New Journey Chapter 21: Cult (X)

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#22 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Chp 21: Cult

Seth's eyes opened and his head turned over to see what was touching him.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Sky asked.

Seth looked at the clock behind her. "It's time to get up anyways." He carefully took the blanket off, avoiding waking Soul as he went for a shower. He heard the patter of Sky's paws on the carpet behind him. He turned on the water, waited a bit for it to heat up, before climbing in. Sky got in right behind him, using her tail to snag and close the curtain.

"Uh... thanks for last night." She said.

"Anytime." He told her.

"Uh, I think... Maybe... I might..." She stumbled over her words. "Never mind." She eventually muttered.

"You sure?" He asked. She obviously had something she wanted to say.

"Yeah, it's nothing." She said.

He could tell it was a whole lot more than nothing. "Well alright." He turned off the water and grabbed a towel from outside. They went back outside to find a naked lady lying on the bed.

"How about we just stay in for the day?" She asked. "I've gotta try out all my new body's tricks."

"Nope. Sooner we get to Canalave the better. Tell you what. When we get there, I'll treat you to something special."


"Let's move it!" Soul called. She waved from next to the entrance to Mt. Coronet. Once again, she was wearing Seth's clothes, even though they looked too big for her small frame. Seth and Sky were taking their sweet time walking down the path towards her.

"Relax." Seth said. "No way we're gonna make it all the way there in one day."

"Floaroma or bust!" She declared, raising her hands to the sky. They ventured into the cave, with Seth slowing down a bit. Sky looked back to see him holding a can of repel.

"Fuck zubat." He said when he saw her look at it.

"That stuff smells awful." She said. "We can keep the bats away just fine."

"You had better. I'm not kidding about those little bloodsuckers."

They walked for a little bit, before Seth cried out. They both heard the can of repel hit the rocks and turned to see what happened.

He was lying face down, with a pair of white furred pokemon behind him, their horns bared offensively.

"Told you there were absol in these mountains!" Soul shouted. She turned into her half human form and raised her clawed hands.

"Why did you do that?" Sky asked

Neither of the feral absol said anything. One stepped forward, nose twitching as it sniffed around. It smelled both Sky and Soul, before suddenly lowering its head before Soul.

"Forgive us." The absol, a female, said.



Seth awoke on a bed of leaves. A hand to went to the back of his neck to rub the ache there. He would have bet there was a bruise there, but there were no mirrors around to check. He looked around, confused about where he was. While he was lying on a bed of leaves, his surroundings were anything but natural. It looked like aged stone, like the ruins he had been in previously. The open sky was up above him with pillars, some broken, others whole, pointing upwards. He was all alone.

"Soul? Sky?" He called. Nothing. He got to his feet and began to look around more. He was definitely in ruins, and very high up, with how low the clouds were. It was not that much later, based on the sun. Must be Spear Pillar, the peak of Mt. Coronet. He wondered out a bit aimlessly, but then he heard something: voices. He couldn't make the words out, but someone was talking. Sneaking behind a pillar, he tried to stay quiet and hear.

Sky cleared her throat. "So can you explain all this again?"

"Maybe you should have listened." One of the absol said angrily.

"You have to listen to her." Soul said. "She's... uh, just treat her right. She's a friend." She was sitting on a stone, in her half human form.

"Yes my queen." Another absol said. "We have been gathering a community of pokemon here, awaiting the prophecy. As it stands, we are the elder council, the protectors of everyone here, and responsible for finding the chosen one."

"And that's me?" Soul asked.

"Yes. We were told to wait for one who was both pokemon and human."

"By who?" Sky asked.

"The tablet." Another said. "We don't know where it came from, but it is written in an ancient language. It must be a sign from Arceus."

"Well then. Seth? Why don't you come out?" Sky said.

Seth stepped out from his hiding place. "So then-"

Two of the four absol charged forward, one pouncing him and growling into his face. He transformed, but not into a lucario like he planned. He turned anthro absol, likely due to all the other absol around putting that image into his head. Before he could put up any resistance, the growls stopped and the pressure lifted off of him. The two absol closest to him kneeled their heads down. "A second chosen one?" One of the two next to Soul asked.

