Current children
Hus kuvasz tail is a giveaway though.wilson: looks mostly kuvasz, but with less pronounced muzzle, and smaller caninesmisty (adopted) pure's cubsnia: fully lionessroger: half lion, half human in appearance..........
an endless voyage ch 45
Karen said, squatting over the kuvasz girl's face as she spoke. maybelle did as karen instructed without hesitation.
Joining the Aces: A short story
Ah'm a kuvasz, not a chihuahua."i thrust forward hard, and pulled maya back to me as i did, burying my big kuvasz bone as roughly as possible. the last thing i wanted is to be punished for being too gentle.once i was hilted, i began to hump like crazy.
An Endless Voyage continued ch 16
She slid her nose down the kuvasz's bitch-stripe and gave her canine vulva a good sniff too. "so wonderful."
An Endless Voyage: ch:3
Even for a kuvasz like callie, hefting the monstrous shells around was hard work. it was supposed to be a two person job afterall. for tom and kara, it was onlya little easier than it would be for callie to do it alone.
an endless voyage ch 44
One buff colored pup, one all white pup, and the multicolored pup all had fluffy kuvasz tails and kuvasz type fur and ears. the other two purely canine pups, and the human looking pup all had spaniel ears, and a short fancy tail.
character bio: Maya (detailed)
Maya is a semi-anthro kuvasz, which means she has the proper number of teats (10), and anatomically correct canine genitals and anus, including anal glands.
The Enlightened pt 2
"you are going to mate her. with this". he handed maya a kuvasz strapon. "then i am going to mate your undertail so we have a 3-way tie.""y'know ah got megacolon rahght." maya said.
Excalibur senior staff
Semi-anthro kuvasz, and second wife of tom hammond.
an endless voyage continued ch 12
"she's a kuvasz like me, and we kuvaszok take care of our own." "i plan to give them all the data we have gathered on the expanse in our time here." the captain said. "not enough." the sensors officer said.
Take My Wife Again
Bran's pointed ears brushed against the kuvasz's balls as he got a perfect close up of mick ravishing shaw's wife.
An Endless Voyage Ch 55:
"she's pure kuvasz, adopted, but i have some half kuvasz biological pups." "ouch." mayali said. "that had to hurt!" "the birth yes, not the mating." karen said. "our doctor has perfected female to female interbreeding." "that must be useful."