New Journey Chapter 28: Byron (X)

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#29 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Chp 28: Byron

"Mmerm." Seth groaned. He rolled over, away from the bright light of the window. Just a little longer.

"Seth?" Sky asked gently, pressing her paw against his furred side.

"Hmm?" Seth mumbled as he rolled over to face her. She was sitting with her paws resting in front of her. They were encompassing something brown and tan. A round object. "Is that..." Seth's heart was suddenly pounding.

"Yes. I must have laid it last night." She said with a motherly smile.

Seth reached over and rubbed his paw along the smooth surface. It was warm. "I'll get an egg container as soon as I can."

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Yeah... why?"

"You look pale, and you're breathing hard."

"Nervous... I guess." He did feel short of breath.

"It's gonna be okay. You'll be a great father." She said, leaning over and licking his cheek.

"That won't be for a while. If how long it took to lay is any sign."

+++ (One week later)

"Okay? Ready?" Seth asked. Soul and Sky both nodded. "Go!" Seth turned away from the water, looking at the glass doors of the gym. He looked out to the street, which was empty. There was a splash behind him, and that was his signal. He ran to the door and began to bang on it. "Please help!" He called.

The scruffy looking figure of the purple haired gym leader came into view. He looked tired and rubbed the back of his head while his other hand pressed the door release. "What?"

"My pokemon got chased into the river! She can't swim!"

"Then jump in and save her."

"I... can't swim either..." Seth said, looking down and away.

"Son of a... Fine." Byron came out and turned toward the canal.

"That absol chased my poor espeon into the river!" Seth explained, pointing at Soul, who was snarling over the edge as Sky treaded water below. They were both putting on a pretty good show.

"Ugh, dammit." Byron groaned. He went over to the water and took off his tattered cape, letting it fall to the ground. With a quick stretch, he then dove into the water.

A short time later, and he had 'rescued' Sky, bringing her to a nearby dock. "Thank you so much." Seth said. "Could I maybe... challenge you to a battle?"

"Get lost kid. I quit my job."

"But..." Seth chewed on his lip. This was not part of the plan. He turned and bolted for the gym door, making it inside before Byron realized what was happening. Soul and Sky were right behind him, catching on quickly.

Byron came back to the door to find Seth sitting in his lawn chair in the middle of the floor. "Get out." He ordered.

"Not until you fight me."

"You're acting like a spoiled child." Byron sighed. "I don't want to be a gym leader anymore. I won't battle."

"How is it childish to do what I have to to get what I want? Just quit and I'll battle the next leader if that's what you want." Seth said.

"I wish it were that simple kid. The league has a shitty system. The gym leader has to pick out a successor before they can resign. There isn't anyone around here willing or qualified to do the job. So I'm going to sit here until they fire me. Then it's their mess to figure out."

"I can't wait that long. I'm not leaving without a battle and a badge."

"You got guts." Byron closed his eyes in thought for a moment. "Fine. But after I win, you have to get the hell out of here."


Byron swung his cape back over his shoulder, still wearing his wet clothes. He began to walk away from the field however. "Follow me. I was working on something special. Might not be up to league code, but it should be interesting." They went through a set of double doors into another room, just as big. The lighting flipped on and the new field was illuminated.

It appeared to be made entirely of steel, looking odd with all the lines in it. Where each trainer would stand, there was a console with a ton of buttons.

"Two on two?" Seth suggested.

"Right on." Byron mumbled. "And I take it your pokemon will be those two? The ones that attacked each other? Or was that also part of your master plan?"

"Well, pretty much. Riley sends his regards." Seth said.

"And you can tell him to take a hike. And that he still owes me for the house." Byron took a pokeball off his belt and tossed it out. On Seth's side, Soul came forward while a magnezone materialized on the other side. "Begin!"

Soul dashed forward, but before she could manage anything, a loud buzzer sounded. Then, a wall of steel rose from the floor, surrounding the field. There were two windows in the wall, allowing Seth and Byron to see inside. Soul paid it no mind and charged forward.