"Well, he's technically the original. And my mate." Soul said.

"So he was not your captor? That would explain your request to spare him and bring him here."

"Yeah... So do you have names or anything?" Seth asked, getting to his feet. "Four mostly identical pokemon are kinda hard to tell apart."

"We are just absol."

"Yeah, we abandoned our names when we escaped our trainers."

"Maybe you should... one of you should start from the beginning. You're confusing me." Their mannerisms were all unique, but their voices were similar, and their bodies very similar. If he didn't know Soul so well, and if she wasn't anthro, he might have lost her in the crowd.

One of them next to Soul spoke up. "I was the most recent member of the council. The reason we lead is because our horns become more sensitive at higher altitudes, so we can predict things and keep everyone safe just like a psychic type. Except we don't leave traces like they do, so we can stay stealthy. Not many pokemon or people come up this high, so we've been mostly safe. I was liberated from my old trainer, who caught me to be a show pokemon. All the pokemon here are freed."

"And they're all here for the prophecy." The one across from her started. "It says that one who is both human and pokemon will bridge the gap between our species. They will usher in the future of our planet!"

"Yeah, that's great. You have fun with that." Seth said. "Sky, Soul, let's go."

"Just one second." Soul said. She got up and came over to him, waving her new servants away. "Remember how I have next? Callin' that right now, right here, with them." She whispered

"What? They're crazy!" He whispered back harshly. "They think I'm a god or something. What if they try to sacrifice us? Cults are bad news, plain and simple."

"They're harmless. A little weird, but harmless." Soul looked back at them, before turning back to him, a sparkle in her eyes. "This is like one of my biggest fantasies, and its right here in front of me." She said with a lusty rumble in her throat.

He sighed. "Fine."

Soul smiled wide. "YES!" She turned and went back to the other absol. "Girls, we've got work to do."

"Why does everything always end up with me fucking random pokemon..." Seth muttered.

"Probably because one of your mates is a nymphomaniac." Sky said. "I'll just leave you to it. I'm going to check out the rest of this place."

"I might need you to save me. If they all have the sex drive of Soul..." He said, actually a bit worried. Death by snu snu was a lot scarier when it was a real possibility. He drew in a deep breath. "So-"

"Get him!" Soul ordered.

Seth side stepped the two that tried to pounce him again. "There's no need for that." He said. "How about we go somewhere more comfortable? Like somewhere with a bed, and not stone?" He turned and placed a hand on the head of the absol behind him, preventing her from trying to tackle him. "If she's your queen, that means I'm the king. And I say bed." He pointed a thumb at himself.

"Very well, follow me." One of them said. He was led a bit down the mountain, and into the caves. This place was like a maze. Even following, he still felt lost. They went through caverns, halls, and rooms, all with signs of pokemon living in them. Finally they came to a large room, with a lot of decorations. There were wicker baskets with stuff in them, A hole in the room filled with clean water, and tons of other related items. A pile of valuables was resting near one wall, mostly human ones like watches and technology. In the center of the room was a big heart shaped bed. An actual, real, human bed.

"Where did you get all this stuff?" Seth asked.

"This is the room we prepared for your arrival. Most of this stuff we took from humans."

"How on earth did you get the bed here?"

"Doesn't matter. Let's get down to it." Soul said, hopping onto the bed. She jumped on it once, testing its bounciness. "Alright, you, with me." She pointed with her hand. "You two, together, and Seth, you take her first."

"But my queen, the prophecy-"

"You'll get what you want by the time we're done. And so will I. After that, we'll leave and you can do whatever." Soul told her.

One of the absol pushed the top off of a wicker basket, and took out a bundle of berries. "Girls." She offered.

"Just in case." Another said.

They all ate one, before scattering to their assigned positions. The two together got into sixty nine position, and Soul guided her absol between her legs to eat her out while she watched Seth. She ground her hips back into the face of her licker and rubbed her horn with one hand. "Go on~" She purred, drawing a circle in the air with a finger.

Seth looked over to the absol he was assigned. She blushed under his gaze, but assumed the natural canine mating position.

"I've been waiting for this for so long." She said. "My king." She added.

