New Arrivals - Ch3

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Now First Mate Jenny, the Aldebaran cat, and Kool of the Hot Rodders gang have also found themselves trapped in an unknown location, naked and confused. Fortunately, the Star Fox team and the crew of the Righteous Indignation have found a way to hopefully rescue their abducted friends. Read and enjoy.

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Bucky O'Hare Characters © Hasbro, Sunbow Animation, Continuity Comics etc.

Star Fox Characters © Nintendo, RARE etc.

New Arrivals - Ch3

Jenny woke up to an unusual bright light and warmth. She also heard strange noises all around her, and quickly realized it was the calls and songs of various birds. She blinked her eyes open, and instead of looking up at the metallic ceiling of a starship's interior, she found she was looking up at the leafy canopy of a jungle, with rays of sunlight shining down through the thick foliage.

Jenny quickly sat up and looked around her. She was lying on the ground in a dense jungle like forest, which was very strange because that was not where she had been when she had gone to sleep. She had been on the Great Fox, working with the Star Fox team to find their missing friends.

Jenny then also realized with a fright that she was totally naked! All of her clothes, armor, and accessories were gone, even her circlet!

"Where am I?" she asked herself. After taking a moment to think, she realized that what had happened to Bucky and Mimi and the others must have also happened to her! She then realized in hopeful excitement that Bucky and the others might be nearby if this was where they had also gone when they had disappeared!

She knew she didn't have time to waist. She stood up, brushed her snow-white fur off, and began to call out as loud as she could.


She began walking around her strange new surroundings, hopping over logs and ducking under low hanging foliage. As she explored, she reached out with her mind to contact her sisterhood.

<Sisters, can you hear me?> she mentally called out.

No response.

<SISTERS!?!> she called out again, but again she got no response from her fellow Aldebaran sisters. Apparently, wherever she was, she was so far away from her homeworld that she couldn't even contact her people with her powers.

As she pushed aside some low hanging massive leaves, she almost jumped in surprise at what she found on the other side. Lying on the ground in front of her at her feet was a body lying on its back. He was naked, just like her, and clearly male. He was also a cat just like her. His fur was blue, and he had a tuft of blond hair on his head. She also couldn't help but notice that he was rather cute, and not too bad in the groin department either.

From his moving chest, she could see he wasn't dead, just unconscious. Hoping she could get some answers out of this stranger, Jenny decided to wake him up. She knelt down and began shaking his shoulder.

"Hey, wake up."

The blue tom cat slowly awoke and looked up at Jenny, blinking a few times in confusion and grogginess.

"Are you an angel?" he asked sleepily, his eyes half lidded. "Or am I still dreaming?"

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Neither," she said, beginning to have doubts that this male would be of much help to her. "Do you know where we are?"

The blue tom cat looked around, and then his eyes turned back to her, and he just continued to stare at her chest with his mouth agape. Jenny then realized he was ogling her breasts, and she remembered in embarrassment that she was still naked. "Answer my question!" she demanded in a sharper tone, covering her breasts with her hands.

The tom cat snapped out of ogling her and looked around again. "Um... I don't know where we are! Last thing I remember I was onboard my ship, lying in my bunk! Next thing I know I'm being woken up by a beautiful naked lady in the middle of a jungle!" He then seemed to realize that he was also naked, as he immediately covered up his crotch with his hands. "HOW DID I GET HERE!?! WHERE AM I!?!"

"Calm down," said Jenny. "I'm just as confused as you are. I'm looking for some friends of mine. If you and I work together, maybe we can find my friends, and get some answers, and hopefully find a way out of here."

The tom cat looked around at their surroundings again, and then turned back to face Jenny. "Well, given the circumstances, I doubt I'll get a better offer than that today," he said with a nod as he got to his feet, still keeping a hand covering his junk as he did.

"Okay, let's go this way," Jenny said as she nodded her head in a random direction, and the two cats began trekking off together in that direction.

"My name is Kool, by the way," said the blue cat as they walked.

"I'm Jenny," she responded.

The Great Fox was docked with the Beltino Orbital Gate in orbit over Corneria. Krystal, Peppy, Falco, Slippy, Dead-Eye, and Blinky were talking with Beltino Toad, Slippy's father, and Director of Engineering at Space Dynamics. They were all looking at the data ROB had collected when Jenny had been abducted a couple hours ago, as well as the surveillance footage of Jenny's abduction. They watched as, on the computer screen, it showed a wisp-like thing suddenly appearing out of nowhere within Jenny's quarters, and then in another flash of light, both the wisp and Jenny were gone.

"What the hell is that thing!?" said Falco, pointing at the now paused image on the screen of the wisp.