Before she made it very far, there was another buzzer. This time, a series of walls came out of the middle of the floor.

"What?" Seth said. "How is this fair?" He looked over to the console next to him. There were tons of knobs, buttons and dials, along with a display. The display held an image of the field from above. Seth looked up to find a camera facing down, allowing for the overhead view. It looked like a maze had risen up. Soul was about in the middle, while Magnezone was further back towards Byron. "Soul, left then three rights!"

"What?" She asked, before she realized and ran the maze. When she turned the third right, she saw her opponent ahead, and transferred her momentum into a leaping night slash. It hit center mass on the magnezone, causing it to buzz and move around. Suddenly, it gained height, flying above the maze.

"Electric net!" Byron ordered. Magnezone thrust its magnet hands forward, a field of electricity then formed over the top of the maze, preventing Soul from giving chase. It then raised its magnets up, forming a ball of energy, that it then flung down at Soul. She saw it coming and sprinted back around the corner. The zap cannon harmlessly exploded into the floor, scattering electricity all over the metal floor. Soul yelped and jumped up. Seth could see her voluminous fur standing on end. It was better than taking a direct hit, but the conductive floor would be a problem.

He looked back down at the controls. There had to be... he curiously pressed a red button. There was a new whirring sound and four metal walls rose around Seth. Where he was standing was one of the only two spots on the floor not metal. Once the walls went up, another slid out, cutting out the light and boxing him in. "The fuck?"

"I have a hunch." Sky said. She had been trapped inside with him.

On the camera outside, water began to fall from the ceiling as sprinklers turned on. "You've sealed your fate." Byron said. His voice emitted from both a speaker in Seth's console and a loudspeaker outside. Seth noticed he had his own microphone. The console had lights on it so he could see but they were dim. The sets of buttons were red, yellow and green. Just as quickly as it started, the water stopped.

"These two, I think." Sky said. She hopped up, pressing her paws on the two green buttons. Outside, the walls, both the outer and the maze, began to descend. As they did, the electric net on top broke.

"Figured it out pretty quick did you?" Byron said. "Now, electric cage!" Magnezone flew down quickly and buzzed. It held its magnet hand to the sides and a cage made of electricity formed around Soul. It was small and the gaps were small as well. Above, a big ball of lightning began to form.

Soul darted her head around, looking for an out. She was a bit sour at having her fur wet, but the battle was more important right now. She was not going to get walked all over. "Fuck it." She growled. Baring her fangs, she dove forward just as a massive thunder attack shot down at her cage. It missed as she flew forward, through the electric wall, and right into Magnezone. She breathed a flamethrower right into its face, then used it as a springboard to gain height. From above, she spun and delivered a powerful night slash as she fell back down. Her fur was all standing on end as she landed and stood proud while Magnezone fell to the ground.

"Go Soul!" Sky called. The whirring began again as the box containing Seth retracted into the floor. But Soul just stood there. She twitched a bit, and her fur was still puffed out, but she remained fixed.

"Can't move..." She grunted. "Paralyzed."

"Sky, looks like you're up. And his best is probably next. You think you can take him?"

"You aren't the only one who's been training." Sky said as she trotted forward. Seth followed her and picked up Soul to carry her off the field. Soul squirmed a bit at the indignity, but didn't voice any complaint. Seth felt a tingle as he touched her, not enough to shock him at all.

"Shot for a shot." Byron said as he took out his next ball. "Steele! End this!" He released his Bastiodon. Sky didn't budge an inch in the face of the intimidating pokemon.

"RARRGGH!" Bastiodon roared right into her face.

Her twin tail flicked angrily. "Bring it on, you brute." She taunted.

