New Journey Chapter 33: League (X)

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#35 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Sky the Espeon

Soul the Absol

Chp 33: League

Seth lifted up the spoon again, taking a large chunk of ice cream with it, and stuffed it into his mouth. His bare chest was stained with drips of the chocolate liquid. "One more day." He said to himself.


Star knocked on the door. They waited for a while. "You sure this is the right room?"

"Unless he changed rooms." Sky said.

"Sky!" Seth called out as he opened the door. He lunged down and wrapped his arms around her neck. He was a little unkempt, namely unshaven, causing his scruffy chin to scratch her face.

"Hey!" She said back, snuggling into him. "I missed you too."

"I'll leave you two alone. Seth, see you at the league." Star said as she turned and headed down the hall.

Seth nearly dragged Sky back into the room. "Come on, tell me all about it." He urged while he sat down on the bed.

"Actually, how about you go shave first?" She asked.

He brought up a hand and touched his chin. "Oh, yeah. I guess I forgot." He got up, rubbed her head and went for the bathroom. "Be right out." Seth closed the door and looked in the mirror. He could certainly use a shave and a haircut. His razor and shaving cream was already sitting out. Once he cleaned himself up, he went back out into the main room. "Sky?" She was gone. "Did I imagine it?" He asked himself, honestly considering the possibility.

"Nope." A voice, Sky's, said. Suddenly she appeared out of nowhere in front of him while pouncing forward. The surprise and force of her impact pushed Seth onto his back, lying on the bed. Before he could react, another espeon jumped onto the bed, and another one, and another one, and one more. He was completely pinned, one lying on each of his limbs.

"S-sky?" He was silenced by a kiss.

"What the..." Soul asked. "Did we get new teammates?"

"Nope." Another of the espeon said. With a pop and a bit of lavender sparkles, the other espeon vanished, leaving only Sky, who removed herself from Seth's face.

Seth rolled his head over and looked at Soul, instantly smiling at the sight of her. Mewtwo was there as well.

"My apologies for our lateness." Mewtwo said. "I will return when you arrive at the elite four." She said, before teleporting away.

"I am SO glad she isn't with us." Soul said as she hopped onto the bed as well.

"Alright," Seth wrapped his arms around Sky and held her while he scooted up the bed and sat against the headboard. "So, what did you two do?"

"Well... We may get some attention if people recognize me. Star kinda put me on TV. But I learned how to make psychic copies of myself, kinda like her. I think I got a lot stronger too, because of how hard it was to get that trick mastered." Sky explained.

"I was in a cave full of crazy strong pokemon. They were too strong for even me, at first. I took a little inspiration from a certain espeon and started getting smarter about my moves, instead of just raw power." Soul said after.

"Great." Seth said. "Reginald and I did some practice. He's actually pretty strong. We're both ready to go."

"Awesome. Tomorrow, Volkner loses!" Soul cheered.


"When was the last time we did anything intimate?" Soul asked later that night.

"Now that I think about it... it has been a long time." Sky said. "We've been pushing ahead nonstop."

"I guess. But satisfying two lovely girls might be a bit much the night before a big fight."

"Don't worry about that." Soul said. "We'll save the all nighter for a special occasion. Just let the wizard work her magic." She planted a paw on his chest and pushed him up where she wanted, which was nearly sitting instead of lying down. Then she dragged the covers down, with Sky cooperating to allow them to move all the way down and fully expose Seth. He was in his usual relaxation attire of only underwear, which made it easy for her to slip those off. She cupped his balls with a paw. "Anthro lucario please. Unless you have a form with a bigger dick."

"I haven't exactly measured." Seth said as he transformed.

"Sky? Care to help me out here?" Soul said as she juggled Seth's now blue balls. "Come to think of it, can you make a copy of Seth?"

"No. I could make a penis, and I could even make it go in and out, but more detail makes it harder to control, and it wouldn't-"

"Okay, you're killin' the mood. Put that tail to work." Soul said as she moved over, sitting across one of Seth's legs and tapping her nose on his sheath. Sky followed her lead, and they both began lavishing his crotch with attention. The tongues and paws of the two females quickly brought out his full member. Behind that, Sky's tail perked up and flicked around as the twin tips got into place.

Seth relaxed his body and sighed as he watched them play with him. They were right about one thing. It had been a while, and he was pent up and sensitive. The sight ahead of him wasn't doing any favors. The two most beautiful creatures on earth were treating his cock wonderfully.

Soul. Her silky smooth and snow-white coat of fur, those sultry red eyes that looked up at him with lusty glances, promising so much more if he only said the word. Her blue tongue, the one that kept laying luxurious licks from his base to his tip, the one that would lap up the pre drooling down his cock, and was sneaking into his sheath to tease the sensitive flesh below. It was the perfect mix of canine and feline features, just like the rest of her body. The broad surface and texture covering it made him feel so good.

