much hairier than before, and her pubic hair had grown wild. What she didn't notice were the subtle changes, her ears growing slightly longer over time under her hair, her tongue becoming flatter and wider, her teeth sharpening, and a small yet noticeable stub growing at the base of her tailbone.

She sat on the floor for a moment letting her clothes dry, she didn't have a change of clothes on hand and she knew she couldn't leave the dogs all alone at the pound. She couldn't tell if it was her clothes or just her, maybe even the bathroom itself, but something in there smelt like wet dog.

Once her and her clothes were done drying, she dressed herself once more and left the bathroom. By the time she got back, most of the dogs were already inside. She called the rest from the backyard and they came rushing in. One of the dogs attempted to run away from the rest and remain outside, but Titus promptly rounded him up. She let the dogs get out their last remaining bits of energy inside the playpen for one more hour before finally locking them up inside their cages. Most of the dogs were well trained in that way, whenever she called their name they'd run straight into their kennel. When everyone was shut inside she did one final check to make sure all dogs were inside, then shut off the lights and went home. That night when she got into her house, she found her father passed out on the couch with a beer can in hand. She decided not to eat then, and just fall asleep in her bed.

Rose's walked back into the pound for her second day at work. This time she came more prepared. She dressed more casual this time, wearing only a simple blue T-shirt and blue jeans. She also brought a change of clothes again just in case they were to be ruined again. Everything seemed just how she left it, except things smelt more pungent. As she was about to walk to the closet to grab the cleaning supplies yet again, a thought burst into her head. Not a single person came by the shelter yesterday. Who was she cleaning the pound for? The dogs certainly didn't seem to care, in fact they liked the musky, dirty smell. And Rose had begun to grow somewhat attached to the smell of the dogs, did she really want that to go away?

Well if she wasn't going to clean, she had a lot of time to herself. She didn't bring a book, she had no phone, nor a Nintendo Switch. Just then she felt the urge to use the restroom creep up on her. She moved toward the bathroom but found the door jammed shut. Yesterday it seemed fine, but she must have broke it on her way out. She tried slamming into it, kicking it open, but nothing was working. She resigned from her futile efforts and reassessed. If the only bathroom in the building was broken, the only thing she really could do was go outside.

Peaking her head out awkwardly from between the screen doors Rose looked all around the field to make sure no one was around. It's not like there were any buildings nearby, but you could never be too careful. Unzipping her jeans and pulling them down off her legs, then taking her underwear off, she crouched down on the grass. She had never pissed outside before, or ever been naked out here. It felt strangely calming, the gentle breeze blowing between her legs. Mustering up the courage she relieved herself, piss trickling down onto the ground and soaking into the dirt. When she was finished she sighed, this felt good, she didn't mind it at all. Not having any wipes, she decided to pull her pants up anyways, no one was concerned with what was in her pants anyways. What she failed to notice while she crouched there was how much hair had grown on her overnight. The hair on her legs and arms was now thicker than before, jet black and curled though not noticeably strange.

Heading back inside Rose walked through the kennel hall yet again to check on each dog before giving them their food. Once she made sure the dogs were in their place, she started to pour their food. The dogs seemed more energetic to see her today, jumping at her and whimpering when they weren't getting attention. When it came time to go into Hector the Bull Terrier's cage, she didn't need to plug her nose this time. She was used to his smell, and started to appreciate his odor the most out of everyone in the pound. It was gnarly, but for some reason Rose didn't mind.

While she poured out Hector's food he began to sniff around his crate. It was an intense sniff, like he was following the trail of something. He moved his way to behind Rose, who was leaning over the bowl with her rear in the air. You could see the bulge in the back of her pants from the bump that was growing, it was longer than before. A tail, though it couldn't really wag yet. Still, Hector became intrigued by her smell, he hadn't noticed something like this in years. Before she could realize what was happening, Hector was taking huge whiffs of her pants. She could feel the air pushing against her, and his warm muzzle pressed against her rear. It happened for only a few moments, but to her it felt like centuries. She didn't know how to process it, I mean he was just a dog. Deciding to move on she left his kennel and finished with all the rest.

When all was said and done she found herself thirsty and starving. Was she really about to resort to eating dog food yet again? The answer was yes. She wasn't going to eat off the floor again though, this time she filled up a spare bowl with kibble and used her hands to scoop it into her mouth. She couldn't find any cups so she used another water bowl, and simply put it up to her mouth to sip from. The kibble tasted as great as it did last time, and the water was simply fine. When she felt full she checked the clock to make sure it was time, then released the hounds.