"Please stop calling me that." He muttered.

"But you are the chosen one, our leader." She said.

He sighed. No sense arguing that point right now. He reached a furred hand down to grab hold of his half erect member. He gave it a couple jerks before aiming and thrusting forward. She drew in a sharp breath and tensed, whining in pain. "Oh shit, sorry." He said. "I didn't expect that..." He reached down and began to rub her horn, trying to ease the loss of her virginity.

"We've all been saving ourselves for you. Go ahead." She said in a strained voice. But he didn't. She was obviously still in pain, so he waited. "Do you not want to impregnate me?" She asked. "Am I not up to your standards?" She sounded almost scared, as if he had a reason to be angry at her.

"Damn it." Soul muttered. "I told you not to say anything about that."

"What? Is that what this is all about?" He asked.

The absol between Soul's legs raised her head and looked back at him, much to Soul's displeasure. "The prophecy says that the chosen one will father the next generation. So yes, in order to fulfill the prophecy, you must breed all four of us."

He pulled out of the absol he had penetrated. "Okay, that's where I draw the line. I'm not going to just create kids for some stupid legend. Children aren't some tool to make your dreams come true, they're people!" His anger caused his member to go soft. "And you," He turned to Soul. "How could you think this was all right."

She sighed. "I had it all planned out, everybody would be happy. But no! You had to keep asking questions. While you were passed out, I feed you what's often called a birth control berry. It works on both males and females and renders them sterile for like a day. So I get an absol orgy, they think they did their thing, and you get laid. Everybody's happy." She reached down and directed the head of her absol to hers. "Listen, sorry for tricking you, but we aren't your chosen ones."

"But the way you look-"

"There are tons of other people like us. Hybrids, we call them. It could be one of them, but not us. We have our own thing goin' on."

"Oh... I understand..."

"But don't you see!" The absol Seth was with said suddenly. "If there are other hybrids out there, then the prophecy already came true! We did it!"

"You're right... Humans and pokemon are one, and these hybrids will spread over the land. But what about us? We already took the estrus berries. If we don't do something, it'll be like mating season all over again." Soul's absol said.

"Oh hell no." One of the other absol said. "If the prophecy doesn't matter anymore, then we don't have to save ourselves, so I'm going to fuck that hunky sandslash."

"Wait a sec." Soul said. "Why not take care of things here? How often do you get a chance with a human absol?" She motioned toward the male in question.

"You really are dead set on this thing." Seth said.

"This is on my top five fantasies. Don't cheat me out of it." She said darkly.

"I am not waiting." One of the absol said. It was one of the two with each other. The other one shyly followed her out, leaving only two of the absol left, along with Seth and Soul. "I need some dick right now!" She shouted from outside.

"Don't mind her." Soul's absol said. "She has always been... frisky."

Seth opened his mouth, but the words died on his lips. Something was rubbing into his hips. He looked down to find the absol from earlier still presenting, waving her hips and rubbing her fur against his. His boner took no qualms with this, quickly beginning to erect once again. "I suppose... But why does everything always have to come back to me fucking strangers?"

"Cause reasons. Now get to work, big boy." Soul said. She reached down and spread her pussy, rubbing a claw over her clit. With her other hand, she rubbed along the mane of the other absol, drawing her attention back to where it was truly needed.

Seth reached forward, putting a hand on either side of the absol's hips, stilling her movements. She trembled and pressed further into him, grinding his member into her belly. "Do me..." She whispered, almost inaudibly. Seth drew his hips back and humped forward, sinking to the hilt in a single stroke. He couldn't help but let out a groan. Those berries must have been potent, as she was soaked, more than could ever be natural. Her virginal tightness clutched at him, unskilled muscles urging him on. She wasn't a very passive lover, humping back against him with almost more enthusiasm than he.

Not that he was going slow either. He had three girls to get through, after all. If he took his time with each, he'd run out of energy for sure. She really didn't seem to mind though, her artificial heat driving both of them to mate. The intoxicating scent of sex permeated the room, filling Seth's mind with lust.

