Rules be Damned

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#1 of Bovine Friends

As difficult times, sad news, personal loss, and assured doom culminate into a story of ill will and physical transforming to offer an elderly man a second chance at manhood.

The big sky country of the Montana state is a clean and picturesque place to live or grow up for anyone young in heart and hardy to weather the changing seasons. Montana is an unchanging scene of mountains, forests, green rolling hills, and open grassy plains making it near to perfect for cattle farming.

Roads and highways in Montana are the best, as is the driving along any of them is a wondrous, mesmerizing view of a vastness, beckoning all who come there to discover an adventure. One such road is state highway 19, a quality road surface to drive: the road has sweeping curves and some dips as it skirts the eastern foothills of the seemingly endless miles traversing the mountains. When with driving comes the entrance to the Hanover ranch, and after another forty miles is the grand gated entrance to Sunrise Research Foundation and their animal husbandry research facility.

Sunrise Research is the grand culmination of one man's dream. It is a massive farm owning 100,000 plus acres of open green pasture, with three streams for irrigation, and a substantial group of buildings surrounded by ten feet tall chain link fencing, electronic opening gates, holding safe from any predator the best pedigree animals, all for sale and at a high price.

Backtracking to the Hanover ranch; is a cattle ranch purchased and settled upon by Grandfather Gerald Henry Hanover. The ranch owns close to a half million acres of land south and east of Sunrise Research; the curator owner is Samuel Bond, as he has for years tried to offer very interesting bids to buy the Hanover ranch property.

As for many years, did I receive and reject to lucrative offers for buying the family centennial ranch property, as planned for of my gifting of it to my one son Gerald. However, great plans all fell by the wayside when Gerald and his friend Miles were cross-country driving their off-road, 4-wheel motorcycles. Somewhere they crashed and were lost to the vast county-side, as neither ever found to this very day, some five months ago.

One day in September, arrived another letter and a kind recognition of my personal loss of an only son. Samuel Bond, a gracious man and friend of mine for many years; voiced his sentiments along the same lines of his wish for acquiring the ranch, but as a gift, he offered to send a new pedigree bull, one of the new breed, an Ultra-Black Angus yearling bull.

The Ultra-black breed was something very special to let loose and through breeding, introduce the pedigree attributes added into my herd. Although I would rather have had my son Gerald as safe and living at home, the gifting of a $10,000 dollar valued bull was not something to ignore.

A day later after I called Sam Bond and thanked him for his kind gift, a research facility pickup truck and fifth wheel livestock trailer arrived, it carrying my new bull, and a Ultra-black heifer as well. As the driver backed his rig snug to the cattle-loading chute, and with opening the rear door to the trailer, the young heifer dashed out, she quickly joined the portion of my herd grazing near to the corrals.

Slowly did the young bull exit the trailer, and stopped when in the chute, it began to look around as if wondering. A wrangler used his electric cattle prod to move the handsome bull from the chute to its entering the green grass show ring set closer to the main house and machinery storage barn. I watched the young 500 lb. Bull canter around inside the show ring, as if it were elated, and content.

After the research truck and trailer left my farm, the young bull stood there center in the paddock ring and I heard it to sigh as if relieved. I then walked up to standing beside the paddock fence, what enticed the young bull to stroll a slow walk toward me, and came to where he slipped his big head between rails of the PCV fence, and did his soft tone bellow as if a greeting.

Any bull requires an amount of respect, as their temperament can change from nonchalant to aggressive rather quickly. However, this bull named Jerome, a breeder bull continued to act as extremely tame. I thought to try his temperament and entered through the paddock gate, as approached Jerome, where I knelt low for us to be at equal eye levels. Much to my surprise, Jerome strode slowly closer and as if to show affection, he pressed ever so softly his forehead against my chest, and bellowed softly, showing a kindly manner.

As from where I had knelt, if Jerome changed his attitude the PCV fence was snug to my right shoulder for a quick duck under escape. Nevertheless, and to my surprise I noted that the Bull began showing a normal masculine emotional display of passion. I noted coming out from his sheath sprouting forth a pink, clean, bovine penis, such being the common response of a male animal feeling content and therefore aroused.

