New Journey: Absol on the Prowl (X)

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#31 of New Journey

100 Watcher Special

Absol on the Prowl

"Hah!" Soul yawned loudly as she stretched her paws out. Tonight was gonna be nice. Seth and Sky had gone out to some dumb play or something, leaving her all on her own in the pokemon center. "Now... anything good on?" She pulled the remote over and used a claw to flip through the channels.

"We're out here in the Vermillion Forest, looking for Grumpigzilla, a giant pokemon." The narrator switched to a fat hairy man. "I saw this thing." He had a very thick accent. "It was ten foot tall. And had beautiful hair." The logo came up. Monster Pokemon, season six.

"Six seasons and you haven't found anything?" Soul complained as she went to the next channel.

Weather, rain tomorrow. Some stupid cooking show, making healthy food or some crap. A couple idiots screaming at fake ghosts... Once she made the loop, her hopes were dashed. Nothing was on TV.

A plan began to formulate in her head as she looked off to the side. Seth's bag was sitting on the desk. All he had taken with him was his trainer card. She hopped down off the bed and walked over, placing her forepaws onto the desk to hold herself up. With one paw, she batted the bag onto its side and held open the flap. Inside she could see her prize. Seth's pokedex. Now how could she get it back over to the bed?

"Ah screw it. I don't get enough practice in my other form." Her body glowed and changed, leaving her with fur covered hands on the desk and a humanlike body behind it. A smile on her blue face, she grabbed the dex and flopped back onto the bed. She sighed and set it down, getting back up and going over to turn off the lights. "Now, for some personal time..."

She laid down on her back and stretched out. She didn't bother to slip under the covers, as her fur provided plenty of warmth. Now, what to see? Maybe something closer to home.

"Oh, now that gives me an idea or two." Soul licked her lips as her hand drifted down and her digits began to touch her pussy. She didn't have the claws or the form of this sexy thing right now, but it reminded her of herself. It was that look on her face. Maybe she'd copy the pose later and give Seth an eyeful of her blue folds.

"Seth would love this one." Despite his pokemon tastes, he still had a thing for boobs. If she could get those things on her pokemon form... But not even Seth could mess with his forms that much. It was either one, the other, or half way in between. And they had never done it as mega forms. Then there was that human dick off to the side. She hardly ever got to see Seth's erect. It just looked so exotic. She had never done anything with a human. Her first time with one was Seth, and he always changed.

"That's so hot." She purred. It reminded her of those absol girls from the mountain. How were they doing? Too bad she could never replicate it. Seth couldn't not turn pokemon, and he'd have to transform those absol's too. He'd never do that. Maybe double team and a random human? Well, girls were sexy and all, but she needed something more to get off.

"Fuck me~" She hissed as her fingers dove deep. If only Seth were here to fuck her like that. That knot looked so big and ready to breed. While the sol under him might look weird, she certainly looked pleased to be getting that meat.

"Hey there sexy." Now this boy was such an alpha male. That muscular body, perfect for mounting a female. That stare, one that promised a wonderful time. And that nice big cock. Oh she wanted to lick and suck it so bad. To swallow a big load from those plump balls before he surrounded her with all that warm fluff and fucked her until she carried his pups. But the poor guy would have to beat Seth to get at her, and that wasn't likely.

"Yes!" She couldn't help but cry out when the next image loaded. This sex symbol wasn't as well built as the previous, but all that was concentrated elsewhere. His dick was so fucking big. Almost three times Seth's size. That knot, and those balls, he was fertile beyond any doubt. If she could take that massive girth... Despite it being an image, she could swear that thick vein was pulsing out more precum as she stared.

"Ughhh..." Soul groaned in frustration. First, she needed something better than her fingers. With an angry huff, she tossed Seth's dex aside and began to look around. Remote? Too big. Pen? Too small. "Oh!" An idea struck her. She ran around the corner and into the bathroom. Next to the sink was lying Seth's toothbrush. She poked the bristles with her fingertip. Spiky, but it should do.

The images were awesome, but they just weren't cutting it. She needed a little something extra. Pokemon didn't really browse the internet. The only reason she knew about porn was that her original trainer wasn't very stealthy about her viewing habits, and her computer had a touch screen, allowing Soul to play with it on a few rare occasions. Porno involving pokemon wasn't too popular. But thanks to some kinky humans, it did exist. Now she had to find some...


"Hi. Midnight Crescent the 3rd." The absol introduced herself, placing a paw on her chest fluff.

"Heh. Fancy name for the daycare." The leafeon chuckled.

"Blame my trainer. He wants an egg, so here I am."

"You know about what the owner does?"

"No?" She asked hesitantly.

"He records the pokemon and puts it on this thing the humans call internet. I've been here for a long time. You hear things." He said, looking off to the side, towards the main building.

"I would like to hear your name." She said.

"Fair enough. Jungle. And I assume you're interested in me."

"Well duh. This isn't my first time here."

"You really wanna get out of here?"

"Of course. This place is so... dull."

"Then play along with me. You'll be laying eggs by sunset."