Her scent, combined with the faintest of Soul's arousal in the air, had his knot swollen and throbbing in record time. He was ready to blow, so he leaned down and went to town on her rear. Wet fur and flesh slapped against each other, her soaked cunny making squelches around his member.

"Oh, Soul~" Seth groaned, nuzzling into the absol's neck. He nearly bit his tongue when he realized his mistake. He looked up to her, but his lower half had other plans.

"Don't." She ordered. He couldn't stop his climax, but he did manage to not knot the absol below him. Without a knot, he was able to pull out after his primary seeding. He was still leaking cum, which occasionally dripped onto the floor. Soul got off the bed and walked over to him, running a hand over his heaving, furred chest. "It seems my mate needs me." She poked him hard. "Tell you what. I'll let that one slide, but you're going to do exactly what I say~"

He let out a yelp as she suddenly picked him up, fell back onto the bed and maneuvered him around. He was now sitting in her lap, with her lifting him up and down to simulate thrusting.

"Got it?" She asked.

"I think... but if I'm going to hold you like that for a while..." He closed his eyes and turned full lucario. "There." He got out of her grasp and moved to get into position.

"In that case, we'll do the good old one." She shined as she shrunk down into her usual form. He reached forward and picked her up effortlessly, though he did feel a bit emasculated with how easily she had lifted him just a moment ago...

He wrapped his paws around her midsection, holding her belly to his while her rear rested in his lap. She wasted no time in grinding into him, his member still erect from the previous encounter. This caused the juices covering it to smear along her coat. He let out an unintentional groan as her silky fur rubbed his sensitive cock. He couldn't wait any longer. His body saw a female to breed, even though he was unable to impregnate her, and his mind agreed on the topic, for a very different reason. He had offended his mate, and this was his apology, and he was going to make it a good one.

He began to move his hips to line his member up, but she pressed down into him, pushing his stiffness away with her tail. "Nuh-uh." She teased. He reached down and rubbed a paw along her lips, feeling the slickness between her legs.

He reached that paw around and took hold of his dick, trying to guide it into position. But her tail slapped his wrist away.

"Nope." She said.

"What?" He asked. All she did was lick her lips and trace her paws along him. He tried once more to get his member in position, but she fought him. He couldn't take it anymore. He lifted her up, allowing his cock to spring upright, before he lowered her down, a bit too roughly.

She let out a mewling noise that would have been more at home on a house cat. "That's more like it."

"So that's your game." He said. She was lifted and fiercely slammed back down, causing her to cry out in pleasure. He knew her limits, and his own strength, enough to not hurt her. And knowledge of her kinks didn't hurt either. He picked her up and pulled her down, using her like some kind of sex toy, just like she wanted. The noises she was making was evidence of that. Of all the females he had bedded, she was the most vocal. Those sexy feminine sounds were so lovely.

His heated member pierced deep into her slick cunny, veiny red canine cock pressing into her silken azure walls. The shrinking of his knot was reversed, as it began to swell up again. In his pulling, with full control over her whole body, he was able to use it even more effectively than usual, twisting her around with it on the verge of tying her.

Her head was leaned forward, her no longer having the will to keep herself upright. She merely was limp, basking in the rutting he was giving her. Drool ran down her chin, messing her mane. Her paws occasionally twitched, as if she was grasping something, but this position, and the way he was using her, didn't allow for that. "Fuck, I've wanted you to do this for so long~"

He didn't have the breath to respond, only giving her an affirmative grunt. As far as he could tell, she didn't have anything unique about her body, but sex with her was just so much better. His Soul... He pulled her closer, putting all the movement into his hips. Countless sexual escapades had taught him just how to use his muscles in a situation like this. He fucked her hard and fast, knot slapping against her lips. She howled out loudly as her pussy quivered, milking him fiercely. Suddenly, she pushed forward in a burst of strength, pushing him down onto the bed.

She pushed up, nearly standing, before dropping all her weight down onto him, plunging his member into her, knot and all. He arched his back from the force of her slamming onto him. The sudden absence and return of her heavenly pussy caused him to cum, humping up into her on pure instinct. But that wasn't the end of it. She kept riding him, with grinds and shallow humps, all through his climax, and even beyond. It seemed that he was in for the long haul.