"Fascinating!" said Beltino. "I believe it is some sort of noncorporeal lifeform."

"It somewhat reminds me of the Krazoa spirits of Sauria," said Krystal.

"What about Jenny!?" demanded Dead-Eye. "Can you tell us where she is and how to find her!?"

Beltino adjusted his glasses. "According to the data collected by your friend's subspace locator beacon, if my calculations are correct, she wasn't just transported to another point in space, but another dimension as well!"

"Another dimension!?" exclaimed Falco in surprise.

"There must be a way we can get to this other dimension!" said Krystal. "If that thing took Jenny there, then that must also be where it took Fox, and Lucy, and everyone else who's been taken!"

"I'm not certain," said Beltino, scratching his head. "Crossing space is one thing, but crossing dimensions..."

"Please, you must find a way!" Peppy pleaded to Beltino, grabbing the toad by his collar. "I can't stand the thought that Lucy might be... How would you feel if it was YOUR child who was missing!?" Peppy pointed at Slippy.

Beltino's eyes went wide at what Peppy had just said, and he stood there speechless.

"If only Willy were here," said Dead-Eye as Peppy released Beltino from his grasp. "I'm sure he'd figure out a way to get us there! He already uses our Photon Accelerator to travel back and forth from his own dimension!"

Beltino adjusted his glasses again in thought. "Photon Accelerator... I have an idea. Perhaps if we combine your photon accelerator technology with our orbital gate, and use the data collected from the subspace locator beacon on your missing friend, I might be able to open a portal to this other dimension."

"This humble robot can help you set that up!" said Blinky, walking up to the toad scientist. "I have the technical readouts of our photon accelerator stored in my memory banks."

"Then let's get started!" Beltino said enthusiastically.

"OH, FUCK, YOU FEEL AMAZING!" Jenny moaned loudly as she moved her hips up and down on Kool's cock.

Kool only made a muffled moan himself in response as his mouth was currently sucking on her left breast.

After searching around the jungle for a day, Jenny and Kool had not found Bucky or any of the others, and had found they were both trapped inside an invisible domed prison about an acre in size. They had done everything they could think of to try to escape from it, but without any luck. Jenny had even tried using her secret artificer powers on the invisible walls while Kool wasn't looking, but that didn't even manage to scratch it.

When night eventually fell, and the two frustrated felines had decided to call it quits for the day, at some point they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a strange pink mist, and after breathing it in, it had made them both feel so drunk and horny that they couldn't resist having sex with each other.

Jenny was currently riding Kool cowgirl style, guiding his barbed feline penis in and out of her pussy with each rythmatic movement of her hips. Both their minds were lost to lust and blissful carnal pleasure as they made wild love to each other right there on the jungle floor.

Jenny was moaning and mewing in both a mix of intense pleasure and pain from the feeling of the barbs on Kool's dick raking against her vaginal walls, as well as his rough feline tongue circling her sensitive nipple. The stimulation was overloading her mind and she couldn't get enough! She slammed herself down on Kool's cock even faster!

Kool gripped Jenny's sexy ass in both his hands, helping to move her up and down on his member. Her tight pussy felt so good gliding across his meaty rod, and he wanted this pleasure to never end while simultaneously wanting to feel his orgasm, which was rapidly approaching.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum!" Kool managed to get out as he released Jenny's tit from his mouth.

"ME TOO!" Jenny mewed, not stopping her hip movements. "LET IT ALL OUT! BREED ME!"

After several seconds, Jenny and Kool both cried out as they came together. Waves of orgasmic pleasure rocked their bodies, and their movements slowed to a stop as Kool filled Jenny's fertile womb with his seed.

As their orgasms came to an end, Jenny collapsed on top of Kool's chest, pressing her muzzle against his in a passionate kiss as she did so.

Jenny then sighed with contentment and rested her head under Kool's chin. "I really needed that!" she purred, closing her eyes.

"This has suddenly turned into the greatest night of my life!" Kool said happily as he held Jenny in his arms, earning a light chuckle from her.

As the two kitties lay there in their afterglow, sleep quickly overtaking them, new life was forming inside Jenny's womb as one of Kool's sperm cells penetrated one of her recently released ovums.

Back above Corneria, Beltino Toad activated the modified orbital gate. The remaining members of the Star Fox team and the crew of the Righteous Indignation watched through the viewport on the bridge of the Great Fox as the several pieces of the orbital gate expanded in space and formed a ring of glowing green energy.

"Commencing energy exposure," Beltino's voice boomed over the commlink with the station. "Expanding gate lens..."

The energy ring filled itself in, and with a blinding flash of light, a disk of emerald energy with a rippled surface similar to a pool of water appeared.