"Why you little!" Steele growled back in a deep gravelly voice. He lowered his gigantic head and stomped a bit before charging forward. Sky's paws glowed blue for a moment, before she jumped. She launched into the air at great speed, going up nearly ten feet, halfway to the ceiling. As she got up, her speed slowed down, and she floated in midair for a moment. She began to drift down, slowly, as her gem shined. Her tail raised up behind her, long enough for the tips to dangle over her head, and they began to glow blue as well. "Triple Psy Beam!"

From all three points, a beam of vibrantly colored psychic energy shot out. The trio of psybeams hit the ground, before sweeping up and across Steele. The ancient pokemon barely flinched, instead turning around and looking up at Sky. He shot the floating eon a glare, before an ear grating sound filled the room. A mirror like barrier suddenly surrounded Sky. Steele roared and shook his head around as he got an earful of his own concentrated attack.

"She's got magic bounce!" Byron called out.

"I know!" Steele growled back.

Sky had floated down to about seven feet in the air now, and her gem began to glow again, the light much brighter. A sudden shot of psychic energy blasted out, moving blindingly fast at the bastiodon. When it made contact, it exploded, creating kaleidoscope like plume of energy. As it reached maximum size, it collapsed back in on itself, before blinking out of existence. "Psy flare!" Sky called out proudly.

"That's nothing!" Steele roared. A small bright orb began to form in front of his mouth. From it, a silver beam shot out, flashing out and hitting Sky. The attack shook her focus, causing her to drop from the air. She recovered before crashing into the floor and landed gracefully on all fours. Before she could even think of another strategy, the ground shook as Steele charged forward. She quickly dove out of the way, to the side. There was a buzzer, and from the edges of the arena a series of bars came up. From the bars, more bars came out of the sides. They then began to spin, creating a wall of swinging iron. Sky yelped and jumped away from them and back out into the center of the field. And that put her right in the path of Steele who had turned around.

This time, she didn't have time to dodge the train of steel. His giant head smashed into her, launching her back and into the barrier trap. It battered her back, and with a cry of pain she fell back into the field.

"Sky!" Seth called.

"Yellow buttons!" She called back.

Seth blinked dumbly for a moment, before he looked down to the console. He pressed one of the yellow buttons. The buzzer sounded and the poles contracted before returning to the floor. "Yes." Seth whispered. But now he was curious. Sky had gotten some new tricks, but they weren't slowing down her opponent at all. It was like he was a walking tank. Seth hesitated for a moment, before pressing the other yellow button. This time, a solid block of steel rose from the center of the field.

"Seth!" Sky chastised. But it wasn't really harming her, so she quickly focused back on the fight. Seth then pressed the red button he had before. It would cause the sprinklers to go off, which would weaken the rock type! But when he did, all that sounded out was a negative beep.

"You've already wasted your trump card." Byron said. "Mine however... Iron storm, get ready!"

The buzzer sounded, and then the box covered both Seth and Byron. On the camera, Seth saw a large amount of small metal balls spill out of trapdoors on the walls. Steele roared as he let out a burst of steel type energy from his entire body. The energy bounced off the ball bearings and the camera was filled with silver light. He heard Sky cry out as the energy bounced all over the place, creating an undodgeable attack that filled the room.

The safety wall returned to the floor, revealing Sky lying on the ground on her side. "Sky!"

"I'm... Okay." She said, but her voice was weak. She struggled back up to her feet. "I won't let you down."

"Just surrender." Steele growled. "You can't even hurt me."

Sky raised her head, firing out a stream of star shaped projectiles. They harmlessly bounced off of his armored hide. It did piss off the dinosaur pokemon, causing him to charge forward. Sky empowered her legs, jumping up into the air and leaving Steele charging headfirst into the steel column in the center. But he skidded to a stop just before crashing.

"Ha-" His triumphant laugh was cut short as his body began to lift into the air. Sky was on the ground behind him, her fur billowing as a thick blue glow covered her body. Steele squirmed around, trying to break her psychic grip as he was lifted higher and higher. He ended up near the ceiling, right above the center column. Suddenly he was thrust downwards, slamming his unarmored belly onto the beam. He howled out in pain as he rolled off onto the side, landing on his back.