"Sound's good." She smiled.

"You're cute, you know that? Let's go somewhere more quiet." He got up, walking away from the shade of the tree. As he did, his tail was flagged, showing off his sizeable package to the absol following. They trotted off together into one of the barns. He led her into a closed off room, and nudged the door closed behind her. The room was stuffy in the heat of the day, with only a dusty window letting in light. "Perfect." He walked past her and flopped onto his back on a pile of hay sitting against the wall. Once there, he spread his legs. "How about you get us started?"

"Foreplay? At a place like this?"

"Trust me. It'll help." He urged, pointing a paw at his sheath.

The slightly larger female leaned down and pressed her face between his balls. She took a deep smell, breathing in his intoxicating masculine scent. She raised her head and licked up his sheath slowly.

"Mmm, that's a good girl." He purred.

With dexterous skill, her tongue slipped into the tip of his sheath to coax out his hidden member. From the pointed tip, down the hot veiny shaft, and the base that would grow into his knot, it all came out for her to suckle on.

As much as he wished he could relax and allow her to lavish his cock with kisses, he had work to do. In his body, a potent cocktail of pheromones began to brew, and began to come out from his ears and tail. From his flank, a vine emerged. This wasn't for combat however. It was smooth and had a bulbous tip. Inside it, a liquid began to form. It had the same composition as some berries he had eaten earlier.

"Wow... I picked a good stud~" Midnight thought as she purred onto his member. The vibration made him buzz back. Not only did he smell powerful and fertile, but his dick was nearly eight inches without the knot. It almost looked unnatural on a pokemon his size, not that she was complaining. She suddenly drew in a sharp breath as she felt something rub over her clit, inadvertently sucking hard on him. But when she raised her head to look back, his forepaws came to rest on her head and held her mostly in place.

"Relax. I'd never hurt such a lovely lady." He said, looking down at her with confident eyes. That was all she needed to hear to get back into deepthroating him. He smiled. The scent filling the room was certainly having an effect. It was working so well that she barely reacted, besides a pleased moan, when the vine slipped its way into her pussy. She was incredibly wet. He could have mounted her right now just fine, but he really wanted to get her riled up.

True to his word, he took it slow and gentle. She wasn't treating his member the same, but he'd extend the curtesy, for now. His tendril carefully probed into her depths, rubbing against every nook and cranny it could. It kept going through her clutching depths until it hit a wall. Now pressed against her womb, it began to squirt out its contents. Her cervix was shut tight though, barely letting any of it through. It would still be absorbed by her body and do its job though. Her body clinched and shivered as she went wild, more so than before. If his knot was swollen, she probably would have gotten her mouth tied.

But before he came, she stopped and spun around in the blink of an eye, causing his tentacle to slip out and spray some of its sweet smelling necter on the floor. With her rear in the air and cunny dripping a bit of sap like liquid, she turned her drooling face back to him. "Please! Fuck me!" She begged.

"Now now, my dear. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"Puhleeesseee!" She begged louder and began to back up while wagging her tail. "Ah!" She yelped in surprise as a multitude of vines burst from him and wrapped around her body, lifting her into the air. She was picked up about two feet off the ground and held firmly and steady. She squirmed frantically, but not to flee. She wanted to pounce him. Her pussy was on fire. Her womb demanded cum!

He held her tight while he moved everything into place. She kept begging for him to plunge his dick into her and knot her until she was carrying his eggs. As tempting as that was, he wanted to overdo this. By the time he was done, she'd never forget him. For now, her voice was reduced to mumbles when he moved a tentacle into her mouth. She made a few more confused sounds until his other vines made their moves, one going to cunny, and a couple others brushing against with her teats. This made her squeal in pleasure around the mouthful.

It took a lot of concentration to control all these tendrils, and make them move like back and forth, and he wasn't getting much stimulation from this, besides the visual of such a horny female in his grasp. In his tentacles, more of the bitter tasting sap began to flow. More entered his pussy, and some of the yellowish liquid stained her fur and began to drip down onto the floor. At first, she didn't swallow any of the thick stuff in her mouth, but eventually she relaxed and did so. The moment she did, she began to gulp it down, almost sucking it out of the tentacle.

She had no idea what this syrupy substance was, but the way it made her body burn and flutter... oh~ On her belly, the vines that were rubbing against her and the ones holding her up both kept releasing more of it into her fur. The rubbing and the tingling sap had made her teats stand on end, all six of them. Down further, the last vine was pounding in and out of her, flooding her body with more of that arousing juice. It felt good. Mind numbingly good. But it just wasn't what she wanted. He made her feel so good, but she just wanted more. The vine didn't throb, it wasn't hot or textured. It wasn't a cock, and it couldn't douse the flame inside her.

"Just a little more." He said. Just the sound of his voice brought her pleasure. This absolute alpha of a male saw fit to breed her. She was all but putty in his paws, and she loved it.