Sky, while less flirtatious and sexually charged, was still just as attractive as her counterpart. Her short and soft light purple fur. Her cute little face, with those starry purple eyes and that black button nose. Her little tongue and small nimble paws, while not as skilled as Soul's, brought their own unique pleasure. Behind the girls, Sky's tail was perked up, and their butts were together. Based on how her tail was moving, the two tips were rubbing at their pussies.

"I-" Seth was cut short when Soul wrapped her paw around his swollen knot, squeezing tightly. He groaned out, his head raising as his member throbbed violently. Not even her grip could stop the rush of seed. It blasted from his tip in massive volume, raining down on their faces, his own body, and the bed.

"Holy shit." Soul said. "You really were backed up."

Seth just laid there for a moment while he recovered. His balls actually hurt after that. He looked down to find splotches of white all over the place. But his eyes were more drawn to Soul and Sky licking each other clean.


"Move it! I'm ready to rock!" Soul shouted back as she sprinted across the path. Seth and Sky were walking behind her. "Come on! Before I lose my mojo!"

"It's not that far away. Relax." Sky said.

"Speak for yourself. I barely could sleep last night. I'm running on pure adrenaline!" Soul dashed ahead, crossing a few bridges and stopping at the door to the gym, where she paced until the others got there.

Seth took the lead from here, going through the automated doors and into the gear filled arena. Volkner was on his throne, awake this time.

"Well look who's back." Volkner stood up, his eyes sizing up the challenger.

"Yeah. And we're ready this time." Seth said.

Volkner smiled. "I can tell. How about we make a deal?"

"A deal?" Seth raised an eyebrow.

"You see, my gym is really just a formality. I'm the gatekeeper to the league. You're ready. So, I'll give you a badge, but you have to make me a promise. Beat the elite four."

"I... uh... It seems kinda..."

"I know. Just trust me."

"Bullshit!" Soul shouted. "I worked my ass off to beat you!"

"Relax little lady." Volkner said. "The league puts this gym to shame. You'll get your fight."

"Deal, on one condition." Seth said. "After I beat the elite four, you and me have a battle, with your full team."

"I suppose I can give you that." Volkner said with a happy smirk as he fished a badge out of his jacket. "Catch." He tossed it through the air towards Seth, who grabbed it easily. "Go get 'em."

"Will do." Seth said.


"So I guess we should-" Seth said as they walked to the northern docks.

"Do not worry." Mewtwo said as she appeared in front of them. "I shall take you there. Are you ready?"

"Uhhh, sure." Seth said. He put a hand on Soul and Sky and Mewtwo put her paw on his shoulder. In a flash, their surroundings changed.

The place they arrived in looked like a pokemon center, but much more decorated, with a fountain in the middle and a chandelier. Other nice looking things were all over the place. Even the chairs looked special. The ceiling was painted with glitter, making the whole blue thing sparkle like the night sky. Seth stepped up to the counter, which was made out of some wood instead of the usual stuff.

"Welcome to the Starlight hotel." The nurse said.

Seth raised an eyebrow. She looked identical to all the other nurses, save for her almost dress like sparkly outfit. "Hotel? This isn't a pokemon center?"

"Oh, you must be new. This is-"

"May we get two connected rooms?" Mewtwo said, placing a paw on the counter.

"Yes, of course." She looked through a book then turned and handed Seth two packets of keycards. "May I see your trainer ID?" Seth showed it to her. Once she scanned it, she smiled. "Alright, good luck out there."

"Follow." Mewtwo said, leading the way.

Seth thanked the nurse and hurried after her. "Are you gonna explain things? And you can talk human?"

"Yes, after we arrive."

They got into the room, unlocking the door that connected to the other one. It was larger than the average room at a pokemon center, with a little kitchen, living room, a larger bathroom and a big bedroom. It was the same in the other room. "Okay, things are moving fast, what's up?" Seth asked as he sat down in a chair.

"This is the pokemon league." Mewtwo said. "It used to be a single building, but a city has grown up around it."

"I knew that. What's with the two rooms?"

"She's bringing some friends." Soul said.

"Yes. I really must go." Mewtwo said, before vanishing away.

Seth leaned back and sighed. "Well okay then."

"I always thought the league was a single thing. All the pictures of it are only one building." Sky said.

"I'd expect that. The original building is still here, and the city was recent. The league decided to start letting businesses run on the island. The old victory road got torn down and they built tons of buildings. Real high class, for the best trainers. The league got jealous of those battle resorts I guess. They built most of it a few years ago. Pokemon make building a breeze."

"It sounds interesting. Can we go explore?" Sky asked.


"What about Mewtwo?" Soul asked.

"She'll be waiting when we get back." Seth said.


"Wow..." Sky muttered dreamily. Seth's comparison to the battle resorts was actually very accurate. The 'city' was a loop around a large arena, with the elite four in a castle like building at the north of the island. The place was filled with fancy establishments. There were two hotels, all kinds of stores, every kind of food in the world, and a ton of trainer activities. Most of the trainers had their pokemon out, like Seth. The entire place was built in an open way, almost like a fair, save for the largest buildings. Their hotel, the starlight, was on the east side. Seth was looking at a map while Sky and Soul looked around the nearby area.