I watched as the pink and more than common, a lengthy penis protruded from the long, black hair growing at the end of a furred sheath. Jerome continued his state of arousal until likely sixteen or eighteen inches of cock stood stiffly erect; but from seeing the display it tended to bother my mindset.

As Jerome worked his libido, he bonked his erect cock at his furred belly, something seen done by a horse, but never by a bull. Something truly odd as noted was the distal end to the cock, I stared at it, while wondering about the strange contour to the cock tip, as if this were a normal aspect for a Ultra breed bull. Leaning on my right arm and hand, I knelt closer to gain a better view. As I eyed closely at the tip of his cock, it gave me the impression of being similar to a human male as if circumcised!

Circumcision is never done to any male animal, and why, or for what reason that Sam Bond have such done to this bull required of me to call and ask. Sam is near to impossible of getting a phone call to him, so I decided to drive my recently purchased Chevrolet Impala, and take a comfortable drive to meet with Sam.

I was still bothered by what that new bull had when I turned the car into the half a mile long driveway, leaving the road to continue onward along the winding way. The forested glade opened to long fenced meadows that looked like plush green carpeting. I saw newly erected lines of fencing of a few different heights, from ten feet high, to four foot tall, and one pen having added security of three strands of barbed wire atop the fencing. As what Sam built when it came to fences, they were the equal to the ages old cliché of horse high, bull strong, and hog tight.

I saw a series of new 40' x 20' paddock show rings set in a row, all having hefty built gates to enter or leave. Cattle chutes made of highway steel ribbon rail joined the pens to various cattle corrals. It was by pure chance that I saw then Sam, he talking with his supervisor, Jake Thorn; he always a fellow with the dankest of an outlook, harsh manners, and cussed every third word that came out his mouth. "Hey Sam," I yelled to gain his attention!

Sam turned and seeing me he smiled as excused his supervisor to tend to his duties. "Howdy Henry, something wrong after my man delivered the two gifts," Sam Bond asked?

"Ha no, no sir as not any problem at all with the cow, as the heifer eagerly joined the herd, while the young bull stood looking from in the cattle chute, he gazing at his perspective duties. I had to use a cattle prod to make him move along; as pushed open a gate and decided to enter my new show ring paddock instead of him mingling with the cowherd.

There was something odd that I did note about... the bull, Jerome, he acts as quite tame and loving, but when aroused; well about his penis,' it looks as if he, it, the Bull were for some reason circumcised. Now to me such would be silly, unless there were a medical reason, and since you bred him, I thought to ask," I asked, as seemingly did disturb Sam, as he looking away from me, did grimace his facial expression.

"What Sam, is there something wrong," I asked further of Sam?

Sam then reached a hand into his suit coat pocket and retrieved a cell phone. I watched as he tapped four keys and said, "This is me, Jake I asked of you to tell me if there were any blemishes about Jerome or Millie. My friend Henry just informed me the bull looked to be as if still, ah or circumcised. You authorized what, my trespasser rules, as no, because you knew all about them; I wrote them for the security guards to follow. Begrudgingly, so you knew, and sent them through the processing just the same. This revelation is bad enough, but from having known them, you dooming and processed!

Just how do you expect me to explain for your blatantly aggressive acts?

Oh no, don't you dare blame me, as worse can come your way, consider this if I specify of your being fired, as sent to be part of the county unemployed bread line!

Ah Henry, would you come to my home and we need to talk privately," a then bewildered friend Sam so said. I did as requested and followed Sam to his fancy house, and as I walked along my mind had many questions from having overheard some of what Sam talked of with Jake. Sam walked me into his home, along a hallway to where we entered his private office. He with a forlorn tone to his voice asked me to have a seat across from his big desk and a judge's style swivel chair.

"My god Henry, where can I begin to tell you..., about a drastic error; something if I were properly informed would never of had the same outcome. First is to ask of you to keep what you hear here and know, must remain a secret. That said, and of my research facility, it has become a governmental sponsored laboratory. Experiments done here deal mostly with a process known as Reformation Science; but from the Reformation Process earns my foundation great sums of money.