"Stop- I-" She tried to cry out, but her body went over the edge. Her cunny clinched down on the tentacle, squeezing it dry while he kept thrusting it in. She writhed around in ecstasy while he forced all the sap out and onto, or into, her body. Once his vines were drained, he slowly set her down, at which point she collapsed to the ground, panting loudly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I didn't overdo it, did I?" She wasn't moving, besides her heaving chest and waving tail. Normally the female would-

She suddenly bolted up and pounced onto him before he could react.

He grunted out in surprise as she pushed him down into the hay with powerful paws. "Yeah, I overdid it." He smiled. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing though.

She mumbled something, barely above her panting. She leaned down and began to frantically lick and kiss all over his face. Lower down, her hips were a blur as she swung them around trying to impale herself with his member. Her sex was too far down however, and she only managed to brush against his balls a few times. She could certainly feel him pressing into her belly, but such thought seemed beyond her right now. He raised a paw and pushed on her forehead to get her to back off. "Bend over." He commanded.

She did so in an instant, body moving in a white blur of fur before her rear was in the air, right in front of him. His dick gave a strong throb and loosed a glob of pre, both from her engorged blue pussy, and the smell of her arousal. The sweet smell filled the room, but now that it was right in front of him, it was stronger than ever. Her fur was matted with juices, plenty of it leaving a tousled trail down her legs.

She made a mewling sound, filled with desperation. He couldn't make the beautiful female wait any longer, rolling back onto his feet before hopping onto her back and thrusting his member at her rear. Three humps and he brushed vulva, and on the fourth he sunk his cock deep into her cunny.

"FFFUUUCCCKKK!" She cried out. Most of her body tensed for a moment before going limp. The one part of her body that tightened and quivered was her pussy.

Jungle yelped as she suddenly fell to the ground, holding onto her for dear life. She landed with all her limbs splayed out, and her butt perked up to allow him to keep humping, which he happily did. "Holy shit, did you just cum? On the first one? I love you already." He licked her neck while he adjusted his stance to give the deepest thrusts.

"Mmrmm~" She groaned in pleasure as his hips picked up speed. His canine penis glided through her wet passage. The knot kept tapping at her lips, only held back by her sheer tightness. She may have been soaked, and that liquid kept splashing all over him, but the lump of breeding flesh was going to be a challenge. But he wouldn't let her go without a tying. And she wouldn't let him either. Her vulva clutched wantonly at every bit of flesh it could touch, trying to drag it deeper inside and milk it for its lively treat.

She was unbelievably tight. He had no idea how, but he loved the feeling. Even after the two vine fuckings, she was as tight as a virgin, if not tighter. Even with her larger size, she felt like a skitty. Tight and deliciously soft. But unlike that skitty, who had previously been his favorite lay, Midnight was nowhere near passive.

She pushed back into him in time with every thrust, making their wet hips clap together. His bulging balls swung about, just waiting to unleash his pent up lust. The liquid eevee's held inside were egging him on to spray them all over her absol eggs. To knock her up and make her bear his children. "Do it." She begged. "Fuck me!"

Her voice was heavenly to him. All inhibition was gone, thought became voice without any delay. "Harder!" And her thoughts held nothing but him and the breeding he was giving her. "YES!" A constant flow of noises and words flooded out of her mouth. "Fill me!" He gritted his teeth as his body began to tense up. His balls drew up in preparation, but it was too soon. "Put your seed in my womb!" His body was shaking and his muscles screamed. "My pussy needs your cum!" He would have slowed down, but his hips were long out of his control.

"Fuck me!" Her alpha was doing so, but not good enough. She wouldn't be satisfied until he came. Until he painted her womb white, marking her as his bitch. "FUCK!" She cried out and writhed around. Drool and tears streamed down her face. She was in the most pleasure she had ever experienced, so much that most of her body was going rouge. "Give me your babies!"

He roared loudly, humping her hard enough to hurt, once, and his knot bounced off, a second time, and the bulge pushed a little in, but it didn't manage. The third time it pushed, stretched her wider and wider, until with an audible pop, the massive knot went into her. The feeling was just what she needed to feel complete, allowing her to have her biggest orgasm yet. Her cunny locked onto his knot, while her walls wildly milked his shaft. His face scrunched up as he couldn't hold back anymore.

With a hearty throb, his virile seed left his balls, travelling down his member and blasted out into her. With his tip pressed up to her cervix, and her body being in what he called super heat, all of the cum shot right into her innermost sanctum. Life began inside her in an instant. But with that done, more and more cum kept flowing. His aphrodisiacs didn't just affect her. They weren't quite as potent on him, but the heat it induced bridged the gap. His balls had swollen to nearly twice their size, and now they were dumping all that into her body. Her belly swelled up slowly, until she looked ready to lay their eggs already.

"Thank you." She whispered, shortly before she began to snore loudly.


"Hah... Oh I needed that~" Soul purred happily. Her fingers lazy played with her clit while her impromptu dildo was still inside her.

"Soul? We're back." Seth announced as he came in. "What- Is that my toothbrush?!" Seth complained upon finding her.

"Yeah. Hey, so can you turn into a leafeon for me?" She asked.