"Firing photon accelerator tech and linking gate with the other dimension," Beltino announced over the comm. There was another bright flash of light from the gate. The massive energy disk seemed to flicker and warp a few times, and then it changed colors from glowing green to glowing violet. Then, finally, it stabilized. "Gate creation successful! If my calculations are correct, we have a stable portal to the other dimension. Star Fox team, you have a go!"

"Thanks dad," Slippy responded.

"Alright! Let's go get our friends back!" shouted Dead-Eye.

"ROB, take us in!" ordered Peppy.

"Affirmative!" ROB replied at the helm, and pushed forward on the Great Fox's sub-light engine controls. The ship began moving forward towards the event horizon of the gate. The group of seven watched as the front of the ship soon made contact with the surface and disappeared through it. Within a few seconds, the entire Great Fox disappeared through the gate.


The next thing Krystal, Falco, Slippy, Peppy, ROB, Dead-Eye, and Blinky knew, they were staring out through the viewport at a very strange sight. They had emerged in a very strange place. It was like outer space, but instead of being dark like usual, it was bright white, with a mix of other light colors blended in. And against the white space were tiny black specks everywhere. They guessed these black specks were some sort of black stars, instead of white ones. It was like an inverted color version of normal space.

"That is weird," said Falco as he stared out the viewport at their new suroundings.

"I wasn't expecting anything like this," said Krystal in agreement.

"This humble robot is detecting a planet nearby," Blinky shouted from the computer console he was seated at. "Only a few million kilometers away."

"Let's head for it!" said Peppy eagerly.

The Great Fox flew towards the nearby planet. As they approached, however, they all began to feel strange, and not in a good way.

"Guys, I'm not feeling so good," said Slippy, holding his head with his hand.

"I feel ya, Slippy," said Falco, also holding a feathered hand up to his forehead. "I don't feel so hot myself."

"Ignore it!" shouted Peppy, despite also rubbing his head with his hand. "We have people to save!"

Within a few minutes they could see the planet ahead of them. The planet appeared to be roughly the same size as Corneria, however it also appeared to be completely baren, a lifeless rock floating in strange space. It had an atmosphere, but it seemed to be composed of mainly nitrogen, methane, and several other gasses they could not identify. It didn't look like anything was alive on this planet.

But just when they were believing that this planet was a dead end to their search, ROB spoke up. "I am detecting a massive artificial structure on the planet's surface."

They all looked at the robot.

"Life signs?" asked Peppy.


"How many is many?"


Everyone looked at each other with renewed hope.

"Can you detect Lucy and Fox?" asked Peppy.

"Scanning..." ROB said. After several seconds he answered, "Yes! I am detecting vulpine bio signs, leporine bio signs, and also feline bio signs."

"WE FOUND THEM!" cheered Slippy with excitement.

Krystal spoke up. "I can also sense many minds down there," she said, holding two of her fingers up to her temple. She reached out her mind and attempted to communicate with Jenny. <Jenny, are you there? It's Krystal! We're here to save you!>

Krystal did not get any response from Jenny. Krystal reached out her mind further, attempting to find the mind of the feline she had met a few days ago. There were so many minds, most of them not even intelligent, but finally, Krystal sensed the familiar thought patterns of the Aldebaran cat.

Krystal focused in. She sensed that Jenny was currently in a very emotional state at the moment. She began to empathically feel what Jenny was currently feeling, feelings of arousal, lust, and pleasure... sexual pleasure. Krystal could feel herself getting hot and aroused herself, her panties inside her uniform beginning to become moist.

Krystal's eyes opened wide with shock as she realized what was going on. Jenny was currently having sex!!!

"Oh my..." said Krystal awkwardly, turning beet red under her blue and white fur as she felt the erotic thoughts and emotions that Jenny was currently emitting.

"What is it?" asked Peppy in concern.

Krystal looked over at the old rabbit. "Nothing," she said quickly with embarrassment, and then she mentally called out to Jenny again. <JENNY! STOP WHATEVER OR WHOEVER IT IS YOU'RE DOING, AND ANSWER ME!>

That seemed to get Jenny's attention, as Krystal then heard the female feline respond to her. <Krystal!? About time you got here! What took you so long? I've been here for days!>

<Days?> Krystal thought in confusion. <Jenny, it's only been a couple hours since you were taken!>

<What!?!> Jenny replied. <That can't be! I've been here for several days!>

Krystal had no idea what Jenny was talking about, but she decided it wasn't important at the moment. <Forget it. Are you okay? Are Fox and the other's there with you?>

<I'm fine. I'm trapped inside what I believe to be some sort of alien zoo. I haven't seen Fox, or Bucky, or Lucy, or Mimi, but if they're here, I'm sure their trapped inside the same kind of prison that me and my... 'companion' here are.>

<Okay. Hold tight We're coming to rescue you!> Krystal said, and then closed off her mind from Jenny, not wanting to share in Jenny's sexual feelings any longer. Krystal shuddered and shook her head.