The Reformation process deals with genetics and a chemically induced adjustment done methodically to D.N.A. This happens here rather regularly, and is used to intern and or eradicate a judged governmental criminal, whether ours or from elsewhere. Said persons sent here and upon arrival are injected with several serums, each causing drastic, physical effects and transitions to their physical form; their bodily form." Sam explained a tedious format of something I then had no reason to know, and might never as fully understand. I saw that Sam acted nervous, he wringing his hands and perspiring above his eyebrows.

"To be distinctly blunt, the criminals brought here go through the Reformation process, and after four to six months of genetic engineering done to their physical selves, they leave here being then different, as transformed; having become at least physically, and some too mentally being then of various breeds, they bodily form are animals. Please don't ask me more of how it works, but know that the process has worked successfully on 1,500 plus persons to date, and all during the past twenty years. This is where I need come to the practical details..., as to ah hmm!

Gerald and his friend Miles while cross county 4-wheeler cycling; did stray onto the secured property, and when seen, summarily shot by my guards using tranquilizer riles. While then sedated, Jake, my farm supervisor so ordered for all trespassers as treated alike the other subject-persons brought here, as processed to being just another farm orientation experiment.

Gerald received seven of the serum injections, while Miles had nine injections that served to changing his gender and species. They were each as incarcerated; held separately in what is termed here as transitioning cells. The serums render a subject as temporarily muted, they can hear and understand of what is said; knowing as seeing how their bodies begin the changing process.

As for Gerald, his processing took four months before he strolled calmly to join my Angus herd, he by then one of the new Ultra-black breed, a bull renamed as..., Jerome!

Yes, Jerome is or was your son Gerald; as he remembers of where he grew up, his father, and the affection he had for you, so that is why he acted very tame. His circumcision is a remnant of when human; if not for my manager, the processing chemicals would reprogram all bodily changes to equal a normal animal physique.

Jerome is as Jake had schemed and desired, having designated your son as changed permanently his species, but gifted with an almost human mind; he would know you, and respect his father to be now as his owner. Miles meant nothing to Jake, so the serums used destroyed the mind of Miles, leaving him a horny, ignorant heifer. The process of Reformation is not reversible, and nearly all who have it done to them, criminals or volunteers, as after bred or if being a herd sire, they tend to prefer of their being then animals.

Do you understand what I just told you, that Gerald your son, he is now permanently an Angus breed bull; well say something, Henry, are you in shock?" Sam pleading said enough to make me understand he was not acting out a hoax.

Miles had his gender and species changed, and renamed, he a she knew her name as Millie, she as well an Ultra-black Angus, but a heifer. Each became as superior specimens of their animal breed, and without me knowing of who they were originally before their fated self, I sent to you two resent subjects of my best as a gift to a good friend.

I sighed, before replying, "Sam, I do believe what all you just told me, and it is reasonable to assume that Miles scheming, he led them to trespassing. As of your Reformation process, well I learned of that from, if you recall, the horse you sold me as a birthday gift for my Gerald.

Affectionate Roscoe; who in my opinion had a strangely crude name while being a fancy breed horse, it or he as a Anglo-Arabian stallion. However, I'd bet you did not know that the original person he was, knew the art of ventriloquism. Although he spoke with a dull monotone voice, he had his human wits still, and we conversed often, he telling me as to what he felt during the months of him as changing species.

Roscoe said held no grudges, he never suffered during the months while he became that handsome stud. He told me how he would masturbate several times each day until he stood properly on all fours.

I expect my Gerald did as much, since Roscoe said as he changed he became horny, and sexually oriented, whether masturbating or mounted; feeling aroused tends to surge their changes. Your man Jake helped Roscoe to spur his changing; he let the stallion man breed with pony mares. According to what Roscoe told me; as from very early during his being processed, and while he regarded himself as human, your manager allowed the mounting and humping of one or three mares per day.

If you recall, it being four years ago when Gerald was riding Roscoe, that they were struck by a drunk driver in a dump truck. The incident killed Roscoe and Gerald as thrown off the stallion, my son having minor injuries.