Sky pounced onto him and sunk her teeth into the relatively soft spot. Steele continued trying to fight back, but he was stuck on his back, the heavy armor plating leaving him top heavy. Especially with Sky biting him, he couldn't work up the momentum to flip over.

"That's enough!" Byron called out. "I surrender." He recalled Steele, before walking across the field to Seth. "Here." He handed Seth a badge he fished out of his pocket.

"Thank you. Did that get you back into battling?" Seth asked as he took it.

"Hardly. I'm an engineer, a creator. I've done enough fighting for one life."

"Wait, so this field..."

"Just an old man's crazy idea." Byron chuckled. "Now get out of my gym."


"Wow Sky!" Soul cheered once they were back in their room. "Who taught you to fight like that?"

"What are you talking about? You know the answer."

"Say my name." Soul said darkly.

"It was you, Soul. Thanks for training me."

"Mmmm." She purred. "What was that? I didn't quite catch it."

"You're a great teacher, master Soul. Please teach me your ways." Sky said, bowing before the absol.

"You did great." Seth said, interrupting Soul's ego stroking. He reached over and began to rub Sky's ears.

"I've been thinking about Byron..." Seth said.

"About how much of a pain in the ass he was? Yeah." Soul said.

"No. That's not it. He didn't want to battle. What are we gonna do after this whole deal?"

"Planning is worthless. Shit changes too much." Soul scoffed.

"So we're gonna be back on the road tomorrow?" Sky asked after a long silence.

"Yep. Snowpoint is up next."

"Then we can pay Drew and Dust a visit. If they're still around there I mean."

"Yeah, we can stop on the way."

"Sure you don't want some eon pussy?" Soul asked.

"Are you sure you don't want me to so you can watch?" Seth tried to turn it back on her. But the attempt came up short, causing both girls to laugh.

"I thought it was the male dream to have as many girls as you can."

"Like I've said, you two are more than enough for me." He smiled and nuzzled his furless cheek against Sky.

His affections were stopped when there was a knock at the door. Seth got up and went over to the door, looking out the peephole. There was a familiar man in the same blue suit as always. "Do you ever change your outfit?" Seth asked as he opened the door.

"Yes, I change every day. I have one for every day. Anyways, how did your gym battle go?" Seth flashed his shiny new badge. "Good. I suppose you're off for your seventh then. I'll be keeping an eye on your journey on the TV. I hope you make it to the championship."

"Thanks. For everything."

"If you ever need my help," Riley took out a slip of paper with his dex number written on it. "Don't hesitate to call."

"Will do." Seth said his goodbyes and closed the door.

"I think somebody deserves a little treat~" Soul purred.

"Leave me alone!" Sky squealed. But she sounded more playful than serious. Seth rounded the corner to see the two of them on the bed. Soul had her forepaws wrapped around Sky's rear to hold her in place and her face buried between her legs. "Seriously, I'm sore." She squirmed forward a bit, but Soul held firm.

"Which is exactly why you need this. Just lay back and let me help you unwind." Soul said, a slurping sound coming from her. Sky sighed in defeat and forfeited her rear to the sex hungry absol. Soul removed her mouth and looked up at Seth. "You want in on this?"

"No, you two have some quality time." Seth went around the bed and got in, slipping under the covers.

"Just be gentle." Sky said as she laid down on her side, her back against Seth's waist.

"I would never hurt you, my dear~" Soul purred with a flourish of her claws. She moved up the bed to get a better angle at Sky's exposed rear, before diving back in. She was positioned perfectly so that Seth could see everything. The way she was acting, that was very intentional. She carefully brought up a paw and used two claws to spread Sky's passage open. Soft pink flesh caught Seth's attention and he couldn't look away. "Geez, you're tight girl."