Seth rounded up the girls shortly after. "Let's go look at the elite four, then we'll go back for Mewtwo." They walked for a bit and arrived there. The building was the largest on the island, with five towers pointing to the sky.

In front of it were a series of plaques detailing the history of the league. "Many years ago, there were no trainers. The world was in a state of constant warfare. Man bonded with pokemon to conquer their enemies." "As society advanced, the wars stopped, and the pokeball was creating. Instead of weapons, pokemon became friends and allies, aiding humanity in everyday life." "The pokemon league was created to foster the true strength that only pokemon and trainer can bring out together. We still battle today to strengthen our bonds through the art of battle. The league headquarters stands as a testament to the best." Just past that was the rules. All battles were six on six. You had to challenge the elite four in order, and if you beat them all, you would be allowed to challenge the region champion. You could only battle one member a day, and they remained anonymous to prevent any unfair advantage.

"Alright... this is it." Seth said quietly. "We should head back. We'll tackle it tomorrow."

"What was that about Mewtwo bringing friends?" Sky asked.

"You'll see." Soul said. "We shouldn't keep them waiting."


"Seth!" Dust called out while diving towards him. He caught the glaceon and gave her a hug before setting her down.

"Hey! It's good to see you again. And Drew. How've you two been?"

"Pretty good. We heard you needed a hand." Drew said.

"Yeah, we can beat these guys together!"

Seth looked up to see a typhlosion walking forward. She grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug before letting go. "Tiff, the pokemon from the daycare right?" He said.

"Y-yeah." She said, looking away and blushing. "I'm glad you remembered me."

"And Zip?" He said, looking at the luxray lying on the floor.

"I still owe you." She said.

"And I don't think I know you..." He said to the mienshao.

"You shouldn't. We've never met. My name is Daim. I... well, I am fascinated with rare pokemon, and I met Mewtwo a long time ago. We've been close for a long time. She's told me about you, and then asked me to help you. And how could I pass up an opportunity to meet a rare thing like you?"

"Okay, glad to have you on board." Seth took a deep breath. "Okay everybody. We've got one problem. To have you help me battle, I have to catch you. No wild pokemon are allowed. I have enough balls, and I promise to let you all go after, but its up to you. These people we'll be going up against are some of the strongest trainers in the world, so it won't be easy."

Mewtwo stepped forward. "All these pokemon care about you. We're here for you."

"Thanks, all of you. We're gonna do this. The elite four are going down!" He raised a fist into the air.


"So tell me about yourself Daim." Sky asked. "You're the only one here who I don't know." They, all nine members, were sitting around a table at the food court. Seth had gone through and picked up food for everybody. Reginald was in his ball, and due to the way a ball put a pokemon in near stasis, he didn't need to eat as often.

"Of course. But where to begin..." She muttered. "A long time ago, when I was a young mienfoo, I was captured by a family with a young child. I was his companion. I grew up alongside him. But one day... he fell dreadfully ill. The poor child was confined to the hospital. He looked so weak..." She said, struggling a bit. After clearing her throat, she continued. "One day it snowed, and all he wanted to do was go out and play. So I brought in some snow with my bare paws. Just that little bit made him so happy. From then on, I started exploring for things to show him. I would bring him rare gems and got a human tool called a camera to take pictures. But one day... he passed on. The exploration habit remained however, and his parents set me free."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sky said. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Sky looked over to see Seth sullenly stabbing his food with a fork.

"It's okay. I like to think of the good times." Daim said with a smile.

"So what's your deal?" Zip asked, addressing Tiff.

"I work at the daycare in Solaceon. I do all sorts of stuff but mostly keep the peace."

"Humph. Daycare." Zip scoffed. "Is that what they call it?"

"O...kay." Tiff muttered.

"So now that we can actually talk, what's up with you guys." Soul asked, looking at the eon couple.

"We've just been living. Our den is in a really good spot. Plenty of food, and the humans sometimes feed us. The area's under a rich families control, so they don't try to catch us. And that family breeds tons of eevee and gives out the pups to passing trainers. In fact, I was one of those." Drew said.

"Well, we did start training once you stopped by. I feel like we're the weakest ones here, but we'll give it our best." Dust said.

"Oh, yeah, we met your family." Soul said. "From the what I saw, your sisters might be getting their own mates."

"About time. Maybe now we can visit without them harassing me." Drew said.


"Alright, here's the plan." Seth said. "They keep the elite four's identities hidden, so we can't plan ahead. Every day, we make a challenge. All the fights will be six on six. So for tomorrow... let's go with... Soul, Sky, Dust, Drew, Zip and Tiff. That'll give us a wide range." He looked around the room, at the snugly packed in group of pokemon. "We should all get to bed I guess." One by one they all filed out. Drew and Dust took over the main living room, both lying on the spacious couch there. Tiff and Zip took the second bedroom, spliting the bed between the foot and head, instead of the normal way. Mewtwo and Daim took the second living room, Mewtwo sitting on the floor and Daim lying on the bed that folded out of the couch. They left the door that separated the rooms open.