So, it seems I have lost all reasons for owning my farm, except to reside there until the day I die. Like you said, your Reformation serums and process is permanent, and my Gerald shall stay being a Bull animal. That in itself is almost laughable, especially when you learn that Miles coaxed my son to become a zoophile, and they would enjoy their lewd play having sex with six-month old heifers.

My son is now a bull, and from his immoral and illegal activities, he knows well how to pleasure Miles as Millie. I never asked Gerald if he would want to be as rather a bull. Although, I think he thought I did not know of his sexual fetish; as my manners of justice rules are strict!"

"Henry, you astound me, as I thought my business as a well kept secret. As well, you shock me further by accepting calmly as to what became of Gerald, as he now Jerome is a beautiful black bull. I did not know that the person changing in his stall was ever your son, as when he was capable yet to speaking; he never mentioned anything about his being your son. Gerald remained quiet until he became as facially unrecognizable, though bellowing often when or after ear tagged and not given a nose ring. As when being physically a bull, Jerome strolled casually, toying with his having a tail, and knowing well how to corral, mount, and mate with young heifers, older cows, and during the off-rut season he practiced mounting with young steers, into their anus.

I saw what became of the male human that was Miles the heifer Millie, he constantly motioning as pleading, until then later, when given a bullish size dildo to arouse and masturbate, Jake helped the heifer with forced masturbation, what surged her bodily transitions. Miles acted as a weakling, wailing of fear when seeing his skin growing both black and of dense fur; he often moaned when combing his fingers through his dense body fur.

Likely, Jerome met then Miles as Millie, but they kept separated during their processing would not know of who was as what.

Wait, as I had a thought, of something you said. As you have lost all reasons for owning your farm, preferring to reside there until the day you die!

May I so offer now to buy your family ranch for the price of seven million dollars, and of you to gift the money to any charity?

Meanwhile, I shall own the land and the cattle, I give my promise as never to sell Jerome or Millie for slaughter; they may live a peaceable life as cattle. You may then reside in the farmhouse as a guard and watchman, having paid a salary.

Or if I might ask, did you ever think, consider about ever animal fantasizes, or relate to rather be an animal, similar to your cattle or like was Roscoe?" Sam asking, he astounded me with a question concerning of what he had the ability to create for me a different self, lifestyle and future.

"Imagine of you becoming also a bull and butt heads with Jerome for breeding rights; or walk calmly, happily together as father and son bulls. Consider your sexual regeneration, no E.D. problems, and that as a bull the primary purpose in life is to mate. Breeding within your herd of six hundred cows and mine of one hundred and sixty, should keep you both happily horny and elated.

There isn't any breed of animal that you could not become and enjoy," Sam said as his offer made me to laugh.

"Sam, my friend, I like now your offer since my son is as an animal he cannot own property, or would care to; so as you asked if I had any perverse wish as made real. I might prefer a change of me living along side with Gerald as Jerome, we as your newest breed of herd sire bulls, is assuredly a sexy thought for an elderly man.

However, after many discussions with Roscoe, I would prefer being an equine. I could imagine me liking to be as a stallion but being a Zebra. Imagine then me, becoming a zebra and residing in a good zoo; a place of safety, proper food, and medical care.

Then, capable of again appreciation for masculine good fun, if I was a zebra stallion and sexually enhanced, endowed. I visited long ago a zoo, and while with the crowd standing near, all viewing there and some very close to the safety fence.

I recall of watching, seeing young people, they kneeling and close enough for when a Zebra stallion was aroused with his long cock as hanging fully erect. A pretty girl viewed the black cock, it swinging, she daring to reach as touch, stroked it; maybe lustily wanting to have such a cock slipped between her legs!"

Sam leaned back in his big chair; he wide eyed with surprise from my specifying of such a perverse lifestyle and being as is a stallion, got Sam to laughing, he reaching for the intercom.

"Hello, this is Sam, prepare for me the Zebra Reformation serums, yes all six, for a stallion, but with memory retention; as I want him to realize his every action; say what, well let the foundation rules be damned...!"