She decided to have a lot more fun with the dogs today than she did last time. She played fetch, tug-o-war, she even chased a few dogs around the playpen. She became tired out, sweating from head to toe. There was no AC in the building, she discovered, and that meant it was like an oven somedays. In an exhausted desperation she looked over to her water bowl, still left on the counter. She ran to the bowl and started lapping up the water, not needing to sip this time. Unbeknownst to her, her tongue was noticeably longer, and much more thin. Her face itself was different, elongated slightly and contorting.

Needing fresh air she decided to let the dogs outside early, I mean at this point she had completely disregarded the clock. Clothes drenched in sweat, Rose decided to take off a few things to make it a bit more breathable. I mean, the only people around to see her were the dogs, so who cares? She stripped herself of her T-shirt and jeans, leaving her in a simple bra and panties. Her and the dogs played more, with all of them getting completely tired out by the end of it. While she was running around a lot more of the dogs took to sniffing her, she was after all getting incredibly musky herself, rolling around with dogs all day.

When all was said in done she let all the dogs back inside and put them back in their crates, with the assistance of Titus yet again. Before leaving for the night she took one more look of the inside of the pound, sighed, and left for her car. When she arrived back home her dad was still on the couch, passed out yet again. This time the beer cans were all over, almost enough to make him a blanket of aluminum.

In her dreams that night thoughts of running around the fields, now on all fours, play through her head. Playing in the grass, hopping in the pond, wrestling with her favorite dogs. She's playing with Titus, thrashing around together in the dirt. He's more playful than he normally is. His touch is kind and gentle, though he's not letting her win without a fight. Suddenly, he's got her pinned. Panting, the two lock eyes. Slowly, their tongues join together and they kiss, a passionate slow moving kiss.

When Rose wakes up in the morning, her underwear is soaking wet. After changing she walks back into the front room to see her father, still on that couch. He still hasn't moved.

The moment Rose walks into work on her third day, things are completely different. She was wearing almost nothing today, the same T-shirt she wore yesterday alongside a pink skirt with nothing underneath. As soon as she walked in the door, the dogs all seemed to cheer; sounding in a cacophony of barks and yelps. And its easy to see why. Rose's looks so much stranger today, she hadn't looked in a mirror at all recently and hadn't noticed. Not that she would have cared if she did see, her judgment has been getting hazy recently.

Her ears were now flat, drooping over the sides of her head and peeking out of her hair, which was still thick and curly. In fact, her black hair seemed to cover her whole back and some of her chest. Her tail was now much more present, poking out from underneath the skirt she was wearing. Her breasts seemed to shrink, they used to be moderately sized but now were much smaller, almost non-existent. She had what seemed like two rows of moles running down her stomach that were actually budding nipples. Her head continued to lengthen out, her face and jaws extending with her coming out to a small point, and fur covering almost her whole face. Her teeth were now much sharper than they used to be, and her actual body seemed as if to shrink overnight, now she was less than 5 feet tall.

Rose decided to throw out the schedule for today, she knew how to handle taking care of the dogs. Hungry herself she pulled all the bags of dog food out and threw them onto the floor of the playpen, and then dumped some of the food directly onto the ground. She didn't want to pour out bowls of water, so she just opened up the back doors so the dogs could simply drink from the pond. As she opened up all the kennels the dogs ran excitedly into the playpen, diving onto the pile of food.

As they all scrambled to gorge themselves on the wealth of food, Titus walked up behind and roared (as much as a dog can roar). Suddenly they all stood to attention, as if Titus was their sergeant and they were in boot-camp. The white Kuvasz forced all the dogs to eat calmly, in an orderly line so as to not waste food. Rose, who watched the spectacle starry eyed, walked herself towards the pile of food and stood on all fours, joining the pack. She ate directly next to Titus, who looked over at the person next to him curiously. He somewhat nodded at the girl, and then went back to his food. She saw his gesture and couldn't contain her excitement, as if a celebrity had just high fived her. Her tail bounced back and forth, kicking her skirt up.

At one point Titus moved away from his food, sniffing. He found his own way to behind Rose, where her tail continued to wag. As she felt his cold nose press against her soft skin she jolted. There she was, getting sniffed by the man she was fawning for! He took several whiffs of her stench while she ate. She tried to hide how happy it made her, to play it off, but her tail gave it completely away as it wagged in the air. Normally this would be the point where she would run away, where she'd come to her senses. But instead when she ran off, she ran to the fields to play with all the dogs yet again.