"What is it?" Peppy asked her again.

Krystal looked back over at the impatient bunny. She quickly explained what she had learned to everyone, leaving out the sexual bits.

"An alien zoo!" exclaimed Falco. "So, these aliens think our friends are just animals that they can capture and put on display? THAT'S what's going on here!?"

"I don't care what their reasons are!" shouted Dead-Eye suddenly. "Nobody kidnaps my mates and gets away with it! What are we waiting for, mateys? Let's go bust em out!"

"Calamity and woe!" Blinky suddenly piped up. "There doesn't appear to be anyway inside the structure!"

"Then we'll make one!" Dead-Eye shouted.


Within minutes, a rescue party consisting of Dead-Eye, Krystal, Falco, Blinky, and Peppy were onboard the Righteous Indignation, flying out of the Great Fox's launch bay like a bullet from a gun. Blinky was at the helm controls as he and Dead-Eye were the only ones among them who knew how to fly the Righteous. Dead-Eye was a deck below, manning the ship's main cannon turret. Slippy and ROB remained back on the Great Fox, standing by in case the group needed help.

The Righteous flew down towards the structure on the planet's surface. Once they were through the atmosphere, they were able to see the structure ahead of them. Its design was similar to a mushroom in shape! And it was massive, at least three miles in diameter!

"Target in sight!" said Peppy, standing behind Blinky in the cockpit along with Krystal and Falco.

"FIRING CANNONS!" Dead-Eye shouted from down below.

The Righteous fired several laser blasts from its main canon at the outer wall of the superstructure below them. The blasts hit their mark, blasting huge chunks of debris in every direction and creating a gaping, smoldering hole in the side of the building.

"BULLSEYE!" Dead-Eye shouted.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" shouted Peppy. "We're going in!"

The group inside the Righteous all grabbed hold of something solid as they flew straight at the newly made hole! They heard a loud metallic smash and the ship jolted, causing all of them to nearly lose their footing, as the sides of the ship hit the jagged edges of the hole, crashing through them as the Righteous passed into the interior of the structure.

Inside, the group was met with quite the sight. Rows and rows of long corridors stretched out into the distance inside the structure. They couldn't even see the other end of them. The rows of corridors were lined with hundreds and hundreds of windows, each one looking into a different exhibit containing various planetary environments, and various species of alien creatures. However, the place was far more reminiscent of a prison then a zoo. And all over the place, everywhere they looked, there were small wisp-like things, like the one they had seen in the surveillance video of Jenny's abduction, flying around in the air like bees in a beehive. They seemed to be in a state of panic, possibly because a space ship had just crashed into their building.

The Righteous slammed into another wall inside the structure, knocking it apart, and then the ship slammed down on a metallic floor, eventually screeching to a halt.

"We're in!" said Peppy. "Let's go find our people!"

"It's too narrow to fly the Righteous Indignation inside here," said Blinky, looking back at his companions in the cockpit. "We'll have to continue to search for our friends on foot."

Krystal held up a small handheld scanner. "I have all our friends' locations right on here! All we'll have to do is just follow this to them."

"Everyone stay alert, and keep your weapons ready!" said Peppy, drawing his blaster from its holster. "No telling what we might run into."

"LET'S GO!" shouted Dead-Eye, suddenly joining them in the cockpit, all four of his own blasters drawn, one in each hand.

In a few moments they were all leaping out the open hatch of the Righteous Indignation, and running through the long corridors of the 'zoo'.

To be concluded... for real next time...

New Arrivals - Ch4

## New Arrivals - Ch4 After crashing through the outer wall of the massive alien structure, Krystal, Falco, Peppy, and Dead-Eye all leaped out the open hatch of the Righteous Indignation, and began running through the long...

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New Arrivals - Ch2

## New Arrivals - Ch2 The Righteous Indignation was docked with the Great Fox. Word had gotten around about the disappearing of various people onboard spacecraft, including Fox McCloud, Mimi Lafloo, Bucky O'Hare, and Lucy...

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New Arrivals - Ch1

### New Arrivals - Ch1 One morning, on the Great Fox, Krystal was looking for Fox, but she was unable to find him anywhere. She eventually found herself on the bridge, where Peppy, Slippy, Falco, and ROB were. ...

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