Soul leaned in and licked across the nub of Sky's clit, running her tongue up and dabbing it at the entrance to her pussy. When Sky let out a quiet moan and shuddered a bit, Soul pulled back completely. "Well, I guess you're right. We should probably take it easy tonight."

"Don't tease me. Just do it or don't." Sky huffed.

"If that's what you really want." Soul leaned her head back in and gave Sky another quick lick. She brought up a paw, then stuck a claw in her mouth to moisten it. Removing it with a smack, she ran the back of it along Sky's vulva a few times. She then brought her other paw into the mix and used it to spread her cunny again. Her claw, wetted with both spit and the growing dew, sunk right in.

"Eep!" Sky chirped in surprise at the feeling of the cold hard claw.

"Relax~" Soul purred as she rubbed Sky's clit with her paw pads. She pushed her claw in to the knuckle of her paw. "So soft and tight... almost makes me jealous." Soul twisted her claw around inside Sky, careful to avoid hurting her. She curled her claw up, using the tip to tickle Sky's delicate insides.

Sky purred quietly and sunk further into the comfy bed. Seth could feel her tense body relaxing against his leg. Just as quickly as she had started to feel pleasure, Soul pulled her paw out.

She brought her claw to her muzzle and licked it. "Mmm. You're delicious." Soul said, loudly sucking off the girl juice. "Think I'll drink some from the source~" She said before leaning her head down. Seth's underwear were feeling very uncomfortable. He was afraid to so much as twitch for fear of scaring off the beautiful creatures next to him.

Soul stuck out her long and broad tongue, laying a sloppy lick up Sky's mound. It then wormed its way in. Once inside, Soul took to slurping up as much of the ample honey she could find. Once the build up was gone, Soul went wild, tongue fucking Sky as fast as she could.

Sky cried out, twisted her back and clenching her paws as pleasure shot through her body in a sudden rush. Soul's tongue was seemingly made specifically for this task. Her canine half gave it the broad reach to hit every spot in her canal, and the feline half gave it texture for pleasuring. Sky certainly seemed to appreciate it. She often wasn't that vocal in her pleasure, but Soul seemed intent on forcing her to give out quiet squeaks and restrained moans.

Soul's rapid efforts became too much when she squeezed Sky's clit between two claw tips. With a louder cry, Sky clenched down on her tongue. Soul's muzzle was flooded with juices, which she happily licked up, causing Sky to cum even harder. Her tail was flailing around in ecstasy, battering Soul's head and Seth's chest.

"Th...thanks." Sky muttered sleepily.

Seth could barely mumble a confused "Mrph-" before Soul lunged up and locked lips with him. The close contact with her caused fur to burst out of his body as his clothes merged into him. He could taste Sky on her. He felt one of her paws reach down and grip at the tent in the sheets. "Not tonight." He said as he brushed her paw away. "My nerves are still on fire after that battle."

"You didn't even do anything." She muttered. "But fine." She rolled off of him and onto her back. "Want to save your stamina for those eevee girls? Can't say I blame you."

"What?! No! I'm just tired..."

New Journey Chapter 29: Rivalry

Chp 29: Rivalry "A-a-are y-y-ou as cold a-a-as I am?" "Kinda. It is pretty chilly." Sky said. "Wimps." Soul teased as she batted a puff of snow at Seth. He was dressed in a long sleeve...

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New Journey Chapter 27: Nightmare

Chp 27: Nightmare "Fuck!" Seth yelled, bolting upright. He had to stop halfway and fall back onto the bed when he hit something. His vision cleared and he saw Sky rubbing her head with a paw. He was breathing heavy and his body felt...

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New Journey Chapter 26: Focus (X)

Chp 26: Focus TOOT TOOT. The boat horn blasted loud as the ship came into harbor. Canalave city was busy as usual, with more people waiting to board the SS Anne. First however, Seth and his party disembarked. "I'm...

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