When Rose got tired from another day of running around, she could feel her need to use the restroom yet again. She walked over to one side of the field by the fence posts where other dogs were relieving themselves. When she got there, the musk from the area was intoxicating. So many smells everywhere, strong and manly each one. Ignoring her earlier inhibitions about peeing in public, she decided to piss right then and there. The wind did no cooperate however, spilling a lot of it on her clothes. So she made the simple choice to just strip outside and continue playing in the nude.

Once night had come by and the moon reached the sky, the rest of the dogs had were in their cages and had fallen asleep. Rose had different plans today than leaving. She was spending the night. Her father was completely out of it, and didn't care about her at all. She found the people she truly loved in the walls of the dog pound, and didn't want to leave. So she threw a blanket onto the floor and laid down.

Overnight things started to drastically change. A heat was building inside of Rose; her vagina, almost fully covered in fur, puffed out and formed into more of the fortune cookie shape that was expected of a bitch. And all the dogs in the shelter could sense it, they could smell her pheromones from all the way in the hallway. Some of them became unruly, barking with a lust they hadn't felt since coming to the shelter. A breedable female was finally in the building. The dogs were throwing themselves against their confinements, clamoring to be free and to have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to breed her.

By the time dawn came, we were seeing a completely new Rose from the one who first started working at the shelter. As she stood up she struggled to stand on two feet, her legs had totally morphed into the hind legs of a dog. Her thick curly hair had now fully covered her body, and her face was fully contorted into a snout; with a cute black nose at the very end.

As she stumbled on her hind legs towards the cages of the dogs their excitement could barely be contained, and nor could hers. Her nose had a heightened sense of smell, and things had gotten much smellier. All the dogs, in a fit to try and get to Rose first, started a territorial marking contest while she was asleep. The whole hallway reeked of canines; musky, manly, and rugged males. It was mind numbing for the poor bitch, who was at this point in a desperate heat.

When she passed the kennel Hector stayed in, her last bits of humanity seemed to slip away. His musk was so strong, and her canine curiosity was reaching its worst. Almost on cue she fell onto all fours and moved towards Hector's cage. Sticking her face through the bars of the cage it seemed as if her snout slipped perfectly neatly into the space.

Hector was facing away from the gate, seemingly distracted by his shadow on the wall. While he was preoccupied, Rose stuck her snout directly into his rear, her cold black nose pressed against his steamy asshole. It was the stench any human would despise, but Rose couldn't help falling in love with it. His musk was like burnt testosterone, full manly fragrance condensed into a dog.

And his balls, drooping down almost to the floor, they were just as steamy and warm. It didn't take long before her tongue explored them, wrapping around and lapping up all the flavor from his dirty nutsack. Her tongue continued to move around him, making tight circles around the rim of his asshole. Her tail waved rapidly back and forth, while Hector himself had his tail shaking as well.

Before long she could feel something against her own backside as well. It was Rogan, who was in the kennel directly in front of Hector, who started to take the opportunity to rim her himself. The adorable ball of fluff's wide tongue slurped up the juices coming from Rose's new pussy. His nose was buried deep in her ass, taking whiffs of her scent. She was musky too, but floral. Like the scent of wildflowers blowing in the breeze next to a forest.

The feeling of Rogan's tongue making it way around her was making Rose grow hornier by the minute, being driven wild by lust. At this point every dog was making a ruckus in their cages, slamming against gates with cocks fully erect and unsheathed. Some already had precum dripping from their tips. All of a sudden Rose heard a large crash in the distance. She pulled her face out from Hector's kennel and turned to look down the hallway.

There he was, just like in her dreams, Titus. His face was stern, with that same handsomeness that made Rose fall in love. While his tail was down, unmoving, she could see his growing arousal from under him. His cock had completely sprung from its sheath, and it was so much larger than she could have ever dreamed. It was almost as long as her face, and his knot seemed to be thicker than a tennis ball. It was a deep ruby red, and much like a gemstone it seemed to shine in the light.

Rose couldn't hold it back any longer. She wanted to be a bitch, and knew that she needed Titus to claim the virginity of her new body. She leaned her body down and presented her pussy for the world to see, she wanted every dog in the pound to know she was Titus's to claim.

And claim he did. Walking slowly but methodically towards the dog, Titus climbed on top of her and stood above her. It didn't take much, she was now significantly shorter than the huge canine. He positioned himself directly on top of the bitch and bit down on her neck with the gentle grace of a giant. Slipping the tip of his cock in slowly, she could feel his every little throb and ache. When he first started to pound in her you could have swore sparks were flying. Titus could feel Rose's pussy cling tight to his shaft, and Rose could feel how much his girth was splitting her open.

Rose never in a million years had thought of this as a human. But now in her rightful place in life as a mindless bitch, she knew this was her purpose. The thrill of being treated as nothing more than a hot piece of meat, something to breed and use, excited her beyond belief. With every pant came another slam against her, drool was running down her face. The other dogs in the shelter were now barking madly, rabid and feral at the sight of her. She could see their strong bodies pressed against their cages, ready for their chance to burst out and take advantage of the fertile lady crouched on the ground.

Titus was breathing heavy. The huge dog hadn't bred like this in a long time, not since his time as a stray. All that tension and stress that had built up in his body over the years was finally being relieved. He was using every muscle to give Rose as much as he could. He bit harder down on the scruff of the dog's neck and began to thrust faster. The base of his knot slammed into her tightness at every slam, his balls flailing in the wind. Rose was moaning and whining in unrivaled lust, she was being treated like dirt and she loved it. The dog that she had spent so long fawning for was finally fucking her.

His pace was increasing, Rose was reaching closer to her climax. Titus let go of his grip around her neck, and as if in synchronization the two lovers tongues interlocked, muzzle to muzzle. To Rose the dominating dog tasted like a ginger cookie, to Titus the poodle he was breeding tasted of rose petals. In a few beats the large dog pressed his full knot hard against her fragile pussy, slowly shoving it fully inside her. With a massive thrust he came, ejaculating straight and deep into her womb. The young canine could only whimper as the strong male emptied himself.

The two dogs seemed to lay there while Titus's cock slowly recoiled back into its sheath. When the knot finally slipped out every dog got to see her pussy empty itself of the remaining cum. Not one to make a waste, Rose turned around and started to lap up the white goo from off the floor. Titus, knowing she wasn't satisfied just yet, moved towards Hector and Rogan's cages. He went to each kennel and gripped the latches with his jaws, then pulled open the doors. Rose, focused on her cleanup duties, didn't notice when Rogan took his spot on her back. As Rogan stepped over her and started to push himself into her pussy, her eyes were directed towards Hector's huge cock in front of her.

Taking no time to hesitate, she opened her muzzle wide to accommodate its large dimensions. Hector's musk, which was so awful to her just a few days ago, was now leaving her infatuated. Minutes went by of these two large dogs using her body, spitroasting her like the trash she was. Her slobber and Titus's leftovers in her pussy were acting as a great lubricant for the two dogs having their way with her. Once Rogan had knotted her and both the dogs were cumming inside her, they traded places. Hector's massive length was smashing its way into her quim while Rogan licked all over her face.

She became familiar with the different tastes of the dogs. Titus was a musky, earthy taste like a rough ginger; Rogan was fishy, but the nice umami kind; and Hector was pure salt, like a blast of soy sauce in her mouth every time he came. When both dogs were finished she had already almost passed out. After taking a small nap directly on the floor, the three dogs who took claim to her first opened the rest of the cages. It was a complete bukkake, by the end of it her fur was filthy with dog cum. It would only take a moment to clean herself off in the pond, to wash away all of the fluid. But for now, she wanted to stay here. All the dogs were tired now and were taking a large nap in a dogpile. The poodle had no trouble sleeping in the same group that night.

Overtime the shelter fell into disrepair. No humans were around to care for it, and no one ever bothered to check in on the dogs or that young girl who was working there. The fence to the outside world rotted away, enabling the dogs to leave for hunts for food once their kibble had ran dry. When Rose would have a new litter of puppies she'd care for them for several weeks, then go right back to Titus for another round. Titus was her main mate, but she let the others have their fun while there were still no females in town. As she watched her puppies grow up, she hoped they would be just as strong as Titus, or as loving as Rogan, or as smelly as Hector. And hopefully they'd be just as happy to breed as she is, too.

Hippy Easter [Feral TF/TG]

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Livestock [Feral TF/TG]

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Marked [Feral TF